#wip gfw4
transmasc-wizard · 1 year
mental illness cured i Wrote Something Again
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this is from book 4 yeah but like it's something. it's somethingggg. theyre queerplatonic wives your honor
ID under cut
[Text ID:
"I want to be with you, that’s all, and I want the court to continue to recognize that.”
“With… me…?”
“Live together. Go on trips together. Argue over which pastas to buy for dinner. Do our own thing a lot of the time, gods know we both need our alone moments. Sit quietly in the same room, reading different books, not speaking. Support each other through the important things. Relentlessly make fun of each other for the petty things.”
“You want to be friends.”
“I want to be with you forever. Call it friends, if you want. It doesn’t really matter to me. I just want to be partnered with you, as long as I can. I want a loveless marriage, and I think you do too.”
“You don’t know… I’m unreadable. You don’t know what I want.”
Tasya leaned forward. “Tell me, then.”
Rowan blinked. Rowan swallowed. Rowan considered the fact that no one had ever really asked what she wanted before. Rowan had a very brief, very controlled mental spiral about that.
Rowan, said, “I want a cat. If we do that, I mean. The cat is non-negotiable to the whole package.”
/end text ID.]
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
hello nickle i am interested in hearing abt symbolism in ur wips like mack's glasses
hello bat i am interested in talking about symbolism in my wips like mack's glasses
so. obviously i will not mention that one. BUT some other symbolism funtimes:
Rose Librarians' monsters are just... 100% symbolism dskfhkdjfh. they are literally all Charlie's negative thoughts & feelings, personified, and thus symbolize his struggles with severe depression due to isolation for several years.
similarly, Charlie's ice heart symbolizes that feeling when you're just. on the fucking edge. anything and everything can and will break you, you've been broken time after time, and have to keep going anyway.
some funky imagery happens in GFW1 when Gabrielle dies; the glass of the shattered window (from gunshots) is strewn near her head like the sharp crowns worn by dead queens at their funerals. Gabrielle was the core of Angel's purpose in life, and now that core--that queen--is dead.
depending on how... stable Angel is feeling, the area will be described as darker or lighter. this relates directly to Angel subconsciously manipulating the shadows when upset to feel like some comforting hug from the room, but upsetting everyone else (much like how Angel has some not-so-well-adjusted coping mechanisms that often hurt other people)
Bea and Angel's magics are foils!!! Bea works with light magic, Angel with shadow. Bea adds things, Angel takes away. Bea has the possibilities and glimpses forward of prophecy, and Angel has the abject certainty and end of death.
The above relates directly to Bea's feeling that she must be a star burning too bright, lighting herself on fire to let everyone see, and Angel's idea that they must never give themself away to others, always taking and hiding instead of being open.
all this is depressing sooo smth fun: Rowan's outfits in GFW4 are that of a bride, but wrong. She wears white and silver, not gold (bride colour in Teyrsea); her crown is like the tiara worn at weddings, but too sharp and too bright; her cape is like a bridal train meant for battle instead of love. She's the loveless queen of Teyrsea and she DOES do all of this on purpose ! aro rights
additionally, Rowan's trio of colour symbolism always involves blue and silver, BUT between books 1/2 and books 3/4, she switches from black (isolation, destruction, death) to white (mourning, new beginnings, loneliness). and in 5, she has grey--which symbolizes neutrality. it doesn't really have implications, save a bit of gloom. she's free to build whatever she wants out of the ashes of her old self.
ALSO, continuing with colours, Corey has pale blue + gold and Rowan has dark blue + silver. This is because they are contrasting & different, but also, truly, mean very similar things. (Pale blue = wisdom, reliability; dark blue = intellect, dignity; gold = luxury, triumph; silver = wealth, success.) They desperately want to pretend that they're so very different from each other (Rowan does not to be weak, Corey does not want to be a monster), but they aren't.
that's been a lot of GFS so let's trot on over to Val Saintly for a second! The longer the story goes on, the further she gets from who she used to be, and her appearance reflects that. Her hairstyle changes, her fashion sense evolves, she wears new jewelry, she even picks up some sunglasses of her own. Each little change amounts to her being different from the girl who was convinced she had to save the world every time it was in peril.
that is. so very long. i hope you enjoyed me talking this much skdfhskdfhk. i have more but i will hold back for now
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
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I NEED to know what the plot of 2 and 4 has to be for you to tag them in this /lh
cliffsnotes versions:
2: rowan's pissed at her parents and rather unhealthily takes it out on others; learns not to do that and just focuses on her parents instead
4: rowan's pissed at multiple world leaders, has previously learned not to take it out on other people, gathers all the people she's pissed at and Makes Them Pay
there is 100% way more to both of them than that lol but. that's what earned them the tag
also! GFS in general is "i'm angry about how the world works but instead of taking it out on other people i am going to fight gods"
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
no wait since when were tasya and rowan married this is amazing tell me more
hello! i must admit i didn't know you didn't know this, i often forget that in the grand scheme of things you are one of my newer followers and haven't seen the older posts.
So, in book 4, Tasya and Rowan get together in a queerplatonic relationship and also get married! (By then they're 19-ish. Yes, that's a young age to marry, but i'll explain why.)
I have a post about them here, but basically Rowan is royalty and she has to pick someone to marry for peace/political reasons. She misses Tasya (but won't admit it) and knows they'll work well together, and since Tasya just shows up there, she says "this one!"
Shortly after the wedding they become brave enough to admit they need each other, queerplatonic relationship ensues, blah blah blah. They become, as i say in the post i linked, badass murder wives! they control a lot of political shit, do quite a few murders, and deal with some dragon stuff.
On the less fantasy-ish side, they also have a lot of fun! Joking around, pillow fights, tax evasion, stupid pranks... best friend stuff!
an important note: Rowan is WLW/NBLW (bisexual aro), Tasya is not. Tasya is aroace, and while if she could stop and think about it she'd probably relate to sapphics on the basis of her relationship with rowan & queerplatonic attraction to her, Tasya doesn't use the WLW label in-canon and it's important to me that she's recognized as aroace (and that Rowan is recognized as firmly aromantic).
secondary note: yes i did say rowan is nblw. she's bigender, girl/Something Else, like the femme equivalent of me. They use she/they/it and are very much a girl, and 'girl' is an important part of their gender identity (hence WLW) that's just not all it's identity is.
tertiary note: i'm getting to your star swords ask i promise
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Ok please do not feel pressuredto answer loads of these
You can do like a few
And if you want to do more you could reblog later
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
Aries - Share a line that you’re proud of!
Cassiopeia - What’s your favorite scene so far?
Draco - Who’s your favorite character to write?
Hydra - Tell us why you love your project.
Libra - Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most?
Pyxis - Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show?
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
Writer Asks:
Canis Major - Do you like writing character-driven stories or plot-driven stories?
Pavo - Where do you get inspiration from?
Phoenix - How do you develop your ideas?
Virgo - Describe your favorite tropes.
I am so sorry I am very indecisive
i did all of them anyway! because i have no chill and i like them
andromeda: doing this one for death and taxes! Nathaniel Ash is a rich man's son who is by day an engineer for the spaceship and by night a mysterious & suave theatre performer for the upper class. Winifred Storm is a politician's daughter who is, on the surface, perfect--and is, underneath the surface, about to absolutely snap.
aries: Sometimes, there is no deus ex machina. Sometimes, there is no last-minute change of heart. Sometimes there is just a boy with a gun, a girl with a bomb, and a single choice to be made. (from DAT.)
cassiopeia: hmmmm ever? I think my favourite scene (that i've written--i have ones in my head i'm super excited for) is, probably... this scene in GFW2 when the magic in the air makes everyone's thoughts audible. aaalllll their thoughts. it shows you what all these characters are feeling, what they're trying and failing to repress. (It's also the first hint that Tasya, a character who wasn't nearly as important in book 1, has some hidden sides to herself.)
draco: Corey :D
hydra: i'll do this for Secret Wip >:) . i love it because it's this epic-scale high-stakes fantasy, and i'm having much fun with the magic system. (Plus, i'm having a good time figuring out the characters.)
libra: it's hard to pick, but i think either Charlie & Eleanor (from rose librarians), Tasya & Rowan (from GFS), or Oliver & Corey. I can't really describe why, I just Like Them and their dynamics.
pyxis: in GFS, i just kinda want to show, like. even if you're struggling. even if everything has gone to shit. you can still find happiness. your world is ending, but the sunset is beautiful. you're alive. In Val Saintly, I want to show that... idk. you're allowed to feel things! it's not healthy to try and not feel things. And in Oddities, I want to show that there is always, always a place for you, whether you know it yet or not. Everyone belongs somewhere.
ursa major: the scene in gfw4 where Tasya gets to break down and cry in the rain and no one judges her. she deserves it.
canis major: it depends on the story, but usually character-driven, i think.
pavo: e v e r y t h i n g . tv, movies, books, family, friends, things people say, things people wear, things people do, songs, the weather, fuckin. everything. i cannot stop being inspired. i have more ideas than i can count and idk what to do with all of them lol
phoenix: it varies, but the general way i develop things is just... get some ideas from that Inspiration that's everywhere, then keep asking myself questions about it. what if, why does, why is, who does, who is, what is, where does, etc.
virgo: i'm a diehard fantasy fan so i LIKE the chosen one. especially the twists on it, such as reluctant chosen one, evil chosen one, and chosen one who chose themself. i also absolutely adore the wise old mentor trope.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
pulitzer, genre, and record for the ask game!
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
answered here!
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
any and all forms of fantasy. urban, epic, fantastical horror, supernatural fantasy, subtle fantasy, faaaaaantasyyyyyyy
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
I have not, however I do kinda "assign" songs to certain WIPs that I think best fit their aesthetics. Like, beyond having a playlist, there is also One Specific Song.
GFW1's is Parade by Get Scared, GFW2's is BLAME IT ON THE KIDS by Aviva, GFW3's is Ship in a Bottle by Fin, GFW4's is One for the Money by Escape the Fate, The Other Ones' is WONDERLAND by NEONI, NT21's is Cry Baby by American Avenue, Val Saintly's is Love, Me Normally by Will Wood, etc.
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