#why market exclusively to the people who have given up on human connection
aggressively-crying · 7 months
Every goddamn sex robot I have ever seen looks like it crawled outta the lowest reaches of the uncanny valley. Why do they need to look like humans? It's never going to look close enough, so stylize it a little. It's a robot, gimme a fuckable Optimus prime already.
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The future is symmetrical
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When Mitch Kapor articulated the principle that “architecture is politics” at the founding of EFF, he was charging technologists with the moral duty to contemplate the kinds of social interactions their technological decisions would facilitate — and prohibit.
At question was nothing less than the character of the networked society. Would the vast, pluripotent, general purpose, interconnected network serve as a glorified video-on-demand service, the world’s greatest pornography distribution system, a giant high-tech mall?
Or could it be a public square, and if so, who would have the loudest voices in that square, who would be excluded from it, who will set its rules, and how will they be enforced?
As with its technical architecture, the political architecture of the net is a stack, encompassing everything from antitrust enforcement to spectrum allocation, protocol design to search-and-seizure laws, standards to top-level domain governance.
Among those many considerations is the absolutely vital question of service delivery itself. What kinds of wires or radio waves will carry your packets, who will own them, and how will they be configured?
For decades, a quiet war has been fought on this front, with two sides: the side that sees internet users as “mouse potatoes,” destined to passively absorb information feeds compiled by their betters; and the “netizen” side that envisions a truly participatory network design.
This deep division has been with us since the internet’s prehistory, at least since the fight over Usenet’s alt.* hierarchy, flaring up again during the P2P wars, with ISPs insisting that users were violating their “agreements” by running “servers.”
Above all, this fight was waged in the deployment of home internet service. The decision turn the already-monopolistic cable and phone operators into ISPs cast a long shadow. Both of these industries think of their customers as passive information consumers, not participants.
As an entertainment exec in William Gibson’s 1992 novel Idoru describes her audience: “Best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It’s covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth…no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections.”
Contrast this with the other cyberpunk archetype, the console cowboy who doesn’t merely surf the digital, but steers it — the active participant in the technological/media environment who is more than a recipient of others’ crafted messages.
For a long time, Big Tech and Big Telco tried to have it both ways. AT&T promoted teleconferencing and remote family life conducted by videophones in its 1993 “You Will” marketing campaign. Youtube exhorted you to “broadcast yourself.”
But AT&T also set data-caps, kicked users off for running servers, and engaged in every legal, semi-legal and outright illegal tactic imaginable to block high-speed fiber networks.
Youtube, meanwhile, blocked interoperability, leveraged vertical integration with Google search to exclude and starve competitors, and conspired with Big Content to create a “content moderation” system that’s two parts Kafka, one part Keystone Kops.
While the questions raised by broad participation in networked society are thorny and complex, one question actually has a very simple and factual answer: “How should we connect our homes to the internet?” The answer: “Fiber.”
There is no wireless that can substitute for fiber. Wireless — 5G, Starlink, whatever — shares the same spectrum. We can make spectrum use more efficient (by tightly transmitting the wireless signals so they don’t interfere), but physics sets hard limits on wireless speeds.
Each strand of wire in a wired network, by contrast, is its own pocket universe, insulated from the next wire, with its own smaller, but exclusive, electromagnetic spectrum to use without interfering with any other wire on the other side of its insulation.
<img src=”https://craphound.com/images/broadband_comparison.jpeg" alt=”EFF’s broadband comparison chart, showing the maximum speeds of 4G (100mb), DSL (170mb), 5G (10gb), cable (50gb) and fiber (100tb).”>
But copper wire also has hard limits that are set by physics. The fastest theoretical copper data throughput is an infinitesimal fraction of the fastest fiber speeds. Fiber is millions-to-hundreds-of-millions times faster than copper.
We should never run copper under another city street or along another pole. Any savings from maintaining 20th century network infrastructure will be eradicated by the cost of having to do twice the work to replace it with 21st century fiber in the foreseeable future.
Trying to wring performance gains out of copper in the age of fiber is like trying to improve the design of whale-oil lamps to stave off the expense of electrification. Sure, you don’t want anyone sitting in the dark but even the very best whale-oil lamp is already obsolete.
But besides future-proofing, there’s another reason to demand fiber over copper or wireless: symmetry. Our copper and (especially) wireless infrastructure is optimized for sending data to end-points, not getting data back. It’s mouse-potato broadband.
(this is especially true of any satellite broadband, which typically relies upon copper lines for its “return path,” and even when it doesn’t, has much slower uplinks that downlinks)
By contrast, fiber tends to be symmetrical — providing the same download and upload speeds. It is participatory broadband, suited for a world of distance ed, remote work, telemedicine, and cultural and political participation for all.
Fiber is so obviously better than copper or wireless that America paltry fiber rollouts needed to be engineered — they never would have happened on their own. The most critical piece of anti-fiber engineering is US regulators’ definition of broadband itself.
Since the dawn FCC interest in universal broadband, it adopted a technical definition of broadband that is asymmetrical, with far lower upload than download speeds. Despite lockdown and broadband-only connections to the outside world, Congress is set to continue this.
The latest iteration of the Democrats’ broadband bill defines “broadband” as any connection that is 100mb down and 20mb up (“100/20”). Both of these speeds paltry to the point of uselessness, but the upload speed is genuinely terrible.
US broadband usage has grown 21%/year since the 1980s. 100/20 broadband is inadequate for today’s applications — let alone tomorrow’s (by contrast, fiber is fast enough to last through the entire 21st century’s projected broadband demand and beyond, well into the 2100s).
Any wireless applications will also depend on fiber — your 5G devices have to be connected to something, and if that something is copper, your wireless speeds will never exceed copper’s maximum speeds. Innovation in spectrum management requires fiber — it doesn’t obviate it.
Today, the highest growth in broadband demand is in uploads, not downloads. People need fast uploads speeds to videoconference, to stream their games, to do remote work. The only way a 100/20 copper network’s upload speeds can be improved is by connecting it with fiber.
Every dollar spent on copper rollout is a dollar we’ll forfeit in a few years. It’s true that cable monopolists will wring a few billions out of us if we keep making do with their old copper, but upgrading copper just makes the inevitable fiber transition costlier.
China is nearing its goal of connecting 1 billion people to fiber. In America, millions are stuck with copper infrastructure literally consisting of century-old wires wrapped in newspaper, dipped in tar, and draped over tree-banches.
Indeed, when it comes to America, monopoly carriers are slowing upload speeds — take Altice, the US’s fourth-largest ISP, which slashed its upload speeds by 89% “in line with competitors’ offerings.”
America desperately needs a high-fiber diet:
But it has a major blockage: the American right, who have conducted history’s greatest self-own by carrying water for telecoms monopolists, blocking municipal fiber:
It’s darkly funny to see the people who demanded that “government stay out of my internet” now rail against monopoly social media’s censorship, given that a government ISP would be bound by the First Amendment, unlike Facebook or Twitter.
Luckily, Congress isn’t the only place where this debate is taking place. In California, Governor Newsom has unveiled an ambitious plan to connect every city and town to blazing-fast fiber, then help cities and counties get it to every home.
In tech circles, we use the term “read-only” to refer to blowhards who won’t let you get a word-in edgewise (this being one of the more prominent and unfortunate technical archetypes).
The “consumer” envisioned by asymmetrical broadband futures is write*-only — someone designed to have other peoples’ ideas crammed into their eyeballs, for their passive absorption. A consumer, not a citizen.
As Gibson put it, it’s a person who “can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote.”
Cyberpunk is a warning, not a suggestion.
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The ABCs of Digital Marketing
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As of late, our sharp Content Marketing Manager Rosie thought of the idea of SEO verse basically, composing verse that is explicitly enhanced for SEO purposes. In light of that, we figured it very well may be enjoyable to remove our digital marketing caps for only one second to put them directly back on again and slap our artist caps directly on top.
We've made a digital marketing glossary that we're truly glad for, including regular digital marketing company brighton terms going from beginning to end so we thought why not put our internet marketing glossary along with SEO verse and compose our own digital marketing letters in order book.
A Traditional Digital Marketing Glossary
On the off chance that verse isn't your trip of extravagant, not to stress we're additionally remembering the meanings of the above words for a more conventional way.
Avatar: A picture that addresses a record on informal organizations and gatherings.
Backlink: A backlink is a connection made when one site connects to another. Backlinks are likewise called "inbound links" or "approaching links", and the number and nature of these links are quite possibly the main positioning variables.
Cloaking: Cloaking alludes to the "dark cap" practice of introducing distinctive content  or URLs to human clients and web indexes. Shrouding is viewed as an infringement of Google's Webmaster Guidelines since it gives clients unexpected outcomes in comparison to they anticipated.
Space Name: An area name is a site's location that a client types into the program when they wish to visit the site. Each site is distinguished by its IP address, and the space name is a human-accommodating name for the numbers in the IP address.
Email List: A catalog of email contacts for possible business or effort leads.
Google Ads: The innovation that powers Google's PPC publicizing. It works with focusing on adverts to explicit hunts, and the adverts show up above and to one side of the natural pursuits. To discover more about Google Ads, see our compensation per click data page. Google Ads used to be called AdWords.
Google Analytics: A free, program-based instrument that permits clients to follow various insights concerning a possessed site. This device is indispensable for SEO and all marketing channels to comprehend the presentation of a site. For example, a website admin will actually want to follow which web crawlers’ clients who show up on the webpage are utilizing, the number of guests there are, the place where they are found, which pages they visited, how long they remained for, which activities they performed and the sky is the limit from there.
Instagram: A photograph sharing informal community that varies from others as it runs exclusively as a portable application. The application permits clients to take photos that they would then be able to alter with channels. The client's photographs are naturally shared on Instagram, however with the alternative to share them on other informal communities simultaneously.
Java: A programming language used to make applications that can run on an advanced gadget.
Catchphrase: A term or expression that a client will look for on an internet searcher. It is critical to have your business' site related with significant catchphrases so it will seem when those words are looked for.
Newsfeed: A center point, frequently via social media, that comprises of the posts a client sees from individuals and brands they follow. On Facebook, the newsfeed is comprised of companions' posts. On Twitter, it is known as a timetable and is comprised of tweets of those you follow. The newsfeed is continually revived with new posts.
Natural Listings: These are the aftereffects of a web search that have not been paid for. The places of these outcomes ought to be natural since they mirror the notoriety and dependability of the site without being affected by paid publicizing.
Pay Per Click (PPC): While digital marketing agency brighton improves a site's remaining in the neglected part of an internet searcher, PPC centers around paid outcomes, which are additionally found on web search tools. On Google, they are above and to one side of the primary (neglected) results. The site being promoted possibly needs to pay when these paid connections are clicked, and more well-known catchphrases are more costly. These adverts are focused at explicit hunt terms.
XML Sitemap: A record in XML design that sorts a site's important documents, posts, pages and that's just the beginning. This report can be seen by people, it isn't expected for human use. Its motivation is to help web search tool crawler bots effectively discover the entirety of a site's given pages.
YouTube: A worldwide video local area where clients transfer and offer recordings.
Furthermore, the writing is on the wall! The ABCs (and D through Zs) of digital marketing. We trust this will help you whenever you're attempting to sort out what the hell a digital marketing word or expression implies. Presently go forward and pattern on YouTube and Instagram, share an image on your newsfeed, make up another hashtag and help your fullstack designer companion with their most recent wireframe.
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screwsoda8 · 4 years
Can you predict which mutual funds will do better than others?
Can you anticipate which mutual funds will do better than others?
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It turns out you can. The number of financial investment items readily available for purchase increases every year. Large item choice might produce issues, both for the client and the consultant. At Junxure, we've decided to construct an algorithm to deal with that concern. What we sought We wanted to supply necessary help for advisors and customers, presuming that some mutual funds can bring organized returns in given market conditions. Depending upon a fund's method, approaches of management and item specifics, it may be a better fit for purchase today, or remain more promising for the conditions of tomorrow-- in a various environment. In this vein, we chose to check whether AI-based algorithm can discover the best mutual funds using affiliations hidden in item costs, macro indications, market indexes, FX rates and commodities. The twist was-- we did not try to translate these reliances however rather put them to work and see the real results in product ranking. How we did that We collected macro indications of significant worldwide economies (US, EU, China, Japan, LatAm, India), commodities prices, FX rates and significant indexes quotes. Then, we used cost history for over 4000 mutual funds traded on NASDAQ. Our goal was to create a ranking of the funds and figure out which ones would score the highest rate of return in the next quarter. To produce optimum environment for the algorithm, we required to prepare the information we had accumulated and run a lot of additional analyses (e.g. return and threat ratios, fund performance signs). The last thing to be done before the training begun was to effectively decrease data dimensions using Principal Part Analysis (PCA). What carried the most guarantee The most appealing results came from the ensemble machine discovering technique. It utilizes several discovering algorithms (lots best performing AI models in our case) to obtain a much better predictive performance. For the results measurement, we created a Top-Bottom Analysis. In the analyzed group, we created a ranking of mutual funds, arranged by the probability of achieving the greatest rate of return in the next quarter. Then, we moved 3 months in the future and examined whether we were right, specifically whether the leading 10% was significantly better than the bottom 10% from our ranking. To produce the most sensible environment, we measured our outcomes utilizing so called test data, which is a dataset which the algorithm has actually never ever "seen" prior to. It ensured that such outcomes can be obtainable in daily operations. In order to assess a mutual fund capability to outperform its peer groups, our design took various specifications into account: fund threat and previous efficiency in different market conditions, return persistence and repeatability, risk-adjusted efficiency ratios as well as methodical risk related to main market elements. The last one, in particular, is somewhat vague: information-driven market movements which are quite unforeseeable, human behavior which is uncertain, adaptive and sometimes repeatable, finally the basic financial laws that should discuss reliances between economic cycles and possession prices in a long term but not constantly do. We anticipated device learning to tell us more where the fact was-- comments Grzegorz Prosowicz, Consulting Director for Capital Markets at Advisor Engine. What the outcomes were The actual results for the test dataset surpassed our expectations. The very best results we have achieved were 78% in Top-Bottom Analysis. It means that in 4 out of 5 cases we can predict which funds would score a greater rate of return. Additionally, the difference in rate of return between bottom and leading funds totaled up to 2,99 percentage points quarterly (12,51 p.p. CAGR). In other words, advisor picking products for their customer from readily available item universe for one-year period, could rely on 12,51 percentage points better returns with the algorithm-- no matter how the markets perform. What's next? Think of having a service of that kind in your institution. Your consultants would lastly get a reliable assistance with choosing the ideal items and become more productive. Is the service going to reach a similar success in every country or scenarios? Is the service all set to launch as cloud API in your organization or get checked by you in kind of proof of concept? --------------------------------------------- Wealth management techniques in the digital age The service digitization procedure which might be observed for more than a dozen (if not more than twenty) years does not skirt the financial sector. Both business and banks providing investment advisory services place significance on innovative software targeted at assisting in the customers' wealth management. What should the wealth management service appear like in the digital improvement age and what strategies can be adopted by the institutions using them? Digital wealth management technique-- challenges Both the banks and business offering the wealth management service deal with a number of difficulties connected with the digital transformation. According to the "Swim or sink: Why Wealth Management Can't Afford to Miss the Digital Wave" report prepared by Advisor Engine, the wealth management service is presently one of the least sophisticated ones in terms of technology. age structure-- a high share of clients classified into HNWI and UHNWI (Ultra High Net Worth People) groups are seniors who do not demand any cutting edge services from banks or advisory companies and who depend on direct contacts with the advisors, aversion to developments-- the wealthiest clients think the validated wealth management methods must be used and it is needless to introduce new options, innovation limitations-- lots of banks keep using older software, the extension of which with brand-new functionalities is made complex and costly. Despite the challenges which need to be overcome by banks and advisory companies, the wealth management digital method might produce quantifiable advantages. The authors of the report by McKinsey advisory company called "Secret Trends in Digital Wealth Management-- and What to Do about Them" observe the clients having access to the software helping with wealth management report the 5 to 10 times higher satisfaction level than customers communicating with the consultants in a conventional way. The costs are not irrelevant for the banks and advisory companies. Utilizing the robo-advisory channel allows to lessen them. Thanks to the algorithms, it is possible to use prompt help to the consumers when making investment choices without significant expenses-- such advisory services are more affordable than the support supplied by a human, experienced advisor and work even in negative market conditions. Junxure Wealth Management software Wealth management digital methods The banks and advisory companies alike know that they can just get using the digital technology potential. Entities with a long market existence buy the innovative options more and more frequently. There are many examples: Perpetual is a company using the wealth management service with a more than 140 years' existence on the Australian market. It decided to make instantaneous insight into financial investment portfolios and reports delivered by means of the chosen social media offered to its consumers, Swiss UBS bank opened a robo-advisory channel for consumers with the wealth listed below 2 million pounds required to open a personal banking account, a Singapore branch of Citi offered their customers the chance to utilize a bank chatbot via Facebook. It offers details e.g. about balances and transactions on the savings account. Carrying out brand-new options suggests advantages not just for consumers (who may acquire a quick insight into their investment portfolio), but likewise for financial institutions. The strategic wealth management might be mostly automated. Some activities may be performed without the consultant's participation. What is more, the specialized software application makes it possible for to gather information which can be examined then to change the embraced wealth management strategies. Advisors having access to the tools assisting in some daily tasks gotten in touch with wealth management gain also more time for discovering clients' needs. According to the research study performed by the advisory business Ernst & Young, one of wealth management parts of particular value for wealthy customers is comprehending their financial objectives and offering a broad access to investment products and tools to them. Strategic wealth management-- how to get ahead of rivals? Lots of financial institutions and banks think about the wealth management digital technique to be the key to obtain competitive advantage and customers who do not wish to base exclusively on their instinct and knowledge when it comes to wealth management. To ensure the provided services correspond to the requirements of their recipients, the business and banks using the wealth management service must: 1. Look at CRM for financial advisors implemented software application from the clients' perspective It is of specific significance the client's frontend operation is user-friendly, allows to set investment goals, is geared up with a monetary preparation application and makes it possible for to interact with specialists and consultants. Multi-modular Junxure Wealth Management software provides a multi-channel client's frontend. Individuals using this service have access to info on various gadgets, consisting of tablets, pcs and smart devices. Customers might use both the assistance of consultants and location orders themselves by means of the robo-advisory channels. 2. Define the target group of clients Strategic wealth management is various for the affluent ones and for HNWI customers. The software ought to be adjusted to the needs of the target client group. The picked option needs to support building the relationship in between the advisor and the consumer. Those Junxure Wealth Management system allows to offer both full and simplified advisory services. What is more, the customers might transfer the orders to the advisors quickly or perform them themselves. Junxure Wealth Management provides likewise monetary and investment advisory services. Customers can be profiled and the consultant might carry out customized tactical wealth management for each of them. 3. Improve (expand) their offering The wealth management digital method is viewed from the perspective of benefits as it e.g. enables to focus on the consumer and their requirements more than in the past. Automating some activities helps with the whole advisory procedure. This, in turn, makes it possible for to expand the offer with brand-new financial investment items which may be of interest for a wider group of consumers. Utilizing Junxure Wealth Management, banks and advisory companies may perform different analyses, including the efficiency and danger ones, for their consumers. Thanks to the control and systematic reporting, the consumer may rely on comprehensive support and likewise execute the most profitable wealth management methods. What are the identifying functions of Junxure Wealth Management? Junxure Wealth Management option was designed to cater for the requirements of the wealth management clients and their consultants. This is a multi-modular wealth management system created for the private banking consumers. It supports the work of all staff members having contacts with the capital transferred by the clients and establishing wealth management strategies, i.e.: consultants-- they might generate a risk profile for every single client and make additional advisory choices based upon it, consisting of offering strategic wealth management, managers-- they take part in the investment process, managing the clients' financial investment portfolios, analysts-- they are responsible for preparing analyses based on the collected information and obtained financial outcomes. The system likewise supports the aftersales services of tremendous importance for more cooperation of the bank (or the advisory business) and the consumer. The customer may count on e.g. consistent insight into their financial investment portfolio and receive reports. They enable the investor to learn the results on various levels, including the classes of assets or currencies. The software application developed by Junxure is adapted likewise to the regulative requirements, consisting of e.g. MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Instruction) which imposes info responsibilities on banks and business using investment items. Thanks to that, the consumers get info about the danger connected with investing in chosen financial instruments and expenses they will incur in relation to utilizing the advisor's assistance.
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A Definition of Magic
What, then, is magic? The best definition to date is almost certainly that of one of the twentieth century’s leading writers on magic, Dion Fortune, who defined magic as “the art and science of causing change in consciousness in accordance with will.”[1]
Magic produces change by working directly with consciousness. Its effects often spill over into the physical world, but this occurs only indirectly. This is, in an important sense, the exact opposite of what modern science does. Science causes changes in the physical world in accordance with the “laws” of the physical world. Magic and science not only work by different means; they also work toward different ends, and, in fact, this difference in ends accounts for the difference in means. This is why practitioners of magic don’t conduct laboratory experiments, and why scientists don’t intone chants before altars inscribed with emotionally powerful symbols. The apologists for the conventions of our own age often claim that magic is a “primitive,” immature groping toward science, and now that science has arrived, magic is obsolete. But science and magic are different enterprises altogether. Neither can entirely supersede the other. Indeed, as will be discussed below, magic is as alive and well in the modern world as it’s ever been – it’s just been brilliantly disguised.
The final clause of Fortune’s definition is “in accordance with will,” which refers to both the will of the person or people working the magic and the person or people upon whom the magic is worked. The elucidation of this principle in the 1590 work On Bonding in a General Sense by the Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno remains the most thorough to date. In this treatise, Bruno details the role of bonds – simultaneously in the sense of “relationships” or “closeness” and “fetters” or “constraints” – in magic. His central thesis is that in order to bind another – that is, to transform the desires of another so that they aid the fulfillment of one’s own desires – one must work with the other’s existing desires. To get someone to believe or to do something in accordance with one’s own will, one must present the belief or action in such a way that the person feels it to be in accordance with his or her own will, thereby satisfying the desires of both the enchanter and the enchanted.[2] Whether this ends up helping or harming the person upon whom the magic is worked is beside the point here; either can be the case depending on the context. The point is that magic can only be successful if it satisfies the desires of all involved in the working. The historian of religion Ioan P. Couliano has rightly discussed On Bonding in a General Sense as a broader, more existential, and ultimately more ambitious counterpart to Machiavelli’s The Prince.[3]
Magic in the Pre-Christian Germanic World
You’re likely thinking at this point, “Okay, but that only works on humans, right? What about influencing the weather and the behavior of animals and plants, activities with which sorcerers, shamans, and the like from all over the world are credited?”
It’s a perfectly valid question, and it can be answered by pointing out that this sort of magic typically takes place in a cosmological context that’s very different from our own. The pagan Norse and other Germanic peoples believed that spirit could be found in countless things throughout the world, rather than exclusively belonging to mankind. This included even things that we today would consider to be nonliving, inanimate objects. And if something has a spirit, then in some sense it is conscious and has a will of its own. Thus, humans weren’t the only beings who could be influenced by magic. Inasmuch as a storm, or a cat, or a ship partook of spirit, it, too, was subject to the workings of magic.
For the ancient Germanic peoples, magic was a fairly normal part of the fabric of everyday life. The practitioner of magic worked with the basic principles that were thought to underlie the workings of the cosmos rather than against them. If he or she was set apart from other people in any way, it was in his or her level of knowledge concerning the cosmos in general and those upon whom he or she was working. It’s worth pointing out that this is something Bruno emphasizes as well: the person who binds most successfully is the person who knows the beings to be bound and their desires the most thoroughly.[4]
The Old Norse vocabulary of magic revolves around conceptions of knowledge. As Professor Catharina Raudvere, a specialist in Norse magic, explains, “the verb kunna, meaning both ‘to know, to understand, to know by heart’ as well as ‘to have insight in the old traditions and lore’…is at the core of this semantic field.”[5] The most common and general word for “magic” is fjölkyngi,[6] which is derived from kunna and means “great knowledge.”
In addition to the knowledge of magical techniques and knowledge of the beings involved in the working, another form of knowledge at the heart of traditional Germanic magical practice is the knowledge of fate. In Raudvere’s words:
The importance of destiny must not be understood to mean that the Norsemen held purely fatalistic beliefs. Rather it must be understood in terms of knowing the future, in order to keep it under some kind of control. Divination rituals and the performance of seiðr [a type of Norse magic discussed below]… were expressions of ways of finding the keys to hidden parts of reality and measuring what was given. The results of divination marked the limits of individual free will and after the divination ceremony strategies could be made for acting within these limits. Hence, prophecies, dreams and dream interpretations, and curses were treated with the greatest concern. … They reveal a tension between freedom and dependence. Nevertheless, there can seem to be a contradiction in terms: the conceptions of destiny could also be viewed as a definition of personal freedom. On the one hand, the limits are set and it lies within the human condition to identify them and act within the given space; on the other, choices and their consequences over a longer period of time is an important theme in the sagas. …
Destiny was in one sense given, but there were still opportunities for developing different strategies… in connection with the fundamental structure of the perception of time.[7]
Magic, therefore, is (amongst other things) the ability to discern fate and work with it to accomplish one’s purpose.
When modern people speak of magic, they often make a distinction between “white magic” and “black magic,” the former being “good” magic and the latter being “evil” magic. This is as common in anthropology as it is amongst the general populace. Such a taxonomy, however, is nowhere to be found in the conceptions of magic held by the pre-Christian Germanic peoples, who had radically different moral standards than those of what we today call “morality.”
Were there any truly indigenous categories or divisions within Germanic magic, then? There were, but we know frustratingly little about them today. The only type of Norse magic that is clearly marked off from other kinds of magic in Old Norse literature is seidr, a form of “high” ritual magic practiced only by women and “unmanly” men such as the god Odin. Men who practiced magic typically delved into the amorphous complex of “warrior shamanism” practiced by initiatory military societies. The Old Norse word galdr, derived from galan, “to crow,”[8]denotes magic that centrally involves the use of runes and incantations, and may have referred to another particularly organized magical system, but, due to the absence of sufficient evidence, this must remain an intriguing speculation.
Magic in the Modern World
Magic was an integral part of the Western world up to and including the Renaissance. However, that “Rebirth” of Classical culture, arts, and sciences was crushed beneath the boot of the fearfully pious and reactionary elements of the European society of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which included the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Counter-Reformation, the Inquisition, and the Witch Trials. Out of understandable concern for their own safety, philosophers and scientists – formerly among the most likely to be avid practitioners of magic – stripped their crafts of anything that might seem “magical,” rebranding them as the study of inert, mechanistic phenomena. This brought their disciplines into harmony with the dominant strains of Christian theology, wherein the visible, tangible world is an unthinking, unfeeling artifact created by a god who is utterly separate from his creation. Consciousness was dismissed from the world – except, conveniently, from the human mind, but even the workings of the human mind were reframed in mechanistic, as opposed to animistic, terms. Magic had been banished from the world – and, it should be noted, for purely ideological reasons.[9][10]
Or, at least, polite society demands that we speak as if this revolution had actually been successful in removing magic from Western civilization.
Politeness aside, however, the “mechanistic philosophy” of René Descartes, Isaac Newton, and their ilk has utterly failed to erase magic from the modern world, or even to diminish its influence. Magic occupies as prominent a place in modern society as it ever has. We just prefer to call it things like “psychology,” “sociology,” “advertising,” “marketing,” and “personal development” rather than “magic.”
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officialotakudome · 3 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, Tech, and Geek Culture
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/spirit-untamed-dated-on-home-media/
Spirit Untamed Dated On Home Media
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Universal has dated Spirit Untamed on home media:
Universal City, California, August 10, 2021 – Join pals Lucky, Abigail and Prue in SPIRIT UNTAMED, an epic journey brimming with family, friendship and adventure that you can watch over-and-over. The all-new film is yours to own for the first time on Digital August 17, 2021 and on Blu-ray™ and DVD August 31, 2021 from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment and DreamWorks Animation. This release is jam-packed with more than an hour of bonus content, including deleted scenes, multiple at-home activities, including how to make your own “campfire” indoors, cast interviews, sing-alongs, and much more!
SPIRIT UNTAMED is a story of adventure, family and friendship. Free-spirited Lucky Prescott moves to Miradero to join her estranged father. She is decidedly unimpressed with the sleepy town until she discovers a unique tie to her late mother who was a fearless horse-riding stunt performer. She quickly forms a bond with a wild mustang named Spirit and makes two new pals who love horses as much as she does. When a heartless wrangler plans to capture Spirit and his herd, Lucky and her friends set off on an epic journey to rescue the horse who has given her an unbreakable connection to her mother’s legacy.
SPIRIT UNTAMED stars Isabela Merced (Dora and the Lost City of Gold),  Marsai Martin (Little), Mckenna Grace (Captain Marvel), Walton Goggins (“Justified”), Andre Braugher (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”), Eiza González (Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw), with Julianne Moore (Kingsman: The Golden Circle)  and Jake Gyllenhaal (Spider-Man: Far From Home). The adventure is directed by Elaine Bogan (“Trolhunters: Tales of Arcadia”) and co-directed by Ennio Torresan (The Boss Baby). The film is produced by Karen Foster (How to Train Your Dragon) and the film’s score and original song “Fearless” is by composer Amie Doherty (Marooned).
FINDING YOUR SPIRIT: Meet the cast and filmmakers behind SPIRIT UNTAMED and discover how they brought this incredible story to life. Find out how this film fits into the overall Spirit story and learn the secrets behind the animation process.
BEHIND THE VOICES – THE CAST: It’s always fun to see the people behind the voices. In this series of short featurettes, we not only meet the cast but we discover what characteristics they share with their on-screen personas and how they inhabit them.
COWGIRLS RULE: This featurette goes into more detail about the female-focused story and explains why it’s not just a “girls like ponies” movie.
DRAWING SPIRIT – SPIRIT UNTAMED: A unique look and chance to learn from one of the talented artists how they bring the characters, both human and equine, to life.
CREATE YOUR OWN INDOOR ‘CAMPFIRE:’ Using crepe paper and LED lights, build your very own campfire at home!
HOW TO UKELELE: Discover how to create your very own ukulele at home. Then, learn some simple chords so you can impress your friends and family around the campfire.
SNACK TIME – S’MORES: During their adventure, Lucky and her friends enjoy a campfire snack that we all know, and love-s’mores! This tasty “how to” feature will teach viewers to safely make their own traditional toasted treats along with a selection of not so traditional recipes.
ABIGAIL’S HAND SHADOW SECRETS: Ever wish you could tell stories using hand shadows, just like Abigail? Well now you can! With the help of a hand shadow master, a simple lamp and an old sheet, anyone can learn how to create cool creatures with nothing but your two hands.
HOW TO ZOETROPE: Lucky Prescott discovers her mother’s horse-riding talent when she finds a zoetrope at her father’s house. This “how to” video teaches fans of the film how to build their own and bring it to life using the drawings they learn in the “drawing spirit” feature.
SING-ALONGS: Watch these fun lyric videos featuring songs from the film and sing-along around your own ‘campfire’.
FEATURE COMMENTARY: Commentary with director Elaine Bogan, co-director Ennio Torresan, and producer Karen Foster.
SPIRIT UNTAMED will be available on Blu-rayTM, DVD and Digital.
Blu-rayTM unleashes the power of your HDTV and is the best way to watch movies at home, featuring 6X the picture resolution of DVD, exclusive extras and theater-quality surround sound.
Digital lets fans watch movies anywhere on their favorite devices. Users can buy or rent the film.
MOVIES ANYWHERE is the digital app that simplifies and enhances the digital movie collection and viewing experience by allowing consumers to access their favorite digital movies in one place when purchased or redeemed through participating digital retailers. Consumers can also redeem digital copy codes found in eligible Blu-rayTM and DVD disc packages from participating studios and stream or download them through Movies Anywhere. MOVIES ANYWHERE is only available in the United States. For more information, visit https://moviesanywhere.com.
For artwork, please log onto our website at www.uphepublicity.com. Website: https://www.uphe.com/movies/spirit-untamed-the-movie Trailer: https://uni.pictures/SpiritUntamedTrailer Facebook: @DreamWorksSpirit Instagram: @dreamworksspirit Hashtag: #SpiritUntamed #DreamWorksSpirit
FILMMAKERS: Directed By: Elaine Bogan Co-Director: Ennio Torresan, Jr. Produced By:  Karen Foster, p.g.a. Screenplay By: Aury Wallington and Kristin Hahn Score By: Amie Doherty
TECHNICAL INFORMATION BLU-RAY™: Street Date: August 31, 2021 Selection Number: 1946213879 (US) / 1946214649 (CDN) Layers: BD 50 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 2.39:1 Widescreen Rating: PG for some adventure action Languages/Subtitles: English, French Canadian, Latin American Spanish Sound: English, French Canadian and Latin American Spanish DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 Run Time: 01:27:33
TECHNICAL INFORMATION DVD: Street Date: August 31, 2021 Selection Number: 1946213878 (US) / 1946214648 (CDN) Layers: DVD 9 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 2.39:1 Anamorphic Widescreen Rating: PG for some adventure action Languages/Subtitles: English, French Canadian, Latin American Spanish Sound: English, French Canadian and Latin American Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 Run Time: 01:27:39
ABOUT UNIVERSAL PICTURES HOME ENTERTAINMENT: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment (UPHE – www.uphe.com) is a unit of Universal Filmed Entertainment Group (UFEG). UFEG produces, acquires, markets and distributes filmed entertainment worldwide in various media formats for theatrical, home entertainment, television and other distribution platforms, as well as consumer products, interactive gaming and live entertainment. The global division includes Universal Pictures, Focus Features, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, Universal Brand Development, Fandango, DreamWorks Animation Film and Television.  UFEG is part of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production and marketing of entertainment, news and information to a global audience.  NBCUniversal owns and operates a valuable portfolio of news and entertainment networks, a premier motion picture company, significant television production operations, a leading television stations group, world-renowned theme parks and a suite of leading Internet-based businesses. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation.
ABOUT DREAMWORKS ANIMATION: DreamWorks Animation (DWA), a division of the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group, within NBCUniversal, a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation, is a global family entertainment company with feature film and television brands. The company’s deep portfolio of intellectual property is supported by a robust, worldwide consumer products practice, which includes licensing, and location-based entertainment venues around the world.  DWA’s feature film heritage includes many of the world’s most beloved characters and franchises, including Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, Trolls and The Boss Baby, and have amassed more than $15 billion in global box office receipts.  DreamWorks Animation’s television business has quickly become one of the world’s leading producers of high-quality, animated family programming, reaching consumers in more than 190 countries. Creating a diverse array of original content in a variety of formats and delivering deep, fully immersive worlds served up with compelling characters, the prolific studio has garnered 31 Emmy awards since inception in 2013.
0 notes
nebris · 6 years
The Sisterhood Training In Detail
~The Sisterhood will continue to expand and refine The Sisterhood Training, with the goal of sharing it with as many women as possible. It is essential to understand that after The Pentavalent itself, The Sisterhood Training is the Most Important Element of The Sisterhood. To use a rather fevered metaphor, The Sisterhood Training is the womb from which the New Matriarchy will be born. Without the efforts and actions of properly trained and motivated Sisters, all the preceding concepts are just so much 'sound and fury'. Because of that I shall go into a considerable amount of detail regarding The Training itself. I have been through a number of Large Group Awareness Trainings [LGAT's] These LGAT's were for the most part beneficial and positively transformative for me and for others. And I did see where they had their own internal problems. The problem that was most apparent to me at the time was that LGAT's tend to 'crack you open' without much proper follow up except more trainings and workshops. They did try to form some kind of community of support – there would be a lot of talk about Relationship and the such – but since the focus was almost exclusively upon Individual Empowerment, that effort usually failed, a few times with tragic consequences. Another issue was the utter lack of any type of Spiritual foundation. A trainer of mine once addressed this with a statement that they, the LGAT, 'were willing to except the possibility that here was something greater than The Universe.' That's a pretty thin metaphysical soup. But the Key Issue with every single one of them is this; they are all ultimately 'part of the problem'. As has been said before in these pages, a primary Operating Motto of ours is a quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti, "It is no measure of good health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." In the final analysis, the primary outcome of all the LGAT's I have ever encountered is to support you becoming 'more well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society'. They are after all, capitalist operations and, for all the good they might do, they are in business to sell a product and to make money. This also contributes to the first two problems mentioned above, the cracking open without follow up and the lack of Spiritual foundation. Many of their graduates become 'more effective' in expanding the reach and power of Modern Corporate Marketing Culture, the producer/creator of the hologram that now holds most Americans – and many around the world – in its thrall, where we are no longer citizens, or even humans, but merely Consumers of Product and the entire focus of this is to Sell Product. LGAT's are a part of that mechanism. They cannot be otherwise. And their models facilitate the perpetuation of Modern Corporate Marketing Culture. Why do you think so many corporations send 'their people' to these trainings? They make said people more Effective etc, not more Aware. If they really became so, they'd leave the corporation. Some do, but usually only to start some other type of corporation, not to exit the paradigm. The very first thing that will make the Sisterhood Trainings different is that they will be non-profit. That way the entire financial focus is devoted solely to getting the Trainings into the reach of as many Sisters as possible and in the optimum fashion. The final overall structure as presently envisioned would first be the Workshop Series, staring with a Guest Event to provide an enrollment mechanism for the two preliminary extended weekend workshops, a Basic that would run Friday through Sunday and an Advanced that would run Wednesday through Sunday, each designed to be preparatory for the Long Training itself. They each would have benefits in and of themselves, even the Guest Event. For many Sisters they may be the only direct experience of The Sisterhood they are able have at that point in their lives, so these workshops have to be able to be as positively transformative as we can safely make them in that window. Ultimately however, their primary outcome is to recruit Sisters for the Long Training. As such the Guest Event and the two Weekend Workshops would all take place within a roughly thirty day period preceding the beginning of a new Wave in the area in which that Wave was to be based. This would also intensify the experience of those Sisters who can only do the Workshop Series. These workshops will be fully run by the Central Training Operation, a stand alone non-profit educational corporation whose sole purpose is to coordinate, guide and refine the Sisterhood Trainings. It will have a core professional staff which would be augmented with volunteers from the Trainings themselves. The Long Training – which is called a Wave – is the actual Amazon Warrior Priestess Training mentioned above. Each Wave would consist of a dozen to two dozen Trikonai, a bond group of three Sisters which would be formed during the two weekend workshops and would be a mandatory element. [A dozen to two dozen Trikonai would come out to 36 to 72 Sisters.] The only way to enroll in a Wave is as an already formed Trikona, optimally one that formed and bonded during the Workshop Series. The next section, Part Six: The Trikona, will explain why this is necessary. The Central Training Operation will provide support, networking, feedback, guidance, etc. But each Wave will be functionally autonomous. Its own members will run the Wave's specific scheduling and be almost entirely self funding, doing whatever is is needed to make sure that every Sister in that Wave is able to achieve all the goals and complete the Training. Each Wave with be given an overall operational plan and a specific set of goals to achieve. Each Wave can also establish its own unique set of goals and outcomes as long as those do not interfere or contravene the overall plans and goals. Incorporation: To begin with a Wave will establish itself as a Corporation of the type that best suits the state within which it is primarily operating. That will give the Wave a heft and a flexibility that enhances its ability to pursue its goals that no unofficial group could match. Corporate Personhood is the Key to Power in modern America. Note that this is essentially an Event. It happens once and is done. The rest of the below are Process. They will unfold and change as the Wave proceeds. Each Sister in the Wave will be a Voting Member of its Corporation and will be required to have a working understanding of it functions. At the end of the Training Cycle, the Corporation can be dissolved and any assets leftover divided equally among its Members. Or it may continue on as a sub-collective of The Sisterhood, engaging in The Work as its members so choose. Majickal Working: Sisters would not be Witches without it. Operating with The Pentavalent as a guide, all aspects of each Wave will be Ritualized and conducted with some manner of Majickal and Goddess frame-working, starting with the above Incorporation and then through all the various goals and outcomes listed below. This should be done in a reasonable fashion, with Focus and Efficiency in Balance. It will not be about 'getting it right', but about making it work. The goal in this is to use the collective and individual Majickal Talent of the Sisters in any given Wave to create a Tulpa, a manifested thought form that embodies the Wave itself, one that helps propel the Wave forward to a successful and fulfilling conclusion. This will likely be the first real test of a Wave's ability to work as a collective and set the tone for what follows. NLP: [Neuro-Linguistic Programming] Each Wave will complete an entire NLP Practitioner Certification Training over the course of its Cycle, with each Sister therein getting an individual NLP Practitioner Certification. NLP is both a powerful Behavioral Change technology and a very effective Personal Communications technology. It should be self evident how such can be useful for The Temple's long term goals. Impact Self Defense: This is a company that provides a type of self defense training for women that allows them to punch and kick full force, thereby providing a 'body memory' of combat training. Each Wave will contract with ISD to provide a full training to all its Sisters. The purpose of this is to lay the foundation for a real Warrior Spirit, one based upon actual physical violence, not merely some hypothetical exhortation 'to be a warrior'. That is also why this will be undertaken at the beginning of the Wave Cycle. Warriors Fight. Sisters need to Learn that Lesson from the very start or my brothers will break you. Yoga: It is likely that many Sisters coming into The Sisterhood Training will already be Yoginis of one school or another. Each Wave will seek their experience and guidance in embedding Yoga into the fabric of the Wave. Over time the Sisterhood Training will develop its own school of Yoga that best serves the needs of a Wave Cycle. Yoga and Meditation will be the 'off-set' to the Martial Vigor of the various Warrior Disciplines a Wave will undertake. It also will provide a Centering and Grounding Discipline that can used by the entire Wave, a single Trikona, or the individual Sister, thereby providing Harmony and Connection throughout the Wave. 12 Step Work: The 12 Step modality is one of the best I have ever found to examine one's own Self. Though primarily used in addiction programs, it has a universal application. Its key is that with a methodological step by step structure it works upon discovering one's true thinking, which is largely how we get to wherever we are at any given point in our lives. It is crucial for each Sister to understand who she is, what motivated her to do what she has done and how she got to whatever point she is in her life. These are Essential Elements of Self and the work of The Temple requires a deep understand of Self. Each of the comforting illusions that every Sister harbors must be uncovered, discovered and discarded. This work will be done individually, within each Trikona and by the Wave in group sessions. There will a lot of pain in this work, so it must be done with vast Compassion for both one's Self and one's Sisters. Sexual Domination Of Men: As the Greater Goal of all of this work is a New Matriarchy, the practice of a genuine Female Supremacy is at the core of an Amazon Warrior Priestess Training such at this. And at the core of all intra-gender relationships is Sex. Therefore each Wave must learn the art of The Dominatrix. Given its intimate nature, most of this will be done via the Trikonai. Each Trikonai is to engage a professional Domme to teach them the nature and practice of Domme Work. Each Trikonai will acquire male slaves who will support the work of its Wave in whatever fashion said slave in capable of. Becoming Sexually Dominant, even as a 'exercise', makes a profound shift a Sister's basic nature. As with a training like Impact Self Defense, this work 'imbeds' that shift in a Sister's consciousness on a deep and atavistic level. And it is down in those places that Patriarchy has its strongest hold. Dakini: This is the name I have given to a hypothetical mixed Female oriented martial arts system that is still to be developed. What is proposed is a blend of Eskrima, a Philippine martial art that uses simple weapons, sticks and knives, along with hand and foot fighting, Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art which ritualizes it's fighting as a form of dancing and Parkour, a French urbano-centric running and jumping sport. I chose those forms because of their simplicity and their flowing motion. The idea is for more than just an 'effective fighting system'. If that was the goal, we'd just go with Krav Maga. But as with all of this work, there needs to be a Spiritual aspect, one that shifts Sisters all the way into their core. And as this would be a martial art that originates within The Temple, it is also something that The Sisterhood owns completely. Body Work: Due to the rigorous nature of the Sisterhood Training, each Sister is going to need body work done to help them heal and renew. Much of this will utilize skilled outside professionals. But between these sessions, each Sister will be required to learn a basic massage/ body work technique so that she can work upon other members of her Trikona on a regular basis. This will also deepen the Bond within each Trikona. Rock Climbing: This is a perfect all body training and is an outdoor sport can be first learned indoors. It also favors the Female as leg and hip strength is more important than upper body strength. It will support and enhance all the physical training. Weapons Training: Each Sister in the Wave will learn the use of the Staff, the Bow, the Sword, the Handgun and the Rifle. Teachers and training organizations will be engaged to teach the use of each of the weapons over the course of the Wave's Cycle. You're to be Amazons and these are the essential weapons. Sports: Each Wave can pick and choose most of the sports they wish to, but Baseball is strongly urged and Paint Balling is mandatory. Baseball is about Patience, Focus, and Strategy. It can be an excellent 'team builder'. The basic lineup of nine members is perfect for Trikonai. And as America's National Pastime [once upon a time at least] it has deep propaganda and nostalgia value. Paint Balling is an obvious choice, hence being mandatory. It is a high impact form of mock warfare. The skills, gear and much of the equipment are easily transferable to The Sisterhood's security needs. The Trikona is an organic structure for a Fire Team. And as a serious bonding ritual, at some point each Trikona should be hunted by the rest of the Wave simply to see how long they can survive. Equestrian Training: Each Sister in the Wave will learn basic horseback riding skills. There is no need to go for competition level training, just the feeling and ability to be at home upon a horse. Again, this is about being an Amazon. Horse Culture is in the Amazon's Soul. Outward Bound: During the Wave's second year it will engage the organization Outward Bound for a vigorous group 'nature experience'. This will be a bonding experience that the Wave itself does not need to control and a useful place to utilize much of the training and skills acquired in the previous ex-number of months. So, looking back upon these goals one can see that the Sisterhood Training as outlined here is very demanding, especially on a physical level. And that only a small group of Sisters would be able to complete such a Training. They would be fairly young, say 20 to 40 years old, in good physical and mental condition to begin with and be willing and able to commit their time to totally participate in and finish a full Wave Cycle. This will obviously seem unfair and exclusionary to those who are not in that category. And it is. The entire Purpose of The Sisterhood Training is to create an elite of Sisters who are capable of driving The Temple's efforts forward to build a New Matriarchy. Be aware that in the long run some of them will die doing that work. This is not a child's game we are playing here. That said, we also cannot simply write off entire groups of Sisters who do not have the ability to do the above type of Training because they are not 'the above type of Sister'. That is more than merely unfair; it is utterly foolish and totally contrary to our Purpose. Therefore, besides the Maximum Impact Training [MI-1] outlined above, there will also be a Medium and a Minimum Impact versions of the Sisterhood Training. The Medium Impact Training [MI-2] will be for Sisters who could probably handle the physical and emotional demands, but whose lives and/or personal inclinations do not allow for the type of time and energy commitment required by the Maximum Impact Training. How each of these Waves operates will largely be determined by their members. The Central Training Organization will set some basic goals, but from there the specifics will be worked out 'in group', which I have found is often an 'interesting exercise' in and of itself. The Minimum Impact Training [MI-3] is for those Sisters who simply cannot handle the physical and emotional demands of either of the first two versions. They may be too old. They may be disabled. Some could find it all too emotionally intense and need something gentler. Each of these Waves too will determine most of its goals and plans 'in group' along with guidelines from the Central Training Organization. The Trikona will still be the required basic unit however and for the same reasons in each Wave. It is hoped that after a Guest Event and a Workshop Series that one of each of version will manifest. That may not always be so. But whenever there would more than one version underway, the key is that they are all Sisters and intramural support is essential. It is likely that many issues would come up, such as the 'feeling less' and 'popular girl' paradigms that may have plagued some Sisters since their teens. That would be some tough work right there. Some will look at all this and proclaim loudly, and likely hysterically, all this to be a 'terrorist training scheme' and/or an effort to 'build a revolutionary army', so let's address that noise right out of the gate. The Sisterhood utterly eschews Terrorism. Such is the desperate strategy of the weak and the dis-empowered. And terrorists almost always wind up as pawns in someone else's political game plan. Our goals and plans are our own. The Sisterhood also rejects Revolution. History shows that it tends to merely replace one set of grasping oppressive bastards with another set of grasping oppressive bastards, ofttimes a worse collection. And note they're usually all Males, too. We won't play that game either. The essential purpose of The Sisterhood Training is two fold; One, to train a cadre of Sisters to protect themselves and the rest of the Sisterhood. The goal of a New Matriarchy will terrify some into violent reaction and The Sisterhood must be prepared to deal with that. As I have said many times, my brothers will not give up their power without a fight. Two, any Sister who can commit to and complete such a rigorous regime as outline above will never again be intimidated by anything. She will still see how Patriarchy oppresses her, but she will never ever again be a 'victim' of anything. Victim Feminism is a handmaiden of Patriarchy and it will take a Sisterhood of Amazon Warrior Priestesses to truly extirpate such a deeply embedded and self defeating paradigm. And all this is still totally hypothetical. The very first Wave will have no Guest Event or Workshop Series. They'll be a handful of Sisters, maybe only two or three Trikonai, who will work from the above outline to build what will become the Central Training Organization. One day their work will be legendary because of what was stated at the very top of this section; “The Sisterhood Training is the womb from which the New Matriarchy will be born.” From Part Five: “Building a New Matriarchy – Tactical Initiatives”
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jvzooproductsclub · 6 years
VidFuse Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus | Video Creation App Making Video Content FAST and Easy!
VidFuse Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus | Video Creation App Making Video Content FAST and Easy!
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2018/07/11/vidfuse-review-demo-exclusive-bonus-video-creation-app-making-video-content-fast-and-easy/
Welcome To MattMartin.Club!
Thank You So Much For Taking The Time In Checking Out My Review On "Vidfuse"
Hope You Will Enjoy It!
CRUSHING IT online – Advertisers paying HUGE for Youtubers!
Product Creator Walt Bayliss Product Name Vidfuse Front-End Price $47.00 Niche Video Marketing Bonuses YES! Listed Below! Refund 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Recommendation Yes, 100%. Launch Date 2018 – July – 12th @ 10:00 AM EST Official Website Checkout "Vidfuse" Official Site
Click Here @ 10:00 AM EST on 2018-July-12th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Vidfuse" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
Youtubers making millions. Literally, everyone from craft bloggers, slime makers, fishermen and cooking shows are absolutely crushing it online. If you’ve got the content , You’ve got the advertisers attention. Now – YOU can set this up for yourself and tap into the biggest flow of advertising cashflow that’s occurred in the last 5 years. The new App launching, called VIDFUSE is designed for you to achieve exactly that. Let’s check out my Vidfuse Review below for more details!
Vidfuse is built for the person who wants to have a youtube following and wants to get into video quickly and easily. In short, it’s a video editing app that is built for your mobile device. While video editing tools aren’t new, Vidfuse brings together an incredible Web and Mobile experience allowing a video creator to shoot video on mobile, edit and publish right from the spot. No Desktop software required.
What you’re able to do with this particular platform is shoot a video on any mobile device, any number of different takes… stitch them together, add an intro, add an outro, cut out the bit, do your lower thirds as an overlay and push done. Then instantly publish to WordPress, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin,… all of the sites that are out there. And YouTube, of course, Vimeo,… publish that finished product video with one click.
In detail, This is a real vlogging app for real people. Now you can Transform the videos in your phone into engagement with your fans with full in-phone editing that lets you to craft powerful vlog content in minutes. Publish your vlogs across a wide net of social accounts and blogs to build your following and drive organic traffic back to your main sites and offers. With no need for advertising, no need for expensive camera equipment, and no need for complicated editing software, VidFuse is the ultimate hand-held content machine.
Vidfuse Rating - 9.4/10
Quality - 9.5/10
Features - 9.5/10
Support - 9.5/10
Easy to use - 9.5/10
Bonus - 9.0/10
This rating only shows our ideas about this product, we strongly recommend you firstly see the demo/preview to get the whole picture. Remember, You're also be backed by 30 Day Money Back Guarantee No Question Asked! You've got nothing to lose. TRY IT TODAY! What's your thought? Please let us know!
Walter Bayliss, also known as Walt Bayliss, and his partner Matt Ford is the creator of Vidfuse. Walt has run an online career for many years. That amount of time has given him a solid foundation of knowledge and technical skills in making digital products. He is also the one who has made the product named Hydravid, DataJeo, Discover,… that have attracted huge attentions from the wide audience. Now, let’s look at the next part of this Vidfuse Review and find out its features.
Here are the details of what you will get inside this app:
VidFuse Editor
Think “Camtasia” or “Screenflow” style videos made in your phone with seamless drag and drop editing capabilities at your fingertips. Exporting 10 different videos to a laptop, and then messing about with a full-blown editing program just to create a personal vlog, isn’t just a waste of time, it’s like using a sledgehammer to break an egg. This is without a doubt the fastest, easiest way to take video that’s already on your phone and create something truly spectacular for your fans.
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To witness the true power of VidFuse as automatically syndicates your video to the world’s biggest platforms. That means organic traffic flowing back to you from the farthest reaches of the internet 24/7. More fans to share your content. More referral traffic to your main offers. More shares. More subscribers. More tribe members. Everywhere, all of the time.
VidFuse publisher combines editing excellence with publishing power to syndicate your vlogs to the biggest social platforms in one simple step.
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VidFuse Music and soundtrack layer allows you to add amazing music tracks or voice overs to all of your content. Turn snapshots into videos and layover the soundtrack and BOOM. Keep people hypnotised with tracks that cover the entire length of your video. Give yourself an epic intro worthy of a WWE wrestler. Close your vlog with a sense of urgency and inspire action in your viewers… with VidFuse you are the Maestro.
VidFuse Library
VidFuse Cloud based library means your clips, best effects, lower third overlays and animated intro reels or subscribe inserts are only ever a click away. Produce laughs. Surprise and wake up a viewer that’s not fully engaged. Demonstrate key points. Add some colour.
VidFuse Library is always only a click away, giving you peace of mind that any video treat you choose to serve up will be eagerly devoured.
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Just like a pro-editor you can overlay text to pass on critical information, create clear calls to action, and make sure your fans can still get your message with the volume turned down! With text overlays, your fans can be watching when they should be working, when they’re on the toilet, on the train home without disturbing Doris and her book, true fans can even be soaking up your marketing message while their significant other is fast asleep. The more ways people will hear, see, and read you message, the more people will join your tribe, and the more people in your tribe, the faster your business will grow.
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No need to limit yourself to your phone. If you’ve got video on your hard drive, or you prefer the space and organization you get working on your laptop, then log into our fully featured cloud editor.
VidFuse Cloud is a great way to enhance your workflow, and take care of vlogs that might need more processing power and heavy lifting.
But that’s not all
When you grab it today, you will also get the access to VidFuse Masters Sessions where you’ll discover how vlogging newbies really become multi-millionaires. In this complete vlogging masterclass you’ll learn how to create a successful vlogging empire directly from some of the world’s most successful vloggers.
You’ll hear how regular people went from wet behind the ears vlogging nobodies… to REAL-LIFE vlogging superstars who pull in millions of subscribers, millions of views PER video, and millions of dollars in a single year, all by doing what they love.
The Vidfuse Superstars Of Youtube Series is easily valued at $497 and gives you all the tools, tips, and strategies you’ll need to take your everyday life, all its faults, all its dull moments, all its passions and surprises, and transform it into a vlogging business you can be proud of…
Just one of these interviews could unlock the doors to a million-dollar business, but VidFuse users who buy today get all of our interviews and all future interviews, valued at $497, for free as part of this special launch deal.
VidFuse isn’t just a matter of creating the video and syndicating it. It’s a matter of feeling good, proud, and confident about the video you publish. Of knowing that when you press publish your response is going to be overwhelmingly positive. Of being able to quickly, and easily suck up adoring fans from all 4 corners of the internet.
Could you start off with just your phone, and a YouTube account? Sure, you could. Buy why start at level 1 when a few tweaks in-phone you can start you off at level 10… ready to inspire the kind of following that brings big brands with big check-books knocking on your door in search of an influencer.
If you want to surpass the kinds of stories Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have changed the world of marketing with you won’t get a better opportunity than right now with VidFuse.
Shoot, EDIT and share. Build hordes of loyal followers and let the advertising dollars flow straight to YOU. You even get the SECRETS of the best youtubers in the world as part of this launch special offer. Interviews with genuine youtube Millionaires sharing HOW they got started, TIPS for building your channel and insider knowledge that’s worth THOUSANDS. It’s part of Vidfuse.
In Addition, You Will Be Getting Tons of The Vendor’s Greatest Bonuses For Your Last Action:
Bonus No: 1
Modern Video Marketing
With this video course...
You are going to understand the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing.
You will learn to identify the new and old factors that make up modern video marketing.
You will understand the concept of return on effort.
You can begin to understand the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process.
You are going to learn exactly how to create a human connection with your prospects.
And much more!
Bonus No: 2
Modern Video Marketing Video Upgrade
Topics covered:
Effective Video Marketing In A Nutshell
Video Marketing: The Modern and Effective Way
Let Your Competitors Do Your Video Marketing Homework For You
Modern Video Marketing Essentials
Figuring Out The Different Types Of Video Marketing
Article-to-Video Marketing: Is It Right For You?
Video Scribe and Other Whiteboard Video Creation Tools: The Inside Scoop
Slideshow Creation Tools: Are They Right For You?
Personality-Focused Videos
Marketing Videos on Social Media
Bonus No: 3
Site Speed Secrets
Site Speed Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint about how to speed up your website and increase conversions.
Here's what you'll discover in this course:
How website speed optimization works and how you can use it to leverage your online success.
The one secret no one tells you about web caching and how it can change your site for the better.
The easiest ways to get Google to like your site and reward you with higher rankings on its search results pages.
Why it’s important to host your site with a reputable web host.
The 4 different caching plugins you can use to turbocharge your WordPress site.
How content delivery networks work and why your website needs to be on one.
The many different techniques for image optimization and why it’s important you reduce your image file sizes.
The different file types you can compress and optimize to help speed up your website.
What .htaccess is and how you can use it to improve your web pages’ load time.
 And so much more!
Bonus No: 4
Site Speed Secrets Video Upgrade
Discover how you can finally speed up your website and increase your conversion rates. All the information you need is here, and nothing has been left out in this course!
You’ll learn so much just by going through this course. Here are some of the most powerful benefits you’ll gain: 
Learn to build faster websites from now on.
Not all web hosts are created equal – make sure you sign up for a fast web host that will help you reach your business goals.
Know how to use and analyze the results of the best website speed testing tools out there.
Never underestimate the power of caching ever again – it will help your site load much faster than ever before.
 Become a .htaccess expert and learn how to speed up your site with just a few extra lines added to this powerful file.
Be an expert at reducing and optimizing file sizes before uploading anything to your website.
Use the top WordPress plugins which will help supercharge your slow site and turn it into a speedy machine.
Topics covered:
3 Major Reasons Yours Site Is Slow and How You Can Fix It
3 Methods To Improve Your Websites User Experience
4 Benefits Of Using Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP For Your Website
4 Free Tools You Can Use To Speed Up Your Website
5 Benefits Of Having A Fast Website
6 Secrets To Speed Up Your WordPress Website
How Optimizing Your Images Can Help With Your Site
How To Choose The Rights Web Hosting Company
Why You Should Care About How Fast Your Website Load
WordPress vs Static HTML Websites Which Is Faster
  Bonus No: 5
SuperCharged Productivity
Supercharged productivity is a guide that contains the world's best productivity hacks by the world's leading productivity experts.
Inside this guide, you'll discover mind-blowing productivity hacks you can use this instance to exponentially improve your productivity and crush all those stubborn projects that you've laid off for so long.
You'll discover incredible insight and profound knowledge that will enable you to operate with incredible energy beyond the average capability of a human being.
You will learn:
A list of powerful zero cost tools to practically increase your productivity by 20% in a snap of a finger!
Uncover the myth behind productivity and time management
Learn the difference between effectiveness and efficiency, critical for getting more things done in less time
The 1 thing that high performers focus on that enables them to accomplish critical task one after the other without suffering from burnout
An overall gameplan to achieve maximum productivity and overtake everyone else on your road to success
How to determine and eliminate unnecessary time -wasting activities so you'll regain full control over your time and maximize the results you want to achieve
The ULTIMATE secrets to supercharged productivity
Understand what is energy and how you can direct your energy in the right way so you'll achieve incredible productivity
The two most important powerful productivity hacks (Only one in a million people in this country knows this hacks)
Several things you need to ditch immediately to be happy and become hyper-productive towards finishing your grand projects or goals.
Tap into your body's hidden energy reserve and gain the extra stamina to perform at peak level for a longer period of time.
Dive into the mindset of top productivity experts and learn how to 'tune' your mind to constantly hack yourself to be more productive
And many more!
Bonus No: 6
Supercharged Productivity Video Upgrade
Supercharged productivity is a video course that contains the world's best productivity hacks by the world's leading productivity experts.
It's an video upgrade of Supercharged Productivity ebook.
Topics covered:
The Myth Of Time Management
Effectiveness vs. Efficiency
Results - Fast Lane to Success
Your Gameplan to Success
The Secrets to Supercharged Productivity
Why Energy Is Everything
Supercharged Productivity Hacks
How To Be A One Man Army
Follow One's Cause Until Successful
So What's Next
Bonus No: 7
Survey Funnel
With this 9-part video course discover how to generate micro-targeted leads that are ready to buy your products & services, starting today!
These methods are based on a working system.  There's no theory here!
Imagine if you could get micro-targeted leads ready to buy from you!
Topics covered:
Introduction and Getting Started 
Why Surveys Are So Powerful
Your End Goal
Your Product & Service
The Buyer That Fits
The Typical Day 
The Survey Form
The Mindmap
Implementation to Segmentation
Bonus No: 8
The Growth Mindset
The Growth Mindset is the mindset of world’s top achievers and successful people for achieving massive success.
You will learn the EXACT practices of world’s top achievers do to achieve greatness in their life. Change your mindset now to achieve great success and get ready to be mind-blown by your own transformation!
You will learn:
Proven Strategies Practiced By The World’s Top Achievers To Develop A Growth Mindset.
How To Reverse From Being Trapped In A Limiting Mindset (Get Out Of This Situation Asap Because This Will Slows You Down Or Worse... Prevents You From Attaining Success!)
7 Ways The Growth Mindset People Are Superior In Many Things.
The Most Effective Way To Change Your Behaviour And Anything In Life (Not The Easiest Way, But A 100% Sure Fire Way To Get Better At Anything In Life!)
10 Crucial Things You Will Learn From Failing… (Failing Is Not Bad After All).
Warning! 3 Types Of Mindset You Must Avoid At All Cost!
One Particular Trait That Enables Growth Mindset People To Improve Any Skills They Want (And How You Can Do The Same!).
Is Scarcity Even Real? Find Out The Shocking Truth About Scarcity In Chapter 1.
How Do People With Growth Mindset Think? Here’s How… (Chapter 3)
Performance Vs. Improvement. Which One Matters?
And much, much more!
Bonus No: 9
The Growth Mindset Video Upgrade
With this video course you will:
Be Positive, Creative, High-Energy, & Motivated
Deal With Failures, Setbacks And Challenges Differently From 90% Of The Population (No Stress Involved!)
Be At Your Very Best Self.
Have The Ability To Master Any Skills Or Areas Of Your Life
Become The Top Performer In Your Personal And Professional Life
Accomplish So Much More Than You Ever Thought Possible
Experience Exponential Growth In Your Character Values.
Have A More Fulfilling Life Knowing That You Are Progressing Every Day To Be Better.
Start Seeing Positive Results And Notice Incredible Changes When You Apply What You’re About To Learn In Growth Mindset As Fast As 30 Days.
Most Important, You Will Shortcut Your Way To Success!
Topics covered:
What is Mindset?
Why is Mindset Important?
Fixed vs Growth Mindset.
The Dangers of a Fixed Mindset.
The Power of a Growth Mindset.
Is it Possible to Change Your Mindset?
Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset
Dealing with Setbacks
Bonus No: 10
Lifestyle provides input to the human body.  If there are any problems with these inputs, you are sure to feel the consequences. We do not completely realize how important lifestyle choices are.
It’s about time for you to enjoy all-natural holistic wellness!
With this step by step guide...
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
You will learn about:
 Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
 Lifestyle is Always a Choice
 The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
 Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
 Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
 Understand the importance of relational wellness
 Explore physical wellness
 Traditional wellness is not up to the job
 Preventative Medical Wholeness
 Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 11
Wholeness Video Upgrade
With this 10-part video course...
You are going to understand the importance of Lifestyle.
You will learn to identify lifestyle inputs
You will understand the spiritual component of wellness.
You can begin to understand the body-and-mind connection.
You are going to learn exactly how to live a more empowered life.
Topics covered:
Rediscovering the Importance of Lifestyle
Lifestyle is Always a Choice
The 5 Key Benefits of a Holistic Focus on Wellness: The Power of Wholeness
Overcoming 5 Common Myths that Lead to Disease and Dysfunction
Begin with Your Most Powerful Bio-Organic Complex: Your Mind
Understand the importance of relational wellness
Explore physical wellness
Traditional wellness is not up to the job
Preventative Medical Wholeness
Claiming Environmental Wholeness
Bonus No: 12
Affiliate Marketing Kit
AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT solves the following common yet fatal problems hounding both newbie and veteran affiliate marketers.
You will learn:
How to pick a niche that is most likely to earn you money
How to pick a conversion platform that will produce the most money with the least effort
How to create content your niche audience will actually want to read and share
How to select affiliate offers the smart and efficient way
How to build an affiliate marketing business that will stand the test of time and fickle consumer trends
Plain ENGLISH instructions: you don’t have to have to be an affiliate marketing veteran to understand and carry out its powerful and effective instructions
Actionable information: you get any THEORY with this PROFIT KIT. Instead, you get solid practical step by step instructions you can carry out RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
Scalable information: you don’t get a ONE TRICK PONY instruction set that works NOW but will be USELESS TOMORROW. The AFFILIATE MARKETING PROFIT KIT worked in the past, is working now, and will CONTINUE TO WORK long into the future!
Powerful traffic generation strategies: most other ‘online income’ blueprints or affiliate marketing ‘guides’ completely leave out the most important part of affiliate marketing success:
TRAFFIC. You will get powerful information you can use to both GENERATE FREE TRAFFIC and handle PAID TRAFFIC the right way!
And much more!
Bonus No: 13
Affiliate Marketing Profit Kit Video Upgrade
Discover How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing - Even If You Are a Complete Beginner!
With this video tutorials you can learn to get out of the gate well-positioned to succeed in the often DOG-EAT-DOG hypercompetitive world of affiliate marketing! You don’t have to settle for the crumbs LEFT OVER by the big players of your niche.
Topics covered:
4 Ways you are killing your passive income empire dreams
The money is in the list but not in the way you think
7 secrets of affiliate success most marketers will not tell you
7 Reasons why you should focus on niche selection
6 Ways your niche may be holding your affiliate income
5 Ways to find the best converting content
How to turbocharge your affiliate income in one step
What is the single most important factor to affiliate success
6 Ways to prevent your affiliate business from crashing and burning
The 5 Hallmarks of solid social media content
Bonus No: 14
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 15
Music Loops Pack 2
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 16
Music Loops Pack 1
This music loops package contains 25 royalty-free music loops. You can use it in yours or your clients projects!
Bonus No: 17
Modern Affiliate Marketing
The key to affiliate marketing success is to focus on what works. The mechanics of affiliate marketing have not changed. What has changed, however, are the strategies that enable you to become a successful affiliate marketer.
With this step by step guide...
You are going to understand the importance of modern affiliate marketing strategies.
You will learn to identify niches based on ROI and other crucial factors.
You will understand modern conversion systems.
You can begin to understand different monetization methods.
You are going to learn exactly how to put a heavy focus on the commercial value of your niche.
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How to Create Niche-Focused Conversion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies
Traffic Optimization Strategies
The Key to Affiliate Marketing Success in 2018 and Beyond
Bonus No: 18
Modern Affiliate Marketing Video Upgrade
Picking the Right Affiliate Program to Promote all Boils Down to ROI.
Make no mistake, if you want to succeed with your affiliate marketing business, you have to focus on ROI. If you have a fuzzy idea of what return on investment means, you're playing the game wrong.
With this video course you will learn the secrets of modern affiliate marketing!
Topics covered:
Picking Your Niches Based on ROI and Other Crucial Factors
Picking The Right Affiliate Program to Maximize Conversions
How To Create Niche-Focused Convertion Systems
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 1 - Direct Traffic To Your Link
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 2 - SEO (backlinks)
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 3 - Social Media
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 4 - Forums
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 5 - Question and Answer Platforms
Traffic Generation Strategies: Category 6 - Third-party blog traffic
Traffic Optimization Strategies
Bonus No: 19
Video Playbook
Video is the fastest growing type of media online. Even companies that were founded on other types of broadcasting—such as Twitter and Instagram have begun to embrace video in order to improve visitor engagement and better connect with their target audience.
However, incorporating video content on your blog or website hasn’t always been an easy task.
For many, uploading videos to their own hosting account is time-consuming and expensive, and while embedding videos from third-party services simplifies things, you’ll often end up losing a lot of control over how the videos are displayed.
In this guide, you’re going to learn some of the best ways to use video on your websites profitably, and just how easy it is to get around some of the biggest issues you might face when using it.
Topics covered:
Why Use Video?
How to Make Money with Videos
Creating Your Own Videos
Video Storage Services
Using Other People’s Videos To Maximize Exposure
Powerful Video Ideas
Bonus No: 20
HIIT 2 FIT Video Upgrade
HIIT is also known as High Intensity Interval Training. It means exercising at an intense pace for a short period… and scientists have found that this workout method is MILES better than a moderate pace workout.
Studies show that the intensity of exercise is one of the greatest factor in rapid fat loss.
HIIT is:
A brain booster
A muscle-builder
With this video course you will:
Save precious time by working out the most efficient way possible for fat loss and building muscle at the same time. That means more time for you to spend with family and friends,
Look good without giving up your soul. You don’t have to give up sports night or your favorite six-packs of beer to have an aesthetic physique.
Enjoyable exercises that will get you excited for your next workout
Bonus No: 21
Ecom Mastery
With the advent of systems like Shopify and WooCommerce that make it easier than ever to set up an online store without vast programming knowledge or deep pockets, and the prevalence of drop shipping companies that have affordable prices, e-commerce is booming like never before.
E-commerce is one of the only systems you can use to make money online that is truly long-lasting and sustainable, and, in a profitable niche, can keep making you money for many years to come.
With this report you will learn basics about how to start your own online store.
Topics covered:
Choosing a Profitable Niche
Finding Your Passion
Going Deep
Sourcing Products
Marketing Your Store
Bonus No: 22
Niche Market Discovery
If you don’t know the process for discovering hot niche markets, then you will continue to work hard and never achieve the success you are looking for. 
If you want to find the right niche market, that is proven to be profitable, you have to learn the process for niche market discovery.
Here is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with the process successful niche business owners follow to find the hot niche markets that will make them money.
You will learn why finding your niche is so important.
You will learn what you need to do to choose the right niche to make the most money.
You will learn how to locate your ideal customer.
You will learn how to build relationships within your chosen niche.
You will learn how to analyze your competition.
And much, much more...
Finding the hottest niche markets that are profitable can be done with time, a bit of hard work, and some diligent research.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain when you decide to follow the process of niche market discovery.
Learn how to start your business with affiliate marketing.
Learn how to get started with your niche research.
Learn the secret to finding hot keywords that have high profit potential.
Learn how to research and survey your target market.
Learn how to create your ideal customer profile.
Learn how to research and evaluate your competition.
Bonus No: 23
Surfire WP Boost
With this 9-part step by step video course you will discover how to speed up your WordPress sites so that your visitors can get a better user experience which will give you higher search engine rankings.
You will learn methods that have been working for decades.
Topics covered:
Advantages of Fast Site Speed
Reasons Why Your Site Is Slow
Too Much in Your Site
Is Your Web Hosting Slowing You Down?
Image Optimization
Parasite Protection
WordPress Caching
Content Delivery Networks
Bonus No: 24
Online Business Systematization
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is to create a company that is wholly dependent on your daily involvement for its success. There are several problems with this approach. 
The first is redundancy. You are effectively paying your employees to carry out tasks that you will eventually complete.
The second, poor time management. You are spending your time on tasks as they arise, leaving you little room to work on the essential business tasks for growing your business. The solution lies in the effective systemization of your business.
Learn how systemizing and automating your online business can finally free up your time so you can focus your energy on growing your business!
Online Business Systemization is a is a step-by-step blueprint for how to systemize and automate your online business so you can free up your time and watch your business continue to run smoothly, even when you’re not in the office.
Here's what you'll discover in this course:
You will learn about the many benefits you can gain by systemizing your online business.
You will learn what it takes to start systemizing your business.
You will discover a whole host of tools that you can use for systemizing your online business.
You will learn how to create Standard Operating Procedures, so you can finally document your business systems.
You will learn how to outsource tasks like a pro.
You will learn how to systemize your business using simple automation tools.
You’ll learn how to scale your business to the next level.
Bonus No: 25
Online Business Systematization Video Upgrade
The good news is, you can start to systemize your online business today and immediately start to experience its powerful benefits.
  Systemizing your online business will take some effort up front, but once your policies and procedures are fully documented you’ll be able to begin to focus your time and energy on tasks that will allow you to scale and grow your business.
Here are just some of the many benefits you’ll gain by building a fully systemized business. 
You’ll reduce costs
Increase efficiencies
Improve employee performance
Improve business communications
Have the time to scale and grow your business
Be able to measure your progress
Meet all your deadlines
Free up more time
Be able to finally take time off
Discover the best tools to use to systemize your business
Discover the best software programs and apps to automate your business
And much more
Bonus No: 26
Shopify Blueprint
Revolution of business evolves from physical shop to internet. 
Perks of online shopping are: Deliver to your door step, cheaper than market price, shop anytime, anywhere 24/7, more variety.
Selling on internet cuts down 50% of the operation expenses such as office lot rental and utilities bills. Therefore, seller is able to offer a price lower than the market range for products. Getting a same product for lower price is what most of the people are seeking for and this is why people are addicted to online shopping.
The revolution has elevated online business to a wider and higher level.
Besides, having an online business ensures that you’re able to work from home, budget friendly, save operation cost (such as inventory, office, utilities bills etc), flexible working hours, most importantly, you will be able to generate more cash flow rather than having a fixed, conventional full time job.
Shopify Blueprint is a series of training course teaching you how to build your e-commerce empire with Shopify and generate up to 6 figures or more every month!
You will learn:
Shopify At A Glance
Getting Started With Shopify
Shopify Dashboard
How To Set Up Your Shopify E-Store
How To Identify Hot Selling Products
How To Create Buy Button / Shopping Cart
Launching Your E-Store
Other Money Making Ideas
How To Migrate Your Shop From Bigcommerce To Shopify
Bonus No: 27
Shopify Traffic
Simple and Easy Methods to Attract Your Prospects Effectively Without Spending Top Dollars for Advertisement!
How Would You Like to Draw Massive Traffic to Visit Your E-Store Every Day and Increase Conversion for 400%.
Shopify Traffic is a series of training course where it will teach you how to generate traffic to your Shopify e-store with effective methods and platform with my personal experience and culmination of my researches together with years of studies.
Bonus No: 28
Build Your Audience
The single most important asset that any business has when it comes to promoting itself online and making profit is its audience.
If a business doesn't have an audience, then that means no one will know about it when that company releases an amazing product.
It also means no one to read your posts and no one to click on your ads.
In other words, without an audience, your business exists in some kind of purgatory where it's pretty much waiting to die.
Here's what you'll discover in this guide:
What makes certain brands so successful when it comes to building massive audiences
How to create your own audience, starting from the beginning
How to inspire trust and authority and why this is crucial
How to create a brand that people can believe in
How to gain more exposure to widen your audience
How to target your audience and engage with the right customers
How to communicate with your audience and keep it growing
...and much, much more!
Bonus No: 29
Email List Management Secrets
List maintenance is one of the most important subjects in online marketing. Your list is your number one and most basic bottom level output for your promotions.
It’s expensive and time consuming to gather, but forms one of the most powerful resources and profit potential you have.
Depending on your business, there are several solutions that might be right for you. With this ebook you will learn the big five solutions to allow you to decide which one is going to make you the most cash.
Topics covered:
Understanding List Management
Personal List, Affiliate and Ad Content
List Building Methods
And much more!
Bonus No: 30
Buy & Sell Using Bitcoin
Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.  With this 9-part video course find out all you need to know about buying and selling Bitcoins.
You will learn about:
How to set up a Rocketr
How to set up a Bitcoin in Rocketr
How to add a product
How to add a pay button
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Blacklisting buyers
Bonus No: 31
Writing Tips Made Easy
If you run a blog or website you understand the need for writing regular content. While this may sound easy, it is not always easy to come up with ideas of what to write about.
Even then you need to know how to write a compelling blog post that will attract attention.
When it comes to writing online there are a few differences which you must be aware of. Writing this type of content is different than writing a novel or non-fiction book.
Inside this ebook you will find a compilation of 25 writing tips which have been designed to help you become a better writer.
Bonus No: 32
Copywriting Expert
Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing.
Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.
Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful.
With this report learn all the known tactics about copywriting and how to become an effective content writer.
You will find out 'must known' copywriting secrets that guarantee success.
Bonus No: 33
Affiliate Advantage
There are a couple of incredibly powerful strategies that can change the way you promote products so that you are instantly maximizing not only your outreach, but your bottom line.  Doing this will catapult your efforts, and land you at the top of the affiliate leaderboards.  
This report will teach you exactly how to go from new (or even intermediate) affiliate marketer to super affiliate in just a matter of a few short days.  
It will show you how you can break through the prospect-to-customer barrier and generate unstoppable sales, 24-7–all without having to spend a lot of time, or money building sustainable affiliate campaigns
Topics covered:
Connect, Entice, Convert
Bribe Your Way To The Bank
Creating Killer Bonus Content
Instant Bonus Packages
Bonus No: 34
Dropshipping Speed Bumps
With drop shipping, most of the heavy-lifting has been done for you.  In fact, not only is it one of the easiest business formats to get involved in, but it’s also one of the lowest-cost startup solutions you’ll ever find.
With little upfront work involved, you can build your very own ecommerce store within minutes, fully loaded with high-quality products that your customers will love.
This special report will help you to ensure a smooth customer experience from start to finish, significantly reduce the number of returns, and make the process easier for both you and your buyers.
You will learn all about:
Avoiding Scams
Reducing Returns
Handling Returns
Refunds and Chargebacks
Bonus No: 35
Modern Social Media Marketing
A step-by-step guide to unleash the power of modern social media marketing in 10 steps!
Here is what you will learn:
What Social Media Marketing is and What it Isn't
8 Reasons Why You Need to Do Social Media Marketing
You Need to Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based on Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way to Do Social Media Marketing and Why it is a Waste of Your Time
10 Steps to Faster and Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How to Do Niche Research and Targeting the Right Way
Content Curation: Your secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You are going to understand that whatever the case may be, the endgame is to get people to join your list. You will know how to call to action to the people through social media so they join your list and much more!
Bonus No: 36
Modern Social Media Marketing Video Upgrade
A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing. Maybe you spend a lot of time, effort and money only to end up with a whole lot of nothing.
With this video course you can find the right way to do Effective Social Media Marketing.
Topics covered:
What Social Media Marketing Is And What It Isn't
8 Reasons Why You Need To Do Social Media Marketing
You Need To Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based On Your Online Business Type
The Classic Way To Do Social Media Marketing And Why It Is A Waste Of Your Time
10 Steps To Faster And Easier Modern Social Media Marketing
How To Do Niche Research And Targetting The Right Way
Content Curation:Your Secret Social Media Marketing Weapon
Reverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top Content
Fine Tune Your Payload Content
Market Your List Right
Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content
Use Automatic Content Sharing
Scale Up Your Targeting
Sell to Your List Differently
Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way
You will learn which platforms you should focus on in order to be successful and what is the secret to effective modern social media marketing.
Bonus No: 37
On-Page SEO Blueprint
With this 9-part, step-by-step video course you will discover how to get better search engine rankings by making your WordPress website more SEO friendly.
Whether you are trying to rank for a specific term in Google or other search engines, most businesses forget one crucial thing, which is on-page search engine optimization.
That technical term simply means that you help the search engines know what your site is all about.
The reality is that most businesses forget this crucial piece of the puzzle and simply don’t know why they’re not getting traffic from Google.
With this blueprint you will learn:
Introduction to On-Page SEO
The Main Focus
5 Important Factors
URL Structure
Body Text Structure
Image Optimization
Title Optimization
Meta Optimization
Top 2 WordPress Plugins
Bonus No: 38
Social Traffic Rush
Discover How You Can Get A Rush Of Targeted Traffic From Social Media In This 10-Part Course!
Many business owners find it hard to go at it alone on social media.
There are too many platforms to choose from. There are far too many ‘gurus’ giving out bad advice.
If you’ve never tried your hand at social media marketing, or if you have, but you failed miserably, then you need all the help you can get.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this course:
You’ll uncover the power of organic Facebook posts as well as Facebook Ads, and how you can use both to drive highly targeted traffic to your website.
You’ll find out just how easy it is to go viral on Twitter!
You’ll discover the benefits of video marketing on YouTube, and how you can use this powerful platform to gain new subscribers and drive traffic to your site!
You’ll see why celebrities and VIPs are going gaga over Instagram. Nope, you don’t need to be a celeb to succeed on this platform. Many businesses have found massive success here!
You’ll understand why writers and bloggers love Medium. This popular blogging platform will help you in more ways than you can ever imagine.
You’ll learn the power of marketing on Reddit. It’s not exactly known as being a business-friendly site, but in the course, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to succeed on the platform!
You’ll uncover the benefits of answering questions on Quora and giving as much value as you possibly can.
You’ll find out why many marketers love Pinterest and how they use it to drive traffic to their website and landing pages!
You’ll see the benefits of marketing your content on both SlideShare and LinkedIn.
And so much more!
Bonus No: 39
Google Plus Money Making Tactics
This is the most complete and easy to follow blueprint for making money with Google Plus.
You will learn:
How to uncover a profitable market and keywords 
How to uncover a profitable market/niche you can monetize
How to find a product to promote
How to decide on the type of keyword you should target
And much more!
Bonus No: 40
Build Your Tribe
Discover How to Utilize Social Media to Build Your Tribe and Grow Your Business!
This simple step-by-step guide will show you how to build a loyal following on social media.
Building your social media profiles to attract more followers takes time, but it can be done. And you don't need a fancy degree or expert knowledge in social media marketing to accomplish this.
Anyone is capable of creating an optimized social media profile that will attract followers and build an audience.
The key to learning how to utilize the various social media platforms to build your tribe and grow your business is within your reach.
Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:
How to utilize the features and tools on Facebook to broaden your reach and gain more exposure for your business.
What it takes to utilize YouTube and increase your followers.
How you can use Twitter to tweet your way to a broader audience.
How your business can capture more followers on Instagram.
How to keep your success going with simple, practical tips.
And much, much more...
Is it enough awesomeness for you? Because you will be also receiving my ULTIMATE huge bonuses. Those treasures are waiting for you at the end of this Vidfuse Review. And even though you do nothing but only read my Vidfuse Review, to thanks for your kind support, I still give you free bonuses. So keep reading then scroll your mouse down!
Click Here @ 10:00 AM EST on 2018-July-12th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Vidfuse" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
No matter where you are whether you’re… ringside or courtside, fishing or bugs side,… any topic, no matter where you are, if you’ve got this software app you can shoot, edit and publish right from your mobile device. Vidfuse is an mobile app built on IOS and Android, it comes with the sole purpose of making it easy for you to be able to edit your content and distribute your content from your mobile device.
You can be right there where the action is, adding an intro, adding an outro, keep everything in the library that the creators have for you, hit one button and publish it instantly to Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeoto your own sites, to all of the video distribution platforms. Just shoot, edit and publish directly from your mobile device!
Vidfuse makes it easy. All of the videos and photos that you have on your phone right now… you can compile them together, you can make a video out of all the clips that you have. Add your soundtracks, add voice overlay, add text overlay, add intros and outros, lower thirds and do it all from your mobile device. When you’re getting everything ready, you can cut and edit that seamlessly on your mobile device. For example, you can take out that bit in the middle, you can add in your own images, put in your lower thirds easily using the mobile interface. That means no matter where you are in the world, got your phone with you now and you’ve got a full video editing studio right there in your hands.
You also get the secrets and the tips from the world’s best youtubers… telling you exactly:
How they built their channel
Tips for you to get started
How to build your subscribers
How to monetize your content and monetize your channels
These guys are making hundred thousand dollars a month and they’re making YouTube videos, there’s no reason why you can’t do the same. Everywhere you look in every niche, that’s absolutely possible.
You can be at your kids concert
You can be outside, working on your car
You can be skateboarding
You can be baking
You can be making slime
You can be tying your shoelaces
…And you can build a youtube subscriber list if you do it the right way. Vidfuse is what you need!
All you have to do are only 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Download Vidfuse
If you have a smartphone and it records video it doesn’t matter how old, beaten up, and cracked the screen is. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t updated since 2010. As long as you can download the VidFuse App you’ve got step one covered.
Step 2: Choose Your Videos
Open the app on your phone, or if you’d prefer on the cloud-based web client, then take all the video you think is dull that no-one will ever be interested in and load it into the VidFuse editor.
Step 3: Create Some Magic
Drag and drop your videos into order, add some special VidFuse magic, and when you’re done share your new Vlog with your adoring fans, on your blogs, and on whichever social platforms you plan to dominate.
Checkout The Demo Video Below To See It In Action!
Click Here @ 10:00 AM EST on 2018-July-12th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Vidfuse" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
For a limited time, you can grab VidFuse with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
Front-end: VidFuse ($37)
Upgrade: Special Ops Asset Pack ($97)
Let’s act now, don’t delay and grab it now while it’s still at the lowest price possible! And Just feel free to give it a try, because You have a full 30 days to put this to the test and make sure that this is for you. If you do not see any results within this period then please reach out to them. The Helpdesk Team is always there to help you out and make sure that you have been following the correct procedures.
In summary, I hope that all of the information in this VidFuse Review can help you gain more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise choice. If you’re ready to start making a real online income in the most passive way possible then click the button below before the price rises. I am look forward to seeing your success.
However, in case you are in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in touch with me anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my VidFuse Review. Goodbye, and see you again!
Click Here @ 10:00 AM EST on 2018-July-12th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Vidfuse" Along With My Exclusive Bonus!
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1. Clear Your Cookies in your Web Browser (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) 2. Purchase Products Through My Email/Website 3. Contact Me ⇒⇒ Here On FB with the receipt of your purchase 4. ALL The Listed Bonuses is Yours & You will receive them within 12-48 hours.
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Human Synthesys Studio Upsell
Human Synthesys Studio Review: Who needs to pay a Spokesperson when you have this?
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Every marketer knows that use of videos in marketing is ever-growing. And that’s the reason you see so many people now trying to capture this market…so much so that the market now seems to have become saturated.
But along with this exponential growth in the video marketing industry – there’s been another industry growing equally fast, but it has gone unnoticed. Want to tap in and make $750 for a 2-3-minute job?
Every video needs a voice over… talk about Sales Videos, Video Sales Letters, Animated Videos, Explainer Videos, Instagram & FB Marketing Videos, TV Commercials, Podcasts. There’s no doubt big money there to be made.
Automating voice-overs has been tried by applications like Google Wavenet and Amazon Polly – but the creepy sounding robotic voice overs drove away more customers than businesses could afford. ENTER Human Synthesys Studio Review now!
Practically everyone who’s on the internet has seen an “avatar” before. They’re the little cartoon people you see all over social media, blogs, and websites of all kinds! But, sometimes you just want to connect with your audience on an even deeper level… and that little avatar won’t cut it…
Well what if you could use REAL humans to act as a hyper-realistic avatar? Now, you can… INTRODUCING Human Synthesys Studio. Real humans, real human voices, saying exactly what you want them to say. All you have to do is type it!
If you need a professional spokesperson for your own videos, or you want to take advantage of the EXPLODING spokesperson service industry – Human Synthesys Studio will save you time, money, and even open lucrative opportunities to profit from the spokesperson service industry…
​Introducing the first-ever REAL human spokesperson engine, where you can combine real humans with text-to-speech, and have them say exactly what you want with UNMATCHED life-like quality…
Boost Conversions With Real Humans
No Need To Be On Camera, Ever Again
No Need To Record Your Voice
No Learning Curve, So Easy To Use
Seamless AI And Cloud-Based Video Production
Unlimited Video Asset Editing
Repurpose Videos From One Language To Many (IMPORTANT)
Template Design And Management
Unlock Massive Business Opportunities
With Human Synthesys Studio, you’ll unlock the power of high-end, cutting edge technology: “Humatars”. This new kind of Avatar isn’t really an Avatar at all. They are real human beings who speak and pose for TEN HOURS. then the Artificial Intelligence involved goes to work examining 100,000 videos to get the lip-sync just right.
Humatars are REAL humans with REAL human voices. You type, they speak. Who needs to pay a spokesperson anymore with low-cost Humatars saying what you want, when you want it!
Human Synthesys Studio is a cloud based “Humatar” video creation software. It uses real humans, real human voices, and text-to-speech software to create high quality REAL spokespeople that say whatever you type.
Human Synthesys Studio creates completely life-like human spokespeople, that say exactly what you want them to say. They are not avatars. Instead, we’re calling them ‘Humatars’ and they are the new standard for spokespeople in video. Why use cartoon or video game-like animations, when you can accomplish the same thing with more personable, REAL humans?
​And it’s not just being able to use actual humans in your videos, but actual human voices (English only) as well. This vastly expands how you can use Human Synthesys Studio in your business…
Human Synthesys Studio Is Different Than Anything You’ve Ever Seen – Including Google Wavenet and Amazon Polly With SYNTHESYS, You Can Now Create Voice-Overs On Demand!
By leveraging the power of the next-generation Synthetic Speech Technology, a state-of-the-art Instant Text-to-Speech converter, and total control over the tone of the voice over… you’ll get more engagement and higher revenue from your traffic than ever before!
Human Synthesys Studio gives you Real Professional English Voice Actors to convert your script into a highly engaging voice over!
They help you build trust by allowing you to use the same voice for a brand…without having to chase a professional voice-over artist on platforms like Fiverr or VoiceBunny. Boost engagement, reduce bounce rates, get more leads into your sales funnel, and most importantly… earn more profit!
So don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this Human Synthesys Studio Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!
Vendor Todd Gross
Product Human Synthesys Studio
Launch Date 2021-May-24
Launch Time 11:00 EST
Front-End Price $47
Refund YES, 14 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type Video Marketing
Support Effective Response
Recommended Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed All Levels
Before explaining in details the features of this product, my Human Synthesys Studio Review intends to briefly introduce the vendor. Along with his partner LuAnn Beckman and Oliver Goodwin, Mr. Todd Gross has come up with the idea to compile all of the first-of-its-kind video marketing solution
Previously, he has already been famous for releasing lots of helpful supporting tools, including Mugjam, VidSnatcher, Kaptiwa, etc. Personally, I have nothing to doubt this guy since his launches have been extremely successful in the field of Internet marketing. That is also the reason why I believe that Human Synthesys Studio will be another hit.
Now let’s switch to the next part of the Human Synthesys Studio Review to find out the content of the program!
With Human Studio Synthesys:
“Talking head” video: Human Studio Synthesys platform includes more than 20 high quality avatars that can be used for producing spokesperson videos. They can be used as full profile avatars or circular avatars.
Fast voice-over process: Human Studio Synthesys platform comes prepackaged with the highest quality and variety of synthetic voices. Simply type your text and hear the result in real-time.
Fast corrections and re-edits: with Human Synthesys Studio, every business can create multiple takes and scripts, see how they work and adjust them – all within a few minutes.
Simple to make multi-lingual videos: Once you found a script that works, you can simply translate the script in any of the supported languages (we support 40+ languages) and generate multi-lingual videos. Again, all within minutes.
Human spokespeople and voice over professionals for hire demand top dollar for their services… Now, you can tap into each of these lucrative business opportunities on talent sites like upwork, fiverr, and more:
Human Synthesys Studio Is Packed With Amazing Features…
Text-To-Video: Transform simple text into professional-looking video for the first time ever. Videos can be up to 6 minutes long.
40+ Languages: We currently support 40+ different languages. It’s never been easier to engage global teams and customers in their native language
“Humatars” Options: With Human Synthesys Studio, you have the option of 5 Humatars with Personal OR 10 Humatars PLUS 3 BONUS Humatars with Commercial to use immediately.
Custom Backgrounds: Easily upload any image or video as a background to your videos. We’ve also created free slide templates for inspiration.
Background Music: We have prepared a selection of background music that you can freely add as a background sound to your videos.
MP4 Downloads: Access and download your completed video projects as mp4 files.
Multi-slide Videos: Combine several Human Synthesys Studio videos into one video. Now you can create rich slide deck video experiences in just a few minutes.
Update Video Content: With Human Synthesys Studio, you can simply duplicate the video, change the text and have an updated version of a video in just a few minutes.
Spokesperson Positioning: Move the position of your Humatar around on your videos for your desired position and look.
Intuitive, Easy To Use, Interface: Step-by-step process makes it quick and easy to produce your videos.
And many more other exclusive features:
Find THE perfect Voice for everything: Create engaging learning experiences, training, real estate videos, advertising audio promotion materials, product tours and more.
Cutting-edge technology: Deep learning researchers train a dataset of voice recordings from real-life voice actors to create a neural network. This neural network generates audio clips from text input by users. The voice-over generated sounds 100% real human-like.
Unmatched quality at an unmatched price: With the latest innovations in synthetic digital voicing, and super-fast text-to-speech conversion and render…there’s no other app, software or tool on the market that comes close – at any price!
Higher engagement and lower bounce rate – GUARANTEED: SYNTHESYS improves engagement with visitors. They are not repulsed by a creepy sounding robot telling them about the product or service.
Done-for-you voices: Get started instantly with ready-to-use voice overs. Use these for presentations and videos and save both time and money.
Bring your scripts to life: Professional voice-overs on your own terms, on your schedules and without any haggling for prices. Bring your scripts to life in just 3 clicks.
Never Hire A Voice Actor again: Both Male and Female voices from real-life actors are made available through the neural network. Special emphasis has been given to tone, breathing, sentence pauses etc. to ensure that your voice-overs sound 100% real.
Multi-purpose use: SYNTHESYS can be widely used for Gaming, Podcasts, Film & Animation, Real Estate Promotion Videos, Training Videos, Walkthrough Videos, Advertisements etc. to create professional personalized audio promotional material and more.
Easy-on-the-pocket: This stunning technology is budget-friendly. What’s more, it’s a fraction of the cost of studio-recorded narration. SYNTHESYS help you with a professional voice for your presentations and videos while helping you save time and money.
Easy-to-use: Simply type or copy and paste your script into the text box, make your voice selection, and click to render. Getting a high-quality voice-over has never been easier and faster.
No need to cut corners and compromise on quality: Voice-overs are needed right at the end of building a product and the related marketing material. By this time, most businesses have already over-spent on their budget. But now with SYNTHESYS… no more compromising on the quality of voice-overs to save money. Also, say goodbye to delays caused by script changes, casting talent, and booking recording studios.
Works seamlessly on any device: Access your SYNTHESYS secure dashboard via any web browser. It’s hosted on the cloud – no software installation or downloads required!
This is an absolutely brilliant idea of using custom scripts with “Real People”. And how you implement it online, makes it incredibly easy to create professional spokesperson videos.
Imagine if you had the power to put together Human Spokesperson videos where you could actually direct what the all-human spokespersons say… Imagine how powerful it would be if you could have your own spokespersons on demand” where YOU are able to decide what they actually say!
This brand new form of video creation goes beyond what is currently possible. Finally, you can have real humans delivering the very message you want, line by line
We are talking about having your own professional spokespersons, practically on demand, so that you can build your own video scripts, line by line, by choosing from literally thousands of options, and create professional looking videos, in 90 seconds or less…
We wanted to find a way to truly give you the freedom to create practically any video that you want, using an actual live spokesperson, without having to hire a professional person to record it for you. This will allow you to make incredible, customized videos for your clients.
What is all the fuss about? Well, imagine a bank of thousands of clips that you can automatically choose from that essentially forces our HUMAN spokespersons to say what you WANT them to say!
That’s right! For example you can have Todd Gross as your spokesperson and have him coax someone to opt-into your list about Facebook, or if you want him to be the front-man for a local business… you can use him for that too – and he’ll say what YOU direct him to!
In fact I just made a 30 second Todd Gross product promotional with my feet up and just clicking the mouse in a few minutes. You’ve got a winner that ALL video marketers will love.
The software easily allows you to not only string together full videos by combining clips, but helps you to smooth out the “seams” between each clip, so that the result is exactly the same as if you hired a spokesperson yourself for hundreds of dollars!
You can make as many videos as you want, and as long as you want, although most will run between 30 and 60 seconds, PERFECT for marketing for yourself OR your clients! You see, commercial rights ARE included.
As an example, you can have a video made coaxing folks to find out more about “Facebook Marketing”, and to opt-into your list to learn more! The videos run across dozens of niches including local marketing for offline business as well. You really must see this to believe it!
Let’s take a minute to recap the huge benefits come up with:
World’s #1 Human Spokesperson Software Built By Marketers For Marketers
Select Exactly What Each Professional Spokesperson Says, Line By Line!
Produces Amazing HD Commercials Ready To Sell For $100’s of Dollars Each (Or Use Yourself)
Thousands Of Clips To Choose From. Incredible Amount Of Customization
100% Cloud-Based. Nothing to Install.  Ever!
Featuring A Variety Of Spokespersons
Point-and-Click Software For Fast and Easy Video Creation
Dozens Of Videos, Backgrounds, Lower Thirds Graphics, Soundtracks, & More At Your Fingertips
Say Goodbye To Working With Difficult Designers & Spokespersons!
You will be getting the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action (and also my ultimate huge bonuses at the last section of this Human Synthesys Studio Review):
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Human Synthesys Studio is Newbie Friendly. No special skills, no learning curve required… We have step by step training videos that cover all aspects of the software to get you started right.
Human Synthesys Studio is 100% cloud based and works on any operating platform on any internet connected device. It runs inside your internet browser so you can access it on any computer with an Internet connection. Nothing to install; nothing to update.
It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos That Say Exactly What You Want In Just Minutes
Step #1: Select Your Human
Step #2: Select Your Voice
Step #3: Input The Text You Want Them To Say
Step #4: Change Position, Add Backgrounds, Background Music, And More
Step #5: Render Your Video
Remember that Human Synthesys Studio is credit based. 100 renders for commercial and 50 renders for personal use. Additional video rendering packages are available. On either option, you can type up to 1,000 characters on each slide and create up to 6 slides for a total of up to 6 minutes per video.
We’ve selected the very best Google and Microsoft have to offer, totaling 40 languages (74 different voices). PLUS there are 5 synthetic HUMAN voices available in English language.
For a limited time, you can grab Human Synthesys Studio with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
First of its kind technology
REAL professional actors in your videos
Synthetic human voice text-to-speech (English Only)
PLUS Google text-to-speech (40 languages + 74 voices)
ONLY the BEST from Google and Microsoft have been selected..
Revolutionary lip-synching technology
Stunning life-like facial movements
Cloud based (no installation required)
Extremely easy to use (no learning curve)
Background and audio bank included
Simple editing interface
Tap into the HUGE spokesperson market
Commercial license available
10 Real Humatars + 3 Bonus Humatars (Only ONE Outfit Included)
5 Real Human Voices + ONLY The BEST Google & Microsoft TTS 40+ languages (74 different voices)
100 Total Rendered Videos (1,000 characters/slide; 6 slides; 6 minutes max) Credits Available For Additional Videos.
Upsell 1: PRO EDITION ($67)
Now MAXIMIZE Your Sales Potential By Unlocking The Pro Upgrade… Unlock 40 MORE Humatars With Different Outfits Covering Dozens Of Different Niches, PLUS 30 MORE Human Voices!
Boost Your Humatar Inventory And Appeal To More Clients For Added Sales Potential. Our Pro Upgrade Was Built With ONE Thing In Mind. To Give You What You Need To Land As Many Clients As Possible.
This Is The ULTIMATE Upgrade For Your Human Synthesys Studio Account – Especially For Commercial Owners!
You can more than quadruple the number of Humatars, and boost your voice options for maximum flexibility with Human Synthesys Studio Pro. As a commercial license owner, you’ll have maximum firepower to land more and more clients across dozens of different niches.
If you need a professional spokesperson for your own videos, or you want to take advantage of the EXPLODING spokesperson service industry – Human Synthesys Studio will save you time, money, and even open lucrative opportunities to profit from the spokesperson service industry…
​Introducing the first-ever REAL human spokesperson engine, where you can combine real humans with text-to-speech, and have them say exactly what you want with UNMATCHED life-like quality…
Offer More Services At Faster Speeds And Massively Boost Your Income Potential With The ENTREPRISE UPGRADE! Use Any Recorded Voice, Get 100 Niche Templates (+More Monthly), Get VIP Rendering Status, PLUS ALL Software Upgrades Going Forward!
Use Any Recorded Voice With Humatars
​VIP Priority Rendering
​New Niche Templates Delivered Monthly for One Year
100+ Niche Templates Immediately
Future Software Updates
Money Back Guarantee
Upload any Recorded Voice in Any Language
Lip-sync videos to any target speech with high accuracy
Works for any identity, voice, and language
Offer Personalized Services
Completely Natural with Advanced Lip Synch Technology
Demand Top Dollar for Your Services
Upsell 3: AUDIO SUITE ($67)
AudioSuite brings together not one, but TWO incredible tools:
Synthesys, the first software to introduce human synthetic voices, and
Infinitunes, the first AI-Powered Music Software.
Both include FREE Commercial Licenses. Both for a ONE-TIME payment.
Upsell 4: AGENCY LICENSE ($197)
Unlimited Humatar Videos, 25 Sub-User Accounts, Maximum Video Duration, PLUS 157 Additional Video Templates With The AGENCY Upgrade! This Is The ULTIMATE Upgrade For Serious Entrepreneurs
We’ve created this special Unlimited offer for one reason – to help you scale your Humatar creation business to a serious level. Agency gives you what you need to go from a service business to a full-fledged agency business with the potential to rake in massive profits of five figures or more!
Unlimited Video Renderings – Render unlimited videos with complete freedom.
Sub User Accounts – Have up to 25 additional users creating humatar videos for you. Outsource this work for maximum output!
12 minute Video Duration – Maximize your video length, charge more for longer videos, and expand your capabilities.
Video Templates – 157 More templates are always a good thing, increase your template inventory and appeal to even MORE prospective clients.
Limited Time Discount – The unlimited package will ONLY be available for a limited time, during this launch special.
We want to give you an opportunity to start your very own professional voice-over agency. That’s why we’ve created this Agency package. So you can have more hands-on deck, creating more awesome voice overs without restrictions.
Thank you so much for reading my ​Human Synthesys Studio Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.
REMEMBER! If you purchase through my link, you will be supported 24/7; That means you can contact me ANYTIME when you get trouble in using or can not contact with the authors/ product supporters. I will help you RIGHT AWAY!
Besides, if you buy this product through my link, you can also get these huge bonuses below (Please remember that these bonuses are not for the TRIAL or FREE versions):
You can have an opportunity to receive extra bonuses if you finish 3 steps below:
Step 1: Order the product by Clicking here.
Step 2: Choose 1 of my huge Bonus Packages below! Remember that you can pick one more bonuses pack for each Upgrade you purchased!
Step 3: After your purchase goes through, email your receipt & your chosen bonuses pack to me at [email protected] so I can confirm your purchase and email you information about how to access to your bonus material.
I Will Always Update New Bonus
Now, Check your bonus below!
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0 notes
leiraevol · 4 years
20200319 8:29am
I love him!
And he loves me!
But it’s different than romantic love. I wasn’t attracted to him for sexual purpose. But we are very very close, like we are comfortable holding each other to sleep, showering together, peeing in front of the other, wearing each other’s underwear etc. it’s very unique.
It’s like the love for a really really good friend, like finding “知音”, someone who floats within the same frequency slot like you, yet from a different way. There are not much polarities so to speak (difference in frequency); but like to like.
It’s a very different form of relationship and connection. It confused me with my sex addiction and marriage fantasy issues; so I was trying to put a label on it, yet failed and suffered. If I have to put us into conventional box, or him into a simple value level, I am still being dogmatic and not fully floating.
Yea, if I really “discovered” the secret, then why would I be wasting time waiting for a bunch of late boomers to become awake? It’s best to play the game and show the world myself, first!
Well if they are interested in learning how later, I can then teach them.
He’s the other joker. That’s why we understands each other. He’s more black and white and I am the one with the colors.
Embrace who you are; not judging it. Manuwavering is perfectly fine in a dry fact based system. It’s all a game. Telling different levels of truth, intentionally misdirecting conversations, leaving important parts of the information — is it the same as lying?
As the system gets more and more complex and we are more and more connected, it’s time our judgements flexibility also raises.
It’s really nice because he’s deep in his view of the outter world; and I am deep in my contemplation of the inner world.
I think that’s why we need each other. To experience and understand the others world, thus expanding who we are, together.
He probably will be a long term partner of some kind, probably business, because the friendship is deep and we are both talented and we adore each other, so why not make something happen together to the world?
Maybe real humans are not suppose to have that many sex in their lives? Most animals only do sex to reproduce, right? Perhaps it’s better to focus attention somewhere else, and not let the society media advertisements induced addictions take over? Most of them are fake knowledges and heavy lying with little regards to human well beings. — typical level 5 stuff, right?
Hey, I do not have real many friends. And probably will limit the access even more once I am at the position of choosing. It is an “opportunity” to be my friend, yes. With the juice of Eric I don’t feel I need to extra socialize with many— they are a waste of time.
We are living— either we work hard together, we motivate each other, or we play together and really have fun and live. We seem to be on the same page and matching steps.
Wow if that’s how universe introduce who I needed the most— a business partner to me, I am truly amazed and grateful.
Theories now become real actions and game plans, while documenting and celebrating along way.
If new art forms can be distorted and weird and still being authentic, why not writings? Why not performance? Being weird is the new cool thing. The majority, or all of us, are somehow attracted to things we don’t know, and we want to know them to expand our consciousness anyway . That’s the real “work” on earth, and should really be priceless. But in the capitalism world, perhaps we can input some price label to make people really appreciate the concept.
It’s best to offer some form of ownership — it’s a cool thing, it’s like, even though I don’t have the time or mental capacity to read books, but I like to buy them
And own them so I feel a sense of ownership and somehow connected to the field and the bigger expansion.
There must be energy exchange, then based on that it’s how much I value the interaction.
Ideally people are willing to pay more for what they like more. That’s one order. Or for whatever reason they somehow paid a lot of money for something, then they would start to like that more simply because it’s more expensive, more energy was given out. But energy doesn’t lose or diminish under physical laws, so as they are doing the exchange, new dynamics are formed and energy are added to both the work and the buyer and the creator.
People are on earth to do their “work”— the expansion inner work as well as the the expansion of outer material world. And they strive for balance. So after some one who made a lot of money in the out world, he or she must have an urge to fill her inner world as well to get balanced.
If abstract painting, cubism was a thing to distort a person, and people like it, I wonder if language will also exist not to “make sense”, but to emit “power” and vibes?
It’s good to stay away from all who manipulate you to feel like shit, only stay close to those who make you feel good about yourself— then you can do good. Everyone is manipulating, but the difference is, to what direction? What’s the intention? Is it good for me?
I have a choice about what to follow and what not. Really get to understand who cares and how they care and to what degree.
Under ecology and respecting the other persons world, it’s ok to maneuver to my direction, because it will be mutually beneficial in the long run. It’s a process, wait, the game hasn’t even started.
You have been doing massive amount of prep work, to get you trained, and get you experienced, and more skills, to start the next phase of life.
It’s not about you two anymore; it’s about something from you and bigger than you, it’s about something for the rest of the world who don’t have access to your mental plane. And you, give them the access, and charge for it.
It’s almost like opening up Einstein’s brain and have a tour in his inner world — get to know his thinking process, his emotions, how things interact with him, how he arrived at where he’s at, etc. we have a tendency of being curious about something fascinating and something we don’t know. Thus we read about people’s biographies. But the new way to present a person is probably now both inner and outter— both have work and show the process as well. Something to be put in museums later. Lots of artists got to live for a long time because their inner and outter world still have value to the rest of the world, and thus business people have their shows out of love or profit making.
Yea, can’t stop me from thinking big.
In the “real” world, business people work for true artists, not the other way around. Founders of unicorn companies are some of the biggest artists ever. Then the business people work for them.
It’s about what level what skill you have as an artist, which decide where you will stand in this art-business dance.
Ideas. Concepts. Intriguing. Enlightening. Educating. Empowering.
Or simply beautiful, authentic, even bizarre.
They are things companies and eligible individuals like to own.
In company you work you get paid, quick. With art, sometimes it will take a long time before you see a paycheck that covers generously all of your previous work, known (work came to being) or unknown (the pieces that die during the process). The creation process is part of the effort,and the more you put in, the more that will come back to you in one way or the other — pure enjoyment of it, or even material payment; it’s an adding process.
Con-artists are still artists, they possess different types of skills, the dark triangle of people. If we look at them from purely expansion point of view, and appreciate the craftsmanship, I think we can still derive value out of it. Like a tragedy movie — it still holds emotional value despite not being a comedy, some times tragedy makes people remember it more, and had a deeper ripple for someone who’s due to experience some sort of emotions within him or she.
Ownership huh.
Maybe it’s good to keep things private, first. Before selling for more. Before someone copying things without me being able to sue them back. The criptical currency solve this media plagiarism 尴尬。 it’s helping the art community for sure. Where ideas and concepts all have value, the more closer to the ground the more value it has. Like a tree giving out fruits, but it takes dedication to grow a tree. Yet someone who’s growing a tree with all the patience in the world, won’t be able to if he or she simply doesn’t have the seeds. So it’s critical someone sells the seed in the process. But seeds compare to the fruit, probably won’t be able to charge a lot of money for one, yet can still make a living selling a lot. Wait, or not. Being the only exclusive seed on earth, at least can sell higher than other commodities. You as a buyer are still not sure if the seed will turn into a tree yet, but at least now you own the golden ticket— an opportunity to have a gold tree.
It depends on how you look at it.
Usually the more money one has, the more artistic /creative one is, the more “任性” they can become, and the more willing to present more resources for the things they like. And they can simply afford more of their expensive tastes. That’s it.
I’ve been there. Tested it. It feels good. But gotta make sure it’s your own money first. Not so fun to get in debt.
Perhaps being “sick “ was my entire market research effort— by becoming one of the consumers. Yes I shop weird, but there must be people just like me, maybe not the majority, and they will be the target .
Being “sick” is my natural acting, it’s the price I have to pay to get funding through the resources. Who are motivated by obligations and responsibilities. Pay now, enjoy later. No fun though.
It’s also an investment from a business perspective.
Yea he’s kind like Brendon, or John Strait, but a younger more socially acceptable version. 知音。they really love you but not trying to “hold住” 你。
大女人是拿来爱的, 不是拿来hold住的。
They bring the best version out of your self.
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anettrolikova · 4 years
Mastery and Mimicry by Sep Kamvar
You have everything you need right here, he told me. Look at it. Good surf, good friends, this sunset. The problem with having a lot of stuff, he said, is that at some point the stuff starts ruling you.
A recurring theme in science fiction is the idea that one day, our technologies will become self-aware, grow their population, and take over the world. Of course, humans will still be around, otherwise there’s no story, but they will be second-class citizens to the tools that they invented.
I've often wondered why self-awareness always comes first. Perhaps it's because it makes for a more interesting storyline. After all, a technology doesn't need to be self-aware to be self-reinforcing.
There is a story of Bill Joy asking Danny Hillis what he thought about the scenario in which humans one day merge with robots. Danny responded that the changes would come gradually, and we'd get used to it.
That's the way it is with technology. We get used to it.
When the mechanical clock was invented, one of its early uses was to set the arrival and departure times of factory workers during the industrial revolution. At the time, people hated the idea of getting to work at a certain time; it felt like the ultimate victory of machine over man. Now, it's seen as responsible behavior.
But if aliens come from outer space and see people wake up grudgingly every morning to the beeping of an alarm clock, they might wonder who is the master and who is the tool.
Inside of each of us, there are about 10 trillion human cells, and about 100 trillion bacterial cells. By cell count, we are only 10% human.
Given how outnumbered we are, it's surprising that we don't die more often from bacterial disease. You might expect that, of the hundreds of species of bacteria that live inside of us, at least a few would have the habit of getting out of line and growing at our expense.
We can give credit to antibiotics for saving us, but I think that would miss the point. Even before antibiotics, a surprisingly small number of people died from bacteria considering how many of them we host. And if we could invent an antibiotic that would get rid of all bacteria, we wouldn't want to. Our bacteria help us digest our food, store our fats, produce our vitamins, and train our immune systems.
The truth is that we are not alive in spite of the hordes of bacteria that inhabit us. We are alive because of them.
Relationships tend to develop a rich texture as they mature, and us and our symbiotic bacteria have been going at this for some time now. I'm reminded of an older couple, where both partners have their quirks, but each knows how far to go, when to pull back, and what to tolerate; where each knows the other so well, and is so dependent on the other, that it's hard to tell where one person stops and where the other begins.
The relationship between us and our tools is newer, like a younger love. It's fiery and exciting, and we're still trying to figure out our boundaries.
Our tools, like most things, have natural limits to their utility. Up to a certain point, e-mail makes us more efficient. After that, the mounds of e-mail in our inbox take time away from our real work. Up to a certain point, time spent on social networks brings us closer to our friends. After that, it takes away from time we spend with them in person.
Our bacteria can offer us some wisdom here. If we want tools that respect their natural limits, we can design limitation into the tools themselves.
If the idea of self-limiting tools seems antithetical to technology and capitalism, let me suggest that we already build them. A search engine is a self-limiting tool. As is an online dating site. When these tools succeed, people leave the site. Video games and TVs, on the other hand, are self-reinforcing. Their use doesn't lead to disuse; their use leads to more use.
The more self-reinforcing a tool is, the more likely we are to use it at our own expense. On the other hand, the more self-limiting a tool is, the more likely it is to die out.
The key is to find the balance.
Gandhi fiercely opposed expensive technology. And at the time, modern technology was expensive technology. If you opposed the factory, you opposed modernity.
But what Gandhi understood is that tools are most useful to the people that own them.
And villagers didn’t own factories.
We use tools to build our tools. We use an ax, a hammer, and a saw to make a cabin, and we use Python, Django, and Apache to build a web service. These upstream tools are crucial in shaping our society. A world with no hammers would have no houses.
The web, for the most part, gets this right. Most web services are built on top of free operating systems, databases, web servers, and programming languages. They are marketed by accessible tools like Facebook and Twitter and Adwords. And they are often funded by accessible funding sources like YCombinator, or Kickstarter, or by sales through App Stores. The pace of innovation on the web, and the outsized role that software has played in shaping our lives, is in large part because these upstream mechanisms for production, distribution, and financing are more available than they are in other industries.
Look for upstream tools that are accessible, and make them more powerful. The recent efforts around JavaScript, like Crankshaft and processing.js, are nice examples here.
Like the sun, our upstream tools should be accessible and empowering to all
When we build our tools, we should aim for the latter.
An individual ant is a feckless creature. It wanders around aimlessly, seeming to have no ability or purpose. But when you get a lot of them together, it's like alchemy. They transform into creatures that astound us with their intellect.
If software follows content, I imagine we'll start to see lots of APIs that do small things. But they will easily interact with one another to together do big things. And if hardware then follows software, I imagine that we will see lots of small devices that do simple things alone, but complex things together. They might remind us of ants.
When we build our tools, we often depend on metrics to guide our development. We keep graphs of unique visitors and pageviews and watch them closely. This keeps us honest. It's hard to convince anybody that we're building a useful tool if our metrics show that nobody is using it.
But we must take care when we use metrics. Metrics can be like the horse in the old Zen story. Once we decide on them, they have a habit of setting the agenda. As the old adage goes, what gets measured gets managed.
It is useful, therefore, to have missions to balance our metrics. Of course, each tool should have its own mission. But if I were to suggest one mission for all tools, it might be this:
Every tool should nourish the things upon which it depends.
We see this principle at varying levels in some of our tools today. I call them cyclical tools. The iPhone empowers the developer ecosystem that helps drive its adoption. A bike strengthens the person who pedals it. Open-source software educates its potential contributors. A hallmark of cyclical tools is that they create open loops: the bike strengthens its rider to do things other than just pedal the bike.
Cyclical tools are like trees, whose falling leaves fertilize the soil in which they grow.
It’s difficult to build cyclical tools because the alternative is so tempting. Cars are faster than bikes.
But you can’t measure the impact of tools on their own. You must measure them by the ecosystems that they co-create.
Our heads cultivate reason. Our hearts cultivate intuition.
Our heads seek opportunity. Our hearts seek purpose.
Our heads maximize utility. Our hearts give gifts.
Our heads think of self. Our hearts feel connection.
Today, our technologies reflect reason and utility and opportunity and self. But this may be an artifact of our time. We could equally imagine building technologies that reflect intuition and purpose and gift and connection. I might say we're already starting.
When people talk of gift economies, often they talk about them as a replacement for the market economy. But gift economies and market economies have operated side-by-side for much of history. Child care, until recently, was exclusively a gift economy — neighbors would babysit one another’s kids. The creative arts and science have historically been gift economies, and to a large extent they still are. And today, free, open-source software sits alongside ad-supported and paid software.
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thevisafly · 4 years
Solo Travel – Why You Need To Go On A Solo Trip At Least Once
Ever heard people who go on trips alone rave about their experience – and then tell you that you have to go on one too? We have. You’d think they are exaggerating, but thinking about it while having the wind course through your palms is a different experience altogether. Especially in times like 2020 – Covid-19 has hit the world by storm, and we are just itching to pack our suitcases again. Taking time to travel alone after so much time indoors with your family might be a good thing – and it’s not as scary as you think! In this article, we’ll delve into why you should solo travel at least once in your life. Of course, group travel has its benefits as well. Companions and conversation are imperative to human life, not just travel. Plus, you don’t have to work on your own, or take all the burden of losses onto your own shoulders. It’s a split of both responsibility, losses and wins. Sharing moments together with people you care about is beautiful and heart-warming, but experiencing memories by yourself can be a spiritual experience altogether. Let’s delve into the benefits and reasons behind solo travel being so popular – and necessary.
1. You Become Your Own Best Friend Travelling by yourself makes you more in-tune with yourself. It teaches you to be in the moment, whilst looking back at it gives you a sense of achievement.  It teaches you how to be responsible for your own actions, as there is no one else to cushion the fall – there’s no one else to share the wins with, either. You are allowed to bask in the glory of every moment, as well as given space to think and deal with your own inner dialogue. You’re allowed to freely catch up with yourself, understand your habits, quirks, likes and dislikes better and more clearly. You’ll learn that not every choice you make has to work out, but when it does, the responsibility is worth it. You may sometimes feel that you’re all alone, but this teaches you how to be lonely – how to be still in your thoughts, allowing the mess to untangle into a satisfying calmness. People generally come back from these trips as those who have formed a deeper connection with themselves – and this is why. This is what’s in it for you.
2. Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Solo travel allows you to do many things. And in all that you do, you are forced to be aware of your surroundings, your capabilities and your actions. It puts you out of your comfort zone, and into a grey area where anything is possible – and that’s good. Often, travellers tend to partake in thrill activities or adventurous experiences with others they are close to – sharing the burden of fear. When you’re plunged into the deep end alone, you learn to cope and to melt into an experience that is so personal and so gratifying. It is times like this that (you might not know it at the time, but) build your confidence and teach you about yourself. Being in a foreign space by yourself is stepping out of your comfort zone – physically. Mentally, it is an ongoing process that some may feel in the most familiar of places. You might find comfort in the thought of being somewhere where no-one knows you. Or alternatively, in a place where you can get to know anyone. It’s all up to you!
3. Solo Travel Teaches You Empathy You meet a lot of new people on your way in your new destination. You might make many new friends – or just one. Whichever it is, these moments of familiarity with another person forms connections. It builds empathy, and teaches you first-hand. This means that you don’t just learn more about yourself, you learn more about your integration into society and the world as a bigger part. You don’t have to come into direct contact with someone, either. You can be an observer to other’s experiences, and this may also spark interest in you – the lives that those might lead when you’re not looking. The life of a mother taking her child to school, that of a scuba diver and his fishy friends. The life of that taxi driver you were talking to, or his mother who runs a café two streets away. The list is endless – and in the seemingly different ways that locals lead, you may find yourself getting lost in the similarities they have with yourself…
4. Convenience Is Key Let’s face it – solo travel is just. More. Convenient. When you’re on your own, it’s so easy to arrange things – be it a ski trip, snorkelling adventure, or just a trip to the supermarket. When you throw another person into the mix, it complicates the way you do things. Now you have to plan for two, take into consideration their needs and wants, and overall have a shared experience. While it might be comforting sometimes, it might just be a pain at other times. It is much easier to decide things or change plans last-minute, if you realise that something might not be suited to your trip. You can opt out and opt into experiences more conveniently, if it was only you who was doing the deciding. You are also less likely to be disheartened by doing something that you don’t like. For example, you do not have to go to that night market if you’re tired after a long day. If you brought your friend and you went just because they wanted to, you probably wouldn’t enjoy it as much. On the other hand, if you just went the next night instead, you’d probably have a better time because you weren’t being forced into an experience. Were to go, what to buy, what to do – all in your hands. Solo travel is great because you can tailor your trip to your needs exclusively.
5. It’s More About the Destination Imagine this – you’re walking through the cobbled streets of Spain, a soda in hand. You look around and see tall, brick buildings that take you to a different era. Small overflowing carts of a myriad flowers. The smell of saffron wafting through the air; a sign of paella being cooked at lunchtime. Another smell throws you off – coffee being ground and the sound of beans being churned in the maker. A brown pup runs across the street, with a child in tow. They’re both excited: carefree and jumping about.
It’s possible to experience these things first-hand and more clearly when you don’t have someone with you. If you were with your friends or family, you would be too caught up in conversation and laughs to notice these small nuances. Which, of course, is not a bad thing at all. It’s just a completely different memory – the experience when alone becomes more about the destination than the company. Which is why we think you should do it at least once in your life. Solo travel is amazing. And we hope you’ve got the gist of why it is so. As well as what’s in it for you at the start of your trip! If this article prompted you to get up off that couch and get a visa to your nearest (Covid-free!) destination, then we’ve got you covered. Visa2Fly has services for all of your visa, travel insurance and SIM card needs. Remember to contact us now! Check out more of our blog posts on tips for travelling with a pet and also for long-haul flights!
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shannen2002 · 4 years
Influences on Fashion Trends
Trends can just start by people copying others, however more than often, there is an initial catalyst that gets it going, which is then pushed by things such a social media.
Specific types of people that influence fashion trends:
Street style stars
Stylish consumers
Bloggers & social media stars
Costume designers
These people impact the fashion industry massively. Many are what others aspire to be like, which is why if they show their interest in something, people are likely to follow and try themselves.
Celebrity Power
This describes the influence that celebrities have on their fans and the average person. Celebrities are given so much power when it comes to be influential towards the public. 
Once a celebrity wears something, they influence their followers to dress the same. In particular, celebrities within the ages of 13-25 are typically the most influential, due to the simple reasoning that these ages are easily influenced regarding trends because they are the face of the new generation, these ages have grown up with social media and know how important it is to keep up with the latest trends. Anyone below these ages aren't likely to recognise the importance and do not feel the need to live up to anything. Anyone above the age of 25 are most likely to recognise that other things are more important and they probably don't have as much time on their hands to take notice of these things.  
 Celebrities can wear anything, and their followers will hop on the trend to try and follow them. Celebs obviously have a lot more money than the average person, because of this, a lot of high street retailers do remakes of designer items that not everyone can afford. This is to allow others the chance to buy the clothes their favourite celebrities are wearing, for a much more affordable price. This is described as the Trickle-down theory.
An example of this is when ‘pretty little thing’ brought out a black mesh dress, that was shown to be practically identical to a dress from ‘Oh Polly’. The dress is being sold at half the price, which can be appealing for those wanting to save some money. A con of doing this, is you can never guarantee the quality of clothing will be the same, when it comes to price, you are likely to get what you pay for, which is the reasoning behind most brands being that little bit more expensive.
Pretty Little Thing (RRP- £25)
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Oh Polly (RRP- £48)
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The Little Black Dress
Audrey Hepburn is a fashion icon who still influences style today. She started a major fashion trend classic, the ‘little black dress’. This is a fashion staple that the majority of women have and need in their wardrobe still to this day.
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Audrey Hepburn’s 1960’s style - Breakfast at Tiffany’s Little Black Dress LBD, teamed with sunglasses and top handle bag, followed in later years with Capri pants 
Audrey Hepburn = a fashion icon, continuing to influence trends today
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Saint Laurent, Isabel Marant, Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini, Bottega Veneta, Thierry Mugler
‘Fashion subcultures are historical key influencers that continue to affect fashion trends and choices today.’
1. A trickle - across theory; a trend / style that is accessible for all levels of the market.
2. A bubble - up theory; street culture fashion and consumerism inspiring the designers and the trend predictors at the top end of the market.
3. A trickle - down theory; as people with fame. power, and fortune are able to explore new styles and wear the latest designs, which are then adopted by the public.
The subculture Teddy Boys originated in London, then spread across the UK during the 1950’s. The fashion style of the Teddy boy was taken from the Edwardian era; tapered trousers, long jackets and fancy waistcoats. A very overdressed, smart-casual style, almost seen as work wear.
It was the first young generation to create its own style and make it acceptable to dress up, almost as a reaction to the austerity experienced during the war.
As you can see, the teddy boys are still heavily noticed in this generation, which shows how strong subcultures are when it comes to impacting future trends that continue through time.
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Teddy Boys for Yves Saint Laurent, Paris Fashion Show AW 2014/15
Style Tribes
“Style tribes’ can influence the spread and perception of new fashion looks. Style tribes are groups of people united by a distinctive look.” Holland & Jones 2017
A style tribe or fashion tribe is a group of people that dress in a distinctive style to show their membership in this group.
‘Hype beast’- Expensive clothing, big logos
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‘Influencer’- High street clothing, basic styles (Prettylittlething, Missguided, Oh Polly, etc...)
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‘Towie’- Big hair, Fake boobs, Fake lips, Dark tan, Always looking glam.
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Social media
“A fashion influencer is a personality that has a large number of followers on social media. Creates mainly fashion content and has the power to influence the opinion and purchase behaviour of others with their recommendations.Brands endorse them to attend fashion shows, parties, designer dinnersand exclusive tripsand to wear their clothes on social media. If a salary has been involved, the influencer has to label such posts as paid or sponsored content.Before social media "they would have been called 'It girls’”.” 
Social media today has a HUGE impact on fashion trends. With millions of people using social media daily, there are thousands of bloggers and celebrities who have large followings, influencing them 24/7 with what they post and how they look. It is now very normal to become an influencer full time and make a comfortable living out of posting and promoting brands online. This goes to show how big social media has gotten throughout the years, and how big the impact is towards others, which is why people will now pay influencers, hoping to get their brands noticed.
Global Issues
“2020 will define the future of fashion. The industry is already in the process of significant transformation, but now as many parts of the world move into anti-viral lockdown, coronavirus becomes the catalyst for truly seismic change.
The human impact gives a new perspective on consumption habits, so expect your consumer to develop new priorities, from limitarianism to the need for protection and comfort. Whether it's the politically woke Gen Z or newly vulnerable Boomers, customers will be looking for better connections with their products and will spend with greater intention. This is not a crisis we can sell our way out of, we need to design our way through it with thoughtful product. Dedicating more resources to research and development will help to future-proof your business.”- WGSN
The current pandemic that is happening right now, plays a big factor in the trend forecasting industry. With the current circumstances, people are staying home and rarely going out, meaning that loungewear is being released everywhere and is a big hit, due to the high demand of people wanting to be comfortable during these hard times.
Despite this, the current global issue is making the ob of a fashion forecaster extremely hard. Their job is to know what will happen in the new future, they can't do this when the end of the pandemic date, is so uncertain.
“Trend forecasters predict a more trendless future
Most believe that Covid-19 has validated their predictions that the fashion industry needs to slow down and fashion brands need to have more of an individual voice.” Vogue 2020
Discuss the varied trend influencers that have impacted trends historically and today; subcultures, celebrities, fashion bloggers (Ref the lecture 2)
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