#with * / honey lavere.
lovemetopieces · 5 months
A Restaurant in Manhattan | Closed starter | @itshoneys
Karmen loved getting dolled up so when Honey invited her to check out a fancy new restaurant with her, she couldn't turn her down. Not that she would anyway. She really liked Honey and enjoyed her company. It had been awhile since they last hung out. As she thought back to their last encounter, she smiled. They had kind of gotten caught up in the moment and ended up fooling around. Getting out of her cab in front of the new restaurant, she made her way inside to find Honey standing over to the side of the lobby. She walked up to her with a huge smile on her face. "Hey gorgeous," she said. "You look marvelous, as always."
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bjorkncaddel · 6 months
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𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 news in which she was excited to share with her 'bestie'. It was funny how these two developed a connection as if they had known each other for years, and it wasn't like that. Neva was present in how lows in her highs, just like the other was present in her lows too. The Swedish blonde tried to hide from her, self-isolating from people ever since the news was pregnant. It feels like the world went upside down, and she was only ignoring everything she felt and inexplicable sadness.
She was lucky to have Ryan, supporting her giving her the comfort she needed, and all her close friends being kind. Neva wouldn't know what she going to be without the support of her friends and Ryan. She wore a floral dress that showed a bit of her little baby bump.
The Swedish blonde was at Honey's place. And she glances up at the brunette with an amused smile. ❛ I have something to share. Two news! Which one you want to know first? I guess one is crazy and the other might be exciting. ❜
// @itshoneys
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poetrysings · 7 months
Location: Coney Island, Brooklyn
Status: Closed Violet starter for Honey Lavere ( @itshoneys )
"So, are you into big scary rides that go everywhere in a span of two minutes and make your soul leave your body for a brief second, or do you prefer the tame ones like the ferris wheel?" Violet questioned the other, looking around the attractions. The actress couldn't quite remember she had crossed the bridge to come to the wildly known amusement park but at the time she made plans with Honey, it had seemed like the best idea; a place out of both their comfort zones where they could have fun, away from their schedules, careers and the public eye.
A sigh escaped her as she intertwined her arm with the other, breathing in the somewhat fresh air. "Should we eat something first, or leave it for after the rides? Last time I checked, their corn dogs were really good nut there's some vegan things if that's what you're into. I didn't bring snacks with me this time so, we'll have to make due with what the earth provides in the form of street vendors."
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michelle-ma-cherie · 5 days
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not Carlos introducing rat as having the best hairstyle on tour💀
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ccrusso · 1 month
closed starter for @itshoneys (honey) location: singles mixer @ puzzles, manhattan
cece lets out a soft sigh as she stands to the side, her drink in hand, already ready to ask the bar tender to keep them coming. coming out to this sort of event felt innocent at first, letting her coworker who she was just coming along with for support know that while she was here to help her feel less uncomfortable about going to a place like this, she herself was not ready to subject herself to this sort of thing. it all felt way too soon since ricky and truly she wasn't sure if she was capable of finding someone else after what they had had. but, she reassured her that they would just go over to check it out and that they wouldn't leave each other's side, not even to go to the bathroom...though it seemed that the universe (or diosito as her ma put it) had different plans for cecelia tonight. she stands there, watching from the corner as her coworker hits it off with another (admittedly very beautiful) woman. she forces a smile and fives a high five as her friend glances her way to check in on her, before finally taking a seat at the bar, looking on at everyone else here, more speaking out loud to herself or even the bartender rather than the other who's sitting next to her and happens to catch her murmurs, voice hollow and dripping in self pity. "...isn't finding love just...the most wonderful thing...?"
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vettelsvee · 6 months
f1 one shots masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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oscar piastri x singer!reader
requested by anon: x singer!reader, maybe Oscar and his family going to her show and she sings a song about him
word count: 2402
warnings: none of them! use of y/n and y/l/n
posible part 2 if you like it and ask for it!
you can send your one shots requests here!
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Oscar was nervous. Very, in fact.
It wasn't the first time he attended a concert of Y/N, his girlfriend, but every time he did he ended up getting more nervous than he should.
Perhaps the fact that today was his twenty-third birthday and he hadn't received any kind of congratulations from her had a lot to do with it.
The Australian took a deep breath and continued on, trying to catch up with his sisters and parents as quickly as possible, who had barely noticed that the boy had fallen behind, immersed in his thoughts.
Nicole quickly turned around, going to where her son was as calmly as she could, and above all making sure not to do or say anything she would regret, especially not something that would ruin the surprise her daughter-in-law had been keeping so well.
"What's wrong, honey?"
Oscar slightly startled as he felt his mother's hand on his shoulder, even letting out a small scream that startled the woman.
"Yes, of course!" the boy hurried to say, trying to calm down. "Just... I'm a little nervous, but that's all, really."
Despite the Australian's efforts to sound as calm as possible, it was in vain. Nicole could see his anxiety in his gaze and, above all, in his gestures. His hands were barely still, and every time she tried to walk beside him, he ended up putting a little more distance between them.
"I'm your mother, Oscar, you know I can catch any lie like I've done so many times before. Why are you so nervous?"
He sighed. He didn't want to share his concern, especially when they were heading to see the main reason of it.
"Well..." he tried to find the right words, finding it quite difficult. "It's just that I haven't received any message from Y/N today. Today, of all days, you know? On my birthday."
"Oh, what a shame..." the woman replied, feigning surprise. "She must have forgotten or had some problem. Have you talked to her?"
Was she really asking him that? He just told her he hadn't received any message from the brunette...
"Yes, but she hasn't replied."
"Don't worry! I'm sure there's a reason for it," assured the Piastri matriarch. "Don't let this ruin your day. If that girl doesn't call you as soon as it strikes twelve, I promise she'll have to deal with me."
"No mom, Oscar," she scolded him in an ironic tone, making him laugh. "Now try to enjoy her concert and have a good time with us, okay?"
The brown-haired young man nodded, grateful for his mother's support, and continued on his way to the Rod Laver Arena, now a bit happier than before.
After passing through security checks and receiving the VIP accreditations reserved for the Piastri family, and the occasional stops for the pilot to take some photos and sign autographs with fans who recognized him, which were quite a few, they made their way to their reserved spot, located in the lower side stands just a few meters from the main stage.
"Wow, I didn't know you were so famous to have so many people following you," joked his father, making his sisters laugh.
"You should take a break!" shouted his mother, hugging him and making his cheeks turn red. "You're at your girlfriend's concert, not at one of your stupid races."
"They're the ones who make me who I am, Mom. Besides, I'm a public figure," added the brown-eyed one. "I can't ignore them and act like nothing, you know? It's not that easy."
Oscar said that, but he still felt uneasy. As he looked at his family, already occupying their seats as there was still about half an hour before the concert started, the need to see his girlfriend or at least hear some news about her was taking over him more and more.
"Mom, I'm going to see if I can find out anything about Y/N," he said impulsively, interrupting himself with his own words. "I'll be right back."
Nicole looked at him with surprise, telling him no, to wait there, and they would see what to do after the concert. But the young man had already gained some momentum and was navigating through everyone in his way around the stands, seats, stairs, and multiple corridors until he reached the place where, supposedly, his girl was.
Once he reached the supposed dressing room, a perfectly uniformed black security guard, with a completely serious expression and crossed arms, stood in front of the door.
"Um... I'm Oscar," he greeted with a wave, trying to curve his lips without trembling. "I'm Y/N’s boyfriend," he timidly pointed to the door behind him with his hand. "Do you mind if I come in?"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Piastri, but Y/N has agreed that there are no visitors before the concert today," the man responded firmly, still looking at Oscar seriously and shaking his head.
"It's just a moment. I want to wish her good luck before she goes on stage," he insisted, hoping the guard might make an exception.
"I'm sorry, sir. Rules are rules, and if the young lady said no, then it's no. I can't make any exceptions, even for you."
The Australian thanked the unfriendly man with a slight nod and, feeling defeated, made his way back to where his family was. As soon as he arrived, he had his sisters pestering him:
"Did you see Y/N? Did she say anything to you? Did she leave you wanting something, and that's why you look so depressed now?"
The eldest sister's insistence was making him feel even worse than he already did; having the other two join in the sudden conversation with curious faces and even more unsettling questions made him want to leave the place.
The young man simply remained silent. He sat in his seat and kept his gaze fixed on the stage, waiting for the lights to go out and the concert to begin.
It was a matter of the singer stepping onto the stage for the crowd to rise to their feet, applauding and chanting her name, shouting compliments and praises of all kinds.
"Good evening, Melbourne!" exclaimed Y/N, who was on a platform that had risen from the bottom of the stage. "I hope you all have a great time with me tonight because I assure you that today will be full of surprises!"
Nicole Piastri got up from her seat, as did the rest of the family, and told Oscar to do the same. He refused, remaining seated with his arms crossed, but unable to stop a smile from appearing on his lips.
He might be upset with his girlfriend's behavior for who knows what reason, but it was impossible for him not to look away from her while she danced, sang, and interacted with the audience.
It was too difficult for him not to feel proud of her and everything she had achieved.
The show continued as Oscar knew it would, having memorized it from the numerous times he had not only attended various concerts of his girlfriend's tour around the world but also from the countless rehearsals he had accompanied her to.
However, Piastri did not expect that suddenly the lights would go out and an orange glow would begin to emerge everywhere, especially illuminating the stage.
Y/N appeared again, now wearing an orange bodysuit with perfectly placed blue tones that accentuated her figure.
"Do you know what day’s today?" asked the brunette, looking with wide eyes at the audience.
"April 6th!"
She nodded, a playful smile forming on her lips more and more as she was about to reveal, and trying not to turn her head towards where her boyfriend was, whom she had deliberately avoided all day and who, possibly, would tell her to screw off after all the ghosting she had done to him on his birthday.
"And, by any chance... do you know what happens today?"
There were a variety of responses. A large part of them answered that it was Oscar's birthday, her partner's. Others were somewhat wild, as if she was about to reveal that the couple was expecting a baby, or that the young woman was going to announce her retirement from the stage after her very short musical career.
"No, it's none of that," the Australian ended up saying. "I am pleased to announce that today, here, right now, I am going to debut my new single, 'Throttle Hearts'!"
The stadium erupted in cheers and applause once again. No one, not even Oscar, expected this revelation from the girl, so it was completely normal for people to ask her to sing the song already.
Y/N, however, asked them for a moment with her hand.
Quickly, she ran to her cell phone and, secluded in a small corner of the stage, tried to make sure that the camera recording to broadcast her image on the large screens captured nothing.
At that very moment, Oscar's phone vibrated in his pocket with a notification from the same girl who was on stage:
"Happy birthday, my love! I'm so sorry for ghosting you all day, but I hope it was worth it. If you understand any references in the song, it's normal bc it's based on our story. I hope this is the best gift you can receive, at least for now, in your life. I can't wait to get off stage and give you the biggest hug in the world <3"
And there was Y/N, making eye contact with him, having a minimal interaction with her boyfriend for the first time all day. The girl had her arm raised, waving enthusiastically and making heart gestures with both hands that ended sooner than expected as she went to the piano to play the first chords of the song.
Oscar found himself trying to hide some tears, which were forming in his eyes not only as Y/N’s voice adjusted to the melody but throughout the rest of the concert.
The only thing the boy could reply to that message was whether she had really written a song about him, receiving as a response during a break between songs a large number of heart shaped emojis.
When the show came to an end and the singer disappeared beneath the stage, the Piastri family quickly grabbed their belongings to leave the venue and go to where the boy's girlfriend was. The same security guard who had previously denied him access to see the singer to the Formula 1 driver was now standing next to them, telling them to follow him.
Obviously, they didn't hesitate to say yes and followed his steps to the young woman's dressing room, who allowed her boyfriend's family to enter, welcoming them with a radiant smile and hugs that had been delayed all day.
The only thing the young couple did as words were exchanged was to look at each other, shy to show their love in front of others, as it had always been with them.
"I think we should leave the lovebirds alone for a while," Nicole began as she headed towards the exit of the room. "Don't take too long, the reservation for dinner at Oscar's favorite restaurant is at ten fifteen, and you know we take quite a while to get there."
Both of them thanked her shyly, unsure of what to do or say beyond being unable to stop smiling.
When they were alone, facing each other, they didn't know what they should say to each other. Oscar Piastri didn't know if he should reproach his girlfriend for not speaking to him all day despite preparing a surprise for him. Y/N Y/L/N was aware that perhaps she should apologize for not having done things quite right and for keeping the brown-haired boy on edge by maintaining some sort of no-contact for the past 24 hours.
Finally, it was the McLaren driver who broke the not-so-uncomfortable silence:
"Y/N, that song..." He was at a loss for words. He didn't know what else to say other than that he had loved it.
The girl smiled shyly, grateful not only that he had liked the composition she had kept to herself for the past seven months, but also for seeming to have understood.
"I've been wanting to sing it to you for a long time, but I didn't know if you’d like it," the young woman admitted. "It has had a couple of important modifications since the first draft, and since the record label wasn't cooperating much when I wanted to release it initially, I thought it would be a good birthday gift for you," she explained. "Hey, and I'm sorry if this whole game of ignoring you all day has offended you. I feel really bad, and the last thing I want is..."
"Shut up, silly!" Oscar interrupted her, approaching her to wrap her in his arm and give her a tender kiss on the forehead. "At first, I thought you wanted to break up with me, but then seeing how my mom was acting, that gorilla you have as a bodyguard denying me access, and above all you ignoring me all day..."
"I'm good at keeping secrets, and I'm absolutely in love with you, Oscar Piastri," Y/N declared, mock-offended. "Do you really think I would ignore you all day?"
"Not a chance. I know there's a good intention behind everything you do," agreed the Australian, earning himself a hug and a kiss on the lips from his girlfriend. "Did you know that I'm also good at keeping secrets?"
"Oh, really? And are you absolutely in love with me like I am with you, Piastri?"
Oscar grinned mischievously, an idea starting to appear in his mind like a flash that was making more and more sense.
Obviously, the driver was a tad resentful, and the girl wasn't going to get away with it no matter how good the intention was behind Throttle Hearts and its surprise presentation.
Now, Oscar had to prepare a surprise for the girl's twenty-second birthday that would match, or even surpass, the one she had prepared for him.
"I don't know," he shrugged, laughing more and more emphatically and perhaps frustrating his girlfriend, "I guess now you'll have to wait for your birthday to find out."
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boroughshq · 8 months
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In preparation for our first event, under the cut you'll find a list of the shuffled character pairings for the upcoming snowstorm, along with further details about the event. As a reminder, the event will officially begin February 1st.
Marlon Mathis..............August Russo
Ryan Caddel................Claire Xiao
Javed Kashif................Alexander Warren
Onyx Harper.................Hercule Boisseau
Enzo Chavez.................Kian Zhang
Bijan Mousavi...............Oliver Metcalfe
Anavieve De Leon.........Deryn Adler
Riaz Mian.......................Fiona Burton
Athena Aston.................Anabelle Burton
Jasper Tomkins.............Johanna Paredes
Robin Morgan................Colson Kim
Gideon Chowdhury........Alina Ayutthaya-Harper
Kaan Demirci..................Neva Björk
Cerrus Balfour.................Anthony Ramos
Daniel Sutton..................Pauly Parker
Maccaulay Blake............Skyler Cameron
Josette Allen Lynn..........Honey Lavere
Merryn Hurley.................Riva Simone
Juliana Torres.................Benjamin Loverson
Violet Hú.........................Sherri Lowe
IC Timeline: Canonically, the snowstorm will suddenly pass through New York on Tuesday, February 1st.
OOC Timeline: Members will have from February 1st through February 8th to post their initial starters around the snowstorm. After 2/8, no new starters can be posted, but writers are free to continue their event thread until it's conclusion. An announcement will be made on both days when the event has started and ended.
Now that the pairings are announced, members are encouraged to reach out to the mun of their paired partner to plan out what will occur between the characters. Members are free to take liberties with the snowstorm backdrop to create whatever situational atmosphere they'd like - they can be as comedic, lowkey, absurd, mundane, adrenaline-seeking, or subtle as you'd like! If you're interested in more concrete details prior to the weather report on Tuesday, the 2014 Gulf Coast Winter Storm serves as a reference point!
Pairing Threads:
The primary reason behind the event is to encourage character interaction between characters who may not have engaged with each other before. As such, character threads are highly encouraged between the assigned pairing. Members can choose if they'd prefer to have their threads set during the action of the snowstorm (ex. thread of two character chatting while stuck in an ATM vestibule together until the power comes back on) or after the snowstorm (ex. first thread are characters running into each other two days after being stuck together in the ATM vestibule during the snowstorm).
Threads have no set length, neither in writing nor in IC time. The encounter between characters can be as brief as twenty minutes or as long as an overnighter, while threads can be full on multi-paras or simple gif conversations.
Additional Threads:
Members are also free to take advantage of the setting to engage in other snowstorm related threads during this time period, and are not limited to only engaging with their assigned partner. Other plotted threads and open starters are welcome! (ex. after being freed from the ATM vestibule, your character briefly seeks warmth at a nearby grocery store with other patrons, where an open starter may be set - or they return home to their roommate for a closed starter!)
Additionally, members are free to continue non-event threads!
Please be sure to tag all event threads as bhqevent001 for differentiation purposes.
Happy plotting everyone! An official post will be made once the event has begun on 2/1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send them to the main!
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itshoneys · 9 months
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🍯 — Honey Anne Lavere
gender: female  pronouns: she / her sexuality: bi age: 32 date of birth: october 15th  zodiac sign: libra residence:  manhattan —penhouse luxury apartment  occupation: social media influencer
🍯 about. / 🍯 connections.
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daggerzine · 5 months
Chanel Beads- Your Day Will Come (Jagjaguwar)
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Chanel Beads is New York’s up-and-coming experimental artist Shane Lavers. His music is all over the place, which is probably why I like it. He’s been around since 2018, but he released a few singles in 2022 that really took off.  He’s new to my ears so I looked up his earlier stuff, and, well, he’s definitely experimental. It’s mostly him performing everything (acoustic guitar, electric guitars, bass, drums, drum programming, synths, keyboards, lead vocals) with additional musicians Maya McGrory (acoustic guitar, vocals) and Zachary Schwartz (violin) who also serve as part of his live band. He began this project quarantined in his Brooklyn apartment back in 2022. First up, “Dedicated To The World, ” is a beautiful introduction to the album. Imagine starting with Genesis' "Watcher Of The Skies" and then Alex G pops in. It’s filled with soaring strings, jamming acoustic guitars, and echoing vocals. Second is “Police Scanner,” another gem. This one comes with a booming bass line, a rockin’ beat, and an occasional “Yeah!” Maya shares the lead vocals here on a song with razor-sharp synths. I love the gradual mixing in of beautiful acoustic guitars. “Good people out of view. Soul to bare. Changes come. Something strange yeah something new. Police scanner.” Here’s the video:
On track 3, “Idea June,” Maya takes over with soft, gentle, whispered lead vocals. An acoustic song that actually finishes before it starts. It's just too short. Next is “Embarrassed Dog.” A strong hip-hop beatbox with beautiful synths and violin makes me think somebody is going to jump on this to remix it. Shane’s emotional vocals lash out about death again. “I was just a child. Peace symbol on your grave. Reckoning the past moves closer every day. Every day. I was just shouting out. Scratch it on your grave. It takes all of the meaning out your mouth.” Track 5, “Unifying Thought,” is another short, but upbeat song with synths resembling horns. However; the lyrics reveal more heartbreak. “Man up on the cross. Write up from your boss. Listen. Focus on the love in your heart. I had a unifying thought. But I missed.” Track 6, “Your Day Will Come, ” is the first instrumental on the album. It’s a beautiful, ambient track with a beat that gradually fades out and then the synths and strings take flight. It could easily fit on any movie soundtrack, just not a slasher film. “Urn” is a moving piece about the deceased. It’s filled with a frantic acoustic guitar, upbeat rhythms, and sorrowful lyrics. “Sometimes I wish that we buried you now. Assigned a location to my grief somehow. But I know that you would think the cemetery is silly. It’s dust to me. Yeah your birthday that kinda hurts me now. Like the day you died, the day you drank all that honey.” The song takes a complete turnaround with an all-out instrumental attack until it ends. This part definitely falls into the experimental side of his music. “Coffee Culture” is another instrumental and, by far, the longest track. Very spacy, dreamy strings, synths, and angelic choral vocals that build to an anxious finale. The album ends with “I Think I Saw.” Quickly bowing violins begin this beautiful song that builds and builds. Kind of reminds me of a long-lost Scarlet's Well track. More crazy lyrics dealing with death again. “Black dog coming. He won’t disobey. Show you something. I'm not really brave. Creeping feeling. Flowers on the grave. Do it for the state, now I visit when it’s grave.” So there you have it. Nine songs covering a wide variety in about 36 minutes. Was I right? I wonder if Shane will take these songs on the road. ERIC EGGLESON
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Hey! If you want more, the vinyl version has this bonus track: “Idea June (alt version).”
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leyhejuhyunghan · 1 year
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Today in the afternoon served onions and pork. With onion, oats, nuts, fiber, pork, dried laver, cooked rice, egg water, soy sauce, and honey made nutritious porridge. Have a safe and good weekend. Healthy and nutritious food menus.
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etseance · 2 years
can someone please (PLEASE) point brennan towards the direction of those korean flavored almonds 
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lovemetopieces · 6 months
Coney Island | Closed starter | @itshoneys
Alejandra loved everything about amusement parks from the rides to the games to the greasy foods. So when Honey invited her out to Coney Island, Alejandra happily obliged. She was eating cotton candy and walking alongside Honey as they approached another ride. The line wasn't long and she figured she could finish her cotton candy as they waited to board. "I'm having such a good time," she said to her friend. "Thank you for getting me out the house today."
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bjorkncaddel · 6 months
neva: hey girl! neva: i miss you <3 neva: sorry not joining the clubs, lately. i'm just avoiding drinking.
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koreanstoresnearme · 3 years
Best Korean Snacks You Can Buy Online KOREAN MART IM MART in 2022.
1. Ppogi — Dalgona Candy (Korean honeycomb toffee or Ppopgi) is a traditional Korean snack made famous by the K-drama Squid Game. But, unlike when the characters played it on the hit drama, Dalgona Candy is easy to make and fun to play at home. You only need two ingredients to make Dalgona Candy, sugar and baking soda. In Squid Game, the characters attempt to carve out shapes from the honeycomb toffee candy. If the candy breaks, then they lose. Luckily, the traditional game is far less life-threatening! Ppopgi means ‘to pick’ and was an incredibly popular game with school children during the 1960s and 1970s. The traditional Korean snack is similar to toffee. Street vendors usually prepare this with a soup spoon. First, the vendors form the mixture into a round cookie with a shape in the middle, such as a circle, triangle, star, or umbrella.The vendors then typically sell these cookies outside schools for school children to play with. Players then have to carve out the shapes without breaking them. If successful, you might even get another honeycomb toffee from the vendor. 2. Seasoned Almonds — Also known as ‘K-Almonds,’ seasoned almonds are one of the best Korean snacks and are loved all over the country. The numbers don’t lie. Sales of seasoned almonds annually exceed $100 million! The best-seasoned almonds are coated with unique, intriguing flavors. These include Buldak (spicy chicken), Jeju Matcha (Green tea), Injeolimi (Korean rice cake), and laver. However, the original flavor of this popular Korean snack is honey butter. This is the perfect snack to share when you’re watching your favorite Korean drama with friends and family. Alternatively, bring these to work and share.Don’t expect them to last very long though! But we wouldn’t judge if you decided to enjoy them all by yourself. 3. Samyang Korean Fire Noodles- Korean fire noodles are a popular Korean snack that recently went viral, thanks to the spicy noodle challenge. Created by Samyang Foods in 1963, Samyang Korean Fire Noodles was the first Korean ramen. The ramen was made in response to food shortages in Korea. It was created to be a healthy, filling snack. Years later, ramen remains the second most popular food in the country. Samyang’s hot chicken stir-fried noodles became famous in the spicy noodle challenge video. If you love spicy food, it’s a good one to start trying out their flavors. If you’ve never tried Samyang ramen before, give those a try and see if you can handle one of their more intense flavors! 4. Pepero Stick B iscuit- A popular Korean snack, Pepero Stick Biscuits, are so beloved that they have their own holiday in Korea! These chocolate-covered sticks are a delicious piece of candy and come in several flavors, including milk chocolate, peanut butter, and white chocolate. So if you’re looking for a sweet treat on the go, grab a Pepero Stick Biscuit. While the traditional Pepero Stick Biscuits are irresistibly delicious, we highly recommend the white cookie version. They’re pretty similar to Hershey’s cookies and cream snacks, beloved in the US. But they have the same texture as the traditional, chocolate-covered Pepero sticks. If you have a sweet tooth, you might want to choose the white chocolate stick biscuits over the milk chocolate. They’re seriously sweet, but you’re sure to love them.This is especially so if you like Oreos or anything with cookies and cream flavor.
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cokun · 3 years
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211222 code_kunst Instagram Stories
Photo of Cokun table d'hote that I saved because it was so funny lol
(T/N: Pictured in Story #1: garaetteok (rice cake), gim (dried seaweed/laver), and honey. (Slight chance it’s sesame oil but it’s most likely honey). Cokun x garaetteok became a hot topic after his appearance on the variety show, “Omniscient Interfering View”)
Trans. cr. 🐰 @ cokun.tumblr.com
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Behind Amber Eyes
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Collaboration between myself the fantastic @stehkotori​
Angst, Smut, Hurt, Love with our two amber loves
It became unbearable to stay in the house, the clear blue lines of the negative test sent waves of sadness through your body, it was tainting you just like it was Gavin. You needed a distraction, something, anything to clear your mind. 
Gavin was acting lately with all seeming ability to not get pregnant was really straining your relationship. It felt like he didn’t want to touch you because he loved you, it was like he was pure fucking you to get you pregnant, he hadn’t even made you cum the last few attempts, you found yourself finishing yourself off out of frustration after he fell asleep. All you wanted, so desperately wanted, was a night of passion and in all honesty you knew you weren't going to get that with your husband.
The heavy scent of alcohol, smoke and sweat flooded your scenes as you entered the live house, the atmosphere instantly bringing you to a comforting feeling, it was almost like your troubles faded and future away as you entered deeper into the crowd. You debated heading to the bar, maybe a beer would help but then again the fertility doctor had said alcohol was not a good idea for when trying for a baby, so you stayed clear. You don’t know what actually brought you to this place, you knew no-one here, or so you thought…
The bass beginning to drift into your ears, pulled your gaze to the lilac haired man who stood tall, strumming away at the song the band was playing. He looked up and his eyes, those beautiful amber eyes that made your core melt, met yours. Shaw…
“So what brings you here?” He asked as he sat on the bar stool next to you, beer in hand.
“I just- I couldn’t be alone,” You meekly smiled, your fingers tapping on the glass of water you had requested.
“Oh right yeah, Gave’s away again isn’t he,” You nodded in response, “Water? Unlike you, you up the duff or something?” He teased, before noticing the broken smile on your face. 
“Quite the opposite actually…” You mumble off, as he places one of his larger hands over yours.
“What's wrong?”.
“I-... We trying and it’s just… nothings working and it’s getting really frustrating you know,” It all comes blurting out, “I don’t even feel like Gavin wants to have sex with me anymore, he’s so worked up over it he literally finishes and just... “. You trail the end of your sentence off, Shaw really didn’t need to hear about your sex life. 
“Leaves you high and dry then fucks off on a mission?” He adds and you nod, “You know… if you were my girl, I would devote my life to pleasuring you”. His words sending heat through your body, the first hint of actual being wanted for the first time in months, it pumped sexual desire through your body. 
“Aha, can you tell your brother that,” You laugh slightly, rolling your eyes.
“I mean it, Bella,” Shaw turned serious for a second, the tone of his voice pulling your gaze to his as he gently clasps his hand over yours, “I would give you everything I had, you’d never see me fucking off for weeks on end on missions, especially when trying to give you the thing you most wanted,”. 
“An orgasm?” You laugh light-heartedly.
“A baby…” His words make your jaw drop ever so lightly as you stared into his amber eyes, the same eyes of your husbands, your chest rising heavily and you felt yourself leaning into his gaze. You quickly stopped when a ping of your phone interrupted you, checking it you saw the words ‘You’re entering your most fertile 48 hour period”, a sad smile appearing. Most fertile and Gavin wasn’t here, once again. Shaw’s other hand came to rest on your cheek as he pulled your gaze back to his, the liquid-honey eyes burning into your soul as he squeezed your hand reassuringly and before you could stop yourself, you felt your lips pressing against his. His lips were soft, warming and comforting, they tasted like the beer he has sipping on, they were also pressing back against yours. Neither of you pulled away as your lips glided over one and others. 
“Let me give you what he can’t, just one night, please,” He pleaded against your lips as he pulled away gently, waiting for your answer as his golden-hued eyes melted your core. You didn’t answer, you couldn’t find words for how you felt, instead you leaned forward one more and pressed another kiss against his lips. 
Lips collided over each other as he pushed you back against his front door, keys fumbling in his pocket to find the door key before finally pushing it open, the two of you stumbling inside as your arms wrapped around each other. Everything you feared, Gavin, the failed fertilization, all of it melted away each time Shaw’s lips found yours. It felt right, it felt natural as if you were secretly made for each other. Gone was Shaw’s cockiness, replaced with the softer slightly maturer side he kept hidden, only for you to unravel slowly piece by piece.
Articles of clothing slowly disappeared, both of you taking the time to admire each other's bodies until both of you stood slightly flushed in just underwear. His arms holding your waist as he brought his lips back to yours in a slow-moving kiss, a kiss that sought closeness in one sensation, one never-ending passionate moment. It made your heart race, having him pressed so closely to your almost naked skin, the intimacy between you growing. 
He slowly brought a hand up over your stomach to mess with your bra strap before gently pulling it off your shoulder, followed by the other before finally reaching behind and undoing it. You let it fall from your body, a light thud on the floor as you brought your hands to rest on his chest. Nothing was rushed, all was at a leisurely sensual pace. He kept his hands on your back as his tongue ran against the edge of your lips. Without a word, you moved your hands to cup his and brought them over your naked breasts, the warmth of his hands sending electric tingles down your spine. His hands worked over your chest before making their way down to your underwear, you being pushed back gently until your knees hit the edge of the sofa, knocking you back gently as you fell onto it. Shaw followed you down, kneeling between your knees as he pushed them apart, settling down between them as he pressed light kisses to your stomach, his fingertips on the hem of your underwear. He pulled them off slowly, pressing kiss down your thighs as he followed his hands, pressing a kiss to your ankle before his eyes met your glistening core. 
“Shaw!” You whimpered, your hands grasping at his hair, your back arching lightly as he pressed gentle kisses against your clit. He ran the flat on his tongue against you, sparks accumulating over your body at the sensation as he delved a finger inside your tight core. He set fireworks off inside you as he responded to everywhere moans and pleasurable whimpers, turning you into putty by his actions, your legs over his shoulder, pushing him closer against you. 
“Ngh~ Shaw!” You cried, tears leaving your eyes as you felt the final explosion release, your thighs shaking as you came against his mouth, your essence trickling down his fingers and knuckles. Your fingertips tugging at the lilac hair loosened and he pulled himself away, licking his lips as he stared up from between your thighs, his half-lidded eyes meeting your hazy gaze.
He moved up your body, his hands moving to your waist as you wrapped your arms around his back, your lips meeting again, the taste of you fresh on his tongue. He pushed you down against the sofa, your legs parting as his body lay flushed against yours, the only article of clothes remaining was his boxers. Trailing your hand down his chest, you pulled them off slowly, your hand moving to wrap around his cock as he hissed slightly at the sensation.
“Don’t,” He mumbled, stopping you in your tracks, was he regretting this?
“You’ll make me...” He flustered slightly, sensing the worry in his eyes, “Tonight is all about you,”. Positioning himself to press against your core, the taffy-golden eyes fixed over yours as he pressed himself into you, moans of pleasure falling from both of your lips. He filled you in a different sense to Gavin, physically and emotionally, his lips pressing repeatedly over your neck as he inched further into you before fully hilted inside you. You experienced pleasure no like other as he thrust slowly into you, your hips rolling against his as his lips made their way to yours. You ran your fingernails down his back as he kept his sensual pace, both of you indulging in the pleasurable bliss, your eyes never breaking their intense gaze. He brought a hand down to your clit, fondling the sensitive nub as he brought you both an earth-shattering release, his name crying your lips as yours fell from his. 
Your blissful night of divine pleasure continued, as you straddled him, riding him to another release. One hand cupped your ass as the other held your lower back, your muscles clenching over him, bringing him to a following release after. Sweet kisses pressed to your shoulder as he took you from behind, one hand gripping yours as he leaned over you, finishing for a third time inside you that night. The sensual night passed by, with no pick up of pace, only deep passion as it left you both in a euphoric state.
Morning slowly crept by and reality sunk in, placing a gentle kiss to his cheek, you dressed and took one last look at the man, peacefully sleeping, who gave you unspeakable pleasure before leaving to return home. A heavenly smile graced your lips as you made your way home before the city awoke, ensuring that no-one saw you leave his apartment as you blissfully strolled home, your heart profoundly beating the lilac haired man who was in deep slumber, unaware you had slipped away from resting body.
Once home, the home you shared with your passionate lover's brother, you pulled yourself into the shower as the heavy scent of Shaw lingered on your skin. You lavered yourself up with the scent of lavender, removing any trace of the previous night from your skin, the only thing left was your memory of his ghostly touches. It was a mistake, one heavenly passionate, mind-blowing mistake, you kept telling yourself but you couldn't get the touches of Shaw from your mind. It was a secret night of passion you would take to your grave if Gavin even knew it would break him further than he ever was… 
You yawned from exhaustion, allowing yourself to climb into bed, letting you slip away into a sweet slumber. All you could dream of was Shaw's eyes, his words, his touches, the way he made you feel, how no man ever made you feel…  A hand touching your lower back makes you jolt up in fear, piercing amber eyes meets, Shaw? “Gavin…” You whisper, clutching the bedsheets to you, “What are you, the mission?”.
“I got a notification, I know you're fertile for another day so I came home early,” He smiled, bringing a hand to stroke your cheek.
He wasted no time getting into the action, no foreplay or romance, straight into fucking you. None of the romance or passion you had experienced the night before, the amber eyes meeting your gaze held resembled nothing of the flame that had lit your fire last night. Each time you fell into those eyes, you had to hold back from crying ‘Shaw’, in the end, you made him take you from behind from the sheer fear you could cry out for another. He pounded into you, not helping to bring you to a release as he finished deep inside you before pulling out, leaving you in a heaving mess. 
“I feel like we might be lucky this time, I just feel it”. You heard he saying to your back, a softness in his voice being there for the first time in months. You don’t know if it was the exhaustion, all the emotions from the last night, or the fact that he is being sweet, but before you notice, tears were running in your cheeks.
A few months come and gone before you even notice. You hadn’t see Shaw since that fateful night and, honestly, part of you would prefer that it would continue like this. But since it was his birthday, you and Gavin went to the live house, where some of his friends were celebrating. As soon as the lavender-hair boy looked at you growing belly, though, you knew it was a bad idea. Gavin on the other hand was more than happy. Like always, he puts his hands on your belly every two minutes, just to be sure you and the baby were ok, his face glowing in happiness every time he felt the baby move. When your husband goes get you some water, Shaw comes to your side.
“I see you got what you wanted, in the end.” He says, drinking from the beer bottle. “The both things you asked that night, in fact. I mean, if I’m right and this baby is from that night… Am I?”.
You look at his amber eyes, the same that your husband. For a moment you wanderer if the baby will have that same pair of eyes. You knew what he was asking.
“I don’t know, Shaw. All I know is that I am happy. And Gavin is happy too.” You hoped he understood what you meant. The way his expression got a little more serious and dark told you he did.
Without saying anything else, he just went back to his group of friends.
The labor wasn’t so easy, and part of you asked itself if something about this baby would ever be. But the moment you saw your baby girl, everything started to be worth it. With so much exhaustion, you were fast asleep as soon as you were in your hospital room. Making you lose the interaction that happened later that evening when Shaw went to see your growing family.
Gavin was just radiant, at the point of hugging his brother. Shaw looked at you two, a little disappointed to find you both asleep. While your husband didn’t stop talking about all the labor and plans you two have for your girl, Shaw let himself wander for a moment what would be like if he was in his brother’s shoes. It wasn’t the first time he thought about that, but now there was a bittersweetness lingering in the air.
“I know what you are. And don’t worry, tonight I will let you have it.” Gavin said, making Shaw almost jump, even if he didn’t let it show. “You wanna hold her, right? I know, I felt the same way when I saw her for the first time”.
Gavin took his bundle of joy and then gave it to his brother. A smile in his face. At first, Shaw thought about denying it, since holding her probably would be even more painful, but, just like that night with you, he just had to know what it was like. As soon as the baby is his arms, she wakes, opening her little eyes. The first thought in Shaw’s mind is that she had their eyes indeed, little two pools of honey. The second thought, that was the most painful and at the same time the one that brought him more joy, was that the little strand of lilac in her hair would never deny who was her father.
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