#will trent abc
dannypinot · 5 months
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WILL TRENT 2.06: We Are Family
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trafficjamupthere · 5 months
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+ Capt. Duke Wagner's Daughter
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karin848 · 7 months
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Blue Bell as Betty in Will Trent Episode 1: Pilot (air date Jan 3rd 2023)
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Birthday Bingo Celebration: Troublemaker - Will Trent x Reader
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Tagging: @words-and-seeds @trublu2u @littleesilvia @oscarisaacispunk @elizabeththebat
Companion piece to Letting Go - Will finally decides to let go of Angie.
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It isn’t until a month later that Will realises he’s forgotten Angie’s birthday. It’s the first time in his entire life that he hasn’t given that woman a second thought. He’s too busy chasing after his daughter Libby, because she’s seven months old and just learned how to crawl. The mischief that child can get into if left unattended for under ten seconds astounds him but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“She’s a trouble maker just like her momma.” He tells you as he scoops her up into his arms on his way into the kitchen. She'd been making a beeline straight for Betty’s dog basket before he’d thwarted her progress.
“Nice try sugar.” He mumbles against her temple as she starts to grumble. He begins to rock slowly, bouncing his hips a little as he clasps her to his chest and his baby girl, she starts to settle almost immediately.
“You’re a natural.” You say as you continue to cut veggies on the chopping board and he smiles as his palm comes to rest on the back of Libby’s head, his thumb smoothing over her feather light hair.
“It’s all in the hips.” He tells you and you can’t help but laugh.
Will has taken to fatherhood better than either of you had imagined. He’d been attentive throughout your pregnancy, barely able to take his hands off you inside the bedroom or out of it.
He’d listened to as many baby books as humanly on Audible whilst he was decorating the nursey, landscaping the garden and baby proofing the entire house. He’d spent evenings singing Nina Simone songs to your baby bump just so she would learn the sound of his voice. He’d laughed when she kicked, following the motions with his palm. You couldn’t ask for a better husband.
Libby raises a tiny hand, pressing it to his mouth and he kisses her tiny delicate fingertips.
“It was Angie’s birthday last month.” He tells you, his attention focused entirely on daughter. “It’s the first year I’ve forgotten it.”
“We can go this weekend if you like.” You say softly, inclining your head towards him. “Pick up some yellow roses on the way.”
“No.” He says quietly as he lifts Libby high in the air and she laughs out loud at the sensation, her tiny features lighting up with joy as she looks into her father’s eyes. “I meant what I said about leaving the past behind. I just want to focus on our future.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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monachopism · 6 months
pls Will Trent writers make one of ur mcs bi or sth so that Tumblr will pay attention to this show. please.
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w00wzerz · 5 months
The wedding looks stole the show 😍😍
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georgiainvestigators · 4 months
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Image ID: Screenshots from Will Trent episode 1x02, with dialogue:
Faith: The DNA from the shirt won’t be back for another 48 hours. 
Will: We have three hours until Abigail pays the ransom. I need it now. Call the lab. 
Faith: Okay, Ill gust go... yell at science. 
end ID
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niennaofnumenor · 4 months
obsessed with the entire cast of will trent. everybody is babygirl. also. getting to see everyone in one episode all together. that's my family :'))
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eveningspirit · 4 months
I loved the season finale of Will Trent. THAT's how you write a plot twist you guys.
Everyone and their uncle guessed who the killer was (I mean the viewers. And wasn't it satisfying to be right? You bet it was.) The real punch came from what happened after. The emotional rollercoaster of the consequences for the main characters.
And now, we really have no idea how they are going to write themselves out of this hole, but it's going to be a Journey(tm). In January? Serously? That's one long hiatus...
But that's the main MCs and I'm more invested in the secondary MCs. Or. One of them, actually, Michael Ormewood.
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The other day I had a moment of trepidation reading some fans' takes in comments on tvline and spoilertv. Many people who read the books seem to want Ormewood to become more like his character from those pages. I would hate it, if that happened.
I don't exactly know the backstory of the book-Ormie, but the one in the show is an ex-army vet with anger issues (yes, I have a type, what of it?). In season one he said he's "doing the work". In season two we saw him doing the work, stepping up for his kids, when his wife left to "find herself again" (good for her). He struggled (that episode with Cooper's braids was golden), but he's coming into his own (it's a process).
And Jake McLaughlin is wonderful in that role. He can be ruthless and aggressive, but in the scenes with the kids he's so gentle and caring it melts my heart.
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It would be a shame to waste all that progress, for the shock value of Ormewood becoming a murderer (because his life turned out not quite how he expected). Please, dear writers, I know you're better than that.
The scenes between Ormewood and his wife Gina in the finale gave me hope, that he's not going to be thrown under the bus here. Another storyline is possible for him in season three -- the custody battle. Or adjusting to shared custody. Or anything, really, but not a downward spiral.
I keep my fingers crossed for that and meanwhile, omg, I have a vague idea for a fic. A real, genuine inspiration, that gives me that nice, warm, fluffy feeling (don't get me wrong -- there won't be no fluff. There'll be angst and anger and pain)
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silas-lehnsherr · 2 years
So far I’m really liking Will Trent on abc. Naturally my favorite character is Betty.
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windshield91 · 1 year
911 lone star, 3x08 "Gwyn has an emergency"
3x07, Tk received a call that she died.
Will Trent, 1x13 "With Angie on leave"
1x12, she was abducted by a serial killer.
Press releases really have a weird way with words to describe very stressful events.
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dannypinot · 5 months
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WILL TRENT 2.07: Have You Never Been to a Wedding?
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trafficjamupthere · 4 months
Bad Bitch Betty cruising with her man
Season 1
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Season 2
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tvshowpilot · 2 years
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Here’s everything you need to know about Will Trent, ABC's upcoming crime drama starring Ramón Rodríguez which is based on bestselling novels by Karin Slaughter.
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Trust: Will Trent x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @yezzyyae @words-and-seeds @trublu2u @cassiopeiablog @reneejett4
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It takes three months for you to realise that Will is dyslexic.
At first you think he’s just a visual person. You’re no stranger to organising your thoughts about a case through coloured post its. Something about seeing them stuck to the wall in front of you like that helps you make connections. It’s worked like that for years.
Will, however, does it with everything. Rainbow shaded folders inside of case files, small stickers in different shapes on important documents, even the font and background on his computer screen are different from the standard black and white.
It isn’t until you accidently knock a pile of folders off his desk that you actually see it. The paperwork spills across the floor, the white pages intermingling and the expression on Will’s face…
That’s what tips you off, that and the fact his fingertips chase along the words at the top of the page, his eyes darting back and forth as he tries to read them. Your nephew used to do that, he said it was because the words moved around the page, he’d been diagnosed with dyslexia not long after.
Will hides it well. Some kids with dyslexia they learn to conceal it from an early age and with the glimpses you’ve gotten into Will’s history you can understand why. He’s developed a series of work arounds over the years, things to aid him with his job. The Dictaphone, forgetting his reading glasses so that you had to read important documents out loud, checking his watch before making a turn because he can’t decipher left from right.
It’s ingenious, and you imagine quite lonely.
You kneel down across from him, your hands coming to rest upon his, stilling his motions. He pauses, keeping his gaze fixed firmly on the paperwork.
“Will.” You say quietly. “I know, I know that you’re dyslexic.”
His jaw tenses, he doesn’t speak. The silence it sits between you until you clear your throat.
“It’s not…” You begin before catching yourself. “You’re exceptionally clever.”
You’re referring to the fact he’s managed to keep it hidden for so long. You doubt that there’s anyone else in the GBI who knows about his condition, you can’t imagine the immense pressure of that, how isolated it must make him feel.
Will snorts in response to your comment, shifting into a sitting position instead of resting on his knees.
“You know what I had before dyslexia?” He asks you, his dark eyes meeting yours. “Stupid.”
“Will, you know that’s not true…”
“I’m basically a functioning illiterate.” He tells you.
“One that has a ninety four percent clearance rate.” You remind him as you sift through the sheets of paper in front of you, putting them back into order. “Who runs circles around any other agent in this place.”
“It doesn’t stop that feeling.” He confides in you, his back coming to rest against the wall. “To everyone else it’s as simple as breathing but to me…”
He shakes his head.
You stack the files back into a neat pile before take up residence alongside of him, your shoulder brushing against his. He can feel the heat of your body through your shirt and instead of pulling away he leans into it. He will never admit how reassuring he finds your presence, that just being around you makes his day just a little easier.
“Being dyslexic doesn’t make you stupid. It just means you see the world a little different” You tell him, shrugging your shoulders. “I can’t do what you do. I can’t walk into a crime scene and see what you can, I can’t read it the way that you do. It’s not a weakness…”
“It’s not a strength either.” He remarks, tipping his head back against the wall.
“The point is we’re a team.” You say nudging his shoulder lightly. “It doesn’t change how well we work together. This partnership, it’s a good fit for the both of us right?”
Will inclines his head into a brief nod.
Truthfully he thinks it saved his life. Amanda must have seen how withdrawn he was becoming after Angie’s death, how he locked himself away and she decided to thrust you into his life. He’d hated you at first, you were too bright, too vibrant, too sunny but you grew on him, your warmth thawed something deep inside of him and now he can’t imagine his life without you in it.
“Cam…” he begins and you tilt your head towards him.
It’s those eyes that he gets lost in. Sometimes it feels like he’s drowning because he’s overwhelmed by the strength of his feelings for you. It was never like this with Angie, there was no fondness when she looked at him, no kindness. Just this void behind her eyes.
“Will…” You say softly, taking his hand in yours. “I’ve got your back, with this and everything else. You can trust me.”
There’s no doubt in his mind that his secret is safe with you, that he’s safe with you. It’s a new feeling for Will, one that he welcomes, because he’s never had that before.
“I do trust you, Cam.” He whispers, squeezing your hand. “I trust you with my life.”
Love Will? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 days
Knowing You're Close
Pairing: Michael Ormewood x fem!detective!reader
Summary: You work best when you know Ormewood is close, and when he realizes how much his presence affects you, he wants to learn more.
Warnings: fluff, case involves child abduction, Ormewood may be OOC (it's a custom blend of his s1+2 character + how I picture him in the books)
Word Count: 1.5k+ words
A/N: I love him so much but when I write him I get so scared that he's wildly OOC. Plus, all of the gifs of him are from the scene where he (spoiler free, promise) does not look his best, so that's disappointing.
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Since you arrived at the station this morning, Ormewood has been tapping his pencil against his desk. You haven’t said anything about it because it’s a reminder to focus on your case. You’re not sure why it’s encouraging you to focus other than the subtle reminder that people have weird little quirks that are only annoying until they’re gone. There may be several families in Atlanta that would give anything to hear their loved ones click a pen or complain about how the dishes were dried one more time if you don't make a break in this case soon.
“Hey, how far is the Coke Museum from the aquarium?” he asks without stopping the rhythmic tap, tap, tap-tap against his desk.
“A mile,” you answer. “About a twenty-minute walk or twelve minutes on Line 26 bus.”
You hum and flip the page in your case file. You’re missing something.
“Corruption,” you murmur.
“I told you, the vending machine was broken and taking one protein bar doesn’t make me corrupt,” Ormewood answers.
“What? No, this case, there’s something… I don’t know.”
“I can find it.”
You and Ormewood sigh together before you see GBI Special Agent Will Trent standing before you. Ormewood mouths good luck and then returns to his own work. And the pencil tapping.
“Let me read the files,” Will says.
“Will,” you begin, closing the folder, “you only want to help because you’re bored. Which means you’re going to ask to go out in the field and drag me all over Fulton County, which I am not in the mood for today. So, thanks, but no thanks.”
“Just Fulton County?” Will clarifies, attempting to see the crime scene photos on your desk.
“None of your concern, Agent Trent,” you reply with a smile. “We’ve got it.”
“There’s nothing to do around here!” he complains as he tosses his arms up. “Just pencil tapping!”
Ormewood winks at you as he switches up the rhythm of his tapping. “I didn’t know it was that easy to get out of working with Trent. I’ll have to try that next time.”
“Yeah, you can’t just say no, you have to make it about him,” you explain, closing your eyes as you sit back in your seat.
Ormewood laughs, then rephrases to say, “You tell him it’s not me, it’s you.”
You hum, but then your eyes snap open. “Say that again.”
“It’s not me, it’s you?”
“What am I interrupting?” Faith asks, stopping behind you.
“Didn’t somebody just get cut from the Braves?”
“Uh, excuse me?” Faith tries again.
“In a minute!” Ormewood snaps, leaning toward you. “Yeah. He was training to be a pitcher. Had the potential to be a star pitcher, take us to the world championship.”
“What happened?”
“They had evidence he bought drugs. Swore he wasn’t using, and all of his drug tests came back clean.”
“It’s not me… it's you,” you say under your breath.
“Where’s Will?” Faith inquires.
“Faith,” Ormewood answers, shaking his head as he answers, “no one here cares. We’re not keeping up with your partner.”
“I got it!” you cheer, knocking your chair back as you stand.
“Will. Trent. So-tall, rambles, anybody seen him?” Faith says. “It’s like talking to children.”
“I’ll go with you,” Ormewood offers, trailing behind you as you rush toward the elevators.
Faith watches, tipping her head as she wonders, “Or is it more like puppy dogs?”
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“Okay, so Truist Park is at the 75/285 interchange,” you explain. “You can get on either interstate and get anywhere in Atlanta without being noticed. But Dobbins Air Reserve Base is just a few miles up 41 from the stadium.”
“Right,” Ormewood agrees. “But what’s the connection of those locations to the missing girls?”
“These girls were from Atlanta’s nicest neighborhoods. Areas where our city officials sit on the HOA board, or whatever rich people do in fancy neighborhoods. Take a few residents, get the attention of all of the powerful people in the city…”
You trail off, and Ormewood connects, “You get leverage to get what you want.”
“Right, at least in criminal logic. So, this pitcher gets cut on a technicality and decides to show Atlanta what they’re losing, maybe try to blackmail his way back onto the team.”
“Or someone else is trying to get him back on the team. He’s got a cousin, according to his Braves profile, that works at Robbins. The proximity makes me think he’s holding these girls on the base. Granted, I could be way off, and it has nothing to do with a baseball team.”
“Worth a shot. I’ll find your guy, and you look for a hiding place fit for teenage girls?”
“Sounds good.” You look over the top of the car as you climb out and say, “Be careful.”
“You too.”
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You answer your phone as you follow a uniformed MP officer through the base to check the lowest security areas of the base.
“I found someone who wants to talk to you,” Ormewood says.
“No, I don’t!” a man argues.
“I don’t believe anyone, ever, on principle. But this is your case, so I’ll hold him here until you’re ready.”
“Thanks. I’ll be right over.”
After the MP officer agrees to finish the search and call your watch commander if he finds anything, you walk across the base and find Ormewood with one arm stretched out and his hand pressed lazily against your suspect.
“Trevor?” you ask the man. “I’m a detective with the APD. I have a few questions for you.”
“I want a lawyer,” he answers.
Ormewood scoffs, and you shake your head at him.
“Are you sure you can’t just answer a couple quick questions?” you ask. “It’ll only take a minute.”
“There are five missing girls out there,” Ormewood seethes, wrapping Trevor’s shirt around his hand. “Think very carefully about how you answer.”
Ormewood steps closer to the man, but you wrap your hand around his wrist and shake your head.
“Alright. Trevor, I’m placing you under arrest for reasonable suspicion of abduction,” you begin, placing handcuffs on him. “You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, which you’ve already exercised, so we can’t ask you any more questions.”
“We just think about how guilty that makes you look,” Ormewood adds as he pushes your suspect into the backseat of the car.
“Officers!” the MP officer yells behind you. “I found something!”
“No, he didn’t!” Trevor yells against the window. “You didn’t find anything, man! Say psych!”
“Psych is not admissible in court,” you point out. “Lead the way, officer.”
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“Why are you in my chair?” you ask as you return to your desk after receiving a full confession and recovering all of the abducted girls.
“I decided to offer my services anyway,” Will explains. “You seemed busy. The missing girls are-“
“Home,” Ormewood finishes. “We found them two-and-a-half hours ago.”
“How?” Will questions, clearly surprised by the outcome.
“Not all cases are solved on pure luck or weirdly timed flashbacks, Trent.”
“The whole thing screamed leverage,” you explain with a shrug. “I just had to find someone who needed the rich and powerful on his side. Someone desperate enough to stage numerous abductions to do it.”
“Well, now there really is nothing to do here. Have either of you seen Faith?”
Will stands from your seat as Ormewood suggests, “Maybe try calling each other.”
“Thanks for all of your help today,” you tell Ormewood once you’re alone again. He nods, and you ask, “Why’d you get rough with Trevor?”
“If it was my daughter, I’d want to know exactly where she was as soon as possible. He was going to keep stalling, and a public defender would have loved using his situation to delay until it was too late to save them.”
“Can you tap your pencil again?”
“What?” Ormewood asks, shock and confusion evident in the single syllable.
“It… I like knowing that you’re here, close, okay.”
Ormewood nods slowly, then begins tapping his eraser against his desk. You shift your focus to the paperwork for the case, but Ormewood watches you. Something about his presence seems to help you, provide a comfort that he hadn’t even noticed. More surprising, he thinks, is that he likes knowing how his presence makes you feel.
“Is it just my tapping?” he asks. He seems as surprised to hear the question as you.
“If it is?” you counter. “Will you move to a different desk?”
“I was thinking we find out if sharing a table only works at the station.”
“Are you asking me out?” you clarify.
“I didn’t anticipate the interrogation it would take to get an answer, but yes.”
You smile and tap your pen against your hand with Ormewood’s beat as you answer, “I’d love to.”
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“I have got to stop coming down here with questions,” Faith announces as she abandons her goal and returns the way she came.
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