#will campos...why would u do this to me
risetherivermoon · 4 months
thought abt normal oak and his inability to recognize genuine love again....im ruined.
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
TITANIC TIME!!! i have no idea why THIS is whats happening this episode but. here we go ig
- lincoln boss kicks u are the PERFECT CHARACTER.
- this is the first time in a while that anthony remembered that scam is scam actually now
- i am ALSO looking up 1910s teenage fashion i am SO EXCITED FOR THE FANART
- poor anthony having to do all these voices lmao
- "i dont play, i play hard" "purple vibes are purple in this show" wonderful work guys
- DOOD :'[[[
- I.......
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lastsonlost · 5 years
What the fuck!?
The Dec. 18 document from the FBI specifies an alleged plan for activists to purchase guns from a “Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander,” or Ivan Riebeling.
When federal law enforcement officials last year began collecting dossiers on mostly American journalists, activists and lawyers in Tijuana involved with the migrant caravan, one part of their investigation focused on an alleged plot by a drug cartel to sell guns to protesters, according to a Federal Bureau of Investigation report.
A Dec. 18, 2018, document from the FBI, obtained by the Union-Tribune, specifies an alleged plan for activists to purchase guns from a “Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander,” or Ivan Riebeling.
The protesters wanted to “stage an armed rebellion at the border,” the FBI reported to dozens of federal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Mexico.
The unclassified report was provided to the Union-Tribune on the condition the person providing it would not be named, and with the request that the entire document not be shared online because of the ongoing nature of the investigation.
The document warns of “anti-fascist activists” that “planned to disrupt U.S. law enforcement and military security operations at the US/Mexican border.”
Two additional law enforcement officials confirmed the investigation is ongoing, although no one has been charged. “Unclassified” means information can be released to people without a security clearance, but the document was also labeled “law enforcement sensitive,” which means it was intended to be seen only by those in law enforcement.
“This is an information report, not finally evaluated intelligence,” the six-page report states. “Receiving agencies are requested not to take action based on this raw reporting without prior coordination with the FBI.”
The FBI sent its report with “priority” to the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Drug Enforcement Agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Administration, among other agencies.
Two people named in the report, Ivan Riebeling and Evan Duke, said the accusations are untrue and illogical.
Duke said he never met Riebeling and that Riebeling was not someone he would have associated with.
Riebeling also said the accusations in the FBI’s report are illogical.
“It doesn’t make any sense that someone from the United States would purchase guns in Mexico. And the Hondurans certainly didn’t bring money to buy guns. It doesn’t make any sense; in fact it’s extremely absurd to say the Hondurans wanted to attack the United States at the border,” said Reibeling.
A few names included in the FBI report overlap with names included in a secret database of people being monitored by Customs and Border Protection and Homeland Security Investigations, originally reported by NBC San Diego and Telemundo 20.
However, the database includes many others not included in the FBI’s report, and it remains unclear why those people — mostly American journalists, activists and attorneys — were targeted and monitored.
In March, it was discovered that Customs and Border Protection had compiled lists of people it wanted to stop for questioning at the border. Agents questioned or arrested at least 21 of them, according to documents obtained by NBC San Diego. On that list, Reibeling is described as an “instigator,” and Duke’s name and picture is also included.
CBP said the names on the list are people who were present when violence broke out at the Tijuana border in November and January, when agents deployed tear gas. The agency said people were being questioned so that the agency could learn more about what started the altercations.
Some of the people detained and questioned said they were asked whether anyone was encouraging migrants to rush the border during the two incidents. Several people confirmed they were told they were being questioned as part of a “national security investigation.”
The FBI’s report says a group of activists in Tijuana supporting the migrant caravan “were encouraged to bring personally owned weapons to the border and the group also intended to purchase weapons from a Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander, AKA the Mexican Rambo, and smuggle the weapons into the United States.”
Several activists involved with the migrant caravan said the accusation that they would try to purchase weapons in Mexico is especially absurd, given that buying guns in the United States is easy and legal.
“Here I find the government again trying to tie me into some (stuff) I wasn’t involved in,” said Duke, a U.S. activist who is opposed to President Donald Trump’s immigration policies and whose work in Tijuana was monitored by federal authorities.
Duke said Riebeling was not someone he would have associated with because he didn’t trust him and because Riebeling had expressed negative views in social media videos about the migrants in the caravan.
“We were warned to look out for him,” said Duke. “We took the precaution to find out who he was and where he was, but we never had any contact with him. And we never saw him around the migrant caravan.”
Riebeling said he was originally helping an earlier caravan of mostly women and children who arrived in Tijuana, but he quickly decided he “no longer wanted to help Hondurans.”
“I can send you several videos of myself attacking the Hondurans because they are my enemies,” Riebeling said during a recent interview.
Reibeling said he was never detained or interrogated by the FBI about his involvement with the migrant caravan. He said he took no part in trying to sell guns to anyone and that he’s not a cartel member.
“I am not cartel. I don’t sell drugs. I don’t sell arms,” said Riebeling. “I’m a revolutionary. A man who believes in his ideals, and I’m going to defend Mexico.”
The unclassified FBI report identifies Riebeling as being “associated with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel,” but Riebeling, a Tijuana resident, said he is not.
“If I were selling drugs, or guns, they would kill me,” said Riebeling.
Riebeling said he was upset by the accusations in the report.
“The government of the United States knows perfectly well that I am not a member of any cartel,” said Riebeling. “I have associates with several of the cartels, yes I do, but I am not a narco-trafficker and they know that.”
Riebeling said he became angry with members of the Central American caravan in Tijuana after he discovered some were selling items he brought them for humanitarian relief, like blankets, water and shoes.
“They were exchanging these items for drugs and it made me mad, and I no longer wanted to help them and I was vocal about it,” he said.
In a video he posted online, he encouraged members of drug cartels to attack migrants with bats and “hunt down” migrants to take them to Mexican immigration authorities to be deported.
Many members of the migrant caravan were attacked with rocks and tear gas. Two Honduran teenagers were brutally killed.
Duke said he was told to avoid Riebeling because of his negative views about migrants.
“I was warned about him when I arrived in TJ,” said Duke. “His name came up to me from a couple different sources to watch out for this guy.”
The FBI’s report says Duke was working with Riebeling and others not just to procure weapons, but to help set up camps to train activists to become “community defense militias, also known as autodensas.”
“Organizers planned for the camps to be used as staging platforms from which five person units would form to train anarchists in fighting, combat, and conducting reconnaissance, and then launch to disrupt U.S. government operations along the border,” the report states.
After the report was distributed to dozens of law enforcement agencies, Duke faced intense scrutiny when crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
Duke said that along with another activist, he was twice hot-stopped — held at gunpoint by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers and detained for hours — as he tried to cross.
In one instance, Duke said, he was driving into San Diego from Tijuana at the San Ysidro Port of Entry after delivering supplies to migrants at shelters in Tijuana.
When he got near the CBP checkpoint, border officials drew their guns and ordered him out of the car, Duke said.
“My first thought was: ‘Wow I don’t think this is good. This can’t be good,’” said Duke. “I overheard their radios and someone was saying, ‘You’ve got so many guns on these guys. You’re only supposed to have six guns on them.’ I think there were 25 guns on us at that moment.”
Based on questions investigators asked him, Duke said he believes it’s possible that authorities are acting upon information provided to law enforcement by right-wing conspiracy groups. He said a North Dakota radio talk-show host bragged on the air about reporting him and his colleagues to law enforcement.
In mid-November, Duke and a group of activists began renting a house in Tijuana and hosting about 25 volunteers at a time working to counter what they viewed as the U.S. government’s violation of asylum seekers’ human rights.
The FBI’s report says the rental house in Tijuana was guarded by armed group members.
Riebeling, who also goes by the names Ivan del Campo, Ivan Mariano Martin del Campo and Jose Ivan Reiveling Sierra, has criminal records in Mexico and the United States, according to a Mexican state police document and confirmed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Riebeling was arrested in 1997 by CBP for allegedly trying to smuggle nine to 10 pounds of marijuana into the United States, but the charges against him were dropped, according to a June 2017 letter from the DEA to Baja California’s Policía Estatal Preventiva.
In March 2007, Chula Vista police arrested Riebeling on suspicion of carrying a concealed stolen gun in his car, according to the letter. DEA agents in San Ysidro arrested Riebeling in March 2008, and he was convicted in federal court for kidnapping and robbery. He was sentenced to 48 months in prison but received clemency, the DEA’s letter states.
The “Procuraduría de Justicia del Estado de Baja California,” which is the equivalent of the attorney general for the state of Baja California, confirmed that Riebeling has at least two criminal records in Mexico for assaulting police officers. 
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a---fire---inside · 6 years
hai notato che solo Fabrizio ha dimostrato di avere il potere di destabilizzare Ermal al punto da farlo incespicare con le parole (faceva un cane è stato il mio tormentone per settimane, ma di cosa stiamo parlando) xD
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Have you noticed that only Fabrizio has the power to destabilize Ermal so much to make him stumble with words (note for international fans: “faceva un cane” was stuck in my head for weeks, what are we even talking about) xD ((note for international fans: the right thing to say would be “faceva un caldo cane” that literally means “it was dog hot” that actually means “it was really hot”, but the way ermal said it meant “it was dog” xD)———english translation below the cut
Vero, verissimo, Fabrizio lo destabilizza proprio. Anche perché loro hanno questa dinamica per cui Fabrizio fa il fratello maggiore e gli lascia fare tutto, prese in giro comprese (in pubblico, poi in privato lo fa nero hahah) e quando invece è lui a scherzare prendendolo in giro non se lo aspetta e si impiccia…come non si aspetta quando gli dice cose molto belle e forti, che lo emozionano (come il fatto di volere che sia lui ad ascoltare i nuovi pezzi per primo, che FAbri ha detto ad Assisi, davanti a tutti e lui si è ammutolito)
Ma infatti di che stiamo parlando…quella cosa mi ha fatto troppo ridere! Tra l’altro era subito dopo che Fabri aveva raccontato che Anita aveva detto “ma perchè Ermal era così sudato?” a Sanremo, e niente si è emozionato e ha incespicato, si vede che non è abituato a Fabri che lo prende in giro dato che quello è il suo campo, infatti subito dopo parte lui, però intanto si è impicciato con le parole, che carino~
E non è l’unica volta, perché tra incespicare con parole, gambe e concetti è capitato altre volte:
-Durante l’intervista dopo Sanremo Ermal asfalta una tipa che strillava dicendole cose assurde tipo che la sentono solo i delfini e Fabrizio lo prende in giro dicendo che sembra Beppe Grillo, e Ermal invece di Beppe Grillo capisce “il mio perito” xD
-All’Olimpico quando scappa via e Fabrizio lo richiama (vieni qua, vieni qua, vieni qua da me, vieni qua da noi♥) stava inciampando per l’emozione♥
-Radio Subasio. Fabrizio nemmeno c’era e ha incespicato da solo xD
-grazie a @maximumdante
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(se ne ricordate altre aggiungete pure…è sempre bello ricordare quanto è cute Ermal quando si emoziona o si imbarazza~)
english translation
True, Fabrizio really destabilizes him. Also because they have this dynamic where Fabri acts like the calm big brother who lets him do everything, even making fun of him (in public, in private Ermal said it’s totally different lol) and when instead FAbri is the one who makes fun of him he doesn’t expect it so he sort of messes up…just like he doesn’t expect when he says beautiful strong things that move him (like wanting Ermal to be the first one to listen to his new songs, that Fabri said in Assisi, moving him so much that he was almost mute at first)…also yeah, what are we even talking about, that moment was hilarious! It was right after Fabri said that Anita asked him “why was Ermal so sweaty?” in Sanremo and he got embarrassed cause he was the one who made jokes at Fabrizio’s expense and he’s not used to the opposite cause that’s his field of expertise lol, in fact he does it right after, but in the meantime he stumbles with words,how cute is this ~
It’s not even the only time because he stumbled with words, concepts and his legs other times:
-During the after Sanremo interview Ermal roasts a girl screaming, saying silly absurd things like that only dolphins hear her, and Fabrizio roasts him saying that he sounds like Beppe Grillo (look him up anyway professional screamer and roaster of people, it was a hilarious parallel xD) but Ermal instead of that name understands “il mio perito” (my consultant)xD
-At Olimpico when he finishes singing he leaps off faster than light and Fabri calls him back and he’s almost tripping, he said
-Radio Subasio. Everything. Fabrizio wasn’t even there but he messed up big time xD
-thanks to @maximumdante​: the Partita del Cuore moment! then Fabri popped out of nowhere and encircled his chest with his arms and Ermal was gaping with dead eyes like a fish, he was literally speechless as he didn’t expect it xD
(if you remember more feel free to add…Ermal is so cute when he gets embarrassed or emotional~)
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sciatu · 7 years
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Vulia sulu nu paru d’ali pi vulari nto cielu ghiaru, nu paru d’ali comi chiddi dill’ancili o du diavulu pi scuddari i duluri i sta vita,pi lassari luntanu l’amuri siccagni, l’amici ommai pessi, pi stari luntanu i cu si vinni pi du soddi, cu avi i mani fatti i sangu, cu nun voli amari e cunta sulu a so dispirazioni. Vulia sulu nu paru d’ali pi nchianari finu u suli e abbrazzari u munnu e tuttu chiddu chi teni Pi teniri nte brazza i duluri e l’amuri di tutti, u sangu e i ciuri du munnu, u vinu e i stiddi du cielu, i silenzi e u suduri dill’omini. Vulia nu pari d’ali fatti i du vessi e na rima, pi sfiorari l’unni comi si fossiru i so labbra, pi nchianari nto cielo, accussì comi scinnu nte so occhi, pi gridari o munnu u so amuri chi è u ventu chi mi teni nta l’aria. Vulia sulu nu pari d’ali, ma sugnu nu scassapagghiari e campo di me sogni e mi mbriacu chi me ricoddi. Pi chistu mi pigghiu nvidia di rondini chi sigutanu a primavera. Comi nu babbu i vaddu nto cielu gridari filici nchianannu e scinnennu e iddi vaddannu mi dicu sempri  chi non vurria soddi o putiri, vurria sulu nu paru d’ali fatti di du vessi e na rima, pi scriviri nto cielu a biddizza i stu munnu.
Volevo solo un paio di ali per volare nel cielo chiaro, un paio di ali come quelle degli angeli o del diavolo per dimenticare i dolori di questa vita, per lasciare lontano gli amori ormai inariditi, gli amici ormai persi, per stare lontano da chi si vende per due soldi, da chi ha le mani sporche di sangue, da chi non vuole amare e racconta solo la sua disperazione. Volevo solo un paio di ali per salire fino al sole e abbracciare il mondo e tutto quello che contiene. Per tenere nelle mie braccia i dolori e gli amori di tutti, il sangue e i fiori del mondo, il vino e le stelle del cielo, i silenzi e il sudore degli uomini. Volevo un paio di ali fatti da due versi e una rima, per sfiorare le onde come se fossero le sue labbra, per salire fino al cielo così come scendo nei suoi occhi, per gridare al mondo il suo amore che è il vento che mi sostiene nell’aria. Volevo solo un paio di ali, ma sono un dilettante, vivo dei miei sogni e mi ubriaco con i miei ricordi. Per questo mi viene l’invidia per le rondini che inseguono la primavera. Come uno stupido le guardo nel cielo gridare felici che salgono e scendono e guardando loro mi dico sempre che non vorrei soldi o alcun potere, vorrei solo un paio di ali fatti da due versi e una rima, per scrivere nel cielo la bellezza di questo mondo.
I just wanted a pair of wings to fly in the clear sky, a pair of wings like those of the angels or the devil to forget the pains of this life, to leave the loves now dried up, the lost friends, to stay away from those who sells himself for few dollars, who has the hands dirty of blood, far from those who do not want to love and only tell you their despair. I just wanted a pair of wings to climb up to the sun and embrace the world and everything in it. To keep in my arms the pains and loves of all, the blood and flowers of the world, the wine and the stars of the sky, the silences and the sweat of men. I wanted a pair of wings made from two lines and a rhyme, to touch the waves as if they were her lips, to climb up to the sky as I descend into her eyes, to cry out to the world her love that is the wind that sustains me in the air. I just wanted a pair of wings, but I’m an amateur and alive of my dreams and I get drunk with my memories. This is why I am envious of the swallows because they pursuing the spring. As a stupid I look at them in the sky shouting happy that they go up and down and watching them I always say that I would not want money or any power, I would just like a pair of wings made from two verses and a rhyme, to write in the sky the beauty of this world.
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noespensaressentir · 4 years
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Para cada uno de nosotros, estos meses de pandemia los hemos vivido de maneras muy diferentes, sobre todo atendiendo al momento personal que atraviesa cada uno. Muchos hemos sentido agobio, otros hemos sentido que aparecía una oportunidad de hacer otras cosas, otros muchos nos hemos conocido un poco mejor, otros hemos conocido mas a nuestros hijos, parejas…, pero por un momento imaginaros que puede ser en un contexto donde no tienes absolutamente nada y con el añadido de que son 58 personas en una casa de dos habitaciones.
Pero claro, siempre suelen decir que las desgracias no vienen solas y que todo puede ir un poco peor cuando se pone difícil la situación y eso es lo que ocurre en un barrio como Abobo en plena pandemia.
Es aquí donde estos pequeños los cuales nunca querían salir de Abobo, por ser lo que conocen y dominan, es justo en este periodo donde se dan realmente cuenta de que tienen que salir de ese barrio para poder conservar la vida.
“Nuestros niñ@s” durante este tiempo han sufrido las acusaciones de sus vecinos, siendo estos mismos (los propios vecinos) quienes llamaban a la Policía para decirles que había un número muy elevado de personas y que tendrían que tomar medidas contra ellos por ser un foco potencial de contagios.
Estos niños y niñas han sido atracados por sus vecinos si sentían que recibían apoyo por nuestra parte (en forma económica) para poder comprar comida. Si éstos, veían que de alguna manera “nuestros niños ”llegaban con arroz, aceite, leche…
Estos niños y niñas han vivido lo que es tener que esconderse 30 de ellos todos los días en un sistema rotatorio para que si durante el día iba la Policía a casa, no vieran que estaban los 55 niños y los tres adultos.
Estos niños y niñas han tenido que estar expuesto a sufrir ataques durante este periodo para poder esconderse de la Policía en lugares abandonados u ocupados por gente que no tiene hogar y que no vienen a ser más que esa parte de la población que está en la calle, con adicciones…
Estos niños y niñas no solo han luchado contra el COVID 19, han tenido que luchar contra muchas circunstancias colaterales que han afectado a esta crisis mundial, que cuando llega en África la convierte en una crisis mucho mayor.
Es por todo ello, que tras pasar casi dos meses en esta situación donde poder ayudarles, podía ser la consecuencia de su muerte, donde ser tantos, podía provocar su muerte, donde esconderse, podía provocar su muerte… Es por ello que en mayo tanto Eli como yo, decidimos empujarles a que tenían que buscar otra aldea en donde pudieran empezar una nueva vida, cumpliendo esta aldea con criterios indispensables para poder salir de Abobo, como:  tener un colegio cerca , la posibilidad de trabajar alrededor de esa aldea y un campo de fútbol cerca para poder seguir cultivando sus sueños.
Qué ha sido lo más positivo de estos meses de pandemia? Que les sirvió para ver que no estaban en el lugar adecuado y tras casi dos meses de sufrimiento permanente se atrevieron a tomar la decisión de volver a visitar aquellos sitios que en nuestro viaje en diciembre habíamos visto, para poder trasladarse y salir de la pesadilla en la que estaban inmersos.
Hoy agosto de 2020, siguen trabajando en ello, seguimos ayudándoles humildemente como podemos para comer, porque siguen sin poder salir a trabajar, pero estamos muy felices de que se atrevieran a dar el paso de salir de su zona de acomodo, no de la de confort.
Eli y Antonio.
For each of us, we have experienced these months of pandemic in very different ways, especially considering the personal moment that each one goes through. Many of us have felt overwhelmed, others have felt that there was an opportunity to do other things, many others have gotten to know each other a little better, others have gotten to know our children, couples ..., but for a moment imagine that it may be in a context where we do not you have absolutely nothing and with the addition that there are 58 people in a two-bedroom house.
But of course, they always say that misfortunes do not come alone and that everything can get a little worse when the situation gets difficult and that is what happens in a neighborhood like Abobo in the middle of a pandemic.
It is here where these little ones who never wanted to leave Abobo, because they are what they know and dominate, it is precisely in this period where they really realize that they have to leave that neighborhood in order to preserve their lives.
“Our children” during this time have suffered accusations from their neighbors, being the same (the neighbors themselves) who called the Police to tell them that there was a very high number of people and that they would have to take measures against them for being a potential source of contagion.
These boys and girls have been robbed by their neighbors if they felt that they received support from us (financially) to be able to buy food. If they saw that somehow "our children" arrived with rice, oil, milk ...
These children have experienced what it is like to have to hide 30 of them every day in a rotating system so that if the police went home during the day, they would not see that the 55 children and the three adults were there.
These children have had to be exposed to attacks during this period in order to be able to hide from the Police in places abandoned or occupied by people who are homeless and who are no more than that part of the population that is on the street. , with addictions ...
These children have not only fought against COVID 19, they have had to fight against many collateral circumstances that have affected this global crisis, which when it arrives in Africa turns it into a much greater crisis.
It is for all this, that after spending almost two months in this situation where being able to help them, it could be the consequence of their death, where there were so many, it could cause their death, where to hide, it could cause their death ... That is why in May both Eli, like me, decided to push them to find another village where they could start a new life, fulfilling this village with essential criteria to be able to leave Abobo, such as: having a school nearby, the possibility of working around that village and a soccer field nearby to continue cultivating your dreams.
What has been the most positive of these months of pandemic? That helped them to see that they were not in the right place and after almost two months of permanent suffering they dared to make the decision to revisit those places that we had seen on our trip in December, to be able to move and get out of the nightmare in the one they were immersed in.
Today August 2020, they continue working on it, we continue to humbly help them as we can to eat, because they still cannot go out to work, but we are very happy that they dared to take the step of leaving their accommodation area, not that of comfort.
Eli and Antonio.
Pour chacun de nous, nous avons vécu ces mois de pandémie de manières très différentes, surtout compte tenu du moment personnel que chacun traverse. Beaucoup d'entre nous se sont sentis dépassés, d'autres ont senti qu'il y avait une opportunité de faire autre chose, beaucoup d'autres ont appris à se connaître un peu mieux, d'autres ont appris à connaître nos enfants, partenaires ..., mais un instant imaginez que cela peut être dans un contexte où nous ne le faisons pas. vous n'avez absolument rien et en plus il y a 58 personnes dans une maison de deux chambres.
Mais bien sûr, ils disent toujours que les malheurs ne viennent pas seuls et que tout peut empirer un peu lorsque la situation devient difficile et c'est ce qui se passe dans un quartier comme Abobo en pleine pandémie.
C'est ici que ces petits qui n'ont jamais voulu quitter Abobo, parce qu'ils sont ce qu'ils connaissent et dominent, c'est précisément dans cette période où ils se rendent vraiment compte qu'ils doivent quitter ce quartier pour préserver leur vie.
«Nos enfants» pendant cette période ont subi les accusations de leurs voisins, étant les mêmes (les voisins eux-mêmes) qui ont appelé la police pour leur dire qu'il y avait un très grand nombre de personnes et qu'ils devraient prendre des mesures contre eux pour être une source potentielle de contagion.
Ces garçons et filles ont été volés par leurs voisins s'ils sentaient qu'ils recevaient de notre soutien (financièrement) pour pouvoir acheter de la nourriture. S'ils voyaient cela d'une manière ou d'une autre, "nos enfants" sont arrivés avec du riz, de l'huile, du lait ...
Ces enfants ont vécu ce que c'est que d'avoir à cacher 30 d'entre eux chaque jour dans un système de rotation pour que si la police rentrait chez eux pendant la journée, ils ne verraient pas que les 55 enfants et les trois adultes étaient là.
Ces enfants ont dû être exposés à des agressions pendant cette période afin de pouvoir se cacher de la police dans des endroits abandonnés ou occupés par des personnes sans domicile et qui ne sont pas plus que la partie de la population qui se trouve dans la rue. , avec des addictions ...
Ces enfants ne se sont pas seulement battus contre le COVID 19, ils ont dû se battre contre de nombreuses circonstances collatérales qui ont affecté cette crise mondiale qui, lorsqu'elle arrive en Afrique, la transforme en une crise beaucoup plus grave.
C'est pour tout ça, qu'après avoir passé près de deux mois dans cette situation où pouvoir les aider, ça pourrait être la conséquence de leur mort, là où il y en avait tant, ça pourrait causer leur mort, où se cacher, ça pourrait causer leur mort ... C'est pourquoi en mai les deux Eli, comme moi, a décidé de les pousser à trouver un autre village où ils pourraient recommencer une nouvelle vie, remplissant ce village avec des critères essentiels pour pouvoir quitter Abobo, tels que: avoir une école à proximité, la possibilité de travailler autour de ce village et un terrain de football à proximité pour continuer à cultiver vos rêves.
Quel a été le plus positif de ces mois de pandémie? Ce qui les a aidés à voir qu'ils n'étaient pas au bon endroit et après presque deux mois de souffrance permanente ils ont osé prendre la décision de revisiter ces endroits que nous avions vus lors de notre voyage en décembre, pour pouvoir bouger et sortir du cauchemar en celui dans lequel ils étaient immergés.
Aujourd'hui août 2020, ils continuent à y travailler, nous continuons à les aider humblement à manger, car ils ne peuvent toujours pas sortir travailler, mais nous sommes très heureux qu'ils aient osé faire le pas de quitter leur lieu d'hébergement, pas celui de confort.
Eli et Antonio.
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drunkblic · 7 years
Así de vacía e ineficaz es nuestra conversación cotidiana. Lo superficial lleva a lo superficial. Cuando nuestra vida deja de ser íntima y privada, la conversación degenera en simple cotilleo. Es difícil conocer a un hombre que te cuente una noticia que no haya aparecido en un periódico o que no se la haya contado su vecino y, la mayoría de las veces, la única diferencia entre nosotros y nuestro amigo es que él ha leído el periódico o salido a tomar el té, y nosotros no. En la misma medida que nuestra vida interior fracasa, vamos con más constancia y desesperación a la oficina de correos. Puedes estar seguro de que el pobre tipo que se aleja con el mayor número de cartas, orgulloso de su abultada correspondencia, no ha habido nada de sí mismo desde hace tiempo. Yo creo que leer un periódico a la semana es ya demasiado. Lo he intentado recientemente y me parecía que todo este tiempo no había vivido en mi región natal. El sol, las nubes, la nieve, los árboles no me dicen tanto. No puedes servir a dos amos. Requiere más de un día de atención conocer y poseer el valor de un día. Podemos, con razón, avergonzarnos de decir las cosas que hemos leído u oído. No sé por qué mis noticias tienen que ser tan triviales, teniendo en cuenta que abrigamos sueños e ilusiones, nuestro progreso no debería ser tan insignificante. Las noticias que oímos no son, en su mayoría, interesantes. Son repeticiones vacías. A menudo nos sentimos tentados de preguntar por qué se da tanto énfasis a una experiencia personal que hemos tenido. ¿Por qué después de veinticinco años, tenemos que volver a encontrar en nuestro camino a Hobbins, Registrador de Sucesos? ¿No hemos avanzado ni un centímetro, acaso? Así son las noticias diarias. Los acontecimientos flotan en la atmósfera insignificantes como las esporas de los helechos, y caen sobre un talo abandonado o sobre la superficie de nuestros montes que les proporcionan una base en la que crecer como parásitos. Deberíamos librarnos de tales noticias. ¿De qué serviría, en el caso de que explotara nuestro planeta, que hubiera un personaje involucrado en la explosión? Si somos sinceros no tendremos la menor curiosidad por tales sucesos. No vivimos para divertirnos estúpidamente. Yo no correría a la vuelta de la esquina para ver el mundo explotar. Todo el verano e incluso el otoño, tal vez os hayáis olvidado inconscientemente del periódico y de las noticias, y ahora descubrís que era porque la mañana y la tarde estaban llenas de noticias. Vuestros paseos estaban llenos de incidentes. Os interesaban no los asuntos de Europa, sino los asuntos de los campos de Massachusetts. Si tenéis la suerte de existir, de vivir y moveros dentro de ese estrecho ámbito en el que se filtran los acontecimientos que constituyen las noticias -un ámbito más estrecho que la fibra de papel en el que se imprimen- entonces estas cosas llenarán vuestro mundo, pero si os eleváis por encima de ese plano u os sumergís muy por debajo de él, ya no las recordaréis más, ni ellas a vosotros. La realidad es que ver salir el sol cada día y verlo ponerse, participar de ese modo en el curso del universo os conservará sanos para siempre. ¡Naciones! ¿Qué son las naciones? ¡Tártaros, hunos y chinos! Pululan como insectos. El historiador lucha en vano por hacerlos memorables. Hay muchos hombres pero ni uno solo que lo sea auténticamente. Son los individuos los que pueblan el mundo. Cualquier hombre que piense, puede decir con el Espíritu de Lodin Desde la altura miro a las naciones Y observo cómo se convierten en cenizas; Mi vivienda en las nubes es tranquila, Son placenteros los grandes campos de mi descanso. Just so hollow and ineffectual, for the most part, is our ordinary conversation. Surface meets surface. When our life ceases to be inward and private, conversation degenerates into mere gossip. We rarely meet a man who can tell us any news which he has not read in a newspaper, or been told by his neighbor; and, for the most part, the only difference between us and our fellow is that he has seen the newspaper, or been out to tea, and we have not. In proportion as our inward life fails, we go more constantly and desperately to the post-office. You may depend on it, that the poor fellow who walks away with the greatest number of letters, proud of his extensive correspondence, has not heard from himself this long while. I do not know but it is too much to read one newspaper a week. I have tried it recently, and for so long it seems to me that I have not dwelt in my native region. The sun, the clouds, the snow, the trees say not so much to me. You cannot serve two masters. It requires more than a day's devotion to know and to possess the wealth of a day. We may well be ashamed to tell what things we have read or heard in our day. I did not know why my news should be so trivial- considering what one's dreams and expectations are, why the developments should be so paltry. The news we hear, for the most part, is not news to our genius. It is the stalest repetition. You are often tempted to ask why such stress is laid on a particular experience which you have had- that, after twenty-five years, you should meet Hobbins, Registrar of Deeds, again on the sidewalk. Have you not budged an inch, then? Such is the daily news. Its facts appear to float in the atmosphere, insignificant as the sporules of fungi, and impinge on some neglected thallus, or surface of our minds, which affords a basis for them, and hence a parasitic growth. We should wash ourselves clean of such news. Of what consequence, though our planet explode, if there is no character involved in the explosion? In health we have not the least curiosity about such events. We do not live for idle amusement. I would not run round a corner to see the world blow up. All summer, and far into the autumn, perchance, you unconsciously went by the newspapers and the news, and now you find it was because the morning and the evening were full of news to you. Your walks were full of incidents. You attended, not to the affairs of Europe, but to your own affairs in Massachusetts fields. If you chance to live and move and have your being in that thin stratum in which the events that make the news transpire- thinner than the paper on which it is printed- then these things will fill the world for you; but if you soar above or dive below that plane, you cannot remember nor be reminded of them. Really to see the sun rise or go down every day, so to relate ourselves to a universal fact, would preserve us sane forever. Nations! What are nations? Tartars, and Huns, and Chinamen! Like insects, they swarm. The historian strives in vain to make them memorable. It is for want of a man that there are so many men. It is individuals that populate the world. Any man thinking may say with the Spirit of Lodin- "I look down from my height on nations, And they become ashes before me;- Calm is my dwelling in the clouds; Pleasant are the great fields of my rest."
Una vida sin principios (Life Without Principle), Henry David Thoreau, 1863
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sroloc--elbisivni · 8 years
Red vs Blue: Universe Collision, Chapter 6
AO3 || Verse tag
In another universe, Allison lives. A few years down the line, her Alpha squad crash-lands in the universe where she didn’t.
*Crashes through the window with a two-month-late update* HAPPY PI DAY
When Wash arrives at the training ground, he already has a headache from another night with almost no sleep. The sight of the squad of New Republic soldiers deep in gossip doesn’t do much to help.
“This doesn’t look like you’re ready for a training session,” Wash announces, letting his voice carry.
They all jump guiltily, turning en masse to look at him.
“Sorry, sir, it’s just…” the cadet, a Private Campos, trails off as Wash stares at him.
“Is it really true that Captain Caboose is from another dimension?” another private bursts out.
Wash takes a very deep breath and gives the same explanation he’s been giving for the past four days. “No. No, it’s not. As we already knew, the visitors are from a parallel universe almost identical to our own. They have counterparts here. One of their members is the counterpart to Captain Caboose’s sister. They’re not actually related.”
“Unless she’s from this dimension,” someone whispers. Wash is too tired to try and figure out who.
“If you have the energy to gossip, you have the energy to run laps. Let’s move it.”
They groan, but start running. Wash takes another very deep breath and a moment to regret the life choices that had led to him saying the words “parallel universe” in all seriousness.
After putting the soldiers through their paces, Wash has to go looking for Tucker, and comes out near the motor pool. Caboose is standing over to the side, talking quietly to Freckles. For the first time Wash has seen in the past couple of days, he’s alone, and Wash detours to talk to him.
Caboose looks up, and then hunches his shoulders. “Oh. Hello, agent Washingtub.”
Wash feels like he just got a bucket of water dumped on his head. “Caboose?”
“I am glad to see you are not still mad at me.” Caboose still won’t look up at him.
“Caboose, why would you think I was mad at you?”
“When you are mad at people, you do not like to talk to them. And you have not talked to me at all lately. So you are mad at me.”
“Caboose…” Wash takes a moment to sigh. “Caboose, I’m not mad at you.”
“See, but that is what you would say even if you were mad at me. Because you are bad at feelings but you still don’t like to hurt mine.”
“Caboose, I’m not mad at you, I promise.”
“But you are mad at Freckles.”
“What?” Wash is genuinely flabbergasted. “I’m not mad at your…dog.”
“Not this Freckles, first Freckles.”
“Oh, you mean…Niner. I’m…not mad at her.” Wash pauses. “Caboose—you do know that she’s not actually your sister, right?”
“You mean she is adopted?”
“No, it’s—you know there’s another one of Carolina, and of…me. She’s another version of your sister. The real Freckles isn’t here.”
“I know that she isn’t from here, Wash. She is still my sister.”
“Oh.” Wash keeps feeling knocked off-balance by this conversation. “Well…as long as you know that.”
“So you will stop avoiding us now?”
“I’ll stop avoiding you, Caboose.”
“Okay, but that is not—”
“I have to go find Tucker now, I’ll see you at dinner.” Wash starts for the other side of the motor pool.
“Look out!”
Wash turns just in time to see a Warthog come barreling through the entryway.
He knows he tries to dodge, he knows he fails because he feels it slam into him, and then he knows nothing at all for a good few minutes.
“Washington? Washington!”
Caboose shouting at him is a familiar enough sound that it takes Wash a few moments to register it as something important.
“Caboose, if you set the base on fire again…” he groans, hauling himself awake.
Wait a minute. Did he fall asleep in his armor again?
“Agent Washington! Oh thank goodness you are okay. There was a car. Tucker did it.”
The second part of that is probably a lie, but Wash is ready to believe there was a car. He hurts all over—he doesn’t think any bones are broken, but he’s definitely going to have a nice set of bruises. Not to mention that his head hurts like hell.
“You are okay, right?” Caboose asks.
“I—” Wash tries to rub his forehead and hits his helmet with his gauntlets. “I’m fine. I just need to go to the infirmary.”
“I will come with you!”
Wash winces at the volume of the voice. “No—no, that’s all right, really. I can make it. You should go…” He waves a hand. “Do things.”
“If you are sure,” the blue soldier says, worried. “Because you do not look very good, Agent Washington—”
“I’m fine. Go.”
He goes, and Wash turns and starts his trek for the infirmary.
Wash’s head is still kind of sore, but the doctor said he was healed enough to leave by now. A few days in a hospital bed can be really boring, it turns out, especially when most of his team is off doing other things.
He pulls on his helmet first and sends off a message to all the Freelancers. <Doc says I’m healed, but won’t let me leave alone. Some1 come get me?>
 York and the twins are heading for the edge of camp to start patrol when they get Wash’s message. They’re close enough to the infirmary to detour without losing too much ground, and when they get within sight there’s Wash, standing outside. He’s looking around at the trees, but he must not see them, because he turns around and starts to head back inside.
“Hey, Wash!” York turns up his mic, letting his voice carry. “You ready to get out of here?”
Wash turns around and sees them, pulling himself up a little bit straighter. “I—” He shakes his head slowly. “Yup. Let’s go.”
Now that the ship’s been stripped, Maine doesn’t have any big task that needs doing. He can’t collect information like Connie can, sneaking around, or just by conversation like the rest can, because the cadets still keep whispering at him. He’s taken to hiding out in the darker corners of the motor pool, running his invisibility unit at short intervals whenever someone walks past so he doesn’t have to answer any awkward questions.
The patrol assignment, when it comes down, is a relief. He and Wyoming meet up at the motor pool to wait for the signal from Florida and Connie that they can come meet them without fear of blowing their cover too close to the pirates.
Wash’s message comes in right before that.
“Shall we collect our wayward friend, then?” Wyoming asks.
Maine agrees by the simple expedient of walking off in the direction of the infirmary and letting Wyoming catch up.
He lets Wyoming stay out and keep an eye on the doors while he goes in to fetch Wash.
Conveniently, Wash is standing just inside the door, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.
When he sees Maine, he draws up very straight.
“Yup. Let’s go.”
“Agent Washington!” The doctor in white and purple armor who Maine remembers checked over Wash when they first arrived comes running up, and she stops when she gets to Maine. “Ooh, you’re big. I take it you’re going to be responsible for him?”
“Well, he hasn’t had quite as much head trauma as the Washington I know, but you should still keep an eye on him for the next couple of days. Make sure he gets plenty of fluids and sleep and doesn’t take any more whacks to the noggin. And if he starts bleeding from the eyeballs…well, let me know.”
“Wait, what?”
Wash is screeching again. He should be fine.
“Will do.”
“Well. Have a lovely day, both of you.”
As they head out, Maine types up a message and sends it out to York, Carolina, and Connie. <Got WA, heading out.>
They get twenty feet before York sends back a message that makes Maine’s stomach flip.
<u cant have wash we hsve wash>
“Wash.” Maine drops a hand onto Wash’s shoulder. “Take off your helmet.”
“Seriously? I’m fine—”
Wash doesn’t make him repeat himself, just reaches up and undoes the seal. He looks exactly like Maine has always known him to look, blond hair sticking up around a brand-new bump and freckles sprinkled across his face.
“Not bleeding out the eyeballs, see?”
Maine snaps a picture and sends it to York, because this is definitely their Wash. Which means York and the twins definitely have a problem.
“So, what are we doing out here?” Wash asks as they’re tramping along.
“Just a regular perimeter check. Trying to get to know the terrain, make sure there aren’t going to be any nasty surprises sneaking up on us.” York answers with half his brain, the other half busy scanning the trees.
“Why this planet, though?”
Right, missed the briefing because of the checkup. “Don’t let the concussion pull you too far down, Wash. It’s the alien tech or something.”
“Oh.” Wash prods a vine on a nearby log with his rifle. “So where is it?”
“You’re hilarious,” South mutters.
“So how far out from camp are we going?” North calls from where he’s monitoring their position.
York just barely catches Wash’s mutter of “camp?” as he does some quick calculations. “Just a klik. Florida and Connie are starting on the other side of the camp, closer to the pirates. Maine and Wyoming are going to go join them after they’re past the really dangerous area, and we’ll meet them at the rendezvous. Which is about five kliks from here.”
“Pirates?” And that’s Wash’s screechy voice. York had missed that screechy voice. “What’s going on with this planet?”
“Couldn’t tell you if I tried, buddy.”
South slings an arm over Wash’s shoulder and starts giving him a creative spiel, with North interjecting at key points for realism. York’s figuring out a good contribution when his helmet pings with a message from Maine.
<Got WA, heading out.>
York stops in his tracks for a second, causing South to crash into him and cuss him out. He mutters some apology, trying to scramble ahead and type at the same time.
<u cant have wash we hsve wash.>
Maine’s reply is a picture. That’s their Wash, alright—freckles and blond hair and a bump on his head, caught right before he put his helmet on.
Shit. They have the wrong Wash.
“Hold up,” York blurts out, raising a fist. “Quiet for a sec.”
They all stop and shut up and he opens up a private channel to the twins. “Maine and Wyoming just caught Wash coming out of the medbay.”
“But isn’t that where we found—” North suddenly falls silent.
“Yup. We need to head back. Try to act like everything’s normal, don’t let him realize, if he takes off out here he might actually get lost for good.”
“Well? Do you hear anything?” Wash asks, impatient.
“Got a message from Carolina,” York lies. “We have to head back now.”
“Seriously? We just got out here!” Wash complains.
“Hey, you can be the one to argue with her, alright? Let’s just go back to camp.”
They turn around, heading back, and York thinks they might actually get back with no problems when a Warthog bursts through the trees, that crazy mechanic kid Niner’s probably going to adopt driving. Niner herself is clinging for dear life to the seat.
“Sorry!” the kid yells, careening back into the trees. Niner yells something about “hell of a pilot”—what a terrifying thought—and then they’re gone.
“Well, I think we can check “near-death experience” off the day’s to-do list,” York offers, trying not to let his voice shake.
“Niner?” Wash’s mutter cuts off South’s tirade before it can start, and they all turn to stare as he brings a hand up to his head. “With—Jensen?” He notices them, and stares like he’s seeing them for the first time.
“How are you doing, Wash?” North offers, sounding totally normal, like if he just acts calm and composed he can keep Wash from freaking out
And for an impossible moment, York thinks it’ll work, because Wash doesn’t do anything—
and then Wash drops his hand and stares up at the sky. “I’d like to wake up now,” he says, not looking at any of them.
“Wash?” York tries.
“I said I want to wake up now. Go away.”
“You can’t wake up, Wash, seriously. Stop being so creepy.”
Wash doesn’t seem to hear her, scrabbling for his gloves and then helmet catches, pulling them off.
And if any of them are doubting which Wash they have at this point, those doubts are gone. This Wash, from this universe, looks so old and so tired, the bags under his eyes enormous and his face eternally drawn. There’s a scar across the bridge of his nose that looks old and worn, and as he frantically spins around, scanning the trees for something, there are ugly scars visible on the back of his neck.
York trades looks with North and South, reopening the channel. “How do you want to play this?”
“No. No. No. I can’t—Grey wouldn’t—I won’t go back there.” Wash slams his fist into a tree, and ouch, that’s bound to hurt without armor. “I won’t!” he yells at the sky. “Do you hear me? Wake up!”
“Call one of the troopers,” York says, and closes the channel, approaching Wash carefully. “Hey, Wash? You need to calm down. You’re not dreaming, I promise, this is just—”
Before he can go any further, Wash tackles him to the ground and grabs at his helmet, undoing the latches and yanking it up. York is too stunned to do more than stare up at Wash as his face goes from shocked to vicious.
“Nice try,” Wash says, voice cold and dangerous. “But York only had one eye.”
And wow, York would love some time to process that, but South grabs Wash off of him.
“Get a grip, Washington!” she yells, throwing him to the ground before York can warn her that might be a bad idea.
“South’s dead,” Wash snarls at her. “I killed her myself. You want to pull one over on me, do your goddamned research.”
“The fuck?!” South freezes in place, and North starts to come forward, but York cuts him off.
“Wash, stop!” he yells, stepping between the twins and Wash. “This isn’t a trick, it’s not a trap, you’re on—”
“Oh yeah, York?” And the way Wash says his name, York knows he doesn’t believe him. “Then tell me, what’s the first thing Delta ever said to me?”
“Who?” And now York’s just plain confused. “Delta? Is he like Epsilon?”
Wash’s eyes go wide and dark and scary. “I’m not telling you anything,” he snarls, and then pulls out his gun.
Which is about the time another Warthog crashes through the trees, this one with Grif and Sarge on board.
“Agent Washington! What the hell are you doing? Weapons should never be pointed at your fellow soldiers! Unless they’re pointed at Grif!”
Something in Wash’s face and body language jerks, and the weapon drops from his hands as Grif drives the Warthog in between him and the Freelancers.
“I don’t—” York can’t see his face anymore, but Wash’s voice just sounds weak now. “What…what did I—” A pause. “Oh, no…”
“Hey, mustache universe guys! Did Wash shoot anyone?”
“He killed me, is what he fucking—”
“No!” York yells, miming shut up at South.
“Great. Get in, asshole.”
“Not-a-captain Grif! Clearly your false promotion has addled your brain and made you believe you’re capable of giving orders. This will have to be corrected! In the meantime, Washington, get in!”
“I can’t—”
“Don’t you fucking dare leave me alone in this car with Sarge.”
York grabs Wash’s helmet and gloves, which wound up on their side of the Warthog, and hands them up to Sarge.
He takes them, and then lightning-quick, grabs one of York’s wrists.
“Now you just stay right here, son,” he says, quiet and brimming with the potential for danger. “You just stay right here.”
The Warthog drives away, Wash on board, leaving the three of them behind.
York walks over to his helmet, picks it up, and puts it back on.
“What the fuck,” South growls, and then walks away to beat the shit out of some trees.
York can’t blame her.
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thebottomoftheapple · 6 years
The Comeback Kid
HELLO... It’s.Been.AGES.
I owe myself a hugeeee apology for not writing since mid 2017. The Year is now 2019 WOW. Kinda unreal, kinda exciting since welp 2018 was nottttt itttttt. BUT before we go let me recap– as much as I can– of where I left off.
Shortly after my last post (finishing off junior year) I went to Altanta (Suwanne) to stay with Tio Edwin + family WHILE I interned with Resolve Media Group ❤️❤️and it was honestly one of the most amazing yet ordinary taste of adulthood to this day! I first work on the LifeTime movie (Oscar Pistorious) for the first month which was a great learning experience and met some great people. After that, I worked more at Resolve and the amazing Chad, Will, and even Mac. And ofc Jay and Summer! I was an Office PA, Overall Set PA, and Art PA. And honestly though the hours were sometimes unbearably long, I was happy! I was in a grove, I enjoyed getting up and going to working and driving hours through Atlanta traffic everyday. I’m pretty sure I was at my lowest weight at the end of that summer and tan(ish) ugh I miss it a lot. BUT, God willing, I may be back there soon enough, doing what I love! Ahh and after I came back to NY, I went right to another one of my favorite places LONDON💙💙 
London and abroad was something else and there’s no way I could write it all down but the best and worst of those memories I’ll never forget. From LIVING in a London flat to seeing my Dad in Barcelona, running away from the Florence police, looking for my phone off the train tracks of Italian campos, trying my first (and still only) gyro in Greece, birthday peeing in the streets of Budapest, living one of my absolute favorite fairytale lives in Amsterdam, and playing house and thinking I found the love of my life off a foreign tindr swipe 😂. Abroad was truly an amazing experience and I can’t wait to (because I definitely will!) go back for more adventures!
I came back to NY at the end of 2017... with a boyfriend lmao. Well at the time I would have been soooo gee and happy, I really thought I was part of that statistic of people who come back from abroad in a long distance relationship lol.... and then eventually go back and live happily ever after. But nope that didn’t happen but absolutely for the best. But i was really happy and you could tell, I just felt lighter and less mentally/emotionally strained like I had been with previous lovers. WHICH!! is so bad because I feel like that means I put too much emphasis on having romantic relationships in my life. But I think the switch was so different because I had been dealing with BS for so long... Nabil treated me better than anyone, spoiled me tbh, but also gave me more attention and affection than anyone had before... definitely the funnest sex lol, humor, music, and real conversation about real things... which also turned out to be the core of why he was definitely not the one aha... But back to emphasizing relationship, that’s really evident now especially because I haven’t dealt with anyone for almost a year but if I’m being honest it’s actually like 6 months (the devil never stops working haha), which is still long for me and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way because my life right now has no room for any of that–literally. So that’s been fine... that was a secondary concern, ya know a lil heartbreak but a lot of more lessons learned about myself. And now I’m so used to not dealing with anything of that nature all together that it’s definitely not a priority coming into 2019. (OFC I get in my bag sometimes, think about an old ting, but none of that was ever going to be what I wanted it to)
Thank U, Next! lol no but to get into my biggest concerns this past year, has been about me. Specifically my future/career and what steps to take because now I absolutely have control on what’s next. Oh yeah I graduated college btw, which is the reason why I was (am) so lost because it’s not school! I mean it could be, but I really don’t think it’s necessary. That weighed on me heavy throughout the summer because I did eventually get an internship at NowThis Media, which is where I’m still freelancing at now, but I knew that wasn’t what I wanted to be doing long-term. Lmao yet here I am 🤦‍♀️but no honestly it’s not terrible, it’s great experience/for my resume and money is good enough for someone saving and not paying real bills rn (shoutout to my amazing mother 😭). I have a better plan now but things could change maybe if the position/MONEY is right but we’ll see. The plan is to go back to Atlanta, stay with family again, and see if it’s possible to do what I love and make a living out of it and officially move there. And to do that by the summer I need to start planning now but I’m trying to time everything out. SO there’s that.. I’m praying for the best 🙏🙏🙏
Last but not least, ME, mentally, physically, spiritually ME. Honestly coming out of the great year that was 2017 I thought I was on such a great path and I was but things happen aha... it wasn’t until after graduation that I started to get really sad because of of the whole ‘what am I going to do/what’s my calling’ but I thought it was pretty normal because it is for a lot of people. But I underestimated that sadness because it definitely got worse going into the Fall. I mean not 100% unbearable sadness like 2015 💆Thank God. But I had my moments, like just feeling lost and out of place, not enjoying my daily routine (inc. work, social media), car L’s of course 🙄, friendship tribulations, and just unfortunate events that have messed with my spirit and energy. 
BUT! definitely some good outcomes... health wise: I joined a gym! and have gone at least 1-4 times a week ever since so that’s really good. An interesting/sus older man once told me to invest in yourself and I def have lol. Started being in control/paying for more ‘big girl things’ you could say. Learned to leave some things alone that needed to be left. Got closer to some of the more important people in my life. Went out a little more I think, which is deb(t)atably a good thing. A lots more reflection, which I think is where I’ve been lacking because I stopped writing and sorta lost a little sense of self. And I think I did embark on the self-love journey and work on my confidence and speaking up but I think I approached that as my main issues. And yes those are some but I believe I overlooked some other character issues. I was too focused on speaking up and being more out there but sometimes that gets me into worse situations. Sure, I need to speak out more but also I need to be more mindful about what I say and also about what and how much I share with people who are honestly not good for me and my inner peace. It’s a hard balance but that is something I’ll be tackling from now on. And learning it’s ok! to remove myself and not explain doing things that are good for me ( but also knowing when to let go of my pride sometimes). It’s all a balance that I have yet to master but I at least I am aware of it now. Following my gut and making sure internally that I’m good will be a good goal for the year. 
So I guess I’m into goals now 🤗
- Use social media less, way less! I really think this is the source of some of my lost feeling because of the undeniable idea of comparison and blah blah but yeah I feel like I could be doing much more healthier things like reading again!
- Keep up my gym life, and try to do better when it comes to eating too.
-Really try out this Atlanta thing because it’s honestly very accessible and worth the try especially at 22, this is my time to following my dreams and take risks and be afraid but also be brave because my happiness short-term/long-term actually depends on it!
- The last big thing is really that inner peace thing, trusting my gut, being a better me and not something that isn’t me. Addressing my ‘toxicity’ and flaws to be a happier and healthier spirit. 
- Oh and go out less meaning like lituations because honestly clubs, lounges, party functions are really not for me and I’ve accepted that but I think once I  get my life together I will easily avoid those situations bc the fomo/desire to be with the people I care for really be putting me in situations I don’t enjoy lmao wasting so much money, when I can be with them and have fun in actually fun events. 
- And write more duh!
Okay 🙂I think this post is long enough. A good ‘last time in Kiara’s life’ recap of the last ~18months. This is a good start to getting back to a healthier but even better me. I should also start writing down and keeping track of some of my goals. Hopefully through writing here but regardless still writing because I do believe this is a worthwhile, therapeutic outlet. 
SO HERE’S TO 2019 🥂
A prosperous and happy life-changing year! I know big things things are coming. Having patience and facing my fears are really my determining factors of what the year will bring but I know can overcome them. 
Until next time, which will be soon I promise!
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oreoassassin · 7 years
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4chan, Af, and America: Anonymous ID:+avAiycd Mon 06 Nov 2017 20:38:51 No.14832449View Report f you are avoiding assasination, the last thing you want are clothes that scream 1AM THE PRINCE OF SAUDI ARABIA Anonymous ID:avAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:00:40 No.148327163View Report help you ds thn Saud (King (1932-1953) King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz AJ Saud (Deceased):5th son of King Saud. King of Saud Arabia until his death in 2015. Successor is King Salman Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Henceforth King Salman) Current King of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). 8th son of deceased King Abdulaziz lbn Mohammad bin Salman (Henceforth Crown Prince Mohammad] Son of King Salman. Currently next in line to be king after King Salman Muqrin bin Abdulaziz (Former Deputy Crown Prince. Henceforth Muqrin):9th son of deceased King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud. Was next in line to be king f King Salman had died before being crowned king IS THE FATHER OF Mansour bin Mugrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saudt THE MAN KILLED IN THE Mansour bin Mugrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Henceforth Mansour):Son of Muqrin bin Abdulaziz. Died 11/5/2017, the day of the failed coup on the Alwaleed bin Talal (Henceforth Talal): Billionaire businessmen Grandson of King Saud. Has ties to DNC, Clinton, Podesta. Arrested 11/4/2017 for corruption. Owns The Four Seasons at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas (Four Seasons occupy the top floors of Mandalay Bay) Owns shares in Twiter as well as other high-tech silicon valley companies. Has had spats with Trump in the past I know that's a mouthful of names, but bear with me. Just remember 4 names: Salman, Mohammad, Mugrin, and Mansour Anonymous ID1+svA1yCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:02:18 No.148327351 Do you remember how President Trump visited Saudi Arabia back in May of 20177 Do you remember how warmly he was greeted by King Salman? 1 do It was a spectacle Why was he greeted so welcomingly? Ater all. President Obama's reception was shall we say, less than grand Do you remember how ater Trump's wisit, Saudi Arabia started becoming more open in their policies? Women can drive there now. Did you notice how the Syrian reballion became quiet? Did you notice how quickdy IS S was crushed ater the isit? Why did Saudi Arabia suddenly want to get their oil companies listed on the NYSE? What could have caused this? To answer this, we have to look a ittle further back. Back to around 2010 t all goes back to fracking You see, the Kindom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has always relied heavly on its vast petrol reserves for wealth and prosperity. And they were uthless. OPEC. The cartel of gasoine. You cant count the number of times throughout history that OPEC used its power to crush govemments, manipulate prices, control supplies, and fund activities. If there ever was a international group of bullies, OPEC was it. And at KSA Then came the fracking boom. Suddenly, the world was no longer at the mercy of OPEC. This made them nervous. So, they did what they always do businesses. KSA is rich. Very rich. They figured, we'll just drive gas prices unbelievably low and take the loss until all these fracking business the Anonymous ID:+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:03:27 No.148327486 Do you remember how cheap gas got between 2013 2016? was ridiculous, wasnt it? But what they didn't count on was just how cheap fracking had become So many of these business didn't go bankrupt. So they took another step. To convince the world that fracking was bad for the evironment. So they lobbied and supplied funds to the Democratic party. Why? Because the leftist are usualy the ones who support ANY and ALL now understand why the Saudis donated so much money to the Cinton campaign? She was HEAVILY favored to win and if she did, you can bet your ass that illegalizing fracking would have been on the top of her list, returning us to dependence on arab oil. But... .this didn't work either You see, KSA had vastly underestimated the amount of total shale reserves in North America. They had no idea that so much of this stuff exists They thought maybe they could ride it out if the reserves would dry up in a decade or so. But nope. We have enough shale to supply us for at least what do you do? Anonymous ID:+vA1yCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:04:19 No.148327596 Well, there's only one thing you can do. Give up the reliance on oil production and try to use existing wealth to stay wealthy. To modernize its trade to include more than just exports af ail. They would need to build an entire industrial country from scratch. To do that, he needed the help of the USA. And that's where President Trump comes in You see and King meeting King Salman asked Trump for help Trump was more than wiling to give it ike listing the oil companies on the NYSE) but his help would come with a price. Liberalization and the stop of llegal funding. No more contributions to American poltics. No more suppling unds to terrorists or splinter groups. King Salman took the deal. Al of a sudden, women were allowed to drive. ISS was retreating. Syrian rebels suddenly ran out of Not all the rayalties in KSA are into this They dont like losing the power they once had. What's worse, they don't want to become liberal. They now start resenting King Salmon. They start plotting against him. At the foretront of this movement is none other than the previous Deputy Crown Prince Anonymous ID:+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:06:37 No.148327876 October 1, 2017. The top floors of Mandalay Bay isn't Mandalay Bay, but is Four Seasons, owned by bilionaire Talal. Who was occupying that whole foor that night? I can't remember where, but I heard that the whole floor was reserved for that week Now, no one would do that unless they were Saudi royalty. We don't know for sure, but my guess is Crown Prince Miohammad We know it wasn't King Salman, because he was in Russia The plan is to take out the crown prince. Then kill King Salman. With the King and the Crown Prince dead, who is next in ine? Yup The former deputy crown prince, Mugrin. So, posing as terrorists who wanted to buy the guns for some terrorist attack, they dupe the CIA or FBI to supply the guns to the death squad Their real plan is to climb the stairs right ater the deal and kill the VIP in the floors above them. This is why the weapons cashe was located on the 32nd floor. They would only have to climb a few stairs or take the elevator up a little to start the kiling Now, here's what Anonymous ID1+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:07:30 No.148327969 With the post rom u/kneejerk55, I have modified the events of the night. I think t fits much better point, Paddock is thinking this is a gun deal Only a few magazines are loaded. He merely wants to show the customers how to load the chamber etc... What he doesn't know is that the advance team was sent to secure the floor. That all but one entry point to the floor would be barricaded crucial since the reason Campos becomes suspicious of the blocked doors is what utimately leads him to investigate) The reason for the barricade s that once the assaut starts, the assassins want to maloe sure to impede the authorities as much as possible from reaching the top foors CIA/FBI (or Trump's own intelligence) got wind of the assassination that was about to take place. Immediate action is taken to round up the assassins. Remember, we're talking about an army of assassins here. You can't kall a Crown Prince who's protected by 30 armed bodyguards by ID: +avAi yca Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:08:19 No.14 Quoted Dy 3-143328163 3148328380 7/9 What the assassins didn't know was that the prince had disguised himsel as a regular dude to enjoy the nightlife in Vegas. (Saudi princes have been known to do this) He had slipped away fom the Mandalay and was at the Tropicana playing some cards As soon as the FB(or some other agency) leamed of the assassination plot, they stormed the Tropicana and extracted the prince. The video can be seen hare htps.//www. http://youtube.com/watch?v-YVHmshtmDgo They lead him out of the casino and escort him to the nearest helipad to be picked up. BUT, on the way, they encounter some resistance fom a few assassins. Hence the frefight at the airport. Eventualy, he makes it to the chopper and is whisked away This explains the fight radar reports you see all over the net Meanwhile, the FBIl has gathered up as many of the assassins as they can. A few are armed with sidearms. They don't have rifles yet because the rendezvous with Paddock hasnt occurred yet. Hence the random frefights at various casinos that night. A few are killed. Hence the Laura Loomer Anonymous ID:+svAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:09:04 No-148328163 B/9 The assassins already in Paddock's room gets a call. They are told that the Prince is not in his suite above. That he's being escorted out of the Tropicana. They start panicking. If they get caught in this plot to assassinate the crown prince, not only are they dead, but their employer is dead as well They come up with a plan. They will kill Paddock and start firing on the crowd below. They're gonna make him a crazy lone gunman So they koll Paddock. They break a window They pick up a rnite and start fring at the crowd below Ater a couple of mags, they realize that the other mags arent loaded Holy fuck. They start reloading as fast as possible. This is why the average time between bursts of fire is over 40 seconds One of them gets an idea Let me go to the other room and break that window and shoot at the fuel tanks at a nearby airport. This will draw the police away rom the Mandalay and they can escape. So he goes and attempts just that. Unfortunately, the tanks do not blow up By this time, Jesus Campos s knocking on the door. So they just unload on him. This is why there are (supposedly) 200 shots through the door. Campos escapes a lethal shot :4avAiyCd Mon 06 The assassins already in Paddock's room gets a call. They are told that the Prince is not in his suite above. That he's being escorted out of the get caught in this plot to assassinate the crawn prince, not well. They come up with a plan. They will kill Paddock and start firing on the crowd below. They're gonna make him a crazy lone gunman So they kill Paddock. They break a window. They pick up a rite and start firing at the crowd below Ater a couple of mags, they reaize that the other mags arent loaded Holy fuck. They start reloading as fast as possible. This is why the average time between bursts of fre is over 40 seconds. One of them gets an idea Let me go to the other room and break that window and shoot at the fuel tanks at a nearby airport. This will draw the police away from the Mandalay and they can escape. So he goes and attempts just that. Unfortunately, the tanks do not blow up. By this time, Jesus Campos s knocking on the door. So they just unload on him. This is why there are (supposedly) 200 shots through the door. Campos escapes a lethal shot is firing are thinking as soon as this barrage is done, we run. But the swat team starts knocking on the door. Fuck. The assassins reaize they're screwed So the frst one shoots himself. (This is the frst of the single shots you hear at the end). The second assassin isnt so sure Anonymous ID:avaiycd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:11:23 No.148328450 9/10 The SWAT team bursts in and finds 3 bodies. They start asking questions. But because the FBl is already there (remember, they extracted the prince) they talke over They quickly assess the situation. They realize the implications They remove the 2 assassins bodies, take a picture of Paddock is made the patsy Why? Because if a failed Saud assassination attempt was responsible for the deaths, if the FECIA had supplied the guns that killed 58 innocent people (not counting Paddock since he's an asset), then two things would happen One, we would demand that we go to war with Saudi Arabia. And two, which ever organization that Paddock worked for would be utterly dismantled Wew lads, I know Quite a story Now let's fast forward to one month later We know a missile was intercepted by the Saudi mitary on November 3 or 4th. This was probably the inal effort by the anti King Salman group This was their last ditch effort to kill him. OR, it was staged to give King Salman the excuse to round everyone up in retaliation of the assassination attempt. We know that MASSIVE raids and the rounding of Saudi princes took place on the 5th.Iwill guarantee you that al these people are ant Salman/Mohammad. And who was just kiled? Yes. The son of Mugrin, Mansour. Mansours death was retaliation. I have no doubt of it. He was Ok, now that this has happened, what's next? Well, my guess will be that we will learn all of the funding that has been coming out of Saudi Arabia for the past decade. It will expose their connections to the DNC. We will learn that they have been at the root of all the turmoil in the Middle East Anonymous ID: +ョVAyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:11:SS No. 148328519 - View Report PS The story works just fine with Paddock as a private illegal guns dealer, meaning the FBUCIA only helped to foil the assassination attempt. He doesnt have to be working for an alphabet agency. However, given the clues from his Iife style (or the utter lack of t)Im betting that he was an 10/10 http://ift.tt/2AgWUSI
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
im a bit late bc i was at work all day but time for ep37 reactions!! i cant believe its already here
- now ive heard everyone talking about the intro i bet its gonna be a rickroll or some shit
- hermie mention in the intro im so calm and cool and chill about this /j
- WILL CAMPOS U ABSOLUTE MADMAN. i already knew he was gonna find a way around using revivify but THAT WAS WILD
- are people gonna start drawing normal w that piece of jewelry now. bc i wanna. i already like drawing him w bracelets
- oh god what is beths fact gonna be.
- "i just keep meeting all the right people at all the wrong times" BETH MAY U ARE EVIL. THE PLOT OF THIS EPISODE HASNT EVEN STARTED AND IM ALREADY EMO
- NICKY BETTER FUCKING SHOW UP im curious to see what they actually decided on for the reason for him not being there last episode
- HERMIE WAS REMEMBERED giggles and kicks my feet
- were getting terris reaction rn i cant believe this is happening
- IM starting to feel sick godddd
- i bet im gonna see art of the lincoln and taylor piggyback ride hehe
- "theres my girl" STFUUUUUU
- "just wake him up" I. HATE. THIS EPSIODE
- "whoooa shit thats fucked up!" anthony burch i know u are just so incredibly pleased w urself.
- there was never a more obvious lie than willy saying hell revive terry
- beth is out for fucking blood this episode. god she is so good at making the audience feel for her characters
- halfway through the episode now. cant wait to see what could possibly go wrong next!!
- i love whenever anthony allows a fun rulebreaking idea to work
- rons status remains a mystery....
- "we could do a whole scene w just hermie and all the other ones" u joke matt but i enjoy every scene w hermie no matter how unnecessary and drawn out
- as always linc and taylor are such a funny iconic duo
- i just realized WE STILL HAVENT SEEN NICKY!!! GODDAMN!!!
- "the gayest fucking mecha of all time" swiftli fans do u like the new ship name /j
- ig i cannot deny it anymore swiftli is practically canon atp
- i thought nicky got all his limbs back?? did anthony just forget
- btw ive probably been waking up my whole house w how hard im laughing over swiftli this episode
- "so what are u gonna do, ur gonna kill me?" as i said before. i hate this episode.
- i just had such a weird thought/prediction. but i will hold my tongue. bc the last time i said something like this it came true and i do not want this to come true
- "i love u and i hate that u made me love u when u are who u are and u knew it." I WISH U COULD SEE MY FUCKING FACE RN. HOLYYY SHIT THATS DEVASTATING
- oh. my. good. lord.
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xeezhiah · 7 years
April 23, 2017: Nat Geo Earth Day Run 2017 - 13.57mi = 21.84km
Unofficial time is 3hrs and 35mins.
Officially a half-marathoner today.
And since today was some sort of a day of firsts, I will make this post run blog as light and funny as I can be.
I called it a night around 4.30pm on a Saturday and asked my sister to wake me up at around 11.30pm so that I could prepare. I have had a good sleep, snoring even. So I was really serious about being up and about at 11.30pm.
I cooked my too late for dinner and too early for breakfast pre race meal for energy while I watch a cooking show on TV. I thought of eating sweets for dessert but I woke up assessing myself if I really was ready for a half mary hence thinking I don’t need a sugar rush at all.
Just when I was race day ready, with my hair fixed and I am all dressed up, rain poured down and I thought “history repeats itself” - I say so because when I ran my first 16k, it was under a heavy downpour and it seemed to me that the same thing is about to happen. But the rain gods must have heard my prayers that they stopped the downpour as I arrived at the Mall of Asia Complex.
“Huling tanong, Xy-Zha… seryoso ka ba talaga sa half marathon na to?” I wrote as Facebook status upon checking in at the race village. I say so because I still wasn’t so sure if I really can do it or not. But then, I was there anyway so, wala nang atrasan to. Bahala na.
As I stand at the assembly area, I was still pondering “oh ano na, baby girl? Pwede ka pa umuwi.” But then, I am not a quitter so as the gun starts, I tapped runtastic tracking and took a deep breath then turned myself into an eco warrior, running for the earth along with nationalities in 5 other different cities across Asia.
At the 2km mark, I happen to see my fellow Letranite, Ken and he was asking me “bakit ba natin ginagawa to?” Even when running, I still can’t figure out why so I told him “bes, di ko din alam. Grabe no? Nagbayad tayo ng 1.4K para mahirapan.” But then again, joke lang yun coz Ken and I wanted to do this by just being there. I ran past him and after and I didn’t see him at the course after.
Approaching the 10k mark, passing by the U-Turn at Luneta, I couldn’t help but take a snapshot of the Philippine Flag even so the shirt I was wearing has a flag in it too. Iba pa din yung feeling na makita mo yung flag ng country mo high and might. For some reasons, nakaka proud. Ewan. Parang at that moment, ang sarap maging Filipino.
Then I felt the race route tricked me. Buong akala ko, full flat course tapos biglang may pagdaan sa flyover. Matindi neto, not just once but FOUR times. I say four times coz we have to pass through Buendia Flyover twice and EDSA flyover twice also. Uphill has always been my weakness so at that moment sa totoo lang, my mind was switching between wanting to jump off the flyover or maglaslas pero syempre di ko ginawa. Mas gusto ko pa rin matapos yung run.
Amidst the threat of rain early on, the weather was generally humid and without proper hydration and first aid measures, magpapass out kang talaga. So each time I get to see my arms already reddish and I can feel the heat climb up my head, I see to it na at the hydration stop, I splash on water on my face and grab a little piece of ice that I can lightly scrub on my face and nape. Proven effective.
Kudos to Run Rio for setting up sponge and banana stations also - that sure helped me a lot in avoiding cramps in such a difficult course. Thirteen miles na hindi ako na cramps in spite humidity - because I was hydrated well, and also, the medicated sprays were unlimited so no muscle ache up until I stopped running na.
Because it was my first half mary, I figured out that I can take a video of myself crossing the finish line - as a lasting remembrance that such moment did happen. First time also that I got a glimpse of my official time as I took a video of my finish.
However, it saddened me that the event is supposed to be Eco-friendly but andami pa rin runners who doesn’t know how to responsibly throw their trashes even when trash bins are provided in the course. Nakakalungkot. It defeated the purpose of the “taking care of the planet” connotation of the run. Sana next run, matutunan ng most runners yun.
I nearly cried nung isinabit sa akin yung finisher’s medal ko, surreal ng feeling. Para akong nananaginip lang pero ilang beses kong tinignan yung medal, shet. Totoo sya. Half Marathon finisher na nga ako. Amazing!
So… as always, I would end my post run blog with shoutouts pero brief lang.
Sa mga naniwala that I can run half mary without injury, maraming salamat! I am twice as thankful for the prayers you have given me as I brave a 13.1 miler.
John Gerald Campos, salamat sa inspirasyon. You are still the one that keeps me going. My first half marathon is for you.
Now I can call myself a legit runner.
Thank you, God for making me finish the run injury free.
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