#windows OTT app
customottapps · 1 year
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Ready to Boost Your OTT Business Revenue? Our White Label Solution is tailored for growth. Connect with us today to explore endless possibilities! Hire best OTT Developer at WHMCS Smarters
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absolutebl · 2 years
[23rd December, 2022]
Not sure what percentage of BL audience understand the algorithm, or the metrics of how an OTT platform is run, but I believe, since they are paying for it by taking either monthly, quarterly, or yearly subscriptions, they should be made aware of how things work with the OTTs, because almost all the BL series are streamed on them, unlike movies which have their theatrical release.
I do know for sure that well-established filmmakers, and producers get the analytics from multiplexes, and media companies that's into research, about how well their movie is doing domestically, and internationally. And they also get a detailed information about the demographics of the audience, to understand better about the kind of consumers they have.
For some strange reason, I think it would be fine to compare HW, or any other successful movie industry in the world, with that of the BL, because although the genre may be different, the intention of making money remains the same. And I guess, no producer would deny that, be it someone from the Asia, or the West. And given that almost 90% of the BL audience are international fans, the amount of money that's pumped in by the producers, as against the money minted by the OTT platforms would show a big difference.
That's the reason, I have always been intrigued with how OTTs function. And how does the business of streaming BLs on multiple OTT platforms work?
Apologies if any of my question is repetitive, but I guess its not.
So, my question to you are as follows:
As a BL fan yourself, how many OTT platforms have you subscribed to? And the price-point of which OTT platform according to you is justified? (If possible, mention how much you pay in your currency for each OTTs - Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly.)
The subscription model of which OTT platform is affordable for all three options (Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly)? (To you give you an example, a lot of BL fans are in praise of Viki, and have taken a yearly subscription of it, as against "iQIYI", which most have subscribed to for just Quarterly.)
At the moment, which BL OTT platforms would you consider the best in terms of streaming regular BL content, while at the same time offering a feasible subscription model? (The one that you are subscribed to for long, and will continue the subscription in future too.)
Which OTT platform according to you has the best User Interface? And what is it that's more appealing to you? (Please elaborate in detail if possible.)
As an audience, what kind of changes do you expect from an OTT platform? (Like for example: No pop-up ad windows, introducing comment section, multiple language subtitles, being able to reverse and fast forward, off-line download, etc,..etc,)
With multiple options of OTT platforms, like "Viki", "Netflix", "GagaOOLala", "iQIYI", "WeTV", "AISPlay", "DisneyPlus Hotstar". Don't you as a BL fan find it confusing and ridiculous at the same time to subscribe to so many platforms?
Should mid-budget, low concept BLs really be offered on a Membership model on YouTube, only because its coming from an independent production company that's trying to establish itself? (Case in point - "Commetive Productions by Dir.Aam Anusorn".),
Will you be ready to pay more price for an OTT platform that not only offers the best BLs, but also offers HD quality content, and multiple other options that you were looking out for?
If you as a BL content consumer had to give a critical advise to the creators (service providers & app developers) of an OTT platform, what would that be? And why?
Hi hi, sorry it’s taken so long, been a bumper end of the year. All the stats must be collected and proceed all at once for prediction reasons. Jan-March are my busiest times just number crunching. 
1. As a BL fan yourself, how many OTT platforms have you subscribed to? And the price-point of which OTT platform according to you is justified? (If possible, mention how much you pay in your currency for each OTTs - Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly.)
Erm, let me see: 
Youtube Premium $119.99/yr (I hate ads) - since I also run some channels and do a ton of other stuff on YT I find this totally acceptable as an expense, I already pay Google for work related services as well (see tax note) 
Viki Plus $99.99/yr (I like Kdramas so I upgraded last year) - not sure the higher price point is justified for BL, and many of the BLs are actually free with ads on Viki so... shrug. Others may not need this one at all. 
Gaga $83.88 - lowest price point, supports Taiwan, queer content. I’d probably keep this one going even if I never watched the platform, but they always have content I like, we have similar taste 
My FairyGodBLer gifted me subscriptions to IQIYI & WeTV because she wanted my thoughts on some of their offerings (and is a total sweetheart). I would not belong to these myself and either not watch their content or use back channels to get the BLs. 
Because of my job, media subs are a tax deduction most of the time. 
I’m not price sensitive, I’m efficiency and convenience sensitive. I always pay yearly. Since I’m a contract worker I earn income in chunks, rather than a salary, so I prefer to pay out that way. Psychologically, I think it helps to know exactly how much a thing costs me per year, too. 
2. The subscription model of which OTT platform is affordable for all three options (Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly)? (To you give you an example, a lot of BL fans are in praise of Viki, and have taken a yearly subscription of it, as against "iQIYI", which most have subscribed to for just Quarterly.)
That depends on how you define affordable and content. 
I did do this breakdown last year. Results still hold:
Viki has the most BL content (not Thai) by watchable hours, but by numbers only about 13%. (might have gone up a bit)
Gaga has the most content (not Thai) by numbers ( 28% because so many shorts). 
YouTube has the most content in general (42%), because Thailand. Although Thai BLs are getting outside distribution now so that number is falling GMMTV and its long history on the platform, still tips the scales. 
I can’t run these numbers anymore because lately so many BLS are on more than one platform especially Viki+Gaga and also it makes a difference where you, the watcher, live. 
3. At the moment, which BL OTT platforms would you consider the best in terms of streaming regular BL content, while at the same time offering a feasible subscription model? (The one that you are subscribed to for long, and will continue the subscription in future too.)
For me personally? 
If you’re only interested in queer content and very price sensitive?
I’d do YT & Viki free w adds, everything else I’d wait or grey source it
4. Which OTT platform according to you has the best User Interface? And what is it that's more appealing to you? (Please elaborate in detail if possible.)
I watch primarily on an iPad. For that?
YouTube - playlists (sharable!) are great, they have a skip forward, 1.25 watch speeds (and more), continuous play, watch later, history, and tracking systems. The dash is easy to understand and personalize. It works seamlessly in desktop mode as well. Comments are non-invasive, and I can screen grab. It’s easily my favorite interface. Say what you want about YT’s search algos (which are crazy-making) as a UX it is quirky but smooth and easily the best streaming platform ever built (AS a streaming platform, for content creation that’s another story). I even enjoy the watch weight graphs on occasion. 
Viki - I like creating my own private categories and organizing things. I like they have a skip forward and autoplay options. I hate that they don’t have high speed and block screen grabs (which is why you rarely see screen grabs on this blog from their shows). Their desktop interface is always dated and lousy with bugs. The dash is insane. Their comment interface should be disabled. It’s a fucking nightmare if you accidentally press that button at the bottom. Viki should strip its community aspect entirely IMHO, just allow star ratings, nothing else is needed. 
Gaga - lack of sorting system, autoplay, and skip forward are maddening. Plus they block screen grabs. But the dash is okay, and they have high speed playback. I hate that anytime you tap anything it pauses. My List should be first not continue watch, and there should be some more personalization options governing things like visibility. 
iQIYI - vertical launch (SERIOUSLY?) how DARE THEY, also they serve ads even if you’re a subscriber (shitheads) those ads are ALSO portrait mode and often buggy, I’ve had alpha crashes off of their ads, that’s a UX SIN. They offer both high speed and skip forward, VERY necessary with their content, AND I can screen grab. But everything else about their interface is pretty darn terrible. 
I watch WeTV on a laptop. And not very much. 
5. As an audience, what kind of changes do you expect from an OTT platform? (Like for example: No pop-up ad windows, introducing comment section, multiple language subtitles, being able to reverse and fast forward, off-line download, etc,..etc,)
None, I expect no significant changes. I don’t think any of the established OTTs, even YT, are at all invested in improving background code infrastructure. They are all in maintenance mode, even more so now with a recession looming. The only thing they are focused on expanding is content acquisition (and not creation, acquisition).  
I foresee more and more shows, the same show, appearing on multiple platforms for international audiences either simultaneously (Viki & Gaga) or in succession, IQIYI/WeTV then YouTube. 
I foresee at least one deal between a larger Thai BL production house and a major streaming service, my guess is GMMTV + Netflix, APrime, or iQIYI. 
I’d like to predict a heavy hitting new OTT out of Korea, maybe Kakao, but I think they have missed that boat now, and Viki has cornered the market. 
6. With multiple options of OTT platforms, like "Viki", "Netflix", "GagaOOLala", "iQIYI", "WeTV", "AISPlay", "DisneyPlus Hotstar". Don't you as a BL fan find it confusing and ridiculous at the same time to subscribe to so many platforms?
No, see point 1 directly above. Also I am aware that most fans aren’t like me (a completest) and that there is too much content for most to keep up with. if you have a style of BL you prefer, like KBL for example, there is a platform for you (Viki). JBL = Gaga. Thai BL = YT, etc... So it still works if your fandom is niche within BL. There are only a ridiculous number of options and obligations if you are ridiculous in your consumption, like me. In which case... suffer for your obsession. That is the nature of obsession. The hunt. The collection. The expense. 
I found it a LOT more frustrating, and still do, when I have to go grey for soemthing and get it illegally. I would much rather pay creators for their content and it’s HUGELY frustrating when that content is just unavailable to me legally. I’m looking at you, Japan.  
7. Should mid-budget, low concept BLs really be offered on a Membership model on YouTube, only because its coming from an independent production company that's trying to establish itself? (Case in point - "Commetive Productions by Dir.Aam Anusorn".),
I don’t know. Maybe? I don’t kickstart or otherwise back indie projects, I’ve talked about why before. 
8 Will you be ready to pay more price for an OTT platform that not only offers the best BLs, but also offers HD quality content, and multiple other options that you were looking out for?
Yes, and I do with Viki, although I may drop back down to Standard in a year or so. But it’s not about HD for me it’s always about access to more content. The additional options i would pay for (downloadability w/ subs attached - glares at YT, screen grab access) they usually don’t offer and aren’t really desired by others enough to pay extra). 
9. If you as a BL content consumer had to give a critical advise to the creators (service providers & app developers) of an OTT platform, what would that be? And why?
Specialize in international distribution of one kind of BL from one country and then corner that market. Including going back into the archives for the older stuff from that country. 
If it is older previous published content, offer it in a form that’s not already available, so movie length repackages. Stripped out product placement. Re-edits and extra content director cuts. 
Figure out how to buy/commission better subs. Don’t air content until the subs are complete.
For shorter series, experiment with binge releasing, not week to week. Like Netflix does. 
Integrate your descriptions, tracking, sorting and tagging system with MDL. If you are going to borrow a crowd sourced community aspect, go for tags, not comments. Don’t try to build a community, borrow someone else’s. 
Allow for: sharing on social media, screen grabs & gifs, high speed & continuous play, skip ahead, anonymous public playlists, and personalized sorting systems, and a 10/10 star review system. 
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ryansjane · 1 year
[04th June, 2023]
Hi Axelle!,
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH. #PrideMonthSeries
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Not sure what percentage of BL audience understand the algorithm, or the metrics of how an OTT platform is run, but I believe, since they are paying for it by taking either monthly, quarterly, or yearly subscriptions, they should be made aware of how things work with the OTTs, because almost all the BL series are streamed on them, unlike movies which have their theatrical release. 
I do know for sure that well-established filmmakers, and producers get the analytics from multiplexes, and media companies that's into research, about how well their movie is doing domestically, and internationally. And they also get a detailed information about the demographics of the audience, to understand better about the kind of consumers they have. 
For some strange reason, I think it would be fine to compare HW, or any other successful movie industry in the world, with that of the BL, because although the genre may be different, the intention of making money remains the same. And I guess, no producer would deny that, be it someone from the Asia, or the West. And given that almost 90% of the BL audience are international fans, the amount of money that's pumped in by the producers, as against the money minted by the OTT platforms would show a big difference. 
That's the reason, I have always been intrigued with how OTTs function. And how does the business of streaming BLs on multiple OTT platforms work?
Apologies if any of my question is repetitive, but I guess its not.
So, my question to you are as follows:
As a BL fan yourself, how many OTT platforms have you subscribed to? And the price-point of which OTT platform according to you is justified? (If possible, mention how much you pay in your currency for each OTTs - Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly.)
The subscription model of which OTT platform is affordable for all three options (Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly)? (To you give you an example, a lot of BL fans are in praise of Viki, and have taken a yearly subscription of it, as against "iQIYI", which most have subscribed to for just Quarterly.)
At the moment, which BL OTT platforms would you consider the best in terms of streaming regular BL content, while at the same time offering a feasible subscription model? (The one that you are subscribed to for long, and will continue the subscription in future too.)
Which OTT platform according to you has the best User Interface? And what is it that's more appealing to you? (Please elaborate in detail if possible.)
As an audience, what kind of changes do you expect from an OTT platform? (Like for example: No pop-up ad windows, introducing comment section, multiple language subtitles, being able to reverse and fast forward, off-line download, etc,..etc,)
With multiple options of OTT platforms, like "Viki", "Netflix", "GagaOOLala", "iQIYI", "WeTV", "AISPlay", "DisneyPlus Hotstar". Don't you as a BL fan find it confusing and ridiculous at the same time to subscribe to so many platforms?
Should mid-budget, low concept BLs really be offered on a Membership model on YouTube, only because its coming from an independent production company that's trying to establish itself? (Case in point - "Commetive Productions by Dir.Aam Anusorn".), 
Will you be ready to pay more price for an OTT platform that not only offers the best BLs, but also offers HD quality content, and multiple other options that you were looking out for?
If you as a BL content consumer had to give a critical advise to the creators (service providers & app developers) of an OTT platform, what would that be? And why?
I am not subscribed to ANY streaming platform, be it as a thai drama fan or outside of that. as someone who grew up watching everything on free streaming sites, & considering half of thai dramas are available on youtube anyway, it has never crossed my mind to pay to watch a show lol. for western content, I never subscribed to netflix either bc they cancelled all of my fave shows in my late teens & now I almost exclusively watch asian content so it would be ludicrous to pay for something I'd barely use.
I haven't looked into any streaming platform so I can't answer you.
again no idea since I'm not interested in that, but imo viu seems the best bc some (or all?) of their shows are available for free. also I'd say the distribution of bl shows is pretty equal across wetv, viu, & ais play. gagaoolala seems to have the most shows though, while disney+ hotstar & iqiyi have only a few.
I have no idea which one has the best interface, but let me tell you something: it ain't ais play lmao. you can't fast forward, you have to reset the quality at every new part of an episode, and the search bar is also shit so finding shows is horrible. but hey at least they stopped making this a paid service lol.
since I'm not a streaming platform audience I have no idea.
I agree that there is too many platforms, but I also think I don't care bc I don't use any. every show will either be on youtube or end up on dramacool anyways so I just have to patiently wait lol
for mid-budget & low-budget bl series, I don't really know which is the best plan for them. I think hiding the eps behind a youtube paywall might be good for some that do gather success, but sadly I've also seen it stifle a project's success bc no one outside of the paying members (so not a lot of people) is watching it or talking about it. I think working with sponsors & ads is almost always the best option to offer the show up for free, as that's what drives more viewers to watch the show.
the only platform I've considered paying for is gagaoolala, bc it really has a lot of the bl content from thailand & also some great qualitative queer movies & short films, that include the always forgotten wlw. but the reason I haven't is that the price is too high for me & I don't see myself getting enough value from it for that price. apart from that, I am not ready to pay for a streaming platform AT ALL, therefore not willing to pay more, even for better content.
streaming platforms are simply not for me, so I don't know if I have anything to say. there are two types of people in the world: the ones who are willing to pay for comfort & no ads, and the ones who'd rather have to struggle more to find a show but not pay at all. I'm part of the later category, therefore I'm just not a streaming platform demographic. I would, though, definitely watch a streaming platform who ran on ads for free, like linetv was.
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 years
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Acclaimed Daniel Roher-directed Documentary Investigates Assassination Attempt on Putin Adversary
CNN Films will broadcast the Sundance sensation, NAVALNY, directed by DanielRoher, on Saturday, Jan. 14, at 9:00pm Eastern on CNN.  As the world watches Russia’s brutal aggression continue against Ukraine, the gripping investigation of the 2020 attempted assassination of Alexey Navalny reminds the world of the serious repression and danger the Russian government presents to its own citizens. 
Just months after the attempt on his life, and during the height of the global coronavirus pandemic, Alexey Navalny and his family allowed Roher exclusive access to document his physical recovery from their secret location.  Roher and the production team weave interviews with the former Russian presidential candidate and his family, as well as Navalny’s Russian Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) colleagues, to describe the events leading up to the attempt upon his life that the world first witnessed via social media.  Later, together with investigative journalists led by Christo Grozev, the executive director of Bellingcat, the team reveals a sprawling web of Russian government surveillance that had tracked the Putin opposition leader for years, ultimately exposing a shocking plot to poison him with the Russian government-linked nerve toxin, Novichok.
“Daniel and his team secured extraordinary access to a story of immense global significance,” said Amy Entelis, executive vice president for talent and content development for CNN Worldwide, on behalf of CNN Films.  “The film is a window into a rigorous and disciplined investigation that, beyond exposing the serious stakes for one man and his family, offers a view into the sobering stakes for a citizenry when a nation oppresses its own people.  NAVALNY is the kind of documentary that defines CNN Films.”
NAVALNY is currently nominated by the Producers Guild of America for its 2023 documentary motion picture award, nominated by the Cinema Eye Honors for the best nonfiction feature category, and named as a 2023 finalist by the duPont-Columbia Awards. NAVALNY was honored with the Audience Award in the U.S. Documentary competition, and the fan-selected Festival Favorite Award, following its world premiere at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival.  NAVALNY is produced by Odessa Rae of RaeFilm Studios, Diane Becker and Melanie Miller of Fishbowl Films, and Shane Boris of Cottage M.  Amy Entelis and Courtney Sexton of CNN Films, and Maria Pevchikh of the FBK, are executive producers of the documentary. The editorial team was led by Langdon Page and Maya Daisy Hawke. 
NAVALNY currently has a 99% Tomatometer® score at Rotten Tomatoes.  It was theatrically released by Warner Bros. Pictures.  During the Jan. 14 broadcast on CNN, NAVALNY will also stream live for pay TV subscribers via CNN.com and CNN OTT and mobile apps under “TV Channels,” or CNNgo where available.  NAVALNY will be available On Demand beginning Sunday, Jan. 15, to pay TV subscribers via CNN.com, CNN apps, and Cable Operator Platforms.  It is also available to stream via HBO Max.  Viewers can interact with others across social media by using the hashtag #NAVALNY.
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smarterspro1 · 8 days
Smarters Pro - The Ultimate OTT Player Now Available for Windows & macOS
Smarters Pro is an online video player that allows end-users to watch their favorite content like Live TV, Movies, and Series on various devices. There is good news for the users of Smarters Pro, as now the app is available on Windows and macOS. Download it today and start streaming!
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Choose the Premier OTT Player of 2024
IPTV Smarters Pro App is an exceptional video player that enables users to watch Live TV, Movies, and Series on various devices. It supports multiple platforms, including Android TV, iOS Devices, Windows, macOS, and many more. Download it now.
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iptvsmartersproo · 2 months
Choose the Top OTT Player for Unlimited Entertainment
IPTV Smarters App is a top-notch video player that allows users to stream Live TV, Movies, and Series across multiple devices. It supports a wide range of platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, web browsers, and Smart TVs. This OTT player is compatible with various playlists, such as Player API-based playlists, 1-Stream Panel API, and M3U playlists/URLs.
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rocksvideoplayer · 2 months
Top 5 Free Video Player Apps For Android, iOS, and Windows in 2024
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We enjoy the entertainment but it is most fun when in high quality. The Media and Entertainment industry uses advanced technology to keep us entertained. It is always finding ways to improve the quality. A media player is needed to access the best entertainment. A video player that supports up to 4K or 8K and even HDR with a powerful equalizer is the best. There are several players available for different OS like Android, iOS and Windows. VLC Media Player, MX Player, and YouTube are some known media players available on all these platforms.
HD Video Player All Formats is the best offline video player for Android and iOS. It has all the fascinating features of a media player to offer high-quality entertainment. It supports all media formats, plays videos and audio files in high quality, supports subtitles, built-in music player, video downloader, video hider, photo albums and much more. It can automatically read your local media files and manage them efficiently. It allows the users to filter duplicate files and large files and delete them easily. You can even watch trending videos online and relax.
Why Do We Need a Video Player?
It is an application that can play videos. We all have used them on our phones, laptops or PCs. However, the best video player apps are the ones that can play HD videos, all format media files, efficient file organization and more. Let us see what else we need it for.
• Offline Playback - You can easily watch local video files(media files stored on your device) in high quality. For offline playback, you do not need a stable internet connection. You can download videos and watch them later without the internet.
• Online Streaming - Media player apps are no longer limited to offline playback. We now have multiple video player apps that stream online videos like OTT platforms. Examples- YouTube, MX Player, Netflix and more.
• Media File Organization - The functions of the video player do not only include playing videos but also file management. These apps should be able to read and write the local media files on your device automatically without sharing the data with other apps. The easy file management helps users to browse any media file easily.
The Best Free Video Player Apps In 2024
There are several video player apps available for every platform. Some are available for free and some are paid. We will discuss the players that are free and widely used.
List of Best Free Video Player Apps
Let us explore media player apps available for free for Android, iOS and Windows in 2024.
1. HD Video Player All Formats- This app is for offline playback that can play media files of all common formats and supports HD, Full HD, 4K, 8K and HDR videos. This all-in-one media player has a built-in music player and photo albums. With exceptional features, it is easy to use for everyone. The features that make it the best video player for Android are Chromecast, Video Hider, Video Downloader, support for subtitles and closed captions, background playback and many more. It also has a powerful equalizer with some presets and options to customise audio quality according to your preference. You can also personalise the look of the player with gorgeous themes available or make your favourite image the theme of the player. This video player is available for both Android and iOS.
2. YouTube- YouTube is an online video player with an extensive media library that allows users to watch, share, upload, comment or like videos. YouTube is one of the best platforms for creators and influencers. Artists can show their art to the world. The content on YouTube contains music videos, movies, games, news, education and more. YouTube supports live broadcasting. You can watch live news, games or any entertainment or educational videos. YouTube has also allowed artists to earn. If you are a YouTube creator, you can monetize your account if it matches the terms and conditions of YouTube. YouTube is available for all Android, iOS and Windows devices.
3. VLC Media Player- It is a free media player that has been soaring high for decades. It can play any audio and video file format including Audio CDs, DVDs and VCDs. It supports video of up to 8K resolution including 360-degree videos. It has some controls that help you improve the video and audio quality. It also provides filters that can be applied to individual clips. Some other amazing features include support for synchronised subtitles, network streaming, snapshots in the player and many more. These features make it the best video player for Android, Windows and iOS. VLC Media Player is available for every platform including Android, iOS and Windows.
4. MX Player- MX Player can play video files of various file formats and supports videos of up to 4K resolution. It is not just a video player but also an OTT platform. The OTT features are only available in some countries. It has all the features that the best video player for Android must-have. The features include easy gesture controls, playback options, the capability to enhance audio quality, network streaming and more. However, one of its best and most necessary features is Kids Lock. This prevents kids from jumping to other applications. MX Player as an OTT now has its original content with other international series and movies. It is also available for Android, iOS and Windows.
5. Plex- Plex is an online player with an extensive collection of movies and web series from around the world. You can access its media library for free once you are signed up. It supports media file formats like MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, MP3, FLAC etc., and subtitle files like SRT, SSA, SUB and more. Its other features include playback controls, offline playback, recommendations, casting and more. You can link your other devices with the Plex account and access its entire media library remotely. It is available for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, web browsers, Linux, smart TVs and streaming devices. It has also become the best video player for Android, iOS and Windows.
The media player apps mentioned above are available for free and widely used. Some of them are best for offline playback and some offer unlimited entertainment for free. Video player apps like VLC Media Player and HD Video Player All Formats. are great for offline video playback. However, VLC Media Player has complicated player settings which is not easy for a beginner to understand. Online video player apps like YouTube, MX Player and Plex have a huge media library. You get back-to-back entertainment from international production. With MX Player, you can get original production of the player and with Plex, you get to watch old to new movies and web series.
With so many options available, you can get confused about which one to choose. Let us make this process simple by understanding the requirements you want in a video player. You should know if you need an MP4 player with advanced settings or an easily accessible app. Once you understand these, you can make your decision. Still, if you have any doubts, HD Video Player All Formats is the best for offline playback, Plex and MX Player are the best for online streaming and YouTube is best for creators. Every app has its pros and cons but they all are the top MP4 player apps for everyone.
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ticketsearch · 4 months
Where to Watch the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024
Cricket enthusiasts worldwide have a plethora of options to catch all the thrilling action of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024. Here's a comprehensive guide on where and how you can watch the matches live, no matter where you are.
Broadcasting Channels by Region:
India: Disney+ Hotstar and the Star Sports Network.
United Kingdom: Sky Sports channels.
Australia: Prime Video for Prime members.
Caribbean and Latin America: ESPN.
North America: Willow TV.
New Zealand: Sky Sport Now.
South Africa: SuperSport.
With such a variety of broadcasting opportunities, cricket fans from different parts of the world can immerse themselves in the excitement of the T20 World Cup regardless of their location.
Live Streaming for Accessibility:
The tournament will feature matches with accessibility options for visually and hearing impaired viewers. Ten matches, including India matches, semifinals, and the final, will have these features.
Free Streaming Guide:
For those looking to watch the T20 World Cup live for free, follow these steps:
Subscribe to a VPN: Choose a streaming-friendly VPN, like ExpressVPN.
Download the VPN app: Install the app on your device (available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, etc.).
Connect to an Indian server: Open the VPN app and connect to a server in India.
Download Disney+ Hotstar app: Install the Disney+ Hotstar mobile app on your device.
Watch the T20 World Cup: Enjoy live streams from anywhere in the world.
TV Channels on Airtel DTH:
If you are using Airtel DTH, here are the channels to tune into:
Star Sports 1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports HD1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Hindi: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 HD Hindi: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports Select 1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports Select HD1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Tamil: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Telugu: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Kannada: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Tamil HD: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Telugu HD: Rs. 19/month
OTT Streaming Platforms:
Cricket fans can watch matches through their phones, laptops, or tablets using the Disney+ Hotstar app.
Airtel Xstream Android Box Features:
Enables Android TV OS’ features.
Receives live TV Sports with 4K quality.
Facilitates downloading TV apps and games from the Play Store.
Connects to any standard TV to make it a smart TV.
Features Google Voice Assistant for easy navigation.
Includes Chromecast for casting from mobile or computer to the TV.
Available at just Rs. 1500, making the ICC Cricket World Cup accessible on a large screen.
Umpires and Match Referees:
Umpires: Chris Brown, Kumar Dharmasena, Chris Gaffaney, Michael Gough, Adrian Holdstock, Richard Illingworth, Allahudien Paleker, Richard Kettleborough, Jayaraman Madanagopal, Nitin Menon, Sam Nogajski, Ahsan Raza, Rashid Riaz, Paul Reiffel, Langton Rusere, Shahid Saikat, Rodney Tucker, Alex Wharf, Joel Wilson.
Match Referees: David Boon, Jeff Crowe, Ranjan Madugalle, Andrew Pycroft, Richie Richardson, Javagal Srinath.
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drsphome · 8 months
PhonePC provides independent functions of computer, phone, multi-screen, TV. [ PhonePC download ] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DRSP.phonepc
Features provided by Phone PC 1. Computer: On the big screen, apps work independently, with independent windows. When connecting to a monitor, you can have the same experience as running a computer. 2. Multi-Platform:    A. Public platform: It provides platforms such as the UWorld, Secondhand market, Alba markets, public events, search for ideal types, e-book markets, web comical markets, travel stamps, your news, and delivery services.    B. Platform exclusively for small business owners: Provide worker attendance book, kiosk app. 3. Multi-Screen: It provides the ability to split a mobile phone screen into two or three parts, and allow apps to operate independently. 4. Set-top TV: By running apps owned by customers like Set-top box, OTT and TV functions can be executed through a monitor or a large screen. 5. SNS apps: We provide individual chat apps and group chat apps.
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impdf · 8 months
Revolutionize Your PDF, RTF, DOC and DOCX Document Editing with imPDF Online PDF and Word Editor App
Revolutionize Your Document Editing with imPDF Online PDF and Word Editor App.
In the fast-paced world of document editing, having a versatile and efficient tool is crucial. Enter imPDF Online PDF and Document Editor, a WYSIWYG online editor that redefines the way you handle documents. With support for a myriad of formats, including PDF, DOCX, DOC, ODT, RTF, OTT, XLS, XLSX, TXT, PPT, PPTX, ODP, PCL, PRN, TIFF, TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, HTML, XPS, and more, imPDF stands as the go-to solution for all your document editing needs.
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Powerful Features at Your Fingertips:
Versatile Document Handling: Upload, convert, and edit documents in almost any format, eliminating compatibility issues and streamlining your workflow.
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Choose Editing Options: Select your preferred options for editing, tailoring the process to suit your specific requirements.
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home-appliances-guide · 9 months
A Symphony of Visual Brilliance: Key Features When Choosing a 55-Inch 4K TV
The revolution in 4K technology has transformed the TV viewing experience, offering crystal-clear images and vibrant colors. A 55-inch 4K TV, with its higher pixel density, ensures a vivid and detailed picture quality that outshines conventional Full HD TVs.
The Power of 4K HDR
Leading 4K TVs integrate 4K HDR features, optimizing picture quality frame-by-frame through dynamic tone mapping. This not only enhances tones, contrast, and brightness but also provides flawless image quality with a wider color gamut and optimal contrast representation. The result is an immersive viewing experience that feels like looking through a window, with excellent picture quality and no visible pixel structure or jagged edges.
Enhanced Color Handling
The higher pixel density of a 4K TV enables nuanced color blends, rendering objects with a mix of colors more solid and pleasing. Beyond this, the best 4K TVs come with upscaling features that optimize real-time content. This means even 2K and Full HD content can be upscaled to 4K resolution, allowing you to enjoy non-native content in higher resolutions.
Uplifting Living Room Entertainment with 4K UHD Resolution
A 4K UHD TV takes home entertainment to new heights, boasting a horizontal display with almost 4000 pixels. The atmospheric micro-dimming feature is a revolutionary addition, analyzing TV content in over 1200 zones to adjust brightness and darkness dynamically. To enhance your viewing experience further, consider investing in a TV equipped with micro-dimming technology.
Immersive Surround Sound
Apart from picture quality, top-notch 4K TVs offer immersive surround sound. Equipped with Dolby decoders, these TVs fine-tune sound quality to deliver a cinematic audio experience. This ensures that you can enjoy a wide range of movies and TV shows with a sound quality that matches the stunning visuals.
Voice Interaction Powered by AI
The best 4K HDR TVs come with a voice interaction feature powered by AI. This means you don't have to search for the remote; instead, you can interact with your TV using simple voice commands. Change channels, surf OTT platforms, and even get answers to your questions – all through voice commands.
The Pleasure of Owning an Android TV
The top 55-inch UHD smart TVs are based on the Android TV platform, featuring the latest Android R version. This platform offers a comprehensive entertainment experience by providing access to more than 7000 apps and shows in one place. With built-in platforms like YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, and Netflix, an Android TV simplifies your entertainment needs.
Smart TVs Redefining Entertainment
Smart 4K TVs go beyond providing superior visuals. These TVs become an integral part of your daily routine. Plan your day, access important events, stay updated on weather forecasts, and check traffic information for your morning commute, all through your 4K smart TV.
This comprehensive buying guide explores the transformative power of 4K technology, showcasing why a 55-inch 4K smart TV is exceptional. Dive into enhanced picture quality, immersive features, and the convenience of an Android TV platform for a viewing experience beyond expectations. With a focus on key aspects, this guide assists in making an informed decision, unlocking the full potential of home entertainment and ensuring your investment aligns perfectly with your preferences and lifestyle.
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smarterspro1 · 2 months
Smarters Pro OTT Player Now Available for Win/macOS
Exciting update for Smarters Pro users: the app is now available for Windows and macOS. Smarters Pro is an online video player that lets users enjoy their favorite Live TV, movies, and series on multiple devices.
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myfrenzi · 1 year
The Influence of Foreign Films
Cinema is a universal language that transcends borders, and foreign films offer a captivating window into different cultures, perspectives, and storytelling traditions. These films transport us to far-off lands, introduce us to unfamiliar narratives, and ignite our curiosity about the world beyond our own. With the rise of Over-the-top (OTT) platforms, accessing foreign films has become easier and more convenient than ever before. In this article, we delve into the influence of foreign films on global cinema and explore where to watch movies online for a cross-cultural cinematic journey.
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The Global Impact of Foreign Films
Foreign films hold the power to connect people from different corners of the world through the shared experience of storytelling. As barriers dissolve, these films inspire empathy, broaden horizons, and reveal the common threads that bind humanity together.
Cultural Immersion Through Cinema
Foreign films allow us to immerse ourselves in different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. They offer a glimpse into the everyday lives of people in various parts of the world, fostering a deeper understanding of our global community.
Diverse Narratives and Unique Perspectives
The narratives of foreign films are as diverse as the cultures they represent. From heartwarming family dramas to thought-provoking political thrillers, these films reflect the myriad experiences that make up the human condition.
Breaking Language Barriers
Language is no longer a barrier to enjoying foreign films, thanks to subtitles and dubbing. This accessibility has made it possible for viewers to connect with stories from different countries without needing to understand the language.
Convenience of OTT Platforms for Global Cinema
OTT platforms have curated an extensive selection of foreign films, making it convenient to explore and enjoy movies from around the world. This accessibility has transformed the way we consume global cinema.
Where to Watch Movies Online: Exploring Foreign Gems
When seeking where to watch movies online, OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu offer a wide range of foreign films. These platforms showcase the beauty and diversity of global cinema, making it easier to discover hidden gems.
The Artistry of Foreign Filmmaking
Foreign filmmakers bring their unique artistic visions to the screen, often blending cultural influences with universal themes. Their storytelling techniques and visual aesthetics offer a fresh perspective that captivates audiences.
Fostering Cultural Understanding
Foreign films foster cultural understanding by bridging gaps between different societies. They provide insight into traditions, values, and social dynamics, encouraging viewers to embrace diversity and engage in cross-cultural dialogues.
The Allure of International Film Festivals
Many foreign films gain recognition through international film festivals, where they showcase their creativity and storytelling prowess. These festivals celebrate the richness of global cinema and bring attention to exceptional filmmaking.
Conclusion: Discovering the World Through Cinema
Foreign films are a gateway to exploring the world from the comfort of your own home. They challenge our perceptions, evoke emotions, and inspire a sense of shared humanity. As you contemplate where to watch movies online, remember that the realm of foreign films offers a chance to embark on a cinematic journey that transcends borders and enriches the soul.
Are subtitles accurate in foreign films?
Subtitles are carefully translated to convey the essence of dialogue and maintain the original intent of the film.
Can foreign films provide insight into other cultures?
Yes, foreign films offer a unique opportunity to gain insights into the cultural nuances and practices of different societies.
Are foreign films only enjoyed by cinephiles?
No, foreign films cater to a wide audience, offering a variety of genres and themes that appeal to different tastes.
Can foreign films evoke emotions despite cultural differences?
Absolutely, the emotions portrayed in foreign films often resonate with universal human experiences, transcending cultural barriers.
Where can I find a collection of foreign films online?
Leading OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu curate a selection of foreign films, allowing you to explore global cinema.
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iptvsmartersproo · 3 months
Dive Into the Dynamic World of Live TV Streaming Through the Smarters Player App
Looking for the ultimate OTT player to elevate your entertainment experience? IPTV Smarters Pro is a fantastic video player that lets you watch Live TV, Movies, and Series on your devices. This app supports several platforms, including Android TV, Apple TV, Smart TVs, and Windows/MAC. Download now and start streaming your favorite content today!
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tanlakarix · 1 year
RCS Messaging's Importance on Business Communications.
SMS messaging has become an essential aspect of modern communication; over five billion mobile phone users worldwide send around 22 billion text messages per day.
While SMS’s success has been fueled by its simplicity, ubiquity, and instantaneity, its future expansion will necessitate something huge in functionality. Despite having a remarkable 98% open rate, SMS was designed for uncomplicated communication.
Consumers today want a more engaging messaging experience that includes value-added services like read receipts, high-resolution audio and video sharing, mapping directions, and much more. To remain competitive, messaging providers must provide a powerful, integrated service that allows for the smooth exchange of multimedia information and easy links to other mobile applications.
This is where messaging via Rich Communication Services (RCS) comes in. RCS is a next-generation messaging platform that is on pace to someday replace regular SMS.
It is far more immersive than the current SMS service. RCS enables users to access features that were previously only available through OTT messaging apps.
In addition to all the capabilities consumers expect from a messaging app, including group chat, real-time typing indicators read receipts, and the ability to transmit audio and video messages, RCS enhances the experience by minimizing the time it takes to switch between apps.
With RCS, the native messaging suite transforms into a destination where users can do everything from booking a flight to ordering a pizza to purchasing online.
The major advantages of RCS Business Messages are as follows: greater conversions owing to real-time engagement, improved customer experience, and encouragement of interaction. We might claim that RCs are the SMS of the future.
How Does RCS Benefit Businesses?
RCS is industry-agnostic; thus, it may be utilized in a variety of business sectors, including small and large organizations, all over the world. RCS has created a new vista for businesses to reach end-users in a strong new way. Brands should use the channel to reimagine customer engagement.
Here are three critical advantages that modern enterprises can gain from RCS messaging:
Promotes conversions through frictionless involvement.
RCS transforms a user’s native messaging app into a platform for richer, more engaging communications with businesses. Businesses can utilize “rich cards” to share high-value material immediately within the messaging window because RCS communicates directly with other mobile applications and was built to contain embedded rich media content such as coupons, maps, or videos.
Businesses can also provide consumers with a selection of pre-programmed responses that they can access by hitting a “Quick Reply” button, making it simple for them to continue a conversation with your company.
These seamless content delivery and communication technologies boost user engagement and the possibility that the user would complete the targeted activity, such as visiting a physical store, watching a branded film, or redeeming a discount.
2. Develops fully branded experiences that customers can rely on.
Unlike standard SMS messaging, which displays your company’s name and phone number or short code, RCS communications allow you to add your company’s logo and brand colors to the chat window. RCS also provides verified sending, which protects clients from phishing and gives them confidence that the message they receive is coming directly from your company.
3. Offers real-time campaign optimization analytics.
Businesses must continually monitor campaign analytics to see whether their communication methods are effective. It’s the only way they’ll be able to maximize client engagement. However, this has proved difficult with SMS messaging because there is little data on how customers interact with texts.
RCS makes it simple to optimize communication campaigns. Businesses can watch when a consumer reads a message, starts typing a response, and clicks on the information supplied by their company.
This enables organizations to gain greater insights into communication funnel leaks and adapt messaging for optimal readability and customer engagement.
How can brands use RCS?
Businesses can use RCS to communicate with their customers in real time by sending rich and contextual communications. It also allows businesses to send branded messages that include the corporate logo and other business-related information, as well as a verified badge, so the recipient knows who sent the message.
As a result, organizations may provide a hyper-personalized customer experience in customer support, sales, branding, marketing, and advertising without developing a separate product. RCS has the potential to revolutionize enterprise-to-customer communications.
RCS allows businesses to send notifications such as important alerts, OTPs, QR codes for e-tickets, product catalogs, offers, and so on. It can also be used in conjunction with a chatbot to establish two-way conversation processes such as queries, customer support, feedback requests, bill payments, and online buying, among other things.
RCS messaging is a universal communication channel that can help industries such as retail, tours and travel, hospitality, entertainment, and healthcare, among others. It may be tailored to the needs of each of these businesses, making the entire communication process a rewarding experience.
Brands that have used RCS to increase client interaction.
Here’s a typical example of how the world’s largest fast-food business, Subway, promotes Sandwich bargains through RCS messaging.
Subway sought to connect with customers on a more personal level to enhance engagement and revenue. The company chose to adopt RCS messaging and run an A/B test to see if it outperformed its regular SMS message advertising.
Subway tested A/B offers by sending them to one audience group through SMS and the other via RCS. The content was unchanged, but the RCS version added the brand logo, product photos, and buttons.
Subway has two options. They advertised their popular sandwiches for $11.99 the first week. It was a $20 meal offer the following week.
The RCS messaging campaign was a resounding success. The RCS promotion has a 140% greater conversion rate than the SMS advertising.
For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/rich-business-messaging/
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