#winx club lily sylvane
trashcankitty12 · 2 years
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Introducing Lily Sylvane!
Younger Sister of Willow Sylvane
Elder Twin of the New Chaos Twins
-Lily is the elder twin of the new Chaos Twin Duo.
-Birthday is May 15. She’s a Taurus on Earth and a Satyr in the Magical Dimension. (We meet her at her freshman year. She’s 14 turning 15.)
-Like Willow, she and her twin refer to Valkyrie as “Mom” and Flora as “Momma”. (Though they also have joking names for their parents, including calling them “Mother” when feeling irritated.)
-Lily inherited her mom’s violet locks, and has allowed them to grow long, often wearing her hair in braids or ponytails. She’s got her Momma’s green eyes though, and her skin tone is a just a shade lighter than her Momma’s, but still darker than most of her friends. (Aside from her Androsian friends.)
-She also inherited her Momma’s power over plant life. She’s currently working under the title “Witch of Poison Plants”, but she is subject to change it as she “blossoms” at Cloud Tower.
-(Poison Plants were chosen as her main set of skills due to her being able to connect more fully with such plants as opposed to others.)
-Lily, while not one to overdo being social is no wallflower. She tends to stay in the middle of things, keeping tabs on what could be used for fun or mischief later on. Though she is not nearly as sociable as her sister.
-Being the elder twin isn’t easy, she often feels like the middle child between Willow and their sister. Willow is the brilliant older brother and heir to the Dragon Fire, and her sister is strong-willed and quite the adventurer. Makes her feel a little unsure of where she fits.
-(Not that she lets it bother her. Not too much. She’s mature enough to know people come in different types and have different purposes, even within the same family. She just hopes she doesn’t fade into the background.)
-Lily, despite being a witch, is a bit of a softer woman. She loves the soft pastel tones her Momma does, the differing shades of pinks and greens and purples. Maybe a few splotches of yellows. It does her heart good.
-Her typical style tends to include what she and her Grandma call “greenhouse wear” (dirt covered jeans and shirts with unknown stains and boots), soft dresses, and something ‘new’ the nature-based witches are calling ‘eco goth’. (Greens and blacks and dark browns.)
-Don’t get comfortable if Lily doesn’t immediately retaliate after a prank or other misdeed; she’s a patient witch and tends to wait for the perfect moment to strike. Usually right when something important should be happening and everyone gets an eyeful of the ‘response’. (And good luck trying to prove it was her. She and her twin have long perfected being able to cause trouble from across a building.)
-Of course, her ability to be patient isn’t a bad thing. It’s helped keep her and her friends out of trouble, has shown her how to grow difficult plants, and has helped her create lovely tea. (Just for example.)
-Lily has her own garden, one her Grandma (Flora’s Mom) helped her cultivate on Linphea. She loves her little garden space and getting that time with her grandmother. (And it usually ends in a lovely ride on the Ladybugs.)
-Lily is an incredible leaf surfer. One of the best (and most aggressive in the competitive circuits). She typically competes in the speed competitions while her twin competes in the style/trick ones.
-She has a kitty familiar like her brother does. A white short-haired cat named Drago. He’s one of her best friends and her greatest confidants. (And he purrs. Which is always nice.)
-It’s no secret that Lily is a lesbian. She didn’t even really have to come out, just sort of put the flag in her room. (A flag she got from Earth because apparently, it’s an Earth thing to have flags for everything. Which is cool, but sometimes seems unnecessary to those born outside of the planet.)
-Her favorite flowers so far are Aconitums. They’re pretty, but deadly and she just feels it’s part of her aesthetic. (Even if its basic for a witch to love them.)
-(She is interested in these ‘corpse blossoms’ she’s heard of on Earth, but she’s not sure about the smell considering she’s prone to migraines and certain intense smells can set them off.)
-Lily’s vegan and has been slowly trying to convert her sister. (Which is hard because of a love of cheese, but she’ll get there, probably with some pushing… Maybe.) She also enjoys putting together/making her own meals. Her momma helps her out and has been actively enjoying learning new foods. (Even if she keeps to her mostly vegetarian but occasional fish diet.)
-She’s sort of a ‘hippie’. While she may not talk about ‘peace and love and harmony’, she does encourage finding meaning in the chaos. Or at least, realizing that chaos just happens and you’ve got to learn to enjoy it. (And maybe even create it.)
-Also, she’s not exactly happy about the militarization of everyone and everything. It seems many realms are looking more into what could be useful for war and battles instead of helping out their own people with basic needs. Generally none of her business, but she is very quick to make it her business.
-(And she is about harmony… In that she understands the Magical Dimension has a very delicate balance of things and she’d rather not live in an apocalyptic hellscape because the balance was fucked up.)
-She and a few of her other friends are all about Yoga and Meditation, often using both methods to connect deeply to their magic and to themselves. (Which is a surprisingly helpful tool when faced against those who use illusion magic or mind-controlling/mind-messing powers.)
-Lily loves her Cloud Tower classes. Mostly. Learning is fun and knowledge is power… But there are a few classes she wishes she could be dismissed from.
-Like Physical Education. She’s not exactly a fan of it and she’s not the strongest or the fastest when she’s not using her magic. But it is what it is. (She is good with flexibility and gymnastics, thanks to yoga. But she has a bit of a coordination problem. Just a touch.)
-Obviously she loves her potions and herbology classes, but she’s also really into transfiguration magic and the beast-taming classes. (Especially the beast-taming classes. Granted, she can’t fully participate until her sophomore year, but she is looking forward to making friends with the creatures of Cloud Tower.)
-(Beast-taming and creaturology are things she and Willow could talk all-day long about. Both have such a passion for the animals in Magical Dimension. If only he didn’t still eat meat…)
-Being at Cloud Tower does have some difficulties though. She’s always worried about letting her Nana Griffin (the Headmistress) down if her grades aren’t up to par or if she’s not as fierce or loud as her classmates.
-She is a force to be reckoned with, she knows what her powers are capable of and what she can do, but she’s always preferred a more ‘behind the scenes’ sort of approach. Watching things crumble for her foes from the inside out. (Perhaps that will just have to be enough.)
-Lily’s not quite sure what she wishes to do in the future. Part of her wants to look into nature preservation like her Aunt Miele and her Grandpa (Flora’s father). And part of her wonders what new medicines she could come up with by using poisons in reverse. (It’s been done before, she knows, but she wonders just how far she can take it.)
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