#wip gilded/rotten
transmasc-wizard · 2 years
sneep dump
“Bastard," Mairwen said.
“My parents were happily married, actually,” Lei replied.
“What—” Hemlock started, but then he answered his own question. “Oh.” His eyes lit up, the previous mischief restored. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Lei said.
“You don’t look like a saviour,” Hemlock mused. “You look—”
“Don’t finish that sentence. Now shut up and look more scared."
Victory’s face fell. “Oh. You know.”
“I know everything that’s important,” Lei agreed. “Magical pyromaniac tendencies included.”
Victory hunched their shoulders. “Fuck you.”
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teacupsandwriting · 4 years
WIP Introduction
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WORKING TITLE – The Onyx Fortress
GENRES – High Fantasy, NA Fantasy
STATUS – First Draft
THEMES – Friendship, Overcoming oppression/fear, Celestial embodiment, Breaking down class systems
WORD COUNT GOALS – July: 20k, Overall Project: 70k-90k, Considering multiple books.
POV - Third-person multiple (4 characters)
INCLUDES - LGBTQ+ romance subplot, disability representation, family healing
CONTENT WARNING - Violence, character death, torture, oppression, trauma
Photo Credit: @cocorrina.co on Instagram
Magic is forbidden unless taught by the Magisters through the Lunara Academy of the Arcane—accessible only to members of the Paladin Order and the Priesthood. Justiciar Baeral—leader of the Paladin Order—is driven mad when he cannot contain the underground market of Magisters teaching the commoners magic. During an attack on the Haderys Kingdom, the Elder Council is disbanded, the sacred forest is defiled, and Justiciar Baeral immediately sets to work on a new arcane school in his image. Grand Elder Stravero is the only one to escape the attack on the governing council and seeks out Priestess Maevira Saphine, and her Paladin-in-training younger sister, Soluna. Together they must leave the kingdom and seek out Therris the Elemental—an exiled Paladin who formerly served alongside Justiciar Baeral. 
Creivan is the Archmagistrate at the Lunara Academy and identical twins with Maevira. When he is captured and sent to the Onyx Fortress, he learns of Justiciar Baeral’s plans with the Elder Council and the breakdown of the Paladin Order. Creivan manages to send word of his capture to Maevira, who travels across the Emerald Vale to rescue her twin brother and restore the Elder Council to power. Along the way, the tense bond between Maevira and Soluna is strengthened as they face the corrupted Paladin Order and the creatures of the Emerald Vale. The fate of the realm rests in the hands of Maevira and her company as they infiltrate the Onyx Fortress and face the oppressive force of fear in the ultimate fight for the magical freedoms of the people.
Maevira Saphine
Physical description: 27, Female, Identical Twin. Vellaidin (High Elf). Lapis skin, hazel eyes, waist-length straight white hair, loosely braided. She has a golden eye tattooed slightly above the middle of her eyebrows, as well as two thin, golden armbands on each arm. She is tall, around 5′10″ and full-bodied. Wears the traditional flowing, floor-length ivory mesh veil of the Priestesses. Tops it with a magic-binding golden circlet which resembles the sun. As well as a golden dress embroidered with a sacred prayer of the Dyad Goddesses in Vellaidian. The prayer is on the train of the dress which trails behind her. Likely barefoot and wearing golden ankle bracelets. Her hands and feet drip liquid gold constantly. The gold fades from the ground with the next step. When she casts and uses a lot of energy, golden tears shed from her eyes.
Personality: A highly devoted Priestess of the Dyad Goddesses. Nurturing and wise. Tends to the sacred tree of the Mirage Wilds which surround the Haderys Kingdom. Passionate about her spirituality and her family. Practices illusion magic and has an affinity for perspective manipulation. Highly resourceful. Can be a bit of a perfectionist and is known to be stubborn. Occasionally she is compulsive. Willing to fight for what she believes is right. Very close with Grand Elder Stravero and attempts to change his mind on the class system which prevents many people from having access to magic. Rough relationship with her sister, Soluna, but loves her passionately nonetheless. Incredibly close with her identical twin brother, Creivan. Together they raised Soluna, after their parents died in a shipwreck on the reefs of the Lucent Sea. 
Creivan Saphine
Physical description: 27, Male, Identical Twin. Vellaidin (High Elf). Lapis skin, short-cropped wavy white hair. Left eye is hazel, right eye is clouded because of an accident which left him blind in that eye. A scar cuts through his right eyebrow, upper lid, and resumes on his cheekbone. There is a tattoo of a serpent loosely draped on his collarbone. The tail on one side and trailing around the back of his neck with the head on the other collarbone. He is around 6′2″ and lanky, though stronger than he looks. Wears the steel gray robes of an Archmagister. The robes are embroidered with the motto of the Lunara Academy in Vellaidian. Always has his grimoire with him. He wears gloves to prevent others from seeing the transmutation marks on his hands which leave them textured with the last thing he transformed into. (Ex: If he morphed into a tree, his hands would look like his skin was made of bark)
Personality: A philosophical Archmagister at the Lunara Academy of the Arcane. Teaches and practices transmutation magic. Can morph into plants and animals, as well as morphing other objects/people into various things. Hosts a calming presence and is very centered. Cares deeply about the people of the kingdom and openly rebels against the class system. Can be a tad manipulative and obsessive. Very close with both of his sisters. Always trying to encourage Maevira and Soluna to get along.
Soluna Saphine
Physical description: 17, Female, Youngest Sibling. Vellaidin (High Elf). Stone Blue skin, Jade Green eyes. Her hair is ash silver and hip-length, shaved on the right side. The full moon is tattooed between her eyebrows and the phases of the moon are tattooed smaller on either side of it, waxing above the left brow and waning above the right. She is short, at just 5′2″. She is petite and wears a black, hooded cloak. An image of Falythriel the Blacktrill—the sacred tree of the Mirage Wilds—is embroidered in silver thread on the back of the cloak. Silver breastplate and dark gray, torn pants and black leather boots that go up to her knees. She carries an enchanted sword. The hilt is designed as a twisted tree trunk. Her shadow magic leaves her hands pitch black up just past her wrists and after she casts, they drip viscous, black fluid. When she walks, black smoke follows her trail. She is epileptic and can occasionally be triggered into seizures by her own magic.
Personality: A Paladin Trainee at the Tower of Elsdir. Though she is part of the Paladin Order, she does not always agree with their goals and opinions. Adventurous, bold, and spunky, she encourages her brother in his rebellion against the class system set up by the Paladins and the Elders. She can be highly impulsive and even reckless and has a temper. Her shadow magic makes her insecure as it is rarely practiced anymore and it is often equated with dark magic. Her magic is powerful, even for someone still learning. It can be unpredictable at times. She is an incredible fighter, using her size as an advantage. Her skill with a sword is known across the kingdom. She has a hard time being close with her sister. She would never tell Maevira this, but it is because Maevira reminds her so much of their mother. 
Grand Elder Stravero
Physical description: 82 but still kickin’, Male, Selanar (Wood Elf). Terracotta skin, gray and white hair in multiple thick braids pulled back into a ponytail. Cerulean eyes. One cream colored line tattooed coming out of each corner of his mouth, converging to parallel lines at the chin running down his throat and fading by the end of the neck. Stooped posture, uses a large staff to keep himself upright. Frail but still able to get around himself and is healthy. Can defend himself easily with his magic. Pierced ears. Wears a large green cloak with draping sleeves. The back of the cloak is embroidered in yellow with an outline of the Dyad Goddesses praying back-to-back. His hands flake off green leaves.
Personality: Leader of the Elder Council and oldest one of the 12 Elders. Wants to do right by the people but is very traditional and does not always agree with the desire to change the class system. Loves Maevira like a daughter and mentors her. Wields abjuration magic which allows him to form barriers, heal others and plants, and enchant items. He is disciplined, merciful, and optimistic. Occasionally, he is prone to hypocrisy and inflexibility. Very devout and a bit whimsical. Was a strong warrior in his past but is still one of the most powerful wielders of magic. 
Therris the Elemental
Physical description: Age is unknown, Male, Elemental (Ancient Elf). Sage skin, gray eyes. Medium-length, messy, curly black hair with a few locks always draped in front of his face. Charcoal smudged in a thick stripe going from ear-to-ear over his eyes and nose. Average height, stocky build. Scarification tattoos in his native tongue sprawled across his arms, chest, and back. Wears a dark brown hooded cloak. Ivy wraps around the hood and arms of the cloak. Black chest-plate and dark green pants with worn, brown boots. Wields a staff coated in vines. His hands and feet drip ash. Wears a golden circlet with a gilded beetle in the center of his forehead. 
Personality: Therris is one of the last Elementals left in the Emerald Vale. He was a high-ranking member of the Paladin Order before he was exiled to the Weythelin Mountains. He is focused and independent. An elemental is an extremely powerful being who is able to manipulate fire, water, and earth. Therris is a nature-lover, often seen in the Mirage Wilds gathering herbs and speaking with animals. No one has been able to get close to him since his husband was murdered. Very mysterious but has a wonderful heart. Uses a bow and quiver. 
Justiciar Baeral
Physical description: 50, Male, Selanar (Wood Elf). Sickly pale skin with rot set into it. The knuckles on his hands are becoming exposed and he has infected holes in his arms, neck, and face. Sunken eyes that are different colors, one is gold and the other is black. Literally stinks like death. His gums are blackening and his lower lip has a hole in it, revealing the rotten teeth barely staying in his mouth. His spine is deforming, revealing spike-like ridges that are beginning to jut out of his back. He only has four fingernails left, the others peeled off. Wears a full-body black set of armor to try and hide these new deformities which are a sign he is dabbling in dark magic. Wields a bone axe.
Personality: Leader of the Paladin Order. Hates the commoners enough to defile his body to do something about it. He is naturally inclined to wield conjuration magic but breaks the physical laws of magic to begin practicing necromancy which is what is destroying his body. He is callous and cruel with a volatile temper. His prejudice gets him into trouble with the Elders and the Lunara Academy quite often. He was not always this way, however. But after the death of his son, he morally shriveled up.  
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
i should start a swear counter for gilded/rotten. that'll motivate me to keep working on it
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
one more gilded/rotten Thing
“I think I could’ve loved you,” he whispered. "If we knew each other longer."
“I wish I could’ve had the time to love you,” Victory replied. They sounded more distant, now, almost dreamy. “That would’ve been nice.”
Hot tears ran down Hemlock’s freezing face. “I wish I could’ve loved you, too.”
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
day 2 word count 1680!!!!! murder under the cut, so. murder tw
“This is the captain,” said Lei slowly, calmly, like she was explaining something to small children. “She is a very powerful woman. A very resourceful woman. A very scary woman.”
No one voiced disagreement to that.
“However,” Lei continued, “I am more powerful. I am more resourceful. I am scarier.”
With two moves, the gun at her belt was out and up, pointing to the captain, and with a third, it went off. The bang rang in her ears like a song, reminding her she could gain control, even if she had to strong-arm it a bit. The now very dead captain’s gore splattered over her, Lei calmly turned and closed the wardrobe again. “You’d be wise to remember this.”
“The guards will have heard that gunshot,” Victory said.
“Probably,” Xiuying replied.
“Definitely,” Lei agreed. “That’s why it’s in all of your best interests to follow me out this window very fucking quickly.”
“And if we don’t?” Hemlock asked. He didn’t look fazed, all traces of his bumbling comedian act—she’d known it was a goddamn act—gone.
“That was only my first bullet.”
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
oh wow another one
“What’s your name, anyway?” Victory asked, breaking the silence that had settled between them.
“Does it matter?” their saviour responded.
“It does to me. You know my name. And we’ll be working with each other for quite awhile, so I’d like to know.”
“I don’t really care what you’d like.”
“You know,” Victory mused, “I’m just throwing things out into the universe here, but I think you might have a small problem with cooperating. And communication. And not being an ass.”
“I don’t really care what you think, either.”
“Ah. And taking criticism.”
Their saviour glared, not responding for several seconds as they walked through the woods. Then, he said, “You can call me Lei.”
“Is that your name?”
“Now that is something you don’t need to know.”
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
oh btw yesterday's word count was exactly 1900 and here is a funky little excerpt
It hurt, on some level, to see Xiuying in the state she was in when Lei opened the door. Not much—Lei had learned not to hurt—but some. Her normally light brown skin was greyish and paler than should ever be healthy, contrasted by dark purple rings under her darker, sunken eyes. She was rail-thin, too; they were clearly feeding her even less than a neglectful owner might feed a dog.
“You look like shit,” was what came out of Lei’s mouth, instead of any of the things she probably should say.
Xiuying just smiled. Her teeth were straight, the teeth of someone skilled enough to not get in any fights, even a place like this. “Yeah."
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
the gilded/rotten swear counter has gone up again <3 snippet under the cut
“Victory…” he whispered. He screwed his eyes shut, keeping the tears in. If he couldn’t see it, it wasn’t there—
But this was not about monsters in his closet, and closing his eyes could not save him.
“Victory,” he said again, opening his eyes back up. There was so much red. Too much red. “Fuck.”
“Hemlock.” Victory’s voice was weak. “I’m scared.”
“You’ll be okay,” Hemlock whispered, cradling their head in his lap. “I promise you’ll be okay.”
Victory coughed, then winced. He could see the shine of held-back tears in their eyes. “I told you before I don’t like liars.”
“I’m not—you’ll be—”
Softly, Victory interrupted, “You’re pretty fucking lovely for a liar, though.”
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
incorrect quotes tag
i love this one so much skdfhdsjkf. tagged by @multi-lefaiye and im doing it for the gilded/rotten gang!!!
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed. (i am not tagging that many people <3)
Hemlock: Why are you on fire? Lei: This is just how my day is going.
Hemlock: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses. Victory: This knife is actually a magic wand. Xiuying: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel. Lei: *cocks gun* Magic missile. Mairwen: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Mairwen: I love murder mysteries! Xiuying, trying to impress her: I've been a suspect in four murder cases.
Hemlock: Xiuying, what do you have? Xiuying: A KNIFE! Hemlock: Okay, have fu- Mairwen: NO!
Lei: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds. Hemlock: Forty five seconds?!? Lei: No! I said four TO five seconds. Hemlock, hugging Lei: Too late.
Xiuying: *on the phone* Hey Mairwen, do you know my blood type? Mairwen: Of course, it's B-. Xiuying: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Xiuying: How does one turn their emotions off? Victory: Okay, so first go to settings. Victory: I'm a fucking idiot, I thought that said emojis at first. Xiuying: No, I'm still willing to try this, go ahead. I'm at settings, what do I do next?
Mairwen: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Victory, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Victory: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship! Lei: We’re not friends. Victory, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence!
tagging @albatris, @ashen-crest, @writeblrfantasy, @cream-and-tea, @void-fireworks, and uhhh anyone else who wants to! have fun & no pressure
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
new blog title is me choosing violence
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
due to surprisingly popular command: the Gilded/Rotten antagonists!!
tagging the europeans that unfortunately have to be asleep rn <//3 @idkjustgowithitok @thejostenator
this gets a bit long, just bc i have picrews of them, so i'll put this under the cut! also like. cult tw. two of these people are very much in a cult
picrew i used: https://picrew.me/image_maker/582810
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[ID: a picrew of a woman with black hair and pale skin. She is dressed in yellow and black with laurels on her head and an inquisitive expression. her eyes are brown. The background is yellow with sparkles. end ID.]
FIRST!!!!!! HER!!!!!!!!! this is Maia, and she is not technically a Big Bad, but boy does she antagonize <3
Maia is first introduced on the second heist. she's a pretty high up member of a cult, and also the primordial gods' special little darling bestest girl. (those are not actually related.) she's got all sorts of fucked up blessings that mean when she's killed she does not,,,, die. just changes a bit. gets all body horror monstery and whatnot. its funky
she has prophecy powers, and sells her prophecies to the main gang to help with their heists. but her prices are, uh. shitty and highway robbery basically. she gets on many people's nerves. but i love her so who cares <3
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[ID: a picrew of a man with light brown skin and braided brown hair. He is smirking and has brown eyes. He's wearing golden laurels on his head and has white and black clothing. the background is gold. end ID.]
bastard man.............. BASTARD MAN. he is very much a "love to hate" type character imo. terrible person but charismatic and fun in a morbid way. he also, uh.... does not yet? have a name? whoops. in my head he's goldguy. bc. gold.
he's like... supremely terrible from a moral perspective. tortures people, head of the cult, etc etc. he's really cunning and basically only trusts Maia (as much as someone can "trust" Maia). he CANNOT fight. he is an absolute twig of a man. his smarts very much make up for it though.
he's the guy Hemlock is stealing from! specifically, Hemlock is trying to steal his entire vault full of gold and jewels.
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[ID: a picrew of a man with pale skin and red hair. He looks angry. His eyes are green and he has two light scars on his face. He is wearing formal green and black clothes. The background is green and black. end ID.]
eugh. bastard man. not in the fun way. i just hate him
anyway hello all!!! look at Brother!!! placeholder name. obviously. this is Victory's brother, and he is an asshole bastard who let his and Victory's youngest sibling die entirely for greedy money reasons, and i HATE HIM
Victory's heist involves stealing a very very expensive and very very prized painting from him. they got arrested in the first place for burning his whole house down, this is literally the only remaining original possession he has, and they are just that fucking spiteful lmao. and it is deserved <3
there are! technically more! however i dont have a good idea of their appearances and they don't have names so for now. this is all. i hope it was enjoyed :3
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
would anyone perhaps like to hear abt the gilded/rotten villains
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
13, 7, 4? :D
what’s a song that fits the current mood you need?
"desert song" by MCR and "fever dream" are both good ones for this vibe !
the whole desert song mood fits but also heres some desert song lyrics that fit:
"and through it all, we'll find some other way / to carry on, through cartilage and flood / and did you come to stare, or wash away the blood?" and "i can see you awake anytime in my head / did we all fall down? did we all fall down? did we all fall down? did we all fall down?"
again most of fever dream fits well but some particular stuff is:
"I can't hear a sound, I see the world upside down / tell me how it's fair to put a loved one underground" and "fall asleep and make believe with me / we're gonna be alright / just close your eyes / just say goodnight".
what is a fun fact about a thing you need to research?
i misread this one wrong at first i just realized--
i learned cyanide can kill someone in like less thn 10 minutes which is. very fast
name five things that COULD happen next, logically
lei COULD explode out at everyone and just become so uncooperative its unreal
xiuying COULD walk in and be horrified
hemlock COULD pass out
the ballroom COULD continue to collapse
they all COULD get caught
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
true name, portal, and home for victory :D
True Name. What is their name's meaning, origin, etc?
i mean.
i think you know the meaning of the word "Victory" itself.
i picked it because i like to be ironic.
Portal. What is a crossover you've done/thought about for this character?
well i always think about tma crossovers for literally everything i make and consume so jot that down. victory would be a desolation avatar and they'd fuck shit up
i've also thought about a gfs x gilded/rotten crossover, since they're in the same universe. obviously it wouldn't actually happen, but i like to rotate in my brain how that cast would act with the gfs cast. i think victory would be just kinda like "HELP i dont know how to act around teenagers" for the entire time
Home. Describe their relationship with someone in their family, friend group, with a QPP, a romantic interest, etc.
victory's relationship with lei is. oh boy. not... healthy? but very devoted, and comes from mostly good intentions. even i don't know exactly if they're QPPs, romantic interests, really close friends, or what, but i know their entire relationship first goes from "idk i guess you exist" to "i would die and kill for you. i will die and kill for you. i have destroyed my life, for you, because i cannot live without you" in the span of like three months, so....... it. sure is a thing
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
i am going to homework like a responisble human being but after that. lei victory thoughts maybe. if ppl want them
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
O fuck blrbo blusrday whos your favourite character in gimded/rotten and why. Also pls ask me too
blorbo blursday!!! apologies for any typos lol I'm on mobile
anyway!! my favorite GR character changes around a bit but right now I think it's pretty solidly Lei. they're a scared, angry asshole who just wants revenge for having their family torn away from them at a young age. they have a lot of issues that could have been avoided if the society they grew up in cared about impoverished families or traumatized children even a little bit, and part of the story is about him learning to unlearn and heal from those issues and coping mechanisms.
shes also like. very important to the central theme of grief and moving on. she's the one who tries to raise the dead to deal with her anguish, does it dangerously, and has to fix it in a metaphor for going through the stages of grief and dealing with grief in bad ways. he's in contrast to xiuying, who loses someone important to her but has a support system and skills that let her handle it better.
and I just think that's neat
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