im-a-goat-in-disguise · 11 months
Wikianon here (not the one who sent that original ask)
If that anon doesn't reply, maybe consider changing the askbox to "start reading the Devonian Wikipedia article" although that might be too long, idk what the character limit is.
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There is a maximum limit
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And that suggestion is too long :(
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doctortwhohiddles · 2 years
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Is she fucking kidding? Gatorshit came up with her ridiculous Weinstein narrative because Sophie was pictured with him once at a party. And now she's saying it doesn't mean anything? At least when it's about others. But knowing Gatorshit, she'll soon include Zawe into Sophie's Team of Evil.
Also, I learned that I was the new Wikianon. That's rather insulting to be honest. Surely, I don't sound as stupid as she did. If the septics don't like being called out on their bullshit, then all they need is to stop acting like assholes.
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legionnaireslover · 3 years
gator is an idiot how can he play with something serious like dissociative identity disorder, benedict does not have dissociative disorder he is a normal person.
Gator's unwarranted and unsupported proclamations are just a desperate act of someone who is craving attention and control. It's a product of her empty, angry life. Claiming to have special "information", given to her by "people in the know" gives her the illusion that she has something no one else has and she's the one turning the "information spigot" on and off when SHE decides. Notice her "tea parties" are almost always prefaced by some sort of a claim that she "didn't want to do this BUT... " and then she states that since NOTHING is being done by anybody else, SHE will save the day and spill her tea in an effort to "rescue" Ben! SHE'S the one with the EXTRA SPECIAL SECRET SOURCES! She's the one with "mutuals" with (of all people) Benedict Cumberbatch! I checked back in Gator's blog and you know something - she NEVER even hinted at having soooooo many "contacts" with BC until almost a year after his engagement was announced! When all the Hater furore started Gator just sat around reblogging crap from Wikianon and other Septics AND NEVER SAID SHIT ABOUT HER 4 MUTUALS! And she didn't seem to have any "inside" info either. But then, after other Septic/Haters started bragging about having inside information about Sophie and BC, suddenly Gator had "contacts" too! This NOBODY based in Reno, working in a mortgage company, with a problematic familial life and mental health issues, has 4 mutual FRIENDS with one of the famous people going, who routinely tell her INTIMATE DETAILS about BC PRIVATE LIFE! And of course, she CAN'T reveal her sources!
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anewbeginningagain · 7 years
Here’s a start for the wikiAnon, no sources though but it’s not hard to look it up and find :D lazaruspithottub(.)tumblr(.)com/post/171729462255/friendly-reminder-today-that-tessa-virtue-and
Go for it Wiki anon!
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mrtabbysays-blog · 9 years
*reblogs feminist post and claims to judge everyone, who doesn’t defend women*
*claims to have problems with Sophie Hunter’s actions*
*makes fun of Sophie Hunter’s looks, dresses, make up, mannerism etc.*
*reblogs another post defending women to show what an amazing feminist I am*
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tinfoil-hat-brigade · 9 years
This is how I’m picturing Wiki and Gator right about now
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yakyuus · 9 years
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Do I really typed Diamond no Ace Wikia or ..
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jessvenez · 9 years
Another link here which explains the puzzling changes to Sophie Hunter’s pregnant belly - well puzzling to skeptics of course, to the rest of us it’s just common sense.  I challenge skeptics to actually read this page and also google for other pages like it - if only one of you did this at the start instead of latching on to your ridiculous idea and running with it, then fandom might still be a decent place.
How anyone who actually understands how pregnancy works can believe Sophie is faking because her belly changes size/shape  is beyond me which is also why it is so screamingly obvious that all the doc anons are bullshitters.  It’s one thing to claim she is faking it for whatever reason, it is another to use a bunch of photos as the reason for believing it - face it, those differences are incredibly normal.
Here is a link I posted earlier too.
Oh and while I’m at it here is a link to a bunch of women talking about how their belly buttons would pop out then back IN again.  Could I suggest that before people claim something is impossible they just do a quick google search - stops them from saying stupid shit so much and having to backtrack later.
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 11 months
Yeah that's reasonable, I wasn't actually expecting to you name your ask box that, I just wanted to suggest it and thought it was kind of funny. Also sorry for the late replies, I have not been checking tumblr that often. I hope the original anon gives you an answer soon!
From wikianon, lord of wiki, monarch of anon, overseer of the comma that I put after anon
this is a very serious matter can't you see how big my moustache is doesn't it convey a sense of seriousness (/joking)
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doctortwhohiddles · 3 years
In short, she acts just like Trump.--- Agreed! She reminds me so much of that horrific account WikiAnon who used to spew vile lies and attack people who dared question her. That person was next level crazy too.
Ah yes, WikiAnon. The woman who started the rumor that Ben was a drug addict just so she could find out who was the snitch in her little hate circle. The snitch being Gatorshit. It doesn't matter that Wiki admitted to make the whole story up, our resident Septic Queen still insists it's true.
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whyisthenightsosad · 9 years
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It’s Thursday. I cannot believe that #COLDGATE it’s STILL going on.
Wiki it’s time you invent something new!!
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mrtabbysays-blog · 9 years
Possible reasons why OP and BC were a low profile couple, who got little attention: both of them were unknown.
In comparison BC, a year ago, was an Oscar nominated actor who just got cast as Doctor Strange. Hence more media attention.
But I am dead set on appearing like a bumbling idiot and say that the real reason is that OP is much better than SH and OP&BC were really in love.
xoxoxo a real media expert
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Dearest Wikianon I see your latest ask but I must admit it is nearly 2am, I'll get to responding in the morn
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doctortwhohiddles · 3 years
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"I have it on good authority that they had him dependent on drugs" LMAO. The so-called good authority being Wikianon, the former queen of the septics who admitted starting the rumor to see which of her followers was spreading the info she supposedly got on Ben. Of course Hator refuses to admit it even to this day because her need to look more important than she is is stronger than her urge to act like a decent human being.
The Dismal Duo really are acting like all those Trump fanatics. They keep denying reality, throw false accusations around and refuse to admit they are wrong. They are absolute trash.
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loveconcerned-blog · 10 years
Do I think the pregnancy is real?
I hope not. Purely because it's being used as publicity. That's no way to treat a child. I have faith in Wikianon and her sources. Wiki (for me) has been a sort if touch stone betwixt all the madness and I'm endlessly grateful to her for that.
But if I'm proved wrong, so be it. 
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 11 months
After eons of hard work (around 2 minutes) I have finally simplified my suggestion into something that will fit! Here it is: "read Devonian Wiki article". I feel like it gets most of the meaning across, even if it has been simplified a bit too much.
From wikianon
Hmm it's a good shout but I don't know if it conveys anything particularly about me other than the striking resemblance to the Wikipedia page for a specific era of time. I would like it to be something that's generally easier to follow the reasoning of, y'know? (Lighthearted)
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