#will Schuester and Emma Pillsbury
astro-tag-9 · 5 months
Hi could I do couple tag?
Me, female: Virgo Rising/Leo Sun/Cancer Moon
Him: Leo Rising/Aries Sun/Libra Moon
thx you ❤️
💙Emma and Will💙
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very-real-gleets · 3 months
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lopeirce · 1 year
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nobody said it was easy
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hevanderson · 1 year
my personal favorite out of context jokes from the glee pilot
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mymanyfandomramblings · 4 months
For the last month or so I've been working on a project, and the first installment of it is complete, so if any of you want to check it out, here's the ao3 link:
Some Are Born To Sing The Blues (13630 words) by justmelovinbooks Chapters: 22/22 Fandom: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
It's a series of chronological oneshots, one for each episode of Season One, that either delve into the character's internal thoughts during an episode, or a scene that isn't shown on screen--could be anything from Rachel reflecting on Finn and Quinn's relationship (chapter 2), to the making of Run Joey Run (chapter 17), to Kurt and Finn bonding with their parents (chapters 3 and 20), to the gleeks gossiping about Quinn's pregnancy (chapter 10). I think every character has a moment from their perspective, and the oneshots range from angsty to humorous to fluffy.
If you check it out, and leave kudos--or better still a comment (or more!), I would adore you forever, and that'd be amazing!!
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strideofpride · 1 year
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genghisthebrain · 6 months
imagine youre a teacher and your long term teacher boyfriend randomly midway through the school day drags you to the swimming pool where you get proposed to by thirty different students singing and dancing. thatd be pretty weird or something haha anyway
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Don't stop believin'! This week, V and Emily go back to a very different world. A pre-Glee world. And it kind of isn't pretty. While V loved Glee at first, its legacy is... not super chill and great? Outside of a few key ships that will get their own episodes later on this year and/or early next year? So this episode is about Glee as a whole, which... listen. The songs slapped. They did. However. There are so many "howevers." Also, V had a life-paradigm-shifting experience on YouTube vis-a-vis show choir while researching this episode, so there's that.
Also, you may be looking at this episode thinking, "Last week, you said the next episode would be about May the 4th." Since we are WELL past that week in fandom history, we're instead jumping ahead to get back on schedule and will be releasing the May the 4th Holiday Special on Patreon for all donors.
Does Glee Hate Its Women? by Robert George
Dear Writers of Glee by @delladilly
Glee is not progressive. by @feministglee
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autismtana · 4 months
glee religion headcanons
rachel - jewish (canon)
finn - agnostic but carole is very loosely christian (episcopal)
quinn - evangelical protestant
mercedes - baptist
blaine - catholic (confirmation saint - st gregory the great, patron saint of music)
santana - catholic (confirmation saint - st vitus, patron saint of dancers)
brittany - very loosely christian (episcopal)
puck - jewish (canon)
kurt - atheist (canon) but burt sometimes goes to church if he can be bothered for christmas/easter/weddings etc.
tina - christian from non-practising jewish family (canon)
mike - agnostic but his parents are christian
sam - evangelical protestant (he goes to the same church as quinn)
artie - agnostic
emma - christian (canon)
sue - atheist (canon)
mr shoe - agnostic
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katyobsesses · 8 months
Once again I am reminded of how much Emma Pillsbury deserves better than William Schuester
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angelhummel · 2 years
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Glee + Reductress Headlines (91/?)
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very-real-gleets · 10 months
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gleetournaments · 11 months
The Ultimate Glee Ship Tournament: Round 2 Match 6
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hevanderson · 1 year
showmance has so many good moments
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mymanyfandomramblings · 5 months
Glee-cap: Episode 4x14--I Do
I'm watching Glee for the first time, and writing recaps of my episode reactions (I'm also watching it a second time through with my sister, and I'll provide those recaps too). Here's my reaction recap for I Do
We start off strong--Finn and Rachel. Together! (Know that I am a Finchel shipper, before we go any farther)
Aaaaaand Rachel giving Finn terrible advice. Please stop.
Also, I do love Finn's 'not everything is about you'. I love Rachel, but she needed to hear that
Yesss Emma!! I love how confident she's gotten. Stressy, but a lot more confident
"I hope it's Britney again." Never change, Brittany, never change
Cory Monteith's facial expressions are perfect. Especially the 'internally screaming' one.
Emma knows exactly how to communicate with Artie. To a vaguely concerning degree.
Marley is so cute, especially with Jake. Her smile is so sweet, and I totally believe they are In Love
Jake is a sweetie too
Ryder is so level-headed, and I love him as well. Also yes, call out Puck dating a sophomore (as much as I like Puck, I don't like that subplot whatsoever)
Shoutout to the ridiculous outfit that looks like the lovechild of Kurt and Mike's fashion sense that Puck is wearing in the flashback
The bro-ship between Ryder and Jake is amazing. Ryder's acting is so bad. The tuxedos are everything
Jake and Marley's musical chemistry is *chef's kiss*
Not gonna lie, that bouquet was gorgeous
Yesss, Mercedes!! I love her!
And Sue is officially hilarious. "What, this old thing? It's an exact replica of your wedding dress."
and we're back with the random cracks about Finn's weight. The dude's insecure, and everyone needs to back off him
Aside from the aforementioned fat-shaming, every word out of Sue's mouth is gold. Not whatsoever helpful for poor Emma, but comedy gold
And Jayma Mays shows off hitherto unsuspected talents with Getting Married Today, as does Amber Riley. I haven't loved any of Emma's songs before this point but goshdarn it, Jayma knocks this out of the park.
Emma's freaking out, meanwhile Sue is just eating, and I love it.
Brad is the organist. Guy cannot catch a break.
Shout out to Becky, the world's most angry looking flower girl. Also shout-out to Kurt's reaction.
The doors open and...SUE. Gosh, I love her sometimes. And the organ crashing to a halt is hilarious.
Will and Sue's faces straight afterwards are delightful
Brittany mouthing that Sue 'looks so good' as she walks down the aisle at someone else's wedding. Never change, Brittany.
Jane Lynch hit comedy out of the ballpark in this episode. Everything Sue does here is hilarious
Finn now has himself in deep trouble
I am, at my heart, a Samcedes shipper, but I can't lie, he and Britts are pretty cute
Marley looks so pretty in that darkish pink.
I am vaguely frustrated that my hunch that Ryder has been having all of Jake's ideas all this time was correct, but I do still appreciate that they're bros, rather than, you know, fighting.
Jake and Ryder: Most Reasonable Dudes in the Glee-verse
Kurt's dance moves always make me laugh. I also love that Blaine looks so intense while he sings, and meanwhile Kurt's shimmying around and making Big facial expressions
Yes, Artie!!! For all his faults, Artie is really good at standing up for himself (no pun intended)
Sam and Brittany are so unhinged together /affectionate
Lots of people find Tina OOC in S4, but ever since The Power Of Madonna she's been given to occasional outbursts where she never gives her outburstee enough context to know what they've done
The comic timing on 'Did you vapo-rape my ex-boyfriend' is so perfect.
Did my eyes deceive me, or was Sam also lining up to catch the bouquet too?
Finn is my favourite character but occasionally he takes this particular tone with Rachel, and I Don't Like It
Whoa, Finn gets poetic and metaphorical. Guess being a teacher did make him smarter
Rachel missing the point is always hilarious.
I love Finn, and I love Finchel, but he's being just a tad presumptuous and condescending here, and I wish he'd express these same sentiments in a different way
Okay, what's with almost every couple heading upstairs. I kind of hoped that Marley would set some boundaries for Jake to respect (I mean, I'm not saying she has to, I'm saying that it would have been nice to see what would actually have happened if Ryder had been right, and how Jake would respond)
And that's how you know that I'm writing this as I watch, because I got what I wanted. Jake is so chill about it, even after getting his hopes up, and I'm glad he's not letting Marley apologise
Ah the glorious love between Brody and Rachel where they're constantly lying and being unfaithful. Love it /heavy sarcasm
Tina's dress is so cute
RYDER! You have been being so great the last few episodes now you ruin it!!
Artie's French accent is so cute
Their final song is really good, even if the dancing makes them all look completely insane
I also appreciate that their final-episode songs are starting to look a lot more low-budget and like real school performances than they used to
It's way too soon for Rachel to actually know if she's pregnant--unless there was supposed to be a timelapse in that song, but okay then.
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gleecontext · 9 months
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GLEE S01E02 Showmance
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