#thomas langley
pejite · 9 days
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With the arrival of spring and the welcome return of warmer weather, Edwin set about preparing the fields for planting, with Thomas eagerly assisting him. The winter had been particularly harsh, with biting cold and heavy snow, so when the temperatures finally began to rise, it felt like a breath of fresh air for everyone.
Wilhelmina, now well along in her pregnancy, didn’t hesitate for a moment to take advantage of the milder weather. She found a comfortable spot in the garden to rest, her hands gently cradling her growing belly, while she kept Edwin company as he worked.
Meanwhile, Rosemary had grown into a responsible young girl, old enough to start helping her mother around the house, especially now that Wilhelmina was expecting. The added responsibilities had come naturally to her, and she took pride in being a useful helper. Most of the time, it was Rosemary who took on the task of keeping Winifred and Robert entertained, particularly when Wilhelmina needed to rest or tend to chores that were still beyond Rosemary’s abilities.
As she sat by the garden table, Wilhelmina watched with a contented smile as Rosemary played with the twins, their joyous laughter filling the air. The children ran around, their energy boundless, and their voices carried across the farm, reaching all the way to the other side of the river. It was a scene full of life and warmth, a testament to the simple pleasures that defined their days.
Edwin paused in his work for a moment, leaning on his spade as he took in the sight before him. His gaze rested on his wife and children, a scene that filled his heart with quiet pride and happiness.
The farm, usually so busy and demanding, seemed to be transformed by the sounds of laughter and the sight of his family together. He couldn’t help but smile, feeling a deep sense of contentment as he watched them. It was in these moments, amidst the simple routines of their daily life, that he felt most at peace, surrounded by the love and warmth of his family.
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neutrallyobsessed · 1 year
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no much luck in the gacha, eh?
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cesareeborgia · 2 years
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↳ the children of Edward III & Philippa of Hainault (that survived infancy)
(requested by anonymous)
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Holy trinity of choices men that make me go 🥰🥰🥰
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saibug1022 · 9 months
WIP Whatever-Today-Is
I got tagged by @aces-and-angels to share some WIPs, so I'm gonna show off some some Blades ones, an Elementalists one, and a few It Lives ones I never finished and I'm very excited. I'm gonna tag @oh-so-youre-a-nerd because I know full well you have more wips
First up, a little Tyril Hurt/Comfort, set during Ch 8 and during that time when we were all headcanoning the experimentation and torture Valax did:
“I’m sorry,” Asterin mumbled.
“No, I am,” Tyril protested immediately. He offered his hand and visibly relaxed when Asterin immediately took it. "I didn't mean to scare you. That's the last thing I ever want."
“I know,” Asterin said. “Trust me, I know. It’s okay.”
“Stop saying it’s okay,” Tyril replied. He clutched Asterin’s hand in both of his. “Me scaring you like that is abhorrent. But I am worried about you. That’s an Amulet of Rotem isn’t it? It’s an illusion charm. I know things have changed but we’ve never hidden things from each other. I shudder to think you feel the need to hide things from me and lie to me now.”
"...you're right," Asterin confessed. He kept his voice hushed. He wasn't sure why. Maybe he thought if he could barely make out his own words they wouldn't be real. "It's an illusion charm. I got it from Nia, but she doesn't know what it's for. It makes me look how I did before Valax."
"Do you look different now?" Tyril asked, matching Asterin's tone. Asterin nodded. "How?"
Asterin tried to answer but the words were so quiet not even their shared elven senses could pick it up. He wasn't even convinced he said anything at all. How could he say something out loud? How could he think about it long enough to give voice to his pain? Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as his frustration grew until finally he squeezed his eyes shut and took the amulet off. 
There was no flash of light like he was used to with magic but he surmised from Tyril's sharp intake of breath that everything was now on display. He didn’t even need to look. He’d spent enough time staring at the scars in horror before making the request of Nia upon finding her again. 
The most subtle were the pinpricks dotted all over his wrists and neck. They could almost be mistaken for freckles. Sometimes he could even pretend that’s all they were. But those were the simple ones. Also scarring his wrists were jagged cuts, lined up one after the other, and on his palms as well. With the charm off Tyril would also be able to see the way his hands shook now, a tremor he still couldn’t explain nor remedy. He assumed it had to do with the damage to his hands and wrists. A harsh claw mark was emblazoned across his face, a hair’s breadth away from his eye.
But worst of all were the last two. On his chest were three precise lines, two that started near his soldiers and went inwards until they met and went straight down in a “Y” shape. And on his back were the burns. At least, he thought they were burns. He had no way of knowing for sure.
Next we've got one that has the working title of Aerin Retrieval, which I think says everything on its own
Aerin nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned around quickly, both because of the sudden voice and the person it belonged to. Sure enough a familiar elf was leaning against a nearby tree. Aerin had always thought the phrase ‘glaring daggers’ was ridiculous but it fit the expression he was receiving now.
“Tyril,” Aerin said slowly. “You found me.”
“It wasn’t difficult,” Tyril scoffed. “For a spy you are dreadful at covering your tracks.”
“I wasn’t a spy,” Aerin muttered petulantly.
“What would you call your betrayals then?”
“Why are you here Tyril?” Aerin sighed. “Drag me back to my cell? Kill me?”
“Oh I’m going to do much worse than that,” Tyril said.
He slowly advanced toward Aerin and despite everything Aerin had faced he still backed away from the elf. But Tyril had the longer stride so before Aerin could get far enough Tyril was right in front of him. He reached forward and Aerin tensed up.
Tyril completely ignored his complaint and continued dragging Aerin back the way Tyril had come. By. His. Ear. Aerin was forced to just stumble along after him.
“Where did you go?” Asterin wondered.
“I found this,” Tyril explained, and dragged a struggling form out of the shadows by their hood. 
“Well I’ll be damned,” Mal chuckled. 
“Aerin?” Asterin said as he got to his feet. Aerin didn’t meet Asterin’s eye, instead focusing very intently on brushing himself off. “Aerin!”
Aerin finally sighed and looked up. “Hello Asterin.”
“So it is you,” Asterin replied.
“Yes it is,” Aerin mumbled. “I’m sorry?”
Asterin didn’t say a thing. Instead he walked right up to Aerin and punched him in the face hard enough to send the prince sprawling into the dirt.
“Asterin!” Nia scolded.
“Don’t stop him, this is great,” Imtura laughed. 
“I deserved that,” Aerin admitted.
“You deserve SO much worse,” Asterin growled.
This is a scene from my own personal lore, where Apollo (going by Eli at this point) finds out his foster parents erased his memories. It'll eventually be Griffin x MC but I didn't get far enough XD
“We’re so sorry this is how you found out…”
Eli could barely breathe. Tears burned his eyes as the words written on that letter played on repeat in his mind, completely drowning out Professor Athantis’ lecture.
Everything Atlas said was true. Eli had managed to swallow down the idea that he had a secret twin brother and his parents weren’t his real parents. He’d gotten past that. But that wasn’t all they lied about. They’d erased his memories. He didn’t get sent away until he was six. They erased six years of memories of his real parents and his twin. They let Eli go through his life lost and aimless, knowing those memories about his twin and magic would fill that missing piece. He was walking around with a void in his chest his parents own parents caused. No. Not his parents. His foster parents. Eli wasn’t even his name. 
“Mr. Pierce!” 
Eli looked up and saw the entire class and Professor Athantis looking right at him with varying degrees of concern, confusion, and irritation.
“You’re blinding the class,” Professor Athantis explained, their tone urgent but gentle. Eli blinked and glanced to the sconces along the wall lit with magical light and realized yes, the small orbs were much larger and brighter than normal. Eli cursed and took a deep breath, forcing the lights to dim back to their normal levels.
“Sorry, mx,” Eli muttered. 
“Are you okay?” Shreya asked him. “I’ve been trying to talk to you for half the class.”
Eli opened his mouth to tell her but then paused when he realized he couldn’t. He couldn’t tell her what was going on without mentioning Atlas. Not only was this eating him up inside but he couldn’t even tell anyone about it! Atlas didn’t even know how to deal with his own emotions, much less Eli’s. Professor Swan would panic and defend his foster parents. And no one else could know about Atlas or his parents.
“I’m fine,” Eli ended up saying.
It Lives Anthology
A cute little idea I had of the Eclipse giving Shadow!Val some level of coherency and form again :)
“What do you want?” Lucas asked sharply, not bothering with any sort of pleasantries. “Why are you the one calling me instead of Connor or Ava?”
“Because it isn’t about the monsters and shit,” Noah answered. “It’s about Val.”
Lucas stood up so fast his chair fell backwards, causing his poor roommate, James, to startle. Lucas didn’t pay them any mind though, hurrying out of his dorm and the building as fast as he could, pausing behind the building where he wouldn’t be overheard. Noah would occasionally send him pictures or little messages from Val when Val asked him too but that was all. If Noah was calling him about Val then something happened, something bad. Lucas’s veins felt like they were filled with ice.
“What happened?” Lucas demanded. There were so many things it could be, spinning through his mind. Val disappeared, somehow he got hurt, he forgot them, or worst of all he’d somehow gotten corrupted and turned from their sweet little playful ghost into a monster like Redfield or Jane.
“Relax dude, it’s nothing bad,” Noah replied.
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you,” Lucas snapped.
“Okay I deserve that,” Noah muttered and Lucas resisted the urge to verbalize his agreement. “I called instead of texting because I figured you’d want to see this and you only have tonight.”
“What is it?”
“You know how tonight’s that lunar eclipse?” Noah asked.
“Yes, it’s the only total lunar eclipse over Westchester in a hundred years,” Lucas replied. “I don’t think you’re calling about astronomy.”
“No, I’m calling because of what it means for the Power,” Noah confirmed. “Or magic. Or theyre the same thing, I don’t fucking know. Point is, Ava called and said the lunar eclipse is a time of clarity for spirits, when their humanity and shit becomes stronger. She called to tell Karter because of the shit going on with his sister and she said it only applied to human spirits so we didn’t think it applied to Val but…”
“He’s coherent?” Lucas’s eyes widened.
“As coherent as he can be,” Noah answered. “He’s still a little jumbled but he’s talking in full sentences and…and he’s singing again.”
This is a hypothetical scenario I came up with during ILW's release where the only way to close the breach would be for all people with Power in them to be gone too, meaning all three It Lives MCs
It was supposed to be over.
Matthias was defeated, Adrian and Marianthe were dead. The witches were free. The blood moon ritual was stopped and the horrors were cured. The Power was purified. It was all over. It was supposed to be over. They were supposed to get to go home, to live. Yet Castor found themself staring at the spirit of Loha, her words taking up all their thoughts.
“No,” Val shook his head, his voice shaking but Cas couldn’t tell if it was rage or fear. “No, no, I’m not-, no. You’re lying or you’re wrong.”
“I’m afraid not,” Loha seemed to have a bit of sympathy in her face as she looked at Val. “The breach has to be closed or this will happen again. There will be nothing and no one to stop it, not even a purifying anchor.”
“This is sick,” Leon snarled. Him and Val were the only ones in the cave with Cas, the only two that could make it far enough in. “You, you did this to me! I didn’t get a fucking choice! It’s your fault I have to do this!”
“I can’t,” Val’s hands fisted in his hair. “I can’t do this, not again, no.”
“It is what needs to happen,” Loha replied to Leon, ignoring Val but Castor came to his side and wrapped an arm around him. He didn’t even seem to notice. “The three of you are different from everyone else. Everyone has a connection to the Power, though some connections are stronger which is what gives them their powers. But you, each of you have a piece of the Power within you. As long as it’s there the Power can never truly be sealed away.”
“NO!” Val looked up, his face twisted with rage and he took a step forward that shook the entire cave. His voice wasn’t quite his, it echoed before it even reached the cave walls. Behind it was a chorus of whispers that made Castor shiver. “I’m not doing this again! I sacrificed myself once and I don’t regret but I am NOT letting it happen again and I am not letting Leon and Castor die!”
Last one, the start of Abel proposing to Castor <3
Castor was always colorful. Everything about them was so vibrant and so full of life. Being around them made the world seem brighter, from the green of life to the blue of the sky. It was in their smile and their laugh and of course in their eyes. It was absolutely beautiful, how they made the world so much more wonderful for everyone around them. For most it was their presence and their kindness and humor, but for Abel it was their love.
And among all those colors, the most Castor of them all was gold. The cyan of the Power was there, of course, in their powers and their eyes and Abel wouldn’t trade that for the world. But their soul was gold. It was bold like jewelry, it sparkled in their eyes, it glowed in their smile. It was warm like the sunlight lighting their face, turning their skin a warm brown.
Right now their eyes were closed and for once their muscles were relaxed. They breathed evenly as the golden light from the sunrise shone on their face and Abel knew if their eyes opened they’d reflect that light like stars. But he was content to watch them sleep, happy to see the softer side of his bright lover. For it was in these moments that somehow Abel loved them even more, because while Castor lit up the world of everyone else this was something only Abel got to see. The part of them that was soft and vulnerable was for him and him alone. 
Castor trusted him and loved him, they took care of him and let him take care of them. It was the kind of thing he’d always wanted with someone and Castor not only made his dreams come true but surpassed them. It was why Abel wanted to spend the rest of his life with them. He always knew he wanted to but in these soft, small moments was when he felt it the strongest.
Castor let out a small yawn and shifted, causing a twist of hair to fall in front of their face. Abel carefully reached out to tuck it behind their hair and Castor leaned into his hand without even waking up. Abel knew he must look ridiculous smiling as big as he was but he didn’t care. Castor made a small hum and their eyes blinked open, brown and cyan finding him and causing a smile of their own to appear on Castor’s face.
“Hi,” They said, their voice barely above a whisper.
“Hi,” Abel replied, his voice just as quiet. “Did you sleep well?”
“Well with such a handsome man in my bed how can I not?” Castor leaned up and pressed a small kiss to Abel’s lips. It was barely a peck but it still warmed Abel from the inside out. This was what he wanted. Mornings like this where it was like the world faded away and that light of Castor’s was all his. Mornings and nights were there was no Power, no monsters, no ghosts, no classes or jobs, just Castor and Abel getting to be Castor and Abel. No more, no less. 
“Can I ask you something?” Abel found himself asking. For a moment he panicked. He knew where his train of thought was going and he had an entire plan in place. But as Castor’s curious eyes met his, he thought damn the plan. He reached up and trailed his fingers along Castor’s cheek. Castor opened their mouth and Abel rolled his eyes fondly. “And do not say ‘you just did’.”
“Well, way to take all the fun out of it,” Cas pouted. “Fine, go ahead. What do you want to ask?”
Abel just smiled and rolled out of the bed leaving Castor laying there very very very confused.
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werbitssft · 1 year
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une-sanz-pluis · 5 months
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John D. Milner, “The Battle of Baugé, March 1421: Impact and Memory”, History, Vol. 91, No. 4, October 2006
Perhaps the first person in England obliged to make a public utterance on the battle was Thomas Langley, the bishop of Durham, as chancellor of England opening the parliament of May 1421. He confronted, as he really had to do, the issue of divine intervention, a difficult problem at the time of defeat for a king who was so certain of the rightness of his cause in the eyes of God. The chancellor resorted to the Book of Job. ‘I will call upon God while praising Him’ was his text. He quoted Job who, on hearing of the death of all his children, had said, ‘The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord’. In this way parliament was assured of how the king had reacted when he heard the news of his brother’s death and those of the other valiant knights who had fallen, as well as the fact that many more had been captured. Previously the king had given thanks to God for all His mercies; now he praised and thanked Him for this visitation. Others obliged to refer in sermons to the death of Clarence alluded to it as an example of the rise and fall of the wheel of fortune.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'Cillian Murphy shouted out his “Oppenhomies” while accepting his leading actor BAFTA award.
After thanking the film’s director Christopher Nolan, producer Emma Thomas and Universal Pictures chief Donna Langley, Murphy said: “I want to thank my fellow nominees and my Oppenhomies and, in fact, all of you in the room. I know it’s a cliché to say I’m in awe of you, but I genuinely am in awe.”
Murphy played J. Robert Oppenheimer in Nolan’s biographical drama, which took home seven awards throughout the night, including best director for Nolan and best film. The film, which scored 13 nominations in total, chronicles the life and career of Oppenheimer as he develops the atomic bomb during World War II.
“Thank you for seeing something in me that I probably didn’t see myself,” Nolan told the director while accepting his award. “Chris, thank you for that extraordinary, exhilarating script and for always pushing me and for always demanding excellence.”
“Oppenheimer was this colossally naughty, complex character and he meant different things to different people,” Murphy continued. “One man’s monster is another man’s hero. That’s why I love movies, because we have a space to celebrate and interrogate and investigate that complexity. And it’s a privilege to be part of this community with you all.”
He was up against Bradley Cooper in “Maestro,” Colman Domingo in “The Rustin,” Paul Giamatti in “The Holdovers,” Barry Keoghan in “Saltburn” and Teo Yoo in “Past Lives” in the leading actor category.
Murphy was a 2007 nominee for the BAFTA Rising Star award. In 2023, he scored a leading actor nomination at the BAFTA TV Awards for “Peaky Blinders.” “Oppenheimer” is his first nomination at the BAFTA Film Awards. The Irish actor is also nominated for leading actor at the Oscars for his role in “Oppenheimer.”
“Cillian Murphy, with a thousand-yard beam, the half-smile of an intellectual rake, and a way of keeping everything close to the vest, gives a phenomenal performance as Oppenheimer, making him fascinating and multi-layered,” wrote Owen Gleiberman about Murphy’s performance in his review of the film for Variety. “His ‘Oppie’ is an elegant mandarin who’s also a bit snakelike — at once a cold prodigy and an ardent humanist, an aristocrat and a womanizer, a Jewish outsider who becomes a consummate insider, and a man who oversees the invention of nuclear weapons without a shred of doubt or compunction, only to confront the world he created from behind a defensive shield of guilt that’s a lot less self-aware.”
Despite the “Barbenheimer” phenomenon of last summer, after both “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie” landed the same July release date, Greta Gerwig’s movie failed to take home a single award at the BAFTAs. Bradley Cooper’s “Maestro” was similarly shut out.'
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tercessketchfield · 10 months
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ROYALTY MEME | Granddaughters of Edward III & Philippa of Hainault (part two) / (part one)
through their sons: John of Gaunt, Edmund of Langley, and Thomas of Woodstock
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adlerboi · 3 months
Thomas "Tommy" Adler
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First name: Thomas, Russell, Robert
Name: Adler
Date of birth: 21/06/1974
Place of birth: Langley
Father: Russell Adler
Mother: Mary Adler
Siblings: Judy Adler
Height: 183cm
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Physical: Muscular
Tommy inherited his father's genes
When his mother fell into a coma in 1975, Adler and a nanny cared for him and his education until 1979. He stayed with his father constantly. Russell was a role model for him and wanted to be like him. He did not have the same childhood as his schoolmates.
Thomas keeps one of his favorite photos with him, he is with his father at the beach and he wears his glasses. He was in his arms.
He asks his father for a lot of advice, especially those for flirting with a girl because he knows that his physique can be advantageous. But he also knows that his father has charm even after 40 and 50 years old. Some girls approach him to get closer to Russell. But they are stopped by Judy or Mary directly.
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laines-laments · 11 months
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・:*:・゚★ intro and masterlist
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・:*:・゚★ greetings and salutations
hii ! welcome to my blog, i'm laine !! i suffer from chronic teenage girl-ism and i fear i may never recover lolz !! my requests are always open as i am in constant need of inspiration, just send me an ask !! if you want to support me by funding my spending habits do so here !!
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・:*:・゚★ masterlist
♥︎ - smut / mature
✿ - fluff
★ - angst
House, M.D
Gregory House -
Jame Wilson -
Lisa Cuddy -
Robert Chase -
Thirteen -
Be More Chill
Michael Mell -
Jeremy Heere -
Richard Goranski -
Jake Dillinger -
John Egbert -
Dave Strider -
Rose Lalonde -
Gamzee Makara -
Karkat Vantas -
Mituna Captor -
Sollux Captor -
Nepeta Leijon -
Cronus Ampora -
My Chemical Romance
Ray Toro -
Mikey Way -
Frank Iero -
Gerard Way -
Kobra Kid (Mikey Way) -
Jetstar (Ray Toro) -
Party Poision (Gerard Way) -
Fun Ghoul (Frank Iero) -
Alexander Hamilton -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Laurens -
Phillip Hamilton -
Sal Fisher -
Larry Johnson -
Ashley Campbell -
Travis Phelps -
Gonta Gokuhara -
Rantaro Amami -
Nekomaru Nidai -
Kazuichi Soda -
Sakura Ogami -
Leon Kuwata -
Kokichi Oma -
Mondo Owada -
Yasuhiro Hagakure -
The Magnus Archives
Jonathan Sims -
Martin Blackwood -
Timothy Stoker -
Elias Bushard -
Peter Lucas -
Jerad Keay -
Nikola Orsinov -
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid -
Law and Order : SVU
Olivia Benson -
Elliot Stabler -
John Munch -
Fin Tutuola -
Shinji Ikari -
Rei Ayanomi -
Asuka Langley -
Stardew Valley
Sam -
Sebastian -
Abigale -
Harvey -
Jeff the Killer -
Ticci Toby -
Eyeless Jack -
Ben Drowned -
Laughing Jack -
Repo: The Genetic Opera
Grave Robber -
Pavi Largo -
Luigi Largo -
Amber Sweet -
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer -
Heather Mac -
Heather Duke -
Heather Chandler -
Ram Sweeney -
Kurt Kelly -
Jason Dean -
Veronica Sawyer - how veronica would be as a teen mom (PG13)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou -
Shoto Todoroki -
Izuku Midoria -
Touya Todoroki (Dabi) -
Endeavor -
Tomura Shigiraki -
Jin Bubaigawara (Twice) -
Lydia Deetz -
Beetlejuice -
Bojack Horseman
Bojack Horseman -
Mr. PeanutButter -
Princess Carolyn -
Diane Nguyen -
Sarah Lynn -
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pejite · 4 days
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Finally, in the last days of summer, with the cool touch of autumn 1839 just around the corner, Wilhelmina went into labour.
Edwin sat anxiously in the parlour, nervously picking at the skin around his fingers as the cries of his wife echoed through the house. Upstairs, Wilhelmina was enduring the agonies of childbirth, her screams reverberating through every corner, making the reality of the moment painfully clear.
The children had been sent out to the garden, where Thomas and Rosemary did their best to keep the twins occupied, shielding them from the distressing sounds emanating from their mother’s bedroom. The air was thick with tension, each passing moment stretching into what felt like an eternity.
In the bedroom, Wilhelmina was surrounded by the comforting presence of Mary Elizabeth and a midwife they had carefully chosen for this critical moment. Despite their experience, the labour was proving to be difficult and filled with pain. Wilhelmina hadn’t given birth for several years, and though she was no stranger to the process, she hadn’t anticipated how challenging this particular birth would be. The memories of her previous labours seemed distant, overshadowed by the intense struggle she now faced.
The hours dragged on slowly as the labour progressed, with each contraction taking a toll on Wilhelmina’s strength. Mary Elizabeth and the midwife worked tirelessly, offering her encouragement and doing everything in their power to ease the process.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the cry of a newborn filled the room, breaking the tension and bringing with it a wave of relief. George Langley had arrived into the world. He was a small, slender baby, not as robust as some of his siblings had been at birth, but he was healthy and safe, and that was all that mattered. The long hours of pain and uncertainty faded away in the face of the joy that now filled the room.
The difficult labour had given way to a moment of pure joy as the family welcomed George into their lives, grateful for the blessing of his safe arrival.
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CFWC F/AotW - March 10 - 16, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
Battle ✒️| Tyril Sarfury x f!human!mc - @petalouda85
Blades Fanfic ✒️| Tyril Starfury & MC - @skepticalfrogcat
Names ✒️| Tyril Starfury x F!human!MC - @petalouda85
Nyx x Luna Rose 🎨| Original Characters by @lilyoffandoms C: @storyofmychoices
Second Thoughts ✒️| Tyril Starfury x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Confrontation ✒️| CoP F!MC, M!OC - @thosehallowedhalls
Home Without (Series) ✒️| M!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls Part 4
Mama, Didn't Mean to Make You Cry ✒️| M!Trystan Thorne, Viktoria Thorne - @inlocusmads
Running on Empty ✒️| M!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Your Love is Sweet Like a Honeysuckle ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Griffin Langley x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Yoga & Pancakes ✒️| Beckett Harrington x F!MC - @storyofmychoices
Chicory Flowers For My Beloved ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Eleanor Waverly x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Lavander Sass ✒️🏳️‍🌈| NB!MC, Original Characters - @aallotarenunelma
Complete Open Heart List for Week Ending March 16, 2024
Alstroemeria as in Adoration ✒️🏳️‍🌈| PM F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
My Favorite Place 🎨| Thomas Hunt x F!OC by @/majoma_art (IG) C: @storyofmychoices
Ghosted (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC - @kristinamae093 Chapter 11: Altering Visions
Second Chance Love (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🔥 | Liam Rys x MC, Liam Rys x F!OC - @mysticalfangirl Part 1
Turning the Page (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 11: A Step Back in Time
Vancross (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 23: Rescue You
Stitched Sunflowers ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Dean West x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Origami Daisy ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Simon Hendricks x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Blades of Light & Shadow / Nightbound
Kit Meets Rock ✒️| Mal Volari x F!MC, Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian
Immortal Desires & Murder at Homecoming
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow (Series)✒️| Cas Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont Part 2
Open Heart & The Royal Romance
Don't Call Me Angel ✒️| OH F!OC, Bryce Lahela, Tobias Carrick, Maxwell Beaumont, Bertrand Beaumont - @peonierose
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Green flag LI's of Choices in my opinion:
1. Liam Rys (TRR)
2. Caleb Mitchell (OG: HSS)
3. Arthur Pendragon (Guinevere)
4. Gabe Adalhard (ID)
5. Thomas Mendez (MOTY)
6. Tyler Woods (MAH)
7. Dakota Winchester (WEH)
8. Francis Somerset (TUH) Ik he is not an LI but given the option I would have chosen to marry him.
9. Edit: Griffin Langley (He is my bae 🥰🥰)
P.S. Comment and reblog if you think I should do a list on the female LI's as well.
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isadomna · 7 months
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Isabel of Castile, First Duchess of York
Isabel was the third of four children of King Pedro I, also known as Pedro the Cruel, who ruled the Crown of Castile from 1350. Her mother was the vivacious and intelligent Maria de Padilla, often described as Pedro's mistress. In 1361, when Isabel was only six, her mother died. The following year, Pedro declared that he and Maria had been lawfully married before he was forced to espouse his estranged French wife, Blanche of Bourbon, who was by then also dead, some said murdered by her husband. His claim of an earlier marriage was subsequently endorsed by the Cortes, thus legitimising Pedro's children by Maria. Pedro was killed by his illegitimate half-brother and deadly enemy Enrique of Trastámara in March 1369. Trastámara became King Enrique II of Castile.
Isabel accompanied her elder sister Constanza to England, and married Edmund of Langley, son of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault, in 1472 at Wallingford, as part of a dynastic alliance in furtherance of the Plantagenet claim to the crown of Castile. Isabel was only 16 or 17 to Edmund’s 31, and brought him no lands or income or even the promise of such because her sister Constanza – who married Edmund’s elder brother John of Gaunt as his second wife – was their father’s heir. John and Constanza spent many years trying unsuccessfully to claim her late father’s throne from her illegitimate half-uncle Enrique of Trastamara, while Edmund and Isabel were required to give up any claims to the kingdom of Castile and were not compensated.
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As a result of her marriage, Isabel became the first of a total of eleven women who became Duchess of York. She was appointed a Lady of the Garter in 1379. In their twenty years of marriage, the Duke and Duchess of York had three children:
Edward of Norwich, Duke of York
Richard of Conisburgh, Earl of Cambridge
Contemporary sources suggest that Edmund and Isabel were an ill-matched pair and their relationship was a rocky one, with Isabel accused of having an affair with John Holland, Duke of Exeter and half-brother to Richard II. The affair is believed to have started as early as 1374 and likely continued for a decade. As a result of her indiscretions, Isabel left behind a tarnished reputation. The chronicler Thomas Walsingham considered her to have somewhat loose morals.
John Holland has also been suggested as the real father of Isabel’s youngest son, Richard of Conisburgh, who was the grandfather of Edward IV and Richard III. The fact that his father Edmund of Langley and brother Edward, both, left him out of their wills has fuelled this theory. However, leaving a son out of your will was not entirely unusual, and Richard had died when his brother made his will.
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Isabel of Castile died in December 1392 at the age of about 37 and was buried at Langley Priory in Hertfordshire. In her will, Isabel left items and gifts of money to close relatives by blood or marriage, and to numerous servants of hers, men and women. Isabel referred to Edmund of Langley as her "very honoured lord and husband of York", and left him all her horses, all her beds including the cushions, bedspreads, canopies and everything else that went with them, her best brooch, her best gold cup, and her "large primer". Isabel named King Richard II as her heir, requesting him to grant her younger son, Richard, an annuity of 500 marks. Isabel left nothing at all to her older sister Constanza, duchess of Lancaster, and failed even to mention her. Isabel doesn't forget John Holland in her will, at this time married to Elizabeth of Lancaster, John of Gaunt's daughter.
About 11 months later her widower married Joan Holland, niece of Isabel's supposed lover, John Holland. In another bizarre family twist, it was Joan’s brother, Edmund Holland, Earl of Kent, who had an affair – and an illegitimate daughter – with Constance of York, the daughter of Edmund and Isabel. In Edmund’s own will of 1400 he requested burial ‘near my beloved Isabele, formerly my consort.’  Despite Isabel of Castile's bad reputation and supposedly having been involved in a court scandal that humiliated her husband, Edmund seems to have felt great affection for her as demonstrated by his willingness to rest eternally with Isabel and not with his second wife.
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choices-and-voices · 6 months
Kat’s Guide to Choices: Fave Books and LIs
Hey everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kat, and I’ve been playing Choices since ~2016. Being on the app for so long has given me a lot of time to read a lot of series, and of course, I’ve accumulated a lot of favourites from among them. Some of those favourites are unsurprising, because they’re widely recognised as well-written or they’re similar to ‘real-life’ books that I enjoy: think Blades of Light & Shadow, Most Wanted, Mother of the Year. Others are surprising, even to me, because at first glance they seem like shallow romances but if you play them just right then they go straight for your heart: think Baby Bump (I dare you to play it romancing Myra Dixon), Big Sky Country (I dare you to play it as an MLM romance), The Cursed Heart (it doesn’t even matter how you play that one, I think it’s the most underrated series Choices has ever had). It’s gotten to the point where I think it’d be cool to have this pinned post of all the series that stand out to me on the app, plus all the LIs that made them feel special. I’m not the type of person who likes picking between favourites, so it’s not going to be a ranked list, or a list with a limited number of slots – I’ve just done it alphabetically, and I’ll keep adding to it as I go. I hope that it helps people celebrate their own favourites, and maybe even inspires people to read something new 😊
Without further ado, here are my favourite series and LIs on Choices:
Baby Bump – Myra Dixon (whom I renamed Harper)
Big Sky Country – Sawyer Oakley
Blades of Light & Shadow – Tyril Starfury
Bloodbound – Adrian Raines
Crimes of Passion – Princess Trystan Thorne
The Cursed Heart – Prince Kieran
The Deadliest Game – Dante Valdez
Desire & Decorum – Ernest Sinclaire
The Elementalists – Griffin Langley
Foreign Affairs – Tatum Mendoza
Guinevere – King Arthur
Laws of Attraction – Gabe Ricci
Most Wanted
Mother of the Year – Thomas Mendez
Ms. Match – Jack Monroe (whom I renamed Elijah Bennett)
Murder at Homecoming – Donovan Navarro
Nightbound – Nik Ryder
Open Heart – Rafael Aveiro
Perfect Match – Damien Nazario
The Royal Masquerade – Kayden Vescovi (whom I renamed Kaspian)
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir/The Royal Finale – Liam Rhys (whom renamed Nikola)
Save the Date – Simon Hendricks
Slow Burn – Julian Navarro
The Unexpected Heiress – John Somerset
Veil of Secrets – Naomi Silverhawk (I got really close to picking Kate O’Malley once I realised that she was an option, but in the end I couldn’t reject Naomi, and I think she doesn’t get enough love)
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