#wil ohmsford/you
austinswhitewolf · 1 year
Finding One Of Your Own Pt. 3
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Here is the final part of Finding One Of Your Own. Had a fun time writing this. Hope you all love it! Also, open to requests if anyone has any. <3
Slowly, you start to wake up, becoming aware little by little of things around you. One of the first things you noticed was the warmth radiating around you. Once you open your eyes, you notice that you are lying on Wil’s chest, your head was in the crook of his neck and shoulder. Sometime through the night, you both must have rolled together. You have your arm over his chest, the rise and fall of his breathing and his heartbeat felt on the inside of  your forearm. You shifted just slightly and took a deep breath. One of Wil’s arms curled tighter around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His other arm was around your shoulders, hand buried in your hair. Wil took a deep breath, shifting slightly before returning to a deep sleep. His fingers brushed lightly against the tip of your ear and a moan slid from your lips without thought, your face flushing and body lighting with fire. Your head shifts, causing his hand to move down to your neck. You reach up and touch the tip of your ear. Holy shit, you had forgotten how sensitive your ears used to be. Returning your hand to rest on his chest, you take deep breaths, trying to calm down. It’s not long before you are dozing off again, the warmth soothing to you. 
Half an hour later, Wil starts to wake up. He groans as he lets go of you, hand moving up to rub over his eyes. His movement wakes you back up. You sit up and watch as he shifts, his other arm curling into his lap, his fingers slowly uncurling revealing the stones stuck and burned into his skin. “Wil!” You say softly, eyes full of worry. He shakes his head softly, pulling the stones from his palm. “This is normal. Always happens, don’t worry.” His voice was laced with sleep and rough. Once he put the stones back into their pouch, he grabbed a strip of fabric and wrapped his palm. It takes a few moments for him to reassure you that it isn’t bad, not to worry about it. Finally, you get up off the bed and move to the mirror on the wall. You deftly free your hair from the plaits and twists, brushing it back to look at your now scar free ear. When you turn around, you see him watching you with a soft smile on his face. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck in a hug. “Thank you so much Wil.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Over the next few weeks, you slowly start to come out of your shy cautious shell. Starting to help do small things around the village, helping care for the horses. You wanted to earn your keep. As each day passed, you found yourself drawn more and more to Wil. Time spent with him always made you smile. It wasn’t until one day you see Wil laughing at something one of the people of Storlock tells him, that you realize this must be what he meant when he talked about Love. How special it was. Though over the next few months, you try to hide it. You didn’t know if he felt the same about you and if he didn’t, you did not want to lose him. He was the only one you felt such a connection with. 
Unbeknownst to you, Wil had fallen hard for you. And as time went by he found himself touching you more and more. Always having some kind of contact whether it be a hand on your shoulder, arm or hip. You loved this, having been so touch starved your entire life, you soaked up each moment of this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
One day that Wil had off from working in the healing houses, you had both decided to go for a ride. You pack some food in the saddle bags to have for later if either of you got hungry. It was a beautiful day, a nice calm breeze, warm sun and the perfect temperature. A few hours into the ride, you notice an old crumbling abandoned stone cottage, or the ruins of one anyways. As you both head towards it, Cricket, Wil’s horse suddenly gets tense and nervous. A step or two later, she reared up as a loud cracking was heard. It was an old wood trap that was cracking under the weight of the two. Cricket reared up in fear, Wil falling hard to the ground as she took off, hitting his head and getting knocked out. “Wil!!” You managed to get your horse out of the way of the broken trap quickly and manage to calm it down before it can try to take off like Cricket did. Leaping down to the ground, you quickly tether the horse to a small tree before rushing to Wil’s side. You run your hands over his body, checking for broken bones. When you found nothing wrong, you gently rolled him to his side. You see blood on the back of his head where he had hit the rock. Ripping off a strip off the bottom of your shirt, you press it against the wound for a few minutes to stop the bleeding. Once it finally stops, you get him into a more comfortable position and then gather wood to make a small fire. It was maybe an hour before Wil started to wake up. Groaning, Wil shifts, wincing and reaching up to his head. “Easy. You hit your head quite hard.” You say, gently resting your hand on his shoulder. Helping him sit up, you explain what had happened, how Cricket had run off. The happiness and joy of him being awake overwhelmed you. Leaning over, you kiss him. A spark ignites the moment your lips touch. A sigh slips past your lips as you slowly pull back a tiny bit. The look in Wil’s eyes took your breath away. It gives you the courage to tell him all you are feeling, what you have been feeling for him. He smiles and rests his hand on your cheek. “I have felt the same for a while now. I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” He murmured softly. With your help, the fire is put out and both get on your horse to head back to Storlock. You did not see Cricket at all until you were just a little ways from the village. There she was grazing on grass, having made her way back on her own. You grabbed her reins and continued back, leading her behind your horse. By the time you got back, Wil was resting his head on your shoulder, his head still bothering him. Helping him back to his hut, you watch as he uses the stones to close the wound. Then you help him get cleaned up, washing the blood from his hair. Groggy from using the stones, you help him to bed, and then curl up with him. “Thank you for everything.” Wil murmured as he wrapped his arm around your waist. He placed a soft loving kiss on your lips. Both of you fall asleep in each others arms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The next morning, you are both slow to wake up. 
“Morning Beautiful.” Wil’s voice was gruff and deep from sleep. His blue eyes lock with yours, trailing his hand up and down your back. He leans down and kisses you. As you return the kiss, lips moving against his, you thread your hands into his hair. A few moments later you trail your fingers over the edges of his ears. Gently brushing the tips. Wil pulls back, eyes holding a soft warning layered with love and something else. He murmurs your name, voice husky and uneven. Your stomach flips with a warmth as you smile, giving him a loving look. “I love you Wil. I’ve never felt like this before, but deep down, I know I can’t live without you. I love you.” “I love you too. So so much.” He replies happily, a smile taking over his face. Your fingers move back to his ears, a grin on your face. Wil pulls your face back down and locks his lips to yours in a searing kiss. This was the beginning of the rest of your lives together. 
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austinbutlerslovers · 9 months
Wondering if you would do this as I love wil Ohmsford from Shannara chronicles maybe him and the reader are at the lake and the reader goes in for a swim and wil joins her and the end up admitting there feeling for each other and it’s ends with them having sex in the hut
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Am I Causing you Pain
Label Mature 18+
Summary Wil is hesitant to get close to anyone, except you. When you meet him at your usual rendezvous near the lake a series of unfortunate events befalls you. As you continue to suffer bad luck Wil steps in to save you each time without hesitation. The more he takes care of you the more he realizes he has hidden his feelings from you far too long and seizes the opportunity to release them caring for you to completion in his hut.
💝Romantic Smut 💝 Fluff•friends to lovers• graphic injury• wound care• foreplay•virgin smut• first time •missionary•pull out ejaculation •after care•fluff ending.
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•The rarest unicorn 🦄 of all, Wil Ohmsford smut! 🧝•This is a full bodied friends to lovers story. •Story based on Wil wanting to be a healer •You are his best friend in the village •Light timeline change/ Wil lives alone/ hut description/short hair requested. •Soft romantic journey with hard smut •Pics of Wil sprinkled throughout because he’s so majestically beautiful
Inspo: 💝special request @jessica987
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Am I Causing You Pain?
You wander through the forest on a familiar path you’ve traveled a dozen times before. You hear the waterfall before you reach the clearing and see it powerfully cascading down the rock face. You take a glance all the way to the top noticing the ominous storm clouds forming in the distance. You might not be able to stay at the lake today if it rains which would completely ruin your chances of seeing Wil.
You and he have arranged this same meet up every few weeks when you run in to each other collecting supplies at the open market.
The village you both lived in was very mundane and small you both grew bored with the limited ways for young people to seek enjoyment there.
You are both roughly the same age he a year older. You grew up together never having left more than five miles outside of this place. He is your closest friend, though he prefers to be left alone you are the only who seems to be able to get close to him.
He lives in a hut not far from the waterfall and has never shown you exactly were. He hated living in the close confines of the village so moving here made sense for him to be at peace. He always said he never really felt like he fit in and you believed him.
You look around ensuring you have arrived to the lake before him and change in privacy tying tight your usual strips of cloth on your body to protect your modesty and placing your folded clothing on two large rocks.
You quickly enter the water wading all the way in until your feet no longer touch the bottom it’s colder than usual. You dip your hair back and splash your face a few times focusing out in the distance as you see the movements of Wil at the shoreline. He’s already ridding himself of his boots and slipping his shirt over his head peeling his pants down and standing up his firm muscular body only covered by cloth shorts.
You smile admiring his beauty lifting your hand from the water to wave at him as he waves back. Even though he prefers to be alone and is resistant to change you can’t help but notice he has the chiseled defined body of a warrior and the regal flair of a king. Each time you lay eyes on him he looks back at you with a spark of something more than admiration though he is quick to change it.
You watch as he places his clothing in his shoulder bag with his boots against a tree and walks from the shoreline into the deeper waters to meet you. His face is so focused and stern as he swims.
When he gets closer his handsome features warm into a smile his eyes light up as he reaches you “I’m glad you came, it looks a little ominous today“ he says glancing up. “I’m freezing Wil the lake is much colder than last time” you say smiling at him through slightly chattering teeth.
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He surprises you not wanting to see you suffer and wraps his strong arms around you hugging you to his chest. You both try to avoid eye contact with pleasant smiles as you tread water together enjoying the warmth of each others closeness for the moment.
Droplet suddenly begin to patter across the lakes surface “Oh no my clothing!” You exclaim both paddling quickly to the shoreline to save what you can.
As you reach the bank you are being pelted heavily by rain. You find your clothing and shoes soaked on the rocks where you placed them.
You are so dismayed as you collect the sopping wet items in your arms.
You look over at Wil looting through his leather bag all of his items still dry thanks to the coverage of the trees. He gets dressed remaining untouched by the rain beneath the canopy of leaves and branches above him finishing by lacing his boots.
He looks over to see you shivering nearly naked and holding your wet clothing in your arms, his heart drops. You are unsure what to do unable to walk back to the village like this.
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“Come with me I don’t live far” he gestures. You follow him into the tree line as you walk into the woods barefoot you immediately step your full weight on a jagged sharp stone “Ahhhh” you cry out in pain the stone pierced you intensely. You look down and turn over your injured foot revealing a deep gash that begins heavily leaking blood droplets all over the ground.
Wils eyes grow wide once he realizes what’s happened. “You’re hurt!” He says rushing to kneel down infront of you placing his hands to check your foot, it is a very deep cut he looks up at your shivering form holding your wet clothing and boots.
He stands and opens the flap of his shoulder bag removing the contents into his pockets taking out his facial scarf placing it over his shoulder and collecting the wet clothing from your arms replacing them inside.
He kneels down and you lift your leg as he ties his scarf around your foot in a makeshift bandage to hold the bleeding. He turns kneeling offering his back “I can carry you, I don’t want you walking on that injury” he says over his shoulder.
You take up his offer and climb onto him. He has his bag across the front of his chest and your arms draped over his shoulders. His hands slide under your bare thighs holding you firmly against him as he begins to walk. You take a deep breath trying to relax, the placement of his hands making you feel things, intrusive physical thoughts you’ve never had about him before clouding your mind.
“I’m so sorry about all this” you say in his ear trying to refocus as he carries you. He doesn’t mind at all “No need to worry I have all my Ingredients prepared for vegetable soup at home for us, I usually eat alone so this is a treat for me” he smiles at you over his shoulder.
You begin to study his perfect jawline and broad muscular shoulders and his pointy elf ears you’ve always wanted to touch. You never noticed how tall and strong he is carrying you so easily, his innocent angelic features always distracting you from the fact that he is a young man now and you are constantly trying to stifle the feelings you’ve recently begun having for him.
It doesn’t help that at each step he takes your inner thighs bounce against his lower back, you try to focus on anything else besides the friction of your body’s rubbing together. This is the longest you’ve been so close. Whenever you touch more than a brief moment Wil is quick to turn away.
He continues to walk under the canopy of trees keeping you both dry as it rains. You come to a clearing with a meadow his hut centered in the distance. He lets you down, as you step on the grass it’s so flat and shiny and soft you squeeze your toes into it. He smirks looking over at you enjoying your little moment.
You step forward from the tree line into the meadow clearing and look up to the sky, the rain has stopped. “Wil look a rainbow” you say excitedly pointing up as he joins your gaze
“It is really beautiful” he says looking down at your face instead. You’re staring up in awe at the vivid colors. You’ve never seen anything like it this close. Wil sees a rainbow here every time it rains and he finds you even more alluring to look at.
He takes your hand to grab your attention noticing your lips are turning blue. “You need to dry off and warm up and I’ll need to mend your foot” he says glancing down at it with concern.
You completely forgot you are wearing tied wet strips of cloth with almost your entire body exposed and your foot bleeding. He makes you feel so comfortable in his presence you forgot it could be considered immodest.
You follow him across the meadow up a step and into his hut. As you enter the doorway It’s very colorful and spacious inside. His walls painted indigo blue with birch wood floors. Everything is arranged neatly in the space with lots of hanging light catchers made from tiny pieces of glass casting beautiful shimmers of light around the room.
He has dozens of books on healing tucked neatly in a tall bookshelf by the window. His bed is in a nook at the back of the hut covered in a sheer curtain canopy draping from the roof, the mattress covered in a thick colorful quilt. A sky blue reading chair and table are under the window at your right.
He has dozens of species of small plants shelved in a large box garden window on your left. Little notes of descriptions are sticking out of each one. You walk over and lean in smelling the yellow one that you think is the most beautiful you read the note on it in his handwriting -“marigold”
Wil works behind you gathering chopped wood from a pile near the door he places a few pieces in his wood burning stove at the entrance. He starts a fire and sets a kettle on.
He walks infront of you to the back of the hut kneeling down at the foot of his bed opening a large trunk, he sifts through the items holding up one of his full sleeved winter shirts and a long piece of fabric that could be used as a scarf.
He walks back and stands in front of you “Please get changed I’m going to get some rope and hang your clothing, I will take the vegetables I prepared and cook them outside.” He hands you his clothing and gathers the basket of chopped vegetables with his shoulder bag and quickly leaves you in privacy.
Once the door closes you untie your top, cupping your breasts they are freezing , you untie your bottoms and pull his shirt over your head it falls just covering your modesty with one shoulder peeking out. You take the scarf and tie it around your waist making it a skirt.
You head outside to help him with his tasks. Stepping out into the meadow you see a large pot hanging over a fire boiling the soup. He’s attached a rope to the side of the hut and the other end to a tree he’s wringing out and hanging your wet clothing.
“Wil I can do that.” You rush over before he gets to your undergarments face flushing as you take your top from his hands wringing it and tossing it over the line. He sees you can take over and heads back inside to remove the kettle from the fire.
He picks an assortment of his herbs from the box garden window grinding them with a pestal and mortar adding in the boiling water mixing it into a salve. He goes to the bookshelf and grabs his mahogany chest full of his medical supplies arranging what he’ll need on the table near the reading chair. He returns outside to see you’ve finished hanging your clothing.
“Come inside and Im ready to mend your cut“ he says and ducks back in.
You walk in and see him standing at the table focused intently on threading a needle
“Sit here“ he gestures his head to the reading chair.
He’s so serious when it comes to healing and medicine you look at his stern face deep in concentration and smile admiring how he must really want to be a healer. “What is all of this?” You say looking at his supplies neatly arranged on the table in front of you.
“I want to make sure I mend your foot properly, I’ve been studying healing and medicines for quite some time, I want to practice some things that I’ve learned to help you” he says finally lancing a knot in the eye if the needle.
You sit down in his blue reading chair and he kneels in front of you maneuvering directly to the bottom of your foot. He sees there is blood already soaking through the bandage. As he unwraps it the blood begins dripping once more indicating to him the cut is deep and his assumption is correct it won’t be able to heal closed he will have to sew it shut. You look around the hut at the floor and realize you have left little red footprints everywhere “ Wil I’m so sorry about the mess” you cover your mouth in embarrassment.
He dips a tiny cloth in the salve he’s prepared and rubs it into your cut cleaning it out “ Ahhhh” you cry out gripping the chair it’s so painful . “That’s alright “ he says his vibrant blue eyes finally flashing to look up at you kindly. He continues to clean around the wound
His fingers feel so cold and delicate as he works to care for you. He puts a cloth beneath your foot to catch the fresh blood droplets releasing from the disturbed gash.
Looking at the size of the injury he realizes what he needs to do will be quite painful for you. “I need you to lay on my bed” he says wrapping your foot in a makeshift bandage and assisting you there. He pulls open the sheer curtains and you crawl on top of his soft bed laying down on your back with your hands resting on your navel.
He collects his needle and sterilizes it by fire, burning it over a candle at the table. He sits on the end of the bed and you part your legs wider making space for him. He sits closer in between them holding your foot with the injury above his lap. He steadies his hand, the needle has cooled and is ready to be used for his purpose.
He removes his makeshift bandage from your foot and goes right to work. Holding your foot steady he pierces the needle into the top of the cut. Your eyes widen and your body tenses It is one of the worst pains you have experienced in your life. You squeeze your eyes shut and grit your teeth but you are unable to stifle the scream that erupts from your throat . “AH Wil it’s so painful” you cry out as he lances the needle you feel the thread hot as if it is burning as he pulls it through. “WIL…. “ you speak up again chest rising and falling eyes almost in tears “ how many times do you have to do that? “ He eyes it “12“ he responds. You let out a disparaging moan and cover your hands over your face.
He wants to comfort you somehow. Based on your reaction It’s slowly dawning on him you will probably pass out unable to endure this type of pain. “You are a really brave girl” he says piercing the needle in a third time you cry out and tremble as it turns into a sob. He pulls the thread through it feels white hot, your gash now throbbing painfully as he works.
He tries not to focus on your screams and cries it’s already distracting him so much, he knows he needs to pull these stitches right. He works expertly piercing and pulling the thread through as quickly as he can until it’s taunt the top of the gash now sewn shut.
Ha talks to distract you as he continues “I was really excited you came to see me today and I’m sorry this happened to you, I’m going to mend it right you’ll only have a scar as a reminder “ he says glancing into your eyes with a soft smile to reassure you.
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He turns his attentions back and pierces the needle into your foot again. Your body goes into shock you lay your head back and start sobbing the tears rolling from the corners of your eyes down your cheeks the pain now unbearable. He almost stops hearing you cry like that he wants to hold you and tell you it’ll be alright comforting you and letting you rest, but he cant he has to finish his work.
You never imaged having him mend the wound would be more painful than the cut itself. You wetly blink your eyes staring up at the roof. This time when he pierces the needle into your foot you don’t let out a scream your body only winces involuntarily.
You lift your head up watching him delirious from the agony which your body is changing into something else. You feel like you’re floating
He’s in pure concentration on your foot, his slender fingers expertly sewing. He’s going to stitch you together like a piece of fabric. You lightly laugh finding it a little funny.
He looks at you his face showing concern. “Are you alright?” his words echoing. When you don’t answer he refocuses on your foot you see him drive the needle in again everything goes black.
“ Are you alright? “he asks a second time because you are neither laughing or crying there is only silence. He looks over at you as he finishes threading the last stitch. You’re completely out.
He ties the knot and rips the thread. He admires his work 7 perfect stitches and 13 pierces of the needle down your delicate foot. He stands replacing your legs together on the bed.
He applies more salve on the cut wrapping it with a clean bandage. Going into his trunk he retrieves a blanket placing it over you neatly and wets a cloth wiping away your sweat and tears.
That’s when he stares at your beautiful face and his heart swells. Your eye lids are moving rapidly as you dream. He kneels next to you and takes your hand in his “I’m so sorry I hurt you, and I’m sorry this happened because you came to see me, I care for you deeply I never want anything to hurt you like this again”
He expresses his hidden feelings as you sleep finally unlocking something inside of himself he’s been keeping closed for so long. He lovingly presses his cheek on your hand before placing it back on your chest. He leaves your side to finish cooking the soup as he waits for you to come back.
The sound of loud crickets chirping and the cracking of the fire in the wood burning stove wakes you up. Your eyes fly open its night fall and candles light up the room around you. You sit up realizing you’re still at Wils place and your parents will be worried sick in the morning that you haven’t returned from seeing him as usual.
“Wil!” You call out feeling scared that you might be alone. You hear him approaching the hut and enter. He has a somber look on his face that turns into a smile seeing you awake. “You were out for a few hours” he says coming to sit on the edge of the bed “are you hungry?” He asks. Your stomach is completely empty you nod vigorously. He smiles at you warmly “Come sit outside with me“ he says taking your hand.
He helps you walk out of the hut down one step to the ground. A thick quilt is in the grass with two pillows. He sits you down on the quilt and takes the ladle into the soup pot hanging over the fire pouring you a bowl. He brings it to you and lays down at your side his hands behind his head peering up into the night sky.
You blow on the soup cooling it enough to eat, the flavoring is excellent and you eat quickly so famished sipping the last drops and setting the bowl on the grass next to you away from the blanket. You look over at Wil still gazing up breathing gently.
You lay down next to him, looking up as you gasp in awe, there are stars everywhere covering the entire expanse of the sky. He looks over at you and smiles. “I knew you would like this because of how excited you were about the rainbow today” you look back to him gratefully your eyes already telling him what he needs to know.
You gaze up at the billions of stars and feel so small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. You look over at Wil relaxing, he has such an impressive presence the way he carries himself with purpose, how he’s naturally so intelligent, and he always knows exactly what to do when a challenging situation arises.
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“ Wil… there’s something special about you”
you say breaking the silence, it’s hard for you to explain but you try.
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“I’ve always known you were different, I believe you have what people call a destiny in you that everyone will admire even more than this entire village…. you …you should leave this place and discover if you have a greater purpose..”
Your heart breaks knowing you might never see him again, but also knowing he has something more to offer the world. He thinks for a while and smiles releasing his hand from behind his head and pulling you gently onto his chest.
He places his hand on top of your head raking his fingers into your hair comforting you both.
“I will leave one day” he says staring back up at the stars. “I understand I don’t belong here but it’s the only place I have ever called home “
“What will you do when you leave ?” You ask curiously.
“I want to be a healer” he says trailing his fingers down your neck to your shoulder and caressing his fingertips there softly relaxing you even more.
You smile suddenly realizing he’s letting you in, touching you intimately without turning away, it is something he has never done before. You have a little feeling he wants more than a friendship with you and it sparks a burning question in your mind.
Please Take Me
“Wil when you leave here can you take me with you?” You ask as a shooting star streaks across the sky. You close your eyes wishing on it that he says yes. He shifts over on his side looking directly at you. “I’m planning to take you with me” he says softly, his thumb strokes your chin as he leans in closely to your face hesitating then planting a gentle kiss on your forehead eyes transfixed on your soft lips after.
You lean in and kiss him without reservation. It shocks him to the core, his lashes flutter as his eyes close giving in to you. He’s never wanted to kiss anyone as much as he’s wanted to kiss you in his life, a new sensation swells inside of him as you brush your lips together passionately kissing under the stars.
His blood begins coursing through his veins down his groin hardening his length. He quickly rolls on top of you. His eyes soften as he looks into yours he focuses on your mouth leaning forward and pressing his plush lips to them again feeling like he’s in a dream.
His kiss is harder this time and he prods his tongue between your parted lips wanting to taste your mouth. You bring your hands up holding the nape of his neck, your body begins tingling from his deeper kisses making you let out a whimper against his lips. You dig your fingertips into his hair.
He lifts from your body and pulls you onto him standing up carrying you easily. You wrap your legs around his waist as he takes you inside. He pushes the door open and brings you to his bed. Opening the canopy curtain with one hand and laying you down with the other. He makes quick work of removing all his clothing and you do the same nimbly discarding your shirt and makeshift skirt. He climbs into bed with you and lays at your side.
He rests on his elbow eyes wandering and admiring your beautiful naked form. You can’t help yourself as you look back at his perfectly toned muscular body, you start to trail the tips of your fingers over his chiseled six pack abs down to the patch of hair on his lower stomach, just above the spot your hand is curious to touch the most, his large throbbing cock you stare at in disbelief.
“Can I touch you?” you ask peering into his eyes. It’s what he wants more than anything the tips of his ears and chest reddening as he nods “Yes” he says voice faltering from arousal. Your fingers slowly trail down and wrap your hand around him for the first time.
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A gasp escapes from his lips your fingers feel so delicate on him as you explore the veins of his shaft softly trailing up and squeezing the tip making his abs tighten as his cock twitches in your hand. He sees the curiosity in your eyes already knowing you’re a virgin, which is why he has never wanted to sexually awaken you before. “Have you…had sex?” He asks to make sure, trying to calm his breathing. You shake your head no.
He tries to refocus his heart now beating heavily in his chest he starts doubting himself unsure if he’s making the right decision to take you as your first. You see the conflict on his face and spread your legs apart for him “Please take me Wil” you whisper.
He wants to deflower you immediately overcome with arousal. Leaning in close he guides his hand between your legs and slips his fingers through the soft lips of your wet folds rubbing into them gently. A moan escapes from your throat as you lock eyes with him, never having been touched like this before and feeling a new sensation blossoming you never knew existed.
He kisses your mouth as he parts your folds gliding his fingers up and down between them until you are soaking wet for him. He carefully slips two fingers inside of you all the way to his knuckle. You feel I slight pinch and gasp against his lips but it isn't too painful.
He keeps his fingers inside curling them softly against a certain spot that has you seeing stars, his passionate kisses never leaving your lips. He wants to stimulate you as much as possible to give you the first orgasm of your life on his cock.
You start to pant into his mouth and clench on his fingers from the stimulation. Sensing the increase in your arousal he climbs on top of you settling his weight between your legs. He gently slides his fingers in and out of you as you close your eyes and softly moan from the euphoric feeling of them dragging against your tight inner walls.
His fingers are making squishing noises he's gotten you so wet, your thighs are soaked. You feel something inside of you shift wanting to be even closer to him you open your eyes seeing his angelic face above you and bring your hands to trail down his strong broad shoulders settling on his lower back. You pant heavily enjoying the intense feelings he’s causing to course through you but not knowing what you should do.
He slowly removes his fingers from you and replaces them around the base of his hard swollen cock. Lining himself up with you he hesitates “Is this what you want?” He asks breathlessly, needing to know your answer before he will go any further.
“Yes Wil” You say gazing into is eyes conveying your deepest desire for him “I want you so much” you say pulling his lower back making him inch forward.
“Then take it “ he says releasing the hold around the base “ take my cock it’s yours ” he confesses.
You are flooded with so much sexual arousal you immediately take over pulling his shaft forward and gently pushing the head of his cock against your tight entrance “Oh!” You cry out your eyes gently rolling back as he penetrates into you, both moaning as he sinks in burying so deep he breaks your virginity the burning ache forming as he stretches you out around his large size.
You whimper then cry out clenching tightly on his cock making him gasp and completely stop inside of you.
He thinks about pulling out the concern is written all over his face. "If im hurting you I’m going to stop" he says “Am I causing you pain? Do you still want this?” His eyes are searching yours wildy for the answer.
You gaze back into his striking blue eyes reaching up tracing your finger over the pointy tip of his ear “ I want this Wil“ you whisper. “It’s just all new to me I don’t know what I am supposed to do” you admit.
His cock pulses inside of you with excitement he loves so much what he’s about to make you experience with him.
“Just relax for me and let me take care of you” he says reaching down between your body’s finding your wet nub and gently rubbing his fingertips around it.
You start to moan differently as you feel sexual pleasure begin to form inside of you for the first time blossoming open like a flower you stare into his eyes with astonishment. You are so full of him and wanting more the dull ache dissipating as you relax around his size nodding for him to continue.
Your small whimpers soon turn into moans of pleasure as he rides into you, gently pulling out with each thrust before softly returning back in. “You feel so good on me” he breathes. Your face in pure bliss beneath him with how he’s completely dominating your body.
He increases his pace to make you orgasm amplifying his thrusts wetly smacking his hips into you rocking you with each deep hit of his cock. He's so powerful you tilt your head back overwhelmed with pleasure and just let him take you.
Your vision blurs as your breaths increase, panting so hard you suddenly feel your self clench around him an explosion of intense pleasure rips through you making you shiver and moan loudly for him as your walls flutter tightly on his cock and he rides you through your first orgasm.
“Ughh..Wil… you feel so…incredible” you moan out tears brim and fall from your eyes. Your toes curling as you grab the sheets beneath and he continues his powerful thrusts into you making you his.
He lowers his chest on yours wiping your tears away with this thumbs as he slows down his thrusts “you took me so well” his voice is deep and full of lust “you’re perfect” he presses his mouth on yours in a hard kiss full of his compassion for you.
He releases his kiss and increases his thrusts wanting to cum hips smacking into you as he presses his forehead to yours panting against your face and catching your mouth in hot kisses, when you feel too good on him.
As he’s about to cum his breaths shudder into your mouth and his thrusts falter. He lifts off of you quickly sliding out, his hand wrapped around the base of his cock as it begins to pulse he pumps it over your body as you stare at him in awe.
His plump lips open, his pupils are blown wide and his chest heaving as his abs constrict, he vigorously pumps his cock as he finishes spreading a silky warmth across your naval.
His body immediately softens as he releases his cock, chest is still rising and falling as he breaths heavily staring into your eyes full of complete satisfaction.
He squeezes your thigh tenderly before leaving the bed to grab a cloth. He carefully wipes down your naval cleaning off all of his sperm.
He discards it in a small hamper near the trunk and blows out all of the candles. Once the hut is dark you see the outline of his naked form in the moon light his cock now soft as he slips back into bed with you.
Pulling down the quilt you both lay on the sheets bringing it back up to chest height laying together face to face. “Are you alright?” He asks with a light concern stroking his hand through your hair “Yes of course Wil” you smile at him your eyes full of intense unyielding love. You've already fallen so hard for him vowing never to leave his side after what he made you experience.
He kisses your lips and pulls you into him resting your head on his firm bicep, your cheek is pressed against his chest as you inhale his scent of soft chamomile and sweat. You blink heavily until your eyes remain closed and you pass out.
You awaken to the sounds of loud birds chirping around the hut soft rays of sunlight just creeping into the windows at dawn
Wil is gone you touch the mattress infront of you where he slept and sit up startled he isn’t there, your clothing is folded neatly at the foot of the bed.
You get dressed and rinse your face using a glass jug of water in his kitchen space. Sitting in his blue reading chair you find it challenging to put on your second boot. The swelling and tenderness in your stitches making you wince as you stand up and bear weight on your foot.
Walking slowly you head outside putting less weight on the injured one. Wil is returning to the hut carrying a basket on his arm. He hands you an apple from the top “ breakfast?” he says smiling. You take it from him and eat “We need to return you to the village now I know that everyone is looking for you” he says and you nod in agreement. He puts the basket of full of apples in his hut closing the door behind him.
You begin the long trek back to the village. After a few paces across the meadow your already not feeling well your foot squishing painfully in your boot on the fresh stitches. You slow down and Wil keeps your pace.
As you reach the treeline and the ground becomes firmer you are practically limping and dragging your other foot. He comes to kneel infront of you “ I have to carry you it’s too soon to walk this far”he says, you climb up and rest against his back relieved and exhausted from the pain. He carries you the rest of the way to the village.
As you pass by the water fall this time the sun is shining brightly over it and you smile thinking of how differently the day would’ve gone If you had swam together and gone home like usual. Never experiencing sex for your first time with him. You press your face into the leather shoulder of his jacket smiling remembering all the things he did to you last night as he carries you. Then another thought slowly creeps into your mind.
“Wil if you were to leave, when would you plan to go?” you want to know if he will actually leave the village after what you said.
“I think in a few weeks time when your foot heals, I want to leave the village with you” he peers over his shoulder at you smiling knowing you want to leave as soon as possible with him. You lean forward and press a kiss against the shell of his pointy ear “I’ll be ready” you whisper smiling.
After a long while you finally emerge from the forest to the large valley filled with dozens of small cottages. A large archway welcomes you with an awning that reads “Shady Vale”
🪴END 🫐
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mrsniallhoran505 · 2 years
Good morning Austin Girls!
Second theme: Wil Ohmsford
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theoakleafpancake · 6 months
I will never forgive whoever the creators of the shannara show were
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
So I have decided that I will make some from that scene just for you! Both the evening part at the morning part lol. I have a feeling I know which part you are "really" wanting. I'm guessing a certain part in the morning part of that scene lol. The only thing is you won't be getting it this evening (it's almost 10pm), BUT I will be doing them tomorrow! You can bug me if they aren't out at some point tomorrow! FOR NOW here is some of the ones i've previously done (may update them)
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BAHAHAHA he’s so fuckin funny, we love wil himbo ohmsford 💀🤣
thank u i appreciate it joey, i love that this is your love language LOL 🥰🥰🥰
i loooooooooooove you joeykinz 😚😚
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blurredcolour · 1 year
Wil Ohmsford Masterlist
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[One-shot (may become a series)]
>>> return to main masterlist
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sansaorgana · 2 months
hi babes!! i saw that you’re taking requests for wil ohmsford and i NEEDED to request something bc OMG THATS MY MAN!! S2 wil has a literal chokehold on me…like that scene where he’s injured and on the bed with mareth helping him GOODNIGHT!
so like imagine it’s wil and his gf and he’s just being so stubborn with her and not letting her help, but she’s so sweet and caring that he just folds for her and goes so soft :(( like he cries at her touch and she just kisses him and tells him he loves him/he’ll be okay while patching him up 😣😣 and they both just sweetly make out (or do more..)
also i know deep down that man has a praise kink so ☺️ OK I NEED TO BE SEDATED AND LOCKED OFF THIS APP
i love your work SO MUCH girl hope ur doing well <3
hello, love! 🌼 thank you for the request 😀 it was the only one with Wil that I have received LOL 😅 and it was my first time writing for him as well 😏 I made it smutty and he's a veeery soft boy 🤭
I had to close my requests for now because I got so many 🙏🏻
🔞 THIS FIC IS 18+ 🔞
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Wil was kind, sweet and obliging most of the time but he tended to be stubborn as well. Because of his kind nature, he was easy to take advantage of sometimes and he could be clumsy in the situations where clumsiness could cost you a life. So, obviously, you were worried about him. Especially now, when some fanatics were hunting magic users like your boyfriend.
His training to become a healer was not going as well as he had been imagining it and it was bringing him down these days. You remained by his side and waited for him to finish his course so you could go back to your village where he would help the people and heal them. But so far everything seemed to go wrong. Wil was determined to become a healer, though, even though everyone kept telling him that perhaps it was not his calling, after all. Magic was his gift. On the other hand, you didn’t want him to use it too often if there were people hunting magic users. And magic itself had its price as well…
You were sitting on the edge of the bed and worrying. Trying to read a book, but it was difficult to focus on it. It was late and dark and Wil wasn’t back yet, which was causing your thoughts to go places you would rather not go to. You put the book down and started to fidget with your fingers nervously. The sounds of laughter and screams coming from a pub nearby were the only noises you could hear on that warm night. That, and the crickets.
You stood up and began pacing around worryingly when Wil finally came back to your small house that you called home these days. But it didn’t matter because your home was where he was either way.
“Wil!” You scolded him at first but when you approached him, you noticed that his shirt was torn open and there was a huge, bleeding wound on his ribs. His face had a fresh bruise, too, and he was bleeding from his lip.
You reached your hands out to delicately touch his chest and he hissed at your touch. You raised your widened eyes to look into his baby blue ones.
“Wil! What happened?” You asked him in panic and he limped to your bed to sit on the edge of it and groaned out of pain.
“I was at the pub…” He confessed and winced.
“At the pub? What for?” You asked and sat next to him, caressing his hair gently.
“It doesn’t matter now,” he shook his head. You cupped his face to turn it around and force him to look at you.
“What happened?” You bit on your lower lip as your fingers caressed his cheeks. Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of him being in so much pain.
“It’s nothing, really. Just hand me the stones, please,” he pointed at the nightstand table.
He had them hidden in the drawer there, in a brown leather sack – three blue elfstones that he could activate with his magic. But whenever he would, you could see how much it cost him. You didn’t want Wil to use them as much as he did. After the horrors he had been through, he would often use the elfstones to simply run away from his problems and ease his mind.
You furrowed your brow and pulled up the sleeves of his jacket and shirt to reveal the burns on his hands from using the elfstones too much. You shook your head. No, you didn’t want him to use them again. At least not for this sort of thing – which you could patch up perfectly well on your own.
“Let me see…” You gently touched his fresh wound again. “It’s not infected. I can handle that.”
“No!” Wil snapped and you froze. His face softened immediately. “No, darling, I will do it, just hand me the stones.”
“I will not,” you stated with all seriousness.
“Fine then, I’ll do it myself,” he groaned and moved up to be able to reach the nightstand but the sharp pain suddenly worsened and he winced in discomfort, still stubbornly trying to reach for the drawer.
“Wil, please, stop,” you pleaded with tears in your eyes. “Stop, I can handle it. It’s gonna be fine,” you grabbed his hand that he was reaching out and you squeezed it in yours reassuringly. “My love, please, just let me take care of you,” you caressed his cheek with your free hand.
Without a word, Wil nodded and you saw a few tears escaping his pretty eyes. You wiped them with your thumb before they would stream down his face. You leaned in and placed a kiss upon his forehead.
“We have to get rid of that shirt, yes?” You talked him through it softly as you began slowly getting rid of his clothes.
Wil didn’t protest this time. Quite the opposite – he started to lean into your touch and let you take care of him. Nothing but soft whimpers of pain were leaving his pretty lips while you were shushing him lovingly.
“Shhh, pretty boy, I can handle that, it’s fine,” you kept saying.
Once he was in his underwear, you helped him to sit down on your bed and lean on the pillows. You caressed his hair one more time before placing a kiss on the top of his head. Then you got up to get your first aid kit. To be honest, you had quite a few lying around since Wil was training to become a healer.
When you sat on the edge of the bed to disinfect his wounds, he hissed out of pain and sobbed a little, instantly blushing at this display of vulnerability.
“Oh, baby, it’s okay, I love you,” you kissed his flushed cheeks. “It’s okay to cry when it hurts, my love,” you assured him and went back to gently disinfecting the wounds and dabbing the soothing ointment onto them. “So… What happened at the pub, Wil?” You raised your eyebrow at him when you spotted his muscles slowly relaxing under your touch.
“It’s… It’s nothing…” He looked away, visibly not wanting to share the details.
“My boyfriend comes back home all wounded and it’s nothing?” You couldn’t help a little snort.
Wil swallowed a lump in his throat as he hesitated. Finally, he spoke up:
“Just promise me that you won’t be worried,” he looked into your eyes. His own blue ones were giving you a look of a scared puppy and you leaned in to join your foreheads together before rubbing your nose with his.
“How can I not be, sweet darling? I always am worried about you, I love you,” you whispered softly. “But what is it? You must tell me.”
“I went there because I was in a bad mood and didn’t want to ruin your evening with my grumpiness. Some people recognised me,” Wil explained. “They were not from here and I dealt with them. They won’t spread the word about me, so don’t worry, alright?” He quickly added but you were furrowing your brows at his concerning words already.
“What do you mean that some people recognised you?” You asked. “As a magic user?”
“No,” Wil shook his head. “I mean, yes. But they weren’t after me just because of that. Apparently there’s… There’s…” He didn’t know how to finish his sentence as he looked away again. “There’s a price on my head.”
You froze at his words as your heart skipped a beat. A price on your sweet Wil’s head? For what? For saving the world? For being the most adorable man with those cute short tips that you adored? No, it made no sense. But the world was full of cruel people who would want to hurt good men like him.
“We must leave this place,” you finally said.
“No. Not before I finish my training,” Wil insisted, looking at you pleadingly.
“I don’t care if you become a healer or not. I don’t want something bad to happen to you. If we go back home and end up as simple farmers, I’ll be just as happy. I just want you to be okay…” You tried to reason with him.
“I do care. I want to become a healer!” Wil exclaimed and then he cleared his throat and looked down. “I know I’m a failure but I want to finish this training.”
“You’re not a failure, Wil,” you sighed and moved the first aid kit aside after taking the bandage out of it. You adjusted Wil softly to have a better access to the wound on his chest and you began to wrap the bandage around it. “Please, don’t call yourself that. You saved the world, remember?” You tried to cheer him up somehow. It was hard to believe sometimes that this guy was a hero and he seemed to be forgetting that as well.
“Yeah, but that was not a part of the plan. My plan was to become a healer and I’m failing at that,” he whispered shakily.
You didn’t want to argue with him more tonight so you just pursed your lips and finished to bandage him in silence. Then you kissed his forehead and leaned him back onto the pillows before standing up to put the first aid kit back to its place. You also washed your hands in a bowl of water and all this time you kept overthinking that tonight Wil could have lost his life. And instead of running away from this place, he insisted on staying.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Wil asked you and you turned around to face him.
“I’m worried,” you admitted and he cracked a smile that filled your heart with so much love that you were scared it would explode.
“You promised you wouldn’t.”
“I did not say such a thing, Wil Ohmsford!” You protested before approaching the bed to crawl up to him and join your lips together in a soft and sweet kiss.
You were careful with him because of his injuries but also because you were always gentle with him overall. How could you not be? He was the sweetest man in the world, of that you were sure. As sweet as a bag of candy and always so kind. Only Wil could see the goodness in everyone and their worth to be loved. And he was yours, all yours at the end of the day. 
Just thinking of that made you moan into his mouth as you placed your hands on his shoulders and gently moved up to sit astride him. Your lips were still connected, not leaving each other even for a moment but, eventually, you pulled away to catch a breath and he looked up with glossy eyes and flushed cheeks.
“Let me make you feel good, pretty boy,” you breathed out and he nodded softly before you leaned in to join your lips again but this time the kiss was more passionate and eager.
Wil placed his hands on your hips and softly pulled on the fabric of the nightgown you were already wearing. He exposed the soft flesh of your thighs and your ass before letting his hands wander all over. You could feel through your underwear that he was getting hard under his own. You smirked at that and started to kiss him with even more passion, assaulting his mouth with your tongue, making him whimper under you. Your hands moved to his jaw now, cupping his face to hold it in place while you were devouring his lips.
Your hips started to move, humping his erection in circles as you started to moan into his mouth. You could feel the shivers going down his body at your movements – it never took much for Wil to be like that for you. So desperate, nearly pathetically but you’d never call it this way. He was just devoted to you and he worshipped the ground you were walking on. To have you pleasuring him was always turning him into a whiny mess who would stare up at you lovingly. Meanwhile, when it was him on top of you, he would always try his hardest to make you feel good. He was a giver and a pleaser – not that you wanted to complain about that.
But now it was time for him to receive all of your sweet loving. You moved his hands up and helped him to get rid of your nightgown completely before throwing it on the floor. Then you placed his big hands on your breasts and Wil squeezed them immediately as you smiled.
You broke the kiss again because of the slight lack of oxygen and you caressed his hair while moaning softly at the friction his erection was giving to your needy pussy.
“You feel so good, my love, so good,” you assured him.
The praise was enough to feel that his cock started to leak precum. You smiled at that but didn’t want to tease him.
“Here, let me…” You took his underwear off and freed his hard, achy cock. The tip was swollen and drooling. “Let me take care of that mess, baby,” you cooed to him and adjusted yourself on his lap to grab his length and start pumping it slowly.
You watched Wil’s pretty eyes fluttering and rolling to the back of his head as he threw his head back. His hands still played with your breasts and pulled on your nipples that made you moan each time. Broken whimpers were leaving his lips whenever you would run your thumb across the wet tip of his cock and your free hand caressed the muscles of his chest.
“You’re such a pretty boy,” you praised him and felt more of his precum spurting out onto your hand. You gasped audibly at that as Wil whined. “Oh, my darling…” You leaned in to pepper his face with tiny little kisses. “My sweet, sweet boy…”
You moved up slightly and pressed your clothed hot pussy to the wet tip of his cock. Your hand, still wrapped around his length, began to rub yourself with it. Wil forced his eyes to open as he kept watching you in awe with his mouth slightly open and hazy eyes.
“You want to feel my pussy, baby?” You asked him sweetly between heavy gasps. “You have to ask for it, my love.”
You loved to tease him like that although you needed him inside of you just as much.
“P-please,” Wil whined and lowered his hands from your breasts to your hips to help your movements.
“Good boy,” you praised him.
“Please,” he whimpered and you could see how his eyes filled with tears.
At that delicious sight, you decided to stop torturing him and you moved up to remove your own underwear as fast as possible. When you were both finally naked, you grabbed his cock and guided it into your pussy. Lowering yourself slowly on his length, you were getting drunk on Wil’s whimpers. His hands kept squeezing your hips to help you and tears of pleasure escaped his eyes.
“Aw, baby, shh,” you shushed him once you were seated. You moved closer to his body, carefully, making sure you wouldn’t cause him pain by accident. 
Wil wrapped his strong arms around your body and hid his face in your chest, between your breasts. You kissed the top of his head and began to slowly bounce on his cock. He moaned and clinged to you as you started to chase your highs. Your soft moans filled the air while you rocked on his cock up and down and back and forth with your hands on Wil’s shoulders. You held onto them to keep steady and occasionally scratched his skin there gently.
“You’re such a good boy to me, baby,” you assured him when you felt his hips needily bucking up into you for more. It was making you feel dizzy since his cock was hitting your sweet spot each time. “Such a good boy,” you added.
Wil turned his head and kissed your breast while you caressed his cheek softly and picked up your pace.
“I want to protect you from everything, baby,” you whispered and held his head delicately as if he could break if you pressed too hard.
Because sometimes you were scared of that, actually – he was so sweet and so good that you were scared he was not real and if you squeezed him too tight, he would disappear.
The moves of his hips became more chaotic now and after a few rougher thrusts, he spilled himself inside of you with a loud, shaky moan, hiding his face between your tits again. The sight and the sound alongside the feeling of all the shivers going down his body was enough to make you reach your high, too. You buried your face in his hair and came hard, squeezing his spent cock with a whimper and fingernails digging into his shoulders.
You stayed like that for a while, catching your breaths. You could feel him softening slowly inside of you but your skins were so sticky from sweat that you didn’t want to pull away from him at all. However, eventually, you had to.
Wil leaned back onto the pillows again and his eyes rolled back with a sigh. You chuckled at that and stood up to grab a cloth and wash yourselves although your legs were shaky now.
“Do you feel better now, baby?” You asked him with a sweet smile when he forced his eyes to open and focus them on you.
“You’re an angel, sweetheart,” he praised you.
You smiled at the words and dropped the cloth onto the floor before crawling up on the bed and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Always watching over you, darling,” you assured him.
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brotherwtf · 2 months
another!! you spoil me so oh I love yapping about my fics lmao
kinda spoilers for Cherry Coke and Silver Bullets, but honestly it's not too horrible
I was literally thinking about doing a DVD commentary while writing the interrogation scene in that fic, like literally I was like "squad will think this is cool when I talk about it"
it was very much a mix of Bucky's interrogation in mota and the torture scene in Shannara Chronicles. Bucky would not budge, no matter how much Haussmann was grilling him about Buck or the other guys. Wil Ohmsford (I think bro I'm so out of my depth) just wouldn't talk, not even when he was getting the literally blood drained out of him.
Even when Gale was beaten in bloody he wouldn't talk, literally rubbing my hands together evilly while writing that interrogation scene. I thought it was an interesting look into his character a lil bit, he knows nothing about the crime that John does but knows in this moment not to reveal anything or John could go to jail. His primitive brain just knew not to talk, even while he was getting beaten. I tried to keep the same sort of sadistic sweetness Haussmann had in mota as he does in my fic, just sort of horrible and you want to hate him.
anyways it was very cool to write that scene I liked being terrible 😈😈 thank you so much for the ask!!
using this post as an excuse to post this gif again (screaming at the top of my lungs)
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elvisabutler · 1 year
ally's wet hot smut summer
i would try and do this all fancy but i am not always the most graphically inclined. so this is basically kinktober but in the summer and stretched out over two months so i don't take on too much.
basically pick your day and pick your character/person and i will write it. if there is enough interest i will do four days that are double dips. now, day sixteen is a free day/free space where once the first 15 are filled, whoever wants that can go for it and pick the kink and if i'm okay writing it, i will. also within reason i might be able to work a kink into a specific verse as i did with my austin and dove/priscilla reader requests during kinktober.
only rule i'd like to make is one request per person- at least until this has been up for 24 hours. people who i write for are in the tags plus, and these four are mildly iffy so pick them at your own peril: wil ohmsford from shannara chronicles, hangman and rooster from top gun and mccoy from star trek ( i do err more to the kelvin timeline/aos/the karl urban portrayal as a warning, i'm also capable of writing not reader fic with him but idk all of y'alls taste because it's not the normal fandom y'all are used to. ) i'm also willing to attempt an elvis movie character or two so hey if you want to surprise me with a request for one of them i won't complain.
day one. cuckolding with steve x reader x elvis
day two. marking with sub wil ohmsford ( double dip: biker austin )
day three. mommy or daddy kink with selkie! elvis
day four. praise kink with austin butler
day five. degradation with austin butler
day six. titty fucking with rooster
day seven. uniform kink with army elvis
day eight. threesome/moresome with austin elvis x steve x reader ( double dip: elvis x jerry x reader x possibly sandy )
day nine. breeding kink with 70s elvis - specifically big daddy
day ten. knife or gun kink with big daddy elvis
day eleven. public play with big daddy elvis ( double dip: 50s/early 60s elvis )
day twelve. virginity/innocence kink with austin butler
day thirteen. period sex or breastfeeding kink with selkie elvis
day fourteen. housewife kink with spark universe elvis and lilly
day fifteen. religious kink/priest kink with '68 elvis
day sixteen. requester's choice with possession/possessive kink with 50s elvis ( double dip: threesome with movie based 60s elvis x priscilla x reader and facefucking with inexperience 50s elvis )
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Southern Boy
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Musician, RPF
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Reader, Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Elvis Presley
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1455
Summary: Ain’t nothing in the whole wide world like a southern boy.
Tags/Warnings: Halloween Challenge, Phone Sex, Established Relationship, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Roleplay, Roleplaying, Elvis 2022, Elvis Movie, Song Fic, Southern Girl // Tim McGraw
Notes: No but if I was his gf I’d 100% ask him to do the voice at least once.
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‘Really?’ Austin said, his tone laced with surprise. I paused for a moment wondering if I’d overstepped. Now let me preface this by saying I love Austin with all my heart. He’s the most kind and caring man I could’ve ever hoped to meet and I was of course proud of him in all his work. I loved each and every one of his roles; his innocently cute Disney characters, the aggravatingly cocksure Sebastian Kydd, the fearless Wil Ohmsford. So the reaction I had when I saw him as Elvis for the first time was just as much of a surprise to me as anyone. It had only been a snippet, a video he’d filmed of them watching back the last take, Baz’s head obscuring most of my view, and yet it had been enough to light a fire in me. The look, the attitude, the voice. It became all I could think about, so much so that when Austin had called as normal I found myself commending him before compliments turned from mere conversation to a request.
‘Yeah,’ I said shifting in my seat, thinking of him sitting there puzzled.
‘What would I say?’ he asked.
‘Aus,’ I said rolling my eyes, ‘you say that like we’ve never done it before.’
‘I know but that’s as…us,’ he mumbled bashfully.
‘It’s just acting,’ I said feeling disappointed though I didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable so I continued with, ‘if you’re not comfortable we don’t have to.’
‘No, no, it’s okay,’ he said causing excitement to flow through me. I could hear him shifting around no doubt getting comfortable for the show as I started to, the anticipation of it all sending a throb between my legs that only increased as he cleared his throat and said, ‘so what got you thinking about it?’
‘Oh well, the video you sent,’ I said, his voice was a fraction deeper now yet lacking a southern twang which made me stall. I didn’t know why I’d anticipated it’d be like turning on a switch, that he’d just become Elvis in an instant but I tried not to get ahead of myself, guessing he was working through any nerves first.
‘You liked what you saw huh?’ he asked.
‘Definitely,’ I giggled.
‘What did you like?’ he asked.
‘What?’ I replied.
‘About the video,’ he said and for a moment I felt embarrassment flood through me. It was unexpected but having to admit that I found him excruciatingly attractive when he wasn’t being himself now felt wrong.
‘I don’t know,’ I mumbled, ‘you just looked handsome and there was this energy about you. It’s hard to explain and we’ll of course there was the voice.’
‘Well you know what they say,’ he murmured, so low and velvety it made electricity shoot down my spine.
‘What?’ I asked barely able to get my voice higher than a whisper.
‘That I make girls feel things they ain’t oughta be feelin’. Is that how you feel honey?’ he purred, and as I listened it was as though Austin was gone and I was talking now with the man I had only ogled through a phone screen. The one whose honey-soaked voice poured so easily off his tongue it may as well have been water.
‘Well,’ I said clearing my throat, ‘if we shouldn’t be feeling that way how come it feels so good?’
‘Fair point,’ he mused, again dropping his voice in a way that made me squeeze my thighs together as he added, ‘do you want me to make you feel good mama?’
‘Definitely,’ I breathed, too pent up to even attempt to play coy.
‘Where are you?’ He asked.
‘In bed,’ I replied making him hiccup a laugh.
‘Damn, at least most girls try and make me work for it,’ he said, a smirk present in his voice.
‘Good job I’m not lost girls then isn’t it?’ I teased.
‘I’ll say,’ he said, ‘what are you wearing?’
‘I’ve just had a shower so shorts and that Van Halen T-shirt you got me,’ I replied.
‘Underwear?’ he asked, genuinely sounding as though he didn’t know when no doubt Austin would know that if I’d gotten myself in bed for the night I’d have done away with anything but comfortable clothing.
‘Nope,’ I smiled.
‘God damn,’ he whistled sending another throb through me, ‘definitely not like most girls.’
‘Tell me what you’d do,’ I said quickly as my desperation for relief started to mount spurred on any time he spoke and yet halted by the fact I didn’t want to start without him.
‘Well first I’d get rid of those pesky clothes so that I could look at that gorgeous body of yours. Make sure you were bare so I could kiss every inch of ya until I got to that pretty pussy,’ he said, I could hear him shifting, the rustle of fabric as his own words amped him up and I followed suit, pushing my shirt up and my shorts down so I could use my hand to trace my skin, pretending it was his lips.
‘I’d kiss down each thigh until you were begging me to touch you, those fingers o’yours tugging on my hair like the impatient thing you are,’ he said.
‘Need you to touch me,’ I whimpered.
‘Oh I would, tease my fingers through that slick,’ he said as my own fingers glided through my slickened folds causing me to shiver with excitement, ‘you doing this mama?’
‘Yes,’ I breathed earning a grunt of appreciation as I heard his own hand start to move.
‘Then I’d kiss it, suck on that clit whilst I work ya good with these fingers until you were ready for me. Have you come undone at least once before I give you this cock,’ he grunted as I followed his train of thought, two fingers slipping inside myself as I used the heel of my hand to create a delicious amount of pressure on my clit.
‘And when you were beggin’ for it I’d bury myself in ya ‘stead of this hand.’
‘Wish you were here,’ I whimpered, feeling my walls clench around my fingers though they weren’t fully satiated by their presence.
‘Me too darlin’ this ain’t feel as good as you do,’ he said, ‘wish I was buried in ya, stretching that lil cunt out the way it’s meant to be.’
‘Oh God,’ I whimpered.
‘My mouth all over those pretty tits,’ he said which made me instinctively move my other hand to my chest, rolling my nipple between my fingers with desperate need.
‘Oh fuck.’
‘Is that what you want baby? My mouth on those tits?’ he grunted.
‘Yes, oh god I’m close,’ I said, moving my fingers back to my clit as I chased the high I so desperately needed, the one I had been chasing since I had seen that video of him rolling around that stage like a man possessed. A man that wasn’t the one I knew but some other, a southern gentleman possessed by want and need. Elvis.
‘That’s it,’ he grunted, ‘c’mon, come for me honey. I wanna hear you come for me.’
‘Fuck,’ I whimpered, my movements becoming more frantic as I felt myself teeter on the edge of bliss.
‘That’s it mama,’ he said, the sound of skin on skin coming down the phone ludicrously obscene but it was enough to send me over the edge.
‘Oh Elvis,’ I moaned, as I hit my peak, my walls clenching around nothing as pleasure ran through me and out through my extremities leaving me floppy in its path.
‘Fuck,’ was all I heard him say, followed by a string of expletives and breathing that was just as heavy as mine. It took a moment for me to come back to reality, enjoying his pants as he came down to meet me where I was lying spent and exhausted.
‘You good?’ he said after a minute, his voice more like himself than it had been before suddenly pulling from the fantasy I had been living and forcing the blood that had been dwelling south of my waist to suddenly rush back up to flood my face, redness no doubt christening my cheeks as I remembered I had succumbed if only for a second. I had lost myself and for all of my neediness and fantasising it felt as though I had overstepped.
‘Yeah,’ I mumbled, ‘Aus I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-’
‘It’s okay,’ he chuckled, ‘I kinda liked it.’
‘Really?’ I asked, a smile coming to my lips.
‘Yeah, you were right,’ he said, ‘he does have something about him.’
‘Well maybe he’ll visit again some time,’ I giggled.
‘Maybe,’ he mused.
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
@caitlin1996  @purejasmine
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austinswhitewolf · 1 year
Finding One Of Your Own Pt. 2
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Here is part 2 everyone! <3
It took a few minutes after he left, for you to move again. Your fingers moved up and gently touched your ear, trailing over it like he had. Wanting to know if you would feel that warmth again. When you didn’t you frowned slightly, it had to be him. Wil came back a while later with a bowl of soup and some bread. It wasn’t until you smelled the soup that you realized how hungry you really were. You do your best to not scarf the food down, though it didn’t last long. Once you finished eating, you set the bowl down and turned to Wil. “Why did your touch feel like that?” You asked gently, at his slightly confused look, you tuck your hair behind your ear again. You explained the warmth you felt and the tingling. It took him a moment to realize you had never experienced pleasure of any form. Red flushed up over his neck, cheeks and to his ears. It took a few moments before he started to explain, stumbling over his words. He had never had to explain love and lust, though he did his best without being too crude about it all. His words caused you to flush a little bit, and your eyes moved to his ears while he continued to speak. Without thinking you reach up and gently touch his ear like he had yours earlier. Wil’s eyes slid shut, stopping mid word as a moan slid from his slightly open mouth along with a shudder flowing over him. Wil’s hand shot up, his long thin fingers curling gently around your wrist. He guided your fingers off his ear, taking a deep breath. “You shouldn’t do that unless it’s someone you really care about and then, only in private.” His voice was an octave deeper and breathy. Shame fills you, your eyes turn down and away from him. Arms curling around yourself expecting some form of punishment. Long fingers gently curl around your chin, turning your head back to face him. “You didn’t do anything wrong okay? You didn’t know about any of this, and how sensitive elf ears are.” His words soothed your frazzled nerves more than he would know. “Can I get you anything? I have to get back to working in the healing houses now that you are doing a lot better.” Shaking your head, you just wanted to rest and also digest everything he had just told you and revealed about the world. Getting up, he moved to the doorway before glancing back at you. “I’ll be back in a few hours okay?” “Thank you Wil.” 
Over the next few days, the wound on your back was healing well. During the time when Wil was with you, there were always questions being asked. You were so curious about everything, wanting to know if certain things you knew were true or not. It also wasn’t long before you were wanting to leave the small hut you were staying in. Explore the little village. Wil said that when he was done for the day, he would show you around. You were able to keep your mind occupied for a while before you started to plait and twist your hair, tying it into the style you had always used. When he stepped through the doorway to the small hut, he saw you finishing up. “Why do you cover your ears like that?” His voice was soft, the deep timber flowing over you. Your eyes shifted to him when he stopped near you. Biting your lip and glancing away for a moment you respond. “It’s a big habit and also I’m ashamed of what I tried to do to them.” Wil wished he could take that pain and that there was something he could do for you. When you stood up, he guided you outside and started to explain the different huts and races that called Storlock home. As you walked around, whenever both of you got near someone, you were either attached to his side or standing slightly behind him, shy and still quite nervous. As you made your way around the village, Wil guided you into the bar to get some dinner. Once you each had a meal, he led you back outside and towards a quiet area to eat.
After finishing up eating, you both returned the dishes and he walked you back to the small hut you were staying in. He bid you a good night and headed back to his own hut. He shed his jacket and started to change into his sleep wear when the familiar leather pouch fell to the floor.
Wil bent down, reaching and picking it up, the weight of the stones in the pouch was comforting to him. That’s when it hit him, he could help you. He could remove the scars from your body, heal the recent wound. Though he would have to go about it delicately as you were still trying to get used to the acceptance of everything. Your entire world had been flipped on you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day you decided to do your own exploring, though you stayed in the more quiet areas. This was how you found the area where they kept the few horses. They were one thing that hadn’t changed for you at all. It was there, a few hours later, that Wil found you. The pure joy and happiness on your face and in your eyes took his breath away. You were ethereal to him in this moment. That was the moment he knew he would do anything he could to keep this look on your face. He moves over to you and starts to gently trail his hand over the horse's neck that you were brushing. “Of everything, horses remain the same for me. They are intelligent and a good judge with who they trust. I’ve always loved them.” You tell him, looking at him with a smile. “They are beautiful creatures. You are right, they are very intelligent. Cricket over there is mine.” He nodded to the chestnut that was a few feet away, grazing happily. Both of you spent a bit more time with the horses before going for a walk through the woods. It was while you were walking that he started to tell you of his past, growing up different then everyone around. What he had always thought of his dad, and losing his mom. How he was sent to find Allanon. Learning about the elf stones and how they worked. How he found out what his dad had actually done to save the four lands. 
Then Wil told you about how Amberle, Eretria and he met and about their journey to Safehold. How Amberle had sacrificed herself to the Ellcrys, helping lock the demons away again. He pulled out the elf stones as he told you about them, sliding them out of the leather pouch. 
You were enraptured by the stories, what had happened and how this man in front of you had helped save the world. The look of awe on your face made him smile while he held the stones in his hand. Long fingers pick one up and hold it out for you to take and look at. You were very delicate while you held it, turning it over, and looking at it from different angles. While you were doing this, Wil went on to tell you how he can heal with them. He sat down on a nearby fallen log and motioned for you to sit beside him. Giving him back the stone as you sit with your hip against his. When he starts to tell you how he can heal wounds, telling you about how he had saved Eretria using them. “I can heal your wound and remove your scars from your back and ears.” That thought alone has tears filling your eyes. How could this be real? The physical reminders of your past, what you had gone through could disappear. Someone wanting to do something so nice and kind was hard for you to accept as real. This wonderful half elf would do this for you? “I want to try and do all I can with the elf stones for good.” “You would do this for me?” You asked in disbelief. When he nodded you felt the tears leave your eyes in happiness. When you accepted his help, he explained how it was taxing, tiring and could be painful. “We will need to be inside. I usually need to sleep after using them. And I’m quite sure you will fall asleep right away after. So if you want, we can do this after dinner tonight. I still have a few things I need to finish before dinner.” You nodded and offered to help him with whatever he needed to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After dinner, he took you to his small hut and guided you in and to sit down on the bed. Wil pulls the stones out of his pocket and the pouch as he sat next to you. Turning slightly to face you he explained how it may get painful while healing your back. When you nod, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Long fingers curl over the blue stones, a glow starting to form, growing brighter as the moments pass. Wil moved his hand around to your back, touching just above your waist. The pain that radiates up your back from where his skin touches yours causes you to curl your hands into fist, grunting out in pain. Your ears soon burned and within moments the pain became too much, causing you to pass out, falling back onto the bed. Will followed into unconsciousness only moments after you. 
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I saw that your combatants are all color-coded now, so I need to ask: which color is Frodo as of right now?
(Also, I'm so glad he's here, as he was my first fictional crush, and I'll fight for him as much as I can)
The color coding doesn't change, it's best a neat way for me to know at a glance how many people submitted him to be entered into the tournament.
Most entrants (including Frodo) are in the Orange group, which means that they were only submitted once, but they have a healthy amount of Propaganda. It's the largest group and full of wild-cards.
The Red group is actually quite small and as of now only two of them (Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere], First Knight 1995 and Wil Ohmsford [Austin Butler], The Shannara Chronicles 2016) still have no propaganda of any kind.
The second largest group is of course the Yellow Group (2 submissions) and so on until you get to the cerulean group.
The Blue, Violet and Purple groups (which is to say those who were submitted 5, 6 and 7 times), very neatly, each have exactly two contenders, so they were our top seeds, so to speak, when organising the qualifying round.
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Tag game: 10 characters from 10 fandoms
I was tagged by @hogans-heroes and my old laptop is working for 5 minutes on it's last legs so let's do this before it craps out again! God I gotta go way back in the earlier fandom days for some of these, I haven't been in a fandom since I was a teenager until MotA & Dune
1. Gale "Buck" Cleven (Masters of the Air) I would put Bucky as well but I can only choose one *cries* and I feel a complete kinship with this character and his mannerisms/traumas/personality etc.
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2. Paul Atreides (Dune/Dune Part Two) look, I know he's an anti-hero and drank the worm juice so he turned into a crazy dictator but mans went through a lot and became a bad-ass doing it
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3. Kiba (Wolf's Rain) do NOT get me started unless you want me a blubbering mess for a week straight
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4. Ryuk (Death Note)
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5. Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf) YES I was a Teen Wolf girlie.. sue me
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6. Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
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7. Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) still LOVE this character but can't help but get a visceral reaction when I look at him now because he looks like my ex. Actor has the same fucking first name too. Go figure. Sorry, boo (Arthur)!
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8. Wil Ohmsford (Shannara Chronicles) My obsession for Austin Butler I wholeheartedly blame for this one. He should be higher up on the list, but eh. Love him, he's an idiot tasked with saving the world. Dorky dumbass x 100 with the situational awareness of a 2 week old kitten.
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9. Triss (The Witcher: Wild Hunt Game version)
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10. Dean Winchester (Supernatural) Supernatural really dropped the ball in later seasons honestly, but I still love the earlier ones and the character. Him and Sam are just alternative universe versions of me and my best friend.
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I'm gonna tag: @avonne-writes @onyxsboxes @antiquitea @trashbag-baby666 if you guys feel like it and anyone else who would like to!
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♥ masterlist of fics recs ♥
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aka, please don't mind this post, just organizing the fics i've read . . . more to be added as time goes on.
profiles (because i'd literally be listing all their fics)
@venus-haze (best yandere!elvis fics in my opinion)
@blainesebastian (amazing a.b. fics)
@flwersgarden (amazing yandere and not yandere!elvis and other fics)
@aconflagrationofmyown (amazing elvis fics - most beautiful writing like what)
@corroded-hellfire (amazing eddie munson fics!!)
(obviously there's more, but these are just some)
elvis / characters
Vampire!Elvis x Vampire!Reader
Red String || Elvis x Reader
Don't Worry Darling AU || Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Worshipping!Elvis x Worshipped!Reader
Love Is All I Can Give To You || Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Austin!Elvis x Enemy!Reader
Someone to Watch Over Me || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Naive!Reader
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter - Prequel || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Enchanted || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Chain of Fools || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Cutesy!Reader
What Aren't You Telling Me? || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Beale Street Blues || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Only Ones Who Know || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Be My Once In A Lifetime || Elvis x Reader
I've Got A Crush On You || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Craw-Fever || Elvis Presley x Reader
The Bathroom || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Ever Fallen In Love || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All I Want || Elvis x Reader
International Hotel || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Trouble || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Come Out Tonight || Austin!Elvis x Reader
The Silence of a Falling Star || Elvis Presley x Reader
Reunion || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Late Night Reassurance || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Sing For Me || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Siren!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Quite A Show || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Vampire!Elvis x Reader
Just The Costume Designer || Elvis x Reader
Trouble || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All Out of Dreams || Austin!Elvis x Reader
National Anthem || Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Loving You Will Be The Death Of Me || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All I Wanted Was You || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Showgirl!Reader
Talk Like An Angel || Yandere!Vince Everett x Fem!Reader
Austin!Elvis x Vampire!Reader
A Star Is Born || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Know What You've Done || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
The Leather Jumpsuit || Elvis x Reader
Cult Leader!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Heartbreak Hotel || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Werewolf!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Can’t Help Falling in Love || Austin!Elvis x Reader
That Damn Hound Dog || Elvis Presley x Reader
Double Trouble || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader x Yandere!Jesse
You Go To My Head || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Different Kind Of Love || Cult Leader!Elvis x Reader
Ghost!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Demon!Austin!Elvis x Reader
All Shook Up || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader
You’re Her Daddy || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Lovesick Blues || Yandere!Austin!Elvis
Don't Fly Away || 60s!Elvis / Time Traveler!Elvis x Reader
Married!Elvis x Little Sister!Reader
Yours || Elvis Presley x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Priscilla's Best Friend!Reader
Vampire!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Pushover / People Pleaser(?)!Reader
The Singer and The Journalist || Elvis Presley x Fem!Reader
austin butler / characters
Going Method || Austin Butler x Reader
Teasing!Austin Butler x Reader
Austin Butler x Reader
Mutually Assured Satisfaction || Austin Butler x Reader
Not My Husband || Austin Butler x Reader
Ruin You || Austin Butler x Reader
Happy Birthday || Austin Butler x Reader
Alone || Sebastian Kydd x Fem!Reader
Wil Ohmsford x Reader
billy hargrove
Yandere!Billy x Reader
You Never Shut Up about Steve || Jealous!Billy x Reader
Assertive || Billy x Reader
Fool for You || Billy x Fem!Reader
What Are You Supposed To Be? || Billy x Fem!Reader
Like The Wind || Billy x Fem!Reader
Mindflayed!Yandere!Billy x Reader
steve harrington
Cherry Flavored || Yandere!Steve x Reader x Yandere!Eddie
Steve x Reader x Abusive!Billy
Stay Awhile || Steve x Fem!Reader
eddie munson
Cherry Flavored || Yandere!Eddie x Reader x Yandere!Steve
Soft Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Groupie Love || Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Love Comes Walking In || Eddie x Reader
Jealousy, Jealousy || Eddie x Reader
Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Hellraiser || Yandere!Eddie x Reader
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