#wishing all asexuals a warm glass of milk
ghostingink · 1 year
Happy warm glass of milk day
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savan27 · 7 years
I dare you to answer all 170 questions minus the ones you already answered
Jesus Christ Al
1- how tall do you wish you were: I could stand to be a bit taller
2- dream pet: dragon
3- favorite clothing style: don’t have one
4- favorite video game growing up: didn’t have one
5- 3 things/people I think about most: various characters, friends and what is available to eat
7- opinion on {insert thing}: {insert thing} is not to be spoken of
8- greek personality type: melancholic 
9- Ticklish: Yes
10- allergies: none
11- sexuality: Demiromantic Asexual
15- favorite YouTuber: either Dan and Phil, Thomas Sanders or Rhett and Link
16- height: 5′4
17- what would I change my name to: Either Sage or Amaris
18- weight: 122 lbs
21- religious: no
22- pet peeves; being condescended to, people who break the spines or books or fold pages
24- Orion because I like the myth behind it
25- Favorite star: how could  pick a favorite?
26- ball-jointed dolls: yes
27- fears: failure, spiders, social interaction
28- global warming: real and dangerous
29- reincarnation: possible
30- favorite movie: Can’t choose
31- scare easy: no but I startle easy
32- pets: 31 in my life and counting
33- rate blog of questioner: 10/10
34- calm color: blue
35- place to go: Colorado
36- born: Florida
37- eye color: blue
38- introvert/extrovert: introvert
39- horoscopes and zodiac: I believe to some extent
40- hugs/kisses: hugs
41- want to visit: @my-best-is-messy @eldritch-aberration @ace-psychopath-in-a-tardis @book-nerd1127 @crypticinfrastructure @themanwiththesuitcaseofflies @anne-heist @aph--rome @tombstonescreak
42- love deeply: My close friends
43- piercings: aside from my ears(which I already have) don’t have an interest
44- opinion on tattoos and piercings: cool
45- smoke: NO
46- crush: no
47: sound I hate: silverware sliding against a glass plate
48- sound I love: violin
49- backflip; no
50- split: used to be able to, not anymore
51- fav actor; Misha collins
52- fav movie; can’t choose
53- felling right now: so many questions
54- color id like my hair to be: blue
55- happiest; listening to music and daydreaming by the pool
56- calms me: my cat
57- disorders: maladaptive daydreaming(only official one anyhow)
58- URL meaning: favorite oc and favorite number
59-three word description: nerd, weird, quiet
60- evolution: real
61- unfollow for: discrimination and of course porn bots
62- follow for: quality memes, kindness
63- fav kind of person: honest
64- fav animals: cat, owl, frilled shark
65- three of my favorite blogs: @my-best-is-messy @eldritch-aberration @tombstonescreak
66- fav emoticon: on laptop so I’ll just say the knife
67- fav meme: can't choose
69- star sign: Taurus
70- dog roll over on command: no
71- clothes I wear most often: t-shirt and jeans
72- in a moment
73- platform shoes: no
74: fact: I have memorized every song of all my favorite groups 
75- front flip: no
76- birds: yes
77- swimming: YES!
78- swimming/ice skating: swimming
79- wish didn't exist: prejudice
80- wish existed: dragons
81- piercings I have: ears
82- enjoy: reading
83- fav person to talk to: can’t choose
84- first impression of Tumblr: overwhelming
85- followers: just blocked all the porn bots, down to 38
86- mile within ten minutes: yes
87- matching socks: no
88- touch toes with straight legs: yes
89- birthstone: emerald
90- be an animal: cat
91- flower to represent me: Carolina Jasmine
92- store I hate: JC Penny 
93- coffee per day: dont drink coffee
94- fly/read minds: telepathy all the way
95- camo: no
96- winter/summer: summer
97- hold breath: 1 minute
98- least fav person: Donald Trump
99- look up to: fictional characters
100- store I love: Barnes and Noble
101- fav type of shoe: flip flop
102- live: Florida
103-vegetarian/vegan: no
104- fav gem: serpentine
105- milk: so much 
106- bugs: from a distance
107- spiders: NO
108- paranoid about: everything
109- draw: not even a straight line
110- noisiest question asked: ever had sex
111- question I hate: Do you have a boyfriend yet?
112- bitten by a spider: yes
113- waves at beach: yessss
114- cloudy/sunny: clouds
115- person to cuddle: Volunteers?
116- cloud type: ???
117- color of sky: don’t want to change it
118- freckles: yes
119- fav thing about a person: mind
120- fruit/veggie: fruit
121- do right now: stop answering questions
122- ocean/sky: ocean
123- sweet/sour: sour
124- bright/dim lights: depends on mood
125- believe in magical creature: many yes
126- hate about Tumblr: unreasonable hate and anger
127- love about Tumblr: the cool people
128- think about least: ???
129- written on tombstone: I benefited the world
130- punching the face: Trump
131- love and hate about myself: independent to a fault
132- smile with teeth in pictures: yes
133- computer/TV: computer
134- roller coasters: yesssss
135- motion sickness: no
136- ear lobes: detached 
137- karma: possible
138- attractive 1-10: 4
139- nicknames: cat, catfish, Yoda Breath, Katie Quinn, YO YO, doo floppy
140- imaginary friends- many
141- therapist: no but I probably should
142- good or bad influence: depends on the day
143-giving/receiving gifts/help: giving
144- angry: ignorance 
145- languages fluent in: 1
146- prefer boys, girls or non-bianarys: all are cool with me
147- androgynous: no
148- fav physical feature: eyes
149- fav personality trait: intelligence
150- 3 people to talk to in person @my-best-is-messy @eldritch-aberration @tombstonescreak
151- live in past: Classical Greece
152- BuzzFeed: no
153- meet partner: N/A
154- platonic kisses: sure
155- play with others hair: yes
156- embarrasses me: everything
157- make me nervous: lots
158- biggest lie- just tell a lot of small lies really
159- following: 160
160-  # of posts: 6, 280
161- drafts on blogs: none
162- # of likes: 10, 878
163- last time cried: two days ago, library of congress was too pretty
164- long or short hair: LONG
165- Longest hair has been: long enough to sit on
166- reason for felling on religion: I just don’t care
167- care how world was created: yes
168- wear makeup: no
169- handstand: no
170- Truthful answers: yes
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