#why would you commission anyone if you can just type a sentence into an ai.....
fimbry · 2 years
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I have spent the last 24 hours completely freaking out about AI art and feeling like art is a joke and I’ve made a huge mistake building my life around it and dad was right all along and and and
It may not exactly be that grim but big fear is everything in the future is going to be repetitive marvel movies with ai art to completely replace people’s contributions, and everything is going to look the same and there won’t be meaning in anything, and it’ll sell.
And hey, if someone wants a different style so it looks a little less samey don’t worry this other ai can do that too.
I’m being real anxiety on main but some of this ai art looks pretty damn good and it’s like wow I wasted my life or something.
At least I’ve been doing some traditional mediums or I’d be losing it even worse than this.
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talabib · 7 years
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