#will byers my fave of all time
wiseatom · 1 year
do the stranger writers know i am in the trenches fighting for s2 every day. do they know that i am one of s2’s strongest soldiers. do they know i watch s2e2 “trick or treat, freak” during all of my girl dinners. do they even care. am i silent or am i being silenced.
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bylertruther · 1 year
sometimes i remember the attitude that will gave el in 4x02 with him waiting for mike to be out of earshot n his hand movements n the general inflection of his voice n the way he carries himself letting it all out before reeling it back in jus Everything rly and it's like . immediately i am Healed
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alisaint · 7 months
WAIT i just realized will's wearing dark colors in that pic........ s5 really is his glow&grow up era fr fr they grow up so fast... 😦😔
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luveline · 1 year
Hi Jade! First of all thank you for bringing back the zombie au, it is my absolute fave! Second, if you are taking requests for it currently, maybe r (with Robin maybe?) goes and finds a gift for Steve just to make him smile (which may or may not make him break into tears with how vulnerable and emotional he's been with all the stuff he's been through?) Thank you for all your lovely writing!
thank you anon! fem!reader, 8k —You, Steve and Robin make a risky trip for non-essentials to improve your quality of life at the camp. Steve's feeling stressed, you try to make it better, and Robin finds a cat in the display section of the mattress store. 
tw for zombie apocalypse typical implied violence and gore, food insecurity, injury
"We'll call it something really cool," Robin says, "like Y/N and Robin's ultimate quest for cleanliness." 
Robin is a little dirty today. She's scraped her hair back into a tiny ponytail, and it flicks out at the back of her head like a feather duster. You think it's adorable, and you lean around her shoulders to try and touch it. Steve pulls you back bodily. 
"Stop touching her," he says. 
"Just her hair," you say. 
"No, because you know how ansty she is, it's like poking a sleeping dragon." 
"Shut up! Shut up, loser, I haven't been antsy at all, I'm planning a girl's trip as we speak." 
You laugh and fall back into Steve's arms, the kind of laugh that makes your chest feel tight and your eyes scrunch closed. A girl's trip is definitely one way to put it. 
"I'm just saying," Steve says, not just saying at all, "that you're dangerous right now. Next time I'll let her touch your hair and you can bite her hand off." 
"She can touch my hair. I don't know if you've noticed, Harrington, but that right there is my very best friend."
And okay, it's not true, Steve and Robin have the strongest friendship you've ever seen, but there is a truth behind it —you and Robin get along well. It would be difficult not to love her, she's a gem, and she cares about the person you care about most in the world at the same level (though in a different calibre). 
You worm out of Steve's arms to give her a quick hug. Steve steals you away again and you laugh as you go, flopping your weight onto him and almost knocking him flat onto his back. 
You, Robin and Steve are sitting around the campfire in the centre of camp. It's rather big and blissfully hot, the sky a velvet black that hides the smoke. Children sit with droopy eyes to the left, some with parents and most without, though the community is full of good people with great hearts who've swooped in to help look after them. Already, an older woman named Matildhe seems to have gathered a brood of six children, all young, and all wanting cuddles. To the right, Jeremy Livingstone and Joyce Byers plan the unplannable, a map of Michigan at their feet held down by stones. Jonathan sits by his mother's legs with a baby in his lap, her sleeping face pressed to his chest. He taps her back absent-mindedly. "What about here?" he asks, drawing a circle with his finger. Will, his younger brother, moves the flashlight beam to follow his direction. 
Despite the fire, the wind bites at your backs, a nippy chill. Steve has solved this by becoming your windbreaker, or so he claims. 
"She loves me," you murmur. 
"I love her," Robin agrees. 
"That's why you can't come on our girl's trip," you say. 
"Girls," Steve says, measured, "I'm unsure, but I'm starting to think that you think you're going somewhere without me." 
"No, we know you'll crash the party. But we're going to pretend you aren't there," Robin says. 
Her chipper attitude makes you laugh for the millionth time tonight. Steve laughs in tandem behind you, his breath fanning warmly over the shell of your ear. 
It smells like woodsmoke and pine needles meshed together here, two smells that alone are nice but together give you a headache. You wrinkle your nose and sit up properly, worried about squashing Steve or hurting his bad knee. "The smell is so strong out here," you say. 
"Shit, this guy bothering you?" Steve asks, pointing his thumb at the fire. 
"Kick his ass, Steve," Robin says. 
"Are you losers drunk?" Dustin asks. 
You twist on your butt to face him, Steve's favourite sixteen year old standing in the dark wearing two coats and three scarfs. 
"Are you cold?" Steve asks. "Come and sit with us." 
"We aren't drunk, just happy," you say, gesturing for him to do as Steve said. 
Dustin sits by the fire with you, groaning. "What is there to be happy about?" 
You bite your top lip. Dustin is so young, and he's lost a lot. More than he ever should've had to lose, twice, his sense of normalcy destroyed. You don't blame him for being depressed over what is possibly the most traumatic thing he will ever have to experience. You don't want to offer him empty platitudes or tell him how to feel, and Steve doesn't want to either, but he can't watch him mope. He loves him too much. 
"Dusty," he teases, "don't be so down. Haven't you seen this glorious and ridiculously enormous bonfire we have going on?" 
"I see it," Dustin says from behind gritted teeth. 
"Hey, do you want to sleep in our tent tonight?" Steve asks, a tad more seriously. "It's warmer with more people, and it's not as crowded as you think it'll be." 
"No, thanks." 
"You could drag your tent closer," you say, quieter, trying not to smother him or embarrass him with parenting he never asked for. 
"I don't like being near the boundary. You guys might be okay with ending up as geek chow but the rest of us have common sense." 
"Well, we didn't really have a choice there," Robin says. 
Which is true. The kids all get to sleep in tents close to the fire, and the adults are a row behind. You guys aged out of the kids category a long time ago, so you're the ones who'll be eaten first, but you're also the ones who'll hear the can alarms when they ring on the tripwires first. 
Steve sleeps with his baseball bat anyhow. 
You disentangle yourself from Steve's grips and meet his eyes. He doesn't need you to tell him, but you give him a look that hopefully says, Maybe you should talk to him. Eyebrows raised gently, lips pursed. 
Steve sighs like he's preparing himself and shuffles around you. He doesn't begrudge Dustin needing cheering up, you know that. He probably just wishes he could offer Dustin more than, "We have food and water and a place to pee." 
Robin crawls right to your side and sets back on her haunches. "Here's what I think we should do." 
"Wait, you don't wanna wait for Steve to explain?" 
"Nope, he'll say no. Me and you have to find the best way to sell it so we can actually go."
"You aren't kidding about the girl's trip?" 
"Nope. Look, the situation is dire. We know where the mall is, we've been there tons of times. The whole group can't go and we don't trust most people to keep us alive anyways, so me, you and Steve will go. We'll sleep there or something too, so there's no pressure on us to rush back and stress out Steve." 
"Wouldn't it be safer to hurry back?" you ask. 
Robin hums. "Maybe. Uh, if we travel at night like I've been thinking about doing I don't think we could hurry back." 
"At night?" 
"We're basically nocturnal at this point." You dip your head toward her mildly. She drops the slight facade she'd had, "I would feel better. If we went at night." 
The College, the community you and your group had inhabited until recently, was attacked and destroyed by raiders. They were likely drawn by the black smoke of the small bonfire in the quad of the campus, lit to celebrate a quasi-thanksgiving. It wasn't supposed to end up the way it had. 
Robin got attacked. Steve was there to help her get away uninjured, earning himself a black eye. She can't sleep if she's by herself anymore. You hate yourself for not being there to protect them. 
She's afraid of being attacked by people rather than geeks now. Travelling at night increases the likelihood of dying via geek (you can't see them, they can smell you), but it vastly decreases the chance of meeting other people. It makes sense that a night time excursion is her preference. 
You just don't know how you feel about it, and you have no clue how you might convince Steve to go along with it.  
"So you want us to hike to the mall at night. Is it on the map? Where even is it?" 
"I don't remember the name, Steve'll know it 'cos we've been there, but what matters is that I know for a fact there's a fancy soap store. I need soap, Y/N. I can't take this anymore. And if I don't brush my teeth soon I'm going to scream, my finger can only do so much." 
Occasionally three of you take a pea sized dollop of paste and rub it over your teeth in an effort to feel less disgusting, the same way that you wash with a rag and cold water behind the treeline, and dunk your clothes in the river without detergent. Water is a good cleaner, but eventually there's a funk in the clothes that can't be washed out without soap, or Robin's current issue: oily hair.
Without soap and toothbrushes, you feel about as disgusting as a person can feel. If you don't make this trip soon, you'll be in the exact same boat as Robin, one bad stain away from screaming. 
"And the fancy soap shop definitely has soap?" 
"Definitely. And there's a department store with blankets, too. We could really improve the quality of our miserable lives." 
"You don't have to convince me," you say, though it might not hurt in actuality. You're hesitant to leave the camp, but if Robin's leaving she can't go without Steve (who would never let her go alone), or you, because you refuse to be separated from Steve (or her, honestly). "It's Grim Fandango who needs greasing." Grim being Steve. 
Steve has managed to wrap an arm around Dustin. You're half-expecting Dustin to be wriggling under his touch, desperate for an escape, a teenage boy allergic to both sincerity and affection, but Dustin's dissolved like jello powder in boiling water, totally slouched into Steve's side. Steve's hand runs the younger boy's upper arm briskly.
"It'll be okay, dude, I promise. We've come this far," Steve says. 
"I'm just tired," Dustin says quietly. 
"Maybe we should sell it, as uh, an enrichment trip," you suggest to Robin. "We can get stuff for the kids, some board games or something." They need an escape. 
"I miss my books," Robin says. 
"Holy shit, me too. Steve says you can tell the plot of every Agatha Christie novel from memory, is that true?" you ask. 
"Only the good ones. Can I lie down on you?" 
You let Robin lie down with her head on your thigh. It can't be comfortable but maybe it's better than the floor, or maybe it's just nice to be close to someone. You like having Robin with you. You'd been so apprehensive of her when you met, not because she was Steve's best friend —though that did worry you to some extent— but because you had trust issues to the neck and she was the first person beside Steve to be nice to you without motivation. In this world, that doesn't check out. 
"What ones do you know?" 
"Murder on the Orient Express?" she offers. 
"Okay. Set the scene, Buckley." 
Steve returns just after the detective finds out that Ratchet has been murdered. "I love this part," he says. 
"Then let me tell it." 
Robin spins for a while, but you peel away from the fire before you're too tired to stand and retreat to your makeshift tent. It's a tarp held up by two sticks and a blanket on the floor, but it works to keep away the rain and most bugs. There's not quite enough room for you three, but there's also literally no other option, and none of you mind. You squeeze in like tinned sardines, sleeping in your coats and shoes. 
In the morning, you and Robin attempt to sell your idea to Steve over lukewarm oxtail soup. You and Steve share. Robin had to tip half into a bowl for someone else. The rationing is going okay. 
You could've ended up with a can of garden peas, or chopped tomatoes.
"It's actually better if it's only us, you see, because we can sneak around and it'll be much quieter. And they don't need us here right now, everything's settled. And me and Y/N want to so we should." 
Steve wraps your hand around the can of soup so you don't touch the hot bottom. He doesn't look like he's even remotely listening to Robin, his eyes on your face and his hands not far behind. He neatens you up, so to speak, scratching a little dirt speck from your cheek and folding the rolled collar of your shirt. "This," he says finally, his hand curling behind your neck, "sounds like a very bad idea." 
You shudder happily as he starts to scratch your neck down to your shoulders. "Steve, what's bad about it? We'll be like the Three Musketeers, travelling in darkness, a mission for the people." 
"Did you ever read that book?" Steve asks, his hand dropping to your shoulder, where it stays for a reverent second. You look gross and he still wants to squeeze you. 
"No," you admit, lips on the sharp edge of your soup. You take a careful sip. 
"We get there quickly, spend a night on the mattresses at the department store, and… Hey, why don't we go live in the mall?" Robin asks. 
The idea of a real mattress is seductive, but not that much. 
"Because we don't want to paint a huge target on our backs?" you ask. 
"I'm kidding." Robin peers down at her soup unhappily. "I really hate oxtail." 
Steve noticeably flickers. He meets your eyes, and you think he's speaking to you in his head. Fucking hell, I can't believe what I'm about to agree to. 
"If you can convince Mrs. Byers to delegate us an actual weapon, then okay, fine, we can go to the mall." He stretches out his mostly healed knee and rubs it with both hands. "Fuck. A knife. Actually, I want each of us to have a weapon. So if you can somehow magic that into being, we can go." 
"I don't see why we even had to ask permission," Robin jokes, "like it's the sixties or something." She springs up to her feet, forces her oxtail soup into the hands of one of the preteens by the fire, and beelines for the small crowd of kids surrounding one much taller Joyce. 
"You'd still come with us even if you didn't want to," you say. 
"Yeah, obviously. Robin's right, this isn't the sixties. That being said, if it was a worse plan, I'd tie you to a tree." 
"I could be into that," you tease, pleased when he scoffs through a laugh. His elbow drives into your side. "Stop, fiend." 
"No, fiend. Take the force of my elbow." He nudges you. 
You elbow back. He elbows harder. You potentially give him a bruise and feel extremely bad when he "Oofs," aloud. 
"Sorry," you say, climbing up on your knees to put your arms on his shoulders. "Sorry, sorry, sorry." 
He shoves you away from him and you're evil, you're selfish, you want him to dote. You fall flat on your back in the dirt and grass, covering your smile with the crook of your elbow so he doesn't immediately know you're fine. 
"Shit," he cusses, kneeling between your legs, moving to hover over you. "I didn't mean to knock you down…" He sees your smile. "You lying conniving trickster." 
You smile harder, lips pressed together and your chest light as a feather for the first time in days, until suddenly he's squished on top of you and pressing down. "Ow," you fake, wriggling away from him. "I think there's a twig in my brain." 
He wriggles with you. "You suck, you made me think I hurt you." 
"Don't be a wuss, I get hurt all the time, how do you even know I'm not hurt?" 
He sighs all quiet and lifts your head off of the grass. "I can't see through your hair," he says, "did it actually hurt?" 
You take his face into your hands. Your fingers are very cold, but he doesn't flinch. 
"I'm messing with you, H." 
"When did that nickname catch on?" 
You rub his cheeks with your thumbs. Fingers behind his ears, you smooth over his short scratchy stubble affectionately. Quick, you lift your chin and touch your lips to his. It's hardly a kiss. 
He leans down slowly and makes it a better one. 
"Stop," Robin says, kicking you in the ribs. She isn't cruel about it, more of a toe touch. 
"Oh, hi, that was a quick rejection," you say, frowning. 
Robin beams. "Actually, we've been approved. One knife apiece and a request for children's clothes. Get packing!" 
She whizzes off in another direction, seemingly to pack and gather the allocated weaponry. 
Steve drops his chin back down to you. 
"Does she have secret things we don't know about?" he asks. 
You scratch his scalp, "Mm… I'm not supposed to tell you." 
He sits up. You frown.
"She really has a secret stash?"
"No, Steve," you laugh. "No, of course she doesn't. Where would she hide them?" 
Steve yanks you up by the arm playfully. You pretend to fight him, but it's no use. You'll do anything he wants you to. 
Steve didn't necessarily think that a hike through the outskirts of an infested city would be easy, but he also hadn't realised it would be this boring. Especially a trip he's already made in the past. Boring and kind of hard. 
It's not because you aren't capable —you might've taken a hit when The College collapsed, but you've mostly recovered, and your endurance is good. You have the best survival skills you've ever had, and Robin is similarly ready for whatever it is that might get thrown at you. Too bad preparation doesn't make you a ninja. 
He isn't at his peak and he was no man of steel beforehand, and although he was good enough to keep you both alive, he's not sure if it's still true. Plus, he wasn't expecting to feel so moody. 
You're marching on like a true warrior next to him, your hand around his wrist and swinging gently, your eyes on the ground. Steve's flashlight carves a weak path through the dusk. Soon, it'll be completely dark, and that's when he imagines his worrying will reach a fever pitch. 
For now, he tries to be chill. 
"Is my hand not good enough for you?" he asks. 
"I figure you can pull away from me quicker if you need to if we're not, like, sewed together." 
"You have weird hands," Robin interjects. "They're big. I wouldn’t hold them either.” 
"That's why they're nice hands, Robin," you say. "Well, maybe they're just nice because I love him."
"I love him. Mostly. He still has weird hands," she says. 
"You don't get it," you say. 
You wrap your arms around his bicep and hug it quickly before backing away again. He thinks you kiss his coat, but he really can't tell. 
"I don't think I want to get it," Robin says.
You're quieter when you ask, "Is that really true? You don't want to be in love?" 
In the dark, and at night, it's quiet. It's nearly always quiet everywhere you go nowadays, but it feels immense this far from the camp. Steve is on edge. Too distracted for heart to hearts. But he wants to know the answer too, so he stays nice and quiet. 
"I love that you're in love," Robin says lightly. "And I love you both. But I've seen you guys when you think you're going to lose each other, and surviving is hard enough without… that." 
You let your hand slide down to his hand, your palm flat to the top, not holding it but holding him. 
Steve clears his throat. "It's worth losing my mind every time she decides to wander off because of the peace she gives me when we're together." 
"The peace?" Robin asks. She sounds like she wants to be incredulous but his sincerity has tripped her up. 
"I'm with her and…" He can see the side of your face in the flashlight. You're smiling shyly, your gaze on the grass beneath your shoes. Footsteps rustle in the gap of his words. "I don't want to be anywhere else as long as she's there." 
"It sounds like a toothache," Robin says. 
"You know, I used to get bad toothaches all the time before we found you, and Steve made me a teeth guard out of a leather armchair with a pen knife and a needle and thread." 
"Did you just make that up? Trying to convince me about the magic of love?" Robin asks. 
"No, he really made it for me, I used to keep it in my nightstand," you say. He can hear your smile.
He made it because watching you cry from toothache left him feeling powerless. A guy who'd never even held a needle and thread before bent over his lap with a flashlight in the hours while you slept until his eyes burned because watching you sniffle made him feel sick. He can't describe the ache of it, loving you but not having kissed you, or even really told you, his girl so stressed at night your jaw had locked tight and you were reduced to whimpers each morning. Having to watch you pretend it wasn't happening until you couldn't, until you broke down crying with your hand wrapped around his wrist like it is now. Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Steve, I just– I want– I don't know– I can't– 
He was useless. He was stupid. He could barely bring himself to rub your back because he thought another touch might knock you over. 
Calm down, honey, he'd murmured. Just calm down.
He never could've imagined seeing you cry like that before he did. You couldn't move. You explained it like a headache when words became feasible again, which, Steve's had headaches; concussive migraines that were white hot and everywhere. So he could imagine it even if he'd never felt it, and there wasn't a single thing he could do about it. Willing to try anything, he'd even wondered if he could pull your tooth out himself. Mouth surgery is prone to infection, and he couldn't face levelling that amount of pain onto you personally. So rather than fix the tooth, he'd have to fix the stress. He couldn't fix the stress, so he looked for anything at all to ease the pain. Ibuprofen, codeine, even a course of antibiotics. And then, finally, the leather mouth guard. Leather stacked and sewed with sanitised, loving hands. 
"It's weird what that kind of love can bring out of you," Steve says quietly, matching the surroundings. "I did a great job. I'm a seamstress." 
Robin pretends to throw up generously and noisily. Steve shushes her. You, in a very good mood with no signs of calming down, laugh behind your hand. 
"I can make you another one," he offers. He hadn't thought about it yet, but of course you don't have it anymore. Anything in your nightstand is lost forever. 
"You might need to. I'll be a stressed mess all over again if we don't find some socks, I can feel my ankle bone piercing the back of my shoes," you say. No socks either. 
Robin's flashlight turns quickly to the right. You and Steve flinch at the same time to guard the other, peering in the exposed direction. There aren't many trees around here, so all to be seen is yellow-green grass and empty air. 
"Sorry, I got the heebies," Robin says. "Maybe it was your disgusting declarations of love." 
"Hardy-har. Where the fuck do you think we are right now?" Steve asks. 
"Wait, you don't know?" you ask. 
"You have the map," he says back. 
"Oh, right. But how do we navigate in the dark? We don't have a compass." 
"I have the compass!" Robin announces. 
"From where?" you ask. 
"How did you think we'd get there in the dark, angel?" Steve asks you genuinely. 
He doesn't have time to wonder if it's okay to call you angel. He's never done it before, but it felt right in the moment. You're kind of like an angel, protective and sweet and a symbol for goodness. 
"I thought because you guys already knew where it was– we– we set off while it was still light! I assumed we'd just walk straight." 
Steve and Robin laugh at you, but not without love. 
You pretend to sulk for a while, though you shine your flashlight at the map when he asks, your arm threaded through his and face leaning on his shoulder. "I'm so confused," you mumble. 
"Don't worry. I know where we are now," he says.
"No, I know where we are too, but I'm confused as to why I thought this was a good idea." 
"This is a good idea because I've had greasy hair for two weeks and I feel like a worm," Robin says. "And we need blankets, and moisturiser, and to feel like real people."
Steve has a better list than that. He needs moisturisers for your cracked hands, antiseptic for the healing cut on your thigh. He needs shaving foam or at the least a goddamn razor, a new shirt, you both need underwear and you're in dire need of shoes that fit. He wouldn't mind a compression support for his knee, a pair of scissors, and most of all a box of cigarettes —a quick trip to the pharmacy would fix a lot of problems. 
"I feel pretty real." 
"You're real pretty," Steve says quickly. 
"Yes! Oh, yes! Kiss?" you cheer, delighted at his swift wit. 
Steve knows —he knows— you're putting on a brave face for him. He cried on your shoulder and you haven't cried since. You're being the strong one. You're trying to make it work. 
You've always been the strong one. Steve has taken care of you so many times; held your hand in torrential rain when you were too tired to go on; scrambled through rotten floorboards to find you on your back and unconscious, fed you water in your sleep half-worried you were dying and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He's fought for you, the dead and the living —he would do worse for you. But you've done the impossible, surviving every ache and pain, coming back from things he didn't think you would. You crawled through glass for him. You stumbled in the dark bleeding and exhausted to do as he asked, to meet him at the end of an endless day. 
He gives you the kiss you asked for. There's only one clue that you aren't as happy as you seem. Your breath catches as he leans down, like you thought he might not give you one after all. 
It takes you hours to get there and way longer than you thought. You don't realise you're upon it until the grass turns to roads under your feet, and the road turns to parking lot. There's a shattering of glass spread over the floor like a spilled bag of salt that crunches under your shoes. Steve grips your elbow and the three of you creep inside past the doors. They're open, which is bad and good. Bad because someone's been here since the last time, and might still be inside. Good, because Steve's not sure any of you have the energy to open them. 
"I don't think I have to say this, but please, let's whisper from here," Steve suggests. 
"Damn, do we have to?" Robin whispers. "I was just about to start my rendition of Singing in the Rain." 
You laugh through your nose. 
"We'll go up to the bedding store, okay? And we'll grab some blankets, and then we'll find a storage room and barricade ourselves in."
"Steve, I wanna sleep on a mattress," Robin whines. 
"But we don't know who's here," he says. "Buckley, I swear, I'll carry a mattress back to camp for you if that's what you want, but we have to live to see the morning first." 
"It's not like we haven't done it before," you say, nudging her gently. "Can we go back to whispering? I'm really nervous. I don't want to attract anything." 
"Sorry," Robin whispers. 
Being outside in the dark had felt horrifying but mostly manageable. Being inside is terrifying too, and though your flashlights make it easy to navigate now that there's walls for the light to reflect off of, it's scarier knowing this is an enclosed space. You can only run so far in either direction. 
Your fingers twist in the corner of his hoodie. He doesn't say anything. For a split second, he remembers you doing it in the past, before he'd even thought about kissing you, when you were scared and he was more angry than anything else (though not usually at you). He'd pretend he didn't feel it. He was a bitch but he was never cruel, and if you needed to scrunch the hem of his jacket in your hand to feel better then that was alright. 
"You okay?" he murmurs. 
"I'm okay. I think my cut is weeping." 
"What?" he asks, head clicking as he turns to you. "Since when?"
"Not sure, it just feels weird, like it's wet." 
"This is the kind of thing I'd love to know." Steve sighs. "The bedding place is up here somewhere. You can let me take a look at it." 
You, Steve and Robin walk up the frozen escalators, your footsteps making banging metal sounds that echo through what feels like the entire mall. Hackles raised, Steve ushers you both into the bedding store, pulling Robin by the sleeve before she can stop to deliberate over blankets to the very back of the store where a door demarcates the Staff Only room. 
"Listen," he whispers, "we are going to go in there back to back, just like we always do. Robs, I promise, as soon as I've checked her leg, I'll help you do whatever you want. Cool?" 
"My leg is fine." 
"If it gets infected, I know for a fact there aren't any antibiotics here," he says. They've looked. "We have to stay in front of it. Are you ready?" 
"Steve, we're not amateurs," Robin says. She hums. "Okay, I might be, but you owe Y/N some respect." 
"No, I'm an amateur." 
"You're not an amateur," Steve says. "Girls, please." 
"Can we veto 'girls'? I want to be dudes," Robin says. 
"Okay, okay! Let's do it." 
You wake up with the driest mouth in the world, your head bumping from hunger and bad sleep —the floor still feels like the floor, no matter how many pillows you have— to sounds just outside of the door. 
You hike up on elbows and feel your heart climb into your mouth. Steve's hand is on your neck, and Robin's foot is over your calf, and this is a very bad time to be locked in, especially weighed down as you are by fleece blankets. 
"Steve," you whisper, blindly reaching out with your own hand. You accidentally smack him in the face with the base of your thumb. "Oh, shit, sorry. Steve, there's something outside." 
He's impressively alert when he opens his eyes. He couldn't have been sleeping deeply. "What kind of something?" he whispers back, sitting up. 
He pushes the blankets away and climbs onto his knees. The noise happens again, quickly followed by a smash and a third sound like a thump. 
Robin flinches awake next to you. You put your hand on her shoulder, hoping it says, Hey, it's fine, you're fine.
"Where's your bag?" Steve asks you, standing up tall.
It's disgusting, but you're holed up in the employee bathroom. As far from the toilet and sinks as physically possible but with a buffer from the door. Staying in a storage closet hadn't been possible, the staff room door hanging off the hinges enough to not close, and the storage room a medium space crammed to bursting with mattresses and shelves of sheets that wobbled threateningly when touched. 
Your bag is somewhere under the blankets. You scramble onto your knees and search for it. You'd put your things away for the sake of neatness. Silly move.  
"Here," you say, pulling out a flashlight for Steve. He takes it into one hand, pen knife in the other unsheathed. "It's probably a geek." 
"Yeah. Can you put your shoes on?" he asks, not unkindly. 
You shake yourself and do as he asks you to. Robin helps you up. Steve creeps to the door, waiting for you both before he opens it into the main floor. 
"I don't think we need the torch," Robin says. 
Daylight illuminates the room through the windows set in the west wall. You all squint and step out, arms in defensive positions, treading softly so as not to be heard. 
Another thump. You can't hear footsteps, exactly, just the occasional, irregular thump. Geeks are usually noisier. Dragging steps. They'll walk into walls if they're following a specific scent. 
Steve turns to you both and raises his eyebrows. Brace yourselves. 
He hits the butt of the knife into the wall three times. 
Nothing shows itself. You stand frozen for a few minutes anyways, even when Steve and Robin decide they want to venture further into the room and scope out the place. You watch their backs, heart still pounding and with no signs of stopping. 
“Oh, fuck,” Steve curses. 
“What?” you and Robin hiss at the same time. 
“Come here. Y/N, come over here,” he says, like you aren’t already half-way across the floor to meet them. 
Steve gestures at a showcase bed with velvet purple sheets. They’re not even dusty, no signs of time or wear, nothing to speak of a different age. Nothing, that is, beside the dead bird on the pillowcases, and the carpeting of fur surrounding it. It's odd for Steve to point you towards any gore, and you're a tad shocked, until he takes your forearm in his hand and pulls you in front of him. "See?" he murmurs. 
He points to the pillow. You follow his finger. 
Robin speaks first. Correction, Robin squeaks first. 
"Is that a cat?" she asks, all the excitement of her discovery squashed tightly into a frankly impressive whisper-shout. 
Robin refuses to move after that. She begs Steve for some of the dried jerky (of unknown origin and animal) from the rucksack and lays down on her stomach when the tugged tabby you've found flees beneath the bed frame. "Here, kitty," she murmurs, her gentlest tones. "Come on, killer, I need your help." 
Steve nudges you.
"Oh, you're talking to me?" you ask Robin.
"I need your help," Robin insists, looking at you from over her shoulder. Her hair is limp around her face, her cheeks flushed red with excitement. "She has to know we're all friends."
"Watch my back?" you ask Steve. 
He sits on the end of the bed, "Don't have to ask." 
You set down carefully next to Robin and peer under the bed for the tabby. Your arrival has scared her half to death. 
"Maybe she's only used to seeing geeks," you say. 
"Maybe she thinks we're geeks," Robin says agreeably. 
"Me and Steve found a dog once, but he wouldn't let us touch. He begged for food and then he ran away," you say. 
"The dog wouldn't let you touch him, or Steve wouldn't let you touch the dog?" Robin asks, waving the jerky around.
"A bit of both." 
"Kitty," Robin sings. 
"Oh, god, this is comfy as fuck," Steve mumbles, laying down in bed. "Robin, you have to get up and watch your six, babe." 
You and Robin laugh in sync and aloud at his 'babe'. It's you who stands and continues taking mild guard. You're not worried about intruders anymore, thinking that any company would have presented itself already, but you like keeping them safe. You take check of every corner of the room, spinning in the world's slowest circle. Robin baby talks to the cat under the bed while offering scraps of jerky. Steve, having curled away from the bird, lets his fingertips brush your thigh each time you turn. 
"Getting dizzy?" he asks. 
"Yes. And hungry, too, which is a weird feeling together. Can I have some of the jerky?" 
Steve offers the bag. "If you're hungry, eat what you want, but if you can keep it to a little portion just in case we can't find anything else, honey…" 
You stop spinning so much to eat jerky. You eat more than you should, you hunger a cruel, sharpened thing that jabs from your stomach and up into your diaphragm. You hand Steve back the bag before you can eat someone else's share and decide to focus on the other negatives in your life, like your shoes. 
"Can we look for shoes soon?" you ask. 
"Yeah, honey," Steve says. Honey, honey. His voice is soft with an ever-present fatigue. 
"I don't think this cat likes me very much," Robin says, still singing. 
"She's just scared. Maybe if we leave and come back again she'll realise we're friendly," Steve says. 
"Yes sir." Robin stands, brushing herself down. "Oh, ew, Steven, how can you lie there? You know the cat's probably spayed all over that bed, right?" 
Steve springs up. "Okay, ew." 
“It’s okay,” she says. “Let’s go get some new clothes.”
It’s harder than it should be. The three of you move from store to store on high alert for what has to be an hour, searching for practical, fitting clothes. The time for modesty is over, and you take turns changing in front of one another while the others make sure you aren’t about to become naked geek feed. You’re so unclean that putting clean clothes on feels wrong, but you do it anyhow. You double back to the store with suitcases and bags and fill a suitcase to bursting point with the clothes that Joyce requested for the children. You sit yourselves down at some point, always exhausted, to try on sneakers. The relief of finding and changing into a pair that fits cannot be understated. When you’re sure there’s at least pants and a sweater for every child, you pack up and head for the fancy soap shop. 
Robin is ecstatic. Ideally, you can all carry one bag on your shoulders and pull one suitcase, so you each fill a bag with soaps and brushes and powders, figuring that if you find food or medication worth carrying you can empty one of the bags rather than double back. 
“I’m sorry we didn’t actually sleep on a mattress,” Steve says. 
Robin shrugs nonchalantly, kicking aside an empty helium tank with her foot as you pass by a card and gift store. She’s grown less happy as time goes on, unsatisfied with the day's events. Finding nice soap hadn’t felt important with no water around to use it. The cat was rabid, you’re all living off of jerky and river water, and now you have to hike home again in the dark, hours of fear and tenseness. 
“I miss your car,” Robin says. 
You hadn’t ever been in Steve’s car, but you say, “Me too.”
“Maybe we should find a real tent,” Steve says, apparently not listening. 
“Isn’t that kind of mean?” Robin asks. 
“I mean, if the others wanted a tent, they could’ve come.”
“I don’t think it's mean,” you say. “But I don’t see how we can carry it.”
“I can carry it,” Steve says. “Just a small one. Big enough for us.”
“Does us include me?” Robin asks. 
Steve laughs. “Duh, it includes you. It’s Y/N that’s gonna have to sleep outside.”
“Or me and her can have the tent and you can be our watchdog.”
“We can’t, um, stay outside forever, right?” you ask quietly. 
Steve puts his arm over your shoulder for a quick squeeze. “No, we can’t. We’ll find somewhere permanent soon. There’s barely any geeks the more we get into Michigan, who knows. Maybe there's none at all up top. But…" He lets you go. "I'll find somewhere." 
"Steve, you sound ridiculous," Robin says. "'I'll find somewhere,'" she quotes, voice deepened. 
Robin might joke, but you feel reassured by Steve's promise. You keep your head up for the rest of the day. 
Later, much later, when you've travelled back to the camp with aching everythings and taken the world's coldest bath in the river nearby, you, Robin and Steve pitch your brand new tent and near collapse. It was night when you finally reached the camp that day, and so it was morning by the time you laid down. Steve has to admit that bathing and building a tent in the dark had been fun, annoying and indicative of the situation but a pleasure anyhow, to hear his favourite people in the whole world trying not to shriek at the cold water, overjoyed and laughing as you finally washed your face with real soap, and terrified that the river would knock you down. 
You're shaking with the cold now in his arms, practically sitting on his thigh as you brush his still damp hair back from his eyes. 
"I can't believe you're still cold," he says, kissing the line of your jaw affectionately. 
Robin, despite hours without sleep, had volunteered to help Sarah corral the younger kids for some early breakfast. Steve thinks it's because she likes Sarah. Your theory was that she's generous enough to give you a half hour of privacy. She's good like that. 
Whatever it is, you're alone for the first time in days. It's no different than when you're with friends, only you're touchier and Steve's an honest fool. 
You wrap one of your new blankets tighter around your shoulders and shift. "Am I hurting you?" 
"Nope." He squeezes you tightly to his front. "You're shivering. Put your hands under my shirt." 
You do it quickly, smiling like he's given you the world. "'Member when you'd let me do this? Even when we weren't really dating?" 
"We were dating," he says. 
"What, before or after the taco truck incident?" 
"Before," he says sharply. He pauses. "Alright, maybe not then. But we were definitely dating when you'd put your hands in my shirt. You don't do that for just anyone, I'm not a run around." 
"Steve, you used to let me sleep in your lap. Like, a month after we met." 
"'Cos you get so damn cold," he says. You're still shivering. He rests his cheek against your neck. "If I didn't let you, you'd spend the whole night shivering and making these really sad sounds." 
He's not even teasing. Just being honest. 
"I'm sensitive," you say. 
"You're used to sleeping indoors like a normal person." 
You ease off of his lap. He doesn't want you to; he'd keep you close forever. Plus, he feels guilty cuddling you in front of Robin because he knows public displays are uncomfortable, so he wants to really take you in while he can. 
"I have something to tell you," you say. 
"Or, something to give you. But I can tell you something if that matters." 
"Tell me anything." Everything. He wants to know everything you have to say. 
"Well… well, before this happened…" You rummage through the bag you'd brought home with you, the tip of your tongue peaking out. "You know, before the world half ended, I wasn't– I don't know if I can say it." 
"Please?" he asks. 
You pull something into your hand. "Alright. I didn't think I'd ever fall in love. And then the world ended, and I really didn't think I would, but you found me and I love you, so it wasn't true." 
He thinks about it. You, years ago, when he'd see you in the halls at school or walking home. He doesn't have much recollection of you beyond that, but it aches in a weird way to think you'd been walking around feeling like you wouldn't be loved. 
Steve licks his lips. "I get it, because I kind of worried the same thing. Like I'd keep loving people more than they loved me." 
"And then you met Robin?" 
"Exactly. She taught me more about love as my best friend than any of the girlfriends I had." 
"Well, I didn't get a Robin back then, but I have you now, and I guess I want you to know it's important to me," you say. "I know things are so hard right now, I know," —you clear your throat as emotion creeps in to your tone— "you put on a brave face for me. I know you're tired. But I keep going for you, and you keep going for me, and I want you to have something so you remember that even if I'm… not around." 
Steve sits up straight. "Hey, you're not going anywhere." 
You blink rapidly.
"Where is it that you think you're going without me?" he asks, softer. 
"Nowhere. But I just need you to know how much I loved you." 
"Love," he corrects. 
"How much I love you," you agree, sniffling. You look around at the tent floor, your shoulders raised just so. "Sorry, I'm not gonna cry or anything, I just hate thinking about it." 
You hand him something wrapped in a new sock. He bites his lip to stop from laughing at the wrapping and unpeels his gift. 
It's a watch. Silver, heavy, glass unscathed and hands tick tick ticking. Steve doesn't know if the time is accurate. His old watch broke a long time ago, but this one looks vaguely similar. 
"You gave me a necklace, once, with a little diamond. I know I don't have it anymore, I shouldn't have taken it off. But you gave it to me when I was miserable, and I know you're not miserable, but–" 
"I am," he says, rubbing his thumb over the watch. There's a tiny diamond set at the bottom of the clock face. He has no idea why, but the idea that you saw it and remembered his gift that long ago, that you wanted him to know you love him, that pays for some truth. "I'm miserable. I'm so scared for us." He breathes out hard. "Sorry." 
Steve's eyes tear up. He tries not to let it show, but he's looking down at the watch and his vision is blurring, and he's thinking Fuck, fuck, I'm crying in front of her again. 
You shuffle across the plastic floor toward him and clutch his hand. He's shaking minutely. You must feel it.
"It's okay, baby," you murmur. 
He ducks his head. 
"It's okay. I know," you say. 
"I know that you know," he says. 
"But it's hard," you prompt. 
You needle your arm behind his neck and him close. He can't hold back anymore, throwing his arms around your waist because why would you say that stuff to him? You're so evil, you're horrible, you're the very best thing that's ever happened to him and he loves you and what if you do die? Nobody will ever, ever be like you. There's no one out there with your smile, nobody who turns at the sound of his voice as you do, happy before you've set eyes on him and ecstatic when you have. 
And if you live (please, God, if you live), Steve wants to give you a better life than this. He's constantly panicking because he doesn't know how. 
But you don't mind. You don't love him less for the situation. 
"I don't even know what to tell you," you say, stroking the hair at the back of his neck tenderly, "cos I tell you I love you so much it doesn't feel like what I mean. I love you. I love you, Steve." 
He hugs you until he's not crying, wishing his cheeks would dry themselves when he finally raises his head and kisses your cheek. "Thank you," he says roughly. 
Steve sits back and wipes his nose. You offer the sock. He laughs and bats it away. 
"I love you, too," he says. He thrusts his wrist at you. "Strap me in?" 
You fasten Steve's watch and, in what's becoming a theme, you kiss his pulse. 
"Sorry things have been so hard," you say, adjusting the watch until it's sat comfortably.
"You make it easier." 
"Guys!" Robin says, forcing her way into the tent with an exuberant smile on her face. There's something in her arms, a wriggling mass of matted fur. "Look! The cat followed us home! I'm gonna name him Stinkyboy! Or Shark. Get up, I need help catching a fish!" She waves the cat's paw at you both. "I knew he liked me!" 
the Steve zombie au
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bludnik-a · 8 months
mature/explicit byler fic recs??? 👁👄👁
hi nonni!!
quick disclaimer that if ur not comfortable / not ready to explore this type of content u can just scroll past this post. I'll hide fics under the cut.
let start with explicit
"Pink in the Night" by yamilumen. Winter break after first semester of college. Will is drunk, and Mike takes care of him. The morning after, they must face the consequences. TW for dubcon ig. One of the first that I read and still one of my faves. looove byler dynamic in this one.
"in the midnight hour" by @wisehearts. He takes note of the way Will paws at his dress shirt, needy and not entirely aggressive, pressing into kisses in a way that feels like he’s asking for more rather than taking it. Persistent, but pliable if you touched him right. Red wine was fucking magic when it came to Will Byers. if u want smth sweet and hot.
"Hands" by midnighteverlark aka The Parent of byler smut. Mike doesn't like his appearance. Will wants to help out with that.
"A caged bird stands on the grave of dreams" series by AabH. Slavery AU. TW for a lot of violence and abuse.
"the feminization of michael wheeler" by one and the only lawofmurphie. how a bundle of lace and a lifelong crush distract mike from the inevitable implosion of his family unit as he knows it. not only really really hot but also great mike character study. it's more about mike's desires and acceptance at first and u have to wait till byler a bit but it won't disappoint u i promise!
"Conceived in Sin" by eternalwinters, floralsun, keeksbyers. In which Will Byers has a reputation as a bit of a prude. But Mike Wheeler, a guitarist with distinctly the opposite sort of reputation, can't seem to stop thinking about him. good boy/bad boy au we all is lacking.
"i'm starving, darlin'" by id_rather_be_home. Mike and Will are sexually frustrated eighteen-year-olds, sick and tired of having absolutely no privacy in their homes. The hand-jobs and the blow-jobs are fun but Mike will go crazy if Will isn't able to fuck him again before they leave for college in five more months. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
the whole section with my favourite trope "we pretend like it's nothing but it's actually everything". I love every fic Dearly and I would recommend to start with one of this :)
"the thing about illicit affairs" by problematicbyler. Will and Mike become friends with benefits. Which is a totally reasonable arrangement that they’re both completely content with, obviously.
"Privacy" by BottomWillByers. Dustin and Lucas were on night watch so it’s just him and Mike in the room. Having fallen asleep early, both tired from the supply run they were on earlier today, Will passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow only to be woken up a couple of hours later to pressure on his ass. It took a moment to orientate himself. Used to waking up to noise and vibration but not touch. He was pressed up tight to the wall like usual, which usually gave him inches of space between himself and Mike. But not right now. Because Mike had scootched across the bed and was spooning Will from behind. His bare chest pressed alongside Wills exposed back, one arm slung over his waist as he mumbled into the back of his head. Will’s about to ask Mike what was going on when he felt it. The consistent thrusting of Mike’s hips against the swell of his bum. His words die in his mouth as he registered that Mike was asleep. Soft moans spilled from his lips and the hard pressure of his dick stuttered against Will.
"After Hours" by pterafractal. A recently out Will Byers begins his freshman year at Indiana University, with his childhood best friend (and roommate) Mike Wheeler. Between learning to navigate the campus and keep his head above water academically, Will struggles to reconcile changes in his relationship with Mike.
"The Open Door" by Mylesime. He’s too close, too handsome, too real. And Will wants to cry because the shield has almost completely collapsed. “Mike,” he says or begs, he doesn’t know. Mike stares at him and he has never looked so serious. “I really want to do this with you.” The shield breaks. Will feels his mana bar diminish by hundreds of points. He's out of it. It will take weeks to recharge, months even. “Now?” he wails and he hates how frail he’s sounding.
"Pressure Points" by honeytart. College roommates Mike and Will begin a friends with benefits arrangement with one very important rule—absolutely no kissing.
"asking too much" by kissingpractice. Will is struggling. Guys who are nice, hot, AND good in bed are apparently non-existent at their university. Frustrated, he complains to Mike - who makes him an offer he can't refuse. Unfortunately, there's always an aftermath to hooking up with your best friend. Meanwhile, Mike has some realisations.
and mature for anyone who is not ready to deep dive yet
"Touch Me Like You Know Me" by @starsarefire824. Mike doesn't go home anymore, not unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he stays far away from Hawkins, quietly shutting himself off from the world, and burying the pain of the things he never said to the boy he'd left behind. But when his mother convinces him to return home for his thirty-fifth birthday, Mike is finally forced to confront just how much he'd given up when he runs into Will by accident. Mike-centric. Estranged Byler reconnection fic. Soft and Sweet.
"Broken Wings" by Turning_tides. Mike returns to Hawkins after his freshman year of college, riddled with regret and eager to make up for the biggest mistake of his life - hurting Will. He quickly learns, however, that his estranged best friend is being kept behind a locked door. A locked door named Keith. Now, Mike finds himself in a race against time to locate the key, desperate to free the boy he loves from the prison his abuser created just for him. TW for abuse and drug addiction.
"the comforts that make us feel numb" by @newlesbianprideflag “No, but really. If I were a girl,” Mike presses on, looking up at Will with red-rimmed eyes through dark lashes. Leaning in. Somehow, fully unaware that this line of questioning has Will's heart climbing up to his throat. “Would you want to kiss me?” Will and Mike get high in the desert.
"any semblance of touch" by stella :) Mike’s still new to this whole smoking thing. Will has a few ideas.
"In Undertow" by olliecoddle. four months after one byers/wheeler couple breaks up, another gets married. and, of course, will and mike are both the best men. and, of course, there is a plot to get them back together. nothing goes to plan.
there're a lot more then i thought ‪😭‬ there're genuinely so many good works. i could look for just one and stumbled upon three other I wanted to include in the list. and i think it's pretty obvious what kind of dynamics i prefer. anyway.
i hope u'll find smth new to u anon but if u won't u can drop ur fic recs in my inbox. love u <3
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campbyler · 6 months
okay I collapsed…
Was expecting a masterpiece but thea you really outdid yourself with this one.
I was already freaking out reading the first half of the chapter, but the second half had me floored. Just in case you have the audacity to doubt your excellence, I come with receipts.
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to clarify I was lying down the entire time… (this was taken a few mins after i finished the chapter so yes that final jump was in fact cuz of that last part)
the Starry Night Over the Rhône is actually one of my fav Van Goghs as well, got it on my wall at home
I also just maybe happened to wear a comfy oversized Van Gogh hoodie while reading this💀
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honestly I cant even comment on that last part other than im deceased and a lil bit stressed.
ris this entire thing is INSANE which is a very appropriate energy to have to match the insanity of 9.2 <3 from the heart rate to the VAN GOGH SHIRT (and the great taste of preferring the rhône) this has gone down in history as one of my fave comments we have ever received!!!!!! can't wait for you to see what suni has in store for ch10 (spoiler alert: she is also insane)
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Sarah, I love the spoiled/princess reader series, its amazing🥹
I just KNOW that eddie is the type to go out and start the car and make sure its toasty warm before you get in, or that he's got snacks for the road trip, or that your fave tape is in the player.
And when others get in and ask why eddie is listening to "this poppy crap" he just glares at them and they KNOW, they just instantly know it's because of his princess.
Okay I think I'm projecting too much now I'll stop🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Hiii babes!! I love this like really all of this!😂 so enjoy these conversations, a few are between Eddie and the Hellfire gang and they are marked with✨
-want more Eddie and Princess? You can find it here✨
*Eddie doesn’t let anyone control his radio…except you*
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✨ “Henderson feet off the da-” “what the hell is this? My ears are actually going to start bleeding.” “Is this Madonna?” “Who actually still listens to Mad-” “if either of you say one more thing about her choice of music…” “oh…uh she has great taste really…Madonna is like…best vocalist uhhhh..ever.” “Yeah yeah Mike’s right she’s wonderful Uhm that one song…is so…good.” “Both of you shut up and Henderson get your damn feet off my dash.”
“Where are you going honey?” “To warm the car up sweetheart…it’s freezing outside and I can’t have you sitting in a cold van.” “But won’t you be sitting in a cold van?” “No baby I’m just gonna go start it and come back inside…so I can make you breakfast before work.” “Oh can you make that oatmeal you made the other day?” “Sure Princess whatever you want.”
✨ “oh sweet red vines.” “Do not even think about it Byers.” “Peanut butter crackers? That’s such a mom snack…” “put it back Henderson….it’s not for you.” “She likes red vines and peanut butter crackers? That’s a weird combination.” “Says the kid who drinks milk with a cheeseburger.” “I agree with the Dungeon Master…that’s fucking weird dude.” “Why can’t we get snacks?” “Because I don’t like either of you that much.”
“Baby are you okay?” “No…I can’t find my new pink jacket.” “Oh it’s hanging by the front door I knew you wanted to wear it today.” “Really? I thought I had lost it.” “Nope I’ve got it sweetheart…you ready to go?” “How do you know where everything is?” “It’s a gift what can I say?” “It’s a very good gift.” “Come on Princess before you’re late for work and I have to listen to Harrington bitch and moan about how if you had your own car you’d stop being late or whatever bullshit he comes up with this time….” “Language…” “sorry baby”
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finnoahsource · 2 months
Finn, Millie, Joe and Natalia stans are really gonna hate watching S5 considering they think Noah is a genocidal maniac who apparently to them is ugly, fat, f*g, bad actor and a white supremacist etc. In a way, the people that they stan so much who they think are morally superior to Noah are gonna all be servicing Will Byers arc and his happiness and growth as a young man I just know Shawn and Netflix are campaigning Noah for that Emmy and #they will be fuming lol
it's my dream those people realise how dramatic and embarrassing they're being. tantrums like they're little babies, but they're meant to be the mature all-knowing ones. it won't happen but I hope what is happening - them getting called out and receiving less attention because it's gotten boring and they go too far - continues to.
"morally superior to noah" and at this point noah has been more vocal about the cause #they claim to care about, than their faves have. but because their faves are silent (see: not getting cancelled) they can project that they're perfect angels. typical fandom behaviour and should just admit it 🥱
and when they inevitably do fume, let's all remember that any 100k+ type tweets that pop up again isn't representative of a majority. it doesn't take away any of noah's truth or success. they're just loud. it's a 100k+ echo chamber and we just have to let them keep screaming at the wall and make a fool of themselves. I hope these pockets of communities that have popped up this year continue to stick together in those times and normalise noah in the fandom and celebrate him like we have been, I know I'll be here!
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thestobingirlie · 8 months
you understand my fave characters like no other before, are there any fic recs that you would want to bestow upon this humble ask??
this ask is about a month old lol, but here i am!!
in no particular order:
to have a friend
"Maybe life will be different soon. Now that I've been fully myself for a year, I know there's no going back. As it turns out, being a loner suits me beautifully. But there are times when I crash hard into the hope of finding my people. Friends who would stick with me through anything. A girl I can have a less hopeless crush on. There are adventures waiting for me. I know it." -Rebel Robin
Robin finds her people.
this fic is a must read!!!!! just beautiful. my favourite robin fic ever
the wine of life by littlearrows
After the Upside Down, Steve, Nancy, Robin and Vickie take the '90s to rest and grow up. Along the way, there's weddings, kids, a treehouse and one car breakdown.
(aka my stancy & rockie slice-of-life future fic)
theeee stobickancy future fic!!! it’s canon to me, no matter how the show ends lmao
honestly, all of littlearrows works are a must read, katie is a beautiful genius!!
the road goes ever on by MaryPSue
The Battle of Starcourt has been won, but its aftershocks are still rippling. Separated from the rest of the Party, Will struggles with feelings of abandonment, while El is trying to find her place with the Byers and come to terms with the loss of her powers - and the closest thing she's ever had to a father. Back in Hawkins, life is slowly returning to normal, or at least as normal as life ever is. The Party are starting to adjust to having two of their members at a distance, though everyone's still missing El and Will, Mike most of all.
But life in Hawkins never stays normal for long. Someone - or something - is following Steve and Robin, and they may not be the only ones under surveillance. A spectre from El's past makes an unexpected - and unwanted - reappearance. And an old enemy may turn out to be much more than meets the eye.
And sometimes, the bad guys are smart, too.
Separated by miles and misunderstandings, with communications failing and their enemies somehow always one step ahead, Hawkins' strange little fellowship find themselves caught between holding on and moving forward. If they want to survive to see another November, they'll have to face the past - and each other.
very fun body horror fic!!!! i just love fics that interact with the upside down outside of strict canon.
the very best people by scioscribe
“Why are you messing up my undercover operation, Steve?” Dustin said. “Do you want another tear to open up in the space-time continuum and suck us all into the Upside Down? Do you want the entire world to turn into squishy, mind-flayed zombies because you and Robin couldn’t get your shit together?”
(Or, the one where Steve and Robin go undercover in an evil suburb.)
stobin pretending to be a newly-wed married couple to go undercover. what more could i want from a fic?
minor falls, major lifts. by millcrs
“Steve.” Shiv lowers her voice an octave. “Steve. Calm down. Just let me see, okay?”
“I don’t want you to see.” He smacks her hands away, feels the cut of a modest rock nip at his knuckles. Wambsgans outdid himself.
“Where’d he get that?” Steve laughs, points, and Shiv’s eyes flicker to her finger like she forgot all about it. “Fuckin’ Macy’s?
“Look,” Connor says, palms up and placating. “We can point fingers at each other, or we can be honest with ourselves and blame the commies.”
st/succession crossover; steve as one of the roy siblings. i’m soooo obsessed with the entire series!!
in a strange land by MrsEvadneCake
Doom comes to Hawkins, Indiana. Population est. 30,000.
It’s cold, that’s all, and the breeze is kicking up. That’s why Steve feels the chill go up his spine like someone dropped an ice-cube down his back.
“Why wouldn’t I be real, El?”
“The Aboleth got you.”
i’ve absolutely rec’d this before, but i don’t even care because it’s literally one of the best st fics ever, and i need everyone in the fandom to read it.
nothing really sticks by rosie447
Steve cuts his hair with safety scissors in the bathroom of Family Video. Maybe he's less okay than he's been letting on.
steve trauma fic, everybody cheer!!!!!
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mothellie · 5 months
ST Ships Tierlist Tag Game
So. I did something no one asked for and that took a considerable amount of time to complete. I decided to make a tag game out of it so I didn't feel like I totally wasted my time (/lh).
I made three Stranger Things ship tierlists on Tiermaker, one for each age group. I'm a pretty huge multi-shipper and I was finding it hard to really convey all the pairings I liked and how I felt about them, so I spent the last week and a half doing this. I mainly just love seeing people be passionate about their ships, so here's an opportunity to put your faves on display.
The Tierlists
The Party Tierlist
The Teen/Young Adult Tierlist
The Older Adult Tierlist
Tag Game Rules
Do as many of the tierlists as you want. You don't have to do all three of them unless you really want to.
Download the image(s) of your tierlist(s) and put that into a post here on Tumblr. Can be your own original post or a reblog of this one. Though if you're going to make your own post, please link this post in yours so people know the rules, warnings and other info and know how to participate.
Tag at least five (5) other blogs (preferably within the Stranger Things community lmao) to keep the chain going. Although, you can just do this without being tagged if you want to.
As a general rule, no ship or character bashing is allowed for this tag game. Please be respectful to each other.
If you'd like, please also tag me in your post if you don't directly reblog this one! I'd love to see :)
Tiers Breakdown
ABSOLUTE OTP: These are the pairings you absolutely cannot live without. Your babies, your blorbos that kiss, the cream of the crop, etc etc. You're entirely abnormal about them and probably post/talk about them a lot. They consume your thoughts. Etc etc.
I love them abnormally: You love these pairings so so much. You're feral over them. You talk about them a lot and you might make content for them if you're a creator. However, they aren't quite in the top tier. Think of this as only a half-step down from the top tier. OTPs without as intense of an emotional attachment.
I love them normally: You love these pairings, but a normal amount. You aren't absolutely losing your mind over them, but if anyone asked you about them, you would probably say they were in your main ship list.
I like them: Exactly what it says on the tin. You like these ships. They're good ships and you'll enjoy content for them if you come across it, but that's usually as far as it goes. They're just neat.
I like them under certain conditions: You like these ships, but only in specific circumstances. Only in polycules, only if one of them is trans, only if they're completely removed from their canon stories, etc.
I'm curious about them: You don't actively ship these pairs right now, but the concept/dynamic is intriguing to you and you're open to the idea if someone can sway you.
No strong feelings: You don't actively ship these pairs, but you also don't have any strong feelings about them one way or the other. They just exist and you accept that.
They make sense to me, but aren't my thing: The dynamic itself makes sense to you, or you get why someone might ship these pairs, but you personally don't like them for one reason or another.
They don't make sense to me, not my thing: You don't understand the appeal of these ships, so you don't like them.
They make me uncomfy: The idea of these pairs makes you uncomfortable to some degree for one reason or another, so you avoid content pertaining to them.
If there's a character missing from the lists that you'd like to see added, you can DM me about it and I can see what I can do. I can't guarantee I'll be adding every character under the sun, but I'm pretty open to the idea adding a few more if someone really wants them. Alternatively, you can make your own squares if you have the means to do so. I think there's a way to add your own locally.
That being said, I have not added Lonnie Byers or Neil Hargrove, and I don't particularly want to for personal reasons. You can add your own squares if you have any ships you really wanna display involving them.
I cannot figure out what Gareth's canonical age is supposed to be, because this show fucking sucks at continuity, and the American education system has weird rules. He's also shipped both with the party members and with the teens/young adults. So he's included in both. I can't be fucked to try and determine what camp he should go in.
At the moment, there are only monogamous ships in these tierlists. This was mostly to conserve space and make sure all the pairings could get included, and that I'd have room to add more characters if I needed to. I bounced around the idea of making one or more for poly pairings, but the amount of effort that would take would be nearly double what this took. However, if people really want it, I might just bite the bullet because I love you guys. The same goes for a tierlist for crossover pairings.
My Tierlists
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Tags: @californiaboytoybilly @shieldofiron @applewillowstone @lorifragolina @alicetallula @half-oz-eddie @harringroveera @ocalaghan @whataboutthefish @larkandcarry + anyone who wants to join in can say I tagged you
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withacapitalp · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
Daisies (Steddie)
Summary: He hacked out a few more harsh sounding noises, before he spat into his open palm, taking a relieved breath as whatever was lodged in his throat came out. Eddie would’ve been relieved too, confused, but okay now that Steve was safe. And then he saw what was in Steve’s hand. A daisy. Steve had just coughed up a fucking daisy. And, judging by the completely blasé expression he had on his face as he looked down at it, this wasn’t the first time. When Steve wakes up choking on flowers, Eddie thinks that it might be the end. It turns out to be just the beginning.
I love Daisies so much and the response it got was wayyyy more than I ever could have expected!!! A hanahaki AU that it's a little non-traditional and one of my all time faves I've written!!!
2. Princess (Steddie, Steve and Chrissy)
Summary: “You knew Chrissy” Eddie managed to force out, feeling like he was about to vomit. Steve nodded, still looking at the picture. Chrissy’s little face was overtaken by an absolutely enormous grin, and her right hand was tightly grabbing onto Steve’s free left one.  “Who do you think gave her her title?” He asked rhetorically, side-eyeing Eddie to gauge his reaction. When Eddie didn’t give one, Steve sighed, stepping away, “People always get that story wrong though,” Eddie wakes up alone, goes downstairs, and finds out things he wasn't ready to know.
Princesssssssss. Augh this one hurts me every time I read it and it's one of my top favorite head canons. I think Steve and Chrissy being cousins hits a chord that is just so perfect? This little detail that doesn't actually exist to anyone but me is so canon to me now haha!
3. Let Me Just Hold You Now (Stolen)
Summary: Steve has a routine for nights like this. A routine for the times when his world gets flipped on its axis. Just four simple steps to keep his body alive while his mind tries to sort through whatever fucked up thing he just went through.  Steve has a Routine.  Robin breaks that Routine.
THIS FIC MAN. I really hit a stride with Stolen fics that just felt soooooo yeah I really loved writing this one and that's not something I can usually say!!
4. The Day After (Stoncy)
Summary: The morning after Steve helps to destroy a demon who had been trying to kill Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler, he goes to school. He didn't want to go. He didn't know why he did it. He just went. It was startling to see how the rest of the world didn't change.
Agh! So I have a mixed relationship with this series but I had to include a stoncy fic in this list and this one was the one that really started it all. The first long fic I finished, the first one I felt really proud of, and the fic that really started my love for stranger things. Yeah I'm proud of this one.
5. How to Rehabilitate a Jock (Eventual Steddie WIP)
Summary: After their breakup, Steve found that being around Nancy and Jonathan was pretty much unbearable. His old friends wouldn't even look at him, and there was only so much time he could spend with the kids before he started feeling kind of pathetic. All in all, he was a pretty lonely person now. But was he really lonely enough to consider joining Hellfire club? And were they really willing to accept having a dethroned king in their party? A post season two AU where Steve becomes a part of hellfire club
This one is probably my baby and will be for at least the rest of the year. She gives me so much trouble but I love her so gosh darn much!!!!! Anyways it's my most popular story, it feels like a lot of pressure, but I love it.
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byerscity · 3 months
about me!!
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✩ helloooo, my name is cat! i'm 16 and mexican (she/her)
✩ i mainly just reblog stuff i like... which is a lot of stuff. mainly stranger things and taylor swift. i do sometimes post on the byler/miwi tag
✩ my tags r a MESS and so unorganized
✩ will byers is my favorite character of all time and he is 100 times better than u i fear
✩ fave ships r jancy, byler, and byclair -> for the record, i don't particularly hate any st ship but some of y'all r indeed weirdos
✩ i follow back! (i'm not beyonce) if ur a functioning member of society at least lol
this is my page!! have fun!!! ◉◡◉
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Ooo what life altering fic were you talking of? Personally one of my faves is The Evening Speaks by nbfutureboy! Will Byers Day Off by iry is also very sweet!
I haven’t read either of those!! So thank you! I’ll be sure to check them out!
Tbh there is like a collection that I’ve read recently that made me feel empty afterwards, so I’ll share a few of them! I haven’t had like a big slump as of late, but I do sense one coming on after all of these are completed, so I am dreading the inevitable...
Stepping on the Last Train by SuzieBurself
This one has a concept that I never knew I needed. So like, if this is a trope, pls someone link me to that tag bc I. Am. Sat!!! VERY angsty though, fair warning. Only one more chapter left and I will cry when it’s over.
Just Like You by Anonymous
This one is focused on Robin and Will’s friendship with background Rockie and Byler and it’s just so wholesome.
Be the Boy by katbatsupreme
This one is from Nov 2022, so not super old but not recent either. This is the first time I can remember ever laughing out loud a bunch while reading a fic (Mike is SOO oblivious). I also really enjoyed the buildup in how it kind of went against norms for the slow-burn trope, and yet it was well done and so just very honestly refreshing in that respect! I loved it!!
Growing by jenlouniverse
This fic came into my life and left in less than a fortnight. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same. VERY angsty but also VERY fluffy. This also fits with what I tend to look when looking up fics. Basically I will give almost anything set directly after s4 vol 2 a chance bc I’m just so impatient for the final season and what that could look like. Seeing hundreds of different possibilities is essential for me in the meantime and this one in particular just really hit the mark. Also I love the idea of Will and Mike being inseparable during the apocalypse, to the point where they’re like cuddling in bed every night but also w/out even acknowledging their feelings, while both deep down knowing 😭😭😭
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stregoniconiconii · 1 year
steve for the the character ask <3
1: sexuality headcanon: I received a message from god in 2016 when Steve appeared on my screen. the message was that he was bisexual. and I never doubt god's good word ! anyway I dont think Steve is particularly angsty about being bisexual? like I think he was always somewhat aware of his attraction to both but knew stepping outside of the box would be dangerous . tbhh I think he prefers women most of the time and it takes a minute for him to upgrade from hooking up with men to dating men. most of all he's kind of a slut <3 matching with robin he is also a bit gender weird ! mostly cool with being a hot guy but on some level she is also a hot girl. sometimes that level is sometimes a girl, sometimes it's always a girl . depends on what im feeling <3
2: otp: I do enjoy a good steddie thank u Eddie for being a canon male character that I can actually see Steve with <3 there's also this one omc...Henry Sinclair you will always be famous. sometimes I forget that ur not canon...in my head one of his more long term girlfriends/maybe wife?? in adulthood is this really cool and hot paramedic called Lucille <3 she was his boss lol
3: brotp: now I wonder....it's robin it's always robin . platonically married he'd carry her kids if he had the equipment for it and they are everything to each other ! also I desperately want stobickie to be a fun little trio in s5 pls happen <3 ofc there are many platonic relationships for Steve that I love, his brotherly relationship with dustin and max is so <3 and he's a lil mentor to Lucas and bullied by erica <3 in my heart he is also part of the Byers-Hopper clan, particularly a fatherly relationship with hopper. I WISH stoncy actually developed a strong friendship but maybe there's still a chance in s5. also. I will forever be intrigued by his friendship with Tommy and carol I know they got up to some insane shit
4: notp: harringrove mostly I just think Steve finds racism extremely unattractive . I'd say stancy but the truth is I kinda like them in a fail marriage way. nobody gets them tho
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: mommy issues Steve my beloved <3 I think steve's relationship with his mother ended up informing so many of his future relationships. specifically I see a sort of emotional incest between them where Steve ended up kind of playing the role of husband to his mom since his dad was away being a bad husband. obviously not a good situation for a kid to be in with their parent bc it robs them of being a kid. but basically this put Steve in a position of providing even to the point of hurting himself, which ended up opening him up to being vulnerable to codependent relationships. I think elements of codependency follow Steve in a lot of his relationships, especially can see it with his friendship to Tommy and carol, a little bit with Nancy, and also a bit with robin too (I tend to exaggerate it with robin bc I think its fun lol)
6: favorite line from this character: aaaah one of my favourite Steve moments is s2 Steve with the kids at the junkyard I love him <3 also he's so funny I can't just pick one line
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I also miss a lot of stuff when ppl are speaking auditory processing disorder my beloved <3
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing he's perfect and he's earnest and he's full of love
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: problematic fave in the sense that he's done some problematic things but cinnamon roll because actually he's done nothing wrong ever
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stevesxyellowxsweater · 6 months
Top 5 Stranger Things episodes
oh Jesus Christ...
All time fave ep has to the mall rats
the hellfire club (it was the introduction of eddie Munson who brought me and my bestie together)
dig dug
the dive
the vanishing of Will Byers ( that's where it all started)
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lilacliquors · 2 years
welcome to atomwritez's
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to ring in the holidays, it's 12 holiday theme prompts!
rules + relevant info below the cut!
unlike kinktober, this event is open to everyone and will feature 12 fluffy prompts to give us some holiday cheer
the 12 days start on december 12th and will go until the 24th, and because we only have 12 prompts, these may be longer than the kinktober drabbles
these prompts are based off of the songs they're named after / have lyrics from! yes it's cite and also it gives me a prompt to work with, so they'll be out faster than the kinktober ones <3
because we have only 12 days, i'll only write for a character once. i know we might all wanna see our faves doing every fluff holiday activity, but we gotta share the love here
like kinktober, if you enjoyed a prompt and want longer versions, or perhaps you want that same prompt with a different character, i'll be more than happy to write it over the holidays!
i write afab reader only. however, with these being in general fluff prompts and not smut, there is a much higher chance they'll all be explicitly gender neutral
i will be tagging all posts with #12 days of ficmas, #ficmas2022, #atomwritezficmas, #character name fluff, and #character name ficmas so easier navigation or for tag blocking purposes
the list for my characters can be found here
make sure to check back to this post to see which prompts have been claimed!
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all bold + green text means the prompt has been taken!
day one: walking in a winter wonderland - homelander
day two: rocking around the christmas tree - sersi
day three: chestnuts roasting on an open fire - gilgamesh
day four: dreaming of a white christmas - jonathan byers
day five: last christmas - steve harrington
day six: baby it's cold outside - druig
day seven: christmas wrapping - dane whitman
day eight: all i want for christmas is you - matt murdock
day nine: santa baby - kingo
day ten: jingle bell rock - eddie munson
day eleven: let it snow - diego hargreeves
day twelve: the most wonderful time of the year - steve rogers
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