listening to wioat and it is time to settle this once and for all
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ghost-type-dan · 8 months
"She'd go to any time you can dress up like a man and join the army"
"you can do that now?"
Worst Idea Of All Time Season 6 EP 12: Time travel w/ Joseph Moore
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Listening to Off Menu when James mentions watching Sex and the City 2 because of a podcast where two guys watch it every week for a year.
All my podcasts are connecting.
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daimboy · 4 years
please watch the worst idea of all time pilot that got rejected by youtube red. also i highly recommend their podcast
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Podcasts of the Week for 1/31/16
This week Alex and I talked about Hello from the Magic Tavern, and you can listen here. Next week we will be talking about Limetown episodes 1 and 2, which you can find here if you want to listen ahead.
‣ Worst Idea of All Time #47: Technically this should have been on last week’s list but I got a little behind and missed this amazing episode until this week. I had never heard of Australian comedian Becky Lucas before hearing her on WIOAT but she was incredibly funny and game for all of Guy and Tim’s crazy nonsensical segments. Her backstory for the infamous Sex and the City 2 Coffee Guy had me laughing out loud.
‣ Doughboys #35: I’ve heard a bit of complaining about Matt Besser’s low-energy style but this episode would be great if only for his breakdown of their rating system at the end of the episode. Of course, I don’t have much room to talk in that regard.
‣ Uhh Yeah Dude #486: This week’s discussion of Hollywood Medium was hilarious. Seth’s story about jury duty and connecting that to Serial/Making a Murderer really hit home for me. A great episode to get started with UYD I think.
‣ Womp It Up #18: Stick with this one until Mr. Tennis gets out his guitar, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Adventure Zone #32 is fun but without the preceding episodes would probably not make any sense to you. improv4humans #224 had a couple great scenes. David Steinberg told a bunch of really interesting “history of comedy” stories on Never Not Funny # 1724. I liked Lauren Lapkus’ new character on Comedy Bang Bang #397.
I didn’t get to any truly new podcasts this week, sorry! If you have any you’d like me to check out, leave me a comment here.
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