#why i'm descending to shipper madness
fixaidea · 8 months
Shipper tag game
I was tagged by @dual-domination :D
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? Completely obsessed is a bit strong, but I was really into Grindelwald/Dumbledore. It's probably easy to guess what turned me off the whole series in general.
Which ship would you consider your first one? I think it was Éowyn and Faramír from LotR.
Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? That's actually surprisingly easy to check because I didn't start to write shippy fic until my AO3 days - it's Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Mis.
Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? I have no distinct memory of it, but it had to be something Harry Potter related, because my fandom life started on some forum dedicated to that.
Did you ever get into ship discourse? Not personally, but I did sit on the sideline with a bucket of popcorn. That, or going on and on about how and why I dislike certain ships, but I can't recall actually fighting anyone over them. (Most noteworthy are the Great Enjonine war of 2013 and the whole Reylo thing.)
Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? Reylo was part of the reason why I backed away from SW, it was bloody everywhere. Weirdly enough, Enjolras/Grantaire. Yes I ship it. No, not like that. The level of weird mischaracterisation these two suffered in fandom was off the charts, like, you had to seriously dig to even get some canon-era fic, everything else was modern AU with OCs that incidentally shared the name of the characters you wanted to read about.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling. ...Or possibly Wu Xie and Shen Wei, I can't remember which one I read last.
Currently, do you have any OTPs? The one I'm currently most obsessed over is PingXie.
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Honestly? Rey and Finn from Star Wars. They started out on such a great note! Like you coud actually feel that these two LIKED each other! ...Don't get me started on this one, I'll descend into a frothing diatribe against the Sequel Trilogy in 0,5 seconds flat. Disgraceful.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? I can't think of any.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? ...Maybe if I still enthusiastically shipped Grindeldore? My ships are usually either pretty vanilla or intentionally dark.
What was your favorite crack ship? This is a difficult question, because I usually take my weird crossovers more seriously than crack, but Enjolras and Captain America probably qualify?
Who is the couple you read more fanfics off? Huhh... that probably comes down to a draw between Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Misérables and Xie Lian and Hua Cheng from Heaven Official's Blessing.
What most of your ships usually have in common? There's often a 'two against the world' element. This applies across all sorts of genres from Maurice/Alec (Maurice) all the way to HuaLian.
What you absolutely hate in a ship? Negging and emotional abuse sold as '''banter'''. Plain old abuse sold as #relationshipgoals. Like if you're writing a dark ship that's all fine and well but don't ask me to pretend it's cute.
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isisparker · 4 years
In one of your posts, you said the following: "I didn’t like having to watch Joon Sung betray Dong Jin like he did, but it’s good to know that for such a good guy he definitely is flawed." I didn't understand. Could you explain, please? He redeemed himself in the end, don't you think? Or do you think that the identity reveal was a form of betrayal? Also, I hope Min Kyu redeems himself because the drama showed that he has potential to be a decent person.
Hi, anon! Hope you don’t mind the long-ass response! In writing my answer to your Ask, I guess I’ve unintentionally created an analysis of Joon Sung and Min Kyu that no one asked for.
Re: Joon Sung
Because at the beginning of the drama, they seemed to build Joon Sung and Min Kyu as opposites in Dong Jin’s eyes: Min Kyu as the bad guy, asshole leader vs. Joon Sung as the good guy, compassionate leader. I mean, hell they even push that narrative a bit further by having Dong Jin form a comradery with Joon Sung outside of the ops and butt heads/conflict with Min Kyu during the ops.
And even when it was revealed that Joon Sung’s father was Lee Hyuk and that he was sent to Polaris to keep an eye on Min Kyu, Joon Sung still came off as a more decent and good guy because of how he treated others both on and off ops: with respect, consideration, and empathy. Hell, even when he butted heads with Min Kyu, he didn’t come off as bad or an asshole because even in a conflict he was calm, level-headed, and respectful.
It was only when that whole debacle with the camcorder happened that you began to question whether Joon Sung was no better or worst than Min Kyu.
When he destroyed that camera, I’ll admit that I was disappointed in him. I still liked him better than Min Kyu, but because my personal elevated level of admiration and respect for him probably matched that of Dong Jin’s own -- so at the time I could imagine Dong Jin’s look of betrayal when the truth comes out... And then it actually happened and Yep, we had similar levels of disappointment.
Because admittedly I put Joon Sung on a pedestal. Then he got knocked off that pedestal when he betrayed Dong Jin. Which of course later became more an error in judgement, in betraying someone’s trust despite his intentions to protect his family. More so when it was revealed that Joon Sung lobbied a deal with his father for the destruction of the camcorder [1. that they forgot it happened and 2. his father drops out of the Presidential race] AND that he kept the videotape itself just in case his father betrays him... I legit went “Huh. He’s not perfect but he’s good.” I realized then that he’s just as flawed and human as everyone else. And that’s a good thing overall. It shows that even good, decent characters can do bad things, make mistakes, have flaws. Makes them more likeable and relatable. 
Also, for transparency, I want to make it clear that even when Joon Sung seemed to take a heel turn in his arc, a part of me was going to still prefer him over Min Kyu because of his soft spot for Dong Jin. Heck, I’d even call it fondness because I’ve discovered in rewatching their scenes pre-camcorder, Joon Sung seemed a bit more attentive and protective of Dong Jin. And when Dong Jin discovered Joon Sung’s lies and what he did to the camcorder, and then called Joon Sung out on his character, the way that man couldn’t hide his hurt at Dong Jin’s disappointment in him just... SLAYED. ME.
But I digress...
Re: Min Kyu
Which brings us to Min Kyu and why I think he’s better as the antagonist than a redeemed character.
At first I wondered if it was because we saw Min Kyu [and in parallel, Joon Sung] through Dong Jin’s eyes that I already was wary of him and slow to trust or even like our asshole commander.
And listen, I am a BIG FAN of the Asshole Characters. But I also need them to be prickly on the outside and soft on the inside and for a bit, all I saw of Min Kyu was his need to get out of whatever shithole he found himself in and get back on track in his military career. And usually, that need to fix his situation results in assholes doing WHATEVER IT TOOK, even if it means Fuck Others, Get Me My Commendation. Those type of Assholes I’m not a fan of because the only loyalty they have is towards themselves.
A close mirror to Min Kyu could be found in Lee Hyuk, the actual antagonist of this series [and no, not the monster/creature Polaris is searching/hunting for]. Both have agendas outside of whatever they’re entrusting to others. Both don’t listen to their teammates unless the results will look favourable on them. 
Later tho I came to realize that okay, so maybe Min Kyu is actually capable of being the type of Asshole Character that I like: the one who is an ass except to certain others. Which is good because that means thankfully Min Kyu isn’t of the level of villainy of Lee Hyuk. There have been many incidents where Min Kyu’s decency and humanity revealed itself afterall. His bond to Moon Cheol is the best example of that. Another example was his initial reaction to seeing Dong Jin fall apart over Baek Jun’s death. 
However, as the drama progressed, I’ve noticed that Min Kyu actually shines when he’s playing and manipulating the system to get what he wants. Like when Min Kyu quickly realized that Lee Hyuk has connections and pulls a LOT of strings and that Lee Hyuk was in a position to give Min Kyu what he wanted. So what’d Min Kyu do? He made himself available to Lee Hyuk. Will that later bite him in the ass? Maybe. But we’ve also seen how smart and calculated Min Kyu can be, so at this point, I’m actually rooting for Min Kyu to make himself dispensable to Lee Hyuk and then betray the man when shit hits the fans.
I mean, there are antagonists we love to hate, and then there are those that we love seeing doing bad things especially to bad people and I have a feeling that Min Kyu might be that key to helping take Lee Hyuk, the drama’s true monster, down!
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schnees-and-schnugs · 3 years
The whole "Ruby is a clone of Summer" theory in all its variations. (From Oz literally creating SEW clones to fight Salem, or SEW are an alien race from the Moon that reproduce asexually, or Ruby is a reincarnation of Summer)
Honestly they don't actually infuriate me, they're so insane balls-off-the-walls tinfoil crown level crazy theories I kind of love them ironically?
Oh but one that always made me mad was the "Whitley secretly planned and manipulated Weiss losing her inheritance" in V4 oooooohhhh makes me so maaaaaad. I'm so glad we're past the Whitley hating phase in the fandom.
I literally have NEVER heard of those first few you mentioned omg. Say what you want about the RWBY fndm, there is no shortage of off the walls cracked out mildly infuriating creativity, jesus.
the fndm SEW theories were always so wack compared to. Like. Canon. Ozpin literally just fucked and had magic SEW babies.
Which makes me think, if in my cracked out shipper mind, ruby is a descendant of ozpin and jaune is a descendant of salem then Lancaster???? Star crossed lovers?????When??? Oh my god I love Lancaster
Whitley manipulating weiss in v4 was always such a dumbass theory - it literally has no canon backing unless you do some real mental gymnastics to somehow justify that whitley would have had known weiss was going to lose her cool and her fight with Jacques was going to happen exactly the way it did.
Whitley really wouldn't have known. I mean, you could say that maybe he was playing nice because he had a slight idea that it would happen, but that's pretty much it. Whitley was just relishing in weiss' misfortune, and isn't that bad enough? Why does the fndm want to add like 5 different layers of Whitley Being Evil And Manipulative so they can justify why they had such a hateboner for a 14 year old fictional abuse victim lmao.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Cain's Legacy
Hello my friends! This is another chronicle from my series of metas!
We will be talking this time about episode 10x14 and about Cain.
Trying To Fix it
In episode 10x14 we find Cain again, killing his descendants, because he thinks doing that he will be reach some kind of redemption, knowing his bloodline is cursed with his mark, full with darkness.
CASTIEL: What have you done?
CAIN:  These bodies? Just cleaning up a mess I made a long time ago.
CASTIEL:  Cain, I know what you were. But you'd resisted for so long.
CAIN:  What can I say? I got the taste back.
Once Cain killed demons that time Crowley and Dean found him, the killing desire reborn inside of him again. And killing his descendants, was the perfect excuse.
CAIN: Yes. And soon it'll be a genocide. My children, my whole poisoned issue. A lot of them out there right now ... killers, fighters, thieves, some more peaceful than others. But they still carry it ... the disease. If the Mark wants blood, I'll give it mine.
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Gif set credit @memberoftheangelgarrison
The last quote caught my attention, because… is like Cain knew he will giving the mark his own blood? His own life? He knew Dean will be the one that will end with his life so, practically, Cain will give his blood, his life, to the mark, to Dean's mark.
Then… Castiel immediate reaction to Cain's threat…
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
CAIN: There is no cure. I'm living proof of that. But don't worry about Dean. I'll get to him, in due time. Sorry, Castiel. You're not on my list.
Cain is threatening… Dean. And that's why Castiel quick reaction, he slides his blade, even knowing it was pointless trying to defeat Cain, but he did it instinctively, to protect Dean. And Cain sees this very interested.
Cas is Colette, and Cain diagnosed that
When Dean was face to face with Cain, he saw himself reflected on him. And that's why it was so hard for him. Dean was afraid of so many things… but mostly… afraid to lose against the mark, afraid to die. Cain reads him as a book. And the dialogue they had in that barn, was so meaningful…
CAIN: That seems a bit weaker than I would expect from you with the Blade.[Cain looks Dean in the eyes.] I think you can do better. Unless… You're holding back.
Dean was holding back for two reasons, he was afraid as I said because he sees in Cain his own ending, but he is holding back to because he didn't want to succumb to the mark. He wanted to obligate a hint of hopes in all that nefarious destiny.
But Cain is trying to destroy any hope Dean could have.
CAIN: Look to my example, boy! There is no resisting the Mark or the Blade. There is only remission and relapse!
Then… the revelation… the conclusion Cain, a wise and elder demon, that had been a human once, tells Dean his observations… because he sees himself reflected on him too, and he found the exactly parallels of his life in Dean. Everything Cain cared about once… Dean had a best friend, Dean had a brother, and Dean was in love too. Just like him was… Cain pointed at those persons, and compares with his story and curse…
CAIN: (...)But I know I'm doing you a favor. I'm saving you.
DEAN: Saving me from what?
CAIN: From your fate. Has it never occurred to you? Have you never mused upon the fact that you're living my life in reverse? My story began when I killed my brother, and that's where your story inevitably will end.
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Gif credit @hallowedbecastiel
When writers decided to put these words in Cain character, they made the audience to pay attention to it. Is like a logical problem to solve. Cain's life in reverse? So… you just have to pay attention and take your own conclusions… he named a brother first… then…
CAIN: It's called the Mark of Cain for a reason!First ... first, you'd kill Crowley. There'd be some strange, mixed feelings on that one, but you'd have your reason. You'd get it done, no remorse. And then you'd kill the angel, Castiel. Now, that one ... that I suspect would hurt something awful.
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Gif credit @podcastlesbian
Cain suspects that would hurt, because he observed Dean and Castiel reactions, because he, as a demon, as an old creature, and as a man, he knows about heart issues, so he suspects it will be hurt awfully, because Cas is Colette, because Cas is Dean's romantic love. He knows it.
CAIN: And then! Then would come the murder you'd never survive, the one that would finally turn you into as much of a savage as it did me.
He will kill Sam, his brother, but Sam is not just his brother, Sam is the kid Dean raised as a son so many times, so… killing your own family, will kill him too.
And because Cain killed first his brother, then his wife Colette and finally his friend, Colette is placed in the middle of the sequence, just like Castiel is. Pure logic.
Dean didn't want to kill Cain, because killing him meant kill any hopes to survive the mark. To come back home. To be himself again.
So… when he killed him… Dean lost his hopes.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
When he decides to give the first blade back, he didn't give it to Crowley, but to Cas. Cas is the one he believes and rest his head on in this moment. Another beautiful gesture of love and trust.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
To Conclude: 
Dean and Cain were reflections of themselves. Dean wanted to keep hopes by avoiding killing him.
The speech used by Cain places Castiel is the same position as Collette, so the logic is telling us CAS IS DRAN'S COLETTE, a very canonical point we always scream as the crazies fangilrs we are.
Thanks for reading! See you in the next chronicle!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20 @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@imjustkipping @destielle
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas From season 10 here you have the links...
Buenos Aires, April 15th 2020 1:02 AM
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purposelynana · 3 years
Fish Upon The Sky, A Covid Marathon Part 1
Follow me as I dissect this stupid show, because we need at least one stupid show to save us from deteriorating into madness because of Covid. Fuck my life, indeed.
The fuck is this. This is cringey festivities. And it's still on episode 1 part 1. Come on, you can do this Na!!!!! Gahhhh why there's so many slow-mo... i get it.... editor-nim... i get it....
Pond Naravit finally appear after 15 minutes mark. Ok darling I did this for you.
So Phuwintang's character name is actually Pi. If someone younger called him, will it be P' Pi?
I kept saying to myself why this show is so stupid? Perhaps the use of slapstick which is not my preferred go-to comedy. I laughed but that's about it.
Oh my God. This is so You've Got Mail!!!! Like the premises, and the plot itself. What?
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So what's the deal with Pi's brother? Is this worth skipping? I'm just follow the wave, probably will bring me to the better place, in which less cringe festivities. But based everyone who have been watching my expectation should go lower.
Where's the makeover by the way?
Stop with the slow-mo dammit!!!!!
After You've Got Mail, they're about to bring She's All That into this. I don't know how many more romcom references will show up until the end of series. We shall see.
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Move to phone, perhaps a little bit late. Perhaps I discontinued this. Nah... this is my therapy.
Finally a scene where I actually had a good laugh. When they were introducing Duean's friends, the references are 😘😘😘. Whoever makes AJ saying those words, geniusssss.
Let's just be honest, this show could be less disastrous if they have a better plot or at least a better angle to do comedy. It was such a hit or miss. For subjectively speaking, I felt horrible to laugh on stupid moments. You just have to turn off your brain and let the show do the magic for you.
Also, the problem with Pond is that he's too much a Bright eh. Because the way he acted on certain scenes reminds me of Bright trying to hold himself together. That's what seemed like. Pond is trying so hard to act. It's not that I blame him, in fact he did better in Never Let Me Go mock trailer.
But come on everyone have a soft spot with handsome people right? Me including.
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Can we just pretend we don't know that the person who has been communicating with Pi is Mork? For real, what's with the secret???? Clearly the story maker never intended to making it a secret.
My objection to this show is that why everything has to be on slowmo???
The one of the things that I like from Duean's part is the changing of aspect ratio. For me is cheeky. It's like new series inside a series. Series-ception. Sometimes the funniest moment in the whole episode came when Duean on screen. But character wise is meh. Duean and Meen, both of them are annoying. Maybe because me in real life will hate those kind of people to the bone.
You know if I can drink alcohol, I'll drink everytime they descend into slowmo. It's lazy, Mr. Editor!
Geez, the 2ndhand embarassment is beyond anything that I expected. How people survived this while airing!!!
I'm conflicted whether to put another Pond gif or not. But yeah keep serving that look, boy!!!!
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The last time I watch something this embarassing is Go Go Squid and it took 2 year to finished. So, the question now how long I'll finish this?
Interesting comment that I found under the video. About shipping culture in which nowadays borderline psychotic. Fujoshis that were depicted in this series is quite psychotic and not reflecting the whole shipper. Yes some of them making fake scenario and invading privacy, but there are some shipper who still using their brain.
Wah these fujoshis are getting out of hand eh.
Duean's group of friends are literally the best. The writings on them felt totally different than the rest of the cast. I looked at MDL and turned out there were 3 scriptwriters. It's quite make sense if everything felt disjointed.
Right, if I watch movies and in front of my seat there's a person who sits on another person's lap, I'm out from the theatre. Like just stormed out. Not even bother to come back. Know your place while during PDA!
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Turns out the racist episode is on episode 4. They could just wearing a simple mustache and not trying to offend any kind of cultural or religious affair but this is GMMTV we're talking about. The company in which the artist' so called fan service become its main commodity. To be fcking honest, it's wrong if you wanting your favorite actors to be paired in all of single project. They have to get another experience that will elevate their acting range by to get pair with someone totally new and not entirely depend on the power of shipping fandom. I don't really hoping for the best from this company, so we as the audiences, we're the ones that have to be more critical to everything that we watch.
ANYWAY... enough being serious.
Pi not wearing boxer is kinda me when not wearing bra hahahahaha something's missing. Not quite sure why hahahaha.
The show is still dull and the one thing that keeps me from falling apart is Pond. At first I'm not quite sure how he acted. But after 5 episodes, well he never went excessive, the eyes have been consistent, like if he was sad yes he is sad. Well at times he's better than Bright. Thank God he's not just flat up until this episode.
Applause for the way Pi handled those fujoshis 👏👏👏.
KAPOOK!!!!!! AAAAAAAA she's so different in here. Because when she's on The Player waaahh the aure isn't joking.
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Soundtrack actually good and I was surprised to learn that Mix is a very good singer. But yeah it doesn't help anything in terms of story. Although I'm going to put the song on my Spotify playlist.
The fuck what this is? This show could take absurdity to the next level.
Duean's friends deserve their own spinoff!!!!
The cringe is backkkkk!!!! Waaawwww I'll be your vaccine??? For reall?
Mork's flirting game is so smooth. Like as smooth as criminal. Like whoooo~~~ I'm too old for this shit.
So, the mom is homophobic ah? Okurrrrr. But yeah I mean if there's no conflict this will be as flat as my chest ah.
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Sometimes I do believe BL is a reflection of what women wanting from men. As far by now, Mork seemed not having any red flag except well he kinda didn't stop Pi from drunk-kissing him. That act is pretty questionable.
Also, I wonder in GMMTV's serious shows (are there?) Is the PPL just as funny as the BL ones? I don't know I never watch other shows in which are not BL though.
Regarding chemistry, the sparks are definitely there. Or am I just biased because of Pond? Well it felt beliavable to me as friends hahahaha. But Pi is cute when he gets clingy to Mork and Mork didn't seem mind it. So it's a win-win.
Pi is asking the dumbest question ever. HE WANTS TO BEFRIEND YOU BECAUSE HE WANTS TO DATE YOU. Is it that hard to understand meung?
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Once again lemme say Duean's group of friends need their own show.
Every action that they took full of ???? but I must admit instead of the romance Fish Upon The Sky shines best when highlighting the brotherhood relationship. What a waste potential.
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Stupidity is beyond compare. This is stupid AF. For how long exactly Pi gonna be in denial???? Who knows. Who knows.
Open your eyes Pattawee. Are you that dumb? Are you really studying dentistry?
Ah Mork why are you wasting your time with this dumb... ahh never mind... everyone become dumb. We have to be smart, audiences. Wish me luck not to get hypertension.
What a joke eh.
I don't know what to say except this show is such a big fat joke.
Sad. Exclamation point. Everbody is sad. Like sad sad sad.
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sxpiosexualx · 7 years
I totally feel you on your jonsa ramblings, I legit wake up with a feeling of dread about j0nerys happening/jonsa not happening, I'm a grown women, why do I care so much? Maybe because this has an actual chance of happening? but seriously, if it doesn't happen then what was up with the mise-en-scene, what was with all the loving looks, the cat/ned parallels? and what was Kit's acting in relation to D in season 7, he knows how to act in love/desire yet when he's balls deep he looks panicked???
Well I can’t speak for everyone else but honestly I think the main reason why I get so pressed over it is because J*nerys is almost synonymous with a Targaryen restoration and as someone who loves the series, I really do not want it to end with rewarding D*enerys with the throne. The fact of the matter is that she stands for imperialism and conquest, and even worse, her arc echoes white saviour tropes. I don’t have anything against GRRM for writing her that way, I think it’s important to explore these issues but I frankly believe(and hope) he’s done so to further shed light on the hypocrisy and futility of war. He’s very anti-war if I’m not mistaken, and has compared her invasion of Mereen to the US invasion of Iraq. Simply put, rewarding her would be validating all of these Targaryen supremacists and their mentality… is not a pretty sight. It just rings white supremacy and it’s quite harmful actually.
Besides that, it’s frustrating because I think of Jonsa and it’s such a beautiful and raw dynamic. It’s twisted in a way, but so many elements of the story have been set exactly as they are to ensure that if this ship were to sail, it would take off perfectly. Though we’ve not yet seen it unfold in the books(I’m sure it would be even more beautiful to read), I’ve come to appreciate GRRM’s efforts in leaving little easter eggs and nods to our direction. It’s exasperating to know so many people in the fandom, especially casual watchers, are quick to dismiss our metas but it would be so sweet for all of these little details to add up and amount to something more than just a coincidence. I want to believe Jonsa is where the narrative is heading because I want to believe there’s a bigger reason for all of this.
Show wise, especially as someone who lives for film and music, it makes me appreciate GoT despite the questionable writing this season, because of the amount of effort put into production. Everything from how they shoot their scenes, where they have these characters stand(they rehearse this to make sure the timing and everything comes to play and has them standing in the exact positions they’re meant to be standing in - I know this having designed sets and props for scenes before), to the lighting, I refuse to believe they weren’t aware of what they were doing. I refuse to believe so many directors came on set and kept messing up this one dynamic. There’s just too much subtext to erase and it oozes out of Kit and Sophie’s performances.
I suppose I’m also bothered by J*nerys because of how it was executed. There were so many things that didn’t make sense, or could have been done better. This is Thrones, they’ve successfully portrayed romances with less screen time than what J/D had. How could they mess this up as well? This was the most anticipated meeting and all I got from it was “wow… D was such a condescending, entitled, hypocritical, arrogant host to Jon lol.” Narrative wise, this pairing is doomed from the start, but even so, perhaps I wouldn’t have minded so much if it didn’t do it at the expense of other characters doing things that you would deem as ‘out of character’. It’s gotten to the point where it’s beginning to show D&D don’t care about logic anymore, they don’t care about these characters and it’s almost as if they’re clearly just scrambling to meet plot points without giving much thought into how the story could get there. So yeah, if the only way they can manage to portray J/D is if it comes at the expense of the story and its characters then I really don’t want more screen time wasted on them. The crazy thing is, it’s not just non-shippers, and like this entire paragraph stands regardless of what I ship, just take a look at all the critics calling it uninspired.
And yeah, I’m also emotionally tied to the Starks and their story. I rooted for D once but I’m over her and frankly I hope she descends into madness, I’d love to see her stans try to defend her then when it’s finally a tad bit more black and white. I want my kids happy hahaha, I want to see Sansa and Jon - who fought for their home together - get to keep it. I want them to finally be rewarded after all the pain they’ve endured because unlike D, they didn’t have lizards to get them out of situations like a deus ex machina.
This got a little draggy but thank you for the ask, I appreciate it! :)
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