#why yes I'm having fun watching TCW for the first time
magnusbae · 11 months
Disaster Duo™ springing the trap, colorized.
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galactic-rhea · 14 days
possibly the most obvious ship i could send for the ask meme but anidala/vaderdala!
ohohoh of course, them!!!!
when I started shipping it if I did:
Probably since I started watching TCW and saw some fanarts! Which I know it's a bit odd because most people apparently dislike them in TCW (and yeah, when I finally watched the movies I get why!), but that very first iteration of them in i think, the second episode of TCW with them kissing in an enemy ship, with Obi-Wan a few metres away, and all because she randomly ran into danger, was very, very fun to me, so I shipped them in a "they're dorks" way.
Then a saw all the epic tragedy romance stuff and, yeah, i'm sold.
my thoughts:
I think I have said it before, but there's something very "bigger than life" about their romance, which is what kept me hooked beyond "is just funny". They're extremelly passionate people, with the height of the world on their shoulders, and with sides of them that no one but the other knew about each other. Particularly with Padmé becuase she's very cold and compossed most of the time (it's her politician facade!). Anakin overall is just very painfully obvious and easy to read, but he still kept many things from the world, and Padmé knew most of that iceberg, so to speak, and they still loved each other madly despite the ugly side.
What makes me happy about them:
They're just,,,very romantic and silly! When they're actually together and in a situation where they're allowed to relax, they're just very dumb and in love 😆 I think what it makes me so happy about them is that you could tell how happy they were with each other, despite being so miserable most of the time, they just loved each other so much and that's nice.
What makes me sad about them:
This doesn't need answer, lmao 😭😂 But yeah, the,,,tragedy and damnation, Anakin turning on her despite doing all of that for her on the first place hurts so much
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I'll be honest, I haven't read that many fics that focus anidala? At least no yet, it's been less than a year since a got into this. But I guess it could be that,,,many times they're tagged and then in the fic it's barely mentioned, like sometimes it will be just Anakin randomly thinkin "ah yes, padmé" lol
Another thing could be that,,,ehhh Padmé rendered to just girlboss/dominatrix/ the one that just gives Anakin a glare to keep him on check as if he's a manchild. And the diametrically opposite of this which is just sad, crying, poor wife in a domestic abusive situation and Anakin being the epitiome of Evil Bad Boy Sexy Cool Kidnapper
things I look for in fanfic:
Honestly i just want them being fairly in-character, I feel like they're very easily misinterpreted. But again, everyone has a different opinon on them, I guess, so -shrugs- Probably more situations in which Anakin is the one kidnapped/wounded/in danger and Padmé has to do something about it, so hurt/comfort!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Ah....-scratches head- They're so obssesed with each other that it's hard for me to think about that. Like, sometimes I fancy for the giggles and jokes some other ships for them in like a passing crush way, like Anakin and Rex, or Padmé and Breha, but, their narratives are so damn tangled into each other's that it's hard to, but that's just me.
My happily ever after for them:
Anakin leaves the order, Padmé steps away from politics and run away to Naboo to raise their twins, like they always wanted 🥺
Alternatively, I like to believe their ghosts are very happilly looking over Luke and Leia,,,,,,,and also haunting and scaring some random privileged senators passing awful bills in Coruscant. They love writing messages on mirrors with red lipstick
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
I think Padmé likes to be the big spoon just to more easily bite and headbutt him. But they switch, i suppose, because I'm sure Anakin sometimes just really really wants to hpld her.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Domestic: Just talking, the most boring and mundane stuff, but they just like talking.
Not so domestic: These two are wild souls, they probably enjoy randomly rushing to help some planet/cause/random battle, whatever. In an ideal scenario, this usually means rushing into the ship to go and bail their children out of jail, organize a heist, or a little slave liberation. While holding hands.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 9 batchersss
Let's do it 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x05
"I get my own comm device?" she's so excited and it's so big on her lil arm 🥺🤲
Wrecker working out with Gonky
Echo: "the jedi trusted him" Tech: "the jedi who are all dead" bro 💀 I mean he has a point but still
dad batch telling Omega her comm isn't a toy...
*2 seconds later* Omega sneaking off to use her comm as a toy 😂
Echo and Hunter mom and dad going through the rules with Omega
(fun fact my mum knows their rules because I say them to her lmao)
Tech's reaction to seeing Cid's place is literally "charming 👀" oml he's roasting her before he even meets her I love him sm
the two guys Ahsoka set free !!! on Oba diah !!!
Hunter: 'who is Cid?' Echo: 'I literally have no idea' 💀
Tech: "that would've been information to share earlier" brooo his sass level as at an all time high this ep 👑
Omega is so smart fr 💕
Echo mom grabbing Omega's hand before she touches the sharp thingy
I don't hate a lot of star wars characters, but Cid is definitely one of them now ngl
Wrecker and Omega high five 💕💕💕💕
Cid called Wrecker "it" I'm- 😡
Wreckers headaches are getting worse 🥲🙃
I know someone has spoken about this before but I just cannot get over the way Omega hugs her little clone doll when she finds out some people are sold and treated like property 😭💔 it's like poetry but not the nice kind
Omega: "poor Muchi she looks scared" 🤲
another fun fact my dad says this all the time hehe oops (no my parents have not seen tbb)
oop Hunter dad told Omega to stay on the ship
shhh they're sneaking 🤫
I MISS THEM SO BAD THEYRE DOING MISSION THINGS LIKE "Echo, sitrep" idk it just feels so tcw I'm emotional 🥲
Wrecker hits his head count: 5
Hunter and Tech got the zappy net oop
Omega: "now she's a bad batcher" screaming, crying, kicking my feet, throwing myself across the room
Omega always calls for Hunter first 🥺
Wrecker trying to comfort the lil green baby 🥲
Tech's dramatic sigh count: 583
Omega has the brain cell this ep fr
ew get ur crusty feral slaver ass outta here, skug
lmao Echo shouting to Omega like 'we are unarmed pls arm us' 😂
WAIT I saw someone posting about this, if anyone knows what I'm talking about pls tag the op or something please !! but they were talking about how Echo seems so willing to work with Omega in the field, like he trusts her despite her being a child, possibly because he'd worked alongside Ahsoka as a child, like for him it's normal to work with a child soldier. so while the rest of the batch are like ??? how to talk to babies ??? Echo is giving her battlefield instructions and gives her a bit more 'freedom' (for lack of a better word) in the field
lmao Wrecker's way of distracting the guards is to take out some guy's ankles 💀
"I wasn't sneaking... I was unlocking" YESSSS OMEGAAAA 🥰💕👑🙌
screwdriver hand go brrr
Echo: "the rancor is Muchi???" 🤨🙃 poor baby just needs a nap fr
okay but Hunter just throws Echo's pack at him from like 10ft away 💀 then Wrecker immediately throws him his helmet 👀 yes I watched it multiple times 🤫
Echo again !! he straight up volunteers to take Omega with him 💕
Tech is an ipad kid
get them Muchi !! tear those slavers apart !!! (insert evil Nimona face)
Wrecker's big nod to slide his helmet over his face properly teehee
Wrecker hits his head count: 6
Hunter grabbing the whip. Hunter grabbing the whip. Hunter grabbing the whip. Hunter grabbing the-
do not ask me how many times I've watched this scene... just don't
but the answer is yes
anyway back to being normal lmao
Omega finding her laser bow 🙌 !!! + Echo mom calling aftet her lololol
Muchi thrashed that slaver pet fr
Wrecker: 'challenge accepted' *fights rancor*
Bib Fortuna and the guards for the ot vibes 🥰
Omega riding Muchi !!! very Fett of her hehe
"I'm good with secrets" yeah and I'm good at going to bed before 3am 🙄 pfft good with secrets my ass Ciddarin 😠
tysm for joining again friends 💕 I actually meant to post this yesterday but I fell asleep oopsie
but I'm running out of time lolol so I'm gonna have to watch a few eps a day now !!
who else is terrified for s3 👀
Tumblr media Tumblr media
It's almost 3am and these are the only 2 pics I can find from this ep 🥲 feel free to reblog and add more 💕
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twinsunstars · 4 months
Howdy! @stars-n-spice here for the Bad Batch tag game :D For asks: 4, 10, 16, 20, & 37! 🩵💫
4. What's your least favorite episode? Why?
Ummm.... I'm not sure because I find all of them really good. But I think I would say "Plan 99" bc Tech is gone and Omega is taken in that one and it hurts really bad (even though that episode is so good 😭)
10. If you could write an episode for the show, what would it be about?
I would definitely write a cadet episode for the show. I remember actually starting a script for fun but I never got time to work on it during my freshman year of college and haven't gone back to it since. Might pick it up one day and turn it into a fic or a series of tales surrounding the Batch as cadets.
16. What are some headcanons you have about Echo?
Loved spicy food but after the Citadel incident and how his body changed, he has a hard time eating any
Has gathered a collection of tools that can become useful in many situations
20. What are some headcanons you have about Omega?
Gets brain freeze whenever she eats ice cones on Pabu too fast
She shares stories about her brothers and the clones with others after she joined the Rebellion
Spent time with Hera while Hera was pregnant with Jacen (is his Aunt Omega)
Sends her brothers holo-pictures through a secure comm channel while away
37. What was your initial reaction to seeing the Bad Batch for the first time in TCW?
When I first saw the Bad Batch in TCW, I found them to be very intriguing and an enjoyable group to watch since they were new and different clones, and I loved learning more about them. They had always made me laugh and aside from Rex, Cody, Kix, and Jesse, they were the first bunch of clones I got to see when I became a Star Wars fan in 2020 during the pandemic and while Season 7 of TCW was going on (yes I started watching TCW backwards lol but I caught up with all the seasons pretty quickly). They have a big special place in my heart for that reason.
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synthwwavve · 2 years
from the ask list thing— bo-katan, for whichever ones you want/all:D
Aaaaa thank you! I did almost all of them but left out a few that I couldn't think of anything good for. Without further ado--
— a fun headcanon
She is really good at video games, especially FPS and strategy games (naturally.) She grew up kind of a loner and spent most of her teens holed up in her room not knowing what to do with herself, and this was one of her major pastimes.
— a sad headcanon
The scar on her forehead came from a near-miss of being fatally stabbed during an attack on the palace during the civil war, when she was only about 6-7. Fortunately she managed to dodge just enough for the blade to graze her skin and nothing worse. (I have a lot of uh. much sadder headcanons from this same night/event, but I’m not revealing them yet because I want to turn them into a proper fic >:D )
— a headcanon that canon doesn't disprove (yet lol, this could change in mando s3 now that we’re getting more Bo history)
She joined Death Watch ~4-5 years before TCW canon, but continued to feign a normal life in Sundari and a relationship (albeit a strained and not-very-close one) with Satine while actively double-crossing her and plotting to overthrow her behind her back. Satine didn’t find out any of this until right after the shit went down with Death Watch being exposed in general.
— a headcanon to spite canon, specifically
She is somewhere between 23-26 during TCW. Not 17. Not the same age as Satine. Early to mid 20’s. I will die on this hill.
— a headcanon about their family
Mom Kryze was not born a Mandalorian, she was the eldest daughter of a prominent Kalevalan noble family, and was adopted into the culture when she married Adonai... who was not a Duke until he married into her family, just an influential warlord and the head of clan Kryze.
— a missing scene that definitely happened
Not so much a headcanon but a speculation… something fucking intense must have gone down for her to lose the darksaber to Moff Gideon because?? she’s amazing at weilding it as we now see???
— I recognize canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it (+ what should have happened)
This is a bit controversial but in my headcanons, I tend to massively dial down her regret, deradicalization, and general arc towards redemption in favor of keeping her unhinged and villainous, just a bit more subdued with age. She’s just so fun and entertaining to me when she’s terrible….. I am happy with the direction they're taking her in current canon too though!
— something they believe about [other character] that isn't true
I headcanon that she had a lot of irrational, sometimes bordering on delusional, hate for her sister that often wasn’t based on anything true, but was founded on a twisted and dramatized misinterpretation of things she believed to be true about Satine and her actions, intentions, ideology, etc.
— their happiest memory
Having her dad's armor reforged to fit her and putting it on for the first time. I feel like it was kind of a “second birth” moment for her.
— favorite fanon relationship
I fucking live for anyone who writes Death Watch era Bo and Gar Saxon as antagonistic barely-frenemies who constantly give each other hell, I don’t know why it’s so funny and perfect to me but it is
— favorite should have been canon relationship
God. listen. not to get on my bullshit but Bo/Pre Vizsla…. Yes as a romantic ship because I'm trash of them, but I also just think more of their relationship and their past together “should have been canon” in the sense that I wish it was explained and fleshed out more, no matter what the nature of their relationship was. I’m dying to know what their history is, how they met, how Bo joined Death Watch, how she ended up his second-in-command, etc. I’m happy with my headcanons but I want to know what officially went down too!
Ask Meme post for anyone who wants it!
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
i was tagged by @sleepswithvillains for this and it looks quite fun! tagging @ipreferfiction @tarrevizsla @darthsassacre @basilissa-bastila and @darthmarrsgf for this.
1)how many works do you have on AO3?
SO. i'm doing this with my main account as opposed to just the pseud i actively post on, so uhhhh. this and the next two questions are not counting the 9-fic 470k word series i orphaned a few years ago that i occasionally check in on to see how it's doing. i have... drumroll... 104 works posted on AO3 since February of 2016!
2)what's your total AO3 word count?
2,000,622 words!
3)what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
do you love me, tcw/codywan, 2723 kudos
follow me (and i will bring you home), ST/reylo, 1495 kudos
something inside this heart has died (you're in ruins), tcw/codywan, 1316 kudos
tell the world (i'm coming home), swr/vader + ahsoka, 1291 kudos
i just wanna keep calling your name (until you come back home), tcw/codywan, 784 kudos
4)do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i respond to comments on my current fics, especially because they're pretty niche - kotor and swtor mostly - and so i don't get a lot of them, and i crave interaction. i haven't responded to the comments on a lot of my older ones because i got a lot and it simply got too difficult to keep up with - for example, dylm has 491 comments and that's a bit much to actively respond to all of them
5)what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
oh god this one is difficult. probably a rogue one fic back in 2017 i wrote based off the song whiskey lullaby, which is uhhh pretty damn angsty. for the most part i don't tend to end fics with angst, so all my angst is in the middle, and Let Me Tell You What there is a lot of it! but i like healing and growth and change and resolution and happiness so my fics tend to at least end bittersweetly?
6)what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
uhhhh hm that's a hard one. i don't usually write explicit fluff either. probably it would be the one and only doctor who longfic i wrote way back in 2016 which ended with a wedding, which i am not linking because it is very old and not good writing and you can find it if you dig really hard.
7)do you write crossovers?
crossovers, not so much. fusions, absolutely yes, i love taking my favorite sw blorbos and putting them into new fandoms. i've got a hunger games fusion back when i wrote for tcw, there's a swtor/mass effect fusion siting in my drafts, and ofc my main project right now is a kotor/swtor/hp fusion that i am very proud of!
8)have you ever received hate on a fic?
i sure have. my very very first fanfic, which i posted on ffn, got outright hate yelling at me saying i'd clearly never watched the canon before lol. was sure an Experience as a very insecure 17 year old new to writing! also i wrote for some pretty ""problematic"" ships back in the day so i used to get shit for that, but that's a bit different imo
9)do you write smut? if so, what kind?
UNFORTUNATELY yes i do. none of it is posted yet, the only scene i've finished needs a lot more of the hp au posted before it has the context it needs, but i do in fact write smut. mostly it is full of emotions like angst and also so many horrible Dynamics, either dead dove or like, D/s shit, or what have you. vanilla sex is incredibly boring to my very ace mind and so i don't really have any interest in reading or writing it.
10)have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as such, but i have seen someone who very very closely copied a fic idea of mine once, including similar plot beats. it wasn't as well-written though so i ignored it.
11)have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge!
12)have you ever co-written a fic before?
oh god have i. i spent two and a half years writing tcw fic with @ellis-thescribbler, which was a very enjoyable time and ended in 2020. now i split my time between solo projects and a few different things i've got going with @ipreferfiction!
13)what's your all time favorite ship?
oh god this is a hard one. this is a really difficult one. it depends what hyperfixation i'm into at the moment. i still have a soft spot for codywan and rebelcaptain, but i think my favorite is probably going to end up being revalek. it just has all the dynamics i love and many of my favorite tropes are very common for it! i'm also incredibly attached to a couple of exceedingly rarepair ships that are the fault of the discord server and also AC and i interacting without supervision but the only one of those i can list is Cassus Fett/Mandalore the Ultimate. the others make me sound insane.
14)what's a WIP that you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
i have two of these, both from my tcw days, which won't ever be finished because i no longer write with the other author involved. those would be the all i ask of you series, which is a tcw/hunger games fusion, and the other is the lullabies series, which is a huge rewrite of the latter half of tcw.
15)what are your writing strengths?
oh hmmm this is difficult to answer as i'm not very objective about my own writing. i have been told i am good at fight scenes before, and as much as i hate writing them i do feel fairly confident with them. i like to think i am decent at putting emotion into my narration and making the prose really feel like it belongs to the characters. crowdsourced from my discord: i am apparently very good at fluid prose and vivid descriptions. that is word for word.
16)what are your writing weaknesses?
i have always struggled with coming up with sideplots, and with juggling large casts of characters in scenes, both of which are being heavily tested in my novelization of kotor. i also feel like i spend a lot of time saying the same things over and over again while trying to write description, but description is Hard so
17)what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
well, given that i do this a lot.... i don't always go hunt down conlang words, sometimes i'll just indicate other languages by italicizing the dialogue, but i definitely do it. in a setting as varied as star wars, there are so many other languages, and especially when writing nonhuman characters i like to show that they're nonhuman in more ways than one.
18)what was the first fandom you wrote for?
doctor who, back in 2016! god but it feels like ages since then
19)what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet, but want to?
Shepard/Kaidan, mass effect. Shepard/Javik, also mass effect. most of my swtor ships exist in my head but i haven't actually written them out on paper yet. mostly i just want to write for mass effect in general, and also dragon age, but i need to finish the dragon age games before i can write for them
20)what's your favorite fic you've written?
i have a few! war has let this age begin (it's where we've gone and where they've been) is the first solo longfic i've written and finished in a long long time and i'm pretty happy with parts of it. it's better to love (whether you win, lose, or die) has some prose that i feel like is probably some of the best i've written, and i'm pretty damn happy with it. and, frankly, the Vader + Ahsoka rebels fic i linked above in the kudos section, tell the world (i'm coming home), which is a Vader defects fic that explores redemption and i like a lot.
finally, i have to add an honorable mention to sharing beds like little kids (but that will never be enough), for the sheer worldbuilding fun i've had writing it, and where i know it's going. when it finishes, with all million+ words that series is going to have, it's going to be my favorite thing of all time.
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