#winifred langley
pejite · 3 months
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As the year 1838 neared its conclusion, the Langley farm stood as a bastion of agricultural prosperity. The approaching harvest season infused the air with a palpable sense of anticipation, promising a bounty of crops that would sustain the family through the coming winter months.
In the heart of the rustic farmhouse, Wilhelmina embarked on her familiar morning routine, orchestrating a humble yet nourishing breakfast for her loved ones. Drawing upon the simple ingredients at hand, she expertly prepared a steaming pot of oatmeal porridge, complemented by generous slices of leftover cheese and hearty chunks of bread salvaged from the previous evening's supper. Though the fare may have been modest, Wilhelmina's culinary prowess lent it a comforting allure, a testament to her resourcefulness and dedication to her family's well-being.
As the fragrant aroma of porridge wafted through the kitchen, Wilhelmina's attention turned to her youngest charges; Rosemary and the twins, Robert and Winifred. Despite her best efforts to entice them with the wholesome breakfast fare, the children's youthful exuberance prevailed, transforming the table into a playground of oats and crumbs.
"Rosemary, dear, food is meant to be eaten, not played with" Wilhelmina gently admonished, her voice carrying a note of maternal authority as she intervened to restore order to the breakfast table. With practiced ease, she wiped clean the sticky hands of her mischievous daughter before turning her gaze to Edwin.
Meanwhile, Edwin, typically accustomed to the rigors of farm life, found himself unexpectedly granted a day of reprieve from his labors. The prospect of leisure brought a rare smile to his weathered features, yet duty beckoned him beyond the confines of the farmstead. Later in the day, he would venture into the nearby village, tasked with procuring a flock of hens for the Abernathy family, an essential addition to their burgeoning homestead.
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As Thomas rhythmically stirred his porridge, creating a soft clinking sound with the spoon against the bowl's rim, Wilhelmina's gaze subtly shifted towards her husband, Edwin, as she deftly prepared a slice of bread topped with a generous portion of cheese, noting the contemplative furrow of his brow.
With the bread placed neatly beside Edwin's bowl, she gently inquired, "What's on your mind?" as she deftly maneuvered a spoonful of porridge towards Robert's awaiting mouth.
Edwin paused momentarily, savoring a bite of the cheese-laden bread before responding, "Well, you know I've got to make a trip to town this afternoon to fetch some hens for the Abernathys, don't you?" Wilhelmina offered a nod in response, silently urging him to continue. "I've been mulling it over, thinking we might just consider getting a couple for ourselves, or maybe even three. I've crunched the numbers, and I reckon we've got enough to spare. It wouldn't hurt to find out the prices, at least."
Wilhelmina's expression softened, betraying the underlying concern for their financial stability, despite the recent prosperity of their farm. Memories of past hardships lingered, and the prospect of risking their newfound stability unsettled her.
Before Edwin could address her apprehension, Thomas, sensing the opportunity, chimed in, "Mum, think about it, no more need to buy eggs, and we'd have them fresh every morning."
"Indeed" Edwin interjected with a hint of enthusiasm. "Plus, it'd teach the little ones a thing or two about responsibility. Who knows, maybe down the line, we might consider expanding our little farm."
A faint smile tugged at the corners of Wilhelmina's lips as she entertained the idea. "Alright" she relented, albeit cautiously, "but let's agree to keep Rosemary and Winifred at a safe distance from the hens, shall we?"
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Shortly after Wilhelmina had meticulously scrubbed the remnants of the breakfast dishes, Josephine arrived, just as she did every morning. It had been several weeks since Josephine started spending her days with them, and Wilhelmina was growing increasingly fond of her presence.
As Josephine deftly tied her apron, signaling her readiness to assist Wilhelmina with the day's chores, she shared the news that Mary Elizabeth would be picking her up earlier than usual. It seemed her workday was ending prematurely due to the installation of new machinery at the factory, necessitating a clear workspace.
Wilhelmina paused, considering this new development, then suggested to Josephine that they seize the opportunity to prepare some desserts and tea for the afternoon. She reasoned that with Mary Elizabeth having a bit of extra free time, it could be a perfect chance to bond and alleviate her from the stresses of work.
They set about the task of making a sponge cake, with Josephine taking charge of mixing the ingredients. When Wilhelmina sampled the batter to assess its flavor, she couldn't suppress a slight grimace. Calling Edwin, who happened to be passing through the kitchen, she insisted he taste it as well.
"Is it truly that unpalatable?" Josephine inquired, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. Cooking wasn't exactly her forte; her mother hadn't had much opportunity to impart culinary skills, and her kitchen duties mainly revolved around dishwashing or fetching ingredients.
Edwin chuckled reassuringly. "Not to worry, you'll improve with practice" he assured her, offering a playful pat on the head before continuing on his way.
"Don't fret; we'll tweak the mixture. But do remind me to label the sugar and salt jars" Wilhelmina quipped, offering Josephine an encouraging smile. "Come along, dear, let's press on."
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Before evening descended upon them, Edwin took charge of the tasks around the farm, ensuring that Thomas had time to enjoy himself with little Robert. As Edwin tended to watering the crops and pulling out weeds, which were nearly ripe for harvest, Rosemary and Winifred gleefully frolicked around him, their laughter echoing across the fields.
Meanwhile, in the cozy confines of the kitchen, Wilhelmina and Josephine busied themselves with various household chores, their ears attuned to the sounds of Edwin's interactions with the children drifting in from outside.
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Before Mary Elizabeth arrived to collect her daughter, Wilhelmina made her way to the humble abode where the Ellis family resided. Arthur had been Edwin's lifelong friend, and recently Wilhelmina had struck up a friendship with his wife, Cora. She extended an invitation to Cora for a small tea gathering to chat and catch up.
The afternoon unfolded with ease. Upon Mary Elizabeth's arrival, she was pleasantly surprised by the impromptu gathering; she was truly in need of a break. The trio settled around the quaint outdoor table, and Wilhelmina served tea alongside slices of cake. Cora had brought along her children, Bernard and Beatrice, who were the same age as Thomas, and Vera, slightly older than Robert and Winifred.
Most of the children scattered to play near the farm, close to the edge of the nearby woods, while Josephine opted to remain close to the women, alongside Vera. If given the chance, Thomas would have preferred to stay by his mother's side rather than play, but he had to keep an eye on his sisters. Initially feeling a bit shy in the presence of Bernard and Beatrice, he soon discovered they were wonderful companions.
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Wilhelmina found herself soothing Robert, who had returned to her seeking solace after a brief stint with the other children, clamoring for peace.
As the women gathered, their conversation ranged from household matters to their husbands' work, the daily grind with the children, and the latest whispers circulating through the village. Cora, however, introduced a new topic of interest.
"I've heard whispers that the church is considering building a school for the children" she mentioned between bites of cake.
Mary Elizabeth nodded in agreement. "I've overheard discussions at the factory about similar plans in other areas, but it's hard to say if there's any truth to it" she replied, her attention divided between the conversation and watching Josephine engage in a hand game with Vera.
Wilhelmina, with Robert fiddling with her fingers, pondered the notion. "Didn't they pass an education law some four years back? Perhaps it's finally coming to fruition" she mused, though her skepticism lingered regarding the government's interest in the education of the working class.
Taking a sip of her coffee, Cora shifted the conversation slightly. "By the way, I couldn't help but notice you've abandoned your mourning attire. Is there a reason?" she inquired, her tone delicately respectful.
Mary Elizabeth chuckled nervously, motioning for Josephine to join the other children. Josephine hesitated, feeling self-conscious, but understanding her mother's intention, she complied, joining Vera and the others in their play.
"Now, do tell us" Wilhelmina prompted, her curiosity piqued.
"I've met someone at work" Mary Elizabeth confessed, her fingers idly tracing the lace tablecloth. "We've begun courting, and I must admit, I'm rather taken with him…" Her voice trailed off as she played with the delicate fabric. "It didn't feel right to continue mourning for Alfred when my heart was beginning to open to someone new."
Touched by her friend's revelation, Wilhelmina placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes glistening with emotion. "I'm truly happy for you, my dear. You deserve to find happiness" she said warmly, while Cora beamed with excitement, sharing in the joy of Mary Elizabeth's newfound romance.
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Lost in Space 29
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of March!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for two calendar months. 
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Broken URLs:
Berserker (Mysterious Heroine X Alter) (FATE)
Caster (Murasaki Shikibu) (FATE)
Tom Imura (ROT & RUIN)
Susato Mikotoba (HOUSE 117)
Taako Taaco (TOWNHOUSE 232)
Subject Delta (HOUSE 138)
Lucy Maud Montgomery (CONDO 416)
Queenslayer (APARTMENT 317)
Dr. N. Tropy (N/A)
Bruce Wayne (Batman) (HOUSE 149)
Clark Kent (Superman) (CONDO 415)
Dwight Fairfield (CONDO 427)
Kaito Kuroba (HOUSE 149)
Nevin (DROPPED, N/A)
Cole (TOWNHOUSE 234)
Garrett Hawke (HOUSE 144)
Abnur Tharn (CONDO 420)
The Courier (APARTMENT 351)
Assassin (Kama) (CONDO 455)
Berserker (Mysterious Heroine X Alter) (APARTMENT 313) *BROKEN URL
Caster (Murasaki Shikibu) (APARTMENT 357) *BROKEN URL
Aerith Gainsborough (APARTMENT 310)
Emet-Selch (APARTMENT 340)
Genesis Rhapsodos (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Warrior of Light (Scholar - Winifred “Winni” Relansi) (HOUSE 151)
Warrior of Light (Warrior - Daigoro Kiyomori) (HOUSE 136)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (TOWNHOUSE 304)
Yuu Kashima (CONDO 416)
Barbara (CONDO 411)
Xiao (HOUSE 162)
Zhongli (HOUSE 104)
Godzilla (OUTSIDE)
Lucifer (HOUSE 161)
Sirin (CONDO 443)
Jacket (HOUSE 150)
Antonio (Violinist) (TOWNHOUSE 218)
Shinobu Kocho (APARTMENT 303)
Link (Breath of the Wild) (TOWNHOUSE 207)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye) (HAWKEYE’S HOUSE [GOLDEN])
Gengetsu Hozuki (APARTMENT 357)
Asuka Shikinami Langley (CONDO 417)
Azrael (CONDO 417)
Mizi Unipao (CONDO 419)
Roroanoak Barbatos (TOWNHOUSE 219)
Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne (APARTMENT 350)
Goro Akechi (TOWNHOUSE 244)
Yusuke Kitagawa (HOUSE 151)
Raihan (CONDO 458)
Mithra (DROPPED, N/A)
Oscar Pines (APARTMENT 315)
Shaundi (CONDO 415)
Mikaela Hyakuya (CONDO 465)
Shadow the Hedgehog (CONDO 402)
Ahsoka Tano (APARTMENT 348)
Kylo Ren (APARTMENT 349)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (TOWNHOUSE 207)
The Smuggler (Cyree Bellegar) (HOUSE 148)
Prelati (HOUSE 134)
Saint-Germain (APARTMENT 342)
Anna Irving (TOWNHOUSE 231)
The Medic (CONDO 434)
Protagonist/Wanderer (APARTMENT 322)
Fai D. Flowright (TOWNHOUSE 235)
Riddle Rosehearts (TOWNHOUSE 225)
Trey Clover (CONDO 446)
Goro Majima (CONDO 417)
Hiei (HOUSE 134)
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ao3feed-stucky · 6 years
by LeafontheWinf2
Steve Rogers is the love of Bucky’s life. Everyone knows this, it’s an absolute fact. Now if Bucky could just get him to accept his proposal then everything would be perfect.
Steve just wants to live his life without all these people telling him what to do. And he’ll make an honest man out of Bucky when he’s good and ready damnit.
Words: 1867, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Hidden Figures
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sarah Rogers, Winifred Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Langley Verse, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Child Steve Rogers, Child Bucky Barnes, Getting Together, Slow Burn Steve/Bucky, Just cause they’re kids and Steve needs to be legal, Domestic Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, angry liberal Steve Rogers, Omega Steve Rogers, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Awesome Sarah Rogers, 1930s, Brooklyn, Seriously all of Brooklyn is Involved in this
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chiddicksfamilytree · 7 years
World War 2 Bombing in London Largest Loss of Life for the Fire Brigade
This is the account of the Bombing of the Old Palace School in St. Leonard’s Street, Bow during WW2 and the sad loss of 32 Firemen and 2 Fire Women who were tragically killed during this raid.This is still today, the largest loss of Fire Brigade personnel, at one incident, in the History of the service.
Tragically for me, one of those that lost their life that night was my Great Aunt, Winifred Alexandra Peters (nee Wootton).
Prior to this bombing raid on the early hours of 20th April 1941, London was in the middle of its biggest bombing campaign of the entire war from the German Luftwaffe, known as the Blitz. For eight months, from 7th September 1940 to May 11th 1941 London suffered almost continual nightly bombing, over a period of almost 37 weeks, the British capital was attacked 71 times.
During the war many schools were left empty due to children being evacuated to the country. The Old Palace LCC School in St. Leonards Street, Poplar, was one of these, and was commandeered during the war, for use as a Sub Fire Station, for firefighters of the Auxiliary Fire Service. On the night of Sunday April 20th 1941, Fire Service crews were standing by in anticipation of a heavy raid on the Capital. At precisely 1.53am, a land mine, dropped from a Luftwaffe bomber and landed directly on the school. The land mine landed on the roof of the school and dropped down a stairwell and into the watch room where two women were killed outright. The men waiting outside were caught by the blast, which also demolished two thirds of the school building, and they were buried by falling masonry. Rescue services, already hard-pressed, arrived too late for any lives to be saved.
Thirty-two firemen and two firewomen died at The Old Palace School, the largest number of Fire Brigade lives lost in a single incident, in peacetime or war.
Those that sadly lost their lives are as follows:
AFS Firewoman (Telephonist) Hilda Dupree – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 21, of Warwick Road, Walthamstow, Essex. Firewoman Winifred Alexandra Peters – London Fire Brigade
Died 20th April 1941 aged 39, of Canton Street AFS Fireman Percy Charles Aitchison – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 27, of Copse Avenue, West Wickham, Kent. AFS Fireman Ronald Mark Bailey – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 25, of Links Road, Tooting. AFS Fireman Alan Charles Barber – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 26, of Fairford Close, Shirley, Croydon, Surrey. AFS Fireman Earnest Reginald Beadle – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 32, of Birkbeck Road, Beckenham. AFS Fireman Kenneth John Bowles – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 30, of Beckenham Road, West Wickham, Kent. AFS Fireman John Coleman Burrell – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 35, of North Street, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. AFS Fireman Patrick Joseph Campbell – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 24, of Bannister House, Homerton AFS Fireman Harry John Carden – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 29, of Mounthurst Road, Hayes, Bromley, Kent. AFS Fireman Robert John Deans – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 28, of The Grove, West Wickham, Kent. AFS Fireman Frank James Endean – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 36, of Aviemore Way, Beckenham, Kent. AFS Fireman Cecil Farley – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 43, of Linden Leas, West Wickham, Kent. AFS Fireman George John Joseph Hall – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 43, of Warwick Road, Anerley, Kent. AFS Messenger Bertie James Frederick Harris – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 17, of Brabazon Street, AFS Fireman Leslie Thomas Healey– AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 32, of Greenview Avenue, Shirley, Surrey. AFS Despatch Rider Ernest Herbert Henly _ AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 19, of Grange Cottage, Silver Street, Kinton Langley, Chippenham, Wiltshire. AFS Fireman Sydney Bartholomew Jones – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 31, of Harrogate Road, Hackney. AFS Fireman Albert Victor Kite – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 36, of Village Way, Beckenham, Kent. AFS Fireman John Francis Mead– AFS
Died 20th April 1941 aged 29, of Christie Road, Hackney. AFS Fireman Vernon Joseph Middleditch – AFS
Died 20th April 1941 aged 31, of Hunders Lane, Darlington, Co. Durham. AFS Fireman Alfred Edward Minter – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 46, of Aylesford Avenue, Beckenham, Kent. AFS Fireman Norman Richard Charles Mountjoy – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 30, of Ash Grove, West Wickham, Kent AFS Fireman Frederick George Parcell – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 32, of Love Lane, South Norwood, Surrey. AFS Fireman Martin Charles Parfett – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 31, of Pickhurst Rise, West Wickham, Kent. AFS Fireman William Charles Plant – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 26, of Sultan Street, Beckenham, Kent. AFS Fireman Cyril Bertram Porter – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 31, of Clinton Road, Forest Gate, Essex. AFS Fireman William Thomas Rashbrook – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 31, of Chatsworth Road, Clapton. AFS Leading Fireman Leonard Roots – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 31, of Avenue Court, Avenue Road, Anerley, Kent. AFS Fireman Albert Alfred Saville – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 35, of Harrowgate Road, Hackney. Station Officer Richard William Sinstadt – London Fire Brigade
Died 20th April 1941 aged 46, of Beccles Drive, Barking, Essex. AFS Fireman Edgar William Vick – AFS London
Died 20th April 1941 aged 38, of Eden Way, Beckenham, Kent. AFS Leading Fireman Walter John Woodland – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 41, of Links Way, Eden Park, Beckenham, Kent. AFS Leading Fireman Herbert Charles Wotton – AFS Beckenham
Died 20th April 1941 aged 30, of Upper Elmers End Road, Beckenham, Kent.
This story remained unpublished because of emergency Defense Regulations.
The full details were finally uncovered six decades later by the Firemen Remembered charity which unveiled a memorial in April, 1997, at Lansbury Lawrence Primary School, on the site of the old school destroyed 56 years before.
“In memory of the 13 London firemen and women and 21 Beckenham firemen killed on the night of 19th April 1941 when a bomb destroyed the old school being used as a sub-fire station.”
Two weeks after my Great Aunt sadly lost her life here, my own mother was born and she was named after her Aunt, Winifred Alexandra Wootton.
Many thanks to the following websites which have contributed in the production of this blog.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Five Times Bucky Barnes Proposed, and the One Time Steve Rogers Proposed Right Back
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sUsFLp
by LeafontheWinf2
Steve Rogers is the love of Bucky’s life. Everyone knows this, it’s an absolute fact. Now if Bucky could just get him to accept his proposal then everything would be perfect.
Steve just wants to live his life without all these people telling him what to do. And he’ll make an honest man out of Bucky when he’s good and ready damnit.
Words: 1867, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Hidden Figures
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sarah Rogers, Winifred Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Langley Verse, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Child Steve Rogers, Child Bucky Barnes, Getting Together, Slow Burn Steve/Bucky, Just cause they’re kids and Steve needs to be legal, Domestic Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, angry liberal Steve Rogers, Omega Steve Rogers, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Awesome Sarah Rogers, 1930s, Brooklyn, Seriously all of Brooklyn is Involved in this
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sUsFLp
0 notes
pejite · 3 months
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That evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Langley farmhouse, they extended a special invitation to Mary Elizabeth and Josephine for dinner. It was a celebration, not just of the bountiful harvest but of the promising winter ahead, filled with warmth and plenty.
Wilhelmina and Mary Elizabeth set about preparing the feast, their laughter mingling with the aroma of freshly gathered vegetables and the sizzle of meat in the pan. It promised to be a spread unlike any they'd enjoyed in years, boasting an array of meats, cheeses, eggs still warm from the nest, and an assortment of crisp, garden-fresh vegetables.
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As they worked side by side in the kitchen, Wilhelmina paused, her whisk suspended mid-air. "How are things with...?" she inquired, her eyes alight with curiosity, her voice soft with genuine interest. Mary Elizabeth, her hands adorned with the stains of honest toil, looked up from her task, a tender smile gracing her lips.
"Edmund. His name is Edmund" she replied, her tone suffused with a blend of wonder and joy. "Well... they're going quite well, truth be told. It's all still so surreal, Wilhelmina. To think that as a widow with a child, I never imagined I'd find someone who'd want me." Her fingers intertwined, betraying the swirl of emotions within her. "Especially at my age" she added, a mixture of pride and disbelief colouring her words, for though she was nearing thirty, the prospect of new love still felt like a wondrous, unexpected gift.
A soft chuckle escaped Wilhelmina as she listened to Mary Elizabeth speak of her budding romance. "And do you think he'll pop the question soon? You've been courting for quite some time now" she teased gently, her eyes twinkling with playful anticipation.
With a resolute nod, Mary Elizabeth's gaze sparkled with unwavering certainty. "We're meeting again next week, and I just know he'll take that leap. And if he does." she mused, her heart swelling with hope, "I could bid farewell to the toil of work, and Josephine... well, she'd finally have the father she deserves."
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They meticulously crafted a rich mince pie, slow-cooking it over a wood fire in a skillet nestled in the oven. Alongside, they whipped up Bubble and Squeak using the freshly harvested vegetables, complemented by a selection of sausages Mary Elizabeth had brought. To conclude the feast, they indulged in a batch of homemade traditional custard.
As the fragrant aroma of their culinary creations filled the air, they presented the savory pie adorned with peas and creamy mashed potatoes. The children's eyes widened in wonder; such culinary delights were a rarity, savored only on significant occasions and when financial resources allowed. For them, accustomed to humble fare like porridge and hearty vegetable stews, the prospect of the sumptuous meal sparked eager anticipation.
Taking advantage of the lingering warmth of the pre-winter evening, they gathered around tables hastily joined together to accommodate everyone. Under the soft glow of the setting sun, laughter echoed across the yard, mingling with the clinking of cutlery and the joyful chatter of friends and family. It was a night to cherish, a fleeting moment of shared happiness and culinary delight amidst the tranquility of rural life.
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pejite · 3 months
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It had been less than two weeks since the Langley farm welcomed the arrival of the chickens, and the children were still in the process of adjusting to their new feathered friends. Edwin had taken the time to instruct them on the proper care and handling of the chickens, and now Thomas had assumed the responsibility of tending to their needs. This included the daily tasks of collecting freshly laid eggs, maintaining the cleanliness of the coop they had meticulously constructed, and ensuring the chickens were well-fed and content.
One crisp morning, as the soft golden rays of dawn illuminated the farmyard, Robert approached Thomas, who was diligently occupied with the morning chores of feeding the chickens. "May I?" Robert whispered, tugging gently at the hem of Thomas's shirt.
Turning to acknowledge his younger brother, Thomas offered a nod of assent. "Of course." he replied, passing the basket used for egg collection to Robert. "Handle with care, they're still quite skittish" he advised, gesturing towards the interior of the coop. "See there? That's where they lay their eggs."
With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, Robert extended his hand into the coop, gingerly retrieving a still-warm egg. His eyes sparkled with delight as he proudly displayed his find to Thomas, who affectionately tousled his hair. "Well done!" Thomas praised, his smile reflecting Robert's infectious enthusiasm. "Why don't you take it to show Mum? Just be careful not to jostle the basket."
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As Robert eagerly dashed off to share his discovery, Josephine, who had been observing the scene unfold, couldn't help but interject. "You two are quite the pair." she remarked, her voice tinged with amusement. Startled by her sudden presence, Thomas jumped slightly, momentarily caught off guard. "Goodness, you nearly gave me a heart attack." he chuckled, regaining his composure as he rose to his feet.
Apologizing sheepishly, Josephine flashed a bashful smile. "Sorry about that." she offered, her cheeks flushing. Thomas, quick to dispel any lingering tension, shook his head reassuringly, returning her smile with a warm grin.
Months had slipped by since Josephine first graced the Langley farm with her presence. Initially, both children had hidden behind veils of shyness, but with time, they unravelled their layers, finding comfort and camaraderie in each other's company. Their conversations flowed more freely now, punctuated by giggles and shared secrets. And on days when the workload on the farm lightened its grip, they would scamper off to join Bernard and Beatrice in their playful escapades.
Sometimes Wilhelmina sent Josephine to the village market to buy some ingredients she was missing, fabric for making clothes, or anything else, and she often asked Thomas to go with her to help carry things. Their journey to the market became a ritual of laughter and chatter, with Josephine's spirited banter dancing in the air like the autumn leaves swirling around them. Though Thomas remained oblivious to the fluttering of his own heart, Josephine, wise beyond her years, couldn't deny the warmth that bloomed within her whenever she stole a glance at him.
Yet, amid the tranquil rhythms of farm life, Josephine couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when Thomas lavished his attention on the Ellis siblings, particularly Beatrice. It wasn't borne of malice or resentment but rather an unfamiliar sensation that stirred within her, an unspoken desire to be the sole recipient of Thomas's affections. These moments of envy were fleeting, quickly replaced by a renewed determination to win Thomas's attention, even if it meant wading through the murky waters of her own emotions.
However, Thomas remained oblivious to Josephine's silent yearnings and the fleeting shadows of jealousy that clouded her gaze. To him, she was simply a friend, a playmate amidst the vast expanse of the farmyard, and the complexities of romantic entanglements were as foreign to him as the distant constellations that adorned the night sky.
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With winter on the cusp, the time for harvesting crops at Langley Farm had arrived. This transition would afford them more family time indoors, especially considering that Edwin's duties at Abernathy Farm would diminish with the onset of winter. His responsibilities would be confined to tending to the animals, with no need to oversee the crops until spring breathed life back into the fields.
On that particular day, they dedicated the entire morning at Langley Farm to basking in the gentle warmth of the sun while diligently filling basket after basket with the fruits of their labor. Edwin harbored the belief that the proceeds from selling a portion of their harvest would compensate for the recent expenditure on acquiring new chickens.
Amidst the chores, as Edwin diligently worked to unearth potatoes from the soil with a rake, Winifred bounded across the freshly tilled earth. "Josephine! Take Winifred away before she ruins the vegetables!" he called out, his voice carrying across the expanse of the field.
Wilhelmina, passing by on her way to the wash basin with a bundle of laundry, couldn't suppress a chuckle. "I wonder where these girls inherit their mischief from" Edwin pondered aloud, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his grimy hand.
Wilhelmina raised an eyebrow, regarding him with incredulity. "Edwin, they're spitting images of you when we were young." she remarked, prompting Edwin to shoot her a mock glare in response.
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pejite · 4 months
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Since that day, Josephine fell into a routine of spending her entire day with the Langleys. Each morning, she embarked on a solitary journey from her modest home to the Langley farm, while her mother set off to catch the morning train.
As twilight descended, and Mary Elizabeth concluded her day's toil, she would venture into the village to collect her daughter. Though Wilhelmina suggested to Mary Elizabeth the idea of letting Josephine stay overnight at the farm, providing her with a much-needed break, Mary Elizabeth adamantly refused. She treasured every precious moment she could snatch with her beloved daughter amidst her demanding schedule.
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Mary Elizabeth had made it abundantly clear to Josephine that her assistance was expected in helping Wilhelmina with household chores and any other tasks that needed attention, given that they were not charging anything in return for her care. Consequently, during the initial days, Josephine shadowed Wilhelmina closely, seeking guidance on how best to contribute.
Although initially entrusted with the simple task of supervising the younger children in the household, Josephine's persistent inquiries prompted Wilhelmina to assign her additional responsibilities. These included managing the laundry, tidying up after Rosemary and Winifred, and lending a hand in the kitchen whenever necessary.
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So, Josephine kept herself entertained. That afternoon, after feeding Rosemary and the twins, she headed to the back of the house to collect the laundry that had already dried and to wash the dirty clothes that had accumulated in the basket in the kitchen. She thought that since Rosemary and Winifred had just eaten, they would fall asleep, just as Robert had done; as soon as he finished eating, he had gone to the sofa to sleep.
However, those girls were like whirlwinds and stayed close to her, causing a commotion. Josephine wasn't overly bothered by it; after all, they were very young, and their noise level didn't affect how clean the laundry turned out. But Thomas, who was behind her watering the lettuce sprouts that were beginning to emerge, gently scolded them.
"Stop bothering or I'll tell Mum you're misbehaving" he threatened, using his usual calm tone. The girls protested, and when Thomas jokingly pointed the watering can at them, they ran off.
Although Thomas remained unaware, Josephine couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. And while the little girls weren't quite troublesome enough to send packing, she timidly thanked Thomas for his intervention, secretly relishing the subsequent calm.
"Let me know if they start getting too much, and I'll give Mum a heads up" He offered, setting the watering can down. Josephine nodded in acknowledgment as she watched him stride across the fence dividing their small corner of the farm from the rest, disappearing into the warmth of the Langley household.
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Later that same day, as the sun gradually began its descent, Josephine had already returned home, and Wilhelmina had settled the children into bed after a modest dinner. It was only then that Edwin, weary from another taxing day's labor on the Abernathy farm, finally arrived home.
At the sight of him entering the door, Wilhelmina sensed the weight of his weariness and frustration. She approached him with a warm embrace, planting a tender kiss on his cheek before inquiring about his day at work. Edwin's response was a heavy sigh, indicating his reluctance to discuss the matter. However, Wilhelmina, with her innate understanding of her husband, gently coaxed out his concerns.
"It's just… I hardly get a moment with the children anymore" Edwin confessed, his hands, stained with the soil of his labor, seeking solace in Wilhelmina's touch. "By the time I return, they're fast asleep. And I long to spend more time with them. With you."
Touched by his sincerity, Wilhelmina offered words of reassurance, her fingers tracing comforting patterns on his cheek, brushing away traces of dirt with gentle strokes. "Oh, my dear..." she murmured softly, her voice a soothing balm to his weary soul. "You're doing everything you can. Thanks to your hard work, we have food on the table and a roof over our heads. Don't burden yourself with guilt. Come, let me draw you a bath. It's ready and waiting for you."
Wilhelmina's heart ached for her husband, knowing all too well the sacrifices he made to provide for their family. Yet, even in the face of adversity, she remained a steadfast source of comfort and support, offering him solace amidst life's challenges.
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While Wilhelmina assisted Edwin in cleaning up, she began to update him on the happenings at home, detailing Thomas's efforts on the farm and the significant help having Josephine nearby provided. As she spoke, Edwin, his hands still damp, reached out towards her and started unbuttoning her shirt.
Initially, Wilhelmina gently pushed his hand away, reminding him not to soak her clothes and suggesting they finish undressing once they were upstairs in the bedroom. However, she couldn't help but feel tempted by the sight before her. Edwin playfully splashed water, drenching Wilhelmina's clothes completely, prompting her to finally decide to undress and join him in the bath.
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The day concluded with them revisiting the conversation Wilhelmina had initiated during their bath. They lay side by side in bed, discussing their children, the house, how much Thomas had grown, and how the younger ones were following in his footsteps.
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pejite · 5 months
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In just four years, their home had become a bustling haven of little ones. Wilhelmina found herself grappling with the unexpected rigors of motherhood. The twins demanded constant attention, and Thomas and Rosemary's playful antics added to the chaos, creating a continuous cycle of noise and activity. Sleep became a rare luxury for Wilhelmina, and on most days, her only respite was to bring all four little ones to her bed, attempting to find solace in shared slumber.
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On the flip side, Edwin's worry deepened with each passing day. The crops showed no signs of improvement, and he grappled with the mystery of their ailing condition. While the weather had been drier than usual, it didn't account for the extent of crop distress. The anticipated meager earnings from this harvest left Edwin contemplating strategies to sustain their expanding family.
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pejite · 4 months
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As the months went on, Edwin found himself deeply entrenched in his responsibilities at the Abernathy estate. From overseeing the estate's operations to managing the family farm, his days were filled to the brim with work. This newfound stability brought financial relief, but it also meant that Edwin had scarce moments to spare for his wife, Wilhelmina, and their growing brood of children.
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At the Langley farm, life unfolded in its usual rhythm while Edwin spent his days laboring away from home. Thomas had reached an age where he could lend a hand with the farm duties. Wilhelmina took it upon herself to impart whatever knowledge she possessed about crops to Thomas, ensuring that he could manage things until Edwin returned from work to complete the tasks.
As Thomas grew, he revealed himself as a somewhat introverted child, showing minimal inclination towards engaging with the other youngsters in the village. Wilhelmina pondered whether she had erred in sheltering him too much, never letting him stray far from her side since infancy. Nevertheless, he proved to be a responsible lad, offering invaluable assistance to his mother by aiding with farm chores, tending to laundry, and looking after his younger siblings whenever Wilhelmina found herself preoccupied with cooking or tidying up.
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Regarding the youngest members of the family, Wilhelmina had initially anticipated that being twins, Robert and Winifred would share an unbreakable bond. While they did have a strong connection, their individual traits sometimes led to friction. Winifred's boundless energy propelled her to spend her days in constant motion, while Robert, resembling Thomas in temperament, exhibited a serene disposition and preferred quiet activities, often opting to nap through the day. Consequently, Winifred and Rosemary became inseparable companions, their shared vivacity drawing them together like magnets.
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Changes were looming on the horizon, for that day marked the inaugural occasion when Mary Elizabeth would entrust her daughter Josephine to the care of the Langleys. Both mothers had maintained communication, and Wilhelmina, cognizant that Mary Elizabeth had secured employment in a factory, awaited her arrival expectantly. En route to the Langley residence, Mary Elizabeth endeavoured to uplift her daughter's spirits by assuring her that she would be in good hands with Wilhelmina and could enjoy playing with her children. Josephine, a reserved and introspective child, endeavoured to placate her mother's wishes, yet the prospect of parting from her and being in the company of strangers unsettled her.
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While tending to the garden, Thomas noticed two unfamiliar figures approaching from a distance. As they drew nearer, he discerned a woman clad in mourning attire, her somber garments billowing lightly in the breeze, accompanied by a girl who appeared to be roughly his own age. Thomas quickly alerted Wilhelmina, who instructed Robert to join his sisters in play, creating an opportunity for her to converse with Mary Elizabeth. Throughout the conversation between their mothers, Thomas and Josephine remained rooted to the spot, observing each other with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Josephine, clinging close to her mother, seemed hesitant to venture far, while Thomas, captivated by her presence, found himself unable to tear his gaze away. Despite his desire to introduce himself, Thomas remained rooted in place, his shyness momentarily eclipsing his curiosity. Meanwhile, Josephine appeared equally reticent, offering little indication of her willingness to engage in conversation.
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pejite · 5 months
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As the days unfolded, Wilhelmina found herself juggling the demands of a struggling farm and the chaotic energy of four children. Edwin's frustration grew with the failing crops, and Wilhelmina, in her attempts to manage everything, felt the weight of the responsibilities intensify. The distinct personalities of each child presented unique challenges, from the energetic Thomas and Rosemary playing independently to the more demanding Winifred and the endlessly curious Robert, whose every move required her watchful eye. The daily routine became a delicate balance between farm work, childcare, and the looming uncertainties of their situation.
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As the evening shadows fell upon the Langley farmhouse, Edwin and Wilhelmina found a moment of reprieve from their demanding lives. Seated outdoors, the rustic table bore witness to their candid conversation. They delved into discussions about their children, marveling at the growth of Thomas and Rosemary, and shared tidbits of village gossip. In the midst of this, Edwin disclosed his contemplation of seeking employment in a notable household, suggesting he could contribute as a gardener given the prevalence of cultivated lands on manor estates. Welcoming the prospect, Wilhelmina supported Edwin's decision, cognizant of the uncertainty but eager to infuse hope into their lives.
Amidst the fading sunlight, Wilhelmina grappled with the weight of her mother's request regarding the woman from the cemetery. Balancing her responsibilities with four children already stretched her limits. Edwin proposed a solution, offering to assist and charge a modest fee for caring for the woman's daughter. Despite this suggestion, Wilhelmina hesitated, grappling with ethical considerations. Ultimately, she resolved to visit the woman the following week, driven by the hope that understanding her situation might unveil a path to extend the help she so desperately sought.
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pejite · 5 months
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In the early summer of 1834, the Langleys faced a challenging situation as Wilhelmina went into labour. The labor was prolonged and demanding, and Edwin was the only one to assist. Finances were already strained, leaving them in a precarious situation without the means to afford a midwife.
Wilhelmina, overwhelmed by the intense moment, couldn't help but yearn for her mother's comforting presence. Despite these hardships, they were surprised and elated when two beautiful twins, Winifred Langley and Robert Langley, came into the world. The names were chosen as a heartfelt tribute to Wilhelmina's parents.
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pejite · 5 months
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One day, as Winifred prepared to pay a visit to her husband's resting place, Thomas fervently expressed his desire to accompany her. Seeing an opportunity for him to become acquainted with his grandfather, Winifred welcomed the idea, anticipating a heartfelt conversation during their journey.
Since the passing of her husband a few months prior to Wilhelmina and Edwin's wedding, Winifred had diligently made weekly pilgrimages to his gravesite. She took great care to ensure it was adorned with fresh flowers, each petal a testament to her enduring love and respect.
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While at the cemetery, Winifred noticed a familiar figure approaching, someone she identified as the daughter of a late friend. Knowing that her friend's daughter had married, Winifred supposed that the little one cradled in her arms was her daughter. The woman approached a gravestone that seemed relatively new.
Winifred waited for an appropriate moment and then approached to greet her, thinking that she was visiting her mother.
As they began to converse, Winifred realized that the woman wasn't visiting her mother but her husband. Winifred offered her condolences and felt deeply saddened to see such a young woman become a widow. Having experienced the loss of her own beloved husband, she could empathize with the grief. The image of Wilhelmina and Edwin flashed in her mind, and she prayed that such a fate would not befall her daughter.
She explained that her husband fell ill suddenly and after depleting all their savings on a doctor, they discovered he had tuberculosis. He passed away within weeks of falling ill, leaving her alone with a baby.
Winifred asked her what she was going to do to sustain herself and her daughter and the woman replied that she might be able to find work in a factory, but she couldn't leave her daughter alone.
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On the other hand, the little girl, seemingly unaware that she had lost her father, couldn't stop looking at Thomas the entire time Winifred was talking to her mother. Thomas, being a shy child, felt a bit self-conscious and didn't want to leave his grandmother's arms.
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pejite · 5 months
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Even though they knew Winifred was approaching the end of her life, they still held onto the hope of finding some effective treatment for Rosemary. Wilhelmina was consumed by nerves and stress, unable to fathom the idea of losing a child. Days passed, and Rosemary showed little improvement.
They contemplated calling the doctor again in search of a solution. However, money was scarce, and they were barely surviving after a disastrous winter. The harvest had been a failure, and they were spending everything they had on medical consultations and the care of Winifred and Rosemary.
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In the midst of their struggles, Wilhelmina expressed to Edwin the concerns her mother had shared regarding the daughter of her late friend. Edwin, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, reassured Wilhelmina suggesting that they set aside those worries for the time being. He emphasized the need to focus on the immediate challenges they were facing with Winifred's illness and Rosemary's health, assuring Wilhelmina that they could address the other matter at a later, more opportune time.
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pejite · 5 months
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Winifred Evenson was buried alongside her husband, Robert Evenson, in the cemetery of Henford-On-Bagley. The Langley family held a short and intimate funeral in her honor.
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pejite · 5 months
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During the subsequent days, Wilhelmina and Edwin adhered rigorously to the doctor's recommendations, ensuring Rosemary received her prescribed medications as instructed.
They shared every night with her, fervently praying for her continued survival by morning. Whether it resulted from the doctor's treatments or, perhaps, a miracle, Rosemary's condition gradually improved. Her fever subsided, and the persistent cough that had troubled her began to dissipate.
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In the tragic turn of events, Winifred's health deteriorated rapidly, succumbing to the ravages of tuberculosis in the early spring of 1834. Her passing cast a somber shadow over the Langley Farm, leaving Wilhelmina and Edwin grappling with grief and the profound void left by her absence.
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