#wind breaker incorrect
the-original-skipps · 4 months
Suo: Sakura-kun, guess what me and (Y/N) were just doing.
Sakura: *blushes* W-WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!!
Suo: Holding hands.
Sakura: *combusts*
Nirei: Oh my god! Suo-san, you killed him!
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the-bofurin-digest · 2 months
Nirei: So what do we do when someone hates us for no reason?
Sakura:.... We give them a reason.
Nirei: NO
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usernanami · 4 months
Tumblr media
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busylizbee · 3 months
Furin boys find y/n: What does your shirt say?
Y/N: He's my sweet potato~ 🍠
Umemiya somewhere in the distance: I YAM! 🌱
I dunno, it fits.... (∩゚∀`∩) I adore the plant daddy. 🪴
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para-dots · 2 months
Hiragi: All of your existences are confusing.
The Squad: How so?
Hiragi: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
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ahaha-fvckjjj · 3 months
Suo: Two truths, one lie. I’ll start! I’ve killed a man, I will kill again, and it burns when I pee 😊
Sakura: I don’t… like this game…
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hxnbi · 3 months
Sakura: From today, Suo and I are no longer friends
Suo: Sakura, that’s an awful way of telling people we’re married
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kcdrawns · 15 days
Incorrect WB quotes Part 1!
*Kiryu walks up to Nire*
Kiryu: Nire Chan, can you give me the birthdays of our classmates?
Nire sweating: Uhm.. there is a tiny issue.. uhmm here take this! Take the ones you want! *gives kiryu the holy notebook of everyone's date, hour and location of birth*
kiryu: Oh.....
nirei dying of shyness in a corner
kiryu: I am not gonna question-
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shiro249 · 2 months
Xin: *Checking out a cookie* Sakura, do you have any siblings? Sakura: No?? Xin: But isn't this your siblings? *Shows an Oreo cream* Sakura: ... Xin: You also have a lot of little siblings too. *Show a packet of little Oreos inside it* Sakura: ...... Xin: (‾◡◝) Sakura: I swear to god...
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the-bofurin-digest · 2 months
Sakura: What the hell is wrong with you?!
Suo: You mean like today? Or just in general?
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
Okay, as a certified ume lover (you), I had this thought and decided you had to know too, imagine you end up getting pregnant and ume is like tears and shit and considering his backstory, he genuinely looks at you and loses his shit, and HE WONT EVER LET YOU GO OUT OF HIS ARMS, go everywhere with you, not a step out of the house without him, hugging you more tighter in his sleep cause he doesn't want you to fall over accidentally and end up hurting yourself, he will be there for EVERY single time you are suffering with morning sickness, and hear all the complaint on how much you are peeing and how you can't reach the floor and see your own feet and go behind and lift your belly to lessen the burden and pain on your back as you melt into him. Let's not talk about the fact the baby is born and he gets to hold them? He would melt and have a breakdown so bad that gets the nurses smiling so bad seeing such a reaction from a father, he will be hugging you and kissing you thanking him for giving him this life and OMG IMAGINE MAKING A WHOLE NURSERY ROOM WITH HIM, FILLED WITH BABY SHOES, PAINTING IT, BUILDING EVERYTHING.
Or imagine he gets so overly protective and worries fills his mind when you tell him you are pregnant, and you just sit on his lap and hold his face every so gentle and kissing him between every sentence all over his face and comforting him that it will all be alright and that you know he is gonna be the best father ever and that he doesn't have to go through this whole experience with worries eating him up considering he already experienced losing his mom, dad and his unborn sibling.
Him just talking to your belly whenever you are sleeping and see it when you wake up and him telling the child to "don't bother your mom so much" while gently kissing it. I AM SO NOT NORMAL ABOUT IT AND I, GENERALLY DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT PREGANANCY, BUT ITS SO DIFFERENT WITH UME, I AM SORRY ‼️‼️
(I didn't read the ask after typing it , so if I made any mistake, my bad bestie)
Nonnie come sit with me on the couch lets chat so much ive got snacks and blankies 😎
I do think although he’s pretty well adjusted when it comes to his past, he WOULD have a few noticeable changes because if you went through what he did who wouldn’t have some residual issues? The tension in his shoulders when you’re both walking in a city or if he hasn’t gotten a text back in more than a few hours while he’s at work? An anxious mess, Hiragi give him some medicine or something. He’s never been so stressed and ecstatic in his life its exhausting for him but he refuses to ever say the stressed part out loud you just gotta talk him through it and be stubborn about it because otherwise he’s trying to take care of you TOO much.
It’s not your pregnancy with him it’s OUR pregnancy he’ll get sympathy sick when you’re puking your guts out or cry like he’s in pain when you get IVs or shots for it (dont even get me started on the epidural i didnt know the catheter stayed IN your back when you got it wtfff till like…last year) best guy to be pregnant with though and he won’t stop talking about how brave and sweet and perfect you are or how pretty you look despite how you feel like none of those words.
He’s ALL up in the delivery room despite the horrors and he’s apologizing profusely when you’re crying that he did this to you and that hes the worst and then you’re like baby i dont really mean that but this is fucking terrible rip he knows you dont mean it and you can squeeze his hand, hit him, yell at him he doesn’t mind at all if it makes you feel even just a little bit better
He tries your weird cravings with you no matter what it is or what time it is. You wanna eat peanut butter and pickles at 3am? Lets go bby we’re taste testing.
He’s getting up in the middle of the night as much as possible when the baby’s born so that you can rest, you have to force him back to bed sometimes because he’s sleep deprived eventually.
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azraelgaius · 4 days
Hiragi: Calling me during 3 am for cuddles is UNACCEPTABLE!
Hiragi, getting up from bed: WHERE IS YOUR SELF RESPECT?!
Hiragi, changing: YOUR DIGNITY!?
Hiragi, finding his motorcycle keys: YOUR ADDRESS?!
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para-dots · 2 months
Umemiya: Can we get a birthday cake?
Hiragi: It’s not your birthday.
Umemiya: The cake won’t know.
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thirteen-my-gf · 1 month
Hello hello!!! I am Haruchiyo but feel free to call me Akashi, this is my introduction! (o^ ^o)/
NAME : Haruchiyo / Akashi
AGE : Minor !!
GENDER : Female
FANDOMS : Obey me, WBK, TR, and Haikyuu!!
DON'T ASK : NSFW topics, personal questions
CONTENTS : writing headcanons and aus (^>^)
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Sharing a quick thought about Suo. He’s definitely ticklish on his sides and stomach but it’s very situational. If he’s been like pinned down and it’s his bare tum and the ler is super soft and teasy, THATS when Suo breaks. I could definitely see a scene where Sakura is complaining that Suo isn’t ticklish on his stomach but Neiri to have notes somehow on it where he’s like “oh no he is, you just need to be gentle and know what to do and say!” Provoking Sakura to aquire someone to help him with it and for Neiri to be there to direct him on what to do.
Sakura ends up getting a lesson on how to be gentle while still having someone at his mercy and who better then Suo 🙏🙏😤
Ume sees them all tickling Suo and gets super excited and is like “oooh! Tickles fight! My favorite” blah blah blah something about team bonding.
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
EJKRKJERJEKJ HELP SUO- I don't know if you wanted this as a dabble or just wanted to share, but I wrote it anyway cause how could I NOT??? It's so perfect and Suo as a lee needs more love! I've gotcha covered!
CW: swearing
“You’re full of shit.” Sakura accused.
“Watch your mouth.” Suo chided, to whom neither boy knew. Neiri carried on anyway.
“No, I’m serious! Suo is ticklish on his stomach- you just have to know what to do.” He waved his “Top Secret” notebook like a bible. “I have witness reports!”
“Who the hell tickled him before-” Sakura began, but his answer was sitting not far from him, talking to Toma. Umemiya caught his eye before winking. Did he know what they were discussing?
Who cares- he had evidence now! “What do you have to do?”
“Sakura, I’d highly advise you don’t.” Suo’s smile grew a tad strained, leaning away when his friends turned to grin at him. “I can’t guarantee your physical wellbeing if you try anything…” “That’s the first step, actually- pin him down!”
“On it!” Umemiya ran over, confirming his earlier suspicions as he wrestled Suo to the ground. “Squirmy guy, aren’t you? Sugishita, help me!”
“No don’t-” Suo’s cries were lost as said boy tackled him, adding to the fray. Before long, the long haired teen had him in a hold; sitting above his head with his legs pressing into his outstretched arms. He further added to the hold by grabbing onto Suo’s wrists, the grip firm but comfortable. “This is a bit unnecessary, no?”
“Hehehe, gotcha! Okay, Neiri, what’s next?” Umemiya asked from his spot across Suo’s lower legs, hands on his chin and feet kicking happily like a child. The blonde nearly forgot how to speak being in the presence of their top guy.
“E-Erm, okay! Right- eh- you have to be super gentle- feather gentle! It’s better if you do it on bare skin.” Neiri nodded, flustering some at the last part. Sakura shrugged and did as he was told, shoving up Suo’s shirt.
“Gentle, gentle? Like barely touching him?”
“Sakura, dohohon’t you dahahhahare!” The first few giggles that slipped out nearly made him stop there. “Aheahhaha, nohohohoho!”
“Holy- it’s working!” Sakura was shocked to the core. He thought Suo’s ears were the only bad part on him, but this? This was just as exciting as a discovery.
“Told you. Nothing in my notes is incorrect! Well- except that one thing..and the other thing..” Neiri hummed as he flipped through his pages, Sakura carrying on gently tickling Suo while Umemiya gave him the occasional pointer. “I might need to update this soon.”
“No worries on that right now- come; help Sakura!” Umemiya invited him over, making Neiri puff with surprise. “Enjoy your youth through the power of tickle fights! It’s good for team bonding!”
“O-Okay! Right!”
“Suo’s gonna kill them.” Toma mused outloud to his own group, laughing some when said boy squealed. “Or at the very least- he’s gonna make them wish they never tickled him.”
“Hm. How much do you want to bet? I’m saying 10000 yen Suo’s gonna go afterrrr Sakurrrra first.” Enomoto declared.
“20000 yen he goes for blondie.” Kaji mumbled around his lollipop. Toma snickered.
“You’re on.”
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kcdrawns · 10 days
Incorrect WB quotes Part 2!
Part1 here
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Kaji cracking the lollipop in his mouth due to being pissed at something random
Hiragi staring him down: One of these days he will break one of the teeth and the fault will be mine. *Stomach rumbles in pain due to annoyance and anxiety*
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Kiryu: I'm thinking about getting another piercing
Nirei: Cool, why and where if I may ask? *gets his notebook out
Kiryu: My family is too quiet it's time to be a problem again
Sakura: how do you even get their approval to get them if they are traditional
Kiryu: who said I have their approval?
Sakura: Kiryu you don't do them at home right?
*Kiryu in silence*
Sakura: Right??
*Kiryu looking at his phone*
Kiryu: no, probably luck?
*Sakura fuming out of worry*
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