#wire and tube exhibition
xs-worldwide · 9 months
Here's why you must join this upcoming wire and tube exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany.
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atzassets · 8 months
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carriondell · 4 months
mechanic reader who fawns over boothill's machine body with torrents of praise worthy of the sappiest romance novels—but doesn't even consider the man attached to all those gorgeous wires and fine pistons and elegant hydrolics and ooh, what an efficient system of dynamic pseudo-muscle memory!! you're so honoured to work with this beauty, to innovate upon it, even!
boothill, meanwhile, is fighting for his life to be acknowledged.
exhibit A:
he's laying on a metal slab in your lab, half of his chest popped open, your fingers fiddling inside with the tubes that feed into a fuel tank. you acquired top-grade Neutrinoil(TM) and you simply HAD to deep-clean and upgrade his plumbing. so he has to watch and bear it while you're straddling him, hands in his guts, cooing about how perfectly efficient he's about to be, how much energy he'll have, how that "awesome new engine's gonna exploit every last drop, not an inkling wasted, and this beautiful machine will run for ages."
"if ya like it so much, why not drop by my ship later? i could show ya a trick or two. put that new energy to use."
you perk up with excitement, and for a glimmering instant he thinks he's got it in the bag, until you gleefully announce, "oh, no, let's do it in my workshop! i'll hook you up to the scanners first, i must collect as much data as possible!! wait, is it a physical trick or should i also plug in the peri-mental data receptors?"
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purplealmonds · 3 months
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My Mononoke and Sky: CoTL fandom wires getting crossed because I just got back from a Sky art exhibit/panel and the newly revealed Mononoke's worldbuilding lore confirms the existence of multiple medicine sellers.
So I made some Mononoke-inspired Sky kids to get it out of my system. Or would it be considered a Sky-inspired Medicine Seller? 🤔
Some design insights and lore below the cut!
Sky-Kusu's haircut and tunic are modeled after a moth's. For the uninitiated, in Sky we call new players "moths" because they fly awkwardly and are attracted to bright lights.
The gold necklace around Sky-Kusu's neck resembles both anime-Kusu's necklace and Sky's Season of Revival pendant. He probably arrived in this realm while that season was running.
Sky-Kusu's cape is shaped like a butterfly (which he has an affinity for) and emblazoned with Sky mural patterns. I made it blue as a nod to anime-Kusu's kimono and the Beta Cape, a cosmetic gifted to playtesters. Sky-Kusu's existence predates that of Sky so that's thematically appropriate.
Instead of carrying a medicine box, Sky-Kusu has a large butterfly pot. These butterflies are a silvery blue as a nod to kitsunebi- foxfire- which is said to contain the life force of a kitsune which Kusu is often associated with. Butterflies in Sky help rekindle light, which is especially crucial for Sky-Kusu because...
Sky-Kusu only has one "Winged Light" - his "Hyper" form- hence the sun dog halo around Sky-Hyper's head.
Sky-Hyper's haircut is honestly just an aesthetic choice. It's one of my favorite hairstyles in Sky, and allows for some fun patterning in the buzzcut area.
Sky-Hyper's costume design is heavily inspired by his movie counterpart's. However, because Sky doesn't allow cosmetics that reveal too much of the skin, he's also wearing what's essentially a modesty tube top and leggings lol. It has the unintended side effect of making him appear more feminine-presenting, which I'm not entirely bothered about.
The markings on Sky-Hyper's skin are inspired by his original markings and star constellations. They're colored silvery blue for kitsunebi. Coincidentally, a lot of spirits in sky are also tinted blue. Hmmm...
The Winged Light scattered throughout the Sky realms deeply unsettle Hyper. They are so much like him, yet have no personality or minds to speak of. Soulless batteries. Although it is to their detriment, their shared body subconsciously rejects these Winged Lights.
This leaves them quite vulnerable to dark creatures in the more dangerous realms. A solid blow from a dark dragon knocks 5-7 Winged Lights out of an unfortunate sky kid. If Sky-Kusu gets hit with his single winged light...
Because weapons are forbidden in Sky, I swapped Sky-Kusu's exorcism sword out with an exorcism...lantern-on-a-stick? It has a little bell and tassel attached to it too!
Since the exorcism sword is traditionally modeled after a fearsome creature, I made the lantern's color palette match that of a dark dragon. At its full power, it can "exorcise" an entire shard eruption in a single blow.
Normally, the exorcism lantern's light isn't "unleashed" unless specific conditions are met to exorcise entity. However, in the Sky realms where light is freely given and shared, the lantern can be lit by other sky kids but burns a weaker flame akin to a sky kid's candle.
Because of this perpetual fire, Hyper cannot fully fall into dormancy. This is fine. He keeps Sky-Kusu company in this strange new world.
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scarlet-cookie · 30 days
Ink Demonth Day 10 : Exhibit
A strange archives hidden within the halls of Archgate. An exhibit displaying the brief history of Joey Drew Studios.
Wilson scrunched his brows, his hand still holding on tight to the broom in his grip. He kept pondering the particular nature of this archives. It seemed to be akin to a museum, immortalizing the legacy of a bygone studio, yet, it was also a hassle to access, having to get through halls of the building before one could see it. It seemed illogical, as if it wasn’t meant for the public. Of course, it could be that Nathan wanted to let the outside world see Archgate’s work environment as well, but wouldn’t it be too risky? A well disguised thief could easily sneak in and learn the insides. Wilson’s expression turned strange as he considered his father’s slacking of being wary. Usually, that man would keep his trade secrets to himself..
Or was it because he was indeed hiding these items from someone? Wilson knew a person or two who would match that description. 
The fake janitor carefully placed away his broom, examining the items on each shelf casually. He had seen them one too many times, but this would be the first he could examine them up close. Back when he was hiding in Gent, Alan would always switch the location of certain objects periodically, making them hard to track.
He was curious as to how the wonders of that ink machine truly worked.
Wilson had a brief understanding, but that was it, just a brief understanding. It was nothing to brag about against people like Thomas Connor or Joey Drew.
He wanted to investigate deeper into the potency of such a machine.
He tried to see if any of the items was having a strange reaction, but he couldn’t notice any. Failing to gain anything, he went to the far back of the archives to access a locked room.
The room containing the ink machine.
Wilson stared at the particular machination for some time. It wasn’t the first time he came here, but every single time, the machine remained quiet. The gears didn’t turn, nor any weird liquid seeped out of the main tube. It was no different to a big metal box at the moment.
He knew Alan had used various methods and elaborate techniques to activate it all the time, but besides a few loose water pipes and electrical wires, there was nothing that could be of help to Wilson.
Aside from that, the room had three pillars scattered on both sides of the hall. It had pictures to resemble what item should be placed on top, but none of those items existed within the exhibition. Wilson questioned why Nathan would order these pillars to be erected if they had no correlation to the machine. 
That simply meant those pillars were the key to the machine.
Wilson slumped against a nearby wall, sighing out of exasperation.
It seemed a certain janitor would be treasure hunting for a while.
Bendy : The Untrsuted AU - Intermission (Part 3.5/5)
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Chapter 5: Tug'yc (Second Chances - Hunter x reader)
Tug'yc. adv. again.
Summary: Even as you start to feel like part of the squad, your past still haunts you.
Chapter warnings: nightmare; some angst but to be expected with reader's past; Tech being Tech; if I missed any, let me know!
WC: 3,286
Read it here on AO3!
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The mission on Rintonne blends into the missions on other planets like it in the ensuing weeks. After a string of failed or only partially successful errands for Cid, all of you are starting to feel the strain. Only Omega seems to remain in high spirits, positive that this time, things will be better, you’ll get a better payout, you’ll find enough wealth to settle the squad’s debts with Cid. You wish you had her optimism.
Unfortunately, optimism has never been one of your strong suits, anyhow. Your mind plays over the string of karked operations, trying to find the places where it could have—should have gone better. Sitting in one of the cockpit chairs with your legs pulled to your chest, staring with unfocused eyes at the swirling vortex of hyperspace, you can’t help the heavy sigh that deflates your lungs. 
“Might I suggest finding something to do?” Tech says with barely a glance over his shoulder at you. 
You loll your head in his direction. Sparks illuminate his face as he solders the circuit board of some gadget or another; you can’t keep up with his many projects, despite your best efforts. “Got anything in mind?” 
“I have noticed that some of the coolant tubes have become misaligned,” he says, “likely during our encounter with those pirates in the Thaereian system.” 
With a hum, you slide onto the durasteel floor and scoot toward the panels under the Maruader’s navicomputer. You feel for the seams of the panel with your fingernails, and flinch when the plastoid pops out of place with little resistance. Underneath, a tidy array of wires, tubes, and pipes run left to right; color coded, clearly labeled, and orderly, you’re able to figure out almost immediately what each of them does. 
“Kark, Tech, might have you work on cleaning up my ship like this,” you mutter. 
“That would be satisfactory,” he says. 
You study the way his brow scrunches as he focuses on a delicate part of his project, the tip of his tongue protruding between his lips. Amused, you shake your head. “Only satisfactory?” 
“Yes.” He adjusts his goggles farther up his nose. “I have never worked on a Redthorn before, and would appreciate the opportunity.” 
You blink. “Oh. Well, in that case, you’re welcome to work on her whenever you want.”
“And whenever we have the time,” he adds. 
“That, too.” You locate the transparent coolant tubes you’re supposed to be working on, and have to agree with Tech’s assessment of their misalignment. Craning your neck, you peer beneath the panels to either side to figure out where the source of the problem is. “Tech, where else do these tubes run?” 
“Their other primary output is the data centers,” he says. “But those have not yet exhibited symptoms of overheating.”
“Noted.” You shimmy to the right and, more wary this time, release the panel there. To your relief, you spot right away where the problem is. “The tubes twisted over each other and one of them is kinked up. I can try to untwist them.” 
“Please do.” 
You get to work. With something productive to do, you find that your mind cannot stray too far from your current task. The knot of anxious tension that’s been squeezing your stomach for the last several days finally begins to loosen. And with a little bit of surprise, you realize that some of that tension came from Tech himself. He’s been cordial with you, but you’ve felt the most awkward in his presence of all the squad, and you discern now that it’s your own insecurities rather than his actions. 
“Tech,” you venture once you feel the tubes are situated properly. 
“Yes, Nav?” 
You swallow, a nervous habit. “Listen, I, uh, thanks. For the suggestion. It really helped. Is there anything else I can do?” 
He takes a moment to respond, finishing up his own project, delicately twisting the hydrospanner to close up the case of the gadget. When he sets it to the side, he faces you, his gaze settling somewhere to the left of your own. “I have a number of things I could use assistance with. Normally, Echo is the person I ask for help with, but sometimes, well...sometimes I need two extra hands, not just one.” 
You nod. “Right. Okay. Anything that needs done right now?” 
“What do you know of encrypting comm channels?” 
“Nothing, honestly,” you say. 
“No matter,” he says with the barest hint of a smile. “I can instruct you. We need some new encryptions, and as we will be in hyperspace for a while longer, exterior modifications to the ship must wait.” 
Some hours later, several disassembled comlinks are spread on the floor around you. Your back aches from hunching over the tiny circuit boards, trying to emulate Tech’s expert touch to nudge the built-in encryption panel a few numbers in either direction. Equal measures frustration and pride heat your insides. Where Tech is a good teacher, you are a less than patient student, but a stubborn one nonetheless. 
“That’s the last of them,” Tech says. “Hello, Hunter.” 
You blink in surprise as you meet the sergeant’s gaze from where he lingers in the doorway. “I didn’t hear you come in.” 
“That focused, huh?” he says. “Catch.” 
A shrink-wrapped ration bar bounces off your face, your hand just a second too late in coming up to snatch it. “Ow.” 
Hunter doesn’t even have the decency to hide his amusement, chuckling. “Sorry. I did warn you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumble. “Any updates on where we’re heading?” 
“Nothing new,” he says, handing a second ration bar down to Tech, who accepts it wordlessly. “Even if her intel is bad, again, we could use the break from being on the ship.”
“I like the sound of that!” Wrecker booms, peeking his head in the open doorway. 
You have to agree. Despite the wild goose chases Cid’s been sending you all on, you’ve spent more time cooped up in this ship, breathing recycled air, and sharing far too little space with your five companions. Aphran IV will be a welcome change of pace, even if you find nothing of value. And, now that you think about it as you unwrap the tasteless ration bar, you’re starting to wonder if you even want to bring valuable goods back for Cid. Why keep using a middleman? But the thought is quickly pushed out of your mind as Tech hands you the hydrospanner to close up the comlinks. 
Aphran IV is, in a word, gorgeous. Blanketed in a thick carpet of trees, curving hills and mirror-like lakes decorate the landscape in every direction; puffy, picturesque clouds scud lazily across the sky, painted in hues of purple and pink in the late afternoon sun. Peering through the front viewports with the rest of the squad, you can only nod in agreement with Omega’s stunned gasp. 
“It’s so colorful!” she exclaims. 
“It is merely the atmosphere scattering the light of the star,” Tech says in his usual matter-of-fact tone. But you catch a soft smile on his features, bathed in the same pastel as the clouds.
“Come on, Tech, even you have to admit, it’s a beautiful sight,” you tease, leaning an arm on the back of his chair. 
“I did not say it isn’t.” He flips a few switches and initiates the landing sequence. “Merely stating the cause of the phenomenon.” 
Echo catches your gaze and gives an exaggerated roll of his eyes. You stifle a laugh. 
By the time you reach the surface, the Marauder’s landing gear sinking into the soft ground, the sun has lowered in the sky even farther, shifting the pinks into purples, the purples into navies. You’re the first one down the ramp after Wrecker. You inhale a deep breath, tasting the fresh air, the lingering scent of warm earth, the wetness of the nearby lake. A light breeze puffs over the lake’s surface, marring the otherwise perfect reflection of the sky. Tech couldn’t have chosen a more secluded, or more quaintly beautiful, place to land the ship. You almost feel bad for teasing him. 
Hills roll around you, but the clearing you’ve landed in is mostly plush grasses. Towering hardwood trees block most of your view, though in the nearby treeline, a woodpecker builds his new home. 
“Can we just stay here?” Omega asks, voice hushed in awe. She scampers through the grass toward a cluster of wildflowers. 
“Not for very long,” Hunter says. Like the others, his helmet rests under one arm, his blaster holstered. But he tips his head back and breathes deep, his eyes sliding shut. Despite yourself, you smile softly at him. 
Echo nudges you with his shoulder. You raise an eyebrow at him, but he just holds out his datapad for you to read: you’re staring. 
You deadpan at him. Snatching the datapad from his grasp, you type out a staccato message: am not.
He lifts one eyebrow as if to say, yeah, right. Childishly, you stick your tongue out at his back as he moves toward where Omega picks flowers. 
“Alright, team, let’s figure out what’s going on here.” 
You form up in a circle as Tech pulls up a map of the planet on his gauntlet, zooms into the region you’ve landed in, and pings the ship’s location. He says, “Very little about this planet is available on the ’Net. Several renowned woodworking artists were born here, but beyond that, I could not ascertain what Cid meant in sending us here.” 
“Maybe the wood is valuable?” Omega offers.
The trees are certainly impressive, you think, casting your gaze at them again. Most of them appear thick enough that even the six of you together wouldn’t be able to reach all the way around their trunks. But there are trees like that all across the galaxy. 
“Perhaps,” Tech says. “But we will not be able to determine that until sunrise. The nearest settlement is several hours away if we decide to ask around.” 
“I’m good at that,” you say. “Talking to people, I mean.” 
Hunter shakes his head. “I’d like to avoid any Imperial run-ins.” 
You shrug. “Fine by me.” 
“Aw, so what are we gonna do then?” Wrecker says, a whine in his voice. 
“For tonight, build camp,” Hunter says. “Tomorrow, we’ll look around, but I’m okay with cutting our losses and just heading back to Ord Mantell.” 
Wrecker clearly stopped listening at the words ‘build camp,’ as he and Omega high-five and retreat to the ship to grab supplies. And honestly, you’re excited to sleep outside, in the fresh air, spread out away from the group. Leaving Hunter, Echo, and Tech to their conversation about next steps, you amble in the direction of the woodpecker. It’s too dark by now to make out much detail, let alone spot the bird, but the presence of another living creature that isn’t humanoid brings you comfort. 
And besides, you can’t build camp without a fire. You’ll need kindling and sticks to feed to the campfire, and no better place to start than the forest. 
“Nav?” Hunter calls. 
Your entire body flushes at his use of your new nickname, and then your ears burn hotter as you realize he can probably sense the physiological change even several dozen feet away. Swallowing against the agitation, you call back, “Just looking for some firewood.” 
“Don’t go far,” he says. 
You raise a hand in acknowledgement and click your flashlight on. A few small pairs of eyes reflect the light before vanishing, leaving only the sound of scurrying limbs across tree bark. Gathering several different sizes of sticks, you have to tuck the flashlight between your face and shoulder to balance everything. By the time you return to the ship, a sheen of sweat coats your forehead. 
Wrecker beams as you deposit the firewood at his feet. “Aw, yeah! Thanks, Nav!” 
“Need more?” you ask. 
“Why not?” he says with a toothy smile. 
Echo jogs behind you to join as you return to the treeline. “Want a hand?” 
You squint at him, glancing between his outstretched hand and his entirely too composed expression. “That a joke?” 
“My favorite one,” he says, a broad grin splitting his face. 
You snort. “Wasn’t sure if I was allowed to laugh.” You press the flashlight into his hand, and he sweeps the beam of light around the ground. 
“Question for you,” he asks as you cast your gaze around, looking for some larger sticks or pieces of wood to build the fire with. 
You hum in acknowledgement. 
“What are your intentions with my brother?” 
You stiffen, gaping at him, nonplussed. “W-What?” 
“You heard me,” he says. 
“I- I don’t—” You mouth works, but you can’t find the words. Is he serious?
You stare at each other for a long, tense moment. You’d be lying—more than you already are—if you denied the mysterious sense of gravity drawing you to Hunter, but was Echo really going to make you say it aloud? But you realize Echo’s shoulders begin to shake with quiet laughter. 
Frowning, you shove him and return to searching for wood. “Not funny, Echo.”
“Oh, you shoulda seen your face.” He wipes tears from his eyes. “I couldn’t resist. Fives used to ask everyone that, including General Skywalker.” 
“I remember hearing about Skywalker on the ’Net, during the war,” you say. “The Hero with No Fear.”
“He hated that name,” Echo says. “But it was probably the most accurate the HoloNet reporters ever were about the war effort.” 
Your arms full once again with several thick broken branches, you lead the way back to camp. Wrecker and Omega have a small fire already starting. Orange light casts dancing shadows, and a heady, sweet smoke fills the air. Dropping the fresh wood by the ship ramp, you crouch next to the kid and ruffle her hair. 
“Can you give me new braids tomorrow, Nav?” she asks, ducking away from your touch with a grin. 
“Whatever you want, kiddo.” You tuck your feet beneath you and sit. “Maybe soon we can pick up some hair dye and—”
“Absolutely not,” Hunter says, frown evident on his face. 
“Aw, c’mon, Hunter,” Omega says, turning her pleading brown eyes on him. “It’ll wash out eventually, right, Nav?” 
“Now look what you’ve done,” Echo says as he lowers himself to the ground between Hunter and Tech. “You may as well give up now, Sarge.” 
Hunter looks affronted. “Why do I have to give up?” 
Echo gestures in your and Omega’s direction. Omega bats her eyes at Hunter, and for your part, you’re fighting the shit-eating grin that wants to split your face. Hunter glares at you, but you know he’s not really angry—not if that smile he’s suppressing means anything. 
“You’re a bad influence,” Hunter finally sighs. 
You can’t help the urge to push his buttons just a little bit more. “I could braid your hair, too, Sarge.”
Wrecker’s laugh echoes around the clearing as Hunter drops his face into his hands, shaking his head. Echo flashes you a quick wink. That helium balloon inflates once more between your heart and breastbone, and you finally allow yourself to feel like you’re becoming part of this squad. 
The ground isn’t the most comfortable—you have to shift a few times to avoid a rock digging into your back—but eventually, the warm breeze sighing between the tree branches, the comforting red glow of the embers, and the even breathing of your squadmates is enough to lull you to dozing. Despite your tiredness, part of your brain remains aware of where you are, while the rest of you attempts to rest. 
Though Omega’s near-incessant questions have abated over the last few days, she’s still got you thinking about your past. The orphanage, all the children whose names you learned and forgot within days, the kind, elderly woman who practically raised you. The pack that was handed to you the day you aged out—the very pack you rest your head on tonight. 
But as always, your brain returns to thoughts of Arien. You’ve still not shared her story, even her name, with any of the others, but you know the time is coming. A squad has to trust itself. 
Your heartbeat rushed in your ears, nearly loud enough to drown out the screams of blaster fire. So far, none of the shots had found their mark, but all it would take was one well-placed shot to bring down this entire escape plan. Arien never should have come back for you. There was too much risk. 
But you were still grateful, if terrified. Arien’s feet pounded the ground behind you as she fired blindly over her shoulder.
Foolishly, you succumbed to the impulse to glance back. A jolt of fear nearly made you stumble. The Imps were gaining. You had to think of them as ‘the Imps.’ It hurt too much to think of their names right now. Arien’s red blaster bolts illuminated the white plastoid armor as it just missed, but the soldiers pursuing you did not falter. 
“Keep running! Don’t look back! We’re gonna make it,” Arien urged you. 
The ship was in sight, the Redthorn-class scout’s ramp already descended to receive you. 
And then Arien cried out in pain. Her body thudded to the ground, rolling with her momentum. You skidded to a halt, heart in your throat.
Arien’s purple eyes filled with panic. She pressed against the blaster wound in the center of her chest with her free hand, her blaster still pointed behind her. You took a step toward her, tears blurring your vision, but she shouted at you. 
“No, go! Leave me!” 
“I can’t!” you shouted back. 
“You can,” she promised. “Now—” She coughed, and blood coated her lips. “Run, (y/n). Please run.” 
You finally raised your own blaster as you opened fire at the approaching soldiers. Two of them went down—you struggled not to think of who they might have been—and you rushed to Arien in the lull in fighting. Cradling her under her arms, you dug your heels into the ground as you dragged her as fast as you could to the ship. You sobbed the whole way there. None of the blaster bolts seemed to come near you. The soldiers slowed their pursuit. 
By the time you got into the ship and slammed the button to close the ramp, Arien was gone. 
You wake with a strangled yell, sitting bolt upright, hand numbly reaching for your blaster. Not again! Not again, not again not again not againnotagainnotagain. Tears run hot down your cheeks. It’s still dark out; the embers have cooled and darkened, but in the soft light of the stars, you find Hunter crouching in front of you. His hands are raised, palms facing you. 
“Easy,” he says in a low voice. “Just me. You were having a bad dream.” 
You shakily wipe a hand across your face, willing the tears to stop. “I’m okay. I’m sorry.”
His eyes flick down to the blaster, then re-focus on your own. “Is this an ‘on your own time’ thing?” 
You can only nod. 
“Okay.” He visibly hesitates, then pats your leg. “Try to get some more sleep. We’re all here. You’re safe.” 
You continue nodding and lie back down, curling onto your side. Tears slip down your nose and stain your bag, but you can’t find it in you to close your eyes to return to sleep. Arien’s dead and blank stare swims in the darkness every time you blink. And when morning comes, Omega hugs you, squeezing you tight.
“I get nightmares, too,” she whispers. “But they’re not real.” 
Oh, how you wish your nightmares were just creations of your imagination.
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Tag List: @the-hexfiles
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julang-company · 8 months
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Happy new year! we will hold the 2024 China(Guangzhou) International Metal & Metallurgy Exhibition in China.It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the Exhibition for business negotiations, scientific & technological exchanges talks. show time:May 11-13,2024 Exhibiting Scope: 1.Plate metal, Bar, Wire, Steel Rope , Metal Processing and Setting Equipment 2.Tube &Pipe Industry 3.Stainless Steel Industry 4.Die casting, Casting Products,Foundry, Heat Treatment and Industrial Furnace 5.Springs, Fasteners & Equipment 6.sheet metal Industry and Laser Equipment 7.Forging Industry 8.Non-Ferrous Metals ,Copper Venue: C Area, China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex More information,you can go to our website www.julang.com.cn/english or contact me Lisy Mobile :0086-15724068541 [email protected]
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kelyon · 2 years
Live Wire Prologue: Being A Ghost
Belle is an electricity ghost haunting the house where she died.  Read on AO3
The thing no one tells you about being a ghost is how much energy it takes. That’s why most people don’t do it when they die. If they try shortly after death, they often only show up as brief flashes that are see-through and hard to recognize as human. The ones that stick around usually have some almighty grudge or a score to settle. A lot of hauntings are about the search for justice, or at least compassion. 
Once you summon enough strength to appear to the living, there’s no controlling it. You become formless, sometimes thoughtless. Not even a soul anymore, just a force so powerful that most living people can only perceive you as something evil. Sweet old grandmothers who just want to check in on their descendants have to tune in to raw, primal rage in order to cross the veil. When they do, they often end up scaring the pants off of the very family they wanted to comfort. 
It’s kind of sad, being a ghost.
What remained of Belle French had the opposite problem of most other ghosts. She was full of energy. Several thousand volts of it. 
At the time of Belle’s death, electricity had been new. Everyone was pretty sure it was just a fad. It would burn itself out in a few years. But they couldn’t deny that Mr. Edison’s incandescent lamp gave off a brighter and steadier light than gas lamps ever could. So even if it was a folly, at least it was a useful novelty. Maybe it would be worth keeping around. 
Maurice French had believed in the merits of electricity. After seeing the electrical displays at the White City of the Columbia Exhibition in Chicago, he had made his fortune by investing in progress. When he had his new house built in a coastal town in Maine, he insisted that the whole building should be wired for electric lights. The builders were pretty sure that Maurice was crazy. He had already decided that the house should be painted pink and green. But he was paying the builders five thousand dollars. The money was good, so they did what he said. 
Belle had followed in her father’s footsteps with tinkering and inventing. Book learning would only take a person so far, her father said. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to really know what you’re dealing with. Belle was always eager to take something apart and put it back together in order to understand how it worked.
Unfortunately, electric wiring works by having enough power to stop a human heart.
She didn’t remember dying. One day, she had removed a panel of her bedroom wall--with every intention of hammering it back into place when she was done--and had been carefully examining the ceramic tubes that surrounded the copper wires. The tubes were nailed into the wooden wall supports, and the wires went through them in a giant web that went all over the house. At some point in her exploration, there was a flash of light, and a burning smell, and then Belle was looking at her body from inside the wall.
For the first few decades, she was stuck in a limited circuit. Though the house had been built with electricity in mind, most of the bedrooms only had one wall with wires where Belle could exist. The parlor and drawing room downstairs were slightly better set up, with outlets and electric lamps on all four walls. Wires connected the house to the telegraph pole outside, but Belle was never able to get very far. Something tied her to the house.
She could stay inside the wires, but the back of a wall was never very interesting. It was much better to reach out into an electrical device. When she went into lamps, she could see whatever the light bulb saw. Usually it was a motionless view of the floor or a scrap of a table. The inside of a  lampshade was about as interesting as the inside of a wall. The only rooms with bare bulbs--where she could see the whole room--were in the basement and the attic, where no one ever went. 
Her favorite light bulb was over her father’s work table. She spent a lot of time watching him fiddle with his inventions or draw up plans. When he read at night in his study, she went into that bulb. From over his shoulder, she caught fragments of words from books and the newspaper.
Being with her father was the only time Belle missed being alive. When she saw a screwdriver roll off a table, she was never able to pick it up for him, or even tell him where it was when he started looking for it. She would try to get his attention by flickering the light, but he would just twist the light bulb and look annoyed. When he read, she tried to make the bulb a little brighter, a little warmer on cold nights. She imagined she was standing behind him or sitting at his bedside like a guardian. She couldn’t do anything for him, but maybe she could let him know he wasn’t alone. 
She didn’t see him die. Over the decades, her father grew older and more frail. He spent more time at home, then in his room, then in his bed. A nurse lived in the house. She served him meals and saw to his needs. Belle heard the tense conversations between the nurse and the doctors and her father. Then one day, some young men in white came to the house. They carried him down the stairs and set him into a wheelchair. They took him away and he never came back. 
If he had died at home, could they have seen each other again? Just for a moment? Could he have stayed behind, like her? Could she have gone with him to whatever fate awaits souls that don’t become ghosts?
She would never find out. 
It’s pretty sad, being a ghost.
 After her father died, Belle faded into the walls for a while. People came into the house, but they weren’t worth watching. Strangers unplugged the lamps, switched off and on the overhead lights as they came and went. Belle felt the surges of power, but they went through her. She didn’t want to be part of it, so she wasn’t. 
New people came in, people she couldn’t bring herself to care about. She only noticed them when they used electricity. The young woman had a device that curled and crimped her short hair. Her husband had a razor that plugged into the wall. They liked to dance together while listening to music on the radio. They liked to make love with the lights on.
Belle watched it all with insulated jealousy. Seeing this couple--so young, so happy, so alive--made her mourn the loss of her own life. She would never make love to anyone. She would never love anyone. She would never know anyone. Ever. 
She would never travel and see all the places she had read about in her books. She would never hold a book in her hands again. She could hear and see, but she would never taste, or smell. She would never be anything other than an observer of the living.
She measured time by the currents that ran through her. The most sudden change was the day the icebox in the kitchen was replaced by a refrigerator. It drew more power than everything else in the house put together. The man called in men in overalls to install a new circuit breaker. He was doing well, it seemed. He had all kinds of plans to fill the house with new “appliances.”
More appliances gave Belle more areas to explore. The oven and stove, the various mixers and blenders in the kitchen. Inside the refrigerator was interesting, because it was always changing. The people who lived in her house took food out of the refrigerator all day, and often put new foods in. When they kept the door open and pondered what they wanted to eat, it was the longest look Belle ever got at their faces. 
The machines for washing and drying laundry quickly became her favorites. She liked the sensations they produced. Rhythmic thumping, rapid spinning--they made her feel physical. It was almost like dancing, like feeling her own feet pounding on the cement basement floor. It was almost like having a body.
There were children in her house now. The not-so-young-anymore couple bought small lights to shine on them while they slept. It was to protect against the fear of monsters. Belle was the closest thing to a monster in this house and she spent all night looking over them. They weren’t afraid.
 Sometimes the children amused themselves by playing with the lights. Chubby fingers pushed the heavy buttons on and off again and again. To Belle, it almost felt like they were inviting her into their game. It was the sort of thing a child would believe, wasn’t it? These children might well think that electricity was really just an invisible woman who wanted to be friends with them.    
In a moment of hope, Belle tried to touch them back, but it only ended up shocking a child and making all of them cry. Their mother said it served them right for wasting electricity. 
It served Belle right for trying to reach out to living people. 
At Christmastime, the house was strewn with lights. Belle twinkled through her home, seeing the rooms through colored glass--red and green and gold. When the lights were set up by windows, she got to look out at her neighborhood for the first time in fifty years. 
The Christmas tree became her winter residence. From inside an electric star, she watched the children put up ornaments and open presents. Their eyes went wide every year when they saw the tree lit up for the first time. Belle pretended their joy was for her.
Being inside the vacuum cleaner gave her a chance to explore the house again. From the ground level, she saw the modern furniture they’d put in her house. The children left shoes and toys all over the floor. Sometimes the mother used an attachment on the vacuum cleaner to take dust off of the walls, so Belle got a good look at the new wallpaper and paint. She saw everything better when she wasn’t limited to a fixed position in a light bulb. 
They also bought a big box they called a television. They put it in the living room and almost never turned it off. The mother watched the box while she ironed and folded laundry and bustled about the house during the day. The children lay on the floor, staring up at the screen in a trance. The father would shoo the children out when he came home in the evenings, so he could sit in his easy chair and smoke cigarettes and watch television alone.
But he wasn’t alone. None of them were. The ghost of Belle French was their companion any time they flipped a switch. 
 The children grew up quickly. One Christmas, a girl got something she called a hair dryer, which she plugged in as soon as she could. Belle settled into the strange dome while the girl sat beneath it. Together, they read magazines while Belle coiled around the girl’s hair curlers, a blanket of electric warmth. 
A few years later, a boy received a new type of lamp. The bulb was perfectly ordinary, though there was some bright blue goop above it, blocking the view. If Belle stayed in the bulb for a while, she would see the goop rise away from the bulb and float up into a tube of green water. It was hypnotizing. She would spend hours in that bulb, watching the blue goop form and break apart and reform in the green liquid. It reminded her of something she’d read about happening in Polynesian islands--lava.
These weren’t toys, Belle realized. The children didn’t play with toys anymore.  They brought home “dates,” even when the parents weren’t home to supervise. They would turn off most of the lights, but not all. They left the television playing, as a quick excuse for what they were doing so close to each other on the sofa.
Once, the girl brought home a boy she clearly didn’t like. Or at least, she didn’t like him sticking his hand down her blouse. She tried to be nice about it, but there was no hiding her relief when the porch light turned on--which clearly meant that her parents had come home. Only, when the girl leapt off the sofa to open the door, her parents were nowhere to be found. The porch light, apparently, had turned on all by itself.
One by one, the children grew older and left the house. The woman kept them close in her heart, making care packages with homemade cookies. Those foods always mixed consistently, and never burned in the electric oven. She used an electric typewriter to write letters that went with the gifts. Belle poured herself into the keys and levers, as their mother gave them her love.
Every year they came back for Christmas. Every year the father found some new light-up decoration he could put outside. As long as the extension cord had one end plugged into the house, Belle could go outside and see the snow. The children helped their father set up the lights, climbing ladders and going up onto the roof.
Every year, it was the brightest house on the block. 
In time, the children had children. Belle loved it when the grandchildren came to visit. By now, the man and the woman had become set into a routine. They puttered in and out of the same rooms, turned on the same lights and devices day in and day out. But every time the grandchildren came, the world was thrown into chaos. They stayed in rooms that hadn’t been opened in months, turning on lights that even Belle had forgotten about. They went into the basement and the attic to tell frightening stories. The littlest ones always insisted that they were not scared. On those nights, Belle made sure to keep the night-lights extra bright in their rooms. 
More quickly than she would have thought possible, the grandchildren were growing up too. Now when they visited, all they wanted to do was watch television or play games that they attached to the television. From inside the wires, Belle couldn’t see what they saw on the screen. She only knew the rapt faces and the furious pushing of buttons. They competed against each other, four at a time. Any extra children were left watching and begging to play the winner. 
As it turned out, the game device was just another machine that plugged into the wall. The main body was a sort of plastic box, like a cabinet. It held circuitry more advanced than anything else in the house. Wires connected the cabinet to smaller devices that each child held in both hands. They pushed buttons with their thumbs, and nudged a plastic stick in the center of the device. She couldn’t put herself in all four devices at once, so she went back and forth between them. Whichever child held her found that their buttons pressed down just a touch easier, and that their plastic stick was just a little better to handle. 
She liked to make sure the little ones won the game sometimes. 
             The man died first. Belle saw him collapse one day, while he was moving boxes alone in the basement. He was still alive when Belle rushed up the stairs to find his wife. She was sitting in a sunny window on the second floor, looking at a box of old photographs. No lights were on near her, no devices of any kind. Desperate, Belle went into the doorbell. She made it ring, over and over. The old woman shouted for her husband to answer it. When he didn’t, and when she shuffled to the door and found no one there, she cursed those darn kids nowadays and went right back to her memories. 
When Belle looked down at the old man again, he wasn’t breathing anymore. 
The children came for the funeral. There was no joy in this visit. Even the grandchildren were subdued. Belle looked on at them all, feeling more helpless, more isolated than she ever had before. She had known this man for most of his life. She had been in the oven while the cakes had baked for every one of his birthdays. Chocolate cake, that was his favorite. Dark chocolate with whipped cream on top. She’d been in the mixer, whipping the cream, every year. 
Unlike the celebrations Belle had spent with this family, she couldn’t take part in the wake. When they were happy, she had learned how to become a part of their happiness. She watched them as though through a window but still took their joy into her own heart. 
But grief wasn’t like that. In grief, these people had each other. They could speak of the departed, tell stories and share memories. They could laugh through the tears, comforted by the fact that they weren’t alone. 
Belle was alone. Belle had no one to speak to, no one to comfort her, no one that she could comfort or listen to. Her grief had no outlet.
Then the house was empty, except for the old woman, and Belle. She took to following the woman around, as she used to do with her father. Belle used the lights to warm her, or dimmed them when they were too bright for her old eyes. She lowered the temperature on the stove when food was at risk of burning. She made sure the refrigerator was cool, to keep the food fresh longer. 
She wished she could do more. 
The woman died six months after her husband. This time, Belle saw it happen. A living person wouldn’t have seen it, and not only because they wouldn’t have been watching her sleep all night with no need to blink. It was the briefest flash. The old woman exhaled. Then, for less than an instant, she glowed and became the beautiful young woman she’d been when she’d first moved into this house. Then she didn’t inhale.
Belle didn’t get a chance to talk to her. She didn’t get to let the woman know that she’d been watching over her all this time. The soul that exited the woman’s body didn’t even look at Belle. She looked up, to the sky, with her arms outstretched and her face beaming. 
Belle could only hope that whatever came next was as joyful as the woman seemed to think it was.
She would probably never find out. 
The children and grandchildren came to clean out the house. All of them lived far away from Storybrooke, so none of them wanted to stay here. It was only then that Belle realized that she would never see them again. Any of them. Ever. Their lives had taken them all over the world, but she would never leave this house.
All their lives she had been watching over them. She loved them, spent time with them, given them everything she had the capacity to give. And they never knew.  She would never get to say good-bye to them. After all, she had never said hello. When they left this house, they would leave her--forever--and they would feel no sorrow. 
They prepared to sell the house, the children and grandchildren. They took their heirlooms and the furniture and the electric devices. Much of it was declared junk. They couldn’t imagine why their parents and grandparents had held on to these relics. They said the wiring was faulty. They said it was a miracle the house hadn’t burned down. 
They would never know that it wasn’t a miracle.
They shut the door for the last time. Belle watched them leave from the light bulb on the porch. None of them looked back.
They left, to live their lives together. Belle stayed, to live her death alone. 
It’s a God-damned tragedy, being a ghost. 
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etimaterials-blog · 26 days
Knowledge about TZM Alloy
TZM material is an alloy of 0.50% Titanium, 0.08% Zirconium and 0.02% Carbon with the balance Molybdenum and is typically manufactured by powder metallurgy or arc-casting processes. It has a higher recrystallization temperature, higher creep strength & hardness, and higher tensile strength than pure molybdenum. In addition, TZM exhibits good thermal conductivity, low vapor pressure, good corrosion resistance and is machinable.
TZM Molybdenum Physical Properties:
Density: 10.22g/cc, 0.37lb/in3
Melting Point: 2623°C, 4753°F
Thermal Conductivity: 0.48 Cal/cm2/cm°C/sec
Specific Heat: 0.073 Cal/gm/°C
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion: 2.50 micro-in/°F x 10-6
Electrical Resistivity: 6.85 micro-ohm-cm
The molybdenum TZM is a normally utilized constructional material for high-temperature applications. These microstructural aspects significantly affect quality at raised temperatures. By methods for carbide-reinforcing TZM features improved high-temperature quality up to 1400 °C and a higher recrystallization temperature, contrasted with pure Molybdenum.
A few types of molybdenum alloys are accessible. TZM alloy bar was chosen as the most appropriate material based on its unrivaled high-temperature elasticity and a high recrystallization temperature (somewhere in the range of 1400 and 1600 C). A high recrystallization temperature is especially significant as this dispenses with the probability of recrystallization during brazing welding causing a misfortune in malleability and quality.
Our TZM Alloy is of the highest quality and conforms to ASTM B386 type 364 (TZM Plate) and B387 type 364 (TZM Rod) standards, which is made by powder metallurgy. Process of TZM products: Raw powder mixture-Pressing-Sintering-Forging-Rolling to plate & sheet-Swaging & drawing to rod & wire. TZM tubes are mostly drilled from rods, length is quite limited. Other processes as turning, cutting, grinding, drilling, are also engaged for machined TZM parts
Available in rod, plate, tube, sheet, wire, fasteners and customized form, it is often used for hardware in vacuum furnaces, large x-ray equipment, and in creating tools. TZM Alloy is used in high-temperature applications involving demanding mechanical loads, for example in forging tools or as rotating anodes in X-ray tubes. The recommended temperatures of use are between 700 and 1,400 °C.
https://www.etimaterials.org/molybdenum/tzm-alloy/ https://www.etimaterials.org/molybdenum/
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xs-worldwide · 9 months
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healthcarehubhh · 3 months
Guidewires Market to Increase at Rapid Pace Owing to Rising Cardiovascular Diseases
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The guidewires market is associated with medical implants, stents, and devices used to perform minimally invasive surgeries. Guidewires are thin, flexible, coated tubes or wires that are used to direct catheters and other medical devices through the body during endovascular procedures like angioplasty and stent placement. Guidewires help navigate through challenging anatomies to reach the target site quickly and with minimal trauma. As cardiovascular diseases continue rising globally due to growing geriatric population and changing lifestyles, demand for such guidewires is projected to surge significantly. The Global guidewires market is estimated to be valued at US$ 8.1 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the guidewires market are Boston Scientific Corporation, ASAHI INTECC Inc., Cordis Corporation and C.R. Bard. The growing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, and neurological disorders is expected to boost demand for guidewires significantly over the forecast period. Minimally invasive procedures are becoming more common due to advantages like reduced recovery time, less scarring, and lower risk of infection associated with them. This is expected to drive demand for guidewires used in such procedures. Technological advancements are expanding the scope of clinical applications for guidewires. Improvements in material composition and surface coatings have made guidewires thinner, more torqueable, and kink-resistant. Newer digital guidewires are integrated with imaging technologies like optical coherence tomography for better tracking and positioning control. These advancements are fueling the adoption of guidewires. Market Trends Hydrophilic coating technology and polymer-based guidewires: Hydrophilic coatings make guidewires less prone to friction and very slippery when wetted by body fluids, facilitating smooth movement through intricate vascular paths. Polymer-based guidewires are lightweight, flexible and radiopaque. Nitinol alloy-based shape memory guidewires: Nitinol alloy offers superior shape memory, kink resistance and torque control properties. These shape memory guidewires can achieve desired configuration upon reaching target sites. Market Opportunities Potential in emerging economies: Emerging economies are witnessing a rise in cardiac interventions like angioplasty and stent placement due to growing disease burden and increasing access to healthcare. This presents lucrative opportunities for guidewires manufacturers. Integration of AI and robotics: Integration of artificial intelligence and robotics could further help in designing steerable, automated guidewires for complex interventions. This presents a key area of innovation. Impact of COVID-19 on Guidewires Market Growth The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the guidewires market. During the initial phases of the pandemic, several elective procedures got postponed to focus on COVID-19 affected patients. This led to a decline in the demand for guidewires in 2020. However, as the pandemic situation gradually stabilized in 2021, the demand started recovering. But it is still below the pre-pandemic levels. The guidewires market was growing at a steady pace before the pandemic. However, COVID-19 brought new challenges like disrupted supply chains, delayed product launches, and decreased sales. Various restrictions affected the normal functioning of healthcare facilities as well as manufacturers. The pandemic also made healthcare professionals and patients more cautious about non-urgent surgeries and treatments.
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merakistar · 3 months
Inconel 601 Flanges Manufacturers in UAE
Meraki Star Metals Oil & Gas Equipment Trading L.L.C offers a wide range of Inconel 601 flanges renowned for qualities like fine finishing, corrosion resistance, easy installation, and more. Inconel 601 slip-on raised flanges (UNS N06601) find application in bright annealing, strand annealing, steam superheater tube supports, and other critical uses. Key properties attracting customers to Inconel 601 raised face flanges include exceptional resistance to liquid corrosion, high mechanical strength, and more.
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Inconel 601 weld neck raised face flanges are manufactured using standard techniques, ensuring maximum oxidation resistance when welded with matching composition 601 alloy GTAW wire. Inconel 601 socket weld flanges form a tightly adherent oxide scale that resists spalling even under extreme thermal cycling conditions. Inconel 601 ring joint type flanges are commonly employed in thermal processing equipment such as furnaces, baskets, trays, radiant tubes, muffles, retorts, electrical resistance heating wires, and burner nozzles.
Inconel 601 spectacle blind flanges also find significant applications in pollution control, aerospace – particularly in jet engine igniters – and power generation industries. Their resistance to carburization and carbon nitriding conditions makes Inconel 601 long weld neck flanges highly suitable. Inconel 601 nipo flanges exhibit exceptional resistance to carburization and offer metallurgical stability and excellent creep rupture strength. Furthermore, Inconel 601 lap joint flanges are available in various sizes and shapes to meet diverse client needs.
For More Information:
Visit Our Website:  https://www.merakimetals.ae
Contact No:  +971-523973687
E-Mail ID:  [email protected]
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techninja · 4 months
Copper Tubes Market Trends: Global Demand, Supply, and Forecast 2023-2030 by Type, Application, and Region
Unlocking the Potential of Copper Tubes: A Comprehensive Market Analysis
In the dynamic landscape of industrial materials, copper tubes emerge as stalwarts of reliability and versatility. From plumbing systems to electrical wiring, their applications span across various sectors, driving demand and shaping the market trends. Let's delve into the intricacies of the Copper Tubes Market to understand its current scenario and future prospects.
The Rising Demand for Copper Tubes
In an era characterized by sustainability and efficiency, copper tubes stand as a beacon of eco-friendly solutions. Their exceptional conductivity and corrosion resistance make them indispensable in the HVAC, refrigeration, and plumbing industries. As infrastructure projects burgeon worldwide, the demand for these durable tubes continues to soar.
Market Dynamics: Trends and Influences
The Copper Tubes Market is not immune to external forces shaping global economies. Factors such as urbanization, technological advancements, and regulatory policies significantly impact its trajectory. With the construction industry witnessing a paradigm shift towards green practices, the demand for copper tubes as a sustainable alternative surges.
Key Players and Competitive Landscape
In a market teeming with innovation and competition, key players vie for supremacy through product diversification and strategic collaborations. Companies like Mueller Industries, Inc., Kobe Steel, Ltd., and KME Germany GmbH & Co. KG dominate the landscape with their expansive product portfolios and robust distribution networks.
Regional Insights: Mapping Market Trends
The demand for copper tubes varies across regions, influenced by economic development, infrastructure projects, and industrialization. While Asia Pacific emerges as a lucrative market owing to rapid urbanization and industrial expansion, North America and Europe witness steady growth driven by renovation projects and technological advancements.
Future Outlook and Opportunities
Despite challenges posed by fluctuating raw material prices and geopolitical tensions, the Copper Tubes Market exhibits resilience and adaptability. With the advent of smart technologies and sustainable practices, opportunities abound for market players to innovate and capture niche segments. Harnessing the potential of digitalization and predictive analytics can further optimize production processes and enhance market competitiveness.
Conclusion: Navigating the Path Ahead
As the global demand for sustainable solutions intensifies, copper tubes emerge as indispensable components in various industries. Their inherent properties of durability, conductivity, and recyclability position them as frontrunners in the quest for eco-friendly materials. By embracing innovation and strategic partnerships, stakeholders can navigate the evolving market landscape and unlock new avenues for growth and prosperity.
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fairfield-research · 4 months
Heat Shrink Tube Market Global Industry Growth, Trends and Forecast Analysis Report to 2031
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The global heat shrink tube market is set to witness significant expansion, reaching a projected value of US$435 million by the year 2031, according to a comprehensive forecast released today. This anticipated growth represents a substantial increase from the US$280 million market size recorded in 2024. The market is projected to exhibit a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.5% during the forecast period spanning from 2024 to 2031.
For more information: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/heat-shrink-tube-market
Explosive Growth on the Horizon
The global heat shrink tube market is poised for over 1.5 times growth between 2024 and 2031, according to the latest insights provided by industry analysts. This anticipated surge follows a period of steady growth witnessed from 2019 to 2023, driven by the inherent versatility and protective properties of heat shrink tubes.
Driving Forces Behind Market Expansion
Future growth in the heat shrink tube market is expected to be fueled by several key factors. Increasing focus on electrical safety regulations, coupled with the widespread adoption of automation across various industries, is anticipated to drive significant demand for heat shrink tubing for insulation and wire protection purposes. Furthermore, the development of new materials with enhanced properties, such as flame retardancy and higher temperature resistance, is poised to broaden the market's reach even further.
Navigating Growth Barriers
While the trajectory for the heat shrink tube market appears promising, there are notable challenges to overcome. Price volatility of raw materials, regulatory compliance costs, and competition from substitutes represent significant growth barriers that industry players must navigate. However, with strategic planning and innovative solutions, these challenges can be effectively addressed.
Trends and Opportunities
Innovation remains at the forefront of market dynamics, with sustainability practices, customization demand, and technological advancements like 3D printing and automation shaping industry trends. Moreover, expansion into emerging markets, particularly in Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Africa, presents lucrative growth opportunities for forward-thinking companies.
Regulatory Landscape
The regulatory environment plays a pivotal role in shaping the heat shrink tube industry, influencing material selection, market access, and driving innovation towards eco-friendly solutions. Compliance with stringent safety and environmental standards is paramount, driving continuous improvement within the industry.
Regional Dynamics
North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe emerge as regional frontrunners in the global heat shrink tube market, driven by factors such as industrial infrastructure, manufacturing dominance, and regulatory standards. Each region presents unique opportunities for market players to capitalize on, leveraging their strengths and market dynamics.
Leaders in the Industry
Key players leading the heat shrink tube market include TE Connectivity, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Prysmian Group, ABB Ltd., 3M, Alpha Wire, Assembly Fasteners, Inc., Dasheng Group, and Gremco GmbH. These industry leaders employ various growth strategies to maintain their competitive edge and capitalize on the expanding demand for heat shrink tube solutions.
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dellokyonghui · 4 months
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In April 2024, Tube & Wire Düsseldorf, an annual industrial event of global significance, attracting industry elites and leading companies from all over the world. Dellok Yonghui, a renowned Chinese company, shone at the exhibition with its innovative technology and high-quality products in the field of tubes and wires, and won wide acclaim in the international market.
DELLOK YONGHUI, as the leader of pipeline manufacturing and wire solutions, brought its latest environmentally friendly high-performance pipes and intelligent production lines at the exhibition. These innovative results not only show the company's deep accumulation in material science and intelligent manufacturing, but also reflect the practice of sustainable development commitments. The company's booth is full of modern and technological sense. Through physical display, live demonstration and interactive experience, it comprehensively demonstrates its unremitting efforts and significant results in improving energy efficiency and lowering environmental impact. Facing the tide of global energy transformation and manufacturing upgrade, Dellok Yonghui will continue to increase research and development investment to promote the industry to move towards a more efficient and environmentally friendly direction.
With the successful conclusion of the 2024 Düsseeldorf pipeline exhibition in Germany, DELLOK YONGHUI is full of honor and expectations, and will continue to adhere to the concept of "innovation -driven, green development", and is committed to becoming the world's leading comprehensive pipe solution provided Business, start a more brilliant journey.
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julang-company · 2 months
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we will hold the 2025 China(Guangzhou) International Metal & Metallurgy Exhibition in China.It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the Exhibition for business negotiations, scientific & technological exchanges talks. show time:May 10-12,2025 Exhibiting Scope: 1.Plate metal, Bar, Wire, Steel Rope , Metal Processing and Setting Equipment 2.Tube &Pipe Industry 3.Stainless Steel Industry 4.Die casting, Casting Products,Foundry, Heat Treatment and Industrial Furnace 5.Springs, Fasteners & Equipment 6.sheet metal Industry and Laser Equipment 7.Forging Industry 8.Non-Ferrous Metals ,Copper Venue: C Area, China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex More information,you can go to our website www.julang.com.cn/english or contact me Lisy Mobile :0086-13570598541 [email protected]
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