gilbirda · 2 years
Read the update of Friendly neighborhood vigilant. Started with a giddy smile [cause you made me adore those adorable losers], thinking I was getting some more thoughts from the bats. And I find amusement in their [positive] thoughts
That giddy smile turned into a look of horror and dismay as I read Oracle drawing the obviously wrong conclusion.
My thoughts, as I envisioned the tearful, angry, loud potential events: Oh, oh no. Not the conflict
Love your story man, even if it's currently breaking my heart lol
Made this meme that apparently portrays all of you and the experience of chapter 11:
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I'm giggling and kicking my feet. Love the reception. Love the drama and how everyone is having a bad time q(≧▽≦q)
This is amazing.
Fortunately conflict is here to spice things up a little and won't hold too long! Author is very into fluff and cuteness, don't worry.
Thanks for the kind words <3
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Happy birthday, my lovely friend!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Thank you my darling!
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I posted 1,021 times in 2022
That's 141 more posts than 2021!
8 posts created (1%)
1,013 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 669 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#celiaverse - 151 posts
#a marked queue - 146 posts
#jonsa - 85 posts
#jonsa fic - 82 posts
#house of the dragon - 48 posts
#hotd - 42 posts
#family duty honor - 40 posts
#celia tully - 39 posts
#jaime lannister x oc - 37 posts
#jaime lannister - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#because the targaryens have been preaching that they are different thanks to king jaeharys for like 70 years at this point
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Marks of Running Ink pt.89
The Walking Dead [Soulmate AU]
Pairing: Negan x Tory Miller (ofc)
Summary: Peace had a way to be boring and exciting at once, for Tory Miller, it was lonely until it was not. Her life was about taking it slow, one day at a time.  
Warnings: SLOW BURN, angst, swearing, death, violence, fluff, hurt/comfort, child endangerment, general trauma, drama, mentions of infidelity and polygamy, general lack or morals, mentions of nudity, graphic sexual scenes (nsfw), mentions of blood, apocalyptic world. As always, I don’t want to give the story away in the tags, read at your own risk.
Author’s note: If you haven't read chapter 88, you should, I'm updating the last three chapters at once. This is the official ending of The Marks of Running Ink, but a short epilogue comes after with major warnings. Thank you so much for being here.
•••   •••   •••
Alexandria, VA.
She was waiting for him outside the cell.
A little, wry smile on her lips as she set her eyes on him.
"Hey, old man," she greeted him.
"I'm your father's age, Tory."
"And I call him old too."
He chuckled and she did too.
"What now?"
She made a gesture for him to follow.
"We go home."
Negan had not been or felt at home in so many years. He'd lost the people he considered home, over and over, but now he was being offered another chance, probably the last one. The summer breeze was kind, fall would come soon enough, considering the color of the leaves.
"There will be rules, Negan, important rules to follow," Victoria told him as they walked. He was in no hurry, and she didn't seem to be in a hurry either. "I have a child."
He stopped, frozen, right in the middle of the street, his feet glued to the dusty asphalt.
"A child?"
Tory looked at him and nodded.
"You said that you and the good doc–"
"She isn't Rhodes' kid," his soulmate interrupted.
He blinked, feeling like a fool as he did, watching Victoria as she looked at him.
"Her name is Ella," his soulmate said. "Ella Henry Jones."
"You gave a girl a boy's name?" He asked, not hating it.
"I thought I would die, you know? No epidurals at the end of the world, Negan. Lots of blood, I was stupidly scared."
He laughed and was finally able to move again.
See the full post
1 note - Posted November 23, 2022
The Marks of Running Ink pt. 88
The Walking Dead [Soulmate AU]
Pairing: Negan x Tory Miller (ofc)
Summary: Peace had a way to be boring and exciting at once, for Tory Miller, it was lonely until it was not. Her life was about taking it slow, one day at a time.  
Warnings: SLOW BURN, angst, swearing, death, violence, fluff, hurt/comfort, child endangerment, general trauma, drama, mentions of infidelity and polygamy, general lack or morals, mentions of nudity, graphic sexual scenes (nsfw), mentions of blood, apocalyptic world. As always, I don’t want to give the story away in the tags, read at your own risk.
Author’s note: I thought I'd never finish this story, but I guess it's time to close this chapter of my writing life. I hope you'll enjoy it. Much love to you, who helped me get here.
•••   •••   •••
Alexandria, VA.
The children were running free again.
Tory smiled and sat down on the steps, on the spot that she was wearing down after almost a decade… Even when her Dad was alive, Tory had sat down on the same spot. God, some things never changed.
“Mama!” her eyes turned up from the book she had on her lap. Ella had come up all the way to the bottom of the stairs, her tiny hands were full of tomatoes.
“Did you raid another garden, Peanut?” she asked, wondering who she’d have to apologize to later in the day or in the morning.
“No, mama, Vera!”
“Aunt Vera, Peanut,” she told her daughter, knowing her words would fall in tiny, deaf ears. 
Her daughter nodded with a radiant toothy smile that was eerily similar to her father’s smile, making Tory’s heart ache. Standing up, she set her book down and went to her little girl’s side.
“Should we make some tomato sauce, Peanut?” she asked her little girl, knowing she wouldn’t say no. Tory had been planning on making sauce for a few days now, she had been gathering the jars to boil and the spices to use. She had Carol’s homemade pasta recipe too. 
“Yes!” the tomatoes fell from her hands and Tory sighed. “Are we gonna give some to Luc and Martha?”
“Yeah, Peanut, we will.” Good Lord, she needed to break Ella’s habit of calling the adults by their given names, then again, she didn’t have much interaction with the children in Alexandria, who weren’t many either, despite Vera and Chase moving to Alexandria after the whole Whisperers debacle.
“Come on, Ella, let’s get these tomatoes crushed.” 
At times, Tory missed Gabriel and the sort of camaraderie they had formed when he had lived under her roof. They would never see eye to eye in certain things, but they were friends, even if not the best of friends.
"Mama, are you going to tell me about Papa again?"
She chuckled at her little girl and nodded.
"Of course, Peanut. He was the biggest jerk I ever met."
Her little girl giggled at her words and Tory smiled, knowing she would get that reaction no matter what. Sometimes, Tory dreamed of a different outcome, she dreamed of a different life. She wondered the what ifs of a life where the dead never rose. 
Maybe one day, she would grow out of it.
"That's a bad word, Mama."
"It is, but the word I was thinking about is worse, Ellie."
See the full post
1 note - Posted November 23, 2022
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All for you, every time
Joanna Lannister knew things. She liked knowing things, as did all of her siblings, they were like that -according to her father- thanks to their mother. She had certainties and one of them was that she was in love. There was absolutely no way she'd ever reveal such feelings. Absolutely not.
For FDH Week 2022
Prompt: Oct-18—Favourite Ceime Child.
It's technically October 18 since eighteen minutes ago my time. I hope you enjoy it.
There are so many time skips, lol.
5 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
The Walking Dead
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The Marks of Running Ink (AO3)
So it goes
The tiny tomato
Far from my arms: One, Two, Three
The silence around it
The only way that I can be
From the Raise Hell and TMoRI universe: Both sides now
A Song of Ice and Fire
See the full post
5 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I say this with all my love @fromtheboundlesssea
11 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bulkyphrase · 3 months
Thanks so much to @all-that-jazz-93 for tagging me in this get to know you game!
last song: Guster - Two at a Time I've been listening to a lot of Guster lately since my sister and I are going to their concert next month, and I need to get reacquainted.
currently watching: I haven't been in the mood for real TV lately, so mostly youtube videos of a guy making avant-garde sausages or a different guy painting cars with plastidip.
three ships: Steggy (top canon ship); Stony (top ship in fic); Winterhawk (top non-Steve Rogers ship)
favorite color: Blue. Specifically the light sky blue with a touch of purple that chicory flowers have.
currently consuming: Still digesting the donut I had for breakfast.
first ship: I've never been a big shipper, but I'm pretty sure the first ship I read much fic for was Garashir (Garak/Julian Bashir, Star Trek DS9), and the first ship I had genuine opinions and feelings about was Abbie Mills/Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow TV show).
relationship status: Happily single (aroace)
last movie: Argylle
currently working on: A CA:TWS-themed set of alphabet blocks, which will be a fill for one of my Marvel Trumps Hate 2023 auctions.
Tagging: @tortuguita1steve, @wildestheart4ever, @tigerkid14, @captainjimothycarter, @laure00001, @16woodsequ, @effingunicorns (I just pulled out the last few people in my notifications, so please don't feel any pressure to play if you don't want to)
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braincoins · 3 years
10 . 16 .23 . 38. 52
Okay, okay, I’m awake now. LET’S DO THIS THING! [rubs hands together]
10. What shoe size are you? Wow, I didn’t expect that question in there. I really didn’t! I know I sent you some to answer, but I just kind of scan for questions that jump out at me and are interesting. 
I’m tempted to quote Steel Magnolias and leave it at that (”In a good shoe, I wear a size 6, but a 7 feels so good, I buy a size 8.” “They’re 8 and a halfs.” “PERFECT!”), but that seems like a cop out. SEEMS like it, but honestly? I usually am an 8.5 (US women’s sizes which is a 39 in EU sizes).
16. Favorite movie?  Ooooooooooh, both my favorite and least favorite question of all time! Because it’s so hard to just pick one!! Um, Aliens for sure. The Princess Bride. The first Matrix. (Well, The Matrix, but you know what I mean.) 1776. Frozen (again, the first one). Little Shop of Horrors, Event Horizon, and Anna and the Apocalypse is moving its way up the charts. 
Sci-fi horror, musicals, animation, for the most part. 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? At cons, sure. I’ve stood in line for autographs from Rob Paulsen, Jess Harnell, Tress MacNeille, Jamie Bamber, Phil Foglio, Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, Sandeep Parikh, Jeff Lewis, Robin Thorsen, Nathan Fillion, Sir Patrick Stewart, Bruce Campbell, Ron Glass, Edward James Olmos, Mira Furlan, and Mark Sheppard. Got a picture taken with the Dead Gentlemen and got their autographs on my copy of The Gamers and on a The Gamers: Dorkness Rising poster. Got autographed sketches from Lars De Souza and Kaja Foglio. And I’ve emailed a little bit with Mike McMahan, creator of “Star Trek: Lower Decks” and had a quick online chat with Kimberly Brooks. Haven’t paid extra for any meet-and-greets because I am an extremely anxious fangirl who will make a fool out of herself.
Turns out if you pay money (for con badge and autograph fees), it’s actually really easy to meet celebs and get their autographs (and then, if you’re like me, cradle the freshly-autographed glossy carefully as you run off to squee and fall apart).
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Well, it wasn’t entirely without sleep, but... I had heard about this show, “The Walking Dead.” It sounded awesome af. Pengy asked me to go wait in line for him to buy whatever the latest tech toy was that he wanted, and while I was there, I noticed a season 1 set of TWD. So I grabbed that, too. I was so excited to get home and start watching.
I watched the pilot. It was every bit as good as I’d hoped... and it also terrified the shit out of me. I spent a good 3 days sleeping in bits and pieces. I think I got a few hours tops in that time. Every sound had me convinced there were zombies coming down the hall to get me, and I simply could not look out the apartment peephole. O_O 
If you want to get technical, I know I’ve made it past 24 hours without any sleep at all, but I don’t think I’ve gone all the way to 48. 
52. Favorite food? Ohhhhh the favorites strike again! Um. I want to say things like “hibachi filet and shrimp” or whatever, but, lbr: it’s pizza. It’s pepperoni pizza. 
Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well
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dottyistired · 3 years
Happy birthday!! ^^
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Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! 💕
*cries* You are so amazing and (insert that pleading eyes emoji bc I am on desktop) lmao
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cblgblog · 4 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome💜💜
Thank you so much, friend <3 <3 <3
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shiroganetakashi · 6 years
@wildestheart4ever replied to your post “For the record you should only trust like 20-30% of what JDS and LM...”
This is what I tell myself every time a new interview comes out. But god, do they know how to fuck up and piss off their fans T.T
That’s exactly it tbh. The last season ended pretty solid. There were no big scary cliffhangers, they’d wrapped up a couple major story arcs, everyone was safe and happy and together. There’s none of the “WHAT THE FUCK??” of the s1 finale or anything like that, and they have a major convention coming up. They need to drum up some hype so they’re gonna tease these things they KNOW will get the fandom worked up and yelling and frothing at the mouth for the con. Like that’s literally all it is.
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percjyackson · 4 years
Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy it!! ^^
Thank you bby!! ☺️☺️
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gilbirda · 2 years
Okay, I got distracted from reading the new chap by both my sister coming in to show me tiktoks and my kitten's uncomfortably warm body up against my neck - anyway! I kept jumping to Tumblr and saw the two outraged asks you got and thought Hmmm, wonder what that's about?
...........finally, read the new chap
Why, why must you torment me this way? It's bad enough that I still have the last chap putting a sense of suspense into my reading this, but now I got this cliffhanger adding on to that suspense???
*Infernal screaming*
Anyways! They were adorable as always and loved Dick butting in offscreen to help Jason in getting dressed. Hopefully, Jazz will get to finally come clean [I suspect some life-saving through ghostly unconventional means will bring that topic right back up], and everything will be sunshine and daisies again.
*Pointedly ignoring that plot point of conflict in the horizon*
I'm really loving that y'all are like
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Because I'm setting up so many ingredients for stuff to go wrong and I do know what's going to happen but the process is painful.
You present funny ideas.... hm.... will ghostly medicine make way for a conversation? Will they talk?
Stay tuned~
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just-absolutely-super · 10 months
Happy birthday my lovely ☺️ 🎉
Thank you love ❤️❤️❤️
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4kadhd · 7 years
wildestheart4ever replied to your post “Was there anyone else that didn’t like/care for Axca but went head...”
I thought she'd be 100% loyal to Lotor, but nope! Apparently it's the others she'd side with lol......
Tbh if I had to choose between lesbians and power hungry cishet catch me dancing on his grave with my new girlfriends
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alluratron · 6 years
wildestheart4ever replied to your post “i’m so not the fuck here for k/a shippers saying everyone who doesn’t...”
Also: Keith ain't the main character???
id say keith is the intended protagonist. hes been the protagonist in past iterations and despite all the claims that this is an "ensemble cast" he definitely gets majority of the focus
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materassassino · 7 years
wildestheart4ever replied to your chat “Allura: pilots the Castleship, is the commander of an intergalactic...”
She really should have become the Black paladin.
“Let’s give the most important piece of Voltron and the second most powerful weapon in the universe to this emotionally unstable hot-headed teenager! WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!”
She can never be Black Paladin, that’s Shiro. But she could pilot Black and remind us that
1. these are HER fucking Lions 
2. she’s the fucking boss of this operation, and don’t you fucking forget it.
Then again, this fandom hates the mentally ill, disabled moc and the black woman, so I’m UNSURPRISED they want Shiro gone and Allura to answer to Keith.
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shiroganetakashi · 5 years
It's your birthday? Well I hope you have an enjoyable one ^^
Yes it is my birthday! Thank you so much!!! 😊
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