drosaid · 3 years
Resell 500 D.C.Buildr Accounts & Keep 100% Of The Recurring Monthly Profits!
Wouldn’t it be great if you could take 100% of the profits from selling access to D.C.Buildr ?The one thing every on business needs is a great looking website.And obviously not everyone is a great web designer so they turn to web based do-it-yourself site builders.Now, what if YOU could be the person customers paid every single month to get access that type of service.That would be a great position for you to be in!Okay, so the bad news is…It might cost you up to $20,000 PER Year or more to create your own subscription based website building platform like D.C.Buildr .But here’s the good news…Now you can generate recurring income month after month with a membership site—without paying thousands of dollars to get started!..
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roksim · 3 years
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Christmas Extraordinare
Wohoo!! My Newgrounds Secret Santa that I did for a person named Wibs, so much fun! Merry Christmas everybody!!!!!
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flashmobweller2017 · 7 years
Recherche photographe bénévole
La date du flashmob approche de plus en plus, nous peaufinons certains détails. Et nous recherchons un photographe afin que cette événement reste inoubliable.
Afin de graver ces moments magiques et ensuite les diffuser sur les réseaux sociaux.
Donc n’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous êtes intéressé ou si vous connaissez un photographe amateur.
N’oubliez pas non plus de vous inscrire pour faire partie des danseurs du flashmob le 17 juin, en nous envoyant votre prénom, nom et âge à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]
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flashmobweller2017 · 7 years
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Et si on prévoyait tous ensemble de vivre un moment différent? Inscrivez- vous pour participer au flashmob des étudiants de WIBS pour la lutte du cancer du col de l'utérus le 17 juin 2017 ! Nous donnons le maximum pour vous faire vivre un événement haut en couleur et comptons sur vous pour ENTRER DANS LA DANSE ! 
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!!WARNING: Gushing about to commence, may induce nausea!!
A FOLLOWER! I have a FOLLOWER *squeeee* and look who it is! *points at Wibs* I've had Wibs and The SIms bookmarked for ages and looked at it every day. When I saw that you had decided to give Tumblr a try, I decided to give it a try too as I watch a lot of Tumblr's but couldn't follow them from Blogger- your houses are probably my favorite lots and I've downloaded a whole bunch (most) of 'em and I love your Sims too- Luca is probably my favourite-  I don't know why, I just tend to put her in almost all of my games, she's so classy! Anyhoo, thank you so much for being my first follower, saa snilt av deg! OK, gushing has now ended, you can put the sick bucket away now!
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mmarehh · 11 years
But why is the ranch gone?
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journalism717 · 12 years
The Bars of Shippensburg
College life means a lot of things, one is drinking and that means hitting the bars around Shippensburg after turning the big 2-1.
There are several bars in town, and they all have their own style and atmosphere. There are four that appeal to different students. Which one of the four appeals to you? Are you the casual drinker? Do you like to dance and enjoy the nightclub setting? Are you a person who looks to save some money during happy hour and seek the specials? How about taking the pint glass home with you afterward? 
Check back to see which bar is right for you and where you can save money on a night out.
-Sean P Gallagher
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