swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“Guardians, unite!”
FULL NAME: Wilhelmina Vandom BASED ON: Will (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
From a poorer home, whose parents used to move around a lot
Then, when she turned 13, she found out she had magic powers!
She was a Guardian– a kind of Magick that repaired rips in the universe
Left to go train with a group of other Guardians
Their first ever mission brings them to Swynlake!
✓ Sensitive, empathetic, good leader
✖ Fiery temper, socially awkward, likes frogs a little too much tbh
Character Suggestions
POC (mixed race preferred!)
Current Relationships
Irma Lair Taranee Cook Cornelia Hale Hay Lin
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Heart of Kandrakar – containing pure energy in its orb, the Heart can open and close portals and equips the guardians with their wings. It can only be operated with those with the power of Quintessence.
Quintessence – defined as pure energy, quintessence manifests as lightning and electricity.
Flight – in her guardian form (activated by the heart), she has wings that allow her to fly.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Brigid Deity Guide
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Who is Brigid?
Translated as “The Exalted One” in Old Irish, Brigid is a Gaelic-Celtic Goddess of many things including fire, poetry, fertility, spring, and craftsmanship. Other spellings of her name are Brig, Brighid, or Brigit.
Not unlike many of the Tuatha Dé Danan, Brigid is thought to be a Triple Goddess, similar to The Morrigan. Some believe this means she is three sister goddesses or that she is one goddess made of three different aspects. These sisters, or aspects depending on your belief, would be Brigid the Healer, Brigid the Smith, and Brigid the Poet.
By far Brigid was one of the most popular goddesses of the Celts, as she had variations across the Celtic world where her name was Brigantes or Briganti.
The Welsh know her as Ffraid, in Scotland her name is Brìghde/Brìde.
Parents and Siblings
Dagda (Father)
Aengus (Brother)
Midir (Brother)
Aed (Brother)
Cermait (Brother)
Bodb Derg (Brother)
Lovers or Partners
The Exalted One
The High One
Brigid of the Hearth
Though the Dagda has been established as Brigid’s father, it’s not certain who her mother is. Some say Danu, others say The Morrigan, though this is less likely. I personally have yet to find anywhere that names a mother with any evidence.
Brigid is considered a Mother Goddess.
Brigid has been conflated with the Catholic St. Brigid, who was the daughter of a converted Druid. It is believed by some that St. Brigid of the Catholic church was inspired by the Goddess. The two share many features and even a holiday.
St. Brigid’s day is February 1st and lands on the same day as the Irish-Pagan holiday Imbolc, leading some folks to believe that the saint is a Christianized version of the ancient goddess. However, no study has found there to be any historical link between them.
Brigid was likened to the Roman Minerva, the Greek Athena, as well as the Proto-Indo-European goddess of the dawn.
Brigid has also been known to go by Dana or Danu, though they are also separate deities.
In mythology, Brigid invented Keening, which is a mix of weeping and singing while mourning the death of her son.
Brigid is heavily linked to Irish Holy wells.
Brigid is also known for prophecy as she was worshipped by seers.
She is associated with fire due to her associations with the hearth and smiths
Ultimately there is very little historical information about Brigit, surprising considering she is so popular now and was popular even in the past.
Modern Deity Work
Disclaimer - Not all of these are traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).
Fire Agate
Warm colored stones
Oak (T)
Early spring flowers
Boar (T)
Oxen (T)
Milk (T)
Coins (T)
Acts of Devotion
Light a candle
Hold a bonfire for her (or use your fireplace)
Create or recite a poem for her (T)
Hone your craft, whatever it may be!
References and Further Reading
Brigid, Bright Goddess of the Gael - Mythicalireland
Brigid - Mythopedia
Brigit - Britannica
Brigit - Mythus Wiki
Brigid - Druidry.org
Myth and Legends of the Celtic Race by Thomas Rolleston via Sacred Texts
Song of Brigit - Celtic Wonder Tales by Ella Young via Sacred Texts
The Spirit of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses by Carl McColman and Kathryn Hinds
Devotees and Followers to check out:
as recommended by the community.
Edited for accuracy.
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M: i am a witchch, you guys, just not a conventional one. Partially because bucciarati took the broom for himself F: MAY I HAVE SOME HELP, MAYBE?
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yourcrushscrush · 10 years
If two witches would watch two watches wich witch would watch wich watch
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“Remember me too? I’m Elyon.”
FULL NAME: Elyon Brown BASED ON: Elyon (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-To-Player PRONOUNS: Up-To-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-To-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Elyon was born in Swynlake and has been here her entire life
Except recently, she’s started having dreams of another world
And the other day...she swore she moved something with her mind
Little does she know, she’s actually from another dimension and was brought to Swynlake to hide from enemies who want her dead 
Will she find out the truth?
✓ Sweet, quiet, smart
✖ Withdrawn, melancholy, nervous
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Light Manipulation – the ability to manipulate light in all of its forms.
Telekinesis – the ability to manipulate objects with one’s mind.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“That’s how you face the trauma; not by knowing it’ll be alright, but by having no other choice.”
FULL NAME: Hay Lin BASED ON: Hay Lin (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Hay Lin knew she was a guardian of the veil since she was a small girl, since her grandmother was too. The guardians were a special kind of Magick that guarded portals and fixed tears in the space-time continuum
She eagerly waited for the day her powers would manifest and she’d get trained with her group of guardians. Her powers turned out to be air! Wa-hoo!  
Her group of guardians has just been assigned their first mission: Swynlake.
There’s a tear in space-and-time that they need to find and fix…
…before who knows what gets out
✓ Playful, artistic, extroverted
✖ Airheaded, distracted, clumsy
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Wilhemina “Will” Vandom Irma Lair Taranee Cook Cornelia Hale
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Air Manipulation – can manipulate air and wind in all its forms.
Flight – in her guardian form (activated by the Heart), she has wings that allow her to fly.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“What would you do without me?”
FULL NAME: Cornelia Hale BASED ON: Cornelia (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Was once an accomplished ice skater with dreams of going to the Olympics
But then one day she discovered she had powers…she could control the Earth!
Turns out she’s a Guardian, a kind of Magick who works with a team to fix tears in dimensions
She hates her new “destiny” and wishes she could quit
For now, she’s begrudgingly on a “mission” with a team of guardians here in Swynlake, dreaming of running away
✓ Driven, passionate, romantic
✖ Reluctant, hard-headed, selfish
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Wilhemina “Will” Vandom Irma Lair Taranee Cook Hay Lin
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Earth Manipulation – can manipulate earth and nature in all its forms.
Flight – in her guardian form (activated by the Heart), she has wings that allow her to fly.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“Wow, hot.”
FULL NAME: Caleb Sprout BASED ON: Caleb (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Caleb was once a Whisperer– a sentient flower that grew deep within the Darkwood of Enchantra Forest
Through mysterious circumstances, Caleb woke up one day and was human!
Caleb wandered into Swynlake and quickly got a job at the flower shoppe
But fearing that this spell won’t last forever, Caleb is on the hunt for a way to stay human
✓ Take-charge, independent, kind-hearted
✖ Selfish, jealous, possessive
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Whisperer – a sentient flower that grows within Enchantra’s Darkwood near the gates of the Underworld. He can speak to plants and knows people’s darkest secrets.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“There isn’t an ‘ew’ loud enough!”
FULL NAME: Irma Lair BASED ON: Irma (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Once just a normal girl with dreams of being a pop star
Discovered she was a guardian, a kind of Magick that repaired tears in space and time
Irma was thrilled! She threw herself into her training right away
Comes to Swynlake with her fellow guardians, ready for her first mission.
✓ Carefree, bubbly, goes-with-the-flow
✖ Shallow, thoughtless, holds grudges
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Wilhemina “Will” Vandom Taranee Cook Cornelia Hale Hay Lin
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Water Manipulation – can manipulate water in all its forms.
Flight – in her guardian form (activated by the Heart), she has wings that allow her to fly.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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I know what to do!”
FULL NAME: Taranee Cook BASED ON: Taranee (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Orphaned at a young age, Taranee was adopted by a loving couple who encouraged her to follow her dreams
Naturally studious and curious, Taranee’s biggest goal was to become a doctor
But her life took a twist when she learned, she was something called a “guardian” and it was her job to fix tears in dimensions.
With her dreams of medical school on hold, she’s come to Swynlake with her team for her very first mission.
✓ Humorous, insightful, passionate
✖ Self-doubting, explosive temper, persnickety
Character Suggestions
Black (ideally though– biracial, half Black/half East Asian!!)
Current Relationships
Wilhemina “Will” Vandom Irma Lair Cornelia Hale Hay Lin
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Fire Manipulation – can manipulate fire in all its forms.
Flight – in her guardian form (activated by the Heart), she has wings that allow her to fly.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“Ah, memories…”
FULL NAME: Cedric Hoffman BASED ON: Lord Cedric (W.I.T.C.H.) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Librarian at Pride University
Was once a cobra in the mountains of India
But a powerful sorcerer, using dark magic, transformed him into a cobra-man hybrid in hopes that he would do his bidding
But Cedric was too powerful and killed his master
He has taken on his human disguise in order to gain access to Swynlake’s library of ancient, powerful texts
✓ Ambitious, intelligent, perceptive
✖ Manipulative, corrupt, power-hungry
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Nāga – in his true form, Cedric looks like a giant cobra-man hybrid. He has all the abilities of a cobra, including poisonous glands.
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