#why does greys treat wlw way better than mlm
goldenballum · 6 months
why bring back nico just to say hes having a surrogate despite the fact there was no explanation of why he left
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
I haaaaate hate hate hate how people said Hazel's redemption arc made sense and Emerald's didn't?
I'd argue Hazel's does still make sense ofc but it's sooooo telling to me how ppl love his and hates hers.
Esp bc, imo, hers makes MORE sense?? We saw hints of it from volume THREE come on
If you want a short example, here's a screenshot by somebody on Twitter who noticed an annoying trend.
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Here's the link if you're curious. https://twitter.com/spicybinch/status/1582743854477778944 Me personally?
I've noticed THIS particular issue.
Ruby Rose: Tries actively and super hard to always do the right thing and respect people’s choices.
RWBY Critics: OMG She’s so boring, come back when you have a personality.
Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Robyn Hill: Makes human mistakes, proving both are complex character with flaws, capable of evolving.
EruptionFang, Vexed Viewer, their followers: OMG See? She’s not a saint, she was a horrible person all along, idk why people act like she’s a good person, she should burn in hell.
And then we have the straight white guys who are the villains in RWBY. Yes, I'm excluding Hazel for this one because Unlike Roman, Adam, and Ironwood? Hazel takes accountability for his actions, tries to make amends, and shows actual regret...so already we see that like Emerald, he is given more of a chance of redemption than the three.
Roman Torchwick and Adam Taurus : Does awful things willingly, consistently and without reason, and may make jokes about hurting people in general.
EruptionFang and The RWBY Rewrite folks: OMG he’s so funny and hot. I love bad boys/villains/bad people. They MUST be morally grey, cause they're so cool, they must have a tragic backstory justifying their actions.
James Ironwood: Has a pathetic excuse for his actions, blames it on other people, never takes accountability, and does a teeny tiny good thing (Think of it as nepotism) and throws outbursts when he doesn’t get his way.
Fandom on all 3 men: OMG, he is so sad, my poor baby, he deserves so much better, my heart is breaking for him. He is a complex character  with so many layers and he owns their horrible disgusting actions. But his actions are not his own fault. He has trauma. OMG so hot.
I mean they also scream character assassination when it comes to male antagonists, but let me ask you this.
You notice how these critics look at a robotic acting nanny for Penny Polendina by the name of Ciel Soleil, who only had 60 seconds of screentime, and whine about wasted potential?
Several things to keep in mind. 1, these people only call v1-3 "peak animation" because they put Monty on a pedestal, and because they were obsessed with yang's chest size. That's it.
2. These people are not used to women characters having more complexity than a male character. They were fed a diet of media that treated female characters badly in one way or another.
3. Last but not least. ANYTHING Miles and Kerry do, or ANYTHING a RWBY fan does, people will hold under a microscope. Yet insulting the show and the fandom gets people put on a pedestal.
The next time you see somebody get mad at female characters in RWBY getting some form of redemption? Check their comment or post history and see if maybe they have some weird issue towards women...or LGBT.
You ever noticed how these critics who claim to be fine with LGBT shipping or at least wlw shipping get so upset and uncomfortable at the mere thought of mlm shipping?
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