#whyru fanfiction
lostinbl · 5 years
I dont know if the prompts are still open but if so there's something I havent been able to stop thinking about since why r u ep2 and it's fighter finding out about that guy that was bothering tutor at work and going absolutely feral on his ass and taking care of tutor like I just really need some protective!fighter in my life
Protective fighter?? hell yea! Bless you for this ask! (on mobile the text is fucked up and idk how to fix it ;-;)
Tutor looks at the clock. It’s almost the end of his shift. P’Kae left half an hour ago to do something and Tutor promised to look over the place in his absence. The evening has been quiet with only one customer after P’Kae. The bell next to the door rings as it opens. Tutor pulls a wide smile to his face and turns around.
“Welcom-” Tutor freezes on the spot. It’s his father’s creditor. Or, well, his son. He’s back on his monthly visit, several days too early like he always is.
“Yo! Give me the money”, P’Toe says as he enters. His name is not really
Toe, that’s just what Tutor has named him since he doesn’t actually
know his real name. That and the fact that the man looks like a big toe.
He’s stubby, kinda weirdly shaped and has little hair. So, P’Toe.
“P’, the date is not due until a week later, I don’t have the money yet”, Tutor explains patiently the same way he always does.
“I don’t care! I’m here to collect the money now!” the man yells. Tutor
starts to worry. P’Kae is always there whenever this person shows up and
he always has his back. Tutor is not sure he can chase the man away on
his own. Toe doesn’t seem to know where Tutor lives and only gets a hold
of him when he’s working.
“I told you P’, I don’t have the money yet. Give me a few more days? If not
a week then five days? Five days and I’ll get the money”, Tutor tries
to negotiate. P’Toe grabs Tutor’s arm with his clammy hand and squeezes.
Tutor yelps in pain as he follows his arms towards the ground.
“P’ please, I’ll have the money in a few days, I don’t have it yet”,
Tutor pleads as he tries to escape. At last, he’s able to yank his arm
out of the man’s hold and immediately he takes several steps back.
“P’! I told you I don’t have the money yet”, Tutor raises his voice in
annoyance. He knows he has to pay, of course he does but he would rather
pay to the creditor himself, not his son. If Tutor could just pay every
month the day he’s supposed to his life would be so much easier.
Instead, whenever P’Toe needs money and his father refuses to give him
any, he comes to harass Tutor for the money he most definitely does not
yet have. P’Kae is usually the one who ends up paying and Tutor then
pays him back when the date is due but Tutor wishes it didn’t go like
“I’ll just take the money then!” P’Toe yells and marches
towards the cash register. Tutor’s eyes widen and he jumps forward,
grabbing a hold of the man’s arm.
“P’!! You can’t, that’s not your money!” Tutor yells at the man in astonishment. Luckily right then, the door opens.
“What do you think you’re doing?” P’Kae announces loudly as he enters his shop. He catches on quickly.
“You touch that money and I’ll report you to the police. That money has
no relation to you or Tutor and therefore the moment you touch it,
you’re stealing”, P’Kae usually high pitched voice drops several octaves
as he threatens the man in front of him. Toe stops on the spot, glaring
at Kae.
“Now, get the fuck out of my shop. You will get your
money when the money is due, not a day earlier”, P’Kae’s voice is cold
as he stares at the other man. P’Toe looks at Kae and juts his chin out.
They both know it’s a fight he would lose. The younger man turns around
to look at Tutor.
“This is not over!” he threatens with a glare and finally exits. Tutor sighs in relief.
“I’m sorry P’Kae!” Tutor apologises but Kae just waves his hand. It’s
not the first time this has happened and he doubts it will be the last.
Have a good night!” Tutor says to P’Kae as he exits the shop. He
stretches his arms a little, rolls his head and starts walking home. He
doesn’t get far though. Tutor makes his way onto the main street and
past two buildings when a familiar face appears in front of him. P’Toe.
He must be really desperate for money. Tutor opens his mouth to once
again remind the man that he does not have any, when he feels a fist
against his stomach. The air escapes Tutor’s lungs and he falls to his
knees, eyes wide and gasping for air.
“You useless little shit! You’re really not helpful!” P’Toe curses as he hits Tutor again.
“Money! That’s all you’re good for and you don’t even have that!” P’Toe
keeps mocking as he kicks the man on the ground. A sharp wave of pain
travels through Tutor’s side and his eyes get blurry with tears of pain.
“P’ stop”, Tutor tries to plead as he receives another kick to his
stomach. P’Toe curses a little more and kicks Tutor again. Tutor closes
his eyes as he makes himself into a ball, putting his head between his
arms to protect it.
“Hey!” someone bellows and he hears a grunt. Tutor raises his eyes to see Toe doubled over, his face in his hands as something red oozes between his fingers. Tutor turns his eyes. P’Fight.
Fighter’s eyes are burning with rage and he’s shaking. He hurries over to Tutor.
“Can you stand?” Fighter asks and puts his arms under Tutor’s to help him up. A sharp pain travels through Tutor’s side and he yelps in pain.
Fighter lets out a long angry list of curse words as he helps Tutor to lean against a wall.
“Shit”, Tutor curses as well. If it were any other situation, Tutor would scold himself for swearing but right now he thinks it’s appropriate enough. Tutor turns his eyes up to see something alarming.
Fighter reads his expression and moves just in time to dodge P’Toe’s fist. Fighter lifts his fists up and takes a wide stance a few meters in front of Tutor. Toe sees the protective stance and cackles.
“Now who the fuck are you?!” P’Toe doesn’t wait for an answer as he charges forward. Fighter sees it coming and sidesteps him with ease. He attacks the second P’Toe flies past him.
“And-” Fighter kicks Toe’s legs sending him stumbling “who the fuck are you-” he kicks the man’s kneecap and his legs give out “-to touch him?” with another kick Toe falls to the ground, stomach first. He recovers surprisingly quick and dodges Fighter’s next kick. Toe gets up to his feet. The lower half of his face is red with the blood still dripping from his nose and his shirt is fucked up. Tutor desperately hopes his nose is broken. With an angry yell the man charges forward again.
Fighter knows it to be an easy fight. Even though the other man weighs more than he does, he doesn’t seem to have all that much experience in fighting. As long as he doesn’t have to deal with his weight it’ll be an easy win.
Once again Fighter jumps out of reach. He hits the man’s face and he wails in pain. Another kick to his leg and he’s done.
Toe backs away with tears in his eyes. Fighter follows him. Tutor decides it’s his time to get involved. He reaches out and grabs a hold of Fighter’s arm, halting him. Tutor tries his best to ignore the pain the movement causes him but he still grimaces.
“P’Fight!” he calls out receiving no reaction.
“You touch him again and I swear to god I will kill you”, Fighter growls at the man backing away.
“P’Fight! I’m okay”, Tutor tries again. Toe looks at Fighter with fear in his eyes. He takes another step back, turns around and runs.
“I will kill you!! You hear me!?” Fighter bellows after the man, his body still shaking with anger. His bloodied knuckles are still in tight fists as every fibre in his body is tensed, ready for action.
“P’Fight! Stop. That’s enough”, Tutor calls out again. This time he gets through. Fighter turns around to face Tutor, his hands immediately finding his face.
“Did he touch you here? Was your face hit? Or anywhere else? Is your stomach the only place that got hurt?” Fighter hurries as he checks over Tutor.
“Yes, I’m fine. P’Fight!” Tutor calls him again, finally getting Fighter to meet his eyes.
“I’m fine”, Tutor repeats, willing Fighter to understand. Fighter lets out a sigh of relief and backs away. He ruffles his hair in frustration. He should’ve been here. He was on his way to Tutor’s for, well, tutoring, and decided to stop by his workplace to see if they could walk together. After seeing the shop closed he continued walking only to see Tutor getting beaten up. He should’ve left a little earlier. Two minutes, that’s all it would’ve taken for Tutor to be safe. Screw you Fighter! Fighter curses at himself. “I swear if he ever touches you again-”
“He won’t”, Tutor interrupts. He knows it’s a lie because he’s fairly certain P’Toe will be back again next month. Fighter shakes his head.
“Let’s go”, he mumbles and throws one of Tutor’s arms over his shoulder despite his protest.
“Take it off”, Fighter orders as he sits down to the bed. Tutor rolls his eyes.
“I said I’ll do it myself”, he argues back defiantly meeting Fighter’s eyes. Fighter raises his eyebrow.
“Are you gonna take it off or am I?” Fighter challenges. Tutor stays still, still not dropping his gaze. With a shrug, Fighter takes hold of the hem of his shirt and pulls up.
“I said I would-” Tutor’s fight gets interrupted by the hiss of pain escaping his lips. Tutor closes his eyes as his side throbs.
“That’s why I told you to take it off”, Fighter mumbles and retreats.
Tutor glares at him but finally does what he’s asked. As the shirt reveals the skin underneath, Fighter grimaces.
“That looks nasty”, he comments at the growing cluster of bruises on Tutor’s side. Tutor snorts at the remark. Fighter puts a little medical gel on top of the bruises and Tutor hisses at the contact. Reflexively his hands wrap around Fighter’s. Fighter ignores the pair of hands clinging to his forearm and finishes applying the medicine.
“Done”, he mumbles and closes the tube. Slowly Tutor lets go.
“Thank you”, he mumbles back. Tutor lifts his eyes and meets Fighter’s. It feels as though everything slows down a little.
He didn’t realise how close they are sitting until now. Their knees are touching. Tutor would only have to lean in a little, just a little and he would be able to kiss him. He kind of wants to. Just a small kiss.
Tutor’s eyes wander down to Fighter’s lips. Fighter notices the stare and unconsciously licks them. Tutor leans a bit forward, his eyes switching from Fighter’s eyes to his lips. They’re so close now, their noses already touching. Just when Tutor feels like he’s losing his confidence Fighter moves. He removes the distance between the two of them and presses his lips against Tutor’s. Tutor lets his eyes close as he kisses Fighter back. The kiss is soft unlike the one Fighter instigated last time. Tutor much prefers this to that. A short while later they pull apart to breathe. Their eyes remain closed as they lean their foreheads together. Slowly Fighter pulls away and opens his eyes. Tutor copies him.
“I should go now”, Fighter says, his voice rough. Tutor clears his throat and leans properly back.
“Yes”, he answers, his voice not quite there yet either. Fighter nods seemingly deep in thought and gets up, hurrying for the door. Tutor looks after him.
Suddenly Fighter’s need to kiss him back then doesn’t seem all that weird anymore.
(also this was supposed to be longer and soo much better but I accidentally deleted half of it and was too annoyed at myself to try and write it exactly like I did the first time smh I never learn do I :))) )
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wonpilspiano · 4 years
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New (Mew)SaintZee fanfic 
After a series of unfortunate encounters brought upon by his growing success threaten Saint's mental stability and well-being, his boyfriend, Zee, steps in to help him cope and is willing to do anything to get him through it all. .. ANYTHING.
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longinglook · 4 years
Your reflection on internalised homophobia and 2gether was beautifully written. Thank you. One reason I'm absolutely loving WhyRU is cos it plays with those tropes. Zon is dealing with his new feelings slowly, Tutor has a supportive family but still feels shame/fear, Fighter was so scared of being vulnerable but is now 110% invested. I've felt all these at some point and I've been an out lesbian for 16 years (I'm old!) I have so many issues with BL bullshit but WhyRU is rocking my world! x
[Hi same old lesbian as last ask. (I’m 36 that feels old on tumbr!) I realise I literally just said internalised homophobia was a trope in my last ask! Which was badly phrased given your tag. Sorry. I meant WhyRU is playing with all the classic themes/stereotypes/actual experiences we see repeatedly in BL]
Hi!! Thank you so much for this message!
I agree that there’s something about why r u that is making me relate to the characters on a different level than most bl shows I’ve watched so far. There has been no talk of the weird husband/wife terms, no violence, nothing too over the top. The show still has so many flaws, from bad editing to the fact that they introduced a billion side characters and later forgot about them/never progressed their storylines. When it comes to the realism of the queer experience though they’ve been doing really well. I feel like the four main characters cover a wide spectrum of different reactions to finding out your sexuality. 
For Saifah we don’t really have an insight to what his emotions are, but he seems pretty confident with his feelings for Zon and tries to pursue them without freaking out or being too agressive about it.
Zon has the added stress of trying to figure out if his emotions are legit or if he’s influenced by his sister’s writing. Of couse he’s the most chaotic and panicking character, he has to deal with realizing he might not be straight, he might have feelings for a guy he used to hate, and his sister is writing fanfiction about the two of them so it must feel so unreal and confusing for him.
They’re perfect together because they balance each other out and make a great couple.
I love the way Tutor was portrayed, the showrunners have said that both him and Fighter have had feelings for each other for a long time, but I like how neither of them was very aware of it? Like there wasn’t any excessive one sided pining but they both had to sort their emotions out to really figure out what was happening. I like how he had to ask his sister for advice, I like how he’s still worried about the relationship even now that they are confident, because he knows the real world outside of the beach will be tough for them. I like that their story doesn’t end with them getting together but they still have to deal with real life problems that don’t magically go away once you start dating.
And Fighter… I mean I wrote a whole 25k word fic on his feelings because I love his character that much. He struggled so much with himself but I still think that what scared him the most was the possibility of Tutor not liking him back. I think a switched flipped for him when Tutor “confessed” on the rooftop and he realized his feelings were mutual, and he’s been the sweetest softest most loving partner ever since because he’s not afraid anymore. 
Sometimes you’re scared of your own sexuality until you find the one who makes you forget all about your insecurities and you’d risk it all of them (Fighter’s case) or sometimes being with someone makes your sexuality feel more real and unavoidable and makes you more scared of what people may think and you feel more vulnerable (Tutor’s case). 
I hope this made sense and omg it’s so nice to hear from another lesbian with a lot more experience than me, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that feels this way about the show!!! Don’t worry about the trope thing, I got what you meant ❤
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lostinbl · 5 years
Is why r u? Any good?
Hmm well.. I think it's fine. The only problematic thing is the storyline that romanticizes a girl writing fanfiction about her brother, but other than that so far it's okay. The main relationships are in my opinion very cute. The main characters are also incredibly good looking and their acting is convincing so that's always a plus. Only 2 episodes are out so it's hard to say how the series is gonna move forward but I wouldn't say its bad. I would reccomend watching it I guess. If not now then maybe when it's finished ^^ If you're out of things to watch and want something light hearted, WhyRU could be the way to go. If you ignore the one problematic part you'll probably enjoy it!
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