jurassicpeanut · 1 year
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Commission for @wingprincess32 of their and @donttalktome-donttouchme ocs Judah and thalia!!!! This piece was so much fun to make, thank you for commissioning me!!!
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mhbwrites · 6 years
“Are you sure this is legal?” With Kurofai. Also apparently I wasn’t following you here even though I have in the past?? Tumblr why the fuck you lyin?
(Tumblr clearly hates bi people smh but I hope you enjoy. This works out really well for my highschool au, so this’s gonna be apart of it)
“Are you sure this is legal?” Fai asked, eyeing the sleek black motorcycle Kurogane was leaning against. He’s heard all sorts of horror stories about these from Ashura and Yuui and he couldn’t believe that he was actually expected to get on one. He didn’t have a death wish!
Kurogane just raised an eyebrow disbelieving, letting out a little huff of amusement. “Of course it’s legal. People drive them all the time.” He knew Fai had been pretty sheltered his whole life, but he hadn’t been expecting that. The corner of his mouth quirked up and a challenging look entered his eyes. “What? You’re not scared, are you? I thought you liked to live dangerously.”
Fai straightened up at that, squaring his shoulders. While it wasn’t necessarily true that he liked to live dangerously, he did want to step outside the protective bubble his father had put him in. It was why he sought out Kurogane in the first place, and why they were meeting three streets over from his house in the middle of the night. It was hard enough to sneak out in the first place, he didn’t even want to think about how hard it would be to sneak back in. “I’m not scared!” He resolutely ignored the slight tremor in his voice. “I was just asking.. for safety purposes.”
The look he received clearly showed that Kurogane didn’t believe him, but he wasn’t called out on it. Instead he straightened up before turning and properly getting on the bike. “Alright then. Hop on.”
Fai was hesitant, still eyes the machine. Kurogane seemed rather confident on it… He took a deep breath to steel himself before stepping forward to slide on behind the other, hands going to settle on the other’s waist as the engine roared to life. He immediately tensed up, once again unsure about this whole endeavor. 
But Kurogane had already revved the engine and the bike was moving before Fai could really second guess himself. A small squeal slipped out before he could stop it, lost in the wind as they took off down the street. His hold on the other shifted from just lightly holding his waist to arms wrapped tightly around him, clinging to him as they picked up speed.
The bike was well under control, moving smoothly down the street, the houses become fewer and fewer as they moved out of town. Fai could feel his nerves loosen the longer he sat on the bike, his hold on Kurogane loosening as well. He sat back slightly, keeping his hold still firmly attached, and looking around, a grin spreading across his face. This wasn’t so bad... Not bad at all! 
A delighted laugh slipped out, getting swept away by the wind. One of Kurogane’s hands reached back to give his leg a little squeeze to let him know he heard him, before returning to the handles. He gave the engine another rev and they speed up, causing Fai to hold on again. He let out a contented sigh, resting his head against Kurogane’s back to listen to his heartbeat.
They weren’t going to be out for long, just long enough to enjoy a drive before Kurogane would bring him back home. Despite his initial hesitance, Fai was more than willing to go out again if asked, and maybe one day, he’d even be allowed to drive... Yeah right. He’d never be comfortable enough for that. But it was a nice thought nonetheless.
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mythicalheartbeat · 6 years
Day 6 can be two different scenarios of Kurogane and Fai protecting each other
I was definitely thinking of something with Fai protecting Kurogane for sure. Might have to do a different one with Kuro protecting Fai though
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yououui · 7 years
Kurofai 19 for the dialogue prompts
I’m going out of town tomorrow so I won’t be able to write anything until Sunday, but still feel free to send me some prompts!
19. “I’ve missed this.”
They are sitting on the small veranda outside of Kurogane’s room. There are four empty bottles lying on the wood and they are pouring their fifth. Fai is laughing because Kurogane has spilled sake all over himself due to lack of control in his new left arm.
“Shut up, stupid mage,” Kurogane growls as he flicks sake off of his arm.
Fai just laughs harder. Kurogane can’t help the way his lips quirk up at the sound. It’s been hard the last few months. Everything was a mess. Everything still is a mess. But things are still better. Fai is able to laugh again, and Kurogane can’t help the warmth in his chest at the thought, at the realization of just how long it has been since they’ve had a relaxed moment like this.
“I’ve missed this,” Kurogane says before he can stop himself.
“Hm? Missed what, Kuro-sama?” Fai asks, tilting his head.
“Just... This. Staying up and drinking,” Kurogane says, looking away and sipping at his sake.
“But we never stopped staying up late drinking, Kuro-sama,” Fai says, his brow raising.
Kurogane looks up at the sky. “Yeah, but... Not like this.”
A look of realization blooms on Fai’s face, and he looks down sheepishly. “Ah, yes. I suppose that is true.”
Kurogane looks at Fai. “It’s nice.”
Fai blinks and looks up at Kurogane. His eye is wide, and it’s gold and so strange and so beautiful under the moonlight. Then he smiles softly and nods. 
“Yeah,” He agrees quietly. “I’ll do my best to make sure we don’t lose this again.”
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clamp-box · 7 years
Birthday Headcannon: Kurogane doesn't let anyone know that his birthday is coming up, but of course Fai finds out like a day or two before (thanks to Yuuko being an imp.) Kurogane wakes up the morning of his birthday to his and fais room and the kitchen just completely covered in decorations and balloons with black fluffy dogs on them
This is adorable. Surprise parties are greatIt is so like Kuro-tan not to tell anyone. My money would be on Tomoyo telling Fai XD
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kuroganeweek · 7 years
Is there a certain way the hashtag for this needs to be written? Or can you just not share everyone's stuff under the hashtag? (I.e does it have to be specifically tagged #KuroganeWeek or like #kuroganeweek or do you look under both hashtags?)
As far as I know capitalization doesn’t affect the tag. So long as #kuroganeweek is all one word it should show up in the tag. We do run a queue, which might need its time readjusted. If after two days you STILL don’t see your submission reblogged do us a solid and message us with the link to the post and we’ll reblog it from that.
You can also tag us in your submissions to double up on hoping we see it, since we all know how very reliable tumblr can be.
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mangosirene · 8 years
What is your favorite thing about photography? How did you fall in love with it in the first place?
Honestly, my favorite thing is taking a photo, showing it to the cosplayer, and seeing their face light up! Making someone feel good about how they look in a costume is the best feeling in the world; it’s what I focus on most in my photography. :D
(If you want to see shoots I’ve done, I post ‘em all on my Flickr!)
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cherishedboxart · 8 years
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mhbwrites · 7 years
21 with Kurofai for the kids meme 😁
You mean kiss right lol21. And then there’s tongue(This got a lot longer than I was planning, so putting it under a readmore)
Kurogane stood in the doorway to his family’s private bath, eyes locked on the figure sitting in the pool of water, back facing him and golden hair floating around the pale body before him. A hand lifted from the water, moving to move and lift blonde hair over a shoulder and red eyes traced the line of the back.
Fai’s been around for as long as Kurogane could remember, never aging, never changing, always there with a teasing smile and a fierce loyalty to his father that some of the other men under his control didn’t show. Growing up, he’s heard all sorts of rumors about the man, that he was a fae, come to snatch the children of the village away and that was how he kept young, or that he was some angel sent down to protect them in their time of trouble so long ago and just decided he hadn’t wanted to leave. 
Either way, he stuck around and either way, he’s found one way or another to get on Kurogane’s nerves. All his life Fai had been giving him ridiculous nicknames, ruffling his hair when passing him in the halls, and teasing him every chance he got. He hated it, hated how easily the man (fae? creature?) could rile him up and he hated the part of himself that enjoyed the attention. Ever since he was fourteen, every teasing smile would cause his heart to speed up in his chest, each ruffle of his hair would make his face flush, which would inevitably lead to more teasing. Every time he tries to push these feelings down, shove them away, they’d come back stronger than ever, and trying to redirect them towards someone else yielded the same results.
Luckily for him, he hadn’t gotten better at hiding these feelings, and was able to act normally around Fai, even if his normal resulted in a lot of yelling  and throwing things at him. He had been working on controlling his temper though, his father advised him he’d never be a good leader if he couldn’t stay calm in stressful situations. 
“It’s rude to stare you know.”
Kurogane lifted his gaze from the small of Fai’s back up to meet playful blue and he took a step further into the room, sliding the door shut behind him. “Wasn’t expecting anyone else to be in here.” Liar, his mind hissed at him, but he quickly pushed it down. So what if he wanted to spend a little time alone with the man? 
“Did you want to be alone?” Fai asked, making to stand but a raised hand from Kurogane stopped him. He raised an eyebrow, but sunk back down into the warm water. A teasing smile pulled at his lips as he watched the other man disrobed, moving to lean back against the edge of the pool. “Hyuu~ Looks like little Kuro is all grown up. You used to hate having someone else in the bath with you.” 
Kurogane felt his ears heat up as anger crept up, but he quickly pushed it down. He wouldn’t snap... Wouldn’t get angry.  He wanted to prove that he could be alone with this enchanting creature without losing his temper, even if it was just proving it to himself.
They sat quietly as they both just relaxed in the water, Fai humming softly, letting his eyes slip closed and Kurogane took the time to admire the other man, never really getting the chance to look for long. At a glance, he looked soft, delicate, almost breakable, but he knew from experience that underneath that softness was lean muscle, quick reflexes and knack for fighting. His fingers itched to trace along Fai’s face, down his arms, along his sides, to feel that strength for himself, to memorize it for when he was alone, but he couldn’t, shouldn’t, no matter how much he longed to.
“You’re staring again. You’ve been doing that a lot lately.” 
Kurogane was barely able to stop himself from flinching back when Fai suddenly appeared before him, a teasing smile on his lip and amusement sparkling in his eyes. He opened his mouth to deny it, but the words died in his throat by a finger pressed to his lips.
“Could it be you want something from me? Maybe something you want to say?” Fai tilted his head, leaning a little closer and it took all Kurogane had not to lean back from the sudden closeness. “Or... Could it be you want something else from me? Like maybe, a kiss?” 
Before Kurogane could deny it, before the part that did want it could even voice a complaint about him denying it, his head was being tilted back, one of Fai’s soft hands tilting his chin up, the other sliding around to thread his fingers through his hair, and lips were being pressed to his. He did try to make a small noise of complaint, even if it did sound more of an agreement, and he could feel himself melting into the kiss.
It was everything he ever imagined it to be, not that it was something he’d ever admit to thinking about before. Fai’s lips were soft, the pressure firm, and Kurogane didn’t hesitate to kiss back, chin tilting up to change the angle. Fai shifted a little closer, legs coming to rest on either side of Kurogane’s body, and his fingers twitched, hands lifting to rest on slim hips without conscious thought. 
Fai hummed softly, watching him with half-lidded eyes, and just when Kurogane thought the kiss couldn’t be any more enjoyable, Fai gently bit on his lip and, oh, that was his tongue. A sudden flash of hot want twisted strong in his stomach, but before he could even more to pull Fai closer, to deepen the kiss, to bring this to something more, he was pulling away. 
“I think you have a little more growing up to do before you’re ready for something like that.” His smile was teasing, his eyes sparkling, and he pressed a kiss to Kurogane’s nose before moving away and stepping out of the pool. 
Kurogane watched him, eyes greedily tracing over every inch of pale skin it could, the words stuck in his throat. He wanted to tell him to stay, to kiss him again, anything, but he wouldn’t force him. Maybe he was right, maybe now wasn’t the right time for this. He’d be patient though, and when the time came, he’d be ready.
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mythicalheartbeat · 7 years
I just had the thought of fai discovering what Halloween is and starts running around neighborhoods and dragging a grumpy kurogane around and going on a candy hunt
He’d go all out on decorating their temporary home as well, cobwebs, skeletons, pumpkins, you name it, it’s there (Kuro complains the whole time he’s setting it up about money wasted and why is he doing this while fai just watches ect). He’d make them all dress up too and being an adult will not stop him from skipping from door to door for free candy (’it balances out kuro-grump! think of all the money we saved on candy!’ ‘all that money went into those stupid pumpkins!’ ‘hush’) He only agrees to finally call it a night when the kids start dragging their feet and Mokona is napping on Kurogane’s head because she’s tired. Fai doesn’t realize how tired he is until they’re back at the house, the kids are in bed, and he finally sits down. He ends up falling asleep not even five minutes later and Kurogane just sighs and carries him to their room and changes him in his pajamas without complaint, just pressing a kiss to his forehead before getting ready for bed himself. Despite all his complaining, he did enjoy spending the day with Fai and the kids as a family, no worries or responsibilities, just everyone having fun.
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clamp-box · 7 years
I really hope you feel better! Do you think Mokona likes to spy on Kurogane and Fai when they're alone? 😂
Im alright no worries! Just gotta chill for a bitNot in the pervy way I hope XD But if Kurofai ever went on a date or something I bet Mokona would be there spying.
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megmcgoober · 7 years
Ask game!
Tagged by: @madamexplody
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
1. What is something that never fails to make you laugh, regardless of how you’re feeling at any given moment?
Almost always this. There's another but I can't remember it right now.
2. What does Tumblr mean to you?
It's a pretty neat platform with pretty neat people! I like it because I've found it to be the safest place for self expression.
3. What is one of the most relaxing experiences you’ve had?
Oh man... probably any time spent in a hot tub.
4. What is your favorite body part and why? (Doesn’t have to be on your body, just a body part)
Ooh! Interesting! Um... visually, I love the eyes. They come in so many different shapes sizes and colors, and they're one of the most expressive parts of the body in my personal opinion.
5. What is your favorite type of weather?
50-70 degrees, light light humidity, clear skies and a warm summer breeze.
Either that or just a ton of wind. Wind is cool.
6. What is one talent/skill/ability you’ve always wanted to learn?
Gymnastics. I took classes when I was little but then I switched over to dance and I really wish I had done both. I can do a front handspring and flips underwater but that's about it...
7. If you could have any job/career, regardless of your past education/experience in that area, what would it be?
I'd still want to be an actor. But I'd also love to be a cameraman for film. I'm sure there's a lot to it, but it looks like a lot of fun!
8. Do you prefer a cold drink on a hot day or a hot drink on a cold day?
Okay... so on a hot day my go to is always going to be water because I'm probably dehydrated and tired.
HOWEVER. On a cold day you've got hot cider, hot chocolate, coffee and tea! There's just something really soothing about a hot beverage on a cold day, especially if you've been outside for a little bit.
9. What is one smell that will bring you back to a fond/precious memory?
Sandalwood. It reminds me of my dad.
10. If you were making a time capsule for yourself to open in 50 years, what would you put in it?
The Dankest of memes and horrible puns.
A couple of my favorite Recipes, and little reminders of things that made me happy in the past to ground me in the future.
11. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? (it doesn’t matter if it’s silly, serious, etc?)
There's a time to be serious and there's a time to be silly. You just gotta find the right balance between the two.
Think of your mind as a highway and your thoughts are rush hour traffic. If you don't want to be overwhelmed by your thoughts, don't run out in traffic. Just watch the cars go by.
I'll ask:
1. Going to recycle this one, but what is you favorite season and why?
2. What song makes you feel like the king of the universe when you listen to it (link please!)?
3. If you were the protagonist of your own movie, what genre would you want the movie to be?
4. What's the most innocent and wholesome thing you can think of right now?
5. Have you ever mentally visualized something that made you want to laugh out loud? What was it?
6. What's the most breathtaking moment you've ever experienced?
7. Is there any special trinket, piece of clothing, or special item that you've kept since your childhood? What is it?
8. What would your ideal Pokemon team look like (just list six Pokemon below)?
9. Name a favorite historical figure. Why are they your favorite?
10. If you rolled out of bed one day and could suddenly play the first instrument you touched that day, what would you choose to play?
11. What do you typically do to help yourself focus better?
I’m tagging: @thepaperdreamer @thehexcollector @themockingcrow @wingprincess32 @fangirlsjustwannahavefun @fluffysaur @madamexplody (you also do not have to do it again)
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Get to Know Me
Hello! So, this is a rarity because I can't even remember the last time I made a personal post (I am honestly just a re blogging fanatic) but I was tagged by the lovely @everytimechelle so I suppose I'll just jump right in! Nickname: Kayla, Mik Gender: female Star Sign: Aries Height: 5'4 Time right now: 12:50am Last Thing I googled: song lyrics Favourite Bands: Hmmm I don't know, I guess I don't listen to a lot of bands Favourite Solo artists: Halsey, Hozier, Ed Sheeran Song Stuck in your head: Heartbreaker by Led Zeplin Last movie I watched: Doctor Strange! Last TV Show I watched: Voltron When did you create your blog: Oh goodness I have no idea What Kind of stuff do you post: It's become such a jumble but mostly fandom things and stuff from writing blogs When did your blog reach its peak: Peak? I don't think it ever has, it's a little bitty thing. Do you have any other blogs: Nope Do you get asks regularly: Nope Following: 115 Posts: Apparently 22,011 Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Favourite Colours: Pale blue Average Hours of sleep: 6-8 Lucky Numbers: 8,16 How Many blankets do you sleep with: 1 Dream Job: Oh wow, um, probably being a music teacher and if I could manipulate time also being a writer Dream Trip: I would absolutely love to visit Ireland. It just seems so beautiful and serene. I tag @memequeem @musicallyinclinedtobegay @wingprincess32 @cherrydongsaeng Have fun! :D
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soarinwater · 8 years
Tagged by @wingprincess32! List top 10 favorite Characters (one per series/fandom) and tag 10 people!
1: Jack Skellington - The Nightmare Before Christmas 2: Dug - UP 3: Marlin - Finding Nemo/Dory 4: Kimmy Schmit - Unbreakable Kimmy Schmit 5: Tsubaki - Soul Eater 6: Mey-Rin - Black Butler  7: Mangle - Five Nights at Freddy’s 8: Hau - Pokemon S&M 9: Asahi - Haikyuu!! 10: Alphys - Undertale
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mhbwrites · 5 years
More arranged marriage au for @wingprincess32  Have some baby Niko and more of me torturing Fai
Fai hummed softly to himself as he made his way along an outer-walkway, making his way to the temple. Crickets chirped all around him, the air warm and smelling of flowers as spring rolled in. He couldn’t help but smile, enjoying the quiet. It feels like he never really gets a moment to himself anymore, so he found himself taking to coming out to work on the barriers after most of the estate has fallen asleep.
He lifted a hand to muffle a yawn as he slipped past the temple doors, being sure to shut it behind him. As much as he liked the late nights to himself, they were really starting to wear on him. Putting Nikolai down to sleep these last two weeks had been awful. Poor thing kept fighting being put down and when he did eventually fall asleep, he’d wake up every couple hours crying. He hoped it was just a short phase but Fai was going to have to talk to Yuuko or write to his mother sometime soon if it doesn’t let up soon.
Muffling another yawn, he moved around the room, already starting the well rehearsed prayers as he moved around the room, lighting incense as he went before kneeling down in front of the alter. He’ll just do something small to last through the night, and come back again bright and early to do something once he’s gotten some more sleep. So intent on his plans, he didn’t hear the temple door creak open behind him, nor the rapid footsteps that approached. -- Kurogane walked silently alongside Tomoyo as his sister rattled on about a list of things she wanted him to get for her in the market in the morning. She’s ignored his pleas to just give him a list, the look on her face showing that she was taking great enjoyment at annoying him, and he had to resist rolling his eyes as she started from the beginning for the third time. He would have snapped at her by now, but he was getting better at controlling his anger. Even though she was really pushing all his buttons.
He took a deep breath to cut her off as they neared his room, but it turned into a sigh as he heard his son fussing and working up to full on crying. He knew Fai wasn’t in the room, so he quickly stepped to soothe him, wanting to cut it off before he woke Sora. He didn’t protest to Tomoyo following him into the room, even though he was glad that she had stopped her yammering as she peered down at Niko’s scrunched up face.
“What’s the matter, hmm?” Kurogane asked softly, giving his son a little bounce as he checked his diaper. Nope, not that. He couldn’t be hungry, if the half-drank bottle in the crib was anything to go by. So what could be upsetting him so much lately?
“M.. mama!” Niko cried, big tears rolling down his cheeks as he reached towards the door. His face was red from crying, upset clear on his face. “Mama!”
Fai? Kurogane didn’t even get the chance to wonder past just the name before he felt something shift in the air. Something happened, something that set every nerve on edge, and he passed Niko off to Tomoyo wordlessly. Words weren’t needed as she gave a little nod, and he was off, racing to the temple quickly. Something had to have happened to Fai. There was no other reason for this foreboding sense of doom weighing upon him.
“Fai!” Kurogane burst through the temple door’s without hesitation, anger spiking at a shadowy figure was hunched over his husband’s fallen form. By the time he reached for his sword, whoever it was was taking off and he growled, moving to give chase before pausing. No. That can wait for now. Fai was more important.
He rushed to the still form, carefully rolling him over, eyes scanning, checking for injury. His breath caught in his chest as he noticed Fai was barely breathing, stomach turned at the blood covering that beloved face, a gaping hole where his left eye used to be. Anger twisted hot in his chest at the thought of someone doing this to someone so kind, but he pushed it down. He needed to stay focused. Any sort of vengeance can wait until after he knew Fai was going to be okay.
He scooped him up without further hesitation, rushing from the room and down the halls. Yuuko can fix this, surely. He’d be willing to give anything to ensure it, trade away anything she asked for, just as long as Fai was okay.
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