#witchcraft as it was truely practised by our ancestors
geschiedenisish · 6 months
Dutch 1500s witchcraft
I saw a lot of satanic posts on my feed today, so I thought I'd just drop this Dutch prayer here I found in a 1500s book;
“I adjure you, Ashtaroth, by the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and by the Virgin Mary and by holy obedience, etc., that as long as this candle burns, through the fire, N., the daughter of N. becomes inflamed and burns with love and desire for me, so that she neither wakes nor sleeps nor eats nor drinks nor does anything until she has submitted herself to my will.” (In the places of N you need to fill in the relevant names.)
“Ik bezweer u, Astaroth, by de Vader en de Zoon en de H. Geest, en by de Maagd Maria en by de heilige gehoorzaamheid enz. dat, zolang deze kaars brandt door het vuur, N., de dochter van N. ontstoken wordt en brandt van liefde en begeerte voor my, zodat ze niet waakt of slaapt, eet of drinkt, of wat anders doet totdat ze zich aan myn wil heeft onderworpen.”
Source; "Middeleeuwse witte en zwarte magie in het Nederlands taalgebied" (Medieval white and black magic in the Dutch language area) written in 1997 by historian Willy L. Braekman.
The book is full of examples of how Dutch witchcraft was truely practised in the Mediaeval and Early Modern Netherlands. (The book is in Dutch, but is fully in txt form so you can easily put Google Translate on it.) So not the stuff that innocent women were accused of, but how people truely used magic to improve their lives.
Most of it is little things against small pains, finding lost things or stuff like that. But one of the biggest claims was the above prayer that can get you a girl. (Or a boy of course. Just replace 'daughter' with 'son'.)
Hope y'all can enjoy it and put some use out of it! :)
Also out of the book as a whole! I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in witchcraft and how our ancestors truely practised it in the past. <3 (It was more nuanced and interesting than the outrageous accusations thrown at innocent women.)
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