sugarcraftproductions · 2 months
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[G} Wikk and Heraven
Gift art for Wikk of his sona and my character Heraven enjoying a loving embrace. Based on an RP Commission Info: https://www.sugarcraft-productions.com Please consider becoming a supporter if you enjoy my art <3 https://subscribestar.adult/sugarcraft-productions Join my Discord server! (18+) discord.gg/882fvXrj2v
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roamwood · 2 months
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These are from the Art Party all the way back in Feb. Better late than never
+some quick Asura doodles
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rusty-gloinks · 1 year
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DO YOU GUYS LOVE GINNY!!!!!!!!!!(say yes
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faterunes · 7 months
i know im autistic bc im genuinely mad over bgw renovating loch ness monster. @ whoeverr made this decision fuck you i hope you get hit by a train. do yiu realize just how much history this coaster holds. die a million deaths
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aengelren · 8 months
The only thing I’ll say from what i watched before i stopped myself. The animation is great and the voice acting is one of my favorites in all of anime but I won’t say from who yet
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timeclonemike · 4 months
Skill List Contradictions
Lost In Mistranslation: There is some confusion and ambiguity about what skills are acquired from what sources and what skills are restricted or prohibited based on different factors. These tend to come in three forms; conflicts between Lore Descriptions and Programmed Mechanics, translation errors, and straight up unpatched bugs that happen "behind the scenes" and don't produce any obvious graphic, texture, or animation anomalies. (Translation errors include both localization and in-house development notes.)
Class Restrictions Versus Class Focus: The most common examples of confusion stem from the handling of magic spells as skills and how spellcasters are divided into multiple classes mechanically. Both in and out of the setting, War Wizards are trained for combat magic and Occultists study support magic, while Alchemists specifically work with the Alchemy crafting tree. Different Lore entries alternatively treat each class as if it is locked to a specific category of spells, or treat all magic as interchangeable despite the class names and elemental distinctions. What actually happened was a major revamp of the class and skill system after early playtesting, with some changes making it into the Lore descriptions and others being left out due to lack of time or oversight. (This is why an extremely strong Alchemist who has completed the Great Work and can literally bench press a tank in one cutscene can't pull a single person back onto a catwalk in another cutscene.)
Too Narrow Or Too Broad: As a general rule, anyone can learn any skill or spell, but only somebody who has already been training with the appropriate background can make the most use of it. Hence Soldiers and Survivalists doing more damage with firearms class weapons and the Marksmanship skill, and spellcasters getting the best return-on-energy-points with the spells that align with their specific class and specialization. Unique skills are either prestige class rewards or specifically intended for a character as a part of the story and main plot. To a certain extent this mirrors real world education and training, but is so ambiguously handled and explained that it can lead players into blind allies where they spend too much time and energy either trying to make each member of the Party a jack-of-all-trades or overspecialize in whatever their stated class focus is. (While legitimate ways to play the game, they both require knowledge of a specific playstyle and depend on certain equipment sets for the relevant characters in order to keep from becoming a Challenge Run.)
Totally Meant To Do That: In order to get around the contradictions after the fact, many of the developers and writers adopted the same "unreliable in-universe narrator" modus that the Elder Scrolls developers did for all in-universe books and documents. This is at least partly supported by the in-universe history of multiple competing magical systems that was present in the earliest concept art and design documents for the setting, but still results in confusion when the user interface provides incomplete or inaccurate information. (Though this also leans into the reveal about the origins of the Hero's powers of leadership and persuasion by explaining why other people can't learn them, the writers can't take full credit because it happened by accident.)
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asbestieos · 2 years
[ edited for coherency ]
please help me ok. listen to me. arashi washes and dyes himeru’s hair for him because she notices the color is growing out and she is supporting her roommate who has never show any kind of vulnerability to her or tetora even when asleep and he’s maybe uncomfortable at first but when her fingers massage into his scalp it’s like the mask he wears melts right off . and himeru never reacts like that again but its routine now for her to occasionally help with the hair dye because its easier with another person ensuring proper coverage and she keeps her lips mum on any unnecessary thoughts about why he needs this
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eveningclouds · 1 year
i'm not too stressed to finish my paper tonight i'm not too stressed to finish my paper tonight i'm not too stressed to finish my paper tonight i'm not too stressed to finish my paper tonight i'm not too stressed to finish my paper tonight
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ditttiii · 2 years
i wanna write max drabbles. maybe charles too. send in requests if u have em <3
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
man i wish i could send decent asks to the bedrockverse blogs but as soon as Things start happening i lose the ability to think/form sentences
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wiltingg4rden · 8 months
i text him every morning and every night. He's the first and last thought of every day. I hope he thinks if.me.tbe same
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yellowheartz · 8 months
I think i just joined a cult umm
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honeyedraysofgold · 10 months
Finished my first run in Baldur's Gate 3 today and I think it's safe to say I'm 100% down horrendous for Astarion because I'm already planning to romance him in my next run
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lollobumy · 1 year
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She deserves a post of her own 🥺🫴 just look!!
She's a big babygirl. She's shaped, they're a cutie pie!!
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faehrys · 2 years
is drinking alone sad like be honest
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timeclonemike · 4 months
Summoning in the Wikke Archipelago
Natural, Unnatural, and Supernatural: Summoning as a magical practice is by and large adjacent to ALL of the different magical systems and traditions developed in the island chain. Like most other magical processes, it deals with energy cycles, but where magical cycles are easy to experience and interact with directly, the processes that allow for summoning are a bit more obscure. Most knowledge about the field was accumulated by two different scholars, the first being Occultist Happ Wordden about two hundred years before Veck's Regency Era, who wrote a rather lengthy tome titled A Catalogue Of Visitations identifying the different entities that could enter the world via summoning. The other was an alchemist and astronomer named Nathanial Harker who wrote The Cacophony Of The Spheres seventy years later, a treatise on astrological cycles vital for the practice of alchemy and the limitations of working within those cycles, which is credited for inspiring the creation of the first Alchemical Orrery. This book included an appendix correlating multiple astral bodies and their orbits with the entities described by Wordden decades before.
Spirits And The Netherworld: According to both Wordden and Harker, summoned entities fit into four broad categories. The first, most readily understood, and easiest to contact, are the spirits of the the departed, because they have an established connection to the world already. Through the careful questioning of these spirits, occultists and necromancers have gained vital insight into the cycles of life, death, and undeath, and have also made some headway in understanding the afterlife... or rather, afterlives, plural. When a person dies, they may awaken to find themselves in a dimly lit, shifting counterpart to the waking world which has variously been called the Netherworld, Underworld, or Afterworld. By definition, these are the spirits easiest to summon because they are already so close to the world of the living, for the same reason that it takes less time and effort to walk down the street to a neighbor than it does to travel across town.
What In Reincarnation?: In other, more difficult cases, spirits appear to reside in some sort of realm beyond the Netherworld, though exactly what the nature of this world is remains unclear. One notable case study documents a spirit who told the summoner, "I stand in a grand library, and can recite to you one sentence of all these books. Which would you choose?" before the ritual connection was lost. The most baffling outcome appears to support the idea of reincarnation, in that the spirit believes that they are alive and well if they can be communicated with at all; in the most notorious case a man who died in a construction accident claims he was lucky to get out of the way of the wall that crushed him. Scholars have debated the meaning and implications of this conversation for decades, with the prevailing theory being that the spirits are in denial about their state, but a vocal minority promotes a more radical idea; that rather than contacting the spirit of the departed in this world, the summoner managed to reach another universe entirely where events turned out differently and the counterpart to the deceased survived whatever killed them in the original universe. Nobody knows how to prove or disprove this theory, including its strongest supporters.
Demons Versus Archons: Spirits tend to be the concern of necromancers specifically, those who deal with life, death, and undeath, while summoners proper are more concerned with (and associated with) two mutually antithetical beings from Beyond. These come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and forms, but follow two broad categories of similarity, those being Demons and Archons. Demons are physically, if not physiologically, associated with fire, sulfur, and high temperatures, and socially or mentally appear fixated on games of chance and skill. Archons, in contrast, physically appear to be made of ice or crystal, and are associated with extreme cold and frost, and are rigidly logical and organized. These extremes between hot and cold, chaos and order, make these two categories of entities mutually antagonistic, but at the same time means they are unlikely to ever meet each other without the intervention of a summoner in the first place; that said there are natural magical cycles that make it easier for one or the other to cross over into the physical world of the islands without help. Their goals and motivations are extremely difficult to discern at the best of times.
The Umbrals: The final and most obscure category of summoned entities are the Umbrals, beings who are either made of or perpetually cloaked in darkness. Of all the otherworldly entities they are the most difficult to contact, but arguably the easiest to work with once contact is established; while getting a Demon to do anything requires a professional gambler's dexterity and head for odds, and working with Archons is best done with the aid of a very good lawyer, Umbrals literally just trade favors. Simply put, do something for them and they will do something for you. Of course, what the Umbral asks might be something beyond the summoner's ability or skill, or take decades to successfully manage, or violate various legal, ethical, and moral codes; there isn't any clear correlation between the difficulty of what the summoner wants and the difficulty of what an Umbral wants in exchange. Significantly, Umbrals have been known to intervene in the world without the aid of summoning rituals during times of great strife, granting great power to someone on the verge of death and allowing them to turn the tide of battle; how and why they choose to interact with one specific person out of all those involved in the conflict, as well as what they get in exchange, is not understood. (Different Umbrals give different answers when questioned, so it may be that there is no overarching ethos at work and each individual Umbral is pursuing its own distinct goals.)
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