#truthfully i adore Amanda
trafficjamupthere · 5 months
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+ Capt. Duke Wagner's Daughter
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couldawouldashoulda50 · 11 months
The Distance and the Time Between Us
Part One - February, 2016
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A/N - Part one starts at the beginning where Y/N and William first meet. You can read the Introduction here
Y/N is invited by the organization to do some light-hearted promotional video shorts to try and elevate the mood surrounding the Leafs (the team is having one of their worst seasons on record) and support the Marlies (their season is the polar opposite). I have never really written dialogue before and truthfully, I struggled with it so hopefully it's not too painful to read. Hopefully my French isn't too brutal either.
Warnings: mention of medical issues, swearing
Word Count: 4.8k
Early February, 2016
“Okay, so the idea is that we’re going to test her knowledge about Sweden, and then in order to get a point, she also needs to shoot the puck in the net.  Then we’ll flip it over to you and you will need to answer some questions about Canada and then do the same with the puck. Easy, right?” Amanda chuckles at William as he makes an indiscernible, possibly bordering on unimpressed, face. 
“Why can’t you ask ME the Swedish questions…I mean, how hard are these questions anyway?'' William says, trying to coax the Marketing Manager into switching things up.  
“Because we have to make it somewhat challenging - there’s no fun in making it too easy for you” Amanda laughs.  “Plus, she may not know anything about Sweden so you could totally run away with this.”
“Yeah, let’s hope so…I’d rather not get pummeled and have the whole thing recorded…I’ll never live it down”  William laughs.  He finishes tying up the laces on his skates, exits the dressing room and joins the camera crew on the ice.
Not long after, you emerge from another dressing room of the practice facility for the Leafs and Marlies, decked out in a zip-up team jacket, dark tights and your hockey skates.  You were provided with a customized Bauer stick to match the one the former first-round pick uses.  You take a quick glance at your reflection in the glass and chuckle to yourself thinking, rather modestly, “it’s as good as it’s going to get”.  You adjust the Leafs toque that was provided to you and open the latch to the gate.
You hop onto the ice, trying to contain the sheer excitement of even being at this rink.  As a local girl, you were brought up watching the Leafs.  At the age of 4, you found a souvenir from a Maple Leaf’s game that your Dad had attended.  It was a glossy paged yearbook of the 1993/1994 Leafs roster and when your eyes fell upon Felix Potvin, the Leafs starting net minder, you were done…your little 4 year old heart fell head over heels in love with him.  The adoration for Felix made you a fan, not just of the team, but of the game.  It wasn’t an aspiration of yours to necessarily play hockey; the dreams of being a musician had already consumed your mind, body and soul.  It was the skating; the power and speed behind every glide that held your focus as you watched each game.  As a child, you took figure skating lessons but after years of struggling with some of the fundamentals due to your stout body structure, especially in your legs (making it difficult to do the ‘cross’ part of the ‘cut’), you dropped the lessons, and stayed away from participating in any on-ice activities.  
Years later, your height nearly reaching 5’9” after some significant growth spurts, your body took a more shapely and athletic form, mainly as a result of swimming laps nightly at the community pool.  Much like skating, the power and strength behind every movement with swimming laps appealed to you.  It taught you focus while developing precise and efficient motion.  You were a natural born worrier; the rhythm and repetition of gliding through water helped free you from the relentless chatter that plagued your mind.  
With the changes to your frame allowing your legs to finally accomplish the menacing cross-cut, and you now making money from your band's pursuits, the power skating lessons began.  With you being based in Britain at the time, it was challenging to find the exact program that you wanted.  You resigned to being the only 5’8”, fully developed 18 year old female taking “ice-hockey lessons” as they called it, alongside 8 and 9 year old boys.  You learned another valuable lesson during this time, learning to drown out the comments and unwanted input from those around you, in order to do what you love.  It came in handy - at this point in time, being an up and coming band, you still found yourselves playing gigs in front of audiences where 20% wanted to hear you and 80% did not.
And here you are now, a superstar in your own right, invited by the Maple Leafs organization to make some promotional video shorts with members of the current Maple Leafs and Toronto Marlies teams.  The Leafs were having a pretty tough season; the Marlies season was the polar opposite. The organization’s hope was that some light-hearted PR involving the once small-town Ontario girl, turned mega-celebrity, who happens to love both Toronto hockey teams, could help lighten the abysmal mood that infected the fan base.  
As he chatted with Amanda, William watched you with interest as you skated towards the production team.  He knows you - well, not exactly…he at least knows who you are.  William was familiar with a few of your hits and generally liked some of  your solo stuff but he was nowhere near the level of fandom of his three sisters.  Even William’s younger brother, Alex, was an avid follower of yours but he mused it might be more about your physical beauty than your music.
Alex nearly jumped through the phone last night when William explained that he was doing a video segment with you the following day.  
William hadn’t noticed his conversation with Amanda had completely trailed off; his eyes firmly set on you as you enthusiastically greeted each person on the set.   You were simply luminescent, and William was honestly taken aback with your natural ability to put everyone at ease.  Although you were the VIP of the day, you made everyone in the room feel like they were too.  
William’s sky-blue eyes traced the side-profile of your face; butterflies started to form in his stomach when you glanced towards him and smiled.  As he smiled back, the butterflies were replaced by an elephant stampede in his chest, and he began to feel an intense heat radiating from his cheeks.
You skated over to him and unbeknownst to you, he was actually nervous, despite his demeanor of appearing totally relaxed.  
“Hey William” you said, extending your hand.  “I’m Y/N - I’m so excited to meet you” you said, grinning your widest grin.
And as William grinned his widest grin back at you, there were two thoughts crashing in your mind at the same time - “Jesus - he’s fucking gorgeous” followed promptly by “he’s probably a prick so forget about it”.
“Nice to meet you too…. My sisters are huuuuuge fans of yours”, William said.
You smiled with appreciation “That’s awesome…please tell them thank you, from me, if you can.  It’s always so nice to hear that.” 
You paused - you didn’t want to pry, or sound intrusive but you saw the hit William took from the Swiss player at the World Juniors in December and had been on your mind since, given his connection with the Marlies.
Tentatively, you continued. “I saw some clips from the All-star Classic last week - it must have felt good to be back on the ice.   
“Oh - you mean after the concussion”.  You weren’t sure if William was embarrassed but he looked down towards the ice and ran his fingers through his luxurious blonde hair.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you winced “Yeah…I watched that game…” you trailed off, feeling really uncertain if you should say any more.  “I’m so sorry - that hit on you was brutal.” 
 “It didn’t feel good, that’s for sure; should’ve kept my head up” he quipped.  “But yeah, between that and my appendix almost bursting after that, I’m a lot better now”.  
You kicked yourself mentally, hoping you hadn’t created an awkward moment; you were never one to handle uncomfortable silences very well.   
In an attempt to recover, you look up at William with a smile.
 “Well, I’m so glad to hear you’ve recovered.  It looks like they’re almost ready…let’s get this rig rolling”, giving him a little wink and a slight nudge.
You turn to see that the crew has nearly finished setting up the lighting and Amanda is going through some details with the woman that will be hosting the segment.  You skate off to join Amanda and the host to see if you can get some intel of the questions being asked.
Amanda calls William over and she begins to direct you to where you’ll both need to stand so the lighting casts perfectly over your faces. 
A make-up artist appears, and begins to do some minor touch-ups to enhance your healthy glow, and applies a thin layer of gloss to your lips as an extra measure.
William watches as you raise your chin up and close your eyes, as brushes lightly graze over your features.  It’s unnerving for him to look at you; he’s convinced that you’re one of the most strikingly beautiful women that he's ever met. And he’d met plenty of women, or girls, depending. At the young age of 19, he’d already gotten a taste of the boy-band level of popularity with many females in Toronto, looking to catch the attention of an up and coming hockey star.  Add in all the girls he would meet during years of road trips, William never had to make an effort for girls to flock to him. Because of this, William found it difficult to establish a real connection beyond the overly available, yet casual, hook-ups which, most of the time, became complicated and messy. 
Filming quickly gets underway and the host introduces you both, giving a quick history about each of you.  
“OK Y/N - are you ready for the first question?” the host asks 
“Absolutely” you say, smiling.
“What are the two colours on the Swedish Flag?”
Relieved it’s an easy question, you quickly answer “Blue and Yellow”.  You position the puck just so and fire your shot, hitting the back of the net with ease.
William smiles and appears to be impressed as he raises an eyebrow and mouths the word “Wow”.
As the Swedish trivia challenge continued on, you managed to answer all of the remaining questions correctly, even blurting out the answer to the bonus question related to what type of government Sweden has (you’re not even sure how you knew the answer but nevertheless, you seemed to delight the onlookers).  Better yet, your shots on net were pretty solid and each puck hit the netting, coupled with an audible swoosh.
More and more, William was finding himself completely captivated by you.  Since he set his eyes on you, he sensed a massive contrast between you and the girls that he frequently came in contact with.  William’s mind began to race with questions about you; he needed to know more about you.  At the same time, and as self-assured as William normally was, the thought of asking a global celebrity for at least her number, had his stomach tied in knots.
William was up.  Everyone knew he was a sniper, so obviously scoring was not going to be an issue.  The questions related to Canada were generally the same as the Swedish ones, and William answered them with ease.
Each time you glanced at William, your heart started to race a little more.  You had made a snap judgement about his personality, based solely on his exterior, which completely backfired on you.    He proved to be warm and charming, with a smile that never seemed to leave his face.  You contemplated if you had ever met a man who smiled as much as William seemed to.  
The host’s voice brings you back down to earth.
“OK, William - in order to get to the bonus question, name three of your favourite Canadian music artists” the host asked, glancing over at you with a wink and a smile.
It seemed obvious enough that William would include you in the answer, since you were 8 feet away from him, but instead, he rhymed off Justin Bieber, Drake and The Weeknd.  He shot the puck and satisfied with his response, smiled at the host.
There was an odd silence as the onlookers seemed surprised that William appeared to snub you, on camera no less.  
William read the room and looked over at you with a confused look.  You smiled back at him and shrugged your shoulders.  
The host, trying to assess the situation, looking to find some humour in it, chuckles and says “Ok, I guess William’s not a fan of Y/N it seems” which was met with some low-key snickering from the crew.
“Wait - what?” William says, half laughing - his cheeks starting to burn.  His expression was mostly like a deer caught in the headlights.
You, sensing his embarrassment, said “It’s all good…” you giggled and looked at the host “Those would be my choices…I’m not necessarily everyone’s cup of tea” you say modestly.
William’s head swiftly turned in your direction.  His eyebrows lifted and his mouth dropped open as he realized his unintentional SNAFU.
The onlookers shook their heads and laughed; some came over and gave William some hearty pats on his shoulder, accompanied by some good natured ribbing.
You could see William trying to laugh it off but as he looked at you with a combined expression of awkwardness and unease, and your heart cracked a little for him.  
The host waves her hands and grabs everyone’s attention again.
“Alright, William, moving along - for the bonus question.  If you answer this correctly, then we’ll need a tie breaker between you and Y/N.  The question is a geography based one”.
William groaned and his face lowered into his gloved hands.  
The host continued, “How many territories are there in Canada?”
Someone in the group decided to quietly hum the Jeopardy theme song which was of no help to William.
William inhaled, squinted his face and apprehensively answered “2?”
“Ooooh - sorry William!  Soooo clooooose!” the host says in faux dismay.  “There’s actually 3”.
The host mercifully wraps up the segment declaring you the winner of the trivia challenge.  William taps his stick on the ice as recognition, and everyone begins to disperse.
William makes his way over to you; his dazzling eyes are fixed on your face, a wide, almost mischievous grin, spans his angelic visage.
“Are you sure you’re not Swedish?  I wasn’t sure I even knew all those answers” he joked.  
“So…who’s your next victim with these shoots?” William asks coyly.
“Whoa - really…victim?” you answer feigning shock with a side of a phoney ‘how dare you’.
“Aren’t you the one who slayed me during this little stint…snubbing me entirely” you laughed,  nudging William in the arm.  
William groans “You have no idea how badly I’m going to be chirped about this.  I really don't know what I was thinking.  Fuck it - I’ll blame on it on the concussion.” 
“Oh my gosh - honestly, it was really pretty funny. It wasn’t like you were saying I suck…unless that’s exactly what you were trying to say” you dead-panned, raising an eyebrow at him.  “We might have a problem then if that's the case,” you joked.
William laughs “Tell you what…I do really feel bad…do you maybe want to grab something to eat later on, if you’re not busy?”
Your heart leapt inside your chest into your throat. 
“I wish I could but I have plans with some old friends…I haven't seen them in ages so they’ll be pissed if I blow them off.  I’m here for another week or so - maybe we can swing another time?” you said, hopefully.
“For sure…here…” Williams grabs his phone from his pocket “Can you add your number?”
William hands you the phone and you start typing the digits of your number.  Under the contact name, you typed in "Can I be your #4?", saved it and handed the phone back to William.  Amanda calls out for you and William to get a picture together so William quickly jams his phone back into his pocket and drapes his arm around your shoulder.  You gently extended your arm around his waist thinking that seemed to be the only place on his body that made sense.  With that mere touch, externally you smiled for the camera, but internally, were acutely aware of the faint but noticeable throb between your legs that William’s mere touch seemed to incite.  "Keep it together Y/N, for fuck sakes" you joked to yourself.  
"It was so great to meet you William - it was a ton of fun" you laughed, taking your hand out of the hockey glove and extending it to William.
“Trivia isn’t really my thing but you definitely made it more interesting” William said as he extended his arms out for an embrace.  
You managed to pull the plug on the wild smut show that had already started in your brain, kept it light, and while hugging him, you patted his back gently and pulled away.
“See you, William,” you said grinning.
William wanted to come up with something clever, something extra but his brain just wasn’t engaging. Instead, he smiled bashfully and simply said “See you…I hope”.
Later on, in the parking lot, William sat in his car looking through his contacts, searching for your name.  His heart sank when he went to the first letter of your name and found nothing.  
He scrolled back to the top of his contacts, his thumb slowly grazing the glass to look at every single contact name he had.  “Shit - I need to get rid of some of these” he thought as he bypassed a myriad of girls' names from previous encounters.  
William laughs when he finally discovers the pseudonym you gave yourself and sits there for a moment, grinning like the Cheshire Cat; his chest fills up with a warm sensation unlike anything he’s ever experienced before.  
He arrived home to his downtown condo that he shared with his teammate, Kasperi.  
“Hey - how’d it go?  How was she?” Kappy asked, not looking up from the TV screen.
William grabbed water from the fridge and walked to the living room where Kasperi lounged on the couch, almost enveloped by the overstuffed cushions that were strewn about.  Immersed in Call of Duty, Kasperi only could mutter “Fuck” multiple times in a row.
“Good. She’s really nice actually” William said, not wanting to elaborate on his newly developed interest.  
“Is she as hot up close as she looks on screen?  That video she was in - you know….that song” Kasperi hums the tune of one of your more popular solo hits “she’s hardly wearing anything under a buttoned-down dress shirt and mmmm…she’s in stilettos” Kappy mused, eyes still fixed on the screen.
“Jesus, Kap - get a grip” William forced a chuckle, trying not to let his annoyance show.  
“You wanna play for a bit?” Kasperi asked, mumbling expletives as William declined.
“Gonna go for a nap - see you in a few”.  William disappears into his bedroom.  He flops onto the bed and rolls over, grabbing the pillow on the right side.  He lay there thinking of you; he can hardly believe it but he’s already dying to see you again.  He grabs his phone and Googles your name.  First, he pulls up images of you - everything from award ceremonies and galas to magazine covers.
William continues to scroll through the search results, pulling up a video that a fan made on YouTube.  It’s a video montage of you, at various events over the years.  The song “More than a Woman�� by the BeeGees plays in the background; the music somehow further enhances every movement of your elegant figure and every detail of your radiant face. 
As you smile for the cameras.
As you laugh with your bandmates.
As you take the stage in front of thousands of fans.
Ugh.  As you looked at your (now ex-) boyfriend in the eyes while walking the red carpet, your arm looped through his.
That last one hurt.
William flipped his phone over and grabbed the pillow once again.  He closed his eyes, imagining the pillow was your body lying next to him, the first few moments of meeting you were on a continuous loop in his mind, until sleep finally found him.
After the segment with William had wrapped, you headed to the dressing room to change out of your skates.
Evelyn breezes through the door after waving good-bye and saying thanks to the small entourage that escorted her to the dressing room.   
“That went well…” 
Evelyn’s British accent, and the way she enunciated her words, seemed to always sound sardonic, whether it was intentional or not.  You had learned that it was just best to stick with the facts throughout conversations with Evelyn; as your manager, you learned fast that she often wasn’t in the mood to hear about frilly musings other than in your songs.  
“Poor soul looked completely lost after he rhymed off every fucking Canadian singer, except you” she smirked.
“Jesus. he picked three of his favourite performers that he listens to, and they are all amazing,” you laughed.  “He’s not required to be a fan of mine,” you said as you nudged Evelyn’s arm. “He felt bad though - he asked me out to make up for it, so that was nice” you trailed off, your cheeks inadvertently blushing at the thought.
“So that’s why you gave him your number” Evelyn smiled.  “It’s nice to see you finally getting back on the horse”.  Evelyn reaches into her long Burberry coat, pulling out her phone to open a newly delivered text message.  “Play your cards right, you may get to ride him too.  You could use a good…” she said in a low tone, neither taking her eyes off the screen or bothering to finish her sentence.  
You scoffed, but it wasn’t like the thought hadn’t already entered your mind.
Amanda appeared at the door and invited you and Evelyn to head to the players lounge for a quick bite.   
On the way,  Amanda listed off which of the Maple Leafs would be taking part in the next segment.  All very familiar names to you and much to your delight, the players in question were waiting for you in the lounge.  
Tyler Bozak, Nazem Kadri, Morgan Rielly and Jake Gardiner stood gathered around the kitchen counter, deep in a spirited debate about popular wrestlers from the eighties.
Morgan appeared to be the bonafide WWE expert and was busy putting the rest to shame as he rhymed off some of the greats.
“Wasn’t there a female manager for….shit, who was it?” Kadri asked, snapping his fingers as he wracked his brain for the answer.  
“Fuck….what was her name….ah shit - I’m drawing a blank….” Morgan said, pressing the palm of his hand to his forehead.  “Fuck me, this is gonna drive me nuts now”.
The group snickered at him.
 “Some expert you are” Jake said, poking Morgan repeatedly in the ribs.
“Miss Elizabeth” you said with a smile as you approached the group.  “She was Macho Man Randy Savage’s manager”.
Morgan’s head swivelled around as he said “Awh - yeah!  Thank God….fuck - I just drew a total blank” Morgan said, apparent relief washing over him.  
Introductions weren’t needed with the 4 players as you had briefly met each of the men at a charity function the year before.  Each gave you a friendly hug as you all continued on with the lively conversation.   
“We had about 5 TV channels growing up, there wasn’t cable out in the country - we just had a TV antenna and a router” you laughed.  “I think it was the Hamilton channel that showed WWE reruns Saturdays at noon.  Sort of became a fan of the 80’s wrestlers, whether I wanted to be or not '' you joked.  “I always thought Miss Elizabeth was so beautiful…” you mused.
The men all made their own noises, nodding and affirming that Miss Elizabeth was indeed, well…hot.
Not long after, Amanda summoned you all to a common area of the lounge, where the next video segment was to take place.  You glanced over and could see Evelyn and Amanda, deep in conversation.  You usually wouldn’t notice or care what Evelyn was doing; you and your Manager had an incredible working relationship and you trusted her implicitly.  That was, until you had a sneaking suspicion that she, the host and Amanda were hatching some plan involving you for the next video. 
Before you could worry about it for too long, you and the 4 players were instructed to sit in the director-style chairs that had been lined up for you.
The host gives the directives of a game that is something between Truth or Dare and Never Have I Ever.  The questions that were directed at the players weren’t anything risqué, but were enough to cause a rumpus between the men, resulting in some hearty banter.   
Once the verbal melee ceased and everyone starts to settle again, the host turns toward you with a knowing smile.  
“We’ve left Y/N to last.  You may not know this but Y/N’s Maple Leaf fandom spans back to when she was just a small girl.  We’ve designed a very special Who’d You Rather between the Leafs past…. and present….players” she says drawing out each of the last few words emphatically.  “With Y/N being unattached currently, we decided this might be fun…” the host says teasingly. 
You shot a look at Evelyn, vowing to murder her later for this.
Evelyn smiles back at you, gesturing for you to hurry up and get this thing going.
On the monitor in front of you, a picture of Dion Phaneuf, the current Captain of the Leafs, appears next to a picture of former Captain Wendel Clark.  The players whooped and hollered at your choices and you audibly groaned, not knowing exactly how to navigate the choices.
“Oh my God - how am I supposed to choose? So what, this is who I’d like to date?  I actually know Dion - I’m friends with his wife too….” you trail off.  “Oh - but I love Wendel too” you giggle.
“Just so you all know” you say to the crowd, motioning towards your surroundings, “this…this whole situation has to be among my worst nightmares…” 
As the host cycles through a few more pictures, each of the 4 players giving their (unsolicited) input, albeit mockingly, as though they themselves were on a dating show.  
Your adoration for Felix Potvin was known to the crew, thanks to Evelyn, so naturally, Felix’s picture appears next to Morgan’s.  “Ooof, sorry Morgan…I have to go with my man, my precious Felix” you said, reaching over to tap Morgan’s knee.  
“Fine then…” Morgan deadpanned, with the slightest smirk.
One after the other, you choose Felix over the image that appears on the opposite slide.  
The host smiles and says “Devoted Potvin admirer, you have to love that!  If you had the chance to meet him, what would you say?” 
You were suddenly worried Felix would pop out of the woodwork, the look of excited anticipation mixed with worry crosses your face.  You jokingly peer over both of your shoulders and respond “Je veux dire ‘C'est un plaisir de vous rencontre.  Je suis tellement un grand fan de toi.  I don’t think I would be able to get out much more than that”, you laugh.
“Ok, this is the last image.  You just met this player this morning and managed to squeak past him to win in the trivia challenge” the host says, eyes fixed on your face.
William’s headshot from the Marlies appears on the screen, next to your first hockey love.  The 4 men sat next to you chime in playfully with a series of “ooooh….Willy Nylander…”
You stay composed looking at the picture, trying not to appear as flustered as you felt.  In one short meeting, William had actually made an impact on you.  Yes, you found him breathtakingly gorgeous, but it was far more than that.  There was a kindness about him; something about him seemed so refreshing and you found yourself really wanting a chance to talk with him more.
You try to suppress a smile but you end up with a wide grin and cheeks flushed.  This shouldn’t be a big deal - but admitting that you might like a boy sent your mind hurtling back to 9th grade, when you were meek and awkward and would sooner die than allow a boy to see that you might think he’s cute.
But, you decide to play it safe and bypass William’s picture, just willing for this segment to be over.  “I’m sticking with Felix,” you laugh.
“Felix it is!” the host says as she gives the appearance of cheering your choice.  
Once the production crew deems they can wrap the segment, you slide off your chair and mingle with the 4 players and others that had gathered around for a quick snack before packing up.
Evelyn saunters up to you and whispers “You beautiful, chinless wonder* - you should have picked the boy…”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head.  Secretly, you had chosen him in your mind; you couldn’t stop thinking about him.  ‘Fuck Y/N…you’re sunk’ is the only thought you had toying in your head.
“You can just keep your opinions to yourself,” you laughed toward Evelyn.  “Let’s just go, I gotta get ready for dinner soon”.
(*chinless wonder is apparently British slang for a coward)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Thigh Riding
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Amanda Rollins x fem!reader Warnings: language, smut.
It was late, it was Friday night, after telling Amanda you had to skip out on drinks to finish up your arguments for court on Monday she’d obviously whined, so you promised that you’d get her off until she couldn’t handle it anymore the second you got home. Amanda knew you’d hold up on your promise, but the thought of it had her already rubbing her thighs together to relieve some tension. The alcohol coursing through her veins only making it worse, she was getting impatient, distracted with the thought of your fingers and lips, barely able to make out a word Carisi was saying. Before she knew it, she was settling her tab, arriving at your office in a matter of minutes. When she arrived she found you pouring a fresh cup of coffee, a sure sign that you were nowhere near done working, you glanced up at her, a brow cocked, smirk on your lips.
“Thought I was meeting you at home sweetheart.”  You greeted her with a soft kiss, hand stroking down her cheek. You could see the lust in her eyes, the heat practically radiating off her skin.
“Couldn’t wait anymore.” She whined, tugging at the hem of your untucked blouse in an attempt to grab the attention of your lips. You figured why not bother teasing her for a bit, couldn’t hurt, right? Grinning, you wrapped a hand into her hair, pulling her to you while the other arm wrapped around her, lips meeting gently. You ran your tongue across her lower lip and she was quick to submit, letting your tongue roll against hers for a few minutes before you pulled away, her lip trapped between your teeth before it snapped back.
“I’m not done working baby, you’re walking a thin line…would hate to have to punish you.” You nodded to the couch, “Take a seat.” Amanda huffed, but obliged, pouting as she took out her phone to occupy herself. You chuckled, returning to your desk, truthfully you didn’t have that much work left to do, but it was just so much fun to tease. 
While you turned back to your paperwork, you found your eyes drifting over to your girlfriend, you were surprised to see her in a dress for once, and man was she ever adorable when she pouted. A paragraph of writing later and Amanda was groaning again, bored of her phone she stood, coming to lean against the side of your desk. The pen paused for a moment while you looked up at her.
“Baby….” She whined, you sighed, pushing back from your desk a little bit, motioning for her to climb into your lap, which she gleefully did. Wrapping an arm around her, your pen returned to moving in the other. You weren’t surprised when Amanda buried herself into your neck, littering a trail of kisses up it, nipping at your earlobe. She pulled at your free hand, moving it to her bare thigh. Smirking, you spoke,
“The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.” 
“I can work with that.” Her voice was breathy against your ear as she readjusted herself over you leg, making sure the skirt of her dress wasn’t trapped between your bodies. A roll of her hips and she let out a whimper, feeling herself clench around nothing, walls fluttering at the friction against her clit. Your free hand groped at her ass, spanking the cheek swiftly, Amanda let out a moan continuing to ride your thigh, eyes closing as she buried herself against your neck.
“Good girl…” You murmured against her, nipping at her shoulder. The hand on her ass controlling the speed of her thrusts, within minutes she was practically shaking against your body, she clearly had been riled up. 
You finished up your paperwork, able to turn your attention fully to Amanda, pulling her from your neck you planted a searing kiss on her lips. She whimpered into your mouth, wrapping her arms tightly around your shoulders as your hands moved to her hips, pushing her core down onto your leg at the same time you tensed the muscle. She broke away from your lips with a loud gasp, moaning your name out into the office. Her body was alight with passion, tingling through her as you nibbled your way down her neck, a particularly harsh bite into her pulse point, “Cum for me baby…” You muttered before sucking a mark against her tender skin. With a few more rolls of her hips she was spasming against you, a string of quiet curses leaving her lips with a quiet sob. Your hands soothingly rubbed at her back, lips gently kissing the top of her head, “Feel better baby?” She nodded against your shoulder, giggling you kissed her shoulder, moving to stand, arms still wrapped around her to keep her steady on her shaky legs. A gentle kiss against her lips, smiling at her.
“Thank you..” Amanda’s voice was still wavering and breathy. 
“C’mon, let’s get you home. Then I can really spoil you.” Winking, you packed up your things, leaving the office hands intertwined.
_____ @ms-calhoun @naturalxselection @hbkpop @bisexualcrowley @natasha-danvers @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @whispered-tear-drops @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @gaylorrds @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @beccabarba @oliviaswifey @screenee @mysticfalls01 @alexbllake @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @emskisworld @newyorker14 @lawandorderuswnt @wandasbrat @disn3y7 @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @sia2raw @dxtery @anlin2058 @swimmingstudentchaos891
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plaidbooks · 4 years
May I PLEASE have a Sonny Carisi x reader fic where they're fake dating?! Thank you in advance my lovely ❤️
A/N: What? Two Sonny fics back-to-back? That’s right! I love this trope too damn much, and I was done with the whole “home for the holidays” cliche, so this is different. Also, the second-hand embarrassment in the beginning killed me. Hope you enjoy, Karen, and thanks for the request @the-baby-bookworm <3
Tags: none, just fluff
Words: 1640
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles
You had an arm wrapped around Sonny’s waist, his arm around your shoulders, as you walked through the park. You chuckled lightly, pretending he had said something funny as you both moved closer to the perp you were tailing.
“He’s heading for Alice,” Fin’s voice came through your earpiece. But that was the plan; Alice was the bait to draw out the man who had assaulted her. On a different trail, you saw Amanda stretching in her tracksuit, subtly watching the perp. You and Sonny moved closer, making sure Alice wasn’t in harm’s way, that you could grab this guy if anything happened.
And then, someone cut off your line of sight. “[Y/N]?? Hey! How are you?! And who’s this??” they asked. Your eyes focused, and you panicked; it was your cousin.
“Shhh! Abby, not right now,” you whispered, trying to look to see if the perp had heard any of this exchange. So far, it seemed like you were still in the clear.
“Is this your boyfriend??” she asked, looking Sonny up and down. He grinned nervously, trying to be polite, his eyes still trained on the perp.
Fin’s voice came over your earpiece. “What’s going on? Who is that?”
“Abby, look, this is a really bad time—” you started before she cut you off.
“He’s cute, though! Good job, [Y/N]! You have to bring him over for dinner though!” Abby was gushing, her voice getting louder and louder. The perp turned and looked over at the three of you, and you gave Abby a huge smile, playing the part.
“For sure! I’ll bring Dom over later…tonight work?” you asked, trying to just get rid of her now.
Sonny, sensing your plans, pulled you closer, kissing your temple. “Yeah, I’d love to meet some of your family, babe.”
Abby smiled. “Tonight sounds perfect! 7 o’clock work?”
“Yep! Bye now,” you said, just as the perp started walking down the trail again. You and Sonny pushed by your cousin, keeping on his trail. Sonny quirked an eyebrow at you, but you simply shook your head; you’d explain later.
Thankfully, the run-in with your cousin didn’t blow your undercover, and you were able to apprehend the perp. But by the time you caught him, made it back to the precinct, interrogated him, and sent him to processing, you had completely forgotten about the encounter with your cousin in the park.
After filling out the paperwork for the arrest, you made a cup of bad, precinct coffee and downed half of it in one gulp, making Sonny chuckle as he watched.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
He grinned. “I’ve never seen anyone actually drink this sludge, let alone that much.”
You opened your mouth to reply but stopped when your phone chimed with an incoming text. Brow furrowed, you glanced at it, seeing it was from your cousin, Abby, reminding you to come over at 7pm. You let out a groan. “Fuck, I forgot about dinner at my cousin’s place!”
“Oh shit, I did too…have you told her I’m not actually your boyfriend? That we were undercover?” Sonny asked, leaning back in his chair.
You shook your head slightly. “Nah, Abby’s kind of an airhead. I don’t know if she even knows what the word ‘undercover’ means….”
Sonny was silent as he thought this over. “So…” he started. “Are we going undercover at your cousin’s place?”
You swallowed at what he was suggesting, touched that he would do this for you. There was no rescheduling when it came to Abby, no explaining things away. You’d have to go to this dinner, and you’d have to bring Sonny. Even if you did tell her you weren’t dating, she’d still insist you were, tell everyone in the family.
“Even if we did, this means my whole family’s gonna be asking about you,” you murmured, staring at your half-empty coffee.
“And if we blow off this dinner?”
Your cheeks burned. “Then the rumors Abby would spread would be a hundred times worse…and the family would still be asking about you.” You remembered the last time you were late bringing an ex over, and Abby not-so-subtly tugged the collar of your shirt down, looking for hickeys.
Sonny chuckled. “Well, I guess that leaves us no choice, now does it…honey?” He grinned at you, his eyes crinkling in that way they do when he’s amused, and you shot him a playful glare.
“I’ll owe you cannolis for a month,” you promised, and he laughed, shaking your hand, and sealing the deal.
You and Sonny stood on the doorstep of Abby’s brownstone, waiting for her to answer the door after you knocked. “Thank you again for this,” you murmured, heart in your throat.
“Of course. We’re partners. I’d take a bullet for ya…or pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner,” Sonny replied, making you laugh.
“Glad those are on the same level for you,” you rolled your eyes as the door opened.
“[Y/N]! Welcome! And Dom!” Abby greeted, and you furrowed your brow, trying to remember if you really called Sonny be his first name in the park. You normally referred to him by his last name only. Guess you were sticking with Dominick tonight.
Abby moved out of the way, letting you enter her place. “Thanks for having us over,” Sonny said, smiling.
“Nonsense! I’m happy to meet [Y/N]’s…friends,” she gave you a knowing look, and you grimaced. “She’s always so busy with work, I’m amazed she has time to date!” You groaned and Sonny chuckled good-naturedly. “So! How’d you two meet?”
Abby’s husband came home soon after you had arrived, their two children with him. Then dinner was served. Abby never stopped asking questions, and to Sonny’s credit, he answered everything thrown at him—mostly about his family and life. He answered truthfully, neither of you really lying, even when asked “couple” questions. When asked how long you’ve been together, you were able to answer how long you were partnered at SVU. Having worked so close for so long, spending many days and nights together, meant you could answer pretty truthfully, even if Abby didn’t get that you weren’t really dating. Your only issue was catching yourself almost calling him Carisi, which only happened a few times, and you quickly corrected yourself. Otherwise, you answered everything perfectly. Except for one question, asked after dinner, when Abby was watching Sonny play with the kids.
“So, any talks about marriage?” she asked, sipping on her glass of wine.
You choked on your own wine, putting the glass down as you coughed. “Ah, no—not yet,” you sputtered.
“Well, you should get on that. I mean, look at him,” she said, gesturing at Sonny. One of the kids, the five-year-old girl, pushed his chest, and he dramatically fell backwards onto the floor, making both kids squeal with laughter.
You grinned at him; it was adorable watching Sonny with the kids. This wasn’t the first time you thought your partner was cute, but it hit…differently this time. Your cheeks burned as you caught yourself starting to feel…no. You stopped the thought right there; you were not falling for him.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you replied, finishing your wine. “Well, it’s getting late.” You walked over to Sonny, helping him up off the floor. He got up, pulling you close, placing a kiss on your cheek, and your heart stuttered.
“Ready to go home, love?” he asked, nuzzling his nose into your hair, his arms wrapping around your shoulders.
“Yep! Let’s get out of here,” you replied, squeezing him to you before pulling away. “Thanks for dinner, Abs; it was delicious. Nice seeing you, too, Jake.” You hugged them both while Sonny high-fived the children, then said goodbye to Abby and Jake. Placing a hand on your lower back, he led you out into the night, heading towards his truck.
“Thank you again for tonight, Dom,” you said once you were far enough away from Abby’s place.
Sonny grinned at you, and you melted. Fuck, you really were falling for him. “Of course, doll. I had a lot of fun tonight, undercover or not.”
You climbed into the passenger side and Sonny slipped into the driver’s seat. He turned the engine on, but didn’t move to put the truck in drive, instead gripping and regripping the wheel nervously. “Listen, [Y/N]…would you, uh, like to go out for coffee with me sometime or something?” he asked.
You turned to look at him, dumbfounded. “Like…like a-a date?”
Sonny swallowed. ���Y-yeah…I mean, if you wanted…. Look, just forget I asked—”
“I’d love to,” you replied, smiling.
He looked at you, eyes wide before he broke into a wide grin. “Okay, great. That’s…that’s great.” You both sat there for what seemed like forever, just grinning at each other like idiots. “Oh! I guess I should take ya home, huh?” Sonny asked, his cheeks going red.
You laughed. “That would be nice, yeah…. It’s been a long day.”
“Yeah, it has…but a good day.”
“A fantastic day,” you agreed, making his grin grow. You had butterflies in your stomach as you thought about going on a date with Sonny, your heart fluttering. Your heart full on stopped when he parked in front of your apartment, though, pulling you in for a chaste kiss over the center divide of his truck, his face beet-red after he realized what he did.
“I’ll text you tomorrow,” Sonny said in a small voice, leaning back in his seat and looking embarrassed.
You smiled, leaning over and kissing his burning cheek. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.” He watched you leave his truck, waiting until you made it through your front door before driving away. You smiled to yourself, thrilled about going out with your partner, excited to wake up in the morning.
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mightbewriting · 3 years
hi friend! whats your favorite story that you wrote (fic or original)? do you have a favorite scene or chapter you wrote, that you always go back to read again to just be proud of yourself? what do you like the most about your favorite work? (if you are wondering, yes I felt that was necessary because you are the only one always complaining about your writing, when I love everything you do, so please dont be so self critical amanda, we adore you🥺)
well hello there, astonishingly kind anon. you are far too kind and, yes, i am far too self critical. so i purposefully saved this ask to tackle today. i was traveling this weekend and now that i'm settled back home and ready to sit down and write lots and lots and lots of words, i thought engaging in some positivity would be a good way to begin my week!
so lets do this!
my favorite story? i have a really soft spot for a sci fi novel i wrote a few years ago. is it my best work? definitely not. my best idea? maybe. and it was the first thing i ever pulled all the way together and tried querying, though halfheartedly, and i have visions of maybe rewriting it one day and giving it a real shot. for fic its probably well said, hermione atm. im really proud of how that weirdo little story came together from what was nearly a crack fic concept into something that weirdly worked. plus it was a fun tense and pov to work with, and i felt like the story construction itself worked out nicely.
do i have a scene/chapter i go back and reread? very, very rarely. i dont normally love rereading my own work because my craft obsessive brain will not stop trying to rephrase things. so i can truthfully say ive only reread any of my own writing for fun TWICE. the first time was a reread of picked and planted month and months and months after posting it and i was delighted to find that i enjoyed myself! and the other is with the epilogue of sight and seeing. to this day that chapter remains one of my best conclusions to a story AND the memory of the 'AHA!' i had while writing it is very indulgent to revisit. when i want to remember that writing can be magic i'll reread that chapter.
what do i like most about my favorite work? i feel like i mostly covered this with the first question, but i'll elaborate that any finished work is in the running as a favorite lol. i love finishing a story, having a finished product, a thing that i made. so that's really what i like most about any of them: seeing how all the little pieces, how all the words become sentences become scenes become chapters become a story. that's a really cool feeling, looking at the finished product and knowing everything that makes it complete.
thank you so much anon for giving me this outstanding excuse to put myself in a gentle mindset when i tackle my writing today! its very easy for me to be hard on myself, so i shall endeavor to be kinder today! <3
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
Belated Birthday Special!🥳
Only I would be late to my own birthday special lol, BUT my birthday was yesterday and I planned to post this self-indulgent gift with some of my fav characters for both myself and you all so here it is! Please enjoy this little birthday gift (Even if your birthday is far away)!~Amanda
Warning: This one had a bit of everything; Slight NSFW, tons fluff, and a dash of Angst.
(2.2K+ words)
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Your eyes fluttered open, mind still groggy with sleep while the sun's rays peaked passed the horizon outside. Absentmindedly, your fingers crawled to the opposite side of the bed looking for the warmth of your boyfriend. “What the hell..?” the bed was empty on the other side, the sheets already cold. Your brows furrowed as your bleary eyes scanned the room, there was zero trace of your boyfriend. “Muichiro is never up before me…” you muttered before noticing a small piece of parchment paper torn on his bedside table.
‘I’ll be back later’
A dry laugh escaped your lips, “What else was I expecting?” you groaned  “Today will be just like last year” you pushed yourself out of bed dreading the rest of the day.
The day dragged on without a word from your boyfriend. Every once in a while you’d receive a merry “Happy Birthday” from your friends. You appreciated it, but every time you heard those two words your chest tightened a bit more. “He’s forgotten every year so get over it!” you reminded yourself. Three birthdays have passed since you started dating Muichiro and each year was the same. Every year you grew more hopeful, sure that that was going to be the year things would change, but to know avail.
“I’m home” you called as you kicked off your shoes. Off in another room, you could hear the sound of someone frantically moving objects. “Muichiro?” you warily called, inching closer to the noise while gripping the hilt of your blade. Your breath hitched and your eyes welled with tears, “Oh Muichrio”
Muichiro stood awkwardly with his long tresses tied back in a loose bun (a look you adored), clutching a bouquet of daffodils. “Here” he thrust the flowers into your trembling fingers. Suddenly, you wrapped him in a tight embrace. You spent some time tucked into each other, Muichiro rubbing soothing circles into your back. “I thought you forgot” you cried pulling away, you couldn’t help but play with the strands of hair that weren’t pulled back. He smiled guiltily, “I didn’t say anything since I wanted it to be a surprise”
Truthfully, Muichiro felt awful about always forgetting your special day. Once the seasons changed, he reminded himself everyday of your birthday, a constant countdown he never allowed himself to ignore or forget. He was scared; he didn’t want you to give  up on him, but it wasn’t fair that you always had to be the one waiting to see if he remembered something important.
“This is also for you” Muichiro looked away bashfully, handing over a gold box. Carefully, you opened the lid “It’s gorgeous” you marveled, delicately tracing the unique pattern of the sapphire stones. “I’m sorry if I ruined our day by ignoring you, I wanted to make sure I had everything to make things perfect” he faced the floor while he spoke. You brought his face towards your, hovering just by his lips. “Muichiro you could never ruin today, you only make things better” you passionately kissed his smooth lips, ingraining this moment to memory. 
Muichiro isn’t perfect, but there isn’t a single other person you’d want to spend the rest of your life with.
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You sprung out of bed before the sun even breathed its first breath of the day, beaming as you stretched the grogginess away. The snores of your spirited boyfriend rumbled beside you, his slumped form invading the space you once occupied. It took everything in your power to not laugh at Rengoku’s overgrown form sprawled out, his limbs bent in directions that could not possibly be comfortable.
You spent the early hours quietly finishing the house chores; Rengoku had been so busy lately that you’d feel awful waking him up even if it was your birthday. All you wanted was to spend the day alone with your beloved, making up for all the conversations, hugs, and kisses you two had missed with his busy schedule. Just as you finished washing last night's dishes, a pair of muscular arms coiled around your waist, his face buried into the crook of your neck. “Princess why are you up so early?” god his morning voice would be the death of you, “Figured I’d let you sleep a little” you whispered.
Rengoku hummed, the vibration of his voice shaking you to your core. His unruly bedhead tickled your skin as he trailed his nose along the length of your neck, his plush lips ghosting over your skin “Rengoku we haven't even had breakfast” your voice was unsteady, warmth already spreading throughout your body at his small ministrations. “I can think of something I wanna eat” he teased, nipping at your earlobe with just enough pressure to have you holding your breath.
Your body was flipped against the counter, Rengoku wasted no time spreading your legs to nuzzle his thick thigh between them. His eyes were wild, fully aware of the effect he was having on you, it only fueled his lust. “Princess it's your day, let me show you how much I love you” he ground your clothed mound against his thigh, just brushing that special spot inside you. You mewled lightly, your body tensing at the sensation. “Bed or couch?” you asked breathlessly. His chuckled deep, a devilish smirk matching the glint in his eyes as he reached for the hem of your shirt
“Why not both? Beside, I thought we could  start right here”
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“Why is Y/n out with that tall freak again?” Inosuke grumbled for the third time, pouting childishly on the floor with his arms crossed. “It’s Y/n’s birthday and we are throwing a surprise party” Tanjiro reminded, carrying the cake he had learned to bake from his mother, “Don’t be rude to Uzui-san either, we had to beg him to take Y/n with him on his mission so that we could do all this”.
You’d been gone since yesterday morning and the idea that you’d spent the night near another man made Inosuke’s skin crawl. Clingy wasn’t exactly what you’d call Inosuke, but possessive? When that switch was flipped he became full of jealousy. “Maybe Y/n-chan spent the night wrapped in his huge arms, I’m sure she’d like that for her birthday” Zenistu taunted Inosuke as he put up decorations. “Shut it, Achoo!” Inosuke pelted a rock, hitting the poor boy square in the forehead. “That's not even close to my name” Zenitsu cried, rubbing the sore spot on his face that was sure to swell.
Truthfully Inosuke didn’t know how to handle your birthday; he’s never celebrated one of his own so he was super misinformed on the whole situation. Tanjiro had to explain it to him and still he didn’t know what gift to get you or how to act.
Night had already fallen when you returned home, you stood outside thanking the Hashira, still unaware of the party waiting inside, “Thank you Uzui-san for asking me to come with you, I learned a lot”. Uzui grinned while picking you up high off the ground in a bone crushing hug, “Don’t worry about it Y/n! Your a dear to have around, I’d have to ask you to come along again soon” “I’d be more than welcome to it”
Inosuke, who had refused to go inside with the others for your ‘protection’, jumped at the familiar sound of your voice-- he’d never say it aloud but he missed you. He froze when he spotted you being held by Uzui, fury bubbling up from his stomach. He marched over with his fist clenched, “Oi!” he shouted. You didn’t even notice Inosuke’s hostility as you detach yourself from the big man, jumping straight into Inosuke. Uzui held a knowing smirk, “Don’t worry little piggy, I return her safe and sound” Inosuke narrowed his eyes as he held you to his side. Uzui turned to leave waving his hand as a farewell, “Happy Birthday Y/n!” “Thanks?” you never mentioned it was your birthday.
“Come on Inosuke, let's go inside!” you pulled the stubborn boy along, throwing the door open only to be met with a rowdy group yelling “Surprise!”
The party was phenomenal, the room was filled with so much joy and laugher, something you all desperately needed. Your smile refused to fall from your cheeks, even as you lay in bed “Today was really great” you reminisced, talking to the back that was facing away from you. Inosuke couldn’t shake the image of you with Uzui, damn Zenitsu for opening his stupid mouth. Inosuke turned to face you finally, your eyes drooping from sleep already. Inosuke made a rash decision as he stared at your adorable face, gathering you in his bare arms. “Oh!” you yelped in surprise, Inosuke wasn’t really one to initiate cuddles but you weren’t complaining.
“You’re really comfortable” you breathed into his chest, his natural scent filling your senses. “My arms are a hell of a lot better than those giants” you paused, finally understanding what was going on. “Uzui is a great friend and mentor, but I don’t love anyone more than you. I never could” Inosuke clung onto every whisper of a word, holding you tighter as the seconds passed. You sat up and placed a small peck on the tip on his nose, scooching right back into his warm hold. “Good night Inosuke” you cooed, closing your eyes.
“Happy birthday Y/n”
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Shinobu: (Ugh she needs more love)
Believe it or not, Shinobu was big on birthdays, especially yours. She remembers how she loved to celebrate with her sister and the other girls at the Estate, so she wanted the day to go as smoothly as possible. She planned a wonderful picnic in the garden and had even prepared the food for the special occasion.
“I’m ready!” you called gleefully, showing off your gorgeous new lavender sundress Shinobu had gifted you. “I knew purple was your color” Shinobu complimented, admiring the way the dress showed off your curves. “Let’s get going, I’d hate for the day to be a waste. I cleared my schedule just for you, you know” She teased, her hand caressing your flushed cheeks--Oh how she loved that look.
You walked hand in hand, Shinobu carrying the basket of goods while you excitedly rambled on about whatever came to mind. You two barely made it past the Estate gates when a group of medics holding stretchers of wounded soldiers came rushing toward you. Your smile faded as Shinobu’s hand left yours, already giving order to the medics, following them inside. “Shinobu?” you called quietly, “They need my help but I promise this won't be long” she smiled apologetically.
It couldn’t be helped; they needed her more than your silly lunch date did, but who had you forsaken that it had to happen on your birthday of all days. Shoulders slouched, you carried the abandoned basket off the ground, “I’ll just wait in her office, she promised” you wishfully thought.
You bitterly stabbed the fruit in your bowl, the fruit that was meant for your date, and shoved into your mouth. The sun was beginning to set and you still hadn't seen your girlfriend, you’d passed the time by eating the snacks one by one; alone. The commotion of working medics hasn't ceased for hours and slowly you’d lost complete hope of a more exciting day. Your back was beginning to ach from the stiff chair, yet you still waited patiently. Shinobu’s office was filled with piles of paper and books, so there was nothing left to do but stare out the window and eat.
The sound of the door sliding open pulled you from your thoughts, “Awww you didn’t leave me any food?” Shinobu greeted jokingly, sensing your frustration a mile away. You stabbed another piece of fruit, aggressively eating away at the sweet food. “I know you're upset, but I really didn’t mean for this to happen” she defended, feeling miserable about the whole ordeal. You softened, it really wasn’t Shinobu’s fault. “Sorry” you mumbled, staring at the roof. You didn’t bother looking down at the sound of her feet shuffling towards you.
You weren’t expecting to feel Shinobu’s full weight on your lap as she straddled your hips, her hand grasping your chin, pulling you down to face her. “I’m sorry I ruined your birthday, Beautiful,” she soothed, one hand combing through you hair while the other played with your bottom lip, “Please let me make it up to you” her sultry voice rung through your ears, her pink lips making their way across your jawline and down to that spot Shinobu lives to exploit. “Mmmmm” you whined loudly as she started sucking and lapping, working the tender skin till a reddish bruise formed.
The hand embedded in your hair pulled slightly, making sure to run her long nails against your scalp at each tug, eliciting another loud moan from your parted lips. “Shhhh Beautiful, if you're too loud I’ll make you wait till we get to the room later. I can only be so giving”. You knew better than that-then to believe that this would end once you two walked out of those office doors. As if reading your thoughts, Shinobu slid herself down your thighs and onto the floor, never ceasing to make eye contact, “I’ll work you for all you’ve got while we’re here” you bit your lip impatiently as you watched her pull your legs apart by your knees.
Shinobu definitely kept this promise, and gifted you with even more once you two made it the room.
Shinobu may have been a tad OOC but idc, she deserves all the love she wants and I’m willing to give it to her. I hope you all enjoyed it, thank you and stay safe~Amanda
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🌾 & 💦 for Kajsa 💕
hi amanda!!!! tysm for asking about my girl (❁´◡`❁) so fun getting to dive into her a little more!
soft oc asks!
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🌾 describe your oc through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them.
"being around kajsa gives you the same feeling as standing under industrial powerlines in the dead of night; just her presence makes your skin, your blood, vibrate. there's not a single thing about her that isn't designed to draw you in, to call to the worst part of you--the part of you that wants to get swallowed up by the dead of night, the part of you that can't look away from spilled blood, the part of you that's wretched. and isn't that what everyone wants? to be loved and held and adored, for the worst parts of us? especially the worst parts?"
(i'll leave the source up to speculation x)
💦 if you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this oc’s life what would it be and why?
truthfully, if i was asked if i wanted to do that, i'd probably say no. kajsa is built precisely the way i wanted her and for that reason. but, if i had to pick one, i would probably pick the fact that she was raised in a cult actively practicing human sacrifice (lmao) before she ever even joined the family. that shit made home girl WEIRD
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honeybeeespeaks · 5 years
Room 205
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gif by @pedropcl
Part One
Word Count: 3498
Warnings: Alcohol and drug consumption, uhhh that’s it I think? Lemme know lol
Summary: Javier Peña is back in his hometown and it’s the last place he wants to be right now. Tonight he meets someone that might change his mind.
P.s. the formatting might suck cause I’m on mobile soz babes♥️
This was, quite possibly, the last place Javier wanted to be tonight. He wasn’t the biggest fan of crowds or attention and yet here he was. At a party his old college friend Drew insisted they throw in honor of Javier’s return and success in taking down the Cali godfathers. Not to mention his new supervisory role at the Texas office. Which only meant one thing to the town. Javier Peña was back again. Drew had the decency to ask of course and Javier gave him the exact opposite of a positive response.
Clearly that didn’t get him very far as he now stood in Drew’s living room, sipping a beer while people continuously came up to him and shared their thanks or praise. He tried to put on a good face. These were the people he grew up with after all. He was supposed to be having a good time. Right? He watched the room as others mingled with each other. It was his nature now. His guard was always a little bit up. The things he’d seen in Colombia were things out of nightmares. He’d seen a teenager get shot in the head for Christ’s sake. As much as he tried to push that image out of his head, it always came back on the bad nights. It wasn’t as bad with Cali, but there were still bodies. Javier had seen too much to come back to this life and act as if everything was normal. Like he was the same as he was before all of it. These people didn’t know him at all anymore.
His eyes stopped on a stranger in the sea of recognizable faces. He blinked a few times, squinting a bit. He knew everyone in this house. He had to know her. He looked down for a moment then up again only to meet her eye from her spot across the room. A tiny smile graced her lips after noticing how he jumped just a little bit. She kept her gaze for a few moments before moving it to the floor then back to her friend. A hand slapping down on Javier’s shoulder took his attention away from her and he let out a big breath. He had been holding his breath?
“Javi! Man it is so good to see you...” the man’s voices faded in and out of Javier’s ears. It was always the same words. “We’re all so proud of you man. You’re a hero. What you did was incredible.” His response was a broken record.
“Thank you, it’s good to see you too.” It would end there with a ‘have a good night’ unless they engaged in other conversation. Javier preferred the former.
Excusing himself and making his way to the coolers on one side of the room, he grabbed another beer and popped the top. He took a long sip before surveying the room again. Save for one or two faces, he grew up with every single one of these people. He remembered almost daily lunches with Mark and Amanda during junior year, skipping classes with Joey to get high past the football fields, breaking into the city pool with Jessica to make out and nearly being caught by the cops. He’d sprained his ankle that night hopping the fence to run. God, he was getting old.
His eyes once again found her. He made a trail down her body, clocking her little black tank top and high waisted jean shorts that hugged her in ways that made Javier stand up straighter and clear his throat. She turned her head and their eyes locked again. Shit. He looked away before she did and turned, sweeping the room for Drew. He didn’t know why it was beginning to bother him so much that he couldn’t place her. But he was determined now to know for sure. Once he spotted him, he grabbed an extra beer and made his way over. Drew turned his head to Javier as he tapped the beer bottle against his arm once. He nodded and took the beer from Javier’s hand.
“Hey....who’s that with Rosie?” He nodded his head toward Drew’s wife and the stranger across the room. “Was she a few grades below us or something?” Drew took a swig of his beer and followed Javier’s eyes.
“Oh no she showed up about a week or two ago, Rose said her name was uh...” he snapped his fingers after a moment toward Javier. “Nell. She’s a new teacher at the elementary school. Rosie invited her.”
Her name fell from Javier’s lips quietly as his eyes stayed on her for a moment. He watched as she threw her head back in laughter at something Rose said, her brunette waves falling like liquid off her shoulders.
“Hey Javi,” Drew interrupted Javier’s stare. “Don’t even try.” He laughed a little bit. “Rosie says she’s...something.” He shook his head once and took another sip of his beer. His eyebrow raised as he looked to Drew then back to Nell. Something huh?
He didn’t know how long he’d been at this house but the constant words of celebration were just about getting to him. He needed something stronger than beer, needed a cigarette, a good fuck, anything else. As he made his way toward the back door he was stopped by Drew’s hand. Fucking hell, he just needed a cigarette. Instead he was being dragged to the center of the living room where, conveniently, a group had gathered around the two of them. Drew held up his cup and shushed everybody. Oh god, here we go.
“Ladies and gentlemen! I’d like to thank you for being here tonight to celebrate our brother Javi’s homecoming.” A small cheer was let out amongst the crowd before the speech continued. Drew slung an arm around Javier’s shoulders as he spoke. The words were, no surprise, the same as they had been all night. He tried his best to not cringe when his ear caught the word ‘hero.’ He spotted Nell in the crowd and watched as she widened her eyes sarcastically with a smirk before sipping her drink. Her eyes met his for the third time that night and she hid her giggle with her hand as Drew continued to sing Javier’s praises. She shook her head lightly before sipping her drink again and moving her eyes to the ground. Javier’s mouth formed into a smile as he watched her. He was glad someone else thought this was as absolutely ridiculous as he did.
Once the crowd cheered one last time and everybody drank to Javier, he slipped out of Drew’s grip and made his way to the back door. He slid the glass door open and slipped through before closing it behind him. Nell watched him and waited a few moments before excusing herself from the group she was with and following his trail out the back door. She was met with the back of him, his arms leaning on the railing of the deck. She watched as an orange glow appeared in front of him followed by a trail of smoke floating above his head. She made sure to make her presence known by closing the sliding door a little louder than normal and he stood up straight, glancing over his shoulder. He stopped before he turned around fully to face her. She walked over to the spot next to him, leaning her back against the railing. An eyebrow was raised at her as he pulled out his pack of cigarettes and held it open to her. She shook her head lightly and he shrugged, sliding the pack into his back pocket. He turned back and rested his weight on his elbows, looking out toward the empty field behind the house. Neither of them spoke for a moment.
“This isn’t really your thing is it?” Nell spoke, gesturing vaguely toward the house. “All the attention.” A sharp chuckle escaped him before he pulled from his cigarette, exhaling toward the sky. His head dipped before he turned to look at her.
“God, it’s that obvious huh?”
“No. You’re doing pretty well actually.” she spoke with a light giggle. “I grew up with performers though so, I can tell when someone’s faking. I do have to say though, you don’t look like a hero.” He breathed out a laugh and shook his head.
“Wow, thank you. Your vote of confidence is overwhelming.” he pulled from his cigarette again. She laughed a little, shaking her head.
“That’s not what I meant. ‘Heroes’ are proud.” She used air quotes when she used the word. “You’re not proud.” Her smile had fallen but her gaze kept on his face. Almost admiring him. He stiffened slightly at her words and shot her a glance before swallowing hard. He looked back out to the empty field, taking another drag. She nodded a few times before fixing her gaze to the back of the house. Exhaling, he turned his head, letting his eyes wander down her body and back up as she leaned against the porch. He stood straight up as he put out the butt on the railing.
“Javier Peña.” he offered his hand for her to shake. Her head lazily rolled to look at him and she huffed out a short laugh.
“I know who you are, Agent.” she gave a devilish smirk before taking his hand and shaking it once. “Nell James.”
“Right..sorry..” he chuckled a little before letting her hand go. He ran his hands over his face and groaned softly. “Oh I’m getting tired of this. The shit that happened there, things I saw...things I did...” A sad chuckle escaped him as he turned and rested his elbows on the railing again. His sad smile fell and his voice reduced itself to a near whisper. “Nothing close to a cause for celebration.” She looked to the ground for a moment before turning to match his position. Her head fell back slightly and her eyes fixed themselves on the night sky. Silence fell upon them again. It wasn’t at all an awkward silence and truthfully, Javier appreciated it. Everything had been so busy, so loud for so long now. He couldn’t help but find peace in moments like these. Nell spoke softly, as if she’d disturb the universe if she spoke any louder.
“It’ll fade. The adoration, the noise. The memories...” She paused and Javier swallowed hard. “Like everything does, it’ll take time. But time isn’t the thief people think. It gives before it takes. Really, a gift.” She turned her head to look at him and gave him a soft smile before pushing off the railing. He didn’t speak, just watched her as she began down the stairs that led off the porch, into the empty field. She continued further as she met the beginning edge of the tall grass. She turned and looked at him, a playful smile laid on her lips. “You coming?”
Javier stood up straight, his mouth opening to speak before he shut it instead. He looked back toward the party then to her once more. He couldn’t help but smile at how she looked. The light from the moon illuminated the field, turning her into some kind of deity. He swallowed the rest of the beer before putting it down on the railing with a thud.
“Yeah.” he gave a nod as he followed her path down the stairs. She looked to the ground with a smile as he made his way over to her, her gaze trailing back up to the night sky as they began their trek into the field.
“I grew up sort of everywhere.” She shrugged, looking ahead of them. “Parents were musicians, actors, dancers, jugglers...” she giggled a little bit, shaking her head. “Whatever type of performance you can think of, my parents did it for money. So we traveled my entire life. Lived in an old school bus, mom homeschooled me. Gave me my passion for teaching.” she smiled fondly at the thought, glancing down to the ground. “My parents retired when I was in my early early 20’s. Got a house and everything. I could hardly believe it. I couldn’t have a life like that yet so they let me have the bus.” she shrugged and glanced at him. Javier’s smile was warm. He watched her as she spoke, noting how her eyes lit up when talking about her childhood. They’d been walking for nearly 15 minutes and for the first time in however long Javier could remember, he hadn’t stopped smiling. “What about you? Obviously you’re from here.” her arm waved in the direction of the house. “But why come back to Texas if you wanted to get away so badly?”
“My dad.” he answered with almost no thought. “After Cali...” he shook his head and sighed. “Let’s just say I needed a break. Dad needed help on the ranch,” he shrugged. “Seemed like a good fit. Then they offered me the position in the Texas office. It saved me from being out of a job and let me have the time with my dad, so I accepted. Yours sounds like quite the life though.” he shook his head, stopping in his stride. He looked up at the stars. “How’d you end up in a place like this?”
“I like it here.” She smiled small, stopping to meet him and following his gaze to admire the sky. “It’s quiet, slow..” she let her eyes fall to his face. “The teaching thing here kind of just fell into my lap so I made my way here from a gig in Ohio.” Javier’s gaze met hers as she continued to speak. “Rosie’s been trying to get me to mingle since I got here.” She shook her head with a laugh. “Hence my presence at your lovely celebration.” she half curtsied and he chuckled, shaking his head once.
“Is it too much to tell you I’m grateful?”
“Oh not at all. Most people are.” She shot him a wink before she slipped her hand into her shorts pocket and pulled out a lighter and a joint. She held it between her lips as she lit it, pulling slowly as she slid her lighter back into her shorts. Javier stared at her with wide eyes, quickly calming as he continued to watch her. A smirk danced along his lips, his gaze flickering down her body then back up, his hands coming to rest on his hips.
“Hm, bold.” he nodded in her direction. She took a long hit then eyed him with a wicked smirk.
“Are you going to arrest me Agent Peña?” She exhaled the smoke to the side of them and raised an eyebrow before turning to walk ahead of him. He watched how her hips moved, his eyes falling to her ass. He sucked in a sharp breath at how the too short shorts shaped it. His head fell as he let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head.
“Oh christ.” he spoke under his breath, moving quickly to catch up with her. Something was an understatement to describe this girl. She made him feel like he was in his early 20s again. His heart was beating just a little too fast. He was intrigued, to say the least. She stopped walking again once he’d caught up. She took a couple of puffs, exhaling slowly toward the sky. Her eyes drifted up, locking onto the stars. They found constellations as her high settled in. Suddenly, he grabbed the joint from her hand and her head snapped toward him. Panic in her eyes until he smiled at her. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” He raised both eyebrows at her before bringing the joint to his lips, making her eyes go wide for a moment. She bit down on her bottom lip, trying to hide a smile as he pulled a long hit. He held it in for a second before he coughed, a hand coming to his knee, exhaling as ungracefully as he could. A loud giggle escaped her as he coughed a bit more, holding the joint out for her to take.
“Long time since you last got high, Agent?” she couldn’t suppress her giggle as she went to inhale again. He coughed once more and shook his head a few times slowly. He lifted his head and pointed a finger at her.
“Hush over there. Or I’ll have you arrested.” he shot her a wink that made her blush and turn away. God that was so cheesy. What effect did this man have on her?
“I would love to see you try.”
He gave her a wicked grin before he glanced down at his watch and cursed under his breath. “Fuck, It’s getting late. We oughta head back.” She nodded as she exhaled another hit she’d taken, holding the joint out for him. He laughed and shook his head. “Generous girl, but I think I should stick to one.”
“Suit yourself.” she shrugged and took another hit, letting out a small sound of satisfaction as she exhaled that made Javier’s breath hitch in his throat. He swallowed thickly, trying to make his mind go anywhere else other than to the thought of how she’d look writhing beneath him. He stood up a bit straighter, attempting to cover up the bulge that was now making itself obvious in his tight blue jeans. She eyed him as she blew smoke to the sky and couldn’t help the smirk that formed on her mouth. His eyes stayed on her as she brought a finger to her mouth. His lips parted slightly as he watched her run her tongue along the pad of her index finger. She pressed the wet digit to the joint, extinguishing the light. Her eyes met his with a cheeky grin. He blinked once and let out a breathy chuckle, trying to snap himself out of this. Shaking his head, he held out his hand toward her.
“Let’s go.” He nodded his head back toward the house. She let out a giggle that made Javier feel warm and she walked over to him, slapping his open hand playfully before beginning to walk ahead of him. He watched her as she moved ahead, a glance thrown back at him after a moment.
“Hey, you said it, let’s go old man.” She called back with a wink and laughed again as she continued to walk
“Loquita.” He shook his head and breathed with a smile before jogging to catch up with her.
As they stepped inside, Javier let out a sigh of relief. A lot of people had left since the mini escape he’d made with Nell and people were continuing to leave. Nell had separated from him as soon as they walked inside to find Rosie. She needed to reassure her she hadn’t been taken against her own will. Nell had only known Rosie for a few weeks but she knew that’s exactly the conclusion she’d jump to. Javier gave a few more thank yous and goodbyes as people came up to him on their way out the door. He found Nell amongst the remaining party members and watched her as she now made her rounds, passing goodbyes to people she’d met throughout the night. She’d landed back with Drew and Rosie, hugs and words exchanged before he saw her turn and make her way back over to him.
“And where’s the traveler off to now?” he questioned with a sly smile. She shook her head and giggled at him.
“Just to where I keep my stuff for right now.” she rolled her eyes playfully. He went to speak but instead blinked in surprise when she grabbed his hand. She turned it over and began writing something on his palm in blue ink, earning a cheesy smile from Javier. “I don’t really sleep...and I have a feeling you don’t much either.” she shrugged when she finished writing, looking at him as she capped her pen. “If you wanna talk...or whatever. I’ll be up.” she smiled before dropping his hand. “See you around, Javier.” she gave a smile and turned away. He brought the inked hand up to his face and read the name of the motel outloud, a smile forming on his face. He looked up when he realized that was all she wrote. He moved quickly out the front door to see her getting on the bus she’d described earlier in the night.
“Nell! You never wrote what number!” he called after her, holding up his hand to show her. She turned back in surprise and a giggle escaped her, shaking her head lightly. She called back to him before closing the doors.
“Room 205!” Javier watched as the bus pulled away and he looked down at the scribble on his hand again. He let out a light laugh, shaking his head to himself.
“Okay..” he breathed. “Room 205.”
@coredrive @stevieharrrr @pascalplease @keeper0fthestars
Feedback is always appreciated🙊♥️
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katymacsupernatural · 5 years
Boredom Busters
Dean Winchester x Reader
1300 Words
Written For: @spngenrebingo
Square Filled: One Bed for Three
Warnings: None
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The tick of your alarm clock was magnified in the stillness of the room. Your leg was propped on every spare pillow the bunker provided, the stark white of the cast already annoying you. Books were propped on your nightstand, one with a bookmarker halfway through, the others ignored.
It was horrible. You were itching to get up and move, but without crutches, you had to rely on Sam and Dean who were also trying to save the world. 
“Cas? Where are you, buddy? Could use some help down here!” You called out, wishing your Angelic friend would drop by and fix this broken leg of yours. But he remained silent, and you remained stuck, lounging on the bed.
At one point during back to back hunts, you had hoped for this. Not for the broken bone, but for the chance to relax. To read what you wanted. To sleep in and not have to worry about a monster who would kill again unless he was stopped. But this isn’t how you had imagined. 
Your cup of water was empty, your snack bag depleted, and you wished for a TV or something to pass the time. But there was only one TV in the entire place and it was broken. As was your laptop. Sam was using his for research.
Sighing, you reached for the book once again when your door opened and Dean came striding inside, his arms full of grocery bags. Sam was standing behind him, his arms just as full, but with a TV. “Guys, what is all of this?” 
Dean stepped to the side so Sam could place the TV on your empty dresser. “We know you’re bored, and Sam saw this TV at the thrift store down the road. We thought it might make your imprisonment a little bit more bearable.”
“It has a built-in DVD player,” Sam announced proudly, leaning down, his long arms easily reaching the plug in behind your dresser. “And they had a sale on DVDs. 10 for ten dollars!” 
“Sam spent over a hundred dollars,” Dean teased. “He got all of the Indiana Jones, Star Wars, all the classics! Can you believe people were getting rid of them?” 
Dean placed a couple of the other bags on the bed beside you. Bags that were full of snacks, more books, anything you could think of that you would need while Sam and Dean went on a hunt. “Does this mean you’re leaving on a hunt?” You asked,  wondering how you were going to get by without them.
“Oh, I forgot something!” Dean exclaimed, rounding the corner of the door, grabbing crutches and bringing them back into your room. “This way you aren’t always relying on us.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” You prodded, although you didn’t want to know the answer. You didn’t want to be left behind. 
Dean moved the bags, sitting beside you. “No, we’re not. Not until we’re sure you can get around by yourself.” 
“Mind if we watch a movie with you?” Sam asked, handing you the remote. “It’s pretty quiet on the research front, and I think you could use the company.”
“As long as I get to pick,” you answered, letting Dean move you to the middle of your large bed so you would be surrounded by both men. 
“No way!” Dean answered. “I’ve already picked. You can pick the next one.”
Truthfully, you really didn’t care. As long as you got to spend some time with your two best friends, you would watch anything. Dean settled in beside you on the left, closest to the snacks, while Sam was on the right. It was tight, but the three of you fit. Dean passed Sam his favorite sour candy, letting you share his licorice as the movie started to play. “The princess bride?” You exclaimed in surprise. “Dean, I never picked you for a Princess Bride fan.” “I’ve never seen it,” he admitted. “I know some of the lines, but I figured it was about time I watched it.” 
You settled in to watch the movie, but you ended up watching Dean’s face as he watched the movie for the first time. He tried so hard to remain expressionless, but he was too drawn into the movie, much like a child, and it was adorable. 
One movie turned into two, and pizza was brought in at one point. During the middle of the third movie you glanced over to see Sam sound asleep, his hand still clutching the empty bag of rainbow sours he pretended he didn’t love. Dean was snoring softly on your other side, the empty bag of licorice fallen forgotten on his lap. The only light in the room came from the TV, and you reached for the remote, turning it off. 
With a cast on your leg and two gigantic men on either side of you, you really couldn’t get comfy. Dean felt you moving, and without opening his eyes he raised his arm up, letting you settle up against him. He was warm and comfortable, and you quickly found yourself falling asleep, comforted by the fact that you were sandwiched between the two people you cared most about. 
It was the smell of bacon that had you awaking from the best sleep you’ve had since the accident. You were wrapped up in a blanket, your leg still propped on pillows, but only Dean remained at your side. Sam’s side of the bed was cold, the empty snack and pizza containers were gone. You still cuddled up to Dean, his arm tight around you while your head was propped on his chest. It was awkward, with your leg straight due to the cast, but you were comfortable and didn’t want to move. 
“Hey,” Sam spoke softly from the doorway. His hair was freshly washed, his clothes changed, and in his hand, he carried a tray. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“The bacon did,” you answered just as Dean started to stir, no doubt smelling the bacon also. He moved his arm, sitting up and rubbing his eyes when Sam placed the tray on the bed. “Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, and fruit. Something a little healthier after our binge last night.” 
“What time is it?” Dean asked, his voice even deeper with sleep clogging it still. 
Sam glanced at your alarm clock. “A little after eight.” 
Dean looked at the rumpled bed, a teasing smile on his face even though he was still partially asleep. “I never imagined my first time sharing a bed with you would involve my brother as well,” Dean teased. You blushed, exactly the reaction he was looking for while Sam just rolled his eyes.
“Just once, can things not be about sex?” Sam grumbled, taking a strip of bacon and leaving you and Dean alone in your room.
“Hell no, Sammy!” Dean yelled after his brother. “Well, I guess there are cars and classic rock, but they lead to sex as well, so…,”
“You’re insufferable,” you muttered, taking your plate, suddenly hungry. 
“But you love me,” he rebutted slightly pushing your shoulder. “And don’t tell me you haven’t thought about you and me in this bed. And not just watching movies either.”
You choked on a piece of egg. Your cheeks blazing red, you turned to Dean, to see a wistful look in his eyes before they darted down to glance at your lips. Making you wonder if your new TV wouldn’t be your main source of inspiration that day.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278  @bebravekeeponfighting  @brindz30 @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215   @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk   @ria132love @ruprecht0420     @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
Forever Tags: @aditimukul @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl   @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @gh0stgurl @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @maui137 @mogaruke @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing @samanthaharper2018 @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman   @superbadassnatural @thatcrazybookwormgeek   @thewinchesterchronicles @vvinch3st3r @wecantgiggleitsafandom @whimsicalrobots @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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"I can explain."
Turns out if I get really sick, light headed, and take cold meds, I’ll write some Explicit Things for you guys.
Enjoy and I’m sorry!
Christopher knows damn well what a ‘micro aggression’ is, he’s lived with this amazing human nearly a year, and they’ve been noticeably a couple in public for three months. He can pick up on small and delicate changes in human mood and social cues, he’s designed for it. Amanda’s teased him more than once by calling him a protocol droid.
But he couldn’t quite grasp the series of small remarks, quips, and too-close brushes against him throughout the day, not until she invited him directly into the shower that night. Oh. Seduction. 
Processors and logic drives burned in him to think that a human found him worthy of that level of want and persuasion, and he appreciated it deeply. Not quite foreplay but a drawn out question of his mood. A drawn out, beautiful prelude of a question of consent, presented by Amanda in various states of dress and amorousness. And she did it for him. 
That was two weeks ago. Not that they hadn’t had any contact during the fortnight, but it had been drowsy on Amanda’s part, gentle and slow–he likes it, it’s a sort of intimacy different from the rough and overt sexuality of some encounters that she’d initiated. Elements of trust, safety, and the implied security that Amanda must have felt to fall asleep next to him when they were done. If he had to choose a favorite form of contact, the slower, sweeter touches were what he gravitated to. His partner on the other hand….
Surely she might be waiting for him to initiate something along those lines now? She doesn’t usually go so long without starting something, or asking him if he wants to start.
Amanda’s in the bath now, and he’d love to join her, but if he does, the heat will make his environmental sensors buzz pleasantly, and he’ll get as close to ‘tired’ as a synthetic can get. And he does like simply….sharing the space with her, sometimes even squeezing in on the same side of the tub so she can snuggle into his chest and doze in lavender bubbles….
But perhaps she’s not the only one who may be a little–on edge. 
He’s been watching her eagerly all day, looking for those minute little signs of dilated eyes, of biting her lip, watching him when he’s unaware. But nothing. Nothing different other than the usual beauty in the curve of body, the smooth muscles of her arms, and the scars across her here and there, the way her tattoos seem so much part of her that she could have been born with them, the contrast of her bright hair and pale chest against that low slung shirt she had on today. the first of the freckles over her heart visible, that constellation he loves to trace with his lips softly before and after giving attention to her breasts, or kissing up her stomach from between her legs, sharp hipbones and too-thin belly that makes him worry she’s not eating enough again.
Gods he could get lost in her. Shape of her mouth as she pouts, not really, it’s just her resting face but it looks so distraught that he finds himself wanting to make her smile even though he finds her distressingly beautiful regardless, her peach lips soft against his artificial skin–his surface fully laced with nerves, adjusting sensitivity to something close to a human, but sometimes, sometimes making it even higher to feel the exact imprint of her lips on his, on his chest, on the ugly ‘scar’ on his back where he had been torn open for make shift repairs on that same trip that gave her so many of her own scars. Her lips around his member, guilt eating at his core becuase she wasn’t getting anything out of this other than a sense of secondhand pleasure. 
The faux muscles of his stomach tense as he recalls the memory of her kissing down them, lightly, lower, and lower, down his shaft to the very tip of his head before her tongue slipped under it and her mouth closed around him.
He could draw her fingerprints from how committed to memory her touch was. 
If she knew the depths to which he adored her she’d recoil immediately, having told him to put a stop to worshipping her, to the hero idolatry but it was impossible to deny it in his mind, that for as short of a time as he was anything nearing sentient, she has been the center of his universe for most of it.
And she’s relaxing in their bath now, and if he doesn’t bloody do something she’ll fall asleep not knowing that he’s been looking for her all day.
“Chris?” she sits up in the bath, no shame between them, her breasts visible from under the foam. “You didn’t even knock?”
“I can explain.”
“Did you want to join me?”
“Not…exactly, I just thought that if you’re in the mood for a bath, perhaps,” he looks for words as he’d rather articulate the art of water droplets sliding down her skin. “You’d like a back rub?”
“A back rub.” she repeated incredulously.
“If you don’t, it’s fine, I only wondered if maybe–”
“No, no. It sounds fantastic, let me dry off first though,” she braces herself against the cool air and stands up. Mechanically he hands over her towel, trying to not look at her as she leans forward to dry her hair first. She’s quite flexible, he’s learned, delightfully, fantastically flexible. 
“The couch or the bed?”
“Back rub. You do mine and i’ll do yours?”
“Sounds fantastic, and…couch? That works.”
“Give me a minute, babe.”
“Of course.”
“Are you just going to stand there?”
“Oh, er, sorry.” he makes a motion to walk away, and when she says nothing else, he keeps going, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt in the mean time. 
“I’m all yours,” Amanda standing, in her underwear and nothing else sits in front of him on their couch, and Samuels has to remind himself that her bra would have only gotten in the way of a back rub and that’s the only reason she hasn’t put one back on yet.
“Right…” She melts across his lap as he gets to work on this thing he’s done a dozen plus times for her, working out knots as she hums softly. Now what, now what to do, she can’t see him, but he doesn’t want to take liberties either, so he starts by trailing lower down her spine.
Or he could just activate one tiny line of code  and she’d feel it with a positive or negative reaction or—
“Yeah? Don’t stop…”
He doesn’t, but continues talking.
“I couldn’t help but notice that today you didn’t….seem–”
“To notice your bedroom-eyes attempts to seduce me?”
“WHat? No, no! I was–I was going to say that I was watching you and–I wasn’t trying to–oh.. Oh, no. If I’ve done this wrong–”
“Fuck, you’re cute,” she gets up, looks at him as if she was sizing up a difficult broken bit of equipment. “Do you want to keep trying, or get right to it?”
“Well you didn’t–leave much to…”
“I figured it would take you long enough to get just my underwear off,”
“Your confidence in my abilities does wonders for my self image,” he reaches for her, but she inches back. 
“Not yet, keep going. Get me in the mood.”
“But–But your eyes are dilating and your heart beat is–”
“Physically I might be turned on but I mean mentally. You’re cute. Let’s see how much farther you can get.”
“Do…Do I lose if I don’t do it right?”
“No! Chris, if you want to learn this sort of shit, I’ll help but I’m not. I’m not going to tell you, you can’t have what you want until you’re perfect. It’s okay.”
“In that case, take off the pants. I want to see you.”
“Bossy. Works for you,” she starts to wriggle out of them gracelessly, but they’re not on the floor when she looks up to meet his eyes: “Yours too.”
“Only fair,” he pulls his shirt over his head, and pushes down his joggers. Amanda doesn’t ask for him to lose the boxers too, he’s amusingly shy about total nudity outside of their room.
“Now what?”
“Do I have permission first, to do several things in short succession that I don’t…typically do without telling you first?”
“Chris, full flat out hell yes to whatever’s in your–” he at her side, arm under her knees and another supporting her back as he scoops her up in one fast movement, “—mind.”
“I’m going to take you to bed,”
“Okay…” he walks her down the hall and into their room, dropping her softly on the bed; she catches sight of the erection forming beneath the cotton boxers with a grin and a sense that she should have called him out on his randy mood hours ago.
“Now….” he looks much less sure of himself than his voice presents. “Mrs. Samuels.”
“Mr. Ripley.” she leans back onto the bed, looking up at him. He’s tall, but so is she and she doesn’t fully appreciate it enough.
“Do you want….me to do this or,”
“Or what?” she tries, help the poor bastard a little.
“To quote you, would you rather you ‘fucked out my batteries?’”
“Get.” She hissed at him as he gingerly stepped out of his boxers, and turned off the lamp. “Down here….now.”
“Did I do it right?”
“Oh fuck, Chris, either you did or I’m just weak for your cute shit, come here,”
They don’t usually start with him on top of her, but she looks worn out already, and after watching her slide her own fingers into herself and out, he settles a fraction of his weight on her, she’s wet enough that he fills her easily, and she wraps her limbs around him tight as she can.
“So…successful?” he kisses her mouth softly before she can answer, it’s chastity a strong contrast to her clenching around him. 
“Absolutely,” she answers, softly, truthfully, rocking her hips to his to encourage him to start, and when she does she sinks into the pillow, wide content grin, only for moments though as he starts to draw sounds from her throat she’s never heard herself make before she was with him.
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ur-not-reddie · 6 years
Comfort Me
pairing: reddie 
warnings: bullying, nsfw
aged up
Eddie Kaspbrak arrives at school a little late that Tuesday morning. Richie Tozier is also running late, along with Henry Bowers. They’re all late and arrive at different times, well, except two. Two have an encounter while one boy arrives a little too late.
Eddie swings the school doors open, looking down at his feet as he walks quickly only to bump into someone along the way.
“Watch it, loser!” Henry shouts, his voice booming through the corridor.
“S- sorry, I’m sorry.” Eddie stammers as he tries to keep walking only for Henry to grab him and shove his back into the locker, Eddie’s eyes growing wide in fear.
“Look, I know what you and your loser friends have done.” Henry says angrily, holding Eddie up by the collar of his shirt. “How you tried to get me and my friends fucking suspended?!”
“It w- wasn’t my idea. I- I- I swear! It wasn’t.” Eddie stumbles over his words, voice shaking in fright.
“Then who was it?!” Henry asks as he slams Eddie’s back against the lockers again, this time harder.
“I- I- I- I-” Eddie can’t seem to grasp onto his words or even his thoughts. His mind is twisted in pure terror.
Eddie opens his mouth, trying to speak again when he feels a fist connect with his lips. The smaller boy gasps, trying to get free from Henry’s grip just to be punched three more times in the face.
Henry stops himself, feeling satisfied and throws Eddie to the ground, kicking him in his stomach before walking away.
Eddie gasps for air, shakily standing to his feet as he limps his way to the bathroom, wiping away the tears that have slipped down his cheeks. The small boy opens the bathroom door, nearly hitting someone as he enters.
“Oh shit I’m sorry- Richie?” Eddie asks, his voice breaking as he speaks the other boy’s name.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Richie asks with worry. Eddie looks down, not saying anything. “Who did this to you?” the boy asks another question, hand going up and rubbing his thumb gently across the bruise that’s forming on Eddie’s cheek.
“Henry Bowers,” Eddie says in a soft tone, looking down. He almost feels ashamed for what happened even though it was completely out of his control.
“I’m going to kick his fucking ass!” Richie nearly shouts, anger growing rapidly inside of him.
“No, Richie, it’s fine. I swear.” Eddie grabs Richie’s arm, trying to calm him down.
“No, it’s not okay! He hurt you, Eddie. You’re all bloody and bruised.” Richie opens his mouth to speak as Eddie cuts him off. “It’s fine, Richie. I don’t want to add fuel to the fire.”
Richie nods, grabbing a paper towel and getting it wet. He then begins dabbing lightly at Eddie’s nose and the blood off of his face. Eddie whimpers and winces at the pressure on his sensitive, beaten up face. Richie throws away the towel, not satisfied.
“Hey, why don’t we go back to my house? We can get you all cleaned up there and just take the rest of the day off?”
“Okay,” Eddie says with a soft smile.
Richie smiles again and grabs Eddie’s hand. Eddie laces their fingers together and the two walk out of the bathroom and out of the school. The walk back to Richie’s house is fairly silent, the two enjoying each other’s company before Eddie breaks the silence.
“Thanks for coming to my rescue,”
Richie chuckles at Eddie’s remark, squeezing his hand gently.
“I mean, I didn’t necessarily come to your rescue, it just happened by chance.”
“I know,” Eddie laughs softly. “What I mean is thank you for being there and helping me.”
“Anything for you,” Richie hums softly, letting go of Eddie’s hand and wrapping his arm around his shoulder.
You see, these two aren’t necessarily together. They are deeply in love with each other, always there for each other and even have a few heated make out sessions in the janitor's closet at school, but nothing is official even though it feels like it.
The two boys round a corner and they arrive at Richie’s house. Richie unlocks the door and the two step inside, shutting it after them.  Richie grabs Eddie’s hand again and leads him up the stairs and into the bathroom. He lifts the small boy up onto the counter as Richie grabs a warm, wet towel. He goes back to slowly dabbing and wiping the now dried blood off of Eddie’s face.
“All done,” Richie states as he throws the cloth in the dirty clothes hamper and stands in between Eddie’s legs.
“Thanks,” Eddie says softly, peering at Richie’s lips for a second before looking him back into his deep, dark brown eyes.
“Is there something you want?” Richie asks with a smirk.
“W- what? I’m, umm, I-” once again, Eddie is stumbling over his words.
“God, you’re just an adorable mess.” Richie says before cupping Eddie’s chin and pulling him in for a soft kiss.
Eddie hesitates for a second before he wraps his arms around Richie’s neck and deepens the kiss. Richie garbs Eddie’s hips and pulls him in closer. The kiss starts off slow and gentle until Richie licks Eddie’s bottom lip, asking for entrance. Eddie opens his mouth, letting Richie’s tongue explore. Eddie moans at that, tugging at Richie’s dark curls.
Richie picks Eddie up, Eddie wrapping his legs around Richie’s waist as the taller boy leads them into his room. He lays the smaller boy onto the bed, Richie still in between his legs and not breaking the kiss. He runs his hands up under Eddie’s shirt, his hands stroking all along his soft torso.
“You’re so beautiful,” Richie says breathlessly as he pulls away. Eddie blushes as one hand goes up to stroke Richie’s pale cheek.
“That’s all you, Rich.”  
Richie kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose before taking off his shirt and throwing it to the ground.
“Is this okay?” Richie asks in a soft tone.
“Yeah, it’s perfect.” Eddie smiles and pulls Richie down into another kiss.
The two begin making out again, Richie then taking off his own shirt and begins massaging Eddie through his jeans. Eddie moans again, this time louder than before.
“You make such pretty noises, baby.” Richie states and begins to undress Eddie until he’s naked, Richie then stripping off the rest of his clothes too.
Richie starts kissing down Eddie’s jaw and neck, leaving love bites all across Eddie’s collarbones. Richie grabs the lube and lubes up his fingers before pressing one of his fingers inside of Eddie. Eddie sighs in pleasure, gripping onto Richie’s shoulders as he looks him in the eyes. Richie starts pumping his finger slowly for a moment then adding a second one. He pumps them and curls his fingers upwards, hitting Eddie’s sweet spot.
“Oh god,” Eddie moans, his grip on Richie’s shoulders tight. Richie hums, smiling down at him, pumping his fingers faster and faster until Eddie is making high pitched squeals. Richie adds a third and final finger. “Please,” Eddie says. “I want you.”
Richie pulls his fingers out and grabs the lube again, this time lubing up his dick. He spreads it all around, pumping himself before placing his dick at Eddie’s entrance then slowly starts pushing in. Eddie whimpers, wincing slightly.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Richie apologizes worriedly. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” Eddie nearly cuts Richie off. “Just give me a moment.” and Richie does, he stays still until Eddie tells him he’s ready.
Richie moves his hips slowly, rocking back and forth in a slow but steady rhythm. Eddie closes his eyes, humming in pleasure as he rocks up against Richie.
“Faster… Please” Eddie orders shyly with a blush tinting his cheeks.
Richie thrusts faster, moaning into Eddie’s ear, whispering sweet things to him. This makes the pink on Eddie’s cheeks to turn cherry red. Eddie rocks his hips faster too, meeting Richie’s rhythm. The smaller boy tugs lightly at Richie’s hair, his head snapping backwards as Eddie cums all over his stomach.
“Shit,” Richie moans with a growl, thrusting faster and faster until he cums inside of Eddie. He catches his breath before pulling out and laying next to him.
Eddie smiles at Richie, cuddling up to him.
“That was amazing,”
“Yes, yes it was.” Richie agrees as he wraps his arm around the small of Eddie’s back. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” Eddie says truthfully. “But I’m a little tired now.”
“Well I don’t know about you, but I could use a nap.”
“That also sounds amazing,” Eddie says with a yawn.
Richie grabs the blankets and pulls them over them, the two drifting off to sleep.
tag list: @amative-amanda @addimagination
if you want to be on the tag list, let me know :)
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selfship-loving · 5 years
Gimme all the candy asks for Jyusa!!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)
Chocolate: What’s the best gift your f/o has given you?
The best gift I’ve gotten from Jyushi has to be the time he showed me his other eye. It’s not an actual gift but it was a gift to my eyes. It felt so nice knowing he trusted me enough to show me.
Butterscotch: What’s your go-to date night idea with your f/o?
Our go-to date night is definitely going to a local karaoke spot. Although I’m not as talented at singing as Jyushi, we still have fun and he seems to enjoy hearing me sing.
Saltwater Taffy: Have you and your f/o ever gone to a beach? What do you like to do there?
We’ve been to one once. We usually like to hang out, talk, and people watch. Maybe take cute pictures. Although I don’t like being there for too long since I tan easily and I don’t like getting too tan (even though Jyushi says I look cute when I tan).
Jelly Bean: What’s a quirk/little detail about your fave that you think is cute?
I think everything about him is cute but I especially love his voice when he isn’t forcing it to be all weird and deep. I know it isn’t little but I do adore it. It makes me want to hug him and protect him and never let go.
Cotton Candy: Who’s better at carnival games, you or your f/o?
I am! Jyushi isn’t super strong or coordinated so I’m usually the one winning some stuffed animals for Amanda to play with.
Peppermint: Have you and your f/o ever fought?
We have...it was really scary and I was so sad. The idea was brought up of what would happen if a war against Chuuoku was waged and I was asked which side I would be on. It’s a hard question having to decide between my love and my family so I stuttered. I know Jyushi was having a stressful day because he had a big concert the next day so I guess my hesitance got answer made him upset. We ended up arguing about some stuff. Jyushi ended up leaving Amanda at my house on the day of his concert and I was in visiting another division so I couldn’t bring it to him. He ended up not being able to perform. Apparently if he has either me or Amanda he can perform but he had neither that day so. After a while, Hitoya forced us to get together to talk. I cried and so did he but we worked it out. He eventually wrote me an apology song to make up for putting me on the spot like that.
Sour Patch: Is there a jealous one in the relationship? You or your f/o?
Jyushi is the jealous one. He can be kinda insecure at times which lead to me cuddling him and attacking him with compliments.
Candy Buttons: Who’s the more affectionate one?
I’m more physically affectionate. I’m always throwing myself on him for hugs and kisses and showing him off when we go out but Jyushi gives little meaningful gifts like little songs and stuff along those lines.
Licorice: If there was an element in your fave’s canon you could change, what would you change?
The overall depressing storyline and the probability that my favorites are going to die. I would change it so they don’t have to try to fight and kill each other and eventually the men and Chuuoku can come to a compromise and not have a big civil(a theory of mine).
Ring Pop: Are you and your f/o married? If not, are there any plans to be?
Nope but we are engaged! Wedding is postponed since I’ve been having a rough time in the mental health department but I’ll keep y’all updated!
Caramel Corn: Who gets jumpy while you watch scary movies?
Jyushi gets jumpy but he just hugs Amanda while I hug him and he’s fine. Truthfully, I’ve watched a bunch of horror movies so I’m a little tired of them but I love how he jumps in my arms so I don’t mind rewatching them a few times.
Scottie Dogs: Do you and your f/o keep any pets together? What are they?
Jyushi is too busy with his band and I’m too busy with school but I would love to have a cat or a snake. I’m not sure how Jyushi would feel about a snake though.
Chocolate Pretzel: Who’s the big spoon, and who’s the little spoon?
Usually I’m the big spoon and Jyushi as the little spoon but when I’m stressed, Jyushi is the big spoon. He just wraps himself around me and holds me close. The best stress releaver.
Jawbreaker: Do you have any angst written about you and your f/o?
Yes. Yes I do.
Skittles: Do you have any headcannons for your f/o?
I headcannon that Jyushi has some sort of scar under his hair. He hides his eye and he was bullied a lot so why not have some sort of scar from a bullying incident.
Lollipop: Who’s the more forgetful one in the relationship?
Jyushi isn’t exactly forgetful as much as I am distracting. He always leaves Amanda and some stuff at my place when he comes over so he always has to come back.
*Mumbles* not an accident…..
Maple Candy: Who wakes up first? You, or your f/o?
Definitely Me! I’m an early riser! Like, really early but this means I get to watch Jyushi’s peaceful and adorable sleeping face.
Swedish Fish: Who’s the one who stares at the fish in pet stores?
We both do. We like to go with Amanda and hang out. Sometimes we name them. But I mostly look at the snakes.
Bubble Gum: Do you have any AUs of your self ship?
Yes! A Stella! AU and a BNHA AU.
Lemonheads: Any risque headcannons about your f/o?
👀👀👀yes I do
Wax Lips: Have you ever done your f/o’s makeup?
I have. It was a silly, badly done look with kids makeup because I was bored.
Atomic Fireball: Who’s the more protective one in your self ship?
I’m definitely more protective! When Jyushi isn’t acting all over eccentric, he's just shyer so it’s my job to protect him and help him come out of his shell a little.
Airheads: What was your first interaction with your f/o like? Did you always like each other?
My first interaction with him was kinda sorta not the best. I kinda introduced myself as the overexcitable daughter of the assistant prime minister and a big fan of his and he kinda freaked out a bit. He thought I was tryna spy on him or something along those lines. I always liked him but he unfortunately didn’t always like me. He was skeptical of me at first.
Now and Later: What was your first self ship, do your still ship with that character?
My first official self ship was with Jiro Yamada! And yes, I do still self ship with him~
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danfanciesphil · 6 years
Some Kind Of Folliful (New Chapter)
Edgelord!Dan x ObliviousBisexual!Phil AU [CHAPTER THIRTEEN] (based off the 80′s classic Some Kind of Wonderful)
Synopsis: Dan has one friend, and only because he was forced into it. Phil is loud, excitable, and irritatingly happy all of the time. Phil seems to find Dan’s perpetual attitude funny, and despite Dan’s best efforts to shun him and everyone else, wants to be around him all the time. That is, until Phil starts talking about Amanda Jones. Word Count: WIP (Estimated 12-15 chapters) updates every Tuesday Rating: Explicit Warnings: Smoking, swearing, heavy drinking, drug mentions, implied prostitution, broken home, class divide/classism, pining, light homophobia, sex
[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] [Chapter Six] [Chapter Seven] [Chapter Eight] [Chapter Nine] [Chapter Ten] [Chapter Eleven] [Chapter Twelve]
This chapter is NSFW. Explicit. Sex happens. 
From: Dan To: Louise 13:23pm Can I have the weekend off?
From: Louise To: Dan 13:24pm This better be a damn joke
From: Dan To: Louise 13:25pm I worked the entire school holiday! Double shifts!
From: Louise To: Dan 13:25pm You also skived off two shifts to go get beat up by some rich kid
From: Dan To: Louise 13:27pm Please.
From: Louise To: Dan 13:30pm ughhhhhhHHHH FINE. I will give you today and Saturday off. Only because you never ask so I assume ur either violently ill or have a serious dick appointment.
From: Dan To: Louise 13:32pm :D thanks. srsly.
From: Louise To: Dan 13:33pm I expect details.
From: Dan To: Louise 13:34pm Don’t suppose I could wrangle Sunday too?
From: Louise To: Dan 13:34pm Don’t push it, Howell.
From: Dan To: Louise 13:40pm xxx
Despite his best efforts to remain cool and aloof, there eventually comes a point where Dan truly can’t resist looking over his shoulder any longer. He half-expects Phil to be looking right back at him. Instead, Phil is hunched over the small wooden desk in front of him, scrawling onto a pad of paper. His tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth, a tiny pink rose petal, resting on the jut of his lower lip. Just then, Phil looks up, as if he can sense Dan’s break in resolve. His eyes are shining with excitement, which makes no sense, as they are stuck in detention with Mr Richardson for at least another twenty minutes.
Furtively, Phil looks to the front of the room, where Mr Richardson is steadfastly refreshing his LinkedIn page, and then back to Dan. He lifts the pad up to show him, beaming. Centre of the page is a pencil drawing of Dan, slumped over his desk, forehead resting on his hands, in the exact position he’d been in until about a minute ago. Dan rolls his eyes, mouthing ‘creeper’.
Phil puts the pad down, then holds up an index finger to Dan, a signal for him to wait a moment. Dan sighs, pretending that keeping his eyes trained on Phil is some great effort. Truthfully, he’s incredibly grateful for Phil’s presence here. Dan has spent a great deal of time in this very chair, at this very desk, wishing for any kind of distraction or entertainment. Usually he wishes for something banal, like Mr Richardson’s pen exploding, or the stoner kid who sometimes sits in the corner desk to catch his dreads on fire with the lighter he’s always flicking under the desk. But having Phil here is a miracle that Dan had never so much as dared to dream about. He’s a gorgeous beacon of pure light, sat just the other side of the room, all too happy to return Dan’s mildly creepy staring. He holds the pad up to Dan again; this time, there’s a message on it.
Still up for coming over for the weekend? After work obvs. 
P.S ur cute 
Shaking his head, Dan mouths ‘no work today’. The joy of this news lights Phil’s eyes an even more radiant blue. Dan lets the smile teetering on the edge of his mouth fall across his face. A cough startles Dan out of the moment, and he turns to the front of the classroom in time to watch as Mr Richardson strides down the few desks towards Phil. He lifts the pad close to his nose to read it, then sighs heavily.
“Touching,” he says, drily. “But I think Daniel can wait to hear how ‘cute’ he is until after detention, don’t you?”
Mr Richardson lets the pad fall to Phil’s desk with a loud thwack. It makes Phil jump in his seat, adorably.
“How’d you know it was directed at me, Sir?” Dan finds himself asking. It’s too tempting to resist; that little pulsing vein in Mr Richardson’s neck is pounding away as always, just begging to be engorged. “I think he was angling it your way.”
Mr Richardson whirls around to face him. “Would you like for me to double your sentence, Mr Howell?”
“He’s just kidding, Sir,” Phil jumps in quickly, which is probably good as Dan had been about to suggest he and Mr Richardson skip the courting stage and go straight back to his place. “I won’t write any more notes. Sorry.”
With what seems to be a great deal of effort, Mr Richardson lets go of the tension in his shoulders and nods to Phil, then makes his way back to the front of class. Phil sends Dan a look, which obviously reads ‘stop being a prat’, so Dan smirks down at the homophobic graffiti on his desk, and tries to be a good student for the next eighteen minutes.
On his way out of detention, Dan is so steadfastly trying to keep his head down and not meet Mr Richardson’s eye that he barrels straight into Megan, the girl he sees in here most days. Her jet black hair is pulled into two ponytails either side of her head; it’s too short to be tied up properly, so they stick out like bundles of feathers, secured by bright pink and purple bobbles. If Dan cared enough to ask her about her unusual style choices - the shiny lime green Doc Martens, the string of ropey bracelets and sweatbands up her wrists, the chunky neon beads she wears around her neck when she can get away with it - he imagines she might say she’s ‘Scene’. It doesn’t seem to bother her that the era of the Scene Kid has, thankfully, for most, been abandoned in the late noughties.
“Shit, sorry,” Dan tells her when he crashes straight into her, hot on Phil’s tail.
She glowers at him. Her kohl eyeliner is thick and scary-looking. “Sorry? That’s rich.”
“Uh, what?”
“You and the art ponce?” She jabs a thumb towards the classroom door, where Phil is lurking, watching Megan with a startled expression. “Really?”
Bewildered by her sudden hostility when he’s spoken less than a sentence to Megan in all the time they’ve been stuck in detention together, Dan just stares. 
“Is there some kind of a problem?”
“After all this build-up between us, you go and date a random dude?”
“Build up?” Dan’s stare becomes a little panicked. He glances at Phil, who appears to be sniggering into his hand.
“You mean to tell me that you're in detention every time I am by chance?” She sneers derisively. “Pull the other one.”
“Um, Megan, is it?” Dan asks tentatively, taking a hasty but hopefully discreet step backwards.
She claps loudly. “Round of applause for the acting skill. Dan, is it?”
“Right, yeah.” He swallows. “I’m sorry but… I’m gay. Did you think…”
Something falls across her pale face, as if she’s been struck. “Gay,” she repeats, voice at a far more reasonable volume now. Her thick eyeliner just looks panda-ish, suddenly. She tugs her chewed cardigan sleeves down over her hands. “Not bi?”
“Nope,” Dan says. Crap, this is awkward. He’s never had to come out to a random stranger before. Although perhaps Megan would argue that they’re close friends. “Just boys.” He glances at Phil. “One boy, actually, now.”
“Oh,” Megan says. She looks hurt. “I thought… because you’re always in here when I am...”
“I’m in here pretty much every day,” Dan tells her. He gestures to Mr Richardson, who appears to have fallen asleep on his own shoulder. “Thanks to my number one fan over there.”
She closes her eyes, shaking her head. “It’s just… everyone’s bi now, y’know? I heard rumours about you some of the guys around town but… I thought you were just playing the long game with me.”
Dan is finding it very difficult to put himself in Megan’s shoes here - he can’t even remember a conversation he’s had with the girl, let alone a moment that might lead her to think he had some kind of romantic interest in her - but he nods sympathetically anyway, hoping it might lead to a faster escape.
“Sorry if I gave off signals or something,” he says, awkwardly.
She shrugs. “It’s okay.”
“Um, I’m sure you’ll find someone?”
She nods, sadly. “I guess. I mean, you did, right? Nobody saw that coming.”
“Yeah,” Dan says, inching around her towards the door. Phil is looking at him, eyes tinged with amusement. Dan sends him a withering look, then turns back to Megan. “Guess if I can snag someone, anyone can, right?”
“...you’re like one of those horses with the blinders on,” Phil tells him, hands either side of his eyes in demonstration. “You’re so oblivious to all the people lusting after you every day-”
“Oh, come off it,” Dan interrupts, eyes rolling backwards. “Lusting. Please.”
“Dan, you’re off-the-charts gorgeous,” Phil says. He grabs hold of Dan’s hand and tucks it into his coat. It’s because Dan doesn’t have gloves on - doesn’t own any, even. It’s a sweet gesture, but it makes walking beside Phil a little awkward, especially when other people are walking the other way and have to squeeze past them. “You must see how people look at you.”
Dan shrugs, embarrassed. “Creepy guys at Ozone maybe. Girls, though? Like, actual, reasonably attractive girls. Why the fuck would they want a lanky, perpetually bruised idiot with too many holes in his flesh?”
Phil stops them mid-pavement, pulling Dan towards him, until they’re chest to chest. 
“Because, in an emo, heroin chic way, you’re extremely sexy,” he says, then kisses him. Dan tries to be annoyed that Phil basically just called him a 2002 Pete Wentz, but Phil’s tongue is distracting. It flicks against Dan’s lower lip, where the cut is still healing. “Miss the lip ring, though,” Phil murmurs. “That completed the look.”
“I can prob’ly re-pierce it,” Dan replies, muffled because Phil won’t stop kissing for even a second. “If it turns you on that much.”
Phil laughs, breaking away. “You don’t need a lip ring to do that.”
“I don’t like detention,” Phil says, then licks a long line up Dan’s throat.
“No?” Dan gasps out, fingers digging into Phil’s shoulders. He can feel one of the framed, childhood photos of Phil digging into his back, threatening to fall once Phil releases him. “I find Mr Richardson’s lectures on respecting teachers truly scintillating.”
“No, I don’t,” Phil says, pushing their mouths together greedily. “Two hours in a classroom, staring at you, nothing to do but think about all the time wasted that I could have spent doing this.”
“An hour and a half,” Dan corrects, so Phil kisses him harder to quiet him, hands planted on Dan’s hips.
In his time, Dan’s had plenty of selfish, greedy assholes backing him into corners, but nobody he’s ever actually wanted this badly. They’d barely gotten in Phil’s front door before Dan found himself pressed up against the wall of the entrance hallway; they’ve not even taken off their shoes. Vaguely, Dan registers a noise in the distance, and reasons it must be a dog in another room. Phil doesn’t seem to notice the noise, too focused on how far he can slide his hand up Dan’s shirt without removing it entirely. The noise gets closer, and Dan realises blearily, belatedly, that Phil doesn’t own a dog.
Just as this realisation crests, Mrs Lester rounds the corner. “Phil, love is that- oh!”
Phil jumps back at the sound of his mum’s voice, but it’s too late. She’s already seen the worst of it. Dan waits for the ground beneath him to split into a gaping hole into which he can tumble, but presumably because God hates him, it doesn’t happen.
“Mum!” Phil exclaims, breathless.
Dan runs a hand through his hair. “H-hi, Mrs Lester. Kath. Mrs Lester.”
She’s wide-eyed, cheeks rosy pink. In her hands she holds a pair of socks, which she seems to have forgotten are there. “Phil, could I have a quick word?”
Phil tosses Dan a look of apology, then follows him mum through the lounge and into the kitchen. Dan waits for a minute or so, straightening his shirt, trying not to think the worst, and then can’t battle his paranoia any longer. He creeps into the lounge, listening hard to the hushed conversation from the next room. If he stands in the space beside the bookshelf, he can just about make it out, whilst avoiding being seen.
“...thought you’d be gone already.”
“Yes, I can see that, love.”
There’s a pause; Dan can hear his own heart thumping.
“So, you and Dan are…”
“I see. How long have you been…?”
“Um, about two weeks? Just over.”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
“Mum,” Phil says, clearly embarrassed.
“You could have told me, you know.”
“I was going to,” Phil insists. “I just… I wanted to make sure it wasn’t all going to explode. I don’t wanna pressure him. He’s even told me he doesn’t like people at school talking about us. He doesn’t even care about them. But he likes you, I know he does. I haven’t had a chance to ask him what he’d think about you knowing. If it might be a bit much for him. I’m just- I’m so scared I’m gonna say something wrong and he’s gonna bolt. You know what he’s like.”
Dan frowns. Phil is really worried that he’s going to bolt?
“Okay, I understand your concerns,” Kath says, kindly. “But I still think if he’s going to be staying here, I ought to be aware-”
“Yeah, I know, you’re right. I’m sorry,” Phil says. “But nothing’s changed really. He’s just been coming over for Buffy marathons and hot chocolate after he’s finished work, like always.”
“Hmm, well that certainly was not a Buffy marathon I just walked in on.”
Phil laughs, and Dan thinks he hears Kath tittering too. “Sorry you had to see that. So embarrassing.”
Kath sighs, and there’s shuffling noises. Dan thinks maybe she’s giving Phil a hug. “I’m happy for you, sweetheart. Hope you know that.”
“You are?” Phil’s voice is muffled, like he’s speaking into her shoulder.
“Just took me by surprise is all. I mean, I always wondered if maybe you had a little crush on him…”
“I think, in hindsight, it was quite a bit more than a little crush.”
Another long pause. “Well, Dan’s a very lucky boy, then.”
“You’re really okay with it? He can still come over in the week and stuff?”
“Of course,” Kath replies in that kindly, mumsy voice Dan loves her for. His heart aches at the sound of her easy, ready acceptance. She makes motherhood seem so simple. She’s an open book, filled with endless words of love and support, more than happy for anyone who needs it to rip out a page. She saves the best of her chapters for Phil, of course. But there’s some passages bookmarked especially for Dan, too. “Do be careful with him, won’t you, Phil?” Her voice is thick with concern. “That scary mask he wears might fool some people, but you and I know it’s made of thin, breakable glass.”
Dan frowns again, mildly irritated that she sees him as a fragile little flower, but he has to begrudgingly admit that Kath has never once fallen for his tough-guy façade. The first time he ever met her, he was his usual cagey and brooding self, unconcerned with making a good impression on any parent. But much in the same way Phil had, she wore his shell away with persistent sweetness. She invited him to stay for dinner, and gave him second helpings without asking, then chocolate biscuits with tea. She asked him a thousand questions, and didn’t mind if he preferred not to answer them, but listened intently if he did. She told funny stories about Phil as a kid. She told him to come back anytime he wanted, even though he was basically a dick all night. She’d been unrelentingly nice and caring, in a way that Dan had never before felt from an adult.
“Don’t worry,” Phil assures her. “I think I’d give him the whole world if I could.”
“And… what happened to that Amanda girl you brought round? I thought you were besotted with her?”
Dan’s stomach clenches.
“We’re just friends.” The surety in Phil’s voice is like a blanket Dan wants to clutch to his chest.
“Okay then. Well, I guess I’d better get going,” Kath says in a sigh. “I was just finishing packing.”
“Tell Auntie Pat I say hi,” Phil says. “And stroke Mittens for me.”
Alarmed by the movement he suddenly hears, Dan sneaks back through the lounge towards the hall, managing to make it out just before Phil and his mum exit the kitchen. 
“Phil, just one last thing,” Kath says from the lounge, her voice so quiet Dan can hardly pick it up. “You two will be safe, won’t you?”
“Oh my God, Mum, please-”
“Phil, I’m asking for your own good-”
Dan has to clap a hand over his mouth to stop the laugh escaping.
“Yes, fine, wow, we’ll be safe I promise.” Phil says in a rushed garble. “Now I never ever want to speak about this again.”
Kath laughs quietly. “Fine. You’re sensible, I know. But I am your mother, I have to make sure.”
When Phil rounds the corner, he looks vaguely traumatised. Kath is right behind him, a calm smile on her face. Dan smiles back, unsurely, trying to seem as though he has no idea what they’ve been discussing. Kath crosses the hall towards him at once, and wraps him in her arms. Dan feels a little choked up, but manages to remain composed enough to return the hug, gently patting her on the shoulder. She releases him without comment, for which Dan is incredibly grateful, and then starts up the stairs.
“There’s plenty of food in the house boys,” she says as she goes. “Help yourselves, both of you. I’ll be back on Sunday.”
Once she’s out of sight, Phil begins spewing apologies. “...had no idea, I thought she’d have left ages ago because we were all that time in detention-”
“Phil, it’s okay,” Dan says, laughing. “Mortifying, obviously. But not the worst position I’ve been caught in by someone’s mum. And your mum is by far the coolest.”
“Bit of a mood killer, though,” Phil says, sighing.
Dan grimaces. “Yeah.”
They stand in silence for a moment, both reliving the look on Kath’s face as she’d first caught sight of them.
“Wanna watch a film for a while? Take our minds off it?”
Three hours after Kath leaves, and they’re on their second film of the evening - Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It’s not helping ease the tension hovering around them, because Phil had said right at the beginning that he’d always kind of fancied Russell Brand, and now it’s all Dan can think about.
“Would you have sex with him?”
Phil wrinkles his nose. “Dunno.”
“Like, if he was here right now,” Dan persists. “Leather trousers, birds nest hair. Asks you to pop your kit off and join him in the cupboard.”
Phil laughs, playing with a popcorn kernel from the almost empty bowl. “Um, no.”
“No?” Dan turns, avidly interested, as ever, in Phil’s elusive sexual preferences. “Why not? He’s had the experience. So, he’d probably be decent at it, at least.”
“Yeah, well, even so.”
There’s something halting, maybe even reluctant about Phil’s tone. Dan might be imagining it, but he thinks Phil’s mildly uncomfortable with this discussion. Dan decides to prod just one last time, to see if he can get whatever the discomfort is out of him, and then he’ll drop it.
“Is it ‘cos he looks a bit, like, grubby?”
Phil laughs again; his cheeks have turned pink. He flicks the popcorn kernel away. “Look, I’m sure Russell’s great in bed. Fantastic, maybe. But right now, I only wanna have sex with you.”
The breath catches in Dan’s throat. As the unexpected statement sinks into his skin, the tension he and Phil have been stewing in fizzles away. He crawls across the sofa - Dan had jumped to the opposite side of it after a startling reappearance of Kath, hands over her eyes, shouting something about leaving her scarf behind and that she wasn’t looking - until he’s close enough to straddle Phil’s lap. He winds his arms around Phil’s neck and kisses him, slowly, taking his time, because they have oodles of it. 
Phil is eager and responsive in the way that Dan imagines he might have been himself, if his first time had been with someone he actually liked. Dan had been too young to appreciate what he was losing, and to whom; he regrets it immensely. He’s determined that Phil’s experience will be different. This sweet, incredible boy deserves so much more than some vaguely nauseating fuck in the back of a car that’s over in less than a minute, and that the other party won’t even remember. If Dan is honest, he believes that Phil deserves more than anything Dan can possibly offer, but if Dan is what he wants, then Dan will do his best to make it perfect.
They’re just getting into it, just starting to find their way beneath hems and waistbands, when the doorbell rings.
They break apart, a little dazed.
“We could ignore it?” Phil suggests, and Dan is more than on board, so swoops back in to kiss him again.
A minute passes, and then it rings again.
Dan sighs, reaching for the remote to shut Russell up once and for all, then climbs off Phil’s lap. Phil stands a little shakily, smoothing down his school uniform, and goes to get the door. Dan idly flicks through his Twitter timeline on his phone, waiting for him to return.
“Amanda,” Phil says, somewhere in the background. Dan shoots upright, swivelling to look. He can just make out Phil, and a vague, familiar silhouette on the doorstep. Her brown curls give her away.
“Hey,” Amanda says. “Is this a bad time?”
Dan gets up, his feet marching him to the door without his permission.
“Well, actually,” Phil starts to say, but then Dan is at his elbow. Phil blinks at him, worriedly.
“She wanted to talk to you,” Dan says. “She told me. You should invite her in.”
“I can leave, if you want,” Dan says, because nobody is saying anything.
Phil sits up straight, staring at him. “No, don’t.”
��It’s okay, I can go for a walk or-”
“Actually, I wanted to talk to both of you.”
They both turn to Amanda, vaguely worried. She’s got her hair in a messy ponytail, and is wearing jeans, which Dan cannot remember ever seeing on her before. He doesn’t remember her being at school today either.
“Okay,” Phil says. “Did you want a drink or something? I’ve got tea, or-”
“No, it’s okay. I won’t stay long.”
Dan stares at her hands, clasped in her lap. Her French manicure tips are peeling off. She’s sat in the exact spot on the sofa where Dan had been perched atop Phil’s lap not ten minutes ago.
“I basically just wanted to tell you both that there are no hard feelings,” she says carefully. She aims a smile at each of them, though it doesn’t reach her eyes. “At least on my end.”
“That’s good to know,” Phil says, softly. The guilt is still coursing through him, it’s plain to see.
Dan doesn’t respond. He can feel his fingernails digging into his palm, the way they tend to do when he’s trying to suppress some awful emotion he doesn’t want to feel.
“I really am happy for you both,” Amanda continues. She clears her throat, a tiny, perfect crease between her plucked brows. “I know you feel like you used me, Phil. And Dan, I know you must think I’m, like, the ultimate cockblock.”
You have no idea, Dan thinks privately.
“But I’m glad that, even though I didn’t know it at first, I was able to help you both to get what you really wanted.” In her following sigh, Dan’s suspicions are confirmed; this touching speech is not the real reason she’s here. “But - and again, I’m not blaming you guys - after all that’s happened, I’m sort of... in a tricky spot.”
Phil is immediately alarmed. “Is it Hardy? Is he bothering you again?” Dan considers ramming his fingers in his ears so he can drown out the concern in Phil’s voice. He turns to Dan. “You said you scared him off.”
“How is this my fault?” Dan snaps. “If he’s harassing her it’s not because I didn’t punch him hard enough. It’s because he’s a knob.”
The response is about to trip of Phil’s tongue, but Amanda gets there first. “No, guys, it’s not Hardy. Well, not directly.” She shifts in her seat. “The Elite gang are pretty harsh about anyone that doesn’t follow la regle de jeu.”
“La what?”
“The rules of the game,” Dan mutters; Phil glances at him, surprised. “Their game. Shocker, really. They always seemed such an easygoing bunch.”
Amanda raises her eyebrows at him. “Yes, we’ve established that I’m an idiot for going anywhere near them, Dan.”
It’s infuriating that she doesn’t ever try to defend herself. Dan’s not used to having someone so readily accept their own folly. Her acknowledgments knock Dan’s insults right back over to him, and he’s never prepared to swing his racket in time to catch them.  
“Wait, so, it’s all of them?” Phil asks, clearly not following the game. “The whole Elite gang are giving you trouble?”
“Have you ever seen Mean Girls?” Amanda asks. “It’s not like they’re knocking my books out of my hands, or shoving me into lockers. But they’re bitchy and they’ve got the whole school under their thumbs. Together, they’re perfectly capable of destroying my life, and they seem pretty intent on it.”
“Are you saying that going to Prom with Phil is akin to committing ‘social suicide’?” Dan asks bitterly, putting the Mean Girls term in a fake American accent. “What a touching sentiment.” He scoffs. “I’m so sick of this stupid playground drama. What are we, twelve?”
“Dan,” Phil warns.
“No, I get it,” Amanda says, looking down. “He’s right. It’s completely pathetic. Even when I was taking part in it, I hated it. Keeping up with the Elites was exhausting. The constant battle for Queen Bee. The lies and the backstabbing, everyone secretly despising each other. And being with Hardy was just embarrassing. Everyone knew he was cheating. The whole discussed it,  laughed about it, and I had to pretend like I was too ditzy, too lovesick over him to notice.” She puts her head in her hands. “I thought that, maybe, if I took a huge leap, right back over the tracks, I could escape it. That’s why I said yes to you when you asked me, Phil. I saw a chance at some normalcy and I took it. It wasn’t fair of me, I know that. But in a way, we were both sort of using each other, right?” 
There’s a lull in the discussion; Phil aims a worried look in Dan’s direction. Dan begins chewing the skin around his thumbnail. 
“I’m sorry that I’m even asking this,” Amanda says then. She looks up at Phil, then at Dan, eyes shining. “But I need your help.”
Phil sucks in a breath. “What is it?”
Something in Dan’s chest crumbles and breaks away. It seems so unlikely that Phil could be over her, if he’s this willing to jump to her aid, even now.
“It’s not much,” Amanda says quickly. “School is over in a couple of months. I just want to get through it. Lillian and the others are turning the whole school against me. People say horrible things. They leave notes in my locker. They spread rumours. I’m sure you’ve heard.”
Now that she mentions it, Dan does recall hearing a few strange things about her recently. He hadn’t paid much attention - he’s usually bored to tears by high school gossip - but hearing that she’d been seen leaving the Savoy hotel in a new designer dress on the arm of a seventy year old man, or on the other end of the spectrum, dancing on a pole in a poor, cheap disguise at a seedy strip club two towns over, had caught his attention.
“What can we do?” Phil asks. 
Dan wants to make it very clear right now that he is not, and will not ever be, getting involved in this. His mouth won’t seem to form the words, though. 
“I need friends,” Amanda says. Dan waits, but this appears to be the extent of it. “Just to hold the rumours off a bit. If they think I have people on my side, maybe they’d be less vicious. All you’d have to do is sit with me a few times at lunch, or hang out with me outside of school now and again. Maybe I could come to the café every once in a while? Then you wouldn’t even have to make the effort-”
“Amanda,” Phil interrupts. “It’s fine. Of course we’ll be your friends.”
The relief on her face is too overwhelming to be faked. Even so, Dan is not willing to offer his own services as a friend. It’s taken him this long to be comfortable with having just one. Even Lee is still on a trial period. 
“It’s just until school’s over,” she says again. “I just can’t take it on my own. I thought I could, and I tried, but they’re just… they’re terrible people. Lillian’s sister is in Aidan’s class, I’m so worried about what could get back to him-”
“It’s okay.” Phil’s smiling, happy this has all been cleared up so neatly. “I got you into this mess, it’s the least I can do.” He turns. “Right, Dan?”
Dan tears a strip of skin from his thumb with his teeth. He wants so badly to say no. He wants things to go back to how they were, for Amanda to crawl back to Hardy, who would undoubtedly be all too happy for the only believable beard he’s ever grown to fix itself back in place. But for some reason, Amanda “Elitist” Jones is suddenly hellbent on doing the right thing. Even Dan knows that to refuse being someone’s friend, for two measly months, is a dick move that cannot be justified, no matter how suspicious he might be of potential motives. If he says his no, Phil won’t understand. He’ll be angry. Their weekend will be ruined, and so might be their future.
So, Dan swallows it all down. “Yeah, totally.”
Phil beams at Amanda. “Oh, by the way, I have your jacket.” He stands suddenly, and Dan feels a little ill. “Wait here.”
He jogs out of the room before Dan can beg him to stay, leaving he and Amanda alone. She fixes him with a knowing stare. “You’re not happy with this.”
Dan thinks about lying, but decides against it. “No, I’m not. You could beg anyone to be your friend for two months. The Elites might be getting people to shun you, but you’re still Amanda Jones. Just smile sweetly and anyone in St Anthony’s would do whatever you say.”
“Exactly,” Amanda says. “I want real friends. People who I can actually talk to. Not Elite wannabes that put me on some ridiculous pedestal, only hanging out with me because they see an open position on the throne.”
“I just don’t see why it has to be him,” Dan says, gripping the arm of the chair. 
“Him?” Amanda’s smile is as treacherous as it is sincere. “Dan, I want to be friends with you.”
As usual, the dust takes a while to settle in the wake of Amanda’s departure. Phil brings Dan a mug of tea, handing it over cautiously. Still sat in the same position in the armchair, Dan takes it from him, still mulling over all that’s happened. 
“So,” Phil says, perching on the arm of the sofa. He sips from his own mug. “That was unexpected.”
“Mmm,” Dan says. His mind is whirring, producing the kind of noise Phil’s laptop makes when it’s overheating from excess Sims playing. “Guess we’re all besties now.”
“Is it a problem for you?”
Dan considers this, finger skimming around the rim of his mug. “I think... I can get past it.”
Phil nods unsurely, scrutinising Dan’s glazed expression. “You sure? If it really bothers you, we can try and find another way.”
Dan takes a sip of his tea. It’s faintly sweet, because Phil knows Dan too well to believe him when he says he doesn’t take sugar.
“Just don’t fall in love with her,” Dan says into the mug. He means it to come out as a joke, but inevitably it’s spoken quiet and sombre.
Phil puts his mug down, then walks to Dan. He takes him by the hand and pulls him from the chair, then wraps him in a hug. “No chance of that,” he says into Dan’s forehead. “I’ve got something a thousand times better.”
Dan wakes up with a jolt, hands coming up to cover his face, because shouts usually mean he’s about to get smacked. He hears a quiet ‘shit’ and then arms come around his shoulders; his heart slows gradually, and then Dan remembers where he is, and that he’s unlikely to be in danger of getting pounded in Phil’s bedroom. At least not in any way he’d need to defend himself from.
He lowers his hands, blinking in the darkness. “The fuck?”
“Sorry,” Phil whispers, guiltily. “Didn’t mean to frighten you. We fell asleep.”
Dan squints, trying to piece this together. “So you screamed ‘no’ in my ear?”
“I’m annoyed at myself,” Phil explains. “We’re supposed to be in the throes of passion.”
Dan snorts, falling back to the pillows, exhausted. “Russell’s a bad influence on you.”
Phil prods him in the arm, then falls back beside him. “I’m sorry. I promised you a weekend of sordid, non-stop lovemaking. So far, the two worst people that could have interrupted us mid-sexy-times did, and now we’ve fallen asleep in our not very arousing Elmo and Game Of Thrones pyjamas.”
Dan laughs tiredly, eyes already re-closing. “We’ve got loads of time for all that.”
“Tomorrow I’m gonna ravish you,” Phil warns, though by the sounds of it he’s already half-unconscious.
“I’d better prepare my body for the ravishing ahead.”
Phil swats him in the arm. “You’d better, Howell.”
They don’t get up until noon, for no good reason other than Phil’s bed is ridiculously comfy. Dan wakes up with his nose in Phil’s neck, so he presses a kiss there, then another, and eventually Phil stirs.
“Hey,” Dan says, then rolls on top of him.
Phil’s blue eyes blink up at him, wide and surprised by the sudden change in positions. “H-hey,” he says. “What’s-”
Dan leans in and kisses the question away. Somehow, Phil still tastes wonderful, even first thing in the morning. Dan can’t be sure the same can be said about his own morning breath. He lets himself sink into the kiss regardless, hands beginning to wander beneath the covers, skidding over the strip of skin where Phil’s pyjama top has ridden up in the night.
Phil’s breath hitches, and then his hands come to Dan’s shoulders, gently rolling him off. Dan sits up, worried. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Phil says quickly, sitting up as well. The covers fall to his waist. He gives Dan a reassuring smile. “Sorry, just… too hot.” There’s a pause as Dan digests this lame excuse. “I’ll make some tea. Do you want some tea?”
“Um,” Dan says, thrown. “Coffee, maybe?”
“Sure,” Phil says, tossing the covers aside.
He stands up quickly, snatching the mugs they’d used last night from the bedside table. Once he’s left the room, Dan stays put for a second, trying to figure out the next what might have just gone wrong. Eventually, he decides to quell his pounding paranoid thoughts, and follow Phil downstairs. In the kitchen, Phil is whistling away as he clatters mugs and kettles about, happy as a clam. Though he finds this sudden turnaround odd, Dan makes the choies to just forget about it. Perhaps Phil was just hot and uncomfortable in the first few minutes of waking, like he said. Or, more likely, maybe Dan’s breath was actually too terrible to withstand the kissing a moment longer, let alone anything else.
“I’m just gonna go brush my teeth,” Dan calls to Phil, making him jump. He turns, hand on his heart, giggling at himself.
“Cool, do you want some toast?”
“Sounds great,” Dan says, then heads for the bathroom.
They eat toast on the sofa together, watching Good Morning Britain.
Licking the crumbs from his fingers, Dan says, “Piers Morgan’s definitely the kind of guy who’d refuse to go down on his wife, but expect her to give him a twenty minute blowjob.” Dan turns to Phil, who is staring at him dazedly. “Like DJ Khaled. Y’know?”
Phil’s eyes are glazed, fixed on Dan’s fingers. His plate of toast crusts is slipping off his lap.
“Phil?” Dan asks. 
He focuses suddenly, snapped back into the room. “Hm? Sorry, what was the question?”
Dan regards him curiously, lowering his fingers from his mouth. “Don’t worry,” he says, turning back to the TV.
A couple of hours later, they’re still on the sofa, because they’re lazy and it’s the weekend. Dan has his feet on Phil’s lap, his back against the other end of the sofa. They’re watching Jeremy Kyle, one of Dan’s all time favourite shows, and laughing at the ridiculous drama erupting on stage.
“To be honest, if some chick told me my boyfriend had fucked her brother and her Dad, I’d probably tackle him on live TV too,” Dan says. He’s got one arm behind his head, and the other resting across his stomach, idly tickling the skin on show. He turns to Phil, amused by the antics on screen. “So don’t try anything, yeah?”
Again, Phil is doing that strange, distant stare. This time his eyes are firmly fixed on Dan’s abdomen, pupils moving in time with the back and forth of Dan’s fingers. A slow smile creeps over Dan’s face, and realisation dawns.
“Phil,” he says again. His voice is a fair bit lower now. “Phil?”
“Hm?” Phil’s eyes are still trained on his fingers, so Dan pushes them just under the waistband of his pyjama bottoms, and Phil looks up, cheeks pink. “Is there something you want?”
Phil swallows. “I was just…”
Dan sits up, feet lifting from Phil’s lap, and closes the gap separating them. He reaches for the remote, switching off the TV, and brings his mouth to Phil’s ear. 
“You can have me whenever you want, you know,” he purrs. “If the staring isn’t doing it for you.”
A shiver goes through Phil, Dan can feel it. He slides onto Phil’s lap for the second time this weekend, careful to watch his face for any sign he might not be into this. There’s an uncertainty in his eyes that Dan wants to get rid of, so he settles himself atop Phil’s thighs, and brings Phil’s hands to his hips.
“You still up for some…” Dan arches an eyebrow. “Fun?”
Phil swallows again, his hands tightening on Dan’s hips. “Yes.” He sighs, eyes fluttering closed. “Sorry. I’m just… nervous, I think.”
“Of me?”
“No,” Phil says in a breath. Dan can feel his leg jiggling, because he’s sat on it. “I just… I mean, I know you’ve done this a lot.”
“Wow,” Dan says, sitting back a little. “Cheers.”
“I’m just kinda daunted,” Phil explains. “What if I suck?”
Dan has to fight the laugh that bubbles up rather hard, and he doesn’t entirely succeed. “Um…”
Phil pokes him in the side, making him yelp. “You know what I mean.”
“Hm,” Dan says, already sliding off Phil’s lap, onto the floor. He kneels on the carpet, a hand on each of Phil’s knees. “Sounds like your worries have got you quite worked up.” Phil’s mouth has fallen into a little ‘o’. Gently, Dan pushes Phil’s knees apart. “Let me…” Dan bites his lip, holding Phil’s gaze. “Help you to relax.”
He waits just enough time for Phil to have the option of refusing, but he remains blissfully, mercifully quiet, just watching Dan with wide, fluttery eyes. As Dan leans forwards, tracing his tongue along the seams running along Phil’s inner thighs, Dan imagines he can hear an Angelic chorus. He curls his fingers around the waistband of Phil’s trousers, inching them down, eyes locked on Phil’s, just in case he might protest.
“Lift,” Dan whispers once they’ve reached a point he can’t pull them past. It takes a moment for it to register, then Phil cants his hips upwards, and Dan tugs. The dark hair beginning at his bellybutton snakes down, spreading into a tight thicket at the base of a long, thick, flushed cock. Dan can feel his mouth filling with saliva at the mere sight. “Fuck-ing hell,” he breathes, wonderingly, and wraps his fingers around it, forgetting to stop and ask if it’s still okay. “Phil, you’re gorgeous.”
Phil’s hips twitch, and Dan reorients himself, remembering that this is, in all likelihood the first time anyone’s touched Phil this way, aside from his own hand. Dan moves his hand gently, watching the expressions of awe flicker across Phil’s face. He’s breathing in short stutters, hips twitching forwards, like he wants to thrust into Dan’s fist. It takes about a minute of gently pumping his curled fingers up and down, before Dan’s resolve breaks. He leans in, fist still wrapped around the base of him, and swirls his tongue around the head.
Phil sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth, one hand flying out to rest atop Dan’s head. “Fuck,” he says, eloquent as ever. 
Dan lets out as snort of laughter, which comes out as a pulse of breath through his nose. Phil tastes so good. He tastes as delicious as he does everywhere else, like he’s got waffle syrup pumping through his veins instead of blood. Dan knows, the second Phil’s flavour spreads across his tongue, that he’s addicted to it. He sinks his mouth over Phil’s length, chasing more, already so blissed out it’s a wonder he can stay focused; he’s wanted this for so long that it’s practically torturous to finally receive it. Like giving a child access to an entire candy store, allowing it to gorge itself, after months of only peering longingly through the locked doors. A whimper falls from Phil’s lips, scraping past Dan’s ears on its way to the floor. Dan pockets it for later, knowing it will be very helpful for the late nights Dan spends alone, thinking about all the many, many ways he wants to make Phil come.
“Dan…” Phil chokes out, sounding strained. Blindly, Dan reaches out a hand, and Phil threads his fingers through it immediately. “Dan, fuck. I don’t think I’m gonna last very l-long.”
Ignoring him entirely, Dan just sinks deeper, unable to suppress a groan, born from the thrill that courses down his spine as he feels the length of Phil’s cock sliding down his throat. He goes slowly at first, letting Phil slip in and out of him gently as he bobs his head. But Phil’s whimpers are turning into needy little whines, his hips are threatening to push further into the cavern of Dan’s mouth. So Dan places a hand on Phil’s upper thigh, and picks up the pace. It’s beyond any kind of pleasure Dan’s ever known, to watch, to feel, to taste, as Phil completely falls apart under his ministrations. He meets Phil’s eyes, holding the gaze because he wants to witness every last second. Phil’s got a hand threaded into Dan’s curls, pushing the hair from his eyes. Dan’s name falls like dewdrops from his reddened lips.
And then, just as he warned, it seems he can’t hold on any longer. He tastes like sweet, sun-warmed rainwater as he floods Dan’s mouth. In Dan’s wildest imaginings of this moment, of which there have been many, he never once dreamed of spitting it out, and now, he wouldn’t do it if you paid him. He swallows all of it down, then lets Phil slip out of his mouth slowly, missing the thick, heavy weight of him on his tongue the moment it’s gone. He sits back on his ankles, breathing ragged, and untangles their fingers.
“Feeling a little less tense?”
Phil still appears to be struggling to glide back down to the real world. He sits up, with some effort, and latches his pupil-blown eyes onto Dan’s. “Come here,” he demands, croakily.
Dan’s never been one to deny Phil, and it would be hopeless to think he could start now. He hops up, clambering back into Phil’s lap happily. The moment he’s close enough, Phil drags him in for a kiss. Dan tries to stop him, knowing he’ll only be tasting himself, but apparently this doesn’t seem to bother Phil. He kisses Dan deeply, hungrily, hands slipping straight under his t-shirt, and then pulling it off entirely. Dan chuckles at his eagerness, and then abruptly stops laughing when Phil reaches between them, to press his palm against Dan’s erection, through his pyjamas. Instinctively, Dan bucks into the touch, hands going for the back of Phil’s head. Phil strokes his thumb across the very spot where the tip of Dan’s cock pokes against the fabric. Dan tilts his head to one side, and Phil’s mouth goes straight for the exposed neck, kissing and biting at it.
“Not fair,” Dan complains, though he’s urging Phil onwards with a hand on the back of his head. “You know that’s my weakness.”
Phil finishes sucking what Dan imagines is a very large bruise, then leans back, eyes sparkling. “I warned you I’d give you another one to match.”
“Lesters always follow through,” Dan jokes, and Phil wraps his arms around Dan’s bare waist, pressing a kiss to his chest.
“Will you come upstairs with me?”
Dan is a little surprised, but he nods regardless. He climbs off Phil’s lap, realising for the first time just how ridiculously, achingly hard he is, mostly because of how lightheaded he feels when he attempts to stand. Luckily, Phil, pyjama trousers pulled back up, takes hold of his hand and leads him up to his room. As soon as they’re inside, Phil shoves Dan backwards, sending him sprawling across the bed.
“Hey,” Dan complains, though he’s laughing. “Didn’t know you were into BDSM.”
“You would look pretty hot tied up,” Phil says unexpectedly, scooting around the bed to dig in his bedside drawer. “But maybe we could try that another time, when I’m less terrified.”
For a moment, the smile on Dan’s face freezes. “You’re terrified?” He watches Phil, concerned. “You don’t have to do anything, you know. We can just leave it for now-”
Phil jumps up onto the bed, pulling off his t-shirt. It’s a very effective method of shutting Dan up, as he’s got a gorgeous body, lean and tapered, with big shoulders and a defined waist. Dan reaches out to grab at him, his hopeless arousal muddying his conscience. 
“I think I’d be terrified even if we waited for the wedding day,” Phil says, which makes Dan splutter. “You’re just…” Phil trails a hand down Dan’s torso, lightly sweeping across the skin, side to side. “You’re unbelievably beautiful. On top of everything else.”
Dan thinks about asking what ‘everything else’ is, but knows all too well that Phil’s misguided notions about Dan’s personality are difficult to listen to. Instead, he asks, “what can I do to make you less scared?”
Instinctively, Dan’s hand lands on Phil’s, stilling him as he brushes over the burn scar on his left side. But Phil reaches down and removes it, then leans down to press soft, careful lips against the shiny pink skin. Dan’s eyes sting.
“Just tell me if it feels good,” Phil says as he leans back up. He plucks what looks like a small bottle of lubricant from the pocket of his pyjama trousers.
“Phil, if you knew how many times I’ve dreamt of you... of this...” Dan starts to say, then shakes his head, smiling faintly. “I don’t think it’s possible for you to not make me come, like, ridiculously hard.”
He looks a little dazed at this information, but Phil nods, then slips his fingers into Dan’s waistband, and pulls. Dan lifts his hips so Phil can slide them off, watching Phil’s expression closely as he drinks in the sight of Dan’s entirely naked body for the first time. Dan’s cock twitches, as if it knows it’s being closely observed.
“Shit, Dan,” Phil breathes. His hands are free-roaming over the miles of Dan’s skin now on show. “I want to draw you like this,” Phil says. He trickles light, teasing fingers from Dan’s sternum to his pelvis. “Would you let me?”
“R-right now?”
Phil laughs. “No, not right now.” He settles into a position, half laid on top of Dan, then sends him a mischievous glance. “I have things to take care of.”
Phil picks up the bottle of lubricant, which has fallen to the bed, and uncaps it. He pours some into his palm, then pauses, and squeezes out a little more. He rubs it between his hands for a moment, then, before Dan can stop him, wraps a hand around Dan’s erection.
“Ah! Shit,” Dan exclaims, laughing a little.
Phil freezes instantly. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just freezing,” Dan replies, still chuckling. “Maybe warm it with your hands a little more next time?”
Phil joins in the laughter, nodding. “Sorry.” 
He doesn’t get a chance to expand on his apology, because right then he starts moving his hand, the slick lubricant creating an indescribable friction, one that pushes a moan from Dan’s throat, has him arching his head backwards into the pillows. Phil drapes over him, hand still slowly pumping around Dan’s cock. He presses damp, messy kisses against Dan’s neck, bracing his face above Dan’s with an elbow beside his head. 
“Does it feel good?”
Dan groans, hands finding Phil’s shoulders. “So fucking good.”
Spurred on by the news, Phil speeds up, at which point Dan’s eyelids screw shut, and he bows forwards into Phil’s neck.
“Look at me,” Phil whispers then. It’s an unexpected command, but Dan does it nonetheless, lifting his head to stare into Phil’s eyes.
He can only hold it for a moment before he has to look away again, but Phil is not having it. He releases his hold on Dan’s erection, which briefly makes Dan want to die. Phil reaches up to tilt Dan’s chin back around, forcing their eyes to meet again.
“Please, I want to see you,” Phil whispers, pressing their lips together. “Will you?”
Tears sting Dan’s eyes, and he’s not sure why. There’s something about this that feels too much, like he’s about to slip under a turbulent, roiling ocean. The press of Phil’s body on top of his is overwhelming; Dan can feel connecting of their skin seemingly at every join, can feel their hearts beating in rhythm, their breaths synchronised. Phil is warmth, and light, and sweet, pure love; it sounds absurd, but pressed together as they are, Dan can feel all of it sinking into him, through his pores, to the sinew and muscle beneath. He feels the incredible swell of Phil’s adoration, and it’s dizzying, maddening to know, deeply, that it’s all for him. 
Phil’s hand wraps back around his cock, and Dan tries with all he has to keep his eyes locked on Phil’s like he wants. But two tears spill over, and he has to shut them, to blink them away. Phil kisses him fiercely, like he’s been missing out on the taste of Dan’s mouth for years. Like he’s been battling far away in some great unknown war, with Dan left alone, waiting for him, and now he’s returned, and he’s determined to drown them together, in the love they couldn’t swim in whilst they were parted.
Something cataclysmic builds in Dan’s chest, something terrifying and enormous, so unfamiliar that Dan wonders if he’s on the brink of death. He feels everything Phil is pouring onto him in this moment through their locked eyes, feels the weight of his suppressed yearning. And then it explodes through him, a tidalwave of blinding, electrifying ecstasy, ebbing out to the very tips of his toes. He breathes heavily, gripping onto the only life raft he has: Phil, still above him, floating on the edge of this tsunami, sure, and strong, and safe.
When it’s over, Dan washes ashore, back into the familiar blue and green bedclothes he’s been curled in so many times. Phil rolls to the side, and Dan crashes onto his chest, limp and utterly boneless.
“Was I okay?” Phil asks, tentative and unsure.
Dan doesn’t think words could ever possibly express the pure, raw, visceral phenomenon that he just experienced, so instead, he leans up, spreads himself over Phil however he can, and tries his best to show him.
(Chapter Fourteen - FINAL CHAPTER - Coming Next Tues!)
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spookywolflee · 5 years
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So today was the day I could finally get some answers from Michael Drake. He’d been in custody for 48 hours, but I’d needed time to rest and recover after mine and Sunny’s dramatic voyage to the other island. 
I took my time getting ready, the longer he was bored to death in that cell, the more likely he would give us the answers we wanted. I arrived at the HQ at about 10am, coffee in one hand, clipboard in the other.
“Morning hero!” The Police Chief greeted. 
“Morning” I greeted back, taking a sip of my latte. 
“Your friend is waiting for you in Interview Room 2. Keeps rambling on about immunity.” She informed me. 
“Mmmm.” I sighed. 
“He mentioned something about that when he first got arrested.” I replied dismissively. 
I was keen for answers now, so I wasted no time making my way to Interview Room 2. And there he was, sat miserably in one of the two chairs in the room, with nothing but a dim light lighting up his not so flattering features. 
I entered the room. 
“No solicitor?” I asked him curiously. 
“No. No point.” He replied bluntly. 
I shrugged, fair enough. 
“Listen Michael..” I started, throwing my empty coffee cup in the bin.
He looked up at me. 
“I  don’t want to make this difficult. I can help you, if you help me. This doesn’t have to be some “good cop bad cop” TV show type shit. Just...let me help you.” I pleaded, sitting down opposite him. 
He twiddled his thumbs and looked down. 
“I still want immunity.” Is all he answered back. 
I sighed once again. 
“Okay...okay. I’ll see what I can sort out. But you promise to tell the truth?” I asked, pushing a fresh cup of water over to his side of the table. 
He nodded silently. 
“Okay....So please just confirm your name for the statement?” I began. 
“Mr. Michael Allen Drake.” He said clearly. 
I scribbled it down. 
“Great....Before we officially begin, would you mind telling me why you were hell bent on running away?” I questioned. 
His eyes remained fixed on the table. 
“Honestly....I am terrified of Amanda Drake. I’ve always adored her, and I always will adore her. But that woman is next level evil. When we first got together, she had big ideas. But I thought it was really all just a dream, that we could pretend we were some Bonnie and Clyde type couple who traveled around Jorvik doing whatever they wanted. But it wasn’t just a dream to her, it was all very real. And her ideas got bigger, and darker, and crueler, and she just got more and more greedy. Nothing was ever enough for her. But I seen what she was capable of. The woman told me she loved me, but truthfully, she’s a sociopath. She doesn’t even know what emotion is.” He started. 
It was like word vomit for him, I could tell this was painful for him. He wanted to stop, but he couldn’t. Every bit of him wanted to stop, but I could almost see the relief coming off of his shoulders as he told me. I think he finally knew he was doing the right thing. 
“What do you mean when you say ‘I seen what she was capable of?’“ I asked him, looking up from my notes. 
“Well..” he shuffled uncomfortably. 
“She had various....torture methods. She even had...or probably still has her own torture chambers if she wanted someone to talk. She’s never to my knowledge killed somebody, but then again I wouldn’t be surprised if she has. Animals were never an issue, she’d end their lives without a second thought. If somebody accidentally hacked onto her lands, she’d shoot their horse dead, and then shoot them in the leg and watch them try and slowly crawl away.” 
I felt anger rise inside of me, who does she think she is? It’s no one wonder we had nothing on her, nobody was brave enough to stand up to this woman, and to be honest, now I understood why Michael Drake ran. And I felt sorry for him. 
“Do you know about her plans with these horses that went missing? We know she tried to keep it subtle by blaming the hurricane, but we’re not stupid.” I explained. 
“Well...bits. Remember that we are divorced, and although she’s constantly got eyes on me, I’m not in the loop anymore. But this whole operation has been in talks for years, and it finally looks like she’s put it into motion.” He told me. I detected fear in his voice, what did she have planned? 
“So, she has international shareholders, and many rich clients overseas. Jorvik is a special place, everyone knows that. That’s why so many people try to exploit it. The native horses to this land are...special. For whatever reason, they’re better than the average horse, no matter how well bred another horse may be, Jorvik bred horses blow them out of the water. They can jump higher, run faster, they’re way more intelligent, less injury prone....and that’s just a few examples. So on the market, they are worth millions. But it is illegal, as you know, to take native horses from Jorvik and sell them overseas. That obviously has not stopped Amanda. Their coats as well, are worth a lot. More than ivory, and more sought after than Tigers....Jaguar’s...Leopards....So truthfully, the horses here are in a lot of danger. Many of the wrong people are after them.” He admitted. 
I couldn’t believe it. How had the bank not noticed all this money? The docks not suspected something fishy? Unless she had all of them keeping quiet for her too? Was this bigger than I ever originally thought?
“How has she hid that amount of money if each horse is worth millions, though?” I asked him. Then it hit me, money laundering. I knew that stupid water business she set up had been for something. I was stupid to ever think she had an actual interest in setting up a mineral water company. 
He almost read my expression. “Yeah...she conceals it through her various small businesses. So the banks don’t suspect a thing.” He confirmed. 
I suddenly felt lost. This was....massive. How did we stop this? I brought my hand to my mouth and just stared at the table for a minute. Michael Drake remained silent. 
“Thank you. This must have been....hard to tell me all of this.” I mumbled quietly. 
“Will you be able to protect me from her?” He asked, meeting my eyes. 
“I....I don’t know. I don’t want to lie to you. But I’ll try my best.” I promised. 
“If you promise to remain co-operative with us, I’ve no reason to keep you arrested. You’re free to go. I’m dropping the other charges against you. Try to act normal, always stay in a public place. Any communicating you need to do, do on a public phone. If she tries to get in touch...You ignore her. You hear me?” I instructed. 
“She will already know I’m here. She’s already got me tracked down. I know her too well. It’s no use.” He responded fearfully. 
“Well, if she finds you, you play stupid about everything. You haven’t told us shit. Do you want to go into protective custody?” I asked him. 
He shook his head. 
“No. We need to act as normal as possible. I’ll try my best to manage on my own, but please...if I call, it means I’m in trouble, and I need you to help me straight away.” He insisted. 
I nodded my head.
“Gotcha. Thank you again. You’ve been extremely helpful.” I thanked, finishing up the interview. I quickly scribbled my number down on a piece of paper and slid it over to him. 
“In case you need me in an emergency.” Is all I said, gathering my things and leaving the room. 
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all-the-cliches-lwa · 6 years
The Life We Share Ch. 7 (End)
I’m a day late I know ;-; I had a lot of difficulties with my Dianakko week day 7 prompt... and like, it took me way too long to figure out how to do it! I’m.. honestly still all that sure how it came out, but I wanted to get out asap, so here it is!
Oh also s/o to @undersea-anchor. You are lovely and have been such a big help throughout this whole week. I also got inspiration for one line in the middle of the fic from this picture by @bibnella. Completely different context but I mean. I love this pic and I felt like it needed to be said. . 
I hope you enjoyed this Dianakko week! Please feel free to tell you what you thought of this chapter, or my submissions in general. But of course, thank you so much for reading my fic! It’s meant so much to me that you guys read my things.
Day 7: Free day
Summary: In which Akko and Diana finally have their wedding. 
Word count: 5.4k words
ffnet link ao3 link
Diana paused and turned to look at herself in the mirror, for what was probably her fifteenth time in the last couple of hours. She took a second to take in her appearance, and her lips curved down into a dissatisfied frown.
“Honestly Amanda, I haven’t the slightest clue why I let you talk me into wearing this ridiculous suit.”
“Oh c’mon Di, would you quit worrying?! You look hot... Besides, we both know I wasn’t the one who talked you into wearing that.”
Diana looked up at Amanda’s reflection in the mirror and narrowed her eyes.
“You were the one who suggested it, however.”
Amanda flashed a smug grin as she leaned back against the armrest of the couch.
“Yeah? And I remember Akko practically begging you to wear it… and as we both know, you can’t say no to those adorable puppy dog eyes.”
Diana sighed, ignoring her best woman’s little quip, and glared back down at her own reflection, one hand fiddling with the edge of slacks while the other pulled against her collar.  
They had been planning today for months. Fifteen months to be exact.
What Diana, and likely Akko, had assumed would be a relatively simple affair, one that would take no more than a couple of months, had quickly grown into the greatest trial the two of them had ever faced.
Considering they had literally stared down a possessed missile together in their youth… that was saying quite a bit.
To be honest, if Diana truly had to pick between facing that missile once again and spending hours arguing over something as pointless as how the napkins at the reception would be folded… she would gladly choose facing almost certain death over those damned table cloths anyday.
Never mind the headache that was deciding the guest list.
If Akko and her didn’t have the support of their friends throughout the whole process… there’s no telling how this would have gone.
Still, after all of their preparation, not to mention their years of being engaged, what was to be the biggest day of their lives had finally arrived.
Akko was on the other side of the Cavendish estate, Lotte, Sucy, and Andrew keeping her company. There was absolutely no doubt in Diana’s mind that Akko looked absolutely stunning… If only she could know just what Akko was wearing.
Out of all the details that the two of them had spent forever ironing out, practically burning it into Diana’s mind, the one detail that neither of them were allowed to know, as per Akko’s request naturally, was how the other would be dressed.
All that they knew was that Akko would be wearing a bridal gown and Diana would be wearing a suit.
And while Diana knew Akko’s dress would be nothing short of spectacular, something that would undoubtedly leave her absolutely breathless…
Diana did another once over herself in the mirror and felt her heart drop down to the pit of her stomach.
She felt no doubt that her own attire left much to be desired. After all of  that insistence on secrecy, Akko was probably expecting something that would leave the girl absolutely floored… but this?
“Surely you don’t think Akko was expecting something like this?” Diana pivoted away from the mirror to face her friends.
“What’s so wrong about that?” Amanda asked, a brow raised. “Like I said, you look hot! That Anna sure knows how to tailor a suit. It hugs your waist just right.”
“Amanda would you quit ogling me? I’m serious,” Diana scolded. She then rapidly gestured up and down her suit and let out a defeated groan. “Akko is expecting something jaw-dropping, and truthfully I feel this suit is rather dull.”
“Jeez Diana, stop fussing about it!” Barbara interjected. Diana turned towards the door, where Hannah and Barbara stood. “Amanda’s right, you look amazing. Honestly, Akko’s going to be completely head over heels for you!”
“Well, you know, more than usual,” Hannah added.
“Seriously, knowing her, she might actually fall head over heels during the ceremony.” Amanda chuckled as she sat up on the couch. Diana turned back to her best woman, who was sending her an unsettling smirk.  “Though if you’re really looking to drop some jaws, I’ve got a couple of suggestions.”
“Here we go,” Hannah laughed, as she shook her head, though her lips were curled up in an amused smile.
“If you really want to leave an impression…” Amanda continued, clearly ignoring Hannah’s little quip. “Lose the vest. Oh, and the tie.” Amanda leaned forward and winked, which sent a shudder down Diana’s spine. “Maybe even undo a few buttons off the top. Show off a little boo-”
“Amanda O’neill! I will not be doing any of that!” Diana screamed, causing her bridesmaids to burst into laughter. Diana leaned back against the mirror and crossed her arms, doing her best to ignore the flames that had lit up in her cheeks. “Honestly, I would have thought that, on today of all days, my bridesmaids and my best woman would have the courtesy to hold off on their jokes at my expense.”
“Well, you wouldn’t have picked us for the jobs if we did, now would you?” Amanda laughed.
Diana sputtered at the accusation for just a moment, only to drop her head and chuckle in defeat.
“Perhaps not,” Diana admitted.
“Anyway, you really needed to relax,” Hannah said. “You’ve been worrying over nothing since you woke up.”
“And honestly, we thought this would be the best way to calm you down,” Barbara continued. “Give you a bit of normalcy and try to keep your mind distracted. It worked for Edgar in Nightfall volume 369.”
Diana froze for a moment, staring wide-eyed at the floor below her. Her arms fell to her sides as the words of her friends sank in.
“Have… Have I really been worrying over nothing?” Diana mumbled. When all she heard was the sound of birds outside her window, she looked up, only to see everyone else staring at her with an almost deadpan glare. “... What?”
The three turned to each other for just a second. They shared a brief nod, and Amanda then lifted herself up from the couch and began walking towards Diana.
“... Di, you literally just worried that Akko, the same Akko who actually spent hours drooling because you ‘accidentally’ got your hair cut too short a few years ago, wouldn’t be all crazy about you wearing that fine ass suit,” Amanda said. “Trust us, you need to chill.”
“Yeah Diana, Amanda’s right,” Barbara, who was now standing by Amanda’s left, agreed.
“We get that your nervous,” Hannah said from Amanda’s right. “Who wouldn’t be? But if we’re talking about Akko here… we’re pretty sure you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Diana bit her lip, and her eyes darted down to her black leather shoes. Her hands clenched into tight, almost shaking, fists.
Then, Diana closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
“... I just want today to go absolutely perfect for her,” Diana admitted. “Something we can look back at together forever.”
“And it will be,” Barbara answered. “As long as it’s you and her together, any day would be perfect for Akko… honestly I can’t tell you how much of my weekly Nightfall book clubs has been replaced with Lotte talking about how excited Akko is.”
And that thought made Diana smile. The thought of Akko gushing about everything to her friends because she just couldn’t contain her excitement. Her eyes twinkling with that trademark thrill that was just so Akko.
“I… suppose you three are right.”
“But, if you need something to calm you down, I think I’ve got just the thing,” Amanda said. Diana opened her eyes to see Amanda digging into the pocket inside of her own suit. “Ah, found it.” Amanda then pulled her arm out and opened up her palm.
Diana looked down, and her eyes widened when she saw red strings, all interwoven together.
“My bracelet…”
“Yeah, remember you told me to hold onto it a few days ago?” Amanda said.
“... Considering the sort of things you had us do on my so-called bachelorette party at the time, could you blame me?” Diana replied. “I’m pretty sure had I worn it that night, I would have truly lost it in all the chaos.”
“Yeah well, nothing says party like-”
“I never wish to be reminded of what transpired that night Amanda,” Diana scolded, much to the amusement of everyone else in the room. “You three did delete all photo evidence of that night, correct?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah don’t worry about it,” Amanda waved off, to the sound of agreements from the others. “But, you gotta admit, you did have fun right? Pretty sure watching what we did gave you some ideas for the honeymoon.”
Diana’s face heated up at the thought, but she refused to acknowledge Amanda’s obvious taunt with a response.
Still, she took the string from Amanda’s hand and nodded gratefully. She wrapped it around her wrist, and a wave of calm rushed over her. She smiled and ran her fingers over the fibres of red string Akko had given her one day in between their months of hellish planning.
Diana then looked up at her bridesmaids, all giving her smiles and grins, and her arms reached out to grab all three of her friends in a tight embrace.
“Thank you,” Diana said, her voice slightly shaky, “thank you all so much.”
“Of course Diana,” Barbara said.
“Anytime,” Hannah added.
Diana continued to tightly hold the three girls in silence, with their arms eventually wrapping around Diana as well.
However, their moment together was cut short by beeping that sounded from Amanda’s wrist.
“Oh uh, well, that’s all fine and great but…” Amanda was the first pull back, and Diana saw her look down at the watch on her wrist, “We’ve got like 10 minutes ‘till you have to meet with Akko… right before you two walk down the aisle.”
Diana’s heart stopped, and the butterflies in her stomach returned, fluttering even more wildly than they had before.
She felt like she was back in high school, waiting on Akko to knock on her door for their first date… and she never wished to be back in that room, hiding beneath her bed covers more than she did now.
Before Diana could act upon any of that, however, Amanda’s hand landed on her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“C’mon Di, wouldn’t wanna keep Akko waiting right?” Amanda said. “Besides, I can’t imagine how freaked out she is right now.”
Diana took another deep breath and gave a nervous smile.
“Yes… yes, we should go,” Diana said. “Thank you.”
“Alright, Han, Barb, I’mma take Di down myself,” Amanda said.
“Fine, fine” Hannah said. “You make sure she gets down in one piece, or you’re not hearing the end of it from either of us, right Barbara?”
“Yeah Amanda!”
“Ha, ‘aight,” Amanda laughed. Then she looked back at Diana. “Let’s go.”
And Diana nodded, doing her best to calm her, now absolutely stampeding, heart as they began making their way out of the room.
However, even she knew she wouldn’t be able to. Her heart was just beating far too fast.
And who could blame her? She was about to meet her fiancée-
“Diana! Don’t forget about your brooch!”
Diana stopped and turned towards the table at the center of the room, only to see she had, indeed, forgotten her family’s brooch, a pin in the shape of the Cavendish familiar, a unicorn.
“Woops, can’t leave that Di,” Amanda chuckled.
“... Right, my apologies.”
Akko paced back and forth along the west wall of the entrance hall, each of her steps accentuated with the loud clack of her heels slamming against the tiles. All the while, her attention was centered on the east corridor. Just waiting for Diana to make her entrance.
She could faintly hear Lotte, Sucy, and Andrew conversing behind her, but she couldn’t really tell what they were talking about over the sound of her own hammering heart, threatening to burst out of her chest.
Akko knew she should probably calm down. Try to stay still and not scuff up the floors that Anna and the rest of Diana’s house staff had spent so long cleaning… but she couldn’t help it! No matter what she tried, she couldn’t find anyway to stop her legs from bouncing, kicking, or stomping on the ground. Couldn’t find a way to stop her arms from shaking.
And, of course, with every second that passed, that excitement coursing through her veins only continued to build.
After all, the moment that Akko had been waiting for forever was about to come.
Soon, she would finally get to see how amazing Diana looked in her suit!
When Amanda made the suggestion all the way back when they first started planning, Akko would be lying if she said she wasn’t immediately on board with it. Ever since that day, Akko had spent so much of her free time just daydreaming about it!
Sure, she could have gotten a chance to see what Diana looked like a long time ago… but there was that thing about seeing the bride in their wedding outfits being bad luck. And sure, Diana told her that was just some silly superstition but… Akko didn’t want to take any chances.
She’d already burned all of her luck by having Diana in her life.
But, if Diana didn’t walk in through those doors in the next five minutes, Akko swore she would stomp through the halls and get Diana herself!
… Thankfully, she didn’t need to do that.
A click echoed from the door across the room, and Akko froze, her heart jumping high up into her throat.
Butterflies scrambled around in her stomach, and her heart felt like it would explode at any moment.
Then the doors split open.
The very second Akko laid eyes on Diana, they popped out of her head, and her knees immediately buckled. Thankfully, Lotte and Andrew were quick enough to catch her before she collapsed onto the ground, providing the support her legs could no longer give.
Sure, this was just a little pathetic, but who could blame her?!
Akko always knew Diana would look absolutely gorgeous wearing a suit. There was just something about the way Diana radiated cool and confidence that made it painfully obvious…
But damn.
How the suit just… hugged Diana’s waist and hips in all the right ways. The way its dark fabric showed off Diana’s flawless, alabaster, skin and fluffy, blonde tresses, swaying with every single step.
It all left Akko completely breathless. Her eyes couldn’t help but roam up and down Diana’s figure multiple times, burning every last detail into her mind. The silver brooch pinned onto the lapel. The dark blue vest and tie, further emphasizing Diana’s wonderfully fair skin.
Heat poured into her face, and her mouth felt completely dry.
The second Diana looked up, and Akko could finally look into Diana’s icy blue eyes, which, more than once, sent shivers down her spine, Akko felt her mind halt.
Before Akko knew it, words began to form on her lips, her mind far too consumed by her fiancée’s sheer beauty to even think about stopping them.
“H-Holy shitto da.”
Diana spent the entire trip from her dressing room to the entrance hall taking deep breaths and calming her nerves.
After all, as Amanda and Andrew had told her multiple times throughout the months, one of the suit’s strongest points was how it could exude the wearer’s own confidence and poise.
Well, that’s what Andrew had told her.
Amanda had told to ‘strut’ her ‘stuff’, with absolutely no care. Which was essentially the same, given Amanda’s own way of speaking.
However, the very second she walked into the entrance hall and saw Akko standing before her… she felt all of her composure fly away. The world froze around her, and everything else melted away, leaving just her and this angel alone together in a void of white.
All at once, the butterflies returned to wreak havoc in her gut, and her palms once again began to sweat. Just like in her dressing room, Diana suddenly felt like she was back in high school, only this was far worse on essentially every level.
Diana knew she could never have been prepared for what was to come. She knew that no matter what she tried, no matter how long she spent visualizing and imagining, Akko would leave her stunned speechless, would leave her, for lack of a better term, completely bewitched, trapped under her spell.
Even so, as Diana stared at Akko, at how the bodice, beautifully decorated in ornate, lilies and roses, clung onto Akko’s curves in a way that should have been absolutely criminal, at the skirt, which softly flared out from Akko’s hips down to hem on the floor, Diana found herself more lost for words than at any point in her life.
And that feelings only grew worse as, somehow, she was now standing right in front of her positively stunning fiancée. Diana’s eyes couldn’t help but wander, starting, of course, from Akko’s beautiful face. From those wide, absolutely hypnotizing red eyes, down towards the pure white, strapless dress that had, once again, left Diana truly speechless.
Carefully, Diana inched to reach for Akko’s hand, desperate for a touch, to know that this was all real… yet afraid that it would all slip away if she moved too quickly.
The very second Diana felt the soft skin of Akko’s hand in hers, her entire body filled with warmth, and her eyes had suddenly begun to sting, herself overwhelmed with joy.
Diana felt a soft thumb wipe away a tear, only to cup her cheek. She then stared into Akko’s alluring red irises, and slowly felt herself drawn towards them, slowly getting lost within.
Before she knew it, soft lips pressed against her own, and the whole world, once again, faded away.
Outside of the Cavendish Estate, at least a hundred people were seated, waiting for the ceremony to start. Rows and rows of chairs were lined up into two separate aisles, and pink and light blue lilies floated overhead, all thanks to Constanze and Jasminka.
Music played around the courtyard, setting up the sort of light, yet romantic, atmosphere Diana and Akko both said they wanted.
The sky was perfectly clear too, with not even a single cloud floating overhead.
It was, probably, the perfect time for an outdoor wedding, just like Akko had wanted.
… There was just… one problem.
“Amanda! You said you brought Diana down to Akko right?” Hannah scolded.
“Yeah, of course I did!” Amanda said. “Do you really think I would have let that mess walk through the house alone?”
“Then where are they?!” Hannah asked. “Akko’s parents have been wondering when the ceremony is going to start! And I don’t know what to tell them because it was supposed to start ten minutes ago!”
“Look, I brought her to meet with Akko at the entrance, and Lotte, Sucy, Andrew, and I gave them their privacy, just like we all planned!” Amanda said. “Good thing we left too, cause I swear those two were about to-” Amanda’s eyes shot open “-you dont think…”
“By the Nine, of course that’s what they’re doing!” Barbara groaned. “Jeez, they really are like-”
“Edgar and Arthur yes!” Lotte gushed.  After a quick second, however, she suddenly stopped, and her eyes widened, clearly in fear. “Wait, no this isn’t good.”
Sucy just started snickering behind everyone.
“Of course those idiots would do something like this.”
“Well, I suppose one of us will have to go and get them,” Andrew cut in. Amanda then saw him stare right at her, a twinkle in his eyes. “And I do believe that job should go to the best man, or woman as it were.”
“What?!” Amanda screamed. “I don’t wanna see that!”
“Just earlier, you were checking Diana out in the dressing room,” Hannah quipped. “I’m pretty sure you wanna see that.”
Amanda glared at Hannah, but all she got was a shrug and a chuckle. She then slumped, and peeked outside.
The guests were beginning to talk, wondering where the happy couple was. Thankfully, none of them were really mad, they did all know who Akko was, after all, but… who knows how long that would last.
Then Amanda caught Jasminka, looking back at her from the front row, and she immediately felt a shiver run down her spine.
“Fine,” Amanda groaned. She took her wand out from the inner pocket of her jacket and opened it up. “The things I do for those two.”
Amanda made her way back to the entrance hall, hoping that maybe, just maybe, those idiots were still stuck staring into each other’s eyes. Hoping that maybe she wouldn’t walk in on them... for probably the second time in her life.
She knew it was pointless, but, still, a girl could hope.
Amanda stopped in front of the wooden doors and took in a deep breath, preparing herself for what was inside.
“Yo! What are you guys doing?! Akko, your parents are wondering where the hell you two ar-” Amanda immediately froze when she saw Diana pinned against the wall, Akko’s hand tangled in tousled blonde hair, and the look of horror on the, apparently extremely, happy couple’s faces.
“... Jeez you two, I’m all for breaking the rules, but I’m pretty sure you can’t have the honeymoon before the wedding.”
“Yera Retoure!”
Light flew out from Amanda’s wand, encircling both Diana and Akko. Instantly, the reversal spell returned their clothes - disheveled from their… ‘activities’ - back to their original state.
“Please do not tell anyone about this,” Diana pleaded, her face absolutely scorching, as she, Akko, and Amanda made their way outside.
“Oh trust me Di, everyone already knows,” Amanda said. “And those who don’t can definitely put two and two together when they see the marks Akko left on your neck.”
“What?!” Diana screamed. She immediately reached into her pocket to grab her phone to use as a mirror. When she saw small dark marks scattered all around her neck, she nearly fainted, overwhelmed by the mortifying embarrassment that filled her being.
“Don’t worry! I can fix it!” Akko immediately cheered. “Tiosel Sol Aré!”
Diana felt herself engulfed in a warm, soothing light, and one by one, each offending mark faded away.
Diana let out a sigh of relief, as she inspected herself to find that, thankfully, Akko’s spell had worked completely.
“Thank you so much Akko,” Diana said, turning to send a smile towards her fiancée.
“No probs!” Akko answered, a bright smile on her face. Almost instantly, however, that smile grew more impish, sending a tingle down Diana’s spine. “Besides, there’ll be more of those tonight!”
“Akko!” Diana quickly scolded, and Amanda burst into laughter in front of them.
“At least you’re leaving it for tonight,” Amanda chuckled. “Now let’s go! Everyone’s waiting.”
The ceremony went by in a blur.
Just as they had rehearsed countless times, Akko and Diana’s entourage walked down the aisle first, Diana’s on the right and Akko’s on the left.
Then, Akko and Diana walked down the aisle, hand-in-hand, as Akko's parents guided them towards the front where Professor Ursula stood, ready to officiate their wedding.
All the while, Akko and Diana focused solely on each other. Hands joined together, as they gazed into each other's eyes. Diana marveling at the bright light of joy radiating off of Akko's smile. Akko lost in the warm love held within Diana's crystal blue eyes.
“Now, it's time for the couple to exchange a few words. Akko?”
Then, before they knew it, the stage was theirs.
Akko felt Diana squeeze her hands, saw Diana’s smile soften, and her heart filled with a familiar warmth. A warmth that could make any day better, one that enveloped her and made her feel safe. Just like a hug from her dear fiancée.
Akko took in a deep breath and let that warmth guide her.
“Diana, I… when we first met, I… I never thought that we’d even really be friends. You were perfect in so many ways and could do everything I couldn’t. It was… really frustrating. Then there were all the times you scolded and lectured me! I thought you were so mean… but I, I was wrong.”
Akko paused, her voice having begun to crack. She shut her eyes and let out a shaky sigh, trying to calm down.
“You… weren’t anything but nice. You were always looking out for me, trying to make sure I didn’t get hurt. You were always just… taking care of me. And when I’m with you, I just feel so safe, so happy. I… everyday is fun with you, and you help me be the best me I can be! I.. always want to feel like this. To be with you.”
Akko looked back into Diana’s eyes, which were also moist with tears. Akko chuckled and reached up to wipe a drop from the corner of Diana’s eyes. “I know that I can’t keep talking about everything I love about you… cause if I did we’d be kind of here forever… but I love you so much. And I hope I can keep doing whatever it is that makes you want to keep me by your side.”
Diana stood still, locking her jaw in place and trying desperately to hold back the tears that were threatening to flood down her face. The only things keeping her together were Akko’s hand gently caressing her cheek and the face splitting grin on Akko’s face, as her fiancée also tried to fight back her own tears.
“Akko, I… I love you too. Far more than I could ever hope to put into words,” Diana said, as she leaned into Akko’s hand. “So forgive me for making this brief… but otherwise, just as you said, we would all be here forever.
As a child, I allowed the weight of my own responsibilities to pull me down, letting it slowly dull the color of my world. And then you came into my life, blindingly bright and full of vibrant colors. It was… distracting. Irritating. It showed me just how colorless I’d allowed my life to become… how the wonder I used to have for the world had just faded away. And I could not stand it, so I tried to run away from you.
But, no matter what, you found me. You, you brought color back to my life. You let me experience that sense of wonder once again, experience the joy of being a child, at least every once in a while. I’d… always assumed I was destined for one thing, and one thing only, but you showed me that I didn’t have to let that destiny shackle me from reaching out for other things.
You’ve given me a world of unlimited possibilities Akko, and I cannot thank you enough for that. A world where I don’t always have to be strong, a world where I can do anything I wish. And, truly, with every fibre of my being, I always hope… that I can do the same for you. No matter the cost, I swear that I will always be by your side when you need me most.” Diana finished, her tears falling down her face.
It was quite clear Akko wasn’t doing much better.
Diana smiled and took out the handkerchief from her suit. First, she used it to wipe away the tears from Akko’s eyes, and then did the same for herself.
When the two looked at each other, eyes red and puffy from tears, but their lips still smiling, full of love for one another, they both completely regretted the fact that they were not allowed to kiss until the very end of the ceremony.
“And so… Akko,” Diana said, doing her best to wrap up her final part, as quickly as possible. She removed the brooch from her lapel and held it on Akko’s dress, right above her heart. “Would you do me the great honour of joining my family?”
Akko bit her lip and nodded furiously, causing Diana’s heart to melt.
“Very well,” Diana said. She pinned the brooch onto Akko’s dress and smiled. She then turned to Professor Ursula and nodded. “You may continue.”
Professor Ursula smiled, wiping a tear from her eye.
“Understood. The rings?”
“Of course,” Andrew said, as he and Amanda walked up towards Akko and Diana. “You two look a mess.”
Akko and Diana both looked at Andrew and Amanda and struggled to hold in their laughter when they saw just how red their eyes had become.
“So do you,” Akko said, allowing her and Diana a moment to chuckle. “The both of you.”
Andrew just rolled his eyes while Amanda laughed alongside Diana and Akko. They both took out a ring from their respective suit pockets and gave them to the couple, Andrew to Akko and Amanda to Diana. The two then walked back to their spots beside each to-be spouse.
Akko and Diana both turned back to each other, and they slipped the rings onto each other’s fingers.
“And now, could the couple please clasp each other’s left hand?”
Akko and Diana both reached out, and with the clack of their new rings, held their hands together. Diana looked down and smiled, looking at the bright blue string on Akko’s wrist, one to match the red on her own.
“Very good, now may we please have the ribbons?”
Lotte and Sucy, as well as Hannah and Barbara, walked up to the front of the aisle, holding two red silk and two blue silk ribbons, respectively.
Hannah and Barbara began to wrap the blue ribbons, starting from Diana’s forearm down to Akko’s. Lotte and Sucy did the same with their red ribbons, wrapping it above the silk blue ribbons, beginning from Akko’s arm down to Diana’s.
Professor Ursula finished the job, pulling out a purple ribbon from under her sleeve and wrapping it around Akko and Diana’s hand.
Akko and Diana looked at their hands, smiling all the while as they felt each other’s heart beating in time with their own. They then gazed back at each other and giggled, finally, officially, tied together in life.
Professor Ursula stood straight up and placed her hand atop Akko’s and Diana’s.
“May the Nine witches, both old and new-” Professor Ursula winked “-bless this wedding. May you two be blessed with a long, happy life, full of the love you both share… and by the power vested in me, by both the country of England and the Council of Magic, I now pronounce you two officially married!”
The second Professor Ursula announced those words, Akko leapt up into the air, in time with her jumping heart, cheering out in celebration along with the crowd.
However, the second she landed, her foot slipped, and she fell backward onto the grass, pulling Diana along with her.
Akko looked up to see Diana, just inches above her, surprised and in shock.
And as the crowd joined together in a chorus of laughter, causing Akko’s face to heat up with embarrassment… she could only really say one thing.
“I, uh,” Akko giggled, “It looks like I fell for you!”
Diana sputtered, before breaking into a chuckle of her own. She shook her head and rolled her eyes in amusement.
“You are such a silly girl.”
Akko looked into Diana’s eyes and grinned, her wife’s giggle causing her heart to stampede in her chest.
“But I’m your silly girl right?”
And Diana’s heart skipped a beat. Her eyes quickly darted down towards Akko’s lips, and she smiled.
After all, the formalities had concluded, and the ceremony simply needed one last act to be completed.
She quickly leaned down pressing a kiss upon her wife’s lips, and her entire body filled with warmth as that thought rang through in her head.
Akko was her wife. And she was Akko’s. Officially.
Diana lifted herself up and couldn’t help but laugh at the dazed look on her wife’s face. She then leaned back down, to the side of Akko’s head, and whispered a wish.
One she sincerely believed would come true.
“Of course, Akko. Now, and forever.”
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alwaysfine · 6 years
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i honestly can’t believe it’s been a year already. it has actually flown by. originally on my multi muse, moving amanda and jesse to their own blogs was the best decision and i’ve been so thankful i did ever since. if i’m being honest, the only reason why i made jesse a sideblog at all was because i was so in love with the url ( badbagelll ) that i couldn’t not. but it turned out better than i could’ve ever anticipated. i’m so grateful for all the wonderful writing partners i’ve been blessed to not only write with, but get to know out of character. all of you are such kind, strong, inspiring, and golden hearted human beings with such creative minds and exceptional talent. i often ask myself what on earth i did, and how i got so lucky to meet you all.
 i am so incredibly honored to have the opportunity to bring the independent, strong, unfairly gorgeous, quick witted, badass, and beautifully flawed amanda rollins to life. and not only do i get the pleasure of writing amanda, but our precious bad bagel, jesse. 
all in all, amanda @ sonny in that gif is me @ every single person who i write with, who has ever messaged me ooc, and anyone who simply follows this blog. i can honestly say that writing these two characters has been the highlight of my writing journey. i adore each and every one of you, and i look forward to another year. xoxo.
******* under the cut i’m going to be gushing over those of you who still have your blogs and have truly helped to make this past year 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 !
@amaroed​ / dany ! writing nick and amanda with you has brought so much absolute joy into my life??? i’ve loved every single one of our threads and memes from them switching the sugar to salt at the precinct kitchenette to amanda becoming nick for halloween to nick trying to keep amanda awake after she caught a bullet to the side.  you capture nick so well, and your love for him and danny himself exudes every time you write him. it’s honestly so beautiful to see. after writing with you, i can honestly say that my love for nick amaro increased even more. you are such a talented writer, and i’m forever honored to write with you!
@battleincarnate / maddie ! maddie maddie maddie, my iconic, legendary cher stan.  i actually adore you so much i can’t even fully explain. from the first time i talked to you ooc, you just exuded genuine kindness, and were so chill and easy to talk to. i feel like that’s unfortunately super rare, so i just wanna thank you for that??? you’re such a rad friend, and i’m so lucky to have you!! ok as for muses go, i don’t even know where to start?? firstly, your writing is gorgeous and your ability to switch between muses like elliot stabler and ali dilaurentis is remarkable. secondly, what we’ve developed between elliot and amanda is truly one of my favorite relationships i’ve had the pleasure of establishing on this blog, even though we’ve never even gotten to see them together onscreen. i have loved every single thread we’ve ever done.  from the first thread we did where they first meet and they literally want to kill each other, to them arguing over who gets to drive on their first day as partners, to all the million and ten things we’ve discussed on discord like their hardcore car karaoke parties and the fact that amanda will ask elliot to walk her down the isle in any verse where she’s married. amanda may be one of the biggest pains in his ass, and elliot may be one of the biggest pains in hers, but they love each other sm it’s so precious. amanda is also so much like elliot it kills me, and the dynamic we’ve created is literal gold. the phrase like father, like daughter has never applied more. he’s the king and she’s the lionheart without a doubt!
@cabotiisms​ / claire ! like i told you over discord, your portrayal of alex made me love her even more which, i didn’t even think was possible. your grasp on alex’s character, her motives, the way her mind works, is so on point. your love and passion for doing right by alex is so obvious when you write her. now, the big and little sister dynamic we’ve created for alex and amanda makes me smile so much i can’t even explain. i live for alex trying to get amanda out of the messes she gets herself into aka saving her little sister from being ripped to shreds by mom, and in general just being the sister she deserves. the threads we have going right now are quite literally perfect, and i adore them.  and out of character? i love yelling at you about how dirty the svu writers did alex, and how dirty they’re currently doing amanda by bringing in cardio douche. but even more importantly, you are one of the most genuinely sweet people i’ve ever met. i adore you, and am so thankful we’re friends!
@drftwood / catie ! i don’t even know where to start. ok firstly, your ability to bring to life so many beautiful oc’s and occasional canon characters absolutely astounds me. you are so creative, all the ideas you come up with are so intriguing, and you have the ability to turn one small detail into an entire beautiful character so effortlessly. it’s so incredible. and this creativity so obviously carries into your writing. your writing is so fucking gorgeous i can’t even believe. every single character that we’ve ever written together has turned into such a beautiful relationship for amanda. chris, alex, and now jr? i mean, jr is such an important person in amanda’s canon now, and i can’t imagine altering her canon storyline in any other way, nor can i imagine anyone else taking on his role except for you. next, i can’t end this without saying how much i love talking to you ooc. like, from the minute we started talking when we started plotting amanda and alex, i knew we were gonna be friends. AND I WAS SO RIGHT. you have such a kind soul and such a big heart, you deserve all the happiness in the world. i am so lucky and proud to be able to call you a friend and ily!! 
@etlegis / shep ! ok we literally started talking like 24 hours ago but i already adore you and your peter stone. it’s so obvious that you have his character down in your writing. it’s like i read your starter, and it felt like i was in an episode of svu. not only is your characterization of stone on point, but you are the GREATEST ooc. it was so easy to start talking to you, instafriends some may call it, and we just fell down a rollins/stone hole and i’m not even mad about it. you are such a gem in this community already and i’m so glad you’re here!!
@hellhaths / lara !  lara, i fucking adore you. like for real. i could tell from the second we started talking ooc that we were going to be friends. and i’m proud to say i was very right. you are such an exceptional writer, i can’t properly explain. you put so much into every character you write, and it truly amazes me. now, i think we both know i have to talk about your olivia ‘ squad mom ’ benson because …. wow. from the first introduction to your writing, the first thought i had was ‘ she’s literally olivia benson.’ and that first thread we did with amanda asking olivia about elliot while she was trying to figure out the situation with nick, and not only did it wreck my heart, but it was the beginning of the most legendary olivia / amanda dynamic i could’ve ever asked for. SHE’S LITERALLY HER MOTHER. liv arguing with amanda to stop playing angry birds because it kills her phone battery, confining amanda to desk duty when she does something dumb, taking away amanda’s keys …. the list is literally endless. despite how bratty liv’s dorter gets, we all know she still loves her.  listen, you understand the complexities of liv so well, it absolutely astounds me. with twenty seasons of evolution to work with, you incorporate all of it so beautifully. you have her voice and mannerisms down to a tee, and i am so honored to write with you and call you a friend. i’m sending you all the love and light in the world right now, and just know i’m here for you always.
@moontide​ / angie ! girl, your amanda is so important to my jesse idk if i can even properly put it into words. when i first started writing jesse, i had no idea what type of interactions i would get. truthfully, i thought nobody would show any interest whatsoever and she would just be another blog that faded away. WHAT I NEVER IMAGINED IS WHAT I’VE WRITTEN WITH YOU. the amanda/jesse dynamic we’ve created is so complex and beautiful, and i love it so much. every single heart breaking thread and verse we’ve started or discussed, i love. jesse is so her mama’s daughter, and being able to have those interactions means so much to me, i just have to say thank you. and your amanda? so fantastic. i absolutely love the life you bring to her, and i’m so so so honored to write with you. and remember, even when she’s being a brat, jesse loves her mama more than anything.
@o188 / sunny ! holy shit!!! ok so, i need to start by telling you how big of a part you played in me giving amanda her own blog in the first place. when i found your blog and read your writing, i was, for the lack of a better word, s h o o k. to this day, i am still astounded anytime i read one of your replies, because when you write sonny, you become sonny carisi. from writing his dialogue, to his mannerisms, it’s perfection. and you yourself as a human being???? you’re actually golden and ily. you welcomed me into this community with so much warmth and love and i can never thank you enough!! ok, so now for muses. let me just start with the jesse/sonny dynamic. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SOMETHING SO PURE???? sonny carisi is the Best Dad, and jesse loves him endlessly, ok? alright, now for sonny and amanda.  listen, i can’t even accurately explain how much my amanda loves your sonny. she would quite literally try and catch a falling star for him if he asked. writing amanda so open and trusting whenever she’s with him is so freakin’ beautiful, okay?? i’ve adored every single thread and meme we’ve ever started with them, from amanda telling him she’s pregnant with g, to the morning after, to post book of esther. their dynamic is so freakin’ important and what we’ve created with them is truly one of my favorite relationships i’ve ever written. oh, and writing them as parents of their precious baby girls?? quite literally makes my heart grow ten sizes. they are so soft, so beautiful, and i am both honored and grateful to have the opportunity to write that with you!!
@painbled / peaches ! cracks knuckles alright here goes!! HI I FREAKING LOVE YOU. you are one of the most genuine human beings i’ve met on here, and i am forever grateful that i chose to write topanga way back when. there was a chunk of time where we fell out of contact, but the second we started talking again, it was like NO TIME AT ALL HAD PASSED. that’s a true testament to our friendship, and i’m forever grateful for that! then, you went and decided to write noah porter benson aka amanda’s lil baby that’s not actually her baby, but she loves him like he is. she would throw down so hard for him, i’m forever emotional about it. the thread we have where liv’s in the hospital has me wrecked, but i also love it because there are so many mama!amanda vibes aimed at noah happening that it makes my heart warmer than the sun. then there’s jess and noah, and good freakin’ lord. THEY’RE SO CUTE I CAN BARELY STAND IT. they are freakin’ in love with each other and icb they’re gonna get married and have a family and liv and amanda are gonna be grandparents to the same kids. listen, both me, amanda, and jesse’s lives wouldn’t be the same without you and your muses in them. you are such a talented writer, and i will forever tell you that whenever you need reminding. thunder, lightning. peaches and honey always!!
@southbronxabogado / adrien ! wow wow wow wow wow. first of all, you are actually rafael barba. i’m convinced. every single thread is so accurate and it brings me so much joy to watch you bring him to life and give him the treatment he deserves. now, the relationship we’ve developed between amanda and rafael is truly one of my favorites. i went from oh yeah they’d be cute, to holy fucking shit they’re perfect in 0.000001 seconds after we first started plotting them. the dynamic they have is so genuine, and the way he treats her just makes my heart so happy. i’ve adored every thread we’ve ever started, from amanda thinking she freakin’ broke the toaster to the throwback thread of him taking her to that fancy benefit. now last but definitely not least, can i just say how wonderful you are ooc? like, i know i can jump into your im’s and start screaming at you enthusiastically in all caps about our idiots without worry. plotting and writing with you has been such a pleasure, and i absolutely adore you. truly. i can’t wait for all the million other things i’m sure we’ll do.
@thingsmissed / jennifer ! ok, so i haven’t really gotten much of a chance to write amanda or jesse with any of your muses, but i absolutely love having you on my dash and talking to you ooc! you put so much effort into all your muses, and it’s absolutely inspiring. you are without a doubt one of the sweetest people with one of the most genuinely kind, caring, and giving hearts that i’ve had the pleasure of meeting on here. you are always so much fun to talk to ooc, and i can always feel your kindness exuding through the screen. you are a very talented writer and i hope you never doubt that!!
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