whumpmasinjuly · 2 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 11
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Day 11: What are your favorite flavors of whump?
How do you like your whump? Are you here for the bruises and pretty pain noises of physical whump? The angst and drama of emotional whump? The mind games and manipulation of psychological whump? Whump explores so many different aspects of hurt—which is your favorite?
Do you have any preferred subgenres within whump? Maybe you lean towards fantasy whump, or military whump, or sci-fi. Maybe you like team whump, or environmental whump. With the variety of ways the community has found to classify and catalogue the different types of whump, what have you found to be your favorites?
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whumpinthepot · 2 years
Day 11: What are your favorite flavors of whump?
I have a good list of faves, but its funny some of the stuff I write myself can be squicky to me when I read it depending on the context!! I’m going to name a bunch not necessarily in order.
Lab whump
Defiant whumpees
Stoic whumpees
Prison whump
Pet whump
Unhinged characters
Completely unhinged whumpers
Mind control
Restraints/ Chains
Language barriers
Memory loss
Scared of caretaker
Forced to whump
Forced to watch
Pairing up whumpees or separating them
Bad caretaker
Morally gray characters
Non human whump
Medical whump
Protective whumpees
Protective caretakers
Protection in general
Good old fashioned hunting
Death games
Probably a lot that im missing but thats quite a few there!! If anyone has any recs please tell me!!
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verkja · 2 years
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Day 11: Favourite whump flavours
Already did my favourite whump tropes for Day 1, so here I’ll go into a little more detail on the ones that are specifically genres or types.
Torture whump: The kind with dungeons and horrible iron devices and plenty of blood. Pain is great by itself, but pain and damage - extra nice.
Emotional whump/angst: Especially the drawn-out kind. Resignation, bitterness, self-hatred, defence mechanisms that do more harm than good, all built up over decades of a generally miserable life - wow. Yes. Probably my favourite kind of whump.
Environmental whump: Comes with opportunities for beautiful imagery, and it doesn’t even need a whumper! Cold whump especially is great; hypothermia symptoms are very whumpy, and it helps that cuddling is a viable treatment.
Social outcast whump: Easier to feel hopeless and isolated (and perhaps like you deserve it) when you aren’t being victimised by just one person, but by all of society. This works really well with angst.
Comfort: Respect and consent and communication, and hugs, and characters who make mistakes but try their very best because they care about each other. Also understated, unintentional comfort - a character being deeply moved by what another character sees as an everyday gesture, because people don’t usually bother extending that sort of kindness to them.
‘Whump with plot’: While I like short scenes with unnamed characters too, whump hits me hardest when I’m invested in the characters. Longer stories give the chance to see them in different situations, including non-whumpy ones, and so get to know them better.
And these, which don’t need detail:
Mediaeval (fantasy) whump
Sci-fi whump
Villain (coded) whump
Mutual caretaking (which I could say more about, but isn’t quite a flavour; just wanted to sneak it in again anyway because I love it)
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Whumpmas in July - Day 11
What are your favorite flavors of whump?
I feel like I answer this once every month, but hey, it’s a new month.
Fantasy. Magic and non-human creatures and strange worlds.
Angst and pain. The character who thinks no one loves them, no one is coming for them.
Getting them to the point where they lose all hope before finally rescuing them.
A caretaker who has their own problems, and now they have problems together.
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noirineverysense · 2 years
WIJ Day 11 - What are your favorite flavours of whump?
I like a defiant whumpee, i like a whumper who is totally in control until they're not.
I like whump in interesting worlds, whether dystopian, mystery, military, historical or in space.
I like seeing diversity in characters, seeing representation of women and poc in whump, seeing representation of nonbinary people thats not just a soft white (boy).
I like complex dynamics between characters, whether on the same side or opposite sides.
I like seeing characters fight and win. Or fight knowing they'll lose but continue going on anyway.
I like characters with missions and goals that they'll reach no matter what. I like determined whumpees and the whumpers who try to stop them.
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Whumpmas In July 2022 Day 11: What are your favorite flavors of whump?
Mmmm, I love a defiant whumpee that gets fucked up hands down, but as far as specific tropes: noncon body modification (especially cybernetic, or ears/tails), human experimentation/lab whump, unique stress positions (especially with rope/shibari), and muzzles that prevent speech ^^
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emcscared-whumps · 2 years
WiJ 2022 - 11: What are Your Favourite Flavours of Whump?
WiJ 2022 Navigation Post
Pre-ramble Since I feel the Need
Ok, 1) it's really fucking cold outside rn, and the most I can do is close my windows and huddle up, and 2) I am sick of the way Tumblr keeps fucking with my paragraph spacings when I go from draft to post.
CONTENT and WARNINGS: nonhuman whumpees, discussion of dehumanisation/animalisation, captivity whump, pet whump allusions, mentioned ab00se-- mother to adult kid
Actual Whump Shit Let's Goooooo!!
As I keep mentioning in my off-topic rambles, my favourite flavours of whump include non-human whumpees, secrets relating to the non-human-ness, captivity whump, and all manner of illnesses and accidents that can often be brought about as a result of the nonhuman's species status! Oh yes, and recovery whump and secrets!
I'm taking this oppourtunity to really go into detail about why I love these things so much :D
This post is getting ridiculously long, so I'm gonna slap a "Read More" on it :)
Nonhuman Whumpees!
Oh yes I love them, they are a staple of my whump diet. I'm talking shifters, mer, vampires, demons, all sorts of little critters (specifically the more human shaped ones, they need human enough faces/bodyplans for me ;-; otherwise it edges into animal whump and that is a personal line I'm not gonna cross).
With that out of the way, there is so much you can do with a whumpee like that. They'll have specific weaknesses, like sunlight, silver/candinium, and species specific diseases, and you can justify catching, torturing, and killing them because they're not human, they're monsters, and they're dangerous <3
I love it when said whumpee couldn't hurt a fly. Not wouldn't, couldn't lol
It opens up so many avenues. You can take hospitals and doctors off the list of people to ask for help, and while being hunted down for existing, whumpee can't afford to trust the wrong person, so they don't trust anyone at all.
There's just, so much you can do!
Like hurt specific nonhuman parts of them and exploit them for it! Scale a mer, harvest a vampire's venom, steal feathers, steal fur, hurt tails, and wings, and ears! They're so sensitive!
And the rest of my taste in whump stems from what I can do to non-humans :D
Goddamn, a good secret reveal gets me every fucking time.
I've noticed that it's always the non-human's secret about being non-human getting out though, so I'm specific with this one ^-^'
Anyway, I love it when the secret is kept not for the welfare of family and loved ones, but for whumpee's own safety. Bonus points if that safety is from said family and loved ones >;3c (see pretty much every Danny Phantom fanfic ever, and also cannon Danny, shit man that's fucked up lol "they want to tear me apart molecule by molecule" is a real, canon line id diaglogue).
Pete would get shunned and rejected by his mother if she ever found out, and if he was in front of anyone else, he would be reported to the hunters by an informant.
He can't afford to let that secret get out.
I just adore the emotional stakes of a whumpee being scared of their own friends and family, and literally everyone because everyone might kill him (or help) under certain conditions, and I love what they stand to lose if it got out.
Is it a metaphor for being any flavour of queer? Not for me, and I don't write it with that intention.
Could it be read that way? Sure, if you want, but I personally am not interested in that flavour of whump.
Dehumanisation >:)
Put them in muzzles, blindfold them, gag them, give them an ear tag like they're cattle, drag them around on a leash, tie them up, treat them like a beat and like they're a threat.
Especially when they're not.
Anyway, this one's more of a seasoning, like chilli. I sprinkle it over the top of the whump to make all the other flavours sing :D
Need I say more?
Captivity Whump >:3c
Captivity whump my beloved <3<3<3
I love a whumpee who's had hope and free will stripped of them. I like it when the light leaves their eyes, but they're not dead... >;)
They are tired, so very tired. And they'll never be strong enough to escape on their own, and if they did manage it, what do they have to look forward to? They'll never be the same. They'll never be able to function to even a fraction of their previous standard. Their family/friends/loved ones will never look at them the same way again. That's if they're still around.
They can kiss their life goodbye.
It has been destroyed by years and years of torture, conditioning, punishment, dehumanisation, and objectification. And then when they inevitably survive through that hell, not aging enough for their body to give out, even after decades, they are discarded like they are merely a toy their owner had grown bored of.
If the whumpee has even a shred of hope left, I want to crush it.
And then save them when they're on death's doorstep for real. A caretaker-type character could swoop in and scoop up the whumpee when they're cold and alone, and a mess of a broken shell, and nurse them back to health, leading to messy recovery whump.
Short term captivity can be fun too-- inescapable torture without totally ruining whumpee's mind. This happens to canon!Pete :) he gets to live with permanent injuries, trauma, and paranoia :DD
Recovery Whump!
Recovery whump!!! Everything can go wrong, no recovery will go smoothly. Perhaps caretaker is really bad at caretaking, perhaps they're new to it, perhaps they don't care enough,or are just unable to cater to whumpee's specific needs.
If whumpee is a vampire, caretaker struggles to provide enough blood. Maybe they're squeamish or have trauma themselves. Maybe they just don't know what the whumpee needs, like with Pete. He barely expresses anything about his needs, so it's very easy for him to starve or end up moon-deprived.
Even if the caretaker is good, they know what they're doing, no one is perfect. They could slip up and shout, or accidentally hurt whumpee when they don't mean it.
Wounds heal messily too, and whumpee is ever-so fragile, both physically and mentally. All it can take to spur a breakdown or panic attack is one wrong word.
I just love all of the aspects of recovery whump, but I'm sure I'm forgetting some, like wound treatments-- cleaning them, stitching them up, dressing them, changing the dressings, infections, reopening of wounds, tearing of stitches...
There's so much lmao
Sick Fic/Illness, and Accidental Injuries/Predicaments
These are always fun! Can include general sicknesses like the cold or flu, or any other fun painful things, and also any accidents, like tripping and falling, perhaps even down the stairs and breaking something for whatever whumpy reason. Then you have the ones that creep up on everyone, like chronic malnutrition.
What I love doing to Pete, because he's a belunae shifter, is moon deprivation (compromising his immune system, healing, and ability to shift), an virus specific to shifters (high fevers, coughing, weakness, and compromised shifting), and injuries (head or a jab to a specific part of his abdomen) causing a partial shift in a sudden wave of pain (giving him his webbing between his fingers and toes, funky ears, improved light sensitivity, fins, and weakness in his legs), which can only be reset by a full shift. Until then, he gets to endure waves of pain, and constant aches, and deal with whatever consequences suddenly collapsing and having fins and funky hands and ears entails.
Then I love for him to get kicked out (roughly, dragged, and dropped down the few stone stairs) onto the cold street for being that way in front of Kate/in her home, and to not come back until he's back to normal. Poor thing wants to grab his coat, but Kate snarls that he's belunae, he doesn't need it. Pete just shivers on the ground crying and trying to drag himself away to anywhere remotely warm, to Timmy's place preferably.
ANYWAY, perhaps, there are even diseases and illnesses that affect the whumpee's species specifically. Oh, and everything going well, they can't go to hospital unless they'd like to be killed or kidnapped :DDD so they're stuck at home taking longer to recover.
There are so many possibilities, even if they just break their arm or something, all of the above can apply! Throw in other illnesses and infections while they're week and you've got a great time!
Also, severely weakened whumpees my beloved <3
Anyways, I think I'll leave my entry at that, good on ya if you reached the bottom lmfao
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