#whys it so cringy reading ur own but fine when reading others
aurorangen · 2 years
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Despite not knowing if he was still drunk, Josh was left with a passed out Billy in his arms.
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menalez · 2 years
(about that post you made yesterday abt how you just don’t like male centric media) i think the problem for me is that the genres or whatever you wanna call them that i like the most don’t have good female representation, or even if they do hardly any are lesbian, and if it came between reading abt an osa couple or reading abt a gay male couple i would choose the latter. with books it’s pretty easy to just get one that has good representation for gay male couples and then just imagine them as butch women in my head (it always throws me off when i see fanart or something and it’s like woah! that’s a man) if all the male centric media i consumed genderswapped all the characters i would like it 1000x better, but i deal (& i know it’s like ‘write the book you want to read!’ but i suck at writing). i don’t watch a lot of tv, but as far as shows go there are actually a few good ones with female main characters, like the half of it (you should watch that if you haven’t) you mentioned heartstopper.. everyone was so obsessed with heartstopper but some parts were kinda bad cringy to watch, since i just literally can’t take males seriously lmao.. same with young royals and things like that. like every single tv show with/about a lesbian romance got canceled and the movie prom sucked. i don’t know, male centric media doesn’t always bore me but i wish there was just better female centric, lesbian centric, etc.
i can kinda get u bc i love dystopian novels n i read those without much trouble bc idk it’s easier to pretend they’re not men anyways but like if it’s shows or movies i generally avoid ones that r very male-heavy. if it’s about gay men usually i can handle it a bit better bc i can relate somewhat but like het men … no thanks. or ones that r male-centric in a different way like the TV show You.. for one it’s all him obsessing over other women so women are a p big part of the show but it shows men from a diff perspective so i like it. but dexter for example… tried to watch it like 5 different times, never got past like episode 6 or sth. there’s def some exceptions for me but generally i get instantly bored if a show or movie is mainly about men or from a male perspective. when it’s gay men it’s sth i can watch sometimes tho, but those are also rare. also ur right lesbian representation sucks.. anon if u like tho maybe u should check out the 100. the het scenes r ignorable and it’s not great lesbian rep either but it’s got a lot of female MCs & the main character is like. obsessed with a certain lesbian hehe.
also thank u for the rec!!! i did watch half of it. i loved the lesbian rep and the fact that she had this dumbass straight male friend who respected her 😭 also iirc the ending was more realistic but still somewhat happy ?? it was nice. i liked blue is the warmest colour a lot bc the story is sad as hell and the actresses are AMAZING but the sex scenes are way too much (i first watched it with my mom when i was like 15… it was very awkward. she asked me questions that i did not want to be asked) & also the actresses said the director (male) was.. not good to say the least. i also wanna watch the colour purple, i finished the book recently and was weeping.. i loved hearing from the perspective of a traumatised lesbian who clearly didn’t understand her own feelings bc i could somewhat relate and getting to see her grow 😭😭.. it’s just so well written. orphan black, wentworth, sugar rush… just some faves w memorable lesbian rep
there’s soooo many shows ive watched just for lesbian rep and most are pretty terrible. do not watch riverdale, or tales of the city, feel good (the plot twist at season 1 is that she’s not actually a lesbian which. idk why they had to make that a plot twist lmfao… i would’ve been fine knowing she’s a masc bi woman from episode 1), or gypsy.
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simonsrosebud · 4 years
How about daltons friends made him a tinder years ago and he forgot to delete it and so Kevin finds it on his phone and they both read through Dalton’s reaaaaally bad and cringy flirting. (Just want light hearted funny times for my happy bois). Love your writing btw, I’ve got my notifications on for whenever you post cause I love Kalton ❤️❤️
THANK YOU!  for your compliments and the notifications, like what!!  it’s so weird to think that people want to be notified when i post, but i love y’all for it.
kevin doesn’t know why he asks it, because he really doesn’t care.
“did you ever have tinder?”
dalton hums and frowns at his phone.  “for a bit last year, maybe, but i didn’t use it a lot.  i wasn’t good at that kinda stuff.”
“texting?”  kevin’s obviously never used such thing.
“just like, meeting and flirting with a stranger online.  i don’t know how to flirt on text, it’s awkward.”
jenna joins the conversation from the other side of the sofa and says, “well according to james who lives on campus, you’re great at flirting.”
dalton looks up.  “what?”
kevin’s stomach drops.  “what?”
“oh god, no, not like that.”  she sits up straighter.  "i just go on his account and swipe on people for fun.”
oh thank god.  
dalton frowns more.  “what?  i deleted my account!”
“no, you tried but you have no sense of technology!”
“can i see it?”  kevin sits next to jenna instead and watches her scroll onto the app.  “his are the last six on the bottom.”
“babe, you don’t need to see it.  they’re just stupid guys i messaged when i was bored.” 
“i’m not jealous, i just want to see how embarrassing your flirting is.”  he takes jenna’s phone when offered and presses on the conversation at the bottom.
chris:  hey, saw you go to palmetto
dalton:  yeah!  i’m in grad school rn, wbu?
chris:  i’m a senior, but damnn i’ll go to grad school if it means seeing more guys like you
dalton:  might have to hurry, i’m one of a kind ;)
kevin’s grimacing because god is that bad.  also maybe a little bit at the idea of his boyfriend being with other people before him, but he’s fine.
dalton tries to grab jenna’s phone from kevin, but he leans away and holds it up.  “i’m taller than you.”
kevin raises his eyebrows.  he doesn’t like talking about his sex life with others, but he wants so badly to point out that he knows dalton isn’t moving so quick this morning… 
he decides against it.  dalton gets his point from the look he gives him, and sends him one of his own back.
kevin moves on to the next conversation.
ryan:  sup, i’m horny
dalton:  hi horny, i’m dalton
ryan:  smooth haha, ur hot
dalton:  no, i’m dalton.  and uncomfortable.
dalton has unmatched with ryan.
kevin looks up at his boyfriend.  “you used to make dad jokes.  you monster.”
“it’s called a defense mechanism from weird guys.”
kevin gives jenna her phone.  “i can’t look at those anymore.”
“you only saw two conversations,” she says.
“yes, and it was the most gross thing i’ve ever seen.”
dalton shrugs, but as soon as jenna heads out and closes the door behind her, he crawls over to straddle kevin’s lap.  “you like my flirting.”
kevin smirks when dalton kisses him.  he pulls away just enough to say, “no, i like you.  i didn’t sign up for your flirting.”
dalton gently shoves his shoulder.  and because kevin is an asshole, he lies onto his back with his hands behind his head.  “come get me.”
dalton gawks at him, but it ends how it always does.  holding himself up on all fours and kissing kevin into the cushions.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
I Can Feel it Through the Screen, Chapter 1 (Branjie) - Kiyo
A/N: first time writing Branjie so, seeking criticism xD. This is a Lesbian AU. And hopefully I'll have chapter 2 done quick if you like it.
The clock hung on the wall kept ticking, each of them sounding longer than the other whilst Brooke Lynn mindlessly walked around her living room whilst the tv played some late night show presented by another old white dude. Sighing deeply, she finally sat on her couch.
Brooke could already feel herself slowly falling asleep when she sunk into the cushions. The seconds passed by, the TV finally turning off on it's own due to the lack of interaction, finally her apartment was completely silent, nothing but her own breathing could be heard yet she found it hard to relax and fall asleep.
Not that she tried to relax or was able to, Brooke was hyper fixated on everything in the darkly lit room, she couldn't stop herself. The only source of light being the moon shinning through her open window, the curtains floating slightly by the cold breeze entering, sending slight chills down the blonde's spine...
Brooke finally layed down, her head resting on her firm couch pillow, already hurting her neck. Once again, Brooke managed to find something wrong and it stressed her out. "Ugh.." She groaned, sitting up again, her eyes barely able to stay open as she reached for her phone that was promptly set upside down on the glass table placed infront of the couch.
She switched her phone on, slightly blinded by the light coming from it, rubbing her eye's with her free hand before proceeding to unlock it, typing the very original password '100386'.
And too Brooke's expectations, she'd received no texts, which was the only releaving thing she'd seen tonight. Not having to deal with anybody, as of right now was truly a blessing, that was until she opened instagram, seeing '16 DMs' at the top right corner of her screen, sighing, not knowing why she hadn't expected this, clicking on the little paper plane icon, seeing that 6 of those messages where from Yvie. '45 minutes ago', moment's like these, Brooke Lynn realized that muting instagram notifications wasn't exactly the smartest choice.
'Well, great.' Brooke Lynn thought to herself, sighing before beginning to read them.
Yvie Oddly: Brooke, do you still have those rings you showed me?
Yvie Oddly: Damn, you must be sleeping.
Yvie Oddly: nevermind about the rings, I found soething
Yvie Oddly: ****something
Yvie Oddly: I suck at typing
Yvie Oddly: Tell Vanessa I'm too busy to come over tomorrow, thanks, sry to bother u lmao
Right, Vanessa had planned this little party with a few of her friends, calling it 'Vanjie night', Brooke wasn't invited to it because it was suppose to be just Vanjie and her friends, and apparently the reason Brooke couldn't come was that they didn't want Branjie to be acting all cuddly and lovey dovey if they we're to come over. Brooke found it stupid, really, but she didn't protest, it wasn't that deep anyway, not that she wanted to go to thay stupid hang out party anyway.
Brooke Lynn Hytes: Sure, I'll tell her.
Brooke replied before throwing her phone at the other side of the couch before realizing she probably needed to text Vanessa now. Great- with a loud huff accompanying the action, Brooke reached for her phone again. Unlocking it and going back on Instagram. Seeing Vanessa was online, thank god, she wouldn't need to wait forever for her to respond.
Brooke Lynn Hytes: Hey, Yvie said she'd be too busy to go to your little party.
VANESSA VANJIE MATEO: Oh, aight, she could've just texted me instead of bothering you, sorry boo <3, anyways, how u doing? I didn't get my usual hearts accompanying yo texts, u actin weird blondie
Brooke Lynn Hytes: Sorry, just a little tired, I forgot to put them. 💞💘💖💗
VANESSA VANJIE MATEO: I feel your negativity through my screen, whats up? I know this is not some tired story bullshit
Brooke Lynn Hytes: im just stressed, dont worry about it.
VANESSA VANJIE MATEO: wait... since when do u put ponctuations on ur texts- call me rn
Brooke Lynn Hytes: babe, im tired.
VANESSA VANJIE MATEO: And im worried, call me.
Brooke ran her fingers through her hair, sighing, already feeling her stress getting worse as now she needed to call Vanessa, she was well aware that her girlfriend was only worried about her but it still freaked her out, why did she have to be stupid? She could've just put the damn hearts and said nothing more but knowing Vanessa, she would've still known Brooke was out of it, she always knew.
Incoming video chat from VANESSA VANJIE MATEO
Brooke answered, looking at the screen with a tired expression, seeing Vanessa laying in bed, most likely the lamp on her bed side table providing the little amount of light shinning on her tanned features. "Hey." Brooke Lynn smiled weakly, standing up to walk next to her window, getting some of the moonshine onto her, trying to be bare visibly.
"Hey, twinkle toes." Vanjie giggled, squinting her eyes to try and see Brooke a little better. "I can barely see you, turn on a light or something."
"The light hurts my eyes, I've been trying to sleep for the past hour." Brooke replied in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Could've said that without the attitude but aight." Vanessa replied jokingly, hearing Brooke sigh. "Oh, you're stressed, stressed." She remarked, pursing her lips together and trying to think quickly of something to say but Brooke Lynn unexpectedly spoke up.
"I don't know, everything is stressing me out right now, even the dumbest things like my pillow's firmness." Brooke explained, earning another look of concern from her partner. "I just wanna sleep but I can't, like, the couch is uncomfortable but I don't want to sleep in my bed for some reason." Brooke didn't know why she felt like this sometimes. There we're moment where there we're strange things she suddenly couldn't do for a certain amount of time or else she'd get stressed.
"You're having one of those stress episodes again? You really need to go to a therapist boo, seriously, thats not normal." Vanessa pointed out but that didn't seem to help Brooke right now. "What if I came by and picked you up so you can sleep over at mines tonight? Would you like that?" She asked and Brooke stayed silent.
"I have mushy pillows, they're so soft, I know you love em." She giggled, getting a little reaction from Brooke, that sweet smile Vanessa loved to see. "Sure, pick me up." Brooke chuckled, walking over to the light switch, turning on the light so Vanessa could finally see her clearly.
"You look so pretty~" Vanessa smiled, sitting up in her bed. "I just wanna kiss you." She said. "You can kiss me later." Brooke replied, getting a knowing glance from her girlfriend, making Brooke laugh. "You need to make thay face again just so I can screenshot it and make it your profile picture in my phone." Brooke cackled, making Vanjie break out into laughter as well.
"When you're here, you can take a picture, it'll be prettier than a screenshot. Anyhow, I'm gonna put some pants on and come pick you up." Vanjie said. "Alright, baby, see you later." Brooke Lynn blew a kiss and winked before hanging up.
She felt excited to get away from her apartment, or maybe just excited to see her girlfriend, a mix of both...but that didn't really matter. She was excited.
Brooke power walked to her bathroom, looking at herself through the mirror, she actually looked decently good, maybe a little tired but that was normal after taking five 5 minute long naps.
And quicker than she expected, she heard a ring st her door bell, smiling to herself, Brooke made her way to the front door, unlocking it and opening the door to see Vanessa with a big smile in her face. "Hey bitch~"
"Hi baby." Brooke giggled, hugging the shorter girl tightly, pressing her face against her chest. "I know im short but that's no excuse to shove my face in your tits- not that I mind but still." Vanessa snickered. Looking up at Brooke Lynn who kissed her forehead. "Sorry, I was just happy to see you." Brooke smiled.
"I can tell." Vanessa laughed. "Oh, shut it." Brooke rolled her eyes before letting go of Vanessa, breaking the embrace. "Sure." Vanessa giggled, holding Brooke's hand. "How about i take you home now, malady." Vanessa winked. "You're painfully cringy." Brooke replied monotonely. "And you're a pain in the ass, let's go."
"I might be but you still love me." Brooke smiled smugly. "Of course, I love you, dumbass." Vanessa said. "Kiss me and then we can go." Brooke chuckled, receiving a quick peck on the lips from Vanjie. "Hey~ I said kiss, no lt peck." Brooke Lynn whined. "Fine."
Vanessa sighed, cupping Brooke Lynn's face and kissing her softly, feeling Brooke's hands go to her waist, pulling her closer but  Vanjie broke the kiss. "Not that kissing on your door step bothers me but I'd rather do that in a comfy bed." Vanessa giggled. "Right." Brooke chuckled. "Let's go."
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boyfriendshua · 6 years
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genre: fluffy fluff
warning(s): like one bad(ish) word
word count: 1,490
a/n: I hope you don’t mind I did this in bullet form! I thought it’d be something cute and short I could write. Thank you for requesting ♡
ok so jeon wonwoo as a vlogger
oh my! hahahahhelp
user jeonwon basically just films his daily life 
he doesn’t need a special theme or planned out adventures because his crazy friends are enough entertainment 
videos of them going ordinary places but being attractive funny as hell
his most viewed video is of him and the other twelve guys going to an amusement park
his second most viewed is of him and the others entering an online gaming tournament just imagine all the screaming and the zoom-ins omg
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his third most viewed actually isn’t really what you’d expect but it’s something you watch every day
it’s just wonwoo
sitting in front of the camera in a fluffy sweater and round glasses
and his hair is a little mussed up, as if he had just woken up, and he looked 
so soft and cute but at the same time really hot like wtf 
and the video isn’t him going out and doing stuff
it’s not him testing out new products that he’s been recommended
it isn’t a dumb little skit he and his friends decided to throw together because he didn’t have any ideas for that week
it was simply wonwoo,,, sitting in front of the camera in his living room and talking about his favorite books
he’s got a little stack of books resting against his thigh on the couch cushions
and he’ll pick each one up, giving each one attention, telling the camera about why he likes it and the lessons they teach, or how they were able to whisk him away to a world of adventure or knowledge
and he’s just 
he looks so soft and happy while rambling on about his readings
and his voice is so nice to listen to,, the deepness of it and the soft sound of him turning the pages every now and then it’s honestly like an asmr
but anyways 
wonwoo is quite popular and has a solid fanbase, even has some of his own merch that some of the others helped him design can his fanbase be called papa jeons pLEASE
but despite all this, although he appreciates and loves every single one of his subscribers and whatnot
he never does anything that many social media stars would do in order to gain followers, subscribers, the likes
he wants people to like him for him, not for a giveaway or because he promotes things without being asked to
he just wants to live his life with his friends and he has no problem with letting y’all see what they’re up to, but that’s about the extent of what he does
honestly he only started the channel because he likes to have memories of things he does on video somewhere safe where he can watch and reminisce 
he wasn’t expecting people to see, much less like his videos
yet here he is
and honestly, he wouldn’t change a thing
(hi i wasn’t sure if you wanted romance in this but i’ll add some in this section just to be safe)
okay hello Y/N this is where you come in
Y/N? a youtuber??? more likely than you think!!!!!!!
so, like mr papa jeon over here im crying
your channel also doesn’t exactly have a theme either
you kinda just do whatever your subscribers suggest that you do
go raid a shop for the weirdest snacks you can find? Okay.
uploading some cringy middle-school/high school stuff? you’ve made many mistakes!!!
competing with a friend for the ugliest clothes you can find? for sure.
one week taking care of a fake baby doll? you suffered but yes.
taking a walk through a haunted house that you actually had to fly out to? actually no not yet but maybe.
the point is you got some good af content you feel me ok
but wonwoo’s favorite video is none of these, though he does find it funny to see you screaming because you ate something too spicy or slipping and falling into your pool at the very beginning of the video
wonwoo’s favorite video of yours is only one and a half minutes long
your close friend had a short film project to do for their class and had asked you to be their model
so the video is just a collage of clips of you out in town, at the beach, enjoying the day, laughing with your friend
and wonwoo just loves watching it so much, seeing you so happy brings a warm feeling to his chest and his cheeks
needless to say, you’re his youtube crush
and imagine the way wonwoo’s heart backflipped when you mentioned him in a q&a lmaooo video you did 
“‘have you heard of jeon wonwoo?’ of course, I love his videos.”
paused the video, sat his laptop on the floor beside his couch, and lay back down staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide for like three whole minutes
he just couldn’t believe it
it was only half an hour later before like soonyoung was bursting through his front door, screaming at him to watch your latest video
another half hour later he was on a groupcall with like half of them as they convinced him to send you a message over twitter and ask for a collab or something, because even if he didn’t mention you much, they knew about how much he liked you
wonwoo’s shaky fingers as he hesitantly types out a message to you
it’s soonyoung who hits the send button because wonwoo was too nervous to do it himself
soonyoung ends up getting smacked
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anyways he messages you telling you he’d seen your latest video and wanted to know if you’d like to collab sometime soon
and you’re like omg what is this real am i being pranked
but you click on his profile and see the little verified check so ur like well heck
y’all end up meeting at a cafe a week later to discuss ideas because y’all suddenly conveniently live in the exact same city i
wonwoo was a little shy and nervous when you first introduced yourselves and you could say the same for yourself, but after talking for a little while
you drifted from the topic of collab ideas and ended up just talking about anything and everything
wonwoo paid for your drink(s) as well as his and you ended up sitting and talking for a good few hours, all nervousness fading away into excitement and eagerness to get to know each other better 
and you were shocked when you realized the sun was already setting
so you said your goodbyes and double checked that you had swapped numbers before departing, but ended up texting long into the night as well
your collab video was posted a week later, a little series of mini physical challenges that lowkey neither of you could do but you had fun nonetheless
slams fists down on table
the romance
nobody knew that you and wonwoo were dating
like,, y’all are shockingly scarily good at keeping things on the dl 
it even took the rest of the boys and your close friends like a month or two to figure it out
“seriously, wonwoo, you still haven’t made a move yet?”
and wonwoo just snickers
“waiT A SECOND-”
but yes the fans are oblivious, though there are a lot that ship you two
it’s when your six month anniversary is coming up that you decide to let it go public
and so you both take all the behind the scenes footage you have
all the clips between activities you did that you had to crop out
all the times that you’d have to pause because you wanted a kiss or two
or because wonwoo wanted to give you a hug because you’re just so darn cute
or when you’d stare into each other’s eyes and tell the other how much you love each other
it was all pieced together in a short little video that wasn’t too excessive, but it showed just enough to display how happy you were together
papa jeons and whatever your fanbase is called is now one big happy family
and videos went from simple little challenges and whatnot
to cute little dates, milestones as a couple
wonwoo took you on vacation to an island for your one year anniversary and you bet he caught every moment of you swimming with the dolphins
even short little 30 second uploads of him holding you on his chest after a night out
or him whispering to the camera as he figures out how to prepare a nice breakfast in bed for you while you’re asleep down the hallway
all in all i’m real soft y’all are like the social media goals that every person like ever has i love y’all everyone loves y’all we gEt it it’s fine
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