#wind preview
stickstone · 8 months
my prediction for how shit’s gonna go down in wind:
splashtail says at the next gathering that he’s obtained his nine lives and is now splashstar. some are willing to believe it, riverclan’s fully behind him, but frostpaw insists that he’s lying. some characters take her side, some characters believe her but don’t want to throw riverclan into chaos again, etc.
frostpaw’s going to convince tigerstar and squirrelstar to help her do something about splashstar, resulting in a big battle at the end of the book.
someone’s able to get the upper hand in a one on one fight with splashstar and land a killing blow. he falls to the ground and dies…… and everyone stops to hold their breath and see what happens next.
frostpaw is filled with relief, the battle is over and splashstar is dead. now she can go back home and fix everything. she can finally start to heal.
And Then Splashstar Stands Back Up.
he has his nine lives. despite everything, splashstar accepted them (he is a massive hypocrite after all). and despite everything frostpaw went through. starclan gave them to him.
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 1 month
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kingstealer · 1 month
the "dalinar serves kaladin adoption papers" scene was very touching and obviously setting up part of kaladin's Whole Thing in kwat. but also with the context of shallan being officially in line for the throne from the previous chapter its very funny. navani and dalinar pacing around their royal bondsmith housing going "we gotta give all these kids some responsibility. we need a well laid out line of succession with people we trust." which! fascinating contrast to galivar "i'm going to live forever and hate my son [gets assassinated and prompts a big war]" kholin and also hysterical
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whereisdemoux · 2 months
lmao at Gavilar trying to brute force The Words at random and the stormfather being like "you have reached the maximum number of login attempts. please try again later."
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droodlebug · 4 days
i'm constantly getting myself worked up about what the qunari in dragon age could be if the writers weren't racist as shit. in a perfect world that we don't live in, the veilguard comes out and it reveals that everything heard about qunari and the qun were wrong and people are just there living their lives and to stop treating their religion, that is inescapably a parody of islam, like it's a form of control. stop treating them like they're inheritly violent or murderous when like. the grey warden kills a bunch of desperate refugees that attack them at the start of the game. not incapcitate, kill. hawke is constantly killing people like All the Time. it is a joke between the da2 characters in the game. but when the qunari do it it's suddenly wrong? suddenly murder is bad in the context of the world?
when the religion of the maker and the elves gets treated with respect and nooo andrastians aren't forcing their religion on anyone they're just making people see the Truth. but when anyone willingly converts to the qun that means they? are bad people now? when the qunari have a spy that's invasive and scary but when you have your own spymaster that tortures people well that's fine it's just what's necessary. when the circles literally take someone's spirit away by making them tranquil that's horrific but it is what it is, but when the qunari restrict their mages in a very similar way, the only difference being that you can See from the outside what it feels like, then it's an even worse unspeakable horror? even when the mages of the qun are giving to that willingly for the percieved safety of others vs nearly every account of tranquility being forced, somehow the qun version of the same thing is still worse???
that is the way the games themselves through story and mechanics frame it and it's shit because the qunari is very obviously based on a real life religion and real life people that are heavily demonized in real life and it is not fair
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davie-bullck · 15 days
Guys, it’s Sigzil. Sigzil the scribe. Sigzil the Worldsinger. Hoid’s apprentice Sigzil. Sigzil, the character that we already know is going to be playing an important role in the cosmere. Sigzil is writing Knights of Wind and Truth.
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cam-ulu29 · 2 months
the fucking WIND has been doin all this shit to kaladin? The fucking WIND??? Watching him from birth? Asking the impossible of him? Me and the wind got beef now.
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blindradiant · 2 months
The preview of chapters 1 and 2 of Wind and Truth reminded me that Kaladin doesn’t know who he’s going to Shinovar with. I’m looking forward to that reveal
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cosmereplay · 2 months
Don't know where to find the preview chapters? Bookmark this link!
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chetney-pockopea · 2 months
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Brandon I'm in your house sawing one quarter inch off of every other table leg don't do this to me I'm begging.
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takenbtwind · 23 days
For whatever we do and don't get to see of Rlain's spren party I know for a fact that Renarin is infodumping Truthwatcher Tips and Tricks the entire time. He stops talking whenever someone walks up to congratulate Rlain, and then immediately picks up where he left off as soon as Rlain's done talking to them.
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shandzii · 2 years
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 1 month
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Things to say which demonstrate you are mentally stable enough for a quest
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cosmere-polls · 2 months
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ohmy-zabrak · 8 months
Sandor Clegane has horse boy energy. Catch him crying into Stranger's mane and shit
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jewishicequeen · 1 month
Dalinar wants Kaladin as the Kholin heir because he and Adolin are married and so Adolin would HAVE to become king send tweet-
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