#why the fuck are you hyperfocusing on the fact that hes gay
leyfin · 1 year
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other people have talked about how this is a stupid fucking sentiment but I hadn't seen the original post until today and just like people have talked about how we all need to take a step back and wonder when it became some kind of social contract that you have to be a fan of or at least neutral on a work of art or maker of art just because they have good politics like ?? why is that some kind of obligation I'm sorry if your music sucks your music sucks it doesn't matter how many rainbow flags you put on stage or how many gay metaphors you put in your lyrics
but I think perhaps more tellingly what surprised me about the original post is how much it's about them (imagine dragons) being mormon and being branded religious and im sorry but I have to laff of course a bunch of fucking white gays would be hyperfocusing on the relationship between religion and fucking allyship or whatever and angrily being like "why can't you get over the fact he's a mormon look he has religious trauma" while completely glossing over the fact that maybe a bunch of people might be uncomfortable with mormons no matter how much deconstruction they do because its founded on antisemitism and white supremacy it's just a thought
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sc0rchwind · 3 years
Also to add onto that last post in a much less poetic way
I remember my dad telling me when I was fucking 12 or whatever,
“I dont hate your brother cause he’s gay....I think he thinks I dont like him because he’s gay”
Well dad the fact you feel the need to tell you 12 year old child this while drunk makes me think that maybe you fucking made him feel like you hate him cause he was gay and dont forget black but dont worry I noticed you didn’t mention that. 
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lordelmelloi2 · 3 years
The way... that Fate/Zero approaches the topic of pain and trauma and suffering is so .... 
Apologies if this comes off as pretentious I have to try to write my thoughts down 
The reason why the Joker was funny to me for the first half before my blood pressure started raising was because they were hitting the nail on the head far too much by insisting that all of it was because of untreated mental illness. With a shot of the Joker circling “mental illness” on a notepad full of his other ramblings, with a shot of a sign that says “Smile/be happy” or whatever, with the juxtaposition of his job as a clown but his own mental illness issues being just hammered into you (But doctor, I am Pagliacci!). It was too much. It was too on the head, not subtle at all, and such an inaccurate, like... self-centered narrative of mental illness that it was hilarious. The kind of ideology that purveys people to be unable to recover from mental illness at all and they’re just “like that” and you don’t have to do anything to try to make your situation better. 
It’s absolutely absurd, and absurdity is funny. 
Fate/Zero has the same thing going on. We see firsthand how Kiritsugu has a history of trauma and pain and mental illness going on but he does absolutely NOTHING to try to change it (and Irisviel, unfortunately, supports him not changing it because she doesn’t KNOW anything other than the ideology he’s taught her). Kiritsugu is so deep in his self-centered narrative of needing to kill all the bad guys so all the good guys can survive (a very black and white view of the world) and that the greater good is what matters the most (again very un-nuanced) but in the setting of Fate/Zero we see him actively think about running away and then get convinced not to by a woman who he taught himself to reinforce his bad ideology. That’s the healthiest thought he had had before digging his heels in again. And time and time again we see how he fucks up his relationship with Saber because he has such a hang up over her being King at all that he refuses to try to talk to her or explain anything or even just express himself or his feelings to her and it’s just him self-sabotaging and saying “well it has to be like this” over and over again even though he’s aware there’s a way out. The absurdity of his choice of actions is funny. 
Kariya doesn’t have the exact same narrative, but it’s similar - his goal is actually noble, it’s a great goal, but his insistence in doing it in the way his family has going on rather than trying to subvert it at all and also hyperfocusing on saving Aoi and Rin as well instead of just Sakura has narrowed his point of view to a sliver of what he was previously capable of. His affection towards Aoi becomes an obsession where he refuses to think of her point of view or feelings, and the worms are likely to blame for that since he isn’t of a good state of mind for like NINETY PERCENT of the novel. But again it’s just so hammered with him being hit from all angles constantly that it can’t be read as tragedy anymore, like, ... you are full of fucking worms and they’re making you insane. His case becomes so absurd that it’s funny. 
Kirei is already absurd in the first place. We don’t really get the bit of information that elaborates on why he’s unable to experience happiness in F/Z, but you can understand later if you look into it that he’s a child soldier, an Executor for the Church at a young age, and so his brain is rewired effectively for him to be unable to process joy/rewards as anything other than Others’ Pain. He has no fucking idea that this is because he’s been an Executor for the church or that he has mental illness at all. He literally simply believes he’s built this way. And as we’ve said before he has a totally inappropriate, misunderstood parasocial relationship to Kiritsugu where he believes Kiritsugu’s pain and emptiness is the same as his own, and Kiritsugu is terrified of Kirei, and yet Kirei seeks him out as though he wants to sit down and have a drink with him to talk but the only way they can meet each other is if they were going to kill each other. and all Kirei Actually wants to do is talk and understand Kiritsugu emotionally. it’s. Beyond insane. It’s absurd. It doesn’t make any sense. And so his obsession becomes funny. 
What happens to Saber isn’t really very funny if only because she really is a victim of her own circumstances. It is absurd what is happening to her, though. Being told she’s not a real King despite all of the suffering she’s gone through. Being ignored by her master and used like a tool despite her having a better grasp of the situation strategically. Having a bond with her master’s wife more mutually fulfilling than he does. Being told by Gilgamesh that she’s going to become his wife and then being shot at with weapons when she says ‘no’. This is the case where it’s not her fault that this is happening, but the fact that it’s happening at all makes it so absurd that someone’s response may be to laugh and say “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING??? BRO WTF IS SOMETHING GOING ON WHY DO I DESERVE THIS PUNISHMENT WHAT DID I EVEN DOOOO” so to speak (lol). 
And then amongst Fate Zero you literally have a coming of age story where Waver is growing up and learning to have more self-esteem and then crying and being traumatized but being emotionally supported through his trauma and the juxtaposition of his story, which is fruitful, to the sheer repeat-tragedies and chosen self-serving idiocy of almost the rest of the entire cast.... Again... the absurd becomes hilarious. “One foot in the darkness, and the other foot in a hello kitty roller skate”. 
So when I say “Fate Zero is a comedy” or it’s a gay art house series or whatever, what I mean is this: the framing of the series as an intense-straight-man-pain-trauma-suffering-fest compared with the course of the characters’ actions being presented as ‘what had to be done’ despite the very real options they could’ve taken to avoid, like, anything that had happened if they had simply tried to improve themselves or the situation at hand at all, creates a sense of absurdity and disbelief strong enough that you can’t help but laugh at it all and laugh at how obnoxiously stupid the cast is for chosing to dig their heels in, and the writer, Urobuchi, for expecting us to take this seriously in the narrow lense he wants us to read and interpret it in. I realize the previous sentence is kind of a run on but I hope my ideas can be understood from it. 
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hedgefairy · 3 years
Well hello there. While I'm waiting for that breeches video I've been talking about to finally upload, here's
Bridgerton, Episode 4
Phew, half time!
If you've missed the other ones, the tag is Bridgerbore, btw.
Okay, so we start of with Dukey who's going home-ish because drama and heartbreak in the last episode. Stop pretending, nobody takes your pouting seriously! We all know it's twu wuv!
Erm. So, I know, I'm white and this is a delicate matter, but I gotta say I'm not super happy about the whole POC-justifying explanation here. I'd much rather have no explanation at all, it worked perfectly well in Merlin, and this is just as much historically inspired fantasy just with less magic, which I'm honestly quite upset about. I'd be far more okayer with the costumes and overall ugh-ness if there was magic.
But honestly, I'm not a fan of shoehorning that explanation in (it doesn't seem to come up in the books, either, where everyone is basically a baguette in terms of whiteness). The fact that the implications aren't discussed any further makes it even worse. We're talking about the British empire here, and while POC are apparently part of the society (but with more pressure, which... no, this is not how nobility works) the wealth and luxury of this age still stems from the exploitation of POC everywhere else. How isn't there a revolution going on? How is this not talked about? From all I see, Bridgerton is a fluffy, pastel, nice alternate version of the 1800s, and I don't get why anyone would put politics in there instead of just doing what TV tropes refers to as "colourblind casting" and be done with it. Either you do the alternate history thing thoroughly, or you just cast people for being pretty (and maybe good actors) instead of the idea the audience might have about a character's skin colour and have weird costumes and just roll with it.
Also the Queen's marriage seems to suck. I would have liked a deeper, more heartbreaking connection between George III and her, especially because I saw how my Grandmother suffered when she gradually lost my Grandfather to dementia, and it would have been a scene where we could see Charlotte as a person rather than a weird plot device in tafetta and bling, but no, she just seems as annoyed and bored and snappish as ever.
This is getting far too serious. Where's the snark?
We get some Tchaikovsky in the background, which is weird, tbh. Yes, I'm perfectly fine with them covering Top 40s hits and using waltzes from the 1950s, but I draw the line at something from the second half of the 19th century! It's not right! It screams its time of origin all over the place, and even worse, most of the characters would probably actually get to hear it later in their lives, it's not a decent anachronism, it just feels like bad research! This is serious business!
No really, where's the snark?
Oooh, I get it now. That was when I was really, really done with bingeing this show. Yes, I tried to get through as much of it as possible in one sitting. The notes read, in very shaky handwriting
I cannot possibly take more than that
in one day
, so let's continue a few days later when I felt like I could muster the courage to face it again.
So yes, I'm pretty sure this waltz is to young for this show.
Aww, look at that, flirting over cheese! I also like that one of the Featherington girls (I can't really tell the non-Pennys apart) has a suitor, they deserve nice things, too.
The musicians are a mood.
WTF with the hair and the strass. We don't like the strass. Make it go away.
I love Prince Freddy. The poor boy. It's doomed from the start!
Ah, Dukey (also at the ball, even though he was whining about things earlier) gets a heartbeat in the background, because twu wuv.
Middle Bridgerbro goes and meets with the Bohéme. I want more of that! That's finally interesting! That's my people! There's a cool bohemian lady with a pretty dress! People look interesting! Aaaah!
There's a random 18th century burlesque singer at this Regency ball, we need to talk about this. Oooh, it's Opera Girl! Cue Lord B turning into even more of an idiot while Ma Bridgerton tries to hook him up otherwise.
Of course Philippa (that's one of the Featherington Girls) can't possibly have anything nice. Thanks, Dad. You don't get to marry someone you like, that's the people across the street's thing! (by which I of course mean the Bridgertons, just in case anyone forgot the location layout here.)
Eloise is being weird to the housekeeper.
"Are you not supposed to be the smart one", the housekeeper retorts and I'm feeling it, followed by a "WTH, hero" about how servants are too busy to be Gossip Girl, you privileged prat. I think I actually snorted.
Penny gossips with Ducktail Colin, but he's more interested in Cousin, whose dress looks like it was made from the cheap curtains my ex best friend had in his first semester at uni, and God, I hate Daphne's kerchief.
Poor Prince Freddie is trying to propose to Protagonis Girl but of course there's Dukey in the background so she simply must run outside as dramatically as possible where he can find her as she equally dramatically rips the necklace Freddie gave her from her milky white throat. P&P-ish banter ensues. Yawn.
Dukey: * broods *
Daphne: * dramatically exits *
Dukey: * romantically follows her*, and oooh, snogging ensues, oooooh, instant second base, but Bridgerbro the Eldest (known also as Lord B) intervenes.
Lord B: "Marry her!"
Dukey: "I can't!"
Lord B: "Bitch!"
Dukey: "I can't!"
Lord B: "I want satisfaction!"
Me: "Don't we all"
Daphne: "You'd rather die than marry me?!"
(the fuck with her hair)
Middle Bridgerbro is still at the Bohéme-party, and still draws (naked people!). Gay vibes ensue, it's cute. This is Netflix after all, and it took four episodes to get some LGBTQ+ representation!
The Featherington's housekeeper looks a lot like O'Brien from Downton.
Cousin tells Penny about what a cutie Ducktail Colin is, also Penny's "night gown" is really cute (it's not a night gown. She's still wearing stays. It's also the only thing in the whole series that fits her well so far). Penny is super upset but gets interrupted by a hyperfocused Eloise. They fight, and Penny goes on about being mature and not being a "pretty Bridgerton", and that Eloise wouldn't understand. I get her, though, and really, having a perfect family and a "bad" family is such lazy writing.
Somber blah blah between Lord B and Daphne happens and Middle Bridgerbro gets dragged into it. He's informed that his life is pretty much over either way (either way being Lord B dying or being exiled for killing Dukey in the scheduled duel) because his oder bro basically just wants out of his duties. Sucks to be him.
Boxing Bro has to host a frustrated, possibly blueballed Dukey and offers himself up as a second for the duel.
Lord B goes and pleads with Opera Girl to get back with him (doooooon't) because of his little duelling plot and of course intercourse ensues. Girl, where's your self-respect?
Lord F comes into his dark study (we haven't seen much of him yet overall, he probably was too busy gambling) and hark, there's Lady F like the mafia boss I feel she should be, wo berates him about said gambling and that they're broke and how much he sucks. He starts crying, thumbs up for male vulnerability!, but it's kinda played for laughs via her awkward patting of him. Because of course (and I bet the late Daddy Bridgerton would never have lost his composure like that, but he didn't gamble, either, and these are the Featheringtons)
Lord B leaves Opera Girl for THE DUEL (I feel like this almost deserves a ™ by now).
We get gallopping horses! The drama! The panache! Daphne asks Ducktail Colin where it's going down because she wants to stop them, insert pandering feminist ranting about her choosing her own life but I don't really feel it and I wonde where her bangs go when she sleeps because her hair looks so different all of a sudden.
Lord B makes Middle Bridgerbro promise to care for Opera Girl in case he dies.
More gallopping horses! Daphne and her billowing cloak are pretty epic, to be honest, and there's Ducktail Colin on her heels. It's basically a family outing now!
Ugh, I like the seconds in this duel so much more. They should just off and go for a pint or something and leave Lord B and Dukey to their misery.
Duelling protocol ensues. Ten steps, blah blah, nice camera work, though.
Daphne full on rides into her brother's bullet, but she's fine (it would have been so dramatic, can you imagine? It would have been interesting!).
Oh no, they were seen (by her romantic rival, back when they had the dramatic make-outery in the park at the ball after the botched proposal. Sorry, Cressida is such a much better name than Daaaaphneeee. I have a RPG character called Cressida, I might be biased.), she's ruined if they don't marry!. and so she is basically emotionally blackmailing him into marrying her. But he can "never give [her] children!", and goes on how she deserves a household full of love like her family home because the Bridgertons are such a perfect family. God, they all annoy me so much.
Daphne ends the duel by saying that the Duke and her are to be married, with a pained facial expression, no less. I think I just wanna throw a pie in her face or something.
And that concludes Episode 4. That was a long one! Only four more to go! So this is
To be Continued!
Thank you for making it this far with me!
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flvshlights · 5 years
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courtney eaton. 24. genderfluid. they & them. the front bottoms. | i can’t believe i just saw LUCINDA “LUKE” ARCHULETTA walking out of cadence records. they’re the GUITAR & LEAD VOCAL from the INDIE ROCK group WE TRIED USING A BAND NAME GENERATOR who have been in the industry for SIX YEARS. the tabloids love to focus on their ALOOF nature , but they’re also pretty HONEST and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of TYING FLANNELS AROUND YOUR WAIST, NEVER BEING WARM ENOUGH, PLAYING AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR IN A SHARP TUXEDO, CLAIMING YOU DON’T SMOKE MARIJUANA WHEN YOU DO, THE COMFORT AT THE BOTTOM OF A SWIMMING POOL. 
                                     she started talking backwards , but nothing                                      good it brings her. so the next time that she                                      sees him, it’ll be peace sign + middle finger.                                      to listen as you read.
listen i always say i’ll stick with one muse and that never happens so i’ll just skip the part here where i berate myself for being weAK and instead introduce u to lukey-pookie here !! they’re a very new muse ( while also combining some essences of other muses of mine ) since normally i pick from a premade roster of my own ocs and normally use courtney for a... very different character but 1.) i’m gay and 2.) i love the front bottoms so HERE WE GO !
tws : depression, divorce, arrest, drug usage / overdose
So Luke was born to a regular working class family in Wilmington, Delaware - they have some relation with the famous DuPont family that built their name there, but don’t have anything to show for it since a few generations ago Luke’s great grandmother cut off the rest of her family and now they don’t speak. So Archuletta it is.
Their mom worked a typical 9-5 job and their dad was an aspiring painter - but he was always... sick. Not sick in the physical sense, no - sick in the fact he never was himself. Sick in way that Luke always thought he was so tired and sad and nothing could ever cheer him up, and they rarely spent much time with him due to his tendencies to keep to himself. So that led to an early divorce between him and Luke’s mother when they were about six years old.
So Luke’s life was relatively normal. Maybe even too normal for them. And they’d try and put themselves out there - even joining musical theatre in attempts to try and find “their group.” Musical theatre was where they’d meet Krista.
A beautiful girl who had a passion for Broadway, booze, and marijuana - she’d become Luke’s greatest friend, and even taking Luke to meet their friends she hung out with regularly after class. But they weren’t the kids you’d want to bring home to hang out with in your parents’ house. No, in fact - they were the opposite.
Bad things, those friends did - well - bad ( or rather, illegal ) things, and Luke followed along. Such as smoking pot and getting caught for it, spraypainting and defiling public areas, maybe getting into a fight or two. In an effort to fit in, Luke would do the same - but they faced the consequences they’d never thought - considering those kids seemed invincible. Untouchable. 
Setting off fireworks from the roof of an abandoned building it a bad idea. Getting arrested the cops is an even worse idea. Your friends running off before they can get caught, leaving you alone to wait for your mom to pick you up... The worst idea.
Nobody came to check on them after that.
Not even Krista.
But the next day, Luke hung out with them like nothing was wrong, following that crowd still - and it’d only reach a breaking point when they were sixteen and had to call the ambulance since Luke found Krista in the bathroom of a party unconscious due to overdose. And thank god she survived - 
And there they were again, without many friends since Krista was seemingly the only person who even came close to genuinely liking them and everyone else, they barely knew anything about. And Luke would grow, finishing high school and clinging to the only other friend they had since childhood - being convinced to write out their issues since by NOW, Luke maybe turned out a bit more cynical than they used to be.
Writings of prose and poetry turned to translating that to music - and that would be the beginning of their new life: We Tried Using A Band Name Generator.
‘We Tried Using A Band Name Generator’ - or more conveniently just referred to as ‘We Tried’ is probably Luke’s pride and joy. It was their friend’s idea for them to originally write out how they felt - and they mutually came up with the decision to try and write songs out of that.
A small band from Wilmington didn’t seem like it was going to get notice, and it took a little while, sure - it started with an EP titled Slow Dance to Soft Rock ( 2013 ) that made Cadence turn their way. Since the indie community definitely liked the acoustic sounds paired with raw, blunt, honest emotions pushed out in songs like The Beers and Swimming Pool. And that was when they got signed.
The first album they’d release would be six months later - self-tilted, We Tried Using A Band Name Generator. They didn’t have too much of a following at the time, but they were making good momentum enough to convince them to keep going.
Things were going so well, in fact, that during touring, Luke & their best friend / drummer actually attempted dating since - there had to be a reason they worked so well together. There had to be SOME feelings. But a million arguments later and stressful tours, overall mentally testing experiences, pushing out an EP called Rose which was as amazing as it was tacing to complete... they couldn’t do it. It was thought that when their best friend left the group in early 2016, it was thought that everyone’s new favorite indie rock group was done for.
And... Luke couldn’t let that happen. It was selfish, too, in the sense that We Tried was their biggest method of release and comfort. So instead of just giving up, they got off from tour and IMMEDIATELY hit the studio for recording and song-writing.
The product of a few months of straight work would result in their 2016 album , Talon of the Hawk - all songs pulling experiences from the split between them and their drummer to their experiences with Krista in high school. 
Au Revoir/Adios was 100% written the day after their ex-drummer left. 
Another year of touring and thankfully, four more members joined the group - producing the EP Needy When I’m Needy as a sneak peak of what was new to come. A few months later , a surprise album called Back on Top would come out. 
The next three years would work well - with the band releasing another EP titled Ann and the inklings sprinkled of the next album - Going Grey.  
SO IN CASE THAT WAS TOO COMPLEX BC I RAMBLE... again, general timeline:
February 2013: Release of Slow Dance to Soft Rock
March 2013: We Tried is signed to Cadence
August 2014: Release of Self-Titled.
September 2014: Both members of We Tried start dating.
July 2015: Release of Rose.
December 2015: Nearing the end of touring, We Tried’s drummer quits and the pair breaks up. Touring officially ends later that month.
January 2016: Luke Archuletta announces they’ll be taking time to focus on a brand new album.
August 2016: Release of the rushed but extremely well-received Talon of the Hawk.
July 2017: We Tried introduces four new members.
October 2017: Release of Needy When I’m Needy.
March 2018: Release of the surprise album Back on Top.
January 2019: Release of the EP Ann, paired with the announcement production of the next album will begin soon.
March: Two songs - Peace Sign & You Used to Say (Holy Fuck) are released to tease Going Grey.
July 2018: Release of Going Grey. 
SO YOU CAN SORT OF TELL THE TIMELINE IS SPEEDY - because that’s a big part of how Luke sort of... overworks themselves and hyperfocuses on their music. Especially since ever since their first drummer left, they haven’t let go of the idea they can only rely on themselves. 
BUT MORE ABOUT THE BAND - We Tried’s aesthetic is sort of The Front Bottoms mixed with the Young Veins - Luke’s especially fond of showing up in suits, vests, etc. despite the normally blunt & uncouth content of the songs. 
There is literally always something being made. Luke can’t sleep without having something in the works. 
And... yeah that’s it honestly it’s rly just TFB but with a TWIST! 
5′10, genderfluid bisexual bby who honestly just wants a nap
SOOOO yes, Luke’s a very chill individual but chill in the sense that... they just. Don’t care. Except when it comes to their work - then they work the hardest they can on that shit and have to pay attention to every little detail.
They’re still not actually sure if they have any talent - musical theater never seemed to work out, so why is a band doing that??
But they do have one thing down pat - directing. All of We Tried’s videos have so far been directed by Luke, save for a few. 
This comes from Luke’s longtime adoration of film and cinema, from the perspective of an observer and a director.
They DO have a tendency to be a little... clingy and aloof at the same time. They’re always worried about being in the position of trying to keep a band of only one person alive again but also they don’t really notice they can other people to do things for them now.
They’re independent to a fault, in that case.
And also now finally getting a hang of not falling into peer pressure since it’s just made them cynical and aloof from people now.
They’re v grateful for their bandmates tho!! Don’t get me wrong, they love them!
Luke’s more of someone who communicates their appreciation through gestures and actions than words - setting a blanket on you while you sleep, getting new drumsticks if you broke yours, making coffee in the morning when you’ve forgotten. That kind of stuff.
They don’t get a lot of sleep for the sole reason they sort of have tendencies to keep themselves awake just... thinking. Luke thinks a lot. Luke’s actually wack-levels of intelligent, and it does show in their music save for when they’re making odd comments and obscure references.
Luke talks about tattoos a lot, but they’re actually barren since they’re afraid of needles. 
They also don’t drink, but they do smoke marijuana. But they’ll never admit to it - ...like TFB even though they have a MILLION songs that mention recreational use of the drug.
They sort of don’t really know where their purpose is, still - and that does lead them into a depression of their own, much like their father. They don’t talk to him and their mother that much nowadays - considering, the dream was always that Luke be a lawyer or a doctor and not the crass musician that they are.
They’re lowkey a fucking comedian but in the dry, deadpan humor sense. Most of their interviews consist of them making some joke that either takes a little while for the interviewer to get or one that makes the room silent for a quick minute. Or, even worse, they’re taken seriously.
Despite this aloofness, though, they actually thrive on being around other people. They’re sort of relearning how to accept that, though, since again, they’ve been shelling themselves up in their own work for quite some time. 
Also lowkey a bit of a flirt bt u didn’t hear that from me
Rides a motorcycle partially to look cool and also... bc they have the song ‘Motorcycle’ which was about them. Trying to learn how to ride a motorcycle so it just kind of stuck.
They’ve got another talent in dancing, since they took ballet classes throughout middle school to high school - but had to quit after they got arrested. Shame.
Their one dream was to be Ariel in the Broadway production of The Little Mermaid when they were younger since... they also love the sea and Disney Princesses so much secretly, but they’ve sort of given up on that.
Their love for the sea’s also because of where they’re from - Delaware beaches are beautiful and were Luke’s happy place back then. 
Most of their loves and interests are sprinkled in their songs, in that case - Delaware scenery, references of Disney films, etc.
They’re a very... complex individual. But god I lOVE them.
also the current bandmates. that would b. cool.
if ppl from luke’s old squad can show up now w/ their own careers... that would b. cool.
kids who they went to high school with that r surprised where they are now.
enemies in the music scene who don’t like luke or we tried for a multitude of reasons
maybe they think luke’s secretly a conceited dick underneath the ‘distant mysterious songwriter’ schtick
mayBBEEEE they think the nature of we tried’s songs are some sort of keep gimmick to try and cash in on being ‘casual’ and ‘relatable’
maybe they just don’t like the damn band i mean. yeah.
any reason. pls.
hook-ups bc i’ll b honest they are... a bit of a flirt. let luke serenade u w/ shit like “historic cemetery” cowards,
a rebound sort of?? probably very short-lived, but i can see luke wanting to get their mind off from their ex/drummer leaving and falling fast into another relationship - and that wouldn’t work out bc of it.
i’d also lov a plot where maybe sb discovers luke’s talent for dancing bc they do it for recreational purposes semi-often now?? 
maybe they can attend a class together or smth
or they just do it for fun at luke’s place
idk this cld go anywhere n it’s honestly adorable
ppl that they befriend who they can just. take back to delaware one day.
or even ppl they just hang out with to relive the ‘good ol days’
trips to the beach
buying store bought fireworks n setting them off
going on camping trips n shit
i’d lov a plot where there’s one person who just thinks luke is like... a MYSTERY and they just get closer and closer in attempts to try and figure that mystery out
also 100% open to brainstorming! i’ll actually get 2 interacting tmr bc it’s 2:30 AM nearly here n i want to sleep so yeah! chances are tho if u like this i’ll message u for plotting!! again if u want my discord - hmu @ rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329. :^)
i love the front bottoms so much
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cometkins · 6 years
OC Asks: Silver Edition
I need to figure this character out pls hold while I fill out 50 oc questions
What is your OC’s favorite color?
It is definitely NOT silver what would make you think that
Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
Silver jewelry primarily. It’s the only really indulgent thing he has.
What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
With his luck it would be a spice of some kind like cumin.
What kind of clothing does your OC wear?
As little/exposing as possible. He doesn’t wear a shirt and his coat has no sleeves anymore. His pants are pretty baggy and they have laces on the sides that he also leaves fairly loose to show of the leggies. He does wear pretty sturdy boots though.
What is your OC’s first memory?
Sitting by the ocean near his house and collecting sea glass.
What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?
Favorite is probably sea turtle bc they’re gentle friends. Least favorite is SEAGULLS. HMM. STOP IT NOW.
What element would your OC be?
Water for sure, maybe fire.
What is your OC’s theme song? 
Fucked with an Anchor by Alestorm
Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
I draw his face myself so no face claim. I’ve liked the lead singer for Black Veil Brides as his voice (though not his accent) since it’s so husky
What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
Pride or Wrath
What are your OC’s hobbies?
In his free time Silver prob goes to flea markets and shops to collect silver trinkets. He prob goes in combat arenas to train himself and earn coin as well.
How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
He’s less patient than he used to be, but he’s not super impulsive. He’s much more calculating, and he thinks through the consequences of his actions. He has little patience when it comes to nobility and royalty though.
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
Male, very gay, wood elf.
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
He likes fruit, he likes curries and other spiced/spicy dishes. I think he actually can’t stand fish because he has to eat so much of it out at sea and it’s tiring.
If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
Probably a big dog since he likes having a travelling companion.
What does your OC smell like? 
Probably rum, the ocean, salt, and gunpowder.
How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
Silver probably most does mercenary work or goes into fighting rings now that he’s a solo pirate. He might nick coin here or there from wealthy people with too much. He’d probably be happy captaining his own ship again eventually.
What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
His greatest fear is being found by Captain Ansaf and facing his wrath for his past theft. Silver is extremely skilled in combat and is VERY good in combat due to a background of military training and the ruthless nature of pirates. His greatest weakness is also that ruthlessness; he tends to get caught up in violence and finds it difficult to stop once he gets going, almost like a trance.
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
I think any kind of shanty he’s fond of since he and the crews he was on would sing them a lot. Anything upbeat really.
If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?
Assuming he’d be in roughly the same time period pirates were around I think he’d adjust just fine to a world without magic and krakens trying to kill him lmao
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
Silver is still very hurt by the sentence he received for a crime he did not commit. It lead him to his life of crime, and then to his life of solitude. He clings to his past in the form of objects he still carries. Nobility makes him angry, and he’s keen to flee from a beau if they express wanting commitment. His biggest pet peeve is authority treating their subjects like trash.
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
Silver was actually very studious in school. He wasn’t the smartest, but he managed and studied as hard as he could.
What is a random fact about your OC? 
Silver is not his real name.
What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
Silver is very much a “do shit and have fun before you die” kind of person in his current character. He doesn’t particularly take care of himself well and he’s definitely more about living fast and hard and passionately and without remorse, but he very much is full of remorse and regret.
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
I wanted a pirate character an started with a swashbuckler rogue since that was the recommendation from the dnd community. I tacked on the gunslinger subclass from matt mercer since pirates also had guns and it was fitting. Silver’s personality hasn’t changed much but his design has been refined and made more ostentatious than it was.
Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?
The most and least impactful person are the same, because they are the reason they turned to piracy. He tries to claim they don’t matter, and he tries to live as if they don’t matter, but deep down he still clings to their memory and what they could have had.
What kind of childhood did your character have?
A fairly decent one. His parents weren’t dirt poor but they weren’t by any means rich. He lived by the sea and played in the ocean constantly and always bugged the local sailors and he was kicked into the navy as soon as he was old enough.
What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
Silver might be a bit of an alcoholic and might impulsively sleep with people a lot. He probably clinks his rings together as a nervous habit.
If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
“Wish I were buried at sea”
Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
Maybe? I think he’s pretty burned by romantic love in general so it would take the right person to convince him.
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
Most traumatic memory is being falsely convicted of murder and being exiled by somebody who he cared about. Favorite memory is probably swimming for the first time.
If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
To have the people who conspired against him in his false murder case be hanged for their crimes.
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? 
Silver isn’t above killing someone and by nature of having been a military officer he had to do so regularly. He wouldn’t do it in cold blood necessarily, more because he felt he was defending his country. There was a point where he killed for fun and to feel any semblance of power, but he’s since dropped that mindset and tries to do it only out of necessity now.
What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
Silver keeps to himself most of the time due to paranoia. He does like drinking socially and he’ll usually be the kind of person to get a party going.
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Definitely constantly living in memories and paranoid fantasies. He’s constantly thinking about revenge and about escaping the pirates he betrayed.
What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Silver wants closure. He wants to prove his innocence and bring the real criminals who framed him to justice. He wants an apology, he wants his life back. He wants a life.
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
Silver is a very precise and skilled killer, and that’s not something many people are as good at as he is.
What would your character do with a million dollars? 
Buy a ship and pay for a crew and go out sailing for ancient treasures.
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?
If he were in a modern era he’d probably have a bunch of beer and leftover pasta. Bedroom floor would be lots of pants, but probably not his own. His nightstand is full of condoms. Garbage can is full of NONSENSE.
Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
Probably a club of some kind. He’s wearing a nice jacket with his tiddies out, and he won’t be with anybody immediately but he will find somebody veeery quickly.
What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
Silver shuts down. He hyperfocuses on what’s making him angry and does whatever he can to get rid of it. He does it because he hasn’t learned any healthy coping mechanisms.
Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from?
He has dozens from various fights and attempts on his life.
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
He doesn’t go out of his way to be offensive so idk yet
How does your character react/ accept criticism?
He’d be very blase about it depending on how it’s said to him. He’s not unwillingly to listen but if he’s talked down to or scolded he’d ignore it.
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
He would hate every moment of it but he’s not above doing things out of necessity.
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works?
He’d definitely stab himself a few times.
Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
Nah. Maybe some amount of cartography though.
What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
His parents aren’t terrible people but they shoved him into the military as soon as they could because they got tired of him an his obsession with water. He has no idea what they think of his sentence and exile. I think he’s definitely sensitive to people tiring of him quickly and he has a tendency to not commit to things much.
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
He’d probably like sweets occasionally, but not big enough to get sugar rushes.
If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?
He’d be very upset at this point in his life. He has so much he hasn’t been able to do. He’s had no closure of any kind. He’d struggle against it and then probably fall into the inevitability of it and drink too much.
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abalonetea · 7 years
Wanna See Me Rant? Too Bad, It’s Happening
A lot of people don’t like South Park and don’t watch it because of the crude humor. I’ve just been thinking about this a lot, especially in light of the most recent episode, Put It Down, and I feel like it’s more sad of a truth than ever. The crude humor gives it a very bad reputation and, like, I get that? I’m not into the gross jokes – and I’m calling out I Shouldn’t Have Gone Ziplining specifically here, thank you very much, let’s not even get started on the Red Rocket episode, Christ, boys.
But there are so many good points too that often get overlooked because people are so hyperfocused on the gross jokes. Like, first, I hate most crude humor? Adam Sandler’s more recent movies (like Click) are the bane of my existence. I couldn’t even finish watching the new Baywatch movie because it was nothing but poorly done and pointless sex jokes. I firmly believe that comedy is meant to be funny.
And South Park is.
A really good episode that was focused on gross humor was Pee. It was one of my favorite episodes. I thought that it was hysterical – also I totally agreed with Kyle, public pools are gross!
But, like, I always wish that people could go beyond the humor and the gross jokes so, uh, if anyone is interested in knowing why I, personally, think that South Park is a great show check this out?
*Canon gay characters before shows actively tried to be PC and put gay characters in. Garrison, Sparky, Satan, Big Gay Al and Mr. Slave have been staple characters for years. Big Gay Al was first seen in Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride which aired September 3, 1997. The entire episode was about how it was A-Okay to be gay. In 1997. We’re in 2017 and Disney still hasn’t had characters that are as openly gay as South Park.
*Timmy Burch. Just – fucking Timmy Burch. He first appeared in The Toothfairy Tats 2000, which aired on April 5, 2000. To this day, Timmy (along with Jimmy Valmer) are two of the most praised handicapped characters that have ever graced animated television. Timmy is in a wheelchair and has a limited vocabulary – most assume that he suffers from cerebral palsy, something that I agree with. Despite this, he is constantly seen playing with the other kids, being involved in the scams that go on, and even having entire episodes based around him. Timmy loves heavy metal rock, is a conniving son of a bitch when he wants to be, and there are never jokes made about how he is less than other kids, which is something that is frequently done in comedies. Timmy never gets a redemption episode because there is no point in the series where he has to prove himself better, or even equal too, the other kids. At the same time, his disability isn’t ignored – the other kids grow very concerned when Father Maxie explains that you have to speak to confess your sins to God, and the episode is spent actively trying to find a way around this for Timmy.
*Kenny McCormick. That is all.
*A better explanation – Kenny McCormick is poor. He is dead ass dirt poor. His family lives in a trailer that, minus the cars and the rats, resembles one of the houses my family used to live in. Representation of every kind matters. South Park frequently pokes fun at the Food Stamps system, citing problems that my family has had to endure. They make fun of how church food drives are run and the food given out – using conversations that are almost verbatim for thoughts I have had, while sitting in line for the food pick-up at a church who goes out of their way to make you feel small, insignificant, and less.
*On Novemeber 16, 2011 we were given the pure relief of an episode called The Poor Kid. This has gone down, for me, as one of my all time favorite episodes of any show that I have watched, ever, period. This episode is perfection. South Park doesn’t shy away from using real life situations in their show. They handle subjects that other series, even live-action shows, refuse to cover. Like how being taken away from your abusive home isn’t always the best, like how the foster care system is falling apart and failing, like how a big brother would do anything to keep their little sister safe and happy. Honestly, if you never watch any other episode of South Park, you should still watch this episode. Cartman is there for what I can only describe as background comedy that no one pays attention too because what is happening with Kenny and his sister is so fucking real and important.
*There are episodes where it’s nothing more than kids being kids, and it gives me life. The Losing Edge from 2005 instantly comes to mind.
*Back to the serious bits – this is a show with countless characters that suffer from various mental afflictions, and those issues are handled in realistic, believable, and understandable ways. Characters that come to mind instantly are Tweek, Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, Linda Stotch, Randy Marsh, Thomas – honestly, the list is seemingly endless. Tweek’s anxieties and paranoia are something that I relate to on a personal level. We see episodes that feature characters who have bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, paranoid schizophrenia, tourette’s syndrome, alcoholism, addictive personalities, hoarding problems, multiple personality disorder, and dementia (this episode was heartbreaking). We cover Asperger’s (another one that hits home for me, personally), suicidal tendencies, child abuse, and other problems that are faced in the real world.
*Eric Cartman is an asshole and that is never shied away from. But it’s also shown that he’s an asshole with no parental guidance, no rules that he’s made to follow at home, and a distinct array of mental problems.
*Jimmy fucking Valmer is a bad-ass on crutches. No line will ever be funnier than “are you going to break both of his legs, PC Principle? Are you really?”
*They make fun of every religion equally. I see a lot of people who refuse to watch the show because it’s “antisemetic” and, uh, yeah, Cartman’s kind of a dick in that regard? But he’s also a ten year old boy in a fictional universe filled with dumbass adults that have never taught him better. Also, something people tend to forget is that one of the creators of the show is actually Jewish. We have seen Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, and several other religions poked fun at.
*Chef Goes Nanners is an episode devoted to explaining that, by viewing something only according to race, you’re still being racist. In fact, they tackle racism a lot. The character Token Black is literally introduced in an episode that makes fun of how many shows (most shows) have a singular black character, the token black character, that is meant to make their show diverse and just makes it seem racist and stupid.
I could actually continue to site a fuck ton of other episodes. South Park is one of the longest running shows, ever. It’s on the twenty first season. To this day, I have never seen a show more diverse, more ready and willing to tackle issues and problematic topics, than South Park. It makes me sad that so many people write it off as stupid, immature, and a waste of time because it is so, so much more than that!
Basically I just have a lot of feelings about South Park and am tired of seeing it get shit on so often by people that have literally never watched a single episode of the show.
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