#winx club flora and oc child
trashcankitty12 · 2 years
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Introducing: Poinsettia “Etta” Sylvane.
(Lowkey my favorite Next Gen Kid.)
She’s the twin of Lily Sylvane and the younger sister of Willow Sylvane.
And the youngest child of Valkyrie and Flora Sylvane.
-Younger twin in the new Chaos Twins. She is arguably the scarier of the Duo. (Or at least, the most comfortable with violence.)
- Her birthday is May 15; a Taurus on Earth and a Satyr in the Magical Dimension. (And 14 going on 15.)
- Valkyrie is “Mom” and Flora is “Momma”. And Willow is “Brother Dearest” or “My Dragon”. (Cue the eyerolls.)
- Etta keeps her purple hair short, a bob style sort of. Her eyes are green and she has a bit of a darker skin tone than most from her realm. She also wears glasses, much like Willow does. (They blame their Mom for their poor eyesight.)
-She’s never met a challenge she wouldn’t take or a dare she wouldn’t do. Her whole personality is essentially ‘watch me’. Dragon’s help, Valkyrie finally understands what her mother meant about trying to “parent the you out of your child”.
-It’s why Etta tends to have more bruises and skinned-up knees and elbows compared to her siblings. And why she has more than her fair share of scars. Girl knows no fear.
- Etta, unlike her sister, sprouted wings during her “critical moment” in her magical development. Yes, she was a bit of a late ‘winger’ like most on her Momma’s side of the family, and she was sort of hoping to be a witch like her sister, but she couldn’t deny that she looked good with wings.
- Though this development did mean she’d go to a fairy school instead of CT with her sister, which brings up the dilemma of: They’ve never been separated for such long periods of time before. Longest they’ve ever been separated was when they went to separate summer camps. A total of two weeks tops.
- But she supposes being at Alfea will have its perks. (Like being in the prime spot to prank the more ‘spoiled and uppity fairies’ without having to sneak in.)
- Her magic is based on plant life, and while her sister has a soft spot for the poisonous plants in the world, hers are the carnivorous ones. (Her current working title is “Fairy of Carnivorous Plants”. Subject to change as her magic grows.)
- She’s a decent leaf surfer, though she’d never beat her twin’s speed records. Instead, she focuses on coming up with new styles and tricks to impress judges with.
- Etta, much like her Mom, tends to say whatever’s on her mind the moment it reaches her mind. She has very little filter from her brain to her mouth and this can cause problems for the young fairy. (Not that that bothers her either. She enjoys a good fight.)
- She enjoys sword fighting, having first picked it up with her siblings at the insistence of their Mom. But she is the only one who actively continues to work on her sword work. She’s even competed in the Junior Sword Fighting League a few times. (Never came in first, but she’s gotten close. Her last tournament placement was in the Top 5.)
- Etta is a social butterfly, though that’s not to say she has ‘social graces’. Oh sure, she knows how to put on a show when important people are around, people who could make her Mom’s job harder if she showed out, but when it’s just a group of people, she’s just herself. And people seem to like the blunt, somewhat harsh fairy. A few even enjoy hearing what sorts of insults she can come up with. (She’s creative like that.)
- While her sister enjoys making tea and cooking ‘normal’ meals, Etta enjoys baking. Yes. Baking. Got a problem with that? You’d better not, or you’ll miss out on whatever amazing pastry she’s made.
- (She picked up baking from both her grandmothers and her Momma. She finds the whole process to be calming and it helps keep her centered. She’s even figuring out a few vegan options for her sister.)
-Etta is the twin who reacts quickly and intensely to misdeeds done against her or her friends. And her retaliations tend to end in tears or blood.
- She’s not afraid of getting her hands dirty. Not just where gardening and keeping up the family greenhouse is concerned, but just in general. She’s a very ‘I’ll do whatever it takes, consequences be damned’ sort of person.
- Etta has a cat familiar, just as her siblings. Her’s is a black cat named Shade. He always helps her with her planning.
- Alfea is a bit of an adjustment to Etta. She’s more used to the aesthetics and auras of the dark realms, and Alfea is just very… Pink. (Even more so than her Momma and Lily.)
-But she’s working through it with her friends. Her biggest help being Layla and Nabu’s daughter, her best friend. (Outside of Lily and Shade.)
- And she’s starting to get annoyed at the looks some of the other fairies give her. She’s not going to conform, get over it. Or better yet, make a challenge to her.
-So far, she’s upset about how only higher-level students get to take the divination classes. But she’s not going to let it get her down, all she has to do is keep practicing with her tarot cards and have Lily fill her in on how the CT classes work.
- Flying courses are fun, though she’s far from the fastest flyer. She does work to have the most style and elegance though. After all, she has a family legacy to retain.
- Her favorite class is Physical Education. While fighting and understanding her magic is important, she enjoys getting, well, physical, in a fight. There’s just something about relying on herself instead of her magic that makes her happy. (She’s even enrolled in an extra boxing course. She’s in love with it.)
- She’s not a fan of transfiguration. The concentration needed to make you look like someone else is just not for her.
- Not really a fan of the Meditation Classes or anything related Miss Dufour’s etiquette and social graces classes. (She’s not a fucking princess, why does she have to take these classes?)
-Etta’s not much for gender-conforming either. For most of her school dances, she’s planned on wearing suits. (And no, she’s not a lesbian. That’s her sister. She’s BI. There’s a difference.)
-(She just likes showing up the RF students. Proving she looks better in suits than they do, can fight better than they can, etc. Again, this just goes back to her being into daredevil stunts and up for any challenge.)
- Etta’s currently trying to talk some of her guy friends into letting her into RF’s garage so she can learn how to drive a levibike. Why? So she can race the others. Why? For fun.
- Due to this part of Etta, her friends have laid out rules for a ‘tame’ version of Truth or Dare. Mostly because of the problems she caused at their last game. (They could have been expelled if Griselda had found out. Which she almost did.)
- (It involved sneaking into Black Mud Swamp. Never again will they play the ‘normal’ version of Truth or Dare again. At least, not with Etta.)
- When she manages to graduate from Alfea (assuming she doesn’t get herself expelled for some prank or for a fight or any other reason), she wants to travel and write about her discoveries. The Magical Dimension is vast and there’s no telling what’s out there, just waiting to be found.
- (And no, she will not be stealing artifacts or magic. That didn’t work out well for her Nana Griffin or her grandfather and she’s not stupid enough to think it’d work for her.)
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charmixpower · 2 years
Skloom child(teenage years) headcanons 🥺
Omg bestie I don't have oc fankids, I can't get specific. I can try tho 😭😭
Unsurprisingly both of the kids want to take after their parents...and Daphne
The child with the dragon fire was raised around a lot of things about how cool and awesome their mom Grandmother and Daphne where and how badass their powers are and I think the kid would be....not egoistical, but obsessed with becoming the best because of how all the women behind them where amazing
When they official start going to Alfea is when the pressure sets in. Probably ends up becoming a friendly rival with....maybe Aisha's kid? Or Dia's kid. Just someone who their friends with, have been around most of their childhood, and are equally competitive with
Everyone in the school has their eyes on them, but they're used to this at this point. They've been outside before
They work really fucking hard on their magic (much like Stella did) and managed to get their basic manifest before their first year, which is odd
I feel like they'd also be the odd man out for being more masculine than their peers. In what form, idk, but they have Musa/Tecna fashion vibes ok?
Girselda takes great pains, as the new headmaster, to keep the new little headache (affectionate) safe
Of course they'd be the leader of the next gen Winx club, but they'd probably name their club after something else fairys are known for
Flora might be there every now and then as a guest teacher, which they love, bc aunty!!!! Flora!!!!
This child is a bit of a thrill seeker (it runs in the family, Marion and Daphne where uhhh....let's just say the kid gets this trait honestly)
They want to protect the magical dimension the same way their mom did, and is already talking about the Harmonix quest. All the teachers have a headache, and Bloom is trying to get them to calm tf down
They will not calm tf down
Very polarizing to their peers for being a fucking try hard lol
I feel like they'd inherent more of Samara and Daphne's personality which leads them to be both reckless as fuck and cunning to a fault. This child is smart and has the drive to do something really stupid. Frankly it's a horrible combination
The non magical one probably takes more after Bloom and Sky, being kind and protective to the point of getting themselves hurt for just about anyone. Which is a trait Bloom and Daphne inherited from Oritel
They're obviously a star student in RF, having Sky as their dad and help from uncle Helia? Yeah this kid knows what their doing
Didn't inherent the impulsive tendencies Sky and Bloom are known for tho
Did however inherent Bloom's ability not to get scare easily
The siblings break into the stables and take a dragon for a joy ride at least multiple times on Domino....and on Eraklyon
They both try to be princess and prince charming, like their parents seem to be (especially according to the media) but Dragon kid is impulsive, scheming, and reckless with a good loving heart; and their sibling tends to come off as a door mat....they're trying their best to live up to their parents legacy, not understanding that this legacy isn't perfect
With Bloom and co still around, neither of these kids will have to step up in the way that the Winx and the *inset Roxy's group name here* had to, so they learn that it's ok not to be pushing yourself 24/7. That it's not required to be special to be worth love, or to justify their existence
They're just dorky kids with a lot of stuff they think they need to live up to because that's all the media tells them
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taz-writes · 6 years
i have a very important question to ask you: which Winx Club characters do you think are most like yours in terms of their personality/power? (honestly though I rewatched Winx Club and had to ask you this question, sorry if it seems random!)
omg no random questions are the best ones!! 
so, Sayara is definitely Bloom, that’s like. that’s like a Thing. Bloom is one of those characters that I stole from when I made self inserts, I really liked her, therefore of COURSE my ultimate self-insert has to be Bloom. Sayara’s a pastiche (and eventually deconstruction) of like ten zillion Mary Sue protagonist tropes, and what is Bloom if she isn’t also that? The former, not the latter, the day Winx Club gets thoughtful and deconstructive is the day I dissociate to another planet. 
Sayara’s powers probably have more in common with Stella’s, though, b/c Stella’s the fairy of light and the sun and stuff. Sayara’s a light elemental who grows up to do fire and lasers. but we don’t actually get a whole lot of information on what Stella’s powers /are/ now that I think of it, because Stella is The Lamest Winx and only ever talks about clothes or her special staff ring thing. Sayara also has a weapon that turns into jewelry? Sayara also shoots lasers? I don’t know. when I was little I always wanted SO BADLY for Stella to be an awesome badass, but instead I got the dumb blonde stereotype 2.0 who’s mildly cool once in a while, and I’ve never really gotten over it. 
(I’m sorry for how mean I am about Stella, I just have a grudge.)
Amalie gets to be at the top of this list because Amalie was specifically inspired by Layla/Aisha. She’s since drifted, most of the drifting happened during my edgy middle school phases, but they’ve still got some stuff in common. It’s in the more or less no-nonsense attitude, and the competence, and the fact that they both wander in late to the story, more or less dragging the inciting incident along on a plot string. Amalie gets to connect the dots between the book 1 plot and the series plot. 
Aelia is like Musa but a little goofier. Her actual powers don’t map well to any particular Winx, but personality-wise Musa is pretty close. Elli’s powers are a ~secret~. (I will give you this, though: early incarnations of her were specifically inspired by one of the witch characters.) 
Violet is Darcy. I know Darcy is a villain and not a Winx but listen it’s the truth. Vi is mean and self-absorbed and a bit vindictive, she has trouble listening to people, and she really does act like a bad guy for most of book 1. When she mellows out later on she’s still snappy and unpleasant. Plus Darcy is the psychic one, and Violet is infamous in-series for being the grouchy psychic. 
Lavender’s Flora but a bit less hippy and a bit more composed… Lavender doesn’t have plant powers in canon, but she does in 90% of my AUs, and she would if she wasn’t an Illusion/Darkness elemental in the story. Iani’s the healer archetype of the group and Flora falls the closest to that category. 
I really don’t know which one Kyrina would be. Powers-wise she’s most like Stormy I guess, because she does lightning and wind magic, but personality-wise I’m not that sure? I feel like, honestly, she’s an evil minion. She yells a lot and she’s annoying and loud, but she doesn’t have the pure concentrated malice of most Winx Club villains. She’s not malicious in and of herself, she’s an immature child who doesn’t know better and whose authorities are actively avoiding teaching her morals. Kyrina hurts people because nobody’s told her she shouldn’t, and she’s selfish and wants what she wants. So, Trix vibes, but I’m not sure how to pin her down. Maybe she’s still Stormy. 
Dusk doesn’t match well, because Winx Club isn’t prone to the kinds of uh… moral nuance that define Dusk’s character. I guess she could be Tecna. Some kind of strange… strange Tecna/Trix fusion. 
It’s funny you asked me this question today, because I’ve been thinking hard about making a Winx OC lately. I haven’t made OCs for an existing universe in ages but Winx Club was such a huge part of my childhood. I love them…. 
Unrelated note re: Winx Club… can I just ask what the fuck happened to the art style? Look at this picture from season 7,  I mean, look at their FOREHEADS!! Their foreheads are so big! It’s disturbing! Also, the outfits are sort of cute for fashion dolls, but they all look the same. If you put these in black and white I definitely couldn’t match them to the characters. Tecna is wearing a skirt and I hate it!!! I miss Musa’s short hair!!!! Why is Daphne there she’s supposed to be a creepy memory ghost oh my god
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Winx was never good for diverse bodies and faces, but the character designs were unique and distinguishable by hairstyle and personality and fashion. Stella has a different look than Bloom, who has a different look from Tecna, or Musa, or Flora, or whoever else. The new seasons just keep discarding the unique little visual traits that make the girls unique and special…… *old person grumbling* I’ve been tempted to watch the new seasons for a long time but this stuff makes me afraid to… I don’t want to know what they’ve done to my childhood. 
other side note, season 4 starts with the Winx being hired as teachers at Alfea, immediately after they graduate, and they don’t even know what class they’re teaching. They’re not even teaching a class! They’re just hanging out showing off to the students! I don’t understand how they don’t know what class they’re teaching. 
EDIT I forgot about Hope and Fianora and that’s because I have no idea, fuck, Fianora is Daphne or something nothing is real
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scoutdrafted · 2 years
3, 9, 19?
What genres have you written for so far?
Almost, if not all, of my prose has been sci-fi, fantasy, or paranormal, All of my plays have been dramas. I'd love to branch into realistic fiction in prose and farcical comedy in playwriting though!
Have you ever brought an OC back from the dead?
Figuratively or literally? I don't think I've ever had a plot resurrect a dead OC, but my oldest OC was a Winx Club fan character named Lara... the child of Flora and Helia, in fact. When I dropped that Winx fanfiction I was writing I still wanted to use the character, so I kept bringing them into my original work. Ten years, a name change, and so many backstory changes later, and Lara is now Elena Carromero-Ortega in Aurora Hearts.
Show us the line you want readers to remember from your story.
A little more than a line, but...
Once upon a time, there was a girl who felt like a storm. There was a girl made of power, a girl who conquered islands and shores, ships and gods, screaming mothers and fathers, homelessness, helplessness, and hatred. There was a girl who felt like a storm, and like a storm she would destroy anything that dared to displease her. Like a storm, she would come with water and wind and leave the sweetest rebirth in her wake.
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trashcankitty12 · 2 years
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Introducing Lily Sylvane!
Younger Sister of Willow Sylvane
Elder Twin of the New Chaos Twins
-Lily is the elder twin of the new Chaos Twin Duo.
-Birthday is May 15. She’s a Taurus on Earth and a Satyr in the Magical Dimension. (We meet her at her freshman year. She’s 14 turning 15.)
-Like Willow, she and her twin refer to Valkyrie as “Mom” and Flora as “Momma”. (Though they also have joking names for their parents, including calling them “Mother” when feeling irritated.)
-Lily inherited her mom’s violet locks, and has allowed them to grow long, often wearing her hair in braids or ponytails. She’s got her Momma’s green eyes though, and her skin tone is a just a shade lighter than her Momma’s, but still darker than most of her friends. (Aside from her Androsian friends.)
-She also inherited her Momma’s power over plant life. She’s currently working under the title “Witch of Poison Plants”, but she is subject to change it as she “blossoms” at Cloud Tower.
-(Poison Plants were chosen as her main set of skills due to her being able to connect more fully with such plants as opposed to others.)
-Lily, while not one to overdo being social is no wallflower. She tends to stay in the middle of things, keeping tabs on what could be used for fun or mischief later on. Though she is not nearly as sociable as her sister.
-Being the elder twin isn’t easy, she often feels like the middle child between Willow and their sister. Willow is the brilliant older brother and heir to the Dragon Fire, and her sister is strong-willed and quite the adventurer. Makes her feel a little unsure of where she fits.
-(Not that she lets it bother her. Not too much. She’s mature enough to know people come in different types and have different purposes, even within the same family. She just hopes she doesn’t fade into the background.)
-Lily, despite being a witch, is a bit of a softer woman. She loves the soft pastel tones her Momma does, the differing shades of pinks and greens and purples. Maybe a few splotches of yellows. It does her heart good.
-Her typical style tends to include what she and her Grandma call “greenhouse wear” (dirt covered jeans and shirts with unknown stains and boots), soft dresses, and something ‘new’ the nature-based witches are calling ‘eco goth’. (Greens and blacks and dark browns.)
-Don’t get comfortable if Lily doesn’t immediately retaliate after a prank or other misdeed; she’s a patient witch and tends to wait for the perfect moment to strike. Usually right when something important should be happening and everyone gets an eyeful of the ‘response’. (And good luck trying to prove it was her. She and her twin have long perfected being able to cause trouble from across a building.)
-Of course, her ability to be patient isn’t a bad thing. It’s helped keep her and her friends out of trouble, has shown her how to grow difficult plants, and has helped her create lovely tea. (Just for example.)
-Lily has her own garden, one her Grandma (Flora’s Mom) helped her cultivate on Linphea. She loves her little garden space and getting that time with her grandmother. (And it usually ends in a lovely ride on the Ladybugs.)
-Lily is an incredible leaf surfer. One of the best (and most aggressive in the competitive circuits). She typically competes in the speed competitions while her twin competes in the style/trick ones.
-She has a kitty familiar like her brother does. A white short-haired cat named Drago. He’s one of her best friends and her greatest confidants. (And he purrs. Which is always nice.)
-It’s no secret that Lily is a lesbian. She didn’t even really have to come out, just sort of put the flag in her room. (A flag she got from Earth because apparently, it’s an Earth thing to have flags for everything. Which is cool, but sometimes seems unnecessary to those born outside of the planet.)
-Her favorite flowers so far are Aconitums. They’re pretty, but deadly and she just feels it’s part of her aesthetic. (Even if its basic for a witch to love them.)
-(She is interested in these ‘corpse blossoms’ she’s heard of on Earth, but she’s not sure about the smell considering she’s prone to migraines and certain intense smells can set them off.)
-Lily’s vegan and has been slowly trying to convert her sister. (Which is hard because of a love of cheese, but she’ll get there, probably with some pushing… Maybe.) She also enjoys putting together/making her own meals. Her momma helps her out and has been actively enjoying learning new foods. (Even if she keeps to her mostly vegetarian but occasional fish diet.)
-She’s sort of a ‘hippie’. While she may not talk about ‘peace and love and harmony’, she does encourage finding meaning in the chaos. Or at least, realizing that chaos just happens and you’ve got to learn to enjoy it. (And maybe even create it.)
-Also, she’s not exactly happy about the militarization of everyone and everything. It seems many realms are looking more into what could be useful for war and battles instead of helping out their own people with basic needs. Generally none of her business, but she is very quick to make it her business.
-(And she is about harmony… In that she understands the Magical Dimension has a very delicate balance of things and she’d rather not live in an apocalyptic hellscape because the balance was fucked up.)
-She and a few of her other friends are all about Yoga and Meditation, often using both methods to connect deeply to their magic and to themselves. (Which is a surprisingly helpful tool when faced against those who use illusion magic or mind-controlling/mind-messing powers.)
-Lily loves her Cloud Tower classes. Mostly. Learning is fun and knowledge is power… But there are a few classes she wishes she could be dismissed from.
-Like Physical Education. She’s not exactly a fan of it and she’s not the strongest or the fastest when she’s not using her magic. But it is what it is. (She is good with flexibility and gymnastics, thanks to yoga. But she has a bit of a coordination problem. Just a touch.)
-Obviously she loves her potions and herbology classes, but she’s also really into transfiguration magic and the beast-taming classes. (Especially the beast-taming classes. Granted, she can’t fully participate until her sophomore year, but she is looking forward to making friends with the creatures of Cloud Tower.)
-(Beast-taming and creaturology are things she and Willow could talk all-day long about. Both have such a passion for the animals in Magical Dimension. If only he didn’t still eat meat…)
-Being at Cloud Tower does have some difficulties though. She’s always worried about letting her Nana Griffin (the Headmistress) down if her grades aren’t up to par or if she’s not as fierce or loud as her classmates.
-She is a force to be reckoned with, she knows what her powers are capable of and what she can do, but she’s always preferred a more ‘behind the scenes’ sort of approach. Watching things crumble for her foes from the inside out. (Perhaps that will just have to be enough.)
-Lily’s not quite sure what she wishes to do in the future. Part of her wants to look into nature preservation like her Aunt Miele and her Grandpa (Flora’s father). And part of her wonders what new medicines she could come up with by using poisons in reverse. (It’s been done before, she knows, but she wonders just how far she can take it.)
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