#why toy freddy should be a dad to the puppet
dovewingkinnie · 8 months
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look at my new puppet daughter
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fnaf-enthusiast · 8 months
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FNaF 2 general Headcanons
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Withered Freddy
He is still the same tbh
Nothing much changed for him and on him
He somehow drops even more dad jokes
'Raises' Toy Freddy like one would their son and the others always giggle at that
He deeply hates BB but won't show it openly, he probably doesn't even know himself why he dislikes him
Actually likes the new tunes the toy animatronics play but still prefers the songs his band used to play
Whithered Bonnie
We all know he has a lot insecurities now because of his face and his arm but mostly his face
He is the most insecure of the four and it shocks his friends to see him not only change appearance but also personality
He's now just deadpan walking around and sometimes makes a sarcastic joke or two
Though he sometimes still talks a lot and is back to his old self when he talks with the other withered animatronics
He actually doesn't hate his replacement they hangout sometime but it's more like a distant friendship
He also started to swear a lot more and it actually funny to see BB's expression when he hears those words
Withered Chica
She is a close second next to W. Bonnie when it comes to insecurities
She somehow still manages to keep that secret, she sometimes talks with Foxy and Bonnie about such stuff, and she is still very extroverted and happy
She's kinda sad she can't eat pizza anymore but she surprised herself by not caring about it that much
Loves to scare everyone with her broken voicebox and sometimes teams up with BB to annoy the others
Withered Foxy
He's not as flirty as used to be but he doesn't really care all that much
He's had his own insecurities a long time before and knows how to handle them
He turned the flirty jokes and dark jokes up a little now
He and Bonnie now take bets on who will start a 'fight' with who because the toy animatronics always manage to get into arguments
Scratches the wall with his hook and 'draws' his storys and tells them to BB
Once in a week or two he talks with the Puppet because he reminds him of golden Freddy a little
Golden Freddy
He's even more distant now
He already kept to himself but damn he sets new records for that
It isn't like he's insecure, he never really was, but he's afraid he might get a little too emotional when he sees they others
He hangs out most of the time he shows himself with the Puppet
They both are mostly silent or whisper to each other but they love to just observe what's going on in the pizzeria
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Toy Freddy
He's like an average teenager
He would play fortnite if he could 100%
He sometimes tries to prank the withered animatronics but almost always fails and gets scolded by Freddy or cussed out by Bonnie
He and toy Chica make almost every day a food fight and sometimes W. Chica and W. Bonnie join
He rages relatively quickly when he loses, no matter what he's loosing at
A huge fan of ice cream, choko-mint to be specific
Toy Bonnie
He is very social but has small mood swings
One day he chats nonstop and the other he sits in W. Bonnies corner with him and talks about live
Is a little clumsy but covers it up by using a joke he got from W. Foxy or W. Freddy
He loves slushys(ya know what I mean, right?)
He always empties the machine and tries to mix every flavor possible
Has also no concersln about himself when he wants to win a bet and makes all types of crazy stuff
Toy Chica
She loves to talk with W. Chica and is from her personality a lot like her original
Sadly has no taste in music and somehow ends up with everyone teasing her about it
But she can tease back and she is very good at making people flustered
She can also be very sassy
Loves lollipops and would probably also love cotton candy
my poor bby
She is very distant from the others
Has a lot of insecurities, knows that they should talk about it, but doesn't have a clue how to talk about her problems
Since mostly static comes from their voicebox they don't have that much courage to talk
But sometimes she talks with others, the others can understand W. Chica even though her voicebox is almost just as broken, most times they talk with W. Foxy or hang around Puppet because they find their presence comforting
Is the calmest but also the most caring of everyone
Is almost like a therapist for everyone
They mostly keep to themselves but don't mind a nice soul keeping them company
Has a nice laugh wich reminds one of a small child
'Protects' BB when he once again gets in trouble for one of his pranks
Once in a blue moon they tease one of their friends in a fun, harmless way but they don't do that often because they are worried of hurting someones feelings
Baloon Boy
The biggest troublemaker of them all
But also the worst
Has distorted his laugh to scare the toy animatronics multiple times and got his ass almost yeeted across the pizzeria
Puppet is his safe zone
He loves cotton candy, he inhales that shit
Tied to learn the guitar on multiple occasions but somehow he can't learn it
Mad respect tho, he won't stop trying
He laughs at almost every joke, no matter if he understands or not
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tacigent · 1 year
A FNaF AU idea that I need to get off my chest + a "timeline" with ages and years
There's a lot of role-swapping going on. Michael swaps with Elizabeth, Norman swaps with Sammy who is Charlie's twin brother from the books. Then Michael swaps again, but with William which means that I have included Miketrap because I always found that theory very interesting and cool despite its flaws. Mrs. Afton swaps with Elizabeth in that she's the main antagonist in Sister Location.
Everyone will possess something, excluding William and Henry. Mrs. Afton is Ballora, Michael is Springtrap, Elizabeth is Foxy, Norman is Fredbear, and Charlie is the Puppet of course. Sammy could end up being Shadow Freddy. I promise, everything will make sense once I explain what happens.
Few things I feel like I should mention:
This AU only follows FNaF 1-6, meaning Special Delivery, Help Wanted, and Security Breach DON'T exist here. UCN might be included because I like the idea of a fabricated hell for William to continuously suffer in.
The Toys' facial recognition and criminal data-base aren't a thing at all here. I feel that goes too far, considering the technological limitations.
None of the Funtimes are programmed to kill at all. Like what I mentioned, it feels way too out of line given the era and the limitations they would have back then. Also, I just had this idea to have CBPW be William's attempt branching out using animatronics of his very own design without Henry in the picture.
The Nightmares aren't real in any way whatsoever, not even through illusion discs, hence why they are called Nightmares.
The Fredbear plush isn't a listening device or a walkie-talkie for William to spy on his son with, it's just a toy.
Golden Freddy isn't just a re-colored Freddy. He's a broken and abandoned Fredbear, the very same one that committed the Bite.
Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental is NOT a bunker hidden underground. It's a fully-fledged, circus-themed attraction that opened after Circus Baby's Pizza World closed due to supposed gas leaks. To add onto that, it's also William's last ditch attempt to create a successful restaurant using his own animatronic designs and not Henry's.
Regarding the characters, William is a very mediocre dad here. He's certainly not the best, but he does try before it all goes downhill. Most of the MCI and DCI are teenagers aside from a select few. I'll try to give everybody a sort of importance to the story no matter how minor it might be. Admittedly, though, the Bite Victim here doesn't have much to do until the very end.
I know Fritz possesses Foxy in canon and, honestly, it doesn't feel right replacing him like this, so I have three ideas about what to do with him. He either dies in 1993 in the FNaF 1 location and possesses the Classic version of Foxy (but that seems lame and a bit convenient when I think about it), OR he inhabits Foxy alongside Elizabeth somehow. I guess he could also just not be a victim of William at all here, although that seems quite boring. I'm not sure how I'd be able to pull any of those ideas off. I don't know if I even want to, but I'll figure it out eventually.
Elizabeth is my favorite Afton and Foxy is my favorite animatronic, so I decided to combine them. If anyone sees this at all, I wouldn't mind criticism because I need this AU to make sense at least.
Now, we start in 1980.
Michael is 13. Elizabeth, Charlie, and Sammy are 11. Norman is 5.
Fredbear's Family Diner and Circus Baby's Pizza World exist simultaneously. Funtime Chica is also here as a part of Baby's band.
The same thing happens where Elizabeth goes to see Circus Baby, but instead of getting snatched, Michael comes to be an ass and tries to steal her ice cream. They have a back-and-forth fight until Baby starts acting out due to being so new. Michael is accidentally pulled into her stomach hatch with the ice cream, then ends up with severe head trauma. This leaves him a coma (for, specifically, 5 years). However, Elizabeth at her young age thinks Michael is dead.
After that incident, William closes the restaurant and takes his son to the hospital. At the level of decent father, he does care about his kids here, except he will forever be reminded that one of his own robots nearly killed Michael. This further drives home the fact that Henry's work will always be better than his. Meanwhile, Elizabeth feels endlessly guilty for the situation her big bro is in now. She blames herself for Michael's comatose state, and it all spirals from there.
Moving onto 1983 (Specifically, May 13).
Michael is 16. Elizabeth, Charlie, and Sammy are 14. Norman is 8.
Although Circus Baby's is closed, Fredbear's continues on for 3 years up until the day of the Bite. The very first Freddy Fazbear's Pizza has also been opened some time after Circus Baby's closing.
Michael's absence has a great effect on Elizabeth. He might have been a bully to Norman, but he's still her brother and she loves him. His absence leaves a giant hole in her life where he used to be, since he's so much easier to relate to than Norman is. She kind of tries to emulate him in her own way. She uses the same Foxy mask and becomes a bit of a delinquent like he was.
Here's the thing, she doesn't target Norman (not a lot of the time, anyway). She targets the Emily twins, Charlie and Sammy. Mostly Sammy, though.
It kind of follows the mini games of FNaF 4. Counting down the days until their birthday party.
Elizabeth uses the mask to scare Sammy, either at his house when she comes over or at the restaurant while their fathers are at work. She locks him in the parts & service room. Headless Foxy is replaced by a stuffed bunny named Theodore, who is Charlie's toy from the books. Charlie is Sammy's version of 'Psychic Friend Fredbear' in that she guides and comforts him throughout the week.
Charlie stands up for herself and her brother whenever Elizabeth tries something, yet she doesn't go as far as telling Henry about the bullying because they were best friends. She's sympathetic, almost to a fault.
Sammy is the opposite. He can't help but hate Elizabeth, even when he knows why she's the way she is. He feels betrayed since they all used to be close, but he's also sensitive and a bit of a pushover, so he receives the brunt of the bullying.
The birthday comes around and Sammy gets chomped by Fredbear, thanks to Elizabeth. Charlie is rightfully mad, but she has very conflicting feelings about their friendship now. Henry is distraught, but I feel like he'd be a little more willing to understand. Elizabeth has to live with Michael's condition and Sammy's death on her shoulders.
Fast forward to 1985.
Michael is 18. Elizabeth and Charlie are 16. Norman is 10.
After the Bite, Fredbear's closes. William and Henry now have to manage the newest location they have opened, which is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. This restaurant houses the unwithered animatronics.
This is also the year that Michael wakes up from his coma. Only problem is, neither Elizabeth nor Norman will be there to witness it.
Elizabeth and Charlie's relationship has deteriorated a lot. Charlie struggles to forgive Elizabeth for what happened to Sammy because while she still believes there's good in her, she also thinks she probably shouldn't. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is too emotionally constipated to properly approach Charlie.
Elizabeth watches the three kids lock her out in the rain. A drunken William pulls up, kills her in the alleyway, then leaves her there. The Puppet comes out looking for her and breaks down, Charlie possesses it.
One of the reasons William kills Charlie in the first place is to basically get back at Henry.
Since Mrs. Afton exists here as an actual character, I have this idea where Henry and Mrs. Afton have this plan to get the kids away from William because they know something is wrong with him; they just aren't sure what it is. William hears of this eventually. An argument breaks out between them. It's emotional and tense and volatile, so much so that an overly rash shove from William cracks her skull against the furniture.
After the fight, William buries Mrs. Afton's body in the woods. Just a strange mound of dirt to those who don't know who's in it. Ballora starts acting a little too alive later on. Ballora, the one animatronic who had been in the room with them when his wife died.
However, Charlie's death is one that William sort of regrets in a way. He had gotten drunk after finding out about Henry and Mrs. Afton, but Charlie was in the wrong place at the wrong time. William acts on his anger towards the conspiracy against him and his long festering jealousy of Henry, taking Charlie's life in the process. A 'spur of the moment' kind of thing.
That marks the start of William's downfall and descent into these destructive habits that tear the whole family apart as time goes by. William begins lashing out, and it doesn't matter who's around to see it because he will go after them. His children suffer under his watch. At worst, he's violent. At best, he's neglectful.
Elizabeth and Henry don't find out that Charlie's dead until the next day.
Some time after Charlie, William targets other children to get rid of. The murders of the MCI take place over a span of weeks or months. First is Susie, followed by Gabriel, then Jeremy, and ending with Cassidy.
During Jeremy's turn, William invites Elizabeth along for the process in hopes that she will help him with it. Elizabeth disagrees and tries to stop him from harming Jeremy. In the end, William goes too far out of control. He ends up killing both Jeremy and Elizabeth. In a bit of a panic, William hides them in Bonnie and Foxy respectively.
Next up is Norman.
William becomes more unstable, drunk, and shaken up after Elizabeth's death. He's basically a ticking time bomb. Nobody is safe, everyone is at risk around him.
He's working late one night at the restaurant with Norman since he can't leave him home alone. He continues drinking there too when he's supposed to work. Norman keeps bothering him because literally both of his siblings are gone and he doesn't know what's happening. Norman continuously asks him these questions, but William reacts too explosively and kills Norman in a drunken rage.
I don't know yet whether Norman should possess the Fredbear plush or the animatronic, so that will be undecided until I figure it out.
In my mind, William's relationship with his kids is quite complicated. Michael's near death experience caused by one of his own machines makes William real possessive/protective of them. But even if he cares for his children, he doesn't exactly understand them. They clash until William kills them, too. However, I'm not sure how to make that last point exist in a way that's sensible and believable.
After the kids are reported missing and an investigation starts, Henry closes the restaurant.
By the year of 1987.
Both families are in shambles. Henry lost both of his children, and his wife divorced him after Charlie's death. William has to deal with a confused but awake Michael, and his wife died by his own hand.
To account for Henry's absence throughout the games, I'd say he was either convicted for the MCI wherein William would frame him for it, or he simply went off the radar until Pizza Sim. William also becomes quite recluse, only active for work because he's managing both CBEAR and FFP #2 all on his own now while he plans his next move.
This basically follows the same format as the game.
Like the mini-game suggests, William returns to murder another set of 5 victims. I myself believe that the Toy animatronics could probably be possessed one way or another, so these 5 victims will be Charlie's friends from the novels. John, Carlton, Lamar, Jessica, and Marla.
Like the book, this set of victims are just a bunch of teenagers who snuck into the pizzeria to explore and William happened to be there.
The night guard, Jeremy Fitzgerald, is on shift when the teens break in. They're caught by him and Jeremy calls William to inform him of the intrusion. Oddly enough, instead of getting the police, William says he will handle the situation himself. He sends Jeremy off, disables the cameras, puts on the yellow suit, and murders the group of teens.
Jeremy comes back on Night 6 after the murders and as Phone Guy says, none of them are acting right. He's moved to the day shift, but he's bitten during a birthday party by a possessed Mangle.
Alongside more disappearing kids in another Freddy's establishment, Mangle causing the Bite is the final cherry on top. The place closes for good.
The Toys and the Withereds are kept in a storage place or a warehouse in case Fazbear Ent. would want to reuse parts from them. However, William is still the owner of FE. He decides to have the Withereds remade into the FNaF 1 gang and the Toys fully scrapped. The Puppet is moved to the FNaF 1 location later on, but Elizabeth (and maybe Fritz, too) escapes to find her father.
Further on into 1993.
This is the FNaF 1 gang and the night guard is Mike Schmidt. Mike is his own character. Just a normal guy who unknowingly signed up for this nightmare of a job.
The "Follow Me" mini-game still takes place, but there is a different purple guy this time.
After 5 full years of comatose, Michael is finally awake.
The guy is lost and has a lot of catching-up to do, even more so when it hits him that his siblings and his mother both aren't around at all anymore. Whenever, he tries asking William about it, all he gets is a vague, half-hearted dismissal. He gets more and more suspicious until William asks him to go destroy a couple of animatronics at a abandoned restaurant that closed down just recently.
It's similar to SL wherein William tells him to go somewhere to do something. While Michael is alone in the back room, the souls come after him. He puts on the Spring Bonnie suit in a panic and the springlocks go off. It's the same situation as SL where they thought Michael was William and he suffered for it.
Due to the springlock incident, William doesn't hear from Michael, but he does discover that the animatronics have been dismantled either way. Given that he's still the main guy in charge of FE, he eventually finds out about a springlock suit locked in the backroom. He doesn't really know it's Michael until it's relocated to Fazbear's Fright.
Michael goes through what William did in canon. Being locked in the back room for years until he's found and placed in Fazbear's Fright as an attraction.
Later on in 1998.
This year is when SL would take place in my AU since I don't think there's a set year in the canon timeline.
A random night guard will take Michael's place here, although I'm tempted to have them be Vanessa. They will be the one the Funtimes use to escape the place.
It follows the flow of the game. They go to this place, perform their tasks, get scared by the robots sometimes while weird things happen, then they leave. However, there are some specific parts of the game that I would change because of the fact that it's not Elizabeth who is orchestrating the whole thing. It's her mother, Mrs. Afton.
The "sentience" of the animatronics already comes from the victims of '87. When William injects them with this other batch of Remnant he got from the Classics, it combines the MCI with the DCI. It gives them these personalities made up of two sets of teens/kids. Also, Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon are supposed to be separate entities also possessed by two different people.
Mrs. Afton communicates with the other souls in the Funtimes and forms a plan to escape the facility. That means Circus Baby isn't exactly the big mastermind behind the whole plan to get out, she only plays a part in it as they all do.
In Night 4, Ballora still gets the scooper and Circus Baby talks to the guard. However, Baby will have a different personality, given that she's possessed by two victims now instead of Elizabeth. As in, two distinct individuals are speaking just with the same voice.
In Night 5, it's mostly the same. However, after the guard 'fixes' Circus Baby and sends her to the scooping room, their shift ends right there.
The ending will be a little different here. So far, I have two ideas as to what I'd like it to be. Instead of getting scooped, it has the night guard, whoever they might be, being threatened by the Funtimes into letting them leave the facility as Ennard. Or, the Funtimes just follow them out all sneaky and leave the guard alone. Either way, they get out and go find William.
Some time in 2023.
Michael has been transferred to Fazbear's Fright as an attraction after he was found. With him, is yet another random night guard. This one might be Tape Girl.
The fact that Michael is Springtrap here changes a few things. Michael is more confused in the way he will act as Springtrap. Most of his life has been loneliness aside from the company of William. He was isolated from his siblings, friends, basically everybody for years. When he's finally let out, he dies in a springlock suit and is left for dead.
In a gameplay setting, Springtrap appears uncertain and scared when he shows up in the cameras. I'd say he's a little harder to lure with the Balloon Boy voice lines. He's more obvious in the cameras, in contrast to William's hiding and sneaking.
He's desperate to find help, and the only way he thinks he can get it is through the guard. He doesn't know what happened to his family, where they are, or if they're even alive. He's worried since he's missed out on so much.
Outside of the gameplay perspective, Michael looks for information behind the scenes. There would most likely be some references throughout the attraction to past events that he wasn't present for. Maybe some of the employees talk about rumors regarding Freddy's bad history. Perhaps there is news about the Bites or records of the missing kids, so he eventually gets his hands on those.
William finds the location and comes in to burn the place down. His reasoning for doing so is to sort of erase the history of the past Freddy's locations. Everything in the attraction is directly related to his wrongdoings, so he needs to destroy it immediately. Michael confronts him about everything he knows, but William starts the fire before he can do anything. Michael escapes with half an arm, and he roams wherever to find his father.
As for what occurs in FNaF 6,
Henry takes the brave volunteer's place in the fake restaurant. He manages the pizzera, does the salvaging, and then burns the place down when everything comes together.
As shown in the game, Henry will have to slowly build this pizzeria from the ground up until he finally has everybody right where he needs them to be.
When it comes to the salvaging, there will be obvious changes. Like instead of Scrap Baby, he's faced with a very old and very withered Foxy from way back when the first ever Freddy Fazbear's opened. Scraptrap is basically Springtrap but doubly worse for wear and missing half an arm. Molten Freddy is now just Ennard with Mrs. Afton in the driver's seat. Lefty is more or less the same since I like his design.
The completion of tasks later in the night is also going to be altered a little. With Henry as the protagonist here, no one really has the motive to attack him unless they don't know that it's him.
Until William comes along.
The news of an unauthorized Freddy's establishment drags him out of the hermit life he's been living for the past few decades. He goes to check out the place and falls right into Henry's trap. Now, everyone from the victims to the murderer himself is in position for Henry to end it all, setting the restaurant ablaze and burning it to the ground. The souls are set free and William is sent to hell.
That concludes my AU for now. I think this was just excessive info-dumping, but I was way too eager to get this idea out of my head. If anyone sees this, let me know your thoughts because I'd really like criticism and more ideas.
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The first time Moon left the daycare after being fixed from the infection ended horribly as you might imagine. Freddy and Gregory knew he was normal, but hadn’t told the others- it just slipped their mind, and it’s not like that slight miscommunication could end terribly right? Right?? 
Well not even half way through his route he ran into Glamrock Chica, who promptly panicked and hit him over the head with her guitar and knocked him out. She called up Roxy, unsure of what to do with him now, and Roxy only really knowing him as “that terrifying puppet that climbs around the ceiling and is a threat to literally all of us” suggested that they should tie him up. The best case scenario is that they could make some agreement with the deranged bastard so that he would leave them alone or at least get an explanation or an apology or ANYTHING, as while he was still infected he was just as strict with the robots as he was with Gregory and was rather RUDE to say the least. At the worst, they’d just keep him tied up.
Well he woke up very confused clearly, and when he realized he was tied up more then a bit stubborn and cold and uncooperative. This insane stubbornness mixed with infection amnesia and the twos personalities made the confrontation a mess. Roxy demanded him to explain what happened and why he was going after Freddy, why he wouldn’t leave them alone in the last month, trying to get him to explain virus Moons wicked behavior but Moon basically had the same response each time. “What the hell are you talking about?? Is this really why you tied me up??” He refused to apologize for doing something he doesn’t remember doing, saying that what happened that night is between him Freddy and Gregory and that he doesn’t remember being mean to the other robots so he won’t apologize to them. Glamrock Chica was frustrated, and Roxy just got pissed. Because how DARE he flat out deny that he did anything wrong and act as if she’s being crazy for tying him up. 
Up until then Moon was at least somewhat understanding, albeit irritated. But now he was just pissed, and even more so when it was established that they were not going to let him go. He basically dug his heels in and continued to deny that he did anything wrong. For the next few hours while Roxanne tried to deal with his stubbornness, Chica started playing with different doo dads and shinny things until they eventually chose to leave and get some more back up for the situation. But Chica forgot to turn off what she was playing with. It was one of those colorful strobe light balls. NOW, they didn’t KNOW that he has severe light sensitivity, and to normal people while that would be irritating it wouldn’t be so... outwardly malicious appearing as it was to Moon. Because strobe lights are agonizing to him, for clear reasons. And he was still tied up and couldn’t turn the damn thing off.
And whaddya know, Sun noticed that Moon hadn’t come back from his patrol and went looking for his brother and ended up finding him and turning it off. When untied Moon almost fell over because he was so disoriented. But needless to say the scenario without any context seemed REALLY FUCKING CRUEL and Sun was FURIOUS. About that time the two girls came back with Freddy saying that they needed help with something important, and when they came over to the room Sun just point blank said “If you don’t explain yourselves RIGHT NOW I will turn you both into balloon animals.”
Freddy stepped in because the cold emotionless way he said it and the horrific implications did not go over his head. All was explained without Sun needing to commit any ghastly crimes, thankfully. Glamrock Chica and Roxy felt... horrible, honestly. They did not know he was infected until recently, nor that he wasn’t lying and quite literally didn’t know what they were talking about. Chica felt even worse that she left a strobe toy in the room with someone who who can’t even handle NORMAL light. They are very awkward around each other now, and Sun still doesn’t like them very much because of it.
This is a mess of a story, honestly I got the initial idea from a video and kinda just... expanded on it.
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aptronyms · 4 years
u should tell me about the fnaf 2 animatronics....just in general i want ur thoughts
so like honestly the entire cast of the game is really well rounded in design and personality?? all of them feel really fun and they have their own charm to me!!!!! balloon boys my obvious favorite, hes so small and round and funny!! theres something about him thats so charming, hes a little scamp!!! he likes balloons and batteries and sure he can be a bit obnoxious but hes also five years old and thats part of his CHARM!!! mangles another one of my favorites, cuz like hes just fucking cool as a concept?? i honestly thought my love for mangle was like a newer thing that was just cuz i loved her voice, but i went back to look at my OLD old old fnaf art and WOW i drew mangle a lot n a lot of it was very edgy abt how shes torn apart n shit!! but yeah i big factor to why i love mangle so much is just... his VOICE is SO FUCKING GOOD TO LISTEN TO?? love it!!! AND ALL THE OTHER TOY ANIMATRONICS TOO THEYRE SO FUN, TOY FREDDY IS A SILLY GAMER AND TOY CHICA IS CUTE AND LIKES TO PARTY AND MURDER AND TOY BONNIE IS A MEAN SELF ABSORBED LITTLE GAYBOY <3 <3 <3 and the withereds too!! withered chica n withered bonnie have some of the best voices in the series, and honestly im kinda obsessed with withered foxy just bc i rlly think that he is like balloon boys dad bc of how balloon boy stealing your batteries means that foxy is able to jumpscare you?? so its like... GO GET EM SON!! withered freddy in comparison has a lot less to go off of in terms of personality but hes still very fun, every freddy is super fun <3 <3 and the PUPPET even just ignoring all the puppets lore its like WOWZA the puppets design is cool!! theyre creepy but i could still see them being at a kids restaurant because damn those places have creepy mascots a lot!!! and their mechanic is fun too GOD BRO HEARING POP GOES THE WEASEL GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS NOW BC ITS LIKE OH FUCK I FORGOT THE MUSIC BOX SHIT SHIT SHIT AAAAAAAAA <\3 n i havent even gotten to the EASTER EGG ANIMATRONICS YET!! i have no clue what RWQ even IS but its got a real baller design, same for shadow freddy!! and endo 02 is definitely the best endo (so fucking sorry yenndo <\3) just bc they look so bored and they have cute little ears... and OF FUCKING COURSE!!! I COULD NEVER FORGET THE ONE AND ONLY JJ!!!! i love jj so much she loves hiding under desks and breaking doors... she doesnt rlly get much personality which is why ive taken it upon myself to give her that personality!! the only thing she really has in terms of character is the foxy fighters minigame in the fnaf world update, where she sounds very aggressive and irritable and i LOVE THAT she even has a cut line where she says “im gonna KICK YOUR ASS” and i just!!! FUCK IT UP YOU CRAZY SEVEN YEAR OLD!!!! GO OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok ramble over but thank you again anon i love fnaf and talking abt fnaf <3 <3 <3
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themysteryofwriting · 4 years
Puppet!Ray Origins
TW: Child Death, Unsympathetic Patton, pretty much Fnaf stuff
If there was one thing Rachel liked doing, it was watching her Papa work.  He built so many interesting robots and they were all interesting to her.  She had gotten used to what they looked like so she was curious when he started building a new one.  
“What are you working on there Papa,” she asked him.
“Something to keep you safe while you’re hanging at Freddy’s,” her Papa said. “Though it should help the other kids too.  That way what happened to that poor kid Talyn won’t happen to anyone else.”
“It looks different than the ones you used for the other anima-anima,” Rachel’s eyes furrowed as she tried to remember how to say it.
Her Papa chuckled.  “Animatronics sweetheart, and that’s because it needs to be different as the others need to entertain, or make  while this one’s job is to protect.”
“It should be able to protect eeevveerrryyyooonnneee,” Rachel said with a grin.  
“Well I don’t think it will be able to protect everyone,” her Papa said with a chuckle, especially after Rachel pouted a little bit.  “How about we start with it protecting the kids, and expand from there.”
Rachel nodded vigorously.  “Then no one else will get hurt by evil people who hurt kids,” she said, grinning at her Papa.
Her Papa nodded.  “I want to make sure you can’t get hurt RayRay, not like the kids who have gone missing.  Promise me you’ll stay safe and not go off with anyone you don’t know.  I don’t want to lose you RayRay.”
Rachel noticed the serious look on her dad’s face.  He normally had a serious look on his face of course but this was different.  He almost looked worried.  And he was looking straight at her.  “I promise Papa”
Her Papa nodded and turned back to working on what he had started calling a security puppet, even taking her suggestions with how it would look.  He managed to finish it before the next time she went to Freddy’s.  Before they went in, they ran into Patton, who worked with Papa.
“Heya Logie,” Patton said, smiling at him.  “It’s nice to see you two again.”
One thing Rachel always noticed around Patton.  Even though she had fun playing with the twins, Dee and Virge while they were around, she always got a weird feeling around Patton.  She never really trusted him, but Papa did and that was more important than how she felt around him.  
“It’s nice to see you too, Patton,” Papa said as he set up the security puppet, having already let the person on shift know how it works.
“Did you make another animatronic for the restaurant,” Patton asked.
“This one’s different,” Papa said to Patton, Rachel having sat next to him and humming to herself as he worked.  “This one’s to make sure what happened to those other kids doesn’t happen to anyone else.”
Patton nodded and Rachel almost thought she saw a weird look on his face.  But that couldn’t be it right?  It must have been her imagination.
“Well see you later then LoLo,” Patton said before skipping off.  Well he didn’t actually skip off but he was cheerful enough that it was the best description.
“I will never understand that man,” Papa muttered as he continued setting things up.  
After a little bit, he finished.  “There, now it will help and kiddo wearing a coordinating bracelet,” Papa said, “Which reminds me, I have something to give you RayRay.”
“What is it, Papa,” Rachel asked him.
“Why don’t you close your eyes and I can show you,” Papa said.
Rachel gave her Papa a look before complying and feeling him snapping something around her wrist.  Rachel opened her eyes and saw a pretty purple bracelet around her wrist.  “Oooo.  It’s pretty Papa.”
“It’s how the puppet will be able to find you if something happens,” her Papa said.  “Promise me you won’t take it off while you’re here.” Rachel nodded.  “Of course I won’t take it off Papa.”
Her Papa nodded.  “Alright I need to work on some stuff while I’m here, go play a bit.”
Rachel nodded before she headed off to play.  And for the next few weeks, everything was fine.  After all, it wasn’t like Rachel noticed Patton watching the security puppet for weaknesses.  She couldn’t have known what Patton was planning.
The only time she noticed something was wrong when her papa was angrily talking to someone on the phone.  
He didn’t know she was there, she was sitting in a place where he couldn’t see her playing with some of her toys.
“What do you mean it was probably one of the security guards,” he angrily asked.  There was a bit of silence as the person on the other end spoke.  “Okay just don’t let any employees in that could have done it….yes I guess that does include me.  ...Just until the investigation is over.”
Rachel didn’t understand what the whole thing meant but she shrugged.  Though she had to admit, she was a little confused when Papa had their neighbor Isabel take her to the birthday party instead of going himself.
Maybe if he had gone himself he would have noticed when the box was placed on top of the one that held the puppet, keeping it into place.  Maybe Rachel would have gone with her papa instead of listening to him.
But there was no way to know what would have happened.  The party was almost over and kids were already leaving.  Rachel was waiting for their neighbor when she heard something.  She walked over to the door and peeked out.  What was that?  She didn’t realize the security puppet would have stopped her if it could get to her.
She heard the noise again and walked out to investigate.  It wasn’t that far from the door after all.  Someone would notice if something happened.  Rachel walked out and followed the sound a bit.
The second she found the source of the sound she felt the stomach clench.  What was Patton doing here?  And why had he been making that sound?
Patton smiled a sickeningly sweet smile at her. “I figured you’d be just like you father when it came to being curious.  Looks like I was right.”
Rachel took a step back before taking off running.  She just had to get get back to the diner before Patton could get to her.She almost made it to the door when she was hit on the back of the head and crumpled, the last thing she saw being the bracelet her Papa gave her.
Rachel didn’t know how long it had been before she gained awareness again.  She remebered sitting up and then hearing someone talk to her.
“Oh you’re...here,” she heard someone say before she turned to see a kid no more then a couple of years older then she was. “I’m Talyn, I’m- I was 8,” they said, introducing themselves.
Rachel was confused for a second before she remembered.  “You’re one of the missing kids,” she said.  “Papa made the puppet so no one else would go missing like you.”  The realization of what this meant hit Rachel like a truck.  The fact that she was talking meant one of two things.  Either Patton had kidnapped her and brought her to where Talyn was or… Rachel looked around.  They were still in the alleyway.  She was confused to see the security puppet but was less confused when she saw what was next to it.  “I’m dead, aren’t I?  That’s my body.”
Talyn nodded.  “You almost made it too, even you had taken off even a second earlier.”
“My Papa’s going to be heartbroken,” Rachel said sadly before realizing, “No one knows it was Patton.”
“Is that his name,” Talyn asked, “He was in a yellow bunny suit when he killed me.  He told me he knew where my dog that got run over was.”
“He’s going to keep killing,” Rachel said.  “No one’s going to be able to stop him. Unless...what if we could stop him?”
“What are you talking about….I don’t believe I ever got your name,” Talyn said with a slight chuckle.
“Rachel Heila,” Rachel said, “My dad built all the animatronics.”
Talyn nodded.  Their eyes seemed to widen a little bit at the fact that her Papa had built the animatronics.  “Well, what are you suggesting we do?”
“My papa built the puppet after you disappeared,” Rachel said, sitting down next to it.  It’s objective is to protect.  It was also helping at the gift counter, Papa knowing that the company wouldn’t want it if it’s only goal was to protect.  If we mixed that with a vengeance against someone, we might give the people he hurts a chance to fight back.  We might give you and anyone he ends up hurting a chance to fight back.”
“And how exactly would we do that,” Talyn asked her.  
“The puppet was designed to protect me in particular, it would only be right.  I could help you and any other souls get into the other animatronics.  We could hurt him like he hurt us.”
“Are you even going to remember any of this,” Talyn asked her.
“I don’t know, but Patton doesn’t deserve to get away with this.  I guess I’ll be seeing you Talyn.”
Talyn nodded.  “We’ll be in this together Ray.  Along with anyone else.”
Rachel nodded before concentrating and possessing the puppet.  One thought running through her mind above everything else.
Patton wouldn’t be getting away with this.
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snazzamazing · 5 years
Stupid random theories, headcanons, and unpopular opinions of mine
Btw, these are all long so sit tight
My mangle theory :
I cant be the only one here who thinks that mangle was taken apart by little kids. It wouldn't make sense that little toddlers would be strong enough to pull apart a metal robot. That's because the kids didnt break her, william did. Mangle seems like he was an inspiration from funtime foxy because sister location happened before AND a lot of times, "toy foxy" is often referred to "funtime foxy". Due to this inspiration, mangle had the ability to record voices and things just like funtime foxy. Why am I pointing this out? Well, why would mangle randomly have static noises and a broken radio sound? It's her recorder, it's broken. He recorded many things and then recorded something that someone didnt want anyone to find out about. That someone would be William afton. William is always suspicious and doing evil things.Let's say that, oh idk, maybe William murdered someone, some person called the cops on him, (which explains the police messages n stuff in the radio) William killed that person and his the evidence of the murders. At least that's what he thought. Mangle was somehow recording the whole thing. William had no other choice but to take her apart and destroy him. But then William thought that it would to suspicious to have mangle be randomly broken the next day and so he fixed mangle up in way where it looks like shes fixed, but one tug hes broken and the kids are there to blame for. All of this might be a stretch I know, but apparently in one of the fnaf 2 minigames where theres a mangle Sprite, in the files or sources codes or WHATEVER IDK, there's a hidden message that says "he was here" or something like that. THAT CAN SUPPORT THIS THEORY errr headcanons? Idk I should go sleep lol
Micheal headcanon:
I always wanted to believe that Micheal was the older brother/Bully and that the bite victim was a different character. Why? Because I want more..character for Micheal. He went to sister location because he wants his torn apart family to be back together. He went to save Elizabeth and he never forgave himself for being the one to 'kill' his brother and all that failed. I wanted Michaels story to be exciting and emotional because of his past and the whole family thing
I also always liked to think that Micheal started working out to gain some strength before becoming a technician because he knows that the robots are strong and dangerous. That way things can be more action packed with Michael punching through pipes and walls, and holding back animatronics trying to grab him, and just...cool stuff
Fnaf headcanons:
Freddy has a nice deep voice and that's his real voice. When it comes to preforming during the day, he talks in his "family friendly" voice which is all goofy and fun (kinda like Patrick star's voice) The animatronics are a lot different on stage. It's as if they play as characters and they change their voices sometimes (like Freddy). Chica acts like this ditzy cute country gal, Bonnie is a laid back chill bon, foxy is just more ...pirate, and Freddy is a fun loving silly lead singer
Nightmarriones pupils change shape to Express his emotions. (Sad=tear drop pupils, sick=swirly pupils, angry=skull or fire pupils)
Lefty has his own voice instead of a whispery girly voice because he is his own character. He may look like the rockstars but he was made differently. The rockstars were built by some factory or company and they have advanced technology which gives em the ability to have emotions, personalities and to do tricks. Meanwhile lefty was built by henry in a shed or something. Henry only focused on programming him to find charlie and he had to make lefty look like the rockstars to blend in and not be suspicious. Other than that, lefty was a total rush job. Henry only wanted Charlie therefore, Henry didn't care to give lefty a personality, emotions, an EYE, or stablness.
In the afton family, the mother is sweet, kind, caring, and over protective while william is outgoing, silly, and isnt afraid to do anything (before he went insane). Usually kids have similar personalities to their parents soooo I like to think that Micheal is more like his mom but looks like his dad and that Elizabeth looks like her mom but acts like her dad. Why? Because I always saw Michael as a hero, he cares for others and he wants to save his family. He is sweet and protective like his mom. Elizabeth is rebellious and sassy. In the sister location mini cutscene with William and Elizabeth, she disobeys william to see baby and that's a rebellious move. Elizabeth likes adventure and crazy things so she wont follow the rules any time soon.
Funtime chica does all the rockstar's make up. When months pass by, the rockstar's paint would peel or chip and so ft. Chica would repaint their lipsticks, eye shadows, cheeks, etc. And they look fresh and new afterwards
Even though puppet and Goldie (and all the other animatronics) have been through so much shiz, they still try to keep their cool and enjoy life
In the rockstar crew r. Bonnie is the creepiest. Yeah, he seems chill and is self centered, he is the only rockstar who is most likely to murder someone if he's told to do so (this isn't counting ucn where they all kill). All on Bonnie's songs are so creepy and he sings about killing you in unique ways. Stuff like making slivers (or slippers) out of you, flaying your flesh, smashing your face into concrete, ending your life, and stabbing your heart with his guitar. He's definitely into gory stuff
Springtrap has two different personalities. Most of the time he's himself, spring bonnie. A kind fun loving bun who completely changed his personality after becoming springtrap. He is know constantly scared, upset, and afraid of Williams next move. He hates being an evil monster but it's not something he can control due to William still having control over him. When the slringbonnie side of springtrap gets mad or upset that's when hes weak and William takes control and becomes the evil side of springtrap. Springtrap is very aggressive and very strong. Slringbonnie tries to fight back Williams spirit, but as time went on and when the kids got sent free, spring bonnie got lonely and gave up which let William take full control over him. Sprjngbonnie is gone, its William now (which explains scraptrap)
Idk if this is a theory or headcanon but fnaf 1 bonnie is blue. Yes, he is known to be purple and everyone says and draws him purple but he's blue. Maybe it's the certain blue color he is but due to lightning it makes him look very purple. When he's in more darker areas, bonnie is very blue but when he's in the light areas, hes purple. Let's not forget how every single version on bonnie is blue (except for extras like spring springbon and bonnet etc.) Exept for fnaf 1 bonnie. That doesn't make sense if one of the originals would be purple but all the other versions are blue. One more thing, in the silver eyes, they mention that bonnie has blue fur ;) this was a dumb rant sorry
Shadow bon is evil and can shape shift cause hes a goopy shadow boy and shadow fred is his lil assistant
After fazbears fright burned down, William got to take control over springbonnie(trap) and roamed the streets at night. He roamed dark allies and probably killed whoever slighted him. It was a long walk but he was just trying to get to his destination, fred bears diner. Because of the fires, the springtrap suit was more ruined and unsturdy and so it was time for a change. Somehow William got out of the suit but he's weak without one so he picked an old spring bonnie suit, scraptrap. (According to the fnaf minigames there are multiple spring bonnie suits so that why spring trap looks different)
I got more headcanons but this post is already to long :p
My Unpopular opinions:
Am I the only one here who's not way into the whole Michael AI theory?? Like it kinda makes sense but at the same time, making a whole new robot son with advanced technology IN THE 80s does not give the fnaf-y feel?? Ya know what I mean? Like it doesn't fit the theme? Also the ai thing is in the books and the books are a different universe from the games sooo idk why matpat still connected them?? Hsjsbsjsjsn fnaf is just waaaaay to confusing. Also please dont get mad at me for this opinion cause matpats ai thing is just a theory, its not canon
Foxy isnt super great. Dont get me wrong, I love foxy and he's an amazing character but I don't get why he got so much attention and hype
Bonnet and lolbit should just be canon already. They're not canon characters but they're included in sooo many things in fnaf so might as well make em canon
Funko needs to make a fnaf 2 figure set where you collect t.chica,t.bonnie,t.freddy, puppet, one of the withereds or shadows and you collect them all to make a mangled mangle figure. I would DIE for a fully formed noodle fox figure, how cool would that be?
Scraptrap design is perfect. I know that we all make peanut and Jimmy neutron jokes but honestly I love his sharp teach, creepy eyes, AMazInG voice, and his stabby arm. Sometimes in some angles, he can look heck a creepy
butter sock
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Could I request some hcs or positivity for Queen with memory loss due to CPTSD?
Content Warning: Mentions and depictions of domestic violence, child abuse and vomiting
“You all remember the show that was on when we were kids with the donkey?” Freddie asked, swirling the wine glass in his head.
Brian popped up from his stool at the bar, eyes sparkling, “Yes! The mule! What was it’s name? It was a puppet wasn’t it? A ghastly one too.” 
John drained the last of his beer before saying, “Muffin the Mule?”
“Yesss! That’s it! Wait how did you remember that? You were just a tot when it finished airing,” Freddie asked with furrowed eyebrows.
John shrugged, poking his temple. “Got a good memory,”
“What about you, Roger? You remember that freakish mule?” Brian asked, swaying a little to the radio playing in the background.
Roger froze, hands tightening around his pint. He was hoping if he stayed quiet, they wouldn’t ask him about the damn donkey. But of course they did.
He blinked, mind whirring to the past, a place filled with holes and craters. Black holes where memories should be. Punches of nothing where a childhood, laughter and toys, should be. 
He didn’t remember Muffin. Or if they even had a telly. Or if he ever heard of the show from school friends. He didn’t remember his fifth birthday either. He didn’t remember what his favorite toy was as a kid. All he remembered was work boots stomping on tile. A glass cup smashing on the ground. Big hands. Big hands. Around his thr-
Roger took his beer glass, a shaky hand bringing it to his lips, downing the whole thing with two painful gulps. 
He wiped the foam from his upper lip, praying there wasn’t any panic in his eyes. 
“Never heard of it,” he said before asking the bartender for a round of shots. The first of many that night.
“Blimey, Rog, you really outdid yourself tonight,” Brian grumbled as he and John tried their best to carry a slurring and wobbling Roger back to the flat. 
Roger just giggled, head hanging limply, feet dragging behind him. 
“And you could’ve paid for you tab y’know. Nearly made me declare bankruptcy, you bitch,” Freddie added, frowning at his wallet in his pocket which was a bit too light for his preference. 
I wish I never married your bitch of a mother. Then you would’ve never been born!
Roger shivered but started to laugh uproariously, his whole body shaking. “Promise to not hit me, Fred?” Roger managed to say between his fit of giggles.
Freddie rolled his eyes at his friend’s drunk antics. “I don’t fancy corporal punishment, darling,” 
“Wish dad could’ve said that himself,” Roger said with a snicker, slumping further down in his friends grips.
Brian and John struggled to hoist him back up, Brian shaking his head all the while. “What are you blubbering on about mate?” he asked as he readjusted Roger’s arm around his neck. 
“Muffin! I don’t remember her,” Roger answered, although none of them could decipher how that made any sense. 
“Yeah. I remember you said that earlier. No b-” John was cut off.
“I don’t remember nothing!” Roger said, breaking out into giggles. 
“‘Cause you’re drunker than a skunk, Rog,” Brian said.
Roger shook his head, lips pressing together. “Nu-uh. I don’t remember shit. ‘Cuz me dad beat me too much. Uh-huh,” Roger tried to use his finger to hush himself, as if to say this was all a big secret, but he ended up pressing his finger to John’s lips. 
“I beat you were one naughty kid,” Freddie said, only imagining how rambunctious and obnoxious a 4 year old Roger Taylor could have been. His poor, poor mother.
Roger’s tone suddenly changing, the laughing abruptly stopping, his face melting into something serious. There was a glint in his eye that made Brian shiver. 
“I was a good kid. Real good. I did the chores. Cleaned my room. The dishes. Ate my vegetables. And he didn’t care. Not even a little. He didn’t care, Freddie. I was so good and he didn’t care,” Roger’s hair hung in his face as he looked down at the moving pavement. 
He remembered his first broken nose at 6. He remembered how the bruises on his arms looked. He remembered what his mom’s screams at 3am sounded like. 
He couldn’t wrack his brain hard enough to find anything else. A single shred of evidence that he had a enjoyable childhood. As if the only thing that imprinted itself into his mind where adrenaline filled moments. Everything else was smudged like wet paint, splattered with blood and pricked with tears. 
There was nothing else. 
A strangled sob found it’s way out of Roger’s mouth. And then another. The world began to spin dangerously. John’s hand on his neck, the one stabilizing him, felt big. So big. And he was so little. So little. Defenseless. Weak. He was a child. Roger was a child and all he knew was pain.
The first spray of vomit erupted before anyone could react to Roger’s initial cries. 
Everyone panicked, Brian and John setting Roger down gently onto his knees. Freddie ran over to pull his hair out of his face and rub his back. There were echoes of “Are you okay?” and “Roger, it’s alright,” But Roger was too busy upchucking his stomach contents, his thoughts erratic, eyes leaking.
My dinner’s an hour late. You think I’m happy with you right now, bitch?
Why the fuck would you wake me up from my nap? It’s like you want to be beat, you little shit!
I stepped on one of your toys. Come here. I said, come here, Roger!
His stomach was empty, but he kept forcefully retching, wanting the memories to spill out of him to join the puddle of stomach acid before him. Nothing would come up.
Roger let out a frustrated cry, arms shaking. “I can’t remember Muffin the Mule! I can’t remember it! I can’t remember anything! I can’t remember anything!!!”
He was covered in tears, snot and spit, quaking as he screamed his throat raw above his own waste in the middle of the road. The three others huddled around him, hesitating on what to do. They had a vague idea of what was happening, but they’d try to help the best they could. 
There was hands on the small of his back. Fingers running through his hair. Feather light squeezes on his shoulders. Hushes, whispers and coos. Roger wanted to fight it. He wanted to stay here until he screeched his throat raw, until he died, but he was unable to fight the comfort. He found himself melting in their touch. Melting away. Until his eyes fluttered shut. Until he didn’t remember what happened next.
There was sunlight sneaking into the otherwise dark room through a crack in the curtains. The air smelled like toast and bacon. 
Roger’s eyes fluttered open, bleary and confused. But he was so warm and comfortable. A strange mix of emotions to feel. He went with it though, snuggling deeper into the blankets, head sinking into the fluffy pillow. 
He was ready to drift back asleep, uncaring of where he was or what happened when the softest touch landed on his side. He cringed, but it was accompanied by an even softer voice.
“Roger, don’t worry, it’s me,” Roger relaxed when he heard John whisper. He rolled over in bed to find John laying in bed next to him. He was still in his clothes from the night before, all curled up because Roger had unknowingly hogged all the blankets.
“They put me on ‘Roger watch’ cuz I was the most sober,” John said with a quiet laugh. 
The events from the night before came reeling back. The drinking and the stupid mule and the break down and oh god.
Roger broke out into a sweat, panic gripping him. He shot up in bed, ready to jump out and run. To where? No clue. All he knew was that he was terrified. This wasn’t how any of this was supposed to go. He was supposed to smile and pretend like everything was okay until he croaked. He wasn’t supposed to tell people about that. He w-
“Hey, hey, Rog. It’s okay. You’re fine. Everything is okay. What happened last night..is fine. You take your time. We’re here to listen whenever you’re ready. For now, just relax. We’re gonna take care of you,” John said as he eased Roger back down into bed, brushing some hair out of his face.
Roger just nodded, letting himself be pushed back down, eyes wide. Only then did he realize how tired he was. How his bones were aching, head pounding. 
Just then, the door creaked open, Brian and Freddie walking in. Brian carried a plate of everything a hung over man could dream of. Eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes and a heaping cup of orange juice. Freddie just held a bottle of aspirin, unable to cook himself. 
Roger looked at both of their faces, unable to find an ounce of pity or awkwardness. Just sincere smiles and loving eyes. 
“I...” Roger wanted to speak, but nothing came out. Freddie shook his head, ushering in Brian. 
“Darling, eat up. We have all the time in the world to talk,” he said as he sat on the side of the bed, pinching at Roger’s cheek. 
“Yeah, eat up. I busted out my mum’s pancake recipe for you,” Brian said, handing Roger the plate and glass. 
John hummed, face burying into the pillow, apparently not having slept at all that night. “We love you, mate,” he mumbled before drifting off.
Roger took the food, swallowing hard. Maybe there weren’t words for any of this. Maybe he’d never be able to explain himself or his gratitude. But right now, as he scarfed down his breakfast, Roger hoped he’d remember this moment. 
His past was a vortex that would take years to get over, to move on from. And he’d probably never get any good memories back. But he could make good ones starting from that very moment. He could make memories to last a life time.
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adobe-outdesign · 7 years
There’s another way to look at the parallels in the Immortal and the Restless
So in the past, I’ve gone over some potential parallels to FNAF’s story in the Immortal and the Restless. Lately, however, I’ve realized that there’s a completely different way to view things, which makes even more sense and sheds light on how SL connects back to FNAF 1-4.
First of all, let’s determine our character parallels. Our main hint is actually Episode 5, the Fake Ending cutscene - it plays only during the Fake Ending, which means that the parallels only apply to this ending. And indeed, that’s what we see - Clara and Vlad reuniting directly mimics the Sister and Michael’s reunion in this ending. Therefore, we can determine the following:
Clara: The Sister. Same blond hair as the Little Girl’s sprite. The “Restless“ in the title refers to her being a ghost (often described as bring restless). Clara is also constantly angry, which references that one line from the trailer (Courtesy of Doowopasaurus over on Reddit):
Anger is Restless
Vlad: Michael himself. Same fluffy brown hair and purple clothing as Michael’s sprite, and even shares the same rectangular jawline as Michael’s reflection (also known as Rick Astley). The Sister was constantly mistaking him for William, which is why Clara acts as aggressively towards him as she does. Being a vampire, he’s our “Immortal“, which references Michael’s inability to properly die:
You won’t die.
I should be dead, but I’m not.
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As for the Baby? We know it’s male with dark hair. We know it’s related to the Sister/Clara, and we know that Michael/Vlad absolutely denies it being related to him.
Clara, I tell you! The baby isn’t mine!
Let’s step away from the Immortal and the Restless for a moment to talk about another important implication in SL: that the Sister is not Afton’s child.
The Kidnapping
There is a tiny torn-up Funtime Foxy animatronic in the Sister’s empty room in 4. It’s clearly a parallel to Mangle. But Mangle doesn’t share any of the characteristics of Afton’s Funtime Foxy - it actually looks like Scott put in as many differences between them as possible. Why is this important?
In the TSE AU, Henry built tiny toy animatronics for his daughter along with Freddy and the gang - the animatronics that have endos identical to Mangle’s in canon, but not Afton’s designs. Henry also had two kids - one of which was kidnapped by Afton wearing the Spring Bonnie suit.
How do we know this happened in canon? Look at Stage 01. There’s a room where a child, left along with Spring Bonnie, is missing - missing from a family of 3, to boot.
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There’s even a heavy implication the Sister was kidnapped within the gameplay:
I think they noticed that you never left the building last night. The cameras were searching for you, but they couldn’t find you. I have you hidden too well.
I kidnapped you.
The Baby
How does this tie back into the show? Let me emphasize this again: the Baby is related to the Sister, but not Michael. After all, the Baby’s only doing vampire baby things - all we have is Clara’s word that it’s Vlad’s son and not some other vampire’s.
Why did I bring up that the Sister was kidnapped? Because if the Sister is only artificially related to the Aftons (much like how Vlad and Clara are married - part of the same family, but not by blood), then the Baby represents someone she’s genetically related to. Like, say, the Brother who she was kidnapped from. That’s why Vlad is so insistent that the baby isn’t his - the Brother is Henry Schmidt’s child, not William or Michael’s.
This also explains the Baby’s behavior on the show - it causes problems for itself and others without support from a father, much like how the Brother abuses the Bitten Child when their dad isn’t around.
FNAF 1-4
Now that we have character identities out of the way, how does all of this relate back to the rest of the series?
There’s one key thing to keep in mind: every episode of the series aligns with the chronological order of the games (Episode 1 with FNAF 2, E2 with FNAF 2, etc). We can tell because episode 3 has a fire in it - a parallel to the burning of Fazbear’s Fight in FNAF 3. Likewise, the Fake Ending is Episode 5, and it reflects SL - “FNAF 5“.
Therefore, all you have to do is go by episode/game and apply the character parallels, and how FNAF 1-4 relates back to SL becomes clear as day:
Episode 1/FNAF 1: Purple Guy wasn’t in FNAF 1, but the Brother was an extremely prominent character. Therefore, the Baby is discussed the entire episode, with Vlad not doing anything in particular.
Episode 2/FNAF 2: Clara/the Sister declares that Vlad/Michael’s paycheck is going to be docked - which is exactly what happens when Michael goes into work the next day.
[...] It’s worth mentioning that due to your lackluster performance yesterday, your pay has been decreased by a substantial amount.
She also says that he works the “graveyard shift“. Say, don’t we know of a Purple Guy sprite that worked as a night guard during FNAF 2?
Uh, the first guy finished his week, but complained about… conditions. Uh, we switched him over to the day shift.
Uh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual, and he’s on watch from opening ’til close.
Um, from what I understand the building is on lockdown, uh…no one is allowed in or out, y’know. Especially concerning any… previous employees.
And in Chase the Puppet, you encounter an empty office and a Purple Guy sprite with a night guard badge - which happens to be posed exactly like Vlad is when working at the Fry Me Taco (thanks to MichaelO2000 on Reddit for the observation/images).
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It’s also worth nothing that the “Pink Guy“ sprite seen in Go Go Go! and Take Cake isn’t paralleled here - meaning it’s a separate character from Michael. There was never only one.
Episode 3/FNAF 3: As mentioned before, Clara burning the house down is a parallel to the Sister razing Fazbear’s Fright in 3. This also means that Michael is indeed Springtrap, and by extension the Purple Guy sprite shown in the minigames. Even the dialogue in the next episode lampshades this:
You burned down my house?!
It was like a morgue in there!
Episode 4/FNAF 4: This episode is skipped... because you were asleep. (Courtesy of Doowopasaurus again.)
Episode 5/FNAF SL: We discussed this earlier. Vlad and Clara stop bickering over the Baby for a moment and make up with each other over something unrelated, just like how the Sister/Ennard doesn’t kill Michael in this ending because he helped her escape from CBEAR. However, nothing has been done to help the Brother yet, which is why the ending lampshades this:
But what about the Baby? What about the backed child support?
Of course, that ending’s only achieved with the Fake Ending. In the Real Ending, Michael’s a bit too, uh, robotic to watch his show. However, in case you were doubting the parallels, we hear the opening leitmotif of the show when “Michael” looks into the mirror - “Clara“ and “Vlad“ never made up in canon, and this is the result.
TL;DR: Clara is the Sister, Vlad is Michael, and the Baby is the Brother from 4. The show tells us how SL connects back to 1-4: Michael is the Purple Guy in 2 and 3, and the Sister is concerned for the biological brother she was kidnapped from.
(And no, the baby isn’t Vlad’s.)
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