sims4littlebird · 19 hours
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Дэл: Только заказывай то, что скушаешь быстрее, чтоб я тебя не ждал три часа как обычно.
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. . .
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Дэл очень сильно нервничал. И пока ждали заказ, он решил хряпнуть стопочку для храбрости хах)
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Как можно было понять по временам в армии, он очень неусидчивый. Ему не интересно заниматься одним делом больше получаса, а ждать - просто невыносимо. Такой характер)
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Ждал, ждал... ждал... и наконец дождался!
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Ждал, чтобы сделать предложение своей любимой девушке!!!
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Конечно, Бри согласилась! Она очень сильно любит Дэла! 💖
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Вечер закончился очень бурно!
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Бри определенно понравилось))
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creampiesforlunch · 7 days
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when that pink was fresh
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tears-of-amber · 6 months
Brigid has taught me that my body is the home and hearth for my soul, mind, and emotions. For this I am grateful!
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blackcrowing · 7 months
So as far as I'm aware in the Celtic umbrella of deities we don't have any deities SPECIFICALLY related to weaving/textiles or pottery. Which in the grand pattern of Indo-European branches (or even humanity as a whole) seems.... very odd...
What are the community's thoughts on these acts falling under the purview of Brigit or her other language counter parts? Are there other deities that would make more sense for these activities? What are our thoughts?
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dairedara · 1 year
Ode to Brighid
"O Brighid, fair daughter of the Good God,
Smith of shining silver and silvered songs,
The badgers, the snowdrops, they breach the snow:
Winter's crystal mantle, to welcome you,
Goddess! Patron of poets and plowmen alike
Take my prayer, let it be fuel for the flame."
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[original composition]
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Brigid Deity Guide
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Who is Brigid?
Translated as “The Exalted One” in Old Irish, Brigid is a Gaelic-Celtic Goddess of many things including fire, poetry, fertility, spring, and craftsmanship. Other spellings of her name are Brig, Brighid, or Brigit.
Not unlike many of the Tuatha Dé Danan, Brigid is thought to be a Triple Goddess, similar to The Morrigan. Some believe this means she is three sister goddesses or that she is one goddess made of three different aspects. These sisters, or aspects depending on your belief, would be Brigid the Healer, Brigid the Smith, and Brigid the Poet.
By far Brigid was one of the most popular goddesses of the Celts, as she had variations across the Celtic world where her name was Brigantes or Briganti.
The Welsh know her as Ffraid, in Scotland her name is Brìghde/Brìde.
Parents and Siblings
Dagda (Father)
Aengus (Brother)
Midir (Brother)
Aed (Brother)
Cermait (Brother)
Bodb Derg (Brother)
Lovers or Partners
The Exalted One
The High One
Brigid of the Hearth
Though the Dagda has been established as Brigid’s father, it’s not certain who her mother is. Some say Danu, others say The Morrigan, though this is less likely. I personally have yet to find anywhere that names a mother with any evidence.
Brigid is considered a Mother Goddess.
Brigid has been conflated with the Catholic St. Brigid, who was the daughter of a converted Druid. It is believed by some that St. Brigid of the Catholic church was inspired by the Goddess. The two share many features and even a holiday.
St. Brigid’s day is February 1st and lands on the same day as the Irish-Pagan holiday Imbolc, leading some folks to believe that the saint is a Christianized version of the ancient goddess. However, no study has found there to be any historical link between them.
Brigid was likened to the Roman Minerva, the Greek Athena, as well as the Proto-Indo-European goddess of the dawn.
Brigid has also been known to go by Dana or Danu, though they are also separate deities.
In mythology, Brigid invented Keening, which is a mix of weeping and singing while mourning the death of her son.
Brigid is heavily linked to Irish Holy wells.
Brigid is also known for prophecy as she was worshipped by seers.
She is associated with fire due to her associations with the hearth and smiths
Ultimately there is very little historical information about Brigit, surprising considering she is so popular now and was popular even in the past.
Modern Deity Work
Disclaimer - Not all of these are traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).
Fire Agate
Warm colored stones
Oak (T)
Early spring flowers
Boar (T)
Oxen (T)
Milk (T)
Coins (T)
Acts of Devotion
Light a candle
Hold a bonfire for her (or use your fireplace)
Create or recite a poem for her (T)
Hone your craft, whatever it may be!
References and Further Reading
Brigid, Bright Goddess of the Gael - Mythicalireland
Brigid - Mythopedia
Brigit - Britannica
Brigit - Mythus Wiki
Brigid - Druidry.org
Myth and Legends of the Celtic Race by Thomas Rolleston via Sacred Texts
Song of Brigit - Celtic Wonder Tales by Ella Young via Sacred Texts
The Spirit of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses by Carl McColman and Kathryn Hinds
Devotees and Followers to check out:
as recommended by the community.
Edited for accuracy.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 3 months
Please forgive me I'm absolutely terrible for doing this- 😭
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ayumitsuu · 6 months
ORANGE is Brigid! 🧡
I did not think of Brigid at all because her in-game portrait doesn’t have any orange lol. She’s actually a perfect fit though. Good call, Twitter frens. A lot of people were rooting for Oifey as well, which makes me happy 🥰
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Close-up: (added freckles cuz doesn’t she rock them???)
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polyteleology · 1 year
Grief Blessing
Brighid of Keening, let me feel the waves of emotions. comfort me when my heart aches, join me when recalling happy memories. Brighid of the Seasons, sow seeds of hope when I need light, aid me in growing a bright future, help me to take stock of the things I harvest, give me rest when I tire in the darkest of days. Brighid of Healing, ease my mind and my soul. Brighid of Smithcraft, strengthen my mind to persevere. Brighid of Poetry, inspire me to beauty when I may not see it. As it was, as it is, as it shall ever be.
--Ashli Hall
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the-purvashadha · 2 years
Dedicate a piece of craft to Brigid. It could be origami, crocheted, knitted or even metal work if that is your area of interest. You can even dedicate a recipe that you've created. It could be anything. If it is made with love, it'll please Brigid.
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negreabsolut · 7 months
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L'arribada de Na Bríde, per John Duncan. Tremp d'ou en tela, 151'1 x 151'1 cm; 1917.
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sims4littlebird · 20 hours
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Лицо парня, которого попросили помочь с готовкой.
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Говорит: "А нафига мне тогда женщина в доме?! Ты же лучше готовишь! Я только картоху чистить умею!"
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Пришлось Бри готовить самой и завтрак, и ужин. Вообще у Бри тоже проблемки с готовкой, потому что жила в богатой семье и именно девочек папа сильно балует и не заставляет ничего делать по дому. В его семье все делают сыновья - они и повара, и на все руки мастера. А девочкам нужно просто быть красивыми) Парень поблагодарил поцелуем за приготовленную вкусняшку.
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Даллас заварил им зеленый чаек, но Бриджит все равно обиделась. Мог бы и попытаться помочь.
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Зато Даллас очень сильно помогает в конюшне. Он регулярно держит ее в чистоте, чистит стойла, участок, лошадок.
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Вроде даже с вредным Шансом почти подружился.
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Далласу реально достался какой-то дар к музыке от его музыкального папы, он очень легко обучается и берется за любой инструмент без особых проблем. Выпустил два новых трека превосходного качества. Звали в лейбл, но он отказал, потому что не хочет быть привязан к "дяде-начальнику", у него уже есть такой дядя в лице Шеннона. Но после его пригласили стать официально музыкантом на разогреве и он согласился. И вот его секрет, о котором даже я не знала:
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Навык СКРИПКИ! Аж 5 уровня! ЧТОООО??! Когда успеел??!
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Он что... уже готовится? О.о
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creampiesforlunch · 13 days
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fuck me eyes
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bunnyhologram · 11 months
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going for a Pierrot thing with Brigit
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iputaspellonyou2024 · 2 months
On this day,
as we kindle the flame in our hearts,
We pray that the flame of Bridie
ignites in our souls,
and the souls of all we meet.
We pray that no envy and malice, 
no hatred or fear, 
may smother the flame.
We pray that indifference and apathy, 
contempt and pride,
may not pour like cold water on the flame.
may the spark of Bridie 
light the love in our souls 
so that it might burn brightly 
throughout the year.
May we warm those that are lonely;
our light guide those who are lost,
so that all may know the comfort of
Bridie's Love.
 © Morgana West
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disanddatmedia · 3 months
Happy Imbolc
Seems appropriate for me to celebrate since the drag name "Brigid" (Aucoin) is directly named after this Celtic Goddess
The Goddess is associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, protection, smithing and domesticated animals.
I choose this name for what made me start, protest, political action, art, and expression. When I started making the Bible Dress (and even when making the Pamphlet Dress) and my entire time being an activist (and in life in general), I wanted to be someone people could come to for wisdom, healing, and protection, and while I'm not perfect, I try my best. I also wanted to add art to this, poetry being apart of songs (so writing songs, and playing the guitar & singing). Smithing is 3 parts (kinda of a stretch): 1) smithing is the act of treating metal by lots of heat and hammering, if we keep fighting (hammer & heat) to change the system (metal) we can have a better world. 2) My body certainly *feels* like its being put through the smithing process. 3) Smithing is creating something, the first 2 outfits are created by unconventional materials. Finally, domesticated animals, animals are cute as heck, love them.
Later, I would learn another connection. Brigid is celebrated during Imbolc (today) traditionally to celebrate the first day of Spring (as she is also the Goddess of Fertility, Spring, and Life), the rebirth of the world. In part of doing the 2 dresses, I discovered more of my identity, through doing this, the beginning of me being Non-Binary and doing Drag, something if you would have asked me 2 years ago I wouldn't have thought.
Finally, I choose Brigid for the fact that this pre-Christian Celtic Goddess was Christianizatied when the Catholic Church "made" Saint Brigid, the church calming the Goddess as a saint of theirs (even renaming today as Saint Brigid Day). Between the Celtic connection with where I'm from and the political action I take part in seems to be against religious bigotry, it seem fitting to use.
Welcome Spring! Welcome rebrith and new beginnings! Welcome Brigid! Happy Imbolc!
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