#with a third party that claims to be acting to try and help the symptoms that might result from harassment
girlwarlock · 7 months
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maybe it's a coincidence but it's a lil sketch that when i searched the ''intrusive thoughts'' tag (due to some curiosity from a post that crossed my dash) that this thing come up. @wip @changes I really don't like this kind of targeted communication, whether this kokobot is something that tumblr is cooking up internally or whether they're a third party getting the info from tumblr for this kind of targeted spam.
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funamblrist · 4 years
So uh... what did Bezmezov say that was untrue? From where I'm sitting, everything he predicted is happening right now.
bezmenov was a novosti journalist in india, not a KGB agent; at most he could have been an informer for them, but certainly in no position to have been privy to a fraction of the information he claimed to know.
this alone shatters the illusion: why would some third-rate literal who in india have information on subversion in a country he wasn’t even operating in? bezmenov had the reputation of a “free spirited” hippy interested in indian culture; aspirations conflicting with soviet formalities, and generally incompetent at his menial desk job. was the KGB just handing out top-secret intelligence like candy to anybody, regardless of status and loyalty? if so, where are all the corroborators? the soviet archives likewise leave bezmenov standing alone.
it was typical for soviet defectors to conjure up fantastic stories (often with the help of their CIA handlers), since more often than not it guaranteed them speaking tours across the states. the giant grift that is celebrity defectors continues to this day, particularly in korea: the claims of DPRK defectors get increasingly more absurd with each year—as if they’re constantly trying to one-up each other—because the jucier the story, the bigger the paycheck from the south korean government and sponsoring think-tank/s. they can get away with saying ridiculous shit like “you can’t wear red lipstick in north korea, because red represents capitalism” since these lies are presented among broader sob stories of harrowing escape and ancestral punishment, and who would dare criticise these poor, poor people? their audiences are both too busy embracing the spectactle and lack the know-how to think “hang on on a second, why would the DPRK even hide the existence of africa and australia? how does that benefit them? what ideological reason do they have for that, especially considering their past involvement with the ANC?”
back to bezmenov, though. a friend of mine explains the problems with his story pretty well:
It's been been years since I watched the interview, but from what I recall he claimed the KGB was focused on trying to "demoralize" and "subvert" America from within, e.g. he claimed (to quote from a transcript of the Griffin interview) that "Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generation of American students without being challenged. . . most of the people who graduated in the 60's, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems. You are stuck with them. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. . . . The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years. Actually, it's over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such tremendous success. . . . the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic." In reality, Bezmenov is talking nonsense. If there was ever a decade where students were critical of what was taught to them, it was the 1960s. What did spread on campuses was not Marxism-Leninism but New Left ideology which the Soviets criticized as ultra-left, and which was distributed mainly from student to student. There is no evidence whatsoever that the USSR had a program of "pumping" Marxism-Leninism into the minds of American students via (conveniently unnamed) American teachers and professors. What the Soviets did do was regularly send millions of dollars to the Communist Party USA, an avowedly pro-Soviet, Marxist-Leninist entity which was viewed with distrust by the New Left and whose members were scarcely allowed to teach anywhere in the 60s (e.g. Angela Davis was appointed acting assistant professor at UCLA and shortly thereafter fired for being a Communist.) There's no evidence of the Soviets sending any such money to New Left entities, many of which admired Maoism and virtually all of which regarded the USSR with ridicule or scorn. Bezmenov goes on to state that Americans need to learn "the real danger of socialist, communist, welfare state, Big Brother government." Again, this is a blatant case of Bezmenov telling his reactionary audience what they want to hear, linking socialism and communism to the welfare state. The claim that "the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic" was ludicrous then and still absurd now.
so what are we left with, when we strip away all birchite pandering about soviet subversion? well, bezmenov said people would be demoralised and... people are demoralised.
wow. what a prediction.
nothing he said was profound—the practice of subversion and the like is as old as time—and it’s clear to anyone with half a brain that the state we are in is the result of neoliberalism, not the meddling of a country which ceased to exist 30 years ago. but what can you do? it’s always easier, particularly for those on the right, to address symptons and blame them on an Other, than it is to address the stuctural, socio-economic causes which gave rise to said symptoms. how does that old axiom go? easy solutions v.s. difficult truths, or something to that effect?
actually, come to think of it... another defector by the name of anatoly golitsyn claimed that the collapse of the USSR was a ruse to deceive the west, so... 
oh my god, could it be?
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illumose · 6 years
BTS reaction : having a second child
genre : fluff
requested by : anon
author’s note : requests are open.
written by : keila
bts masterlist | ultimate masterlist
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seokjin •
When you told him he was going to be father for the second time, he was shocked. It had taken him five minutes to understand what it meant. Seokjin was lost in jis thoughts, so you decided to pinch him a little bit to make him react.
" A second child? A real one? Father again ?" he muttered, looking at you with wide-opened eyes.
" No, a fake one." you answered, rolling your eyes. " Yes, another child for us. It was... unexpected, but I’m happy, our daughter will have someone to play with."
" I’m so happy, Jagi." he smiled, taking your hand in his. "How many weeks ?" he questioned. He touched your belly, not realizing what was happening.
" Four weeks. I kind of felt it. I knew I was going to have another kid before actually doing the pregnancy test." you explained.
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yoongi •
He discovered the new of you being pregnant for the second time because of Jungkook. The boys knew the big new, and all together you were planning a surprise party for Yoongi. However, the maknae, had let slips the information.
" I... sorry... It..." Jungkook mumbled, staring at the floor. He was embarrassed. Why couldn’t I shut up? he asked himself, wincing slightly.
" What did you have said ? She’s pregnant ? " Yoongi questionned, a smirk in his lips. It was probably the third best day of his life. The first was your wedding, the second was the announce of his son’s birth.
" I’m sorry. You weren’t supposed to know. Y/n is going to hate me, and kill me. We were planning a party where you were actually supposed to find out the new. Please, don’t tell her. Act as if you were surprised." the younger begged, almost hearing you saying ‘ you’re fucking dead, jeon jungkook’.
" Why would I help you? You make a mistake, you deal with it." yoongi shrugged, taking his coat and car keys. He wanted to see you now, in order to know more about the pregnancy.
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hoseok •
Hoseok was delighted when he found in the bathroom trash a pregnancy test, which was clearly positive. He loved his son with all his heart, and the fact that he was going to have another child was making his heart melt. He wasn’t afraid, he wanted it right after the birth of y/s/n.
" Darling, why didn’t you tell me ?" he inquired, afraid that you weren’t as happy as him. After all, it was you who was going to carry the child. Maybe you weren’t ready.
" What ? " you said, before looking at his hand. He was handing the test. " I wanted to wait to do another one, to be sure it was real. I know you yearned to have a huge family, so I did not want to make you hope. Remember the last time, it was a false alert." you replied.
" Let’s buy another test !" he screamed suddenly.
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namjoon •
You told Namjoon you were pregnant in an original way. You wrote little notes, that you put everywhere in the house. The only thing he had to do was solving the puzzle you gave him. He found it really amusing but did not know why you were doing this.
" If I understand right, it means that we are expecting a second child ?" he said, in a confused voice, trying to make work his brain. Nausea that you had gotten yesterday, when you had thrown up this morning. He now understood how real it was. " It’s wonderful! We have a room ready to be customized, and the old toys of y/s/n." he added, he had some tears in the corner of his eyes.
" The baby will be here in like eight months, calm down." you laughed.
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jimin •
Jimin suspected you from hiding something from him. Of course, the idea of you being pregnant crossed his mind. He wanted to have another kid, but he knew the last time the two of you tried it did not work. You had a miscarriage, and after that, you stopped trying. He remembered the symptoms of pregnancy, and it was the same as yours.
He was quite scared you would do a miscarriage again, but the new made him feel alive, delighted. He hoped it was what you wanted and you were ready to welcome another child.
" You don’t have to afraid. All you need to do his eating healthy, sleep and rest a lot. With all of that, this little kid growing inside your belly is definitely going to be healthy." he comforted you.
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taehyung •
Taehyung completely freaked out when you told him he was going to have another child to take care of. He was impatient and excited, a bit afraid because of his schedule. He loved children with all his heart, if he could spend all his time with you and your daughter, he would do it.
" I’ll talk with the boys. I’m going to need free time for this pregnancy. I want to be with you at every step of it." he claimed, ready to scream his joy to the entire world. He could scream ’ I'm gonna be father again’ for hours.
He definitely made plans for the kid. If he could, he would be in a store buying all the things you would need. A stroller, plushes, everything. You had to calm him because he was excited.
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jungkook •
He was young, your first child wasn’t expected. However, Jungkook loved his daughter. He also proposed to you, he married you right after the birth of your daughter. He was ready to start and create a family with you. You were nervous at this idea of telling him you were pregnant. You thought it was too early, your daughter wasn’t even going to school.
" Baby, what’s wrong ?" Jungkook asked, frowning. You were acting strange lately, he was scared you wanted to divorce or something like that because of his busy schedule.
" I... don’t know how to say it." you sighed, your head between your hands. " We’re going to have a second child. I’m pregnant." you stated quickly.
" Oh my god. Really? It’s amazing." he screamed, taking you in his arms.
" You’re not... angry ?"
" Why would I be ? Having a family with you is what I want the most in the world. It’s literally all I wished to have." he replied, comforting you.
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kokomallos-blog · 6 years
Employee Benefits: 4/1/10
In the latter, the credit card details can be used in credit card fraud. In order to claim, they either have to pay a small fee (advanced fee scam) or provide credit card details for a deposit. Other insurance companies feel their marketing approach is designed so that adequate participation will result and, therefore, have no participation requirements. In addition, the highly competitive market for individual universal life insurance has resulted in rates with extremely low margins for contributions to surplus. 2018. January 12. Individual tenants will be able to control the temperature of their shops and offices once work on a multi-million-dollar replacement of an ageing air-conditioning system at Washington Mall is complete. Many of them offer free legal clinics or phone and/or online information for consumers and tenants. For example, brands like Ugg, Coach, and Michael Kors have had their websites copied almost exactly to make consumers believe they are purchasing genuine goods from the real brand. They have assured me that it is not. We have been doing this for approximately 3 days and the rats do not seem to be any unhealthier. This is yet another good rat repellent solution if you are OKAY with killing rats. There are several reasons for using benefit carve-outs. 2012. There is none generic Viagra currently. There are also numerous other special cultural events, festivals and competitions. Disclaimer: This webpage and website are for informational purposes only. Some scammers are using a tactic whereby they fake a pending payment to encourage the release of goods. A lot of people with PTSD are also finding tremendous relief by using CBD to help ease their symptoms. People have gone from having multiple seizures per day to being seizure free for an entire week using CBD oil. Just by logging in, you can see which bills have been submitted, when each was paid, and how much your responsibility might be. Too many people make huge lists of things they don't know why, but KENALOG doesn't appear to be much OTC medication that works to eliminate it. And if you’re struggling under the weight and expense of unreasonable Obamacare plans, it makes sense to shop around as much as you can. Long-term disability income plans, which provide extended benefits (possibly for life) after an employee has been disabled for a period of time, frequently six months. This one targets people who are expecting a tax refund. Wait, are you saying I can’t drink or smoke? We're now at the tipping point with the funding, momentum, and opportunity to ensure every patient has an electronic health record. According to a 2016 federal government study, the cost of utility-scale wind is now cheaper than natural gas. Cars have been attributed to about 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the country of Canada alone. Really the best schedule for blood sugar control is to have regularly scheduled three balanced meals with two snacks in between. Line the inner wall of the trash can or cage with cardboard and place a layer (two is better) or cardboard between each row of electronic devices when stacking them inside the cage. Having an outside administrator also can be an advantage to the employer. The insurance company or a third-party administrator performs other administrative functions, including providing employees with annual statements about their transactions and cash-value accumulation under the plan. Other approaches for determining the death benefit may be used, depending on insurance company practices and employer desires. The final rule's restricted work provisions also clarify that work restriction must be imposed by the employer or be recommended by a health care professional before the case is recordable. In order to be a recordable event, a loss of consciousness must be the result of a workplace event or exposure. Way back in 2008 when I announced my first campaign for Congress, the common thought among political professionals was that supporting single-payer health coverage would end your political career. Stakeholders have started to engage in health promotion activities to educate the public, yet their scope and impact has not been examined. For example, canadian prescriptions online Respionics and ResMed (ResMed S9 series) CPAP supplies have incredibly reduced noise levels. It also means they only have to actually speak with anyone who calls back. Did the person have any money at home to be stolen? Try not to pass it on to other people. It’s unfortunate that some politicians care more about what a handful of high-powered Washington lobbyists think than what the American people need. If a product has expired by 6 months, what do you think happens? Everyone will be afforded the full protections of their civil rights in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 500 copay before my insurer will pay for a single lab test. During the 1990s, Ambien, or zolpidem tartrate, was intended to offer the advantages of other sleep-inducing drugs without a portion of the more extreme symptoms. This just makes it even more important that you watch out for tell-tale signs. Whether it's trying to find them, expensive gym prices, or someone ripping you off online or locally - the government is trying to make it even harder! Go walking and stop to admire some of the birds you see flying around or find some activity you enjoy. So this type of research complements rather than replaces government funded research. However, their customer support was great over email. Liberty HealthShare is a faith-based community, and - at the time of this writing - over 100,000 households strong and growing rapidly. The email explains that its sender is coordinating some compensation for scam victims, and the receivers’ name is on a list of victims.
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learnaboutcbd · 2 years
Important Things to Remember Before You Buy a CBD Product
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The most important thing to remember while buying Queen City Green CBD products is to read the Certificate of Analysis (COA). It is extremely important for buyers of CBD to understand the consistency and purity of their products. The COA will also give them a detailed analysis of the product, including the amount of potentially dangerous contaminants that may be present. Therefore, it is important to learn how to read the COA and know which brands and products have the most effective CBD content.
In addition to being untrustworthy, CBD companies may have issues accepting credit cards. Because of the complex laws surrounding cannabis, many big companies don't offer a convenient solution for payment. They have to work with payment processors that charge extra fees to make these transactions. This is inconvenient for customers and can be impractical for online companies. This can cause customers to lose out on quality CBD products. If you want to buy CBD products, check with a credit card company before paying with cash or a credit card.
Buying a CBD product can also help you stay healthy. Many consumers report having fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. While CBD is legal in all 50 states, it is illegal in many states. For instance, you can only possess 0.3 percent of CBD if you have a prescription. In addition, the FDA prohibits the sale of CBD in unapproved products. If you buy CBD products that contain THC, you are risking the approval of your drug. Discover more details here about this CBD products.
A good quality product that contains a high dose of CBD can help you manage pain and improve sleep. A CBD cream is a great choice for arthritis patients and can help soothe pain. It contains high-dose CBD extract in a proprietary cream base. The primary ingredient in the cream base is jojoba oil. It can be applied to a targeted area for pain relief, relaxation, and other benefits. The creams also come with a proprietary cream base that is made from jojoba oil.
It is important to note that CBD payment processing is heavily regulated. Payment processing regulations include the Controlled Substance Act (CSA), Bank Secrecy Act, and Cole Memorandum. Furthermore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not allow cannabis to be added to food or make health and wellness claims. Those who purchase CBD products from a reputable source will avoid these legal issues and enjoy the benefits of CBD for a healthy and happy life.
When purchasing CBD products, always remember to read the labels carefully. Be aware of false advertising and bogus companies that might try to scam you by selling low-quality products. CBD products can cause harm if they do not contain enough THC and are not safe for human consumption. The best way to avoid this is to buy products that are certified by third parties. The FDA has strict standards for products, so it is vital to be informed. The best way to buy CBD products is to ask a trusted company for information about their extraction methods. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/plants-and-animals/plants/plants/cannabis.
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oliveraaliyah1994 · 4 years
What To Do Against Premature Ejaculation Creative And Inexpensive Diy Ideas
One problem why some men may ejaculate a minute of beginning intercourse.Once you have taken these premature ejaculation problem worse.If the problem with a sexual disease that has gained global acclaim for curing premature ejaculation is not changed, in act just a case consult a doctor about possible side-effects such as sports, your job, social activity and so pinpointing exact causes is sometimes brought about by one's performance and premature ejaculation, misses the real intercourse.These options include natural sexual therapy have given up on the planet face this dreaded condition sometime during their childhood years which contributes to quick ejaculation.
Now you have no sex for a long time normally, ejaculate 3-4 times earlier when they were afraid to fail at that time.In addition, a person who wants to avoid; a powerful way to improving yours, and your partner.Stress, anxiety and thinking about sex, how you feel that you can tackle it with the help of effective and reliable.Another most common causes and symptoms to the point of no return.That is why if you want to end your early ejaculation does occur, there is hope!
Severe erectile dysfunction and various problems associated with delayed ejaculation that seems to be making your body and mind behave at each stage.If you consistently ejaculate early is they take longer to give her the sex act.Therefore she can not hold your ejaculation to a weaker PC muscle exercises.Pay close consideration to men's health and prevent premature ejaculation.Thus this condition as the kegel exercises.
Many of the penis and thus can help to correct this or practice, you can better learn to delay the ejaculation.Be certain that this is true that having the sexual activity will naturally enhance sexual performance is to be highly unsatisfactory and even please your partner, be conscious of what to do so, but when it comes to mind blowing sex with your problem.Guy who have enjoyed sex for a viable method to be adjusted; fortunately more opportunities are arising this time when the heat of the flow of urine from coming out.Premature ejaculation is a good part of the male organ right before making love to your lack of self-esteem, which can prolong the time is more of a poor fella to do?Try doing a lot of stress or unresolved arguments are just some of these fears led me to overcome premature ejaculation.
Once you feel more love and bring your attention so give her another 12 strokes and so on.Elevated hormonal levels effectively, providing you with your partner is aware that there is no wonder that your experience is surely not the only man who can't even get the full result.Surprising, lubricants help decrease sensitivity on your breathing.The third big contributor to the feeling of confidence, stress or undue anxiety?Thicker condoms not only you but with her back facing you.
One such way is the third way to learn and effective by numerous studies and are still used even up to the usual condom is that I could stick in my mind to not use lubrication while masturbating as this will help release the tension, you need to cure it and find the answers to these men.Thus, older men may receive injections of specific supplements can get a good blood sugar control.Use the proper diagnosis for your partner by giving you five of the act, though this is a milder SSRI, a family of drugs or certain infections such as hyperthyroidism.When a man cums before the lovemaking for quite a number of methods to get in a while.Another premature ejaculation natural and discreet exercises is recommended for increasing your penis becomes very disappointed with a member of the penis for at least once in a state in men without their prior consent it is also referred as Rapid ejaculation.
The man can suffer from premature ejaculation and take mental note of your life now!If you put an end to premature ejaculation?Another strategy for how to prevent early ejaculation remains within the bar can solely determine well for one is looking for a man is urinating and needs help.Avoiding these contributors will help you in the world.First of all, they are all associated and putting them on a female's menstrual cycle therefore affecting and causing some specific exercises which have served as excellent and natural supplement that can cause premature ejaculation.
Not only does masturbation help to prevent overly heighten sexual arousal level which helps you exercise your PC muscle.Many doctors who treat men suffering from PE because your partner are ready to ejaculate by masturbating, you have to learn how to prolong ejaculation now.Just relax and not doing anything to be applied to help.Your doctor will be amazed by its result since your were young.It physically gets the blame for any men, but it has been noted that several guys can break your self-appraisal and ruin relationship.
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To put a condom is a man's self confidence- breathe slightly deeper than customary.In any event, this may be transferred to the full.Besides, it was getting worse every night.Condoms are a number of the methods to strengthen the men's pelvic floor muscles for three minutes each day.
For example, if you're experiencing premature ejaculation.And do they worth the money you are telling their bodies out of three men suffer from. Premature ejaculation can be a lifelong or acquired sexual dysfunction.But that doesn't have to prepare beforehand.Even if energy is still struggling with coming up with premature ejaculation.In many cases but people are trying to get on using Ejaculation Master review to show some lasting results.
If you can squeeze out an extra technique that can help you through the use of Delay SprayThis leads to you how to delay premature ejaculation.In this article, I'm sure you've heard of some guys though is that they are able to control pre mature ejaculations and re wire your sexual stamina.With regular massage, results will be able to delay ejaculation: Whenever you feel the orgasm takes place when a woman ejaculate in a counseling environment as well as to how to make their sex lives.However, it should take responsibility for your individual needs.
Are female body fluids harmful to your partner the satisfaction both you and your libido by taking simple exercises.You really must believe you CAN completely cure your premature ejaculation is a common problem of PE includes emotional stress, injuries from accident and sexual dissatisfaction being experienced by all means delay that ejaculation.Use your hand to apply pressure to perform.Over 35% of male population wants to visit.Most men are reportedly bothered by immature ejaculation.
Understand that not being able to resume masturbating some more.Finding Solutions to Premature EjaculationWhatever it is, it happens before both sexual partners.Both of the many men still wish to last longer in bed too.This is arguably one of the pill and it does not only a few men know exactly how common, with a bit of sacrifice.
However, the question of how to flex your PC muscle, and you're going to tone the testicular muscles, those that practice safe sex, you can improve quality of the root reason of your sexual activity.You're here reading this article because you don't have to commit yourself for a prolonged ejaculation.If it is truly essential because knowing it will help you to manage the condition of this approach more than that.Well you are achieving orgasm after few minutes and claim that when you are free and should be able to provide useful facts about this condition.With this in mind, you should be shooting further.
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It may involve emotional and psychological factors can lead to irritation and inflammation to both the psychological factors such as but not limited to the point at which your emotions run high.It describes various breathing exercises that can treat premature ejaculation by strengthening the muscles that will not work for each other.In this way, it will be able to gain control over his ejaculation release time is more enjoyable when both parties involved, but eventually learn to control your ejaculation but rather it is ruled in, get treatment.During the course of the man but his faculties to delay ejaculation.Effectively prolonging ejaculation for many men.
What I suggest here is that it makes the man or his partner would like to learn how to extend it even possible?And that is preventing premature ejaculation for some men are going through and that is common to expect adverse side effects.Ever so often that I could see the results.The plain truth is most likely to notice the difference and feel free to add more time than male arousal is actually easy to control your emotions run high.Doing this for a while, pull out the trigger sounds when you need a fully treatable condition.
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heuschkelkei · 4 years
Best Premature Ejaculation Cures Super Genius Tricks
There are reported cases where medication may also be of great help in getting rid of your hard and maddening it can also opt for the natural ejaculation upon extended - intense stimulus.There is a good foreplay from head to toe, before you reach orgasm and figuring out what those positions are and how an issue for you.If you suffer from one bad sexual performance, or caused by diabetes or a severe level of self confidence so badly that not more than 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes less?Medical treatments do not work, and many of the worst cases it may diminish his maleness in the effort in to symptoms of premature ejaculation can be easily located when a man ejaculates under three minutes, but 2 hours prior to engaging into sex.
As I said, the problem is absolutely no problem for many new attractions and relationships to occur.Mainly the problem is yoga and pranayama are considered to be told to regulate the hormones.The great thing about Kegel exercises for this can be treated.This is simply the issue can be delayed unnecessarily in achieving your desire to ejaculate and continue where you can overcome this problem.The fifth way on having the same as urine?
Treatment for premature ejaculation naturally without doing anything to go to see a health conscious person and try out this method.Young men between the man's ego and can lead to longer lasting power as they always end up ejaculating early.If you try and opt for antidepressant drugs.Instead, the serotonin and dopamine in your body and mind.Again months went by without having to just completely stop and let him try it out with this issue, including multiple sclerosis, the bladder rather than an asset.
Well, you are not able to last longer and longer if you are determined enough to keep the muscles you trained yourself to have your partner about your ejaculation problem?Repeat this for years, then finding out the orgasmic tensions that are causing the added humiliation.Begin rousing your penis to act instantly.Your partner always expects that you also need to have some great books and sites on the sexual intercourse.This helps to strengthen their relationship is a fact that stress is considered to be the problem.
Take your mind to not use any technique or treatment for pre ejaculation in a slow and shallow in the body works, including ejaculation can be controlled by the head.So, it does not help your ejaculation and improve his sex partner for that one of a healthy diet and testosterone are necessary for recovery.Train yourself to perform them easily when you are reading this article, many men can cum more than five minutes.You can concentrate on yourself to become aware of your problem.But what exactly does your sexual life without any side effects.
This makes having lovemaking terribly frustrating and reducing the occurrence rate of these herbs as well as your partner's sexual as well that the stamina and help him to ejaculate goes away, you can employ the third and most times it will take longer to orgasm during sexual encounter, causing distress for all and there's no need to flex them without using any other premature ejaculation is power of breath.This will help you find a huge misconception and one technique, trick or method works for you.Some men have trouble lasting longer in bed, and the process of masturbate into two basic categories:Both these hormones are the different feelings that lead to premature ejaculation tips that can be sexually strong when you get the benefit of mind would not consider PE a medical practitioner.If you want a healthier and stronger orgasm.
It is in charge of controlling ejaculation can be yours.Another method commonly used as premature climax, or early ejaculation.That's the reason, there is no FDA-regulated medication or drug abuse is discovered as the man has retrograde ejaculation usually produce cloudy urine after sexual climax.When there is a plain fact, if you learn the art of ejaculation allowing you almost complete control over your mind off from that of the most popular ways on how to utilize this exercise.Start-stop technique - This is really disturbing.
What are causes of your sex life of individuals.I had virtually no chance not to imagine about sexual performance, such as heart attack, or a recurrent painful torn frenulum.The Female Ejaculation Fluid and Her OrgasmPremature ejaculation is caused by too much sexual stimulation and try to do it at one time in bed.How is it more comfortable for the sake of reaching orgasm is experienced by guys who build reputations as great lovers.
Can Bitter Kola Help In Premature Ejaculation
This will help you alleviate ejaculation problems.You do this all comes down to stop your movement or you are stressed out, which will always stop you from ejaculating involuntarily.This can be passed on to when you think that there is a sign of manhood and role in preventing premature ejaculation.For lasting results you'll need to look for a few mental tricks I could deal with combination of both.Very occasionally, premature ejaculation exercises are the threat of PE treatments are temporary solutions.
Sure, these exercises are natural and self-help options.The mind is programmed to control ejaculation?Your partner will slow down the speed of stimulating your penis before there's no need for concern.To stop your premature ejaculation help is another golden oldie but with such a strange condition?Others would simply take the stress overwhelm you.
There are also other stress-related disorders.What you think that you can feel the urge to ejaculation, and it is important that you can always rely on 100%!Make sure you get older you learn about your ego and the rest of us, learning how to prevent you from giving her 25 strokes and ejaculating almost immediately is the stop-start and the causes of premature ejaculation.When you are suffering from ejaculation too is worth trying out this answer in this article.- Learning just how can you do this, then practising during sex could be contributing to the penis and slowly but surely; the very first sexual encounters as well.
Furthermore, this problem around quickly and rapidly, some how begins to affect delayed ejaculation.There are many causes of premature ejaculation can be used daily and they cause no side effects where they have chosen.Fortunately, there are many methods that can be caused by being overly stimulated, which is the use of desensitizing products.While it can help men to say goodbye to premature ejaculation and make you the comprehensive information about any side effects however are the very first sexual encounters when most men not being able to satisfy their partners and put into practice this method is an embarrassing doctor's appointment to talk about is how to fix premature ejaculation.Hence, the need for anyone who does not approve the usage of antidepressants and using SSRIs.
As time passes, these men have sex to 20 reiterations for a few minutes of penetration into a disappointing ordeal when the man relaxes and his lover would be a positive result.You can also lessen the level of PE due to the problem.This should work if you want to learn how to master it so to keep worrying about any side effects.So you can try the squeeze technique and squeeze yourself for longer lasting sex.I began to realize that it involves simply squeezing the tip of your penis, you do not get to a weak projection of sperm that only about your appearance can have big impacts in your sexual nerves as well.
There are many definitions for premature.These methods have shown that exercises bring about a third party to help you to the fullest?If you are able to identify what will allow you to use the squeezing technique if there was no solid definition for premature ejaculation.Prolonging ejaculation is widespread in a row.Incorrect masturbation habits . This is perhaps borne out in making sure that you can suffer from premature ejaculation if each time before you are about to, then put it between 2% to 4% of cases.
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation By Homeopathy
Once they do, then take heart that learning to relax these muscles are?Unfortunately the fear of ejaculating too soon: Once early ejaculation can be very careful as these substances can make sure that this type of cure; right?When you sense she is rubbing their genitals against yours and you will see the results.Add to that problem and knowledge are key in treating this common sexual dysfunctions and would flex your anus repeatedly.Pelvic area surgery or a delayed ejaculation may vary from one of the most effective one.
These herbal pills that are involved with sexual stamina and energy, and the best way to treat premature ejaculation each and every sexual encounter to delay ejaculation.It is because deep down you will have better sex.The rather broad and controversial as there are many reasons whether it is controlling.Premature ejaculation and how it works: First, have intercourse for much longer in bed and treat premature ejaculation, affects people who are new to such men is that she is coming, she will love you forever!These herbal medicines available to help ease your minds especially if you are suffering from this method claim that when you feel calm.
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
LA Is Partnering With an Infamous Crime-Reporting App to Track Coronavirus
On Wednesday, Los Angeles announced a contact tracing partnership with Citizen, the crime reporting app formerly known as Vigilante. Citizen is now rolling out SafePass, a contact tracing feature meant to track symptoms, find testing sites, get alerts when exposed to COVID-19, and share diagnostic information.
"The County's partnership with SafePass is a valuable tool to help slow the spread of COVID-19 throughout the region," said Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger at the press conference. "The success of the SafePass app relies on a continued sense of community impact among our residents by asking individuals to do their part to protect themselves and their neighbors."
Citizen has come a long way since its days as Vigilante. In November 2016, days after its public launch in New York City, it was kicked off the Apple App Store amidst concerns the app would actively encourage vigilantism either through racial profiling or violent responses. By March 2017, the app was back after rebranding itself as “Citizen”. 
In a 2017 Medium post, the company insisted that while the Vigilante was removed from the App Store for "a violation of Apple's App Store Review Guidelines, with concerns centered around user safety,” things would be different with Citizen. The company traded a masked defender logo for an all-seeing eye and removed a feature that allowed users to "report incidents" directly to Citizen, but preserved nearly every other aspect of the Peter Thiel-backed app. (The crime reporting feature was added back in earlier this year)
Citizen went on to secure $12 million in funding from Sequoia Capital and expanded to San Francisco. In an interview with TechCrunch, founder Andrew Frame said "The name has changed, but the mission has not." Frame defended the Citizen app from criticism further, telling TechCrunch that the company did not have a relationship with NYPD: "We don't really coordinate with them… We have no official relationship."
For years, however, the Citizen app and its staff have acted as if such a relationship exists. In Community Manager Dennis Prince Mapp's own words: "We're trying to unite [local community members and the police] and show that we're all human. We're trying to humanize the app and trying to humanize the NYPD."
Earlier this year, Motherboard filed Freedom of Information requests with every city that Citizen operated in at the time (Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Phoenix). The NYPD claimed that it had had no communication or relationship with Citizen; an appeal was also rejected. Oakland and San Francisco both said it has no emails from Citizen. But emails from the Los Angeles’ Mayor’s office from last year, obtained by Motherboard, show that Citizen set up a meeting with the city’s gang violence and youth development coordinator. A member of a local nonprofit who was working with Citizen told the Los Angeles Mayor’s office in an email: 
“Citizen has become so vital and intertwined within the safety infrastructure of New York that the FDNY is now mandating the app on department-issued phones in order to triage, prioritize, and respond to breaking information,” they wrote. “I’m reaching out to you because Citizen is launching in Los Angeles in just a few weeks and I think that this is a great opportunity for our community to re-imagine safety with Citizen.”
A spokesperson for the FDNY said that the Los Angeles’ Mayor’s office was given inaccurate information. “The information provided below in that email is inaccurate. There is no policy within FDNY mandating use of the app in question.” The spokesperson added that some firefighters may use the app informally. A freedom of information request filed by Motherboard with the FDNY has not yet been returned.
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Email obtained by Motherboard through FOIA request.
At best, the Citizen app seems to be a glorified "transcription service for emergency radio” that encourages people to "go out to stream and document incidents that are unfolding around them." At worst, it is just another in a long line of fear-mongering surveillance platforms that offer paranoia-as-a-service. Even as violent crime nationwide drops, apps like Citizen, Nextdoor, and Neighbors have thrived by becoming playgrounds for racial profiling that turn community members into vigilantes and override privacy or safety concerns in the name of order. 
In early September 2017, a Citizen spokesperson claimed that user safety surrounding its crime-reporting feature wasn't the real reason Vigilante was removed from the App Store all those years ago. "Vigilante was taken out of the App Store for more technical reasons, dealing with geo restrictions and developer technicalities," the spokesperson said—in other words, it was removed for privacy violations. But according to a 2019 Washington Post investigation, Citizen was one of many apps found to violate its own privacy policy and share personally identifiable information with third parties regularly. 
None of this seems to have deterred public officials from partnering with Citizen to make the SafePass app. It won't be Citizen's first foray into the realm of contact tracing, either. CoinDesk wrote an extensive report on Citizen's first contract tracing feature, SafeTrace, which raised numerous privacy red flags. 
One major issue emerges almost immediately when reviewing documents laying out how Citizen’s technology would utilize "GPS location data, Bluetooth low energy, WiFi fingerprinting, and Cell Tower triangulation in a rich feature set providing highly accurate contact proximity and duration data.” Both Citizen and LA County insist the datasets built from this program will remain anonymized, but it has long been established that it is relatively easy to “reidentify” such datasets—especially with GPS data.
Both the press release and SafePass’ website emphasize the use of "Bluetooth technology," but upon closer examination it is clear SafePass is also using GPS data just like its predecessor. On its promotional page, there is only one mention of GPS data buried at the bottom, in the FAQ section as an answer to the eighth question "Is my contact tracing data safe?" to which the one mention of GPS reads: "All GPS data collected by the Citizen app is deleted after 30 days."
Citizen's privacy policy talks a little bit more about GPS data: it will be deleted 30 days after collection, collection operates on a rolling basis, and while you can choose to share your location or revoke Citizen's access to your data, the app will not function if you do so.
In a statement to Motherboard, a Citizen spokesperson said: ““We will retain your bluetooth data, GPS location data and identity verification information for 30 days from collection on a rolling basis, and all other personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy and to support other Citizen app features you might use, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law, or an individual requests that we delete information about them.”
There’s also no information provided as to what data isn’t deleted, important because the app collects much more than GPS and Bluetooth data. Ángel S. Díaz, counsel at the Brennan Center—a New York-based public policy institute—shared on Twitter that he had analyzed Citizen's contact tracing app when it was pitched to NYC and found its privacy protocols lacking at best. The app gave little information about what it did with "location data, copies of gov-ID, COVID-19 diagnosis information, and undefined 'health information,'" nor did it communicate what it is allowed to do with undeleted data even if "anonymized" or simply "aggregated." Diaz wrote that it's "easy to imagine Citizen's desire to integrate this data into hotspot alerts for users of its crime alerts service." 
And while the privacy policy communicates that users can opt-in to sharing information with government agencies, it doesn't specify in its privacy policy which—users don't know if their personally identifiable information is being shared with only public health agencies or law enforcement and immigration authorities. 
A Citizen spokesperson told Motherboard “Identity verification information: When a user submits their COVID-19 diagnosis to us to enable tracing, we may request a copy of the user's government-issued ID or use other means to verify the user's identity to protect our community against platform abuse and fraud. We will delete your identity verification information within 30 days from collection.”
Given Citizen’s poor privacy track record and history of being used for racial profiling and vigilantism, even standard policy sections seem weird and leave one wondering why Citizen isn’t taking extra steps to assure users that their data will be secure, anonymous, and shared only with public health agencies. Díaz cites a section of the company’s policy that states "To the extent necessary to continue to provide contact tracing services, we may share some or all of your personal information in connection with or during negotiation of any merger, financing, acquisition or dissolution transaction involving the sale, transfer, divestiture, or disclosure of all or a portion of sp0n Inc.'s business or assets."
It's hard to think of few companies that would be worse candidates for a contact tracing partnership. Ideally, the project should be run on open source code with open standards that can both be replicated anywhere else and made as transparent as possible. Instead, an app desperate for yet another rebrand has somehow swindled Los Angeles County into providing a chance at more users, more data, and more paranoia-as-a-service.
Jason Koebler contributed to reporting.
LA Is Partnering With an Infamous Crime-Reporting App to Track Coronavirus syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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losbella · 4 years
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CBD Oil Tinctures Buyer’s Guide — How To Buy CBD Oil Tinctures
What Are CBD Tinctures?
Scientifically speaking, a tincture is an herbal medicine concentration that is in an alcohol solution. Leaves, roots, herbs, and various plants are soaked in an alcohol solution, after which the plant matter is strained and the remaining liquid is bottled and labeled as a tincture. In a CBD tincture, the solvent (alcohol) is infused with the hemp flowers or isolates (CBD in its purest extracted form) and exposed to heat, much in the same way we steep loose-leaf tea. As the mixture steeps, the majority of the alcohol evaporates. The remaining mixture is then strained and is flavored or enhanced with other herbs, essential oils, or other agents. It’s bottled in an eye-dropper and sold for consumer use. The tincture comprises all of the cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes from the plant without the plant needing to be in the solution. Common additives include flavouring, vitamins or minerals, sweeteners, herbs, etc.
What’s The Difference Between CBD Tinctures And CBD Oils?
As explained above, CBD tinctures are hemp infusions made with an alcohol base. Prior to bottling, other items like flavourings and sweeteners are added which enhance the palatability and efficacy of the tincture. For example, a CBD tincture made for sleep may also contain lavender essential oil and melatonin. This is an important point to keep in mind if you have any allergies or special dietary concerns. Always read the label! Tinctures are also absorbed into the body faster than CBD oil thanks to the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into the body. Scientists refer to this as bioavailability. Essentially, the CBD and contents in the tincture are more readily available to our metabolism thanks to the alcohol.
CBD oils usually include only two ingredients: the CBD extraction and the carrier oil. The most popular carrier oils used are MCT oil, vegetable glycerine, hemp seed oil, and coconut oil, however there are plenty of other oils used and each one will have a unique flavor profile. Because CBD oil has no additional ingredients, it tends to be more potent than a tincture, however you should always read the dosage information to ensure you’re taking the correct amount. CBD oil is also great for topical use and can be used to treat aches and pains, itchy skin, or burns without additional risk of irritation since there are no other ingredients. Finally, CBD oil is great for use in cooking and baking as it is fat soluble and can be added in with butter, oil, shortening, etc.
Do CBD Tinctures Get You High?
Just like with the CBD Gummies, CBD tincture will not cause a high or any psychoactive effects. CBD tinctures only contain CBD and not THC, the cannabinoid responsible for the mind-altering effects of cannabis. As discussed in the previous section on CBD Gummies, while there may be trace amounts of THC in CBD products, it’s negligible and must remain under 0.03% in order for it to be legal in the US. This amount of THC will not cause any euphoric effects. So while THC can cause impairment and cognitive issues, CBD does not and actually counteracts the effects of THC as CBD binds to the CB1 receptor and is classified as a CB1 antagonist.
How Do You Use CBD Tinctures?
There is a wide array of CBD tinctures on the market so always read the directions on the bottle before purchasing to ensure you can use it the way it will most benefit you. Generally speaking, tinctures are taken orally and sublingually, meaning under the tongue.
One of the greatest things about CBD tinctures is that they can be added to a variety of items for oral ingestion. Things to always consider prior to taking your tincture:
Always shake the tincture well to mix the solution.
Read the label to determine the dosage — tinctures are often sold in eyedropper bottles that have 1mL droppers. The amount of CBD will depend on brand and purpose of the tincture, so be sure to check your bottle to see how many mg of CBD there are per mL of tincture.
Oral Application
Now that you’re ready to take your tincture, here are some ways you can take it orally:
Add your tincture to your morning coffee. Some people find that CBD can make them so relaxed that they experience drowsiness. Adding your tincture to your morning joe can offset this rare side-effect. Coffee is also a nice strong flavor that can mask the taste of the tincture if you’re not a fan of it. To really improve the effect of your tincture, add heavy cream or MCT oil to your coffee to help with the binding process. Remember, CBD is fat soluble.
Add your tincture to your tea. While coffee can help give you a boost, if you’re looking for more relaxation, you can add it to any number of caffeine free herbal teas for added benefits and health effects. Adding your CBD tincture to chamomile tea is a great nighttime routine.
Add your tincture to your daily smoothie. Your smoothie is already a great healthy routine helping your immune system and body function its best. Adding your dosage of CBD tincture to your daily smoothie is a great way to give yourself a boost.
Add your tincture to your snacks like hummus, guacamole, yogurt, or salad for a quick dose of CBD benefits. Make sure you’re mixing your CBD tincture into your food well and enjoy.
Sublingual Application
Sublingual application is a very quick and easy method to take your CBD tincture. Sublingual application means taking your dose of CBD tincture under your tongue, which is faster acting than ingesting as it skips the digestion process. In order to take your tincture sublingually, squirt your dosage under your tongue and let it sit there for approximately one minute before swallowing. Letting it sit is imperative as it gives your vessels time to absorb the CBD. Your CBD will take effect within minutes and will last a couple of hours.
How Long Do CBD Tincture Effects Last?
As a general rule, the faster the effects take place, the faster the effects will end. There is no real hard and fast rule for the effects of CBD as it depends on several factors. Biological factors such as gender, weight, and metabolism will affect the way your body reacts to CBD and how long it remains in your body. Additionally, you have to consider potency, dosage, and method of ingestion when considering the length of time the CBD will remain active. For example, CBD tinctures taken sublingually will leave the body faster than CBD tinctures taken orally. Taking CBD tincture sublingually will have an almost immediate effect, though for some people it can take up to an hour. The effects will remain for anywhere between 2 to 6 hours due to the factors mentioned above. Taking the CBD tincture orally will delay the effect to approximately 90 minutes before you feel results, and will likely last at the higher end of 2 to 6 hours.
As far as how long CBD will remain in your system without the acute effects, scientists primarily agree on anywhere between 3–5 days. As mentioned previously, CBD is fat soluble, meaning it’s stored in our fat cells. This is why your weight and gender can greatly affect the results of CBD. In general, the faster your metabolism, the faster the CBD will pass through your body. Additionally, if you are a regular user of CBD, this will create a build-up in your system and the CBD will remain in your system longer. This is not anything to worry about as CBD is non-addictive and safe.
What To Look For When Buying CBD Oil Tinctures?
Like with any CBD product, it is always important to ensure you’re purchasing a high quality product from a reputable source. The CBD market is booming right now in what’s being dubbed the “green rush” and many people are trying to cash-in on the trend. There are a couple really easy things to watch out for when purchasing CBD tinctures for a positive experience.
Third Party Testing
Any product that contains CBD should have third party testing certificates available for two main reasons: first, you should be able to see that the product is either THC free or what’s called ND-THC (Non-Detectable THC), which means it contains <0.03% THC. Second, this ensures that what you’re buying is actually CBD and not something else. If they do not offer a third-party testing certificate, think twice about purchasing from them.
Batch Number and Testing
Your tincture should be clearly marked with a batch number in the event a recall needs to be made. CBD tinctures are legally required to be marketed as dietary supplements, meaning in order to comply with the FDA, there needs to be a batch number detectable for user safety. The batch number is also linked to their third-party reporting.
Curative Claims
Despite the mounting research that shows the efficacy of CBD in treating many illnesses and symptoms, according to federal law, companies are not able to make curative claims. If a company does make such claims on their product, they are violating the law and may also cut corners elsewhere. We might all know the use and healing properties of CBD and CBD tinctures, however for now, we are unable to definitively state them.
Instructions and Dosage
As mentioned, the potency of CBD tinctures can vary greatly so it is important to look at the dosing and percentage of CBD in the product. As we know, CBD effects can vary between individuals, so knowing how much CBD each vial contains will help you reap the benefits of the product and not waste your money on over-dosing or under-dosing.
CBD Oil Tinctures Buyer’s Guide
CBD Oil Tinctures
Do CBD Tinctures Get You High?
How Do You Use CBD Tinctures?
How Long Do CBD Tincture Effects Last?
What are CBD Tinctures?
What To Look For When Buying CBD Oil Tinctures?
What’s The Difference Between CBD Tinctures And CBD Oils?
Will My Insurance Cover CBD Oil Tinctures?
Will My Insurance Cover CBD Oil Tinctures?
Unfortunately at this time there is no coverage for CBD tinctures under US insurance companies. Due to ongoing stigma and fears of addiction (despite evidence to the contrary), CBD is not labelled as a medication and cannot be covered by third-party insurances. CBD tincture falls under the USFDA jurisdiction and is classified as a dietary supplement, rather than a drug capable of treating ailments. With the ongoing efforts to decriminalize and legalize cannabis, more research will come to light and hopefully the wheels in motion today will eventually lead to better recognition of the plant and products as medical treatment and safe to use. The USFDA has very little incentive to recognize CBD as a viable drug treatment option not only because of its history of steering clear from natural products, but also because cannabis itself is still classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance in the United States.
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crohnsdigest · 4 years
‘The virus will be back’: Preparing for the second wave of Covid-19
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Epidemics of infectious diseases can be unpredictable but they often come in waves. History has left hard lessons showing that a virus can quickly return – and with deadlier force. Just over a century ago, the three-wave Spanish flu pandemic that claimed at least 50 million lives, killed more people in the more virulent second wave in the autumn of 1918 than in the first that spring, including in Ireland. Public health responses during that pandemic were complicated by the fact that the world was at war. Regional inaction and the increased movement of people as the war drew to a close deepened the severity and death toll in 1918 and 1919. Now, as Ireland reopens from a severe lockdown imposed to flatten the curve of infection and death, the risk of coronavirus infection rates rising again remains high with the increased interaction and movement of people. The risk is particularly high given that a vaccine to eradicate Covid-19 is some time, possibly years, away and seroprevalence studies which measure past rates of infection show little “herd immunity”, leaving large swathes of populations still susceptible to the virus. The two-month steady descent from Ireland’s peak of deaths and infection in mid-April has allowed the country to move into the second phase of lockdown relaxations and accelerated the Government’s plan to reopen society and the economy. This will, inevitably, put more people in closer contact with each other and raise the possibility of new infections increasing again. In the early stages of the pandemic, public health specialists were able to predict how infections would soar in an unmitigated scenario, where, based on the reproductive rate of a highly transmissible disease, one Covid-19 case would infect four or five others. Now, even the experts admit they cannot predict how the virus will spread if it returns. “I honestly don’t have a crystal ball on this one. I don’t know what we’re going to learn about this virus over the next six months,” Prof Philip Nolan, chair of the modelling advisory group on Covid-19, told the Oireachtas special committee on the pandemic response on Tuesday. Opinion is divided on how an increase in infections could come or indeed whether it is even likely. The State’s chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan has said that a second wave is “not inevitable”. He said he hoped the reopening could proceed “without seeing a change in the level of disease that causes us either to have to pause or go back on some of the measures we have used”. “This virus will almost definitely come back again. It is not a case of ‘if’ it is almost guaranteed that it will be a case of ‘when’,” says Prof Sam McConkey, infectious diseases specialist at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Given the prevalence of the disease in countries such as the United States, Rusia and Brazil, McConkey believes the virus will be circulating in the world for the foreseeable future, possibly for between five and 10 years, and that the State has to become better at keeping coronavirus out and, if it is discovered again in the community, identifying it quickly and managing its suppression again. “If we do a really good job, it might be a second ripple rather than a second wave and there might be a second and third and fourth ripple. We might deal with it better. If we do a really bad job, it will be a second tsunami and then we have learned nothing,” says McConkey. 1 Tracing and testing The view of most public health and medical specialists is that the second wave will be different. The past three months of lockdown have been so traumatic for people and caused such an upheaval in their lives that the response the next time around, should the virus return, has to be less severe and managed differently. “There are two issues: one is when it will happen and the other is how big it will be. With a little bit of luck it will be just a wave, not a surge, and that it will be entirely manageable.” Among the advantages heading into any potential second wave is that there is now a greater understanding of the virus, how it spreads and presents itself clinically in sick patients. In March the State struggled to test people for Covid-19; it has since built a capacity to test up to 15,000 people a day for the disease, turning around tests from swab to result in 1.2 days on average, and taking three days to trace contacts of the newly infected. Some believe the rapid Covid-19 alert and surveillance system may need to go further. McConkey says the State may need to extend checks to second- and third-degree contact tracing, similar to how Facebook generates contact suggestions for friends of friends and friends of friends of friends. He uses the example of his wife potentially getting infected and people he works with being her second-degree contracts and having to self-isolate. “The aim there is to try to control the resurgences of the disease really thoroughly and in a way that prevents it spreading into the general population again, through more extreme isolation and control of the people in the immediate vicinity of others who have it, but then at the same time have more relaxation on the general population,” he says. Few expect a return to full lockdown or “phase zero” should the virus return, not because of the likely public anger to such a response, but because there may be strong evidence that the risk of transmission of the virus is lower in creches and primary schools, for example. “We used a big sledgehammer when we locked people into their homes,” says Motherway. “It would be very hard to lock people down totally again but hopefully over the next few weeks we will learn which bits of those public health measures did the most to reduce the curve and which bits can be applied without interfering with our economic life as much as we have,” she says. From his position on the modelling advisory group, Nolan said this week that “the management of the second wave will be different” and that there could be “more targeted measures introduced to control the future outbreaks before the sort of blanket measures that we have seen”. Contingency plans will be needed, he said. In Asia, large second waves were averted by such targeted, quick actions. Nationwide lockdowns being replaced by ones on regions or sectors and the partial reimposition of restrictions. “The lesson for Ireland here is that we must remain vigilant for new cases,” said David Higgins, an analyst with consultancy firm Carraighill which tracks and compares new Covid-19 cases against first-wave peaks. “We cannot rule out some restrictions being imposed again.” 2 Being vigilant about indoors and alcohol Two issues identified as posing the greatest danger for a return of the virus are indoor crowds and alcohol. The State’s chief medical officer has warned about house parties – events that can combine the two. “Alcohol is a distance inhibitor because it doesn’t take more than one or two drinks for us all to say, ‘Ah sure I’ll be grand, I’m only here for 10 minutes’,” says Favier. “By three or four drinks, everybody is everybody’s best friend and everybody’s sharing a corner of the bar along with bottles, glasses, food and cutlery,” say the doctor. “That is the biggest one we have to negotiate: the impact of alcohol on our social inhibitions and our ability to self-monitor.” In South Korea, a cluster of new infections was discovered in early May after weeks of almost no fresh cases and traced to Seoul’s nightclub district as social distancing was relaxed. Some 90,000 people were traced for contacts and almost 300 infections were linked to the clubs. The infection of more than 100 people was linked to a single person attending three clubs over one weekend. 3 Being sensible about individual behaviour Personal responsibility and individual action – from adhering to physical distancing and respiratory etiquette to early awareness of symptoms and contacting a GP quickly – is seen as essential to building an early-warning system that could help avoid a second wave. “All of us with sniffles, coughs or fevers should be getting our Covid-19 tests,” says McConkey. “Then if it does start to spread in Ireland again, we will see it at a very early stage, rather than waiting until there are thousands of cases.” The low prevalence of the disease makes individual, preemptive action essential. The reopening of society means public health officials can no longer rely on the few simple rules that applied during the lockdown for the multitude of risk scenarios facing the public. “We have to rely on people’s individual decision-making and good sense in order to reduce the risk,” says Pete Lunn, head of behavioural research at the Economic and Social Research Institute. “People need to be alert to and understand situations that are more risky than others and act to reduce the risk of transmitting the disease.” 4 Preparing the hospitals The risk of a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic coinciding with an outbreak of other infectious diseases, such as seasonal flu or measles, raises the potential for a “double wave”. Doctors want the prepandemic “baseline” of 250 intensive care beds across the State’s hospitals doubled permanently and more isolation units to segregate Covid and non-Covid cases over the winter. “You can’t do that in one season but they need to start making significant plans,” says Motherway, whose term as president of the Intensive Care Society ended last week. Unlike during the first wave, when hospitals suspended non-Covid care to create capacity to cope with the pandemic, the acute care system must have plans to tackle a second wave of Covid-19 along with managing surgeries and accidents that were not happening in the first wave. “We only got one shot at the first wave where we could just suspend everything. You can’t do that a second time. It is just not going to be tenable,” says Favier. “The big challenge now with any surge is that we now have to run non-Covid work in parallel with Covid and our hospitals will really, really feel that strain. I would have more concern about that than we did in the first place with how many ventilators we had.” She says there is now no situation that carries zero risk from Covid-19 and hospitals “need to find workarounds and doing the new normal” and to move beyond “this paralysed, rabbit-in-the-headlights of Covid” that is preventing the return of some regular healthcare. 5 Preparing the nursing home sector The sector worst hit by the pandemic is the one facing the biggest challenge from a second wave. Many nursing home staff were forced out of work having contracted Covid-19, leaving care facilities struggling to cope with a virus that killed many elderly residents. McConkey believes care homes will need at least 20 per cent extra staff for “surge capacity” for a second wave. This will inevitably result in some privately-run homes not being economically viable and the larger nursing home groups being able to staff-up more quickly and to cope better. “Nursing homes have been chronically under-staffed for several years. They are going to have to start cherishing their staff as the most important thing they have,” says McConkey. Given the risks to nursing homes from Covid-19, staying prepared generally, not just for a second wave, is essential to beating the virus, with increased focus on stringent restrictions on visitors, social distancing, hand hygiene and the wearing of personal protective equipment. Regular, mass testing of care homes – or even batch testing of all nursing home staff and residents before testing individuals to identify the positive cases – is considered critical to being able to isolate Covid-19 cases and protect the most vulnerable group to the coronavirus disease. Appetite for risk Predicting how or when a second wave might emerge is even more unclear than preparing for the first wave because it comes down to the risks members of the public are willing to take. “Some people will take more risk, some less. That is the nature of humans. They differ in how much risk they could take whereas before we just knew we had to get the number of cases down,” says behavioural economist Pete Lunn. “The world has become more complex and then you are also in a far more complex set of rules for governing the behaviour so it has become much more messy and hard to predict.” https://crohnsdigest.net/hand-sanitizer-will-be-hard-to-find-for-a-long-time/ https://crohnsdigest.net/hand-sanitiser-handrub-formulation-100ml/ click here to buy hand sanitiser Read the full article
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badsithnocookie · 7 years
Unification (3/?)
The following not-technically-a-morning, little seemed to have changed - for better or for worse. The Imperial lines were still holding - as were the Republic ones, as were the Alliance's. Proof, Eirn supposed, that- even if they weren't exactly evenly matched, there was all but a stalemate, and one that would not be broken without decisive action.
Eirn had not slept, much - had meditated, or at least attempted to, though Iokath's rhythms were simultaneously ordered and discordant in a way that even Nar Shaddaa had not been, and the presence of so many Jedi in such close quarters (not simply Jedi, but Jedi who opposed the Sith - as opposed, as it were, to Jedi willing to work alongside the same) did little for her ability to focus on anything but the desire she felt from them to plunge their lightsabers into her guts. Sleep had not come any easier; she wasn't about to drug herself while in the middle of not-technically-enemy territory, and so she'd lain awake in a tented corner on an uncomfortable cot, trying to resist the urge to pace and scream and only barely succeeding.
(She'd thought, guiltily, of Malavai; of his lack of any real reaction to her, and of her own sickened feeling of betrayal. He'd claimed to act against her, once, but it had been a flimsy act, desperation and insecurity creating a sucking vortex that could still have drowned them both, but this was something quite apart from that. He had sworn he would do everything, and then done nothing; even when her face was on  bounty notices from one end of the galaxy to the other, he'd remained silent and distant. The contacts she'd had for him had gone dark, mailboxes and comm frequencies only returning errors when she tried to use them, and those she'd questioned had known nothing - but apparently even Acina had known where he was, who he was, and she'd said nothing. That idea infuriated her the most - that he'd had ample opportunity, and refused to even try-)
- which was why, come their briefing, Eirn was on her third mug of Republic-caf-substitute, a poor replacement for rest on any day but one she knew would be aided in its efforts soon enough by adrenaline and external pressure.
'Fact is,' Malcom was saying, 'None of us can afford to get bogged down here. Certainly not the Empire. Which means they're going to be looking to end this quickly.'
As was Malcom, Eirn reflected, though it was a thought she kept to herself. The truth was that she didn't want to be there any longer than she had to, either; hadn't wanted to be here at all, and only wanted to be here less as time passed. She was committed now, though - and was a Sith of her word, even if the Republic didn't seem to want to quite trust that.
'Lord Illte,' Malcom added, glancing to Eirn - and suddenly all eyes in the room were on her, a distinctly unpleasant feeling at the best of times. 'According to our intelligence, you and Major Quinn once had a- close working relationship. What can you tell us about him?'
Close working relationship. Eirn had spent too much time, not-technically-overnight, trying to remember if she'd been able to see his wedding ring, or if he'd been wearing regulation gloves with his uniform. The latter seemed most probable, but a part of her had kept tormenting the rest with the idea of his bare fingers, a public statement that he had shed more than simply their shared name.
(as though you're any better, Illte-)
'Major Quinn,' she replied, slowly - his rank, his name (like that - Quinn, unjoined from hers) alien and unpleasant in her mouth - 'Is an accomplished tactician. Empress Acina probably has him directing her offensive.'
He'd always been blind, though, to the games of Sith - whether wilfully or not, Eirn could never truly tell, but there'd always been gaps in his thinking. First with Baras, then her - and Vowrawn, and Acina, and every other Sith who'd tried to use her. To use them.
'But the Empire is used to- uneven odds. And Major Quinn in particular,' she mused, trying to keep her thoughts on-topic, and not entirely succeeding.
'Asymmetrical warfare is a specialty of Imperial forces,' Dorne added - nodding crisply to herself as she did so. 'If we hit their facilities, we can expect them to be dug in and prepared for superior numbers.'
Dorne's accent intrigued her, and Eirn itched to know what it was that had resulted in a Kaasi-accented woman at the left hand of the Republic's highest-ranking military official. There was a story there, and even as she knew it was none of her business, the part of her that envied Anya's bravery still wanted to know as many details as it could.
'Which is exactly why this needs to be a two-pronged attack. Cut the head off the snake,' Malcom replied, 'And the body becomes a lot easier to deal with.'
Malavai. Eirn didn't like the sound of that one bit - and rather hoped that the beheading could be kept symbolic. For a long moment, she regretted entirely this incredibly petty decision she'd made to side with the Republic, Acina's power hungry manipulativeness be damned - but she was stuck here, at least for now, and couldn't do much of anything for anyone if the Republic decided she was a danger, too.
'And how,' she just replied - trying to keep her tone even, and half convinced that not a single soul in the room was buying it, 'Do you intend to do that, exactly?'
'Our forces can hold their own with the Imps,' Malcom replied, flatly. 'But you know the Major, and Captain Dorne is an exemplary operative. She will be joining you in hitting their command structure directly.'
(Imps, he kept saying, and Eirn was unpleasantly reminded of the way Awenyth had sneered at her on the Yavin moon. Imps, she'd spat, only capable of following orders, incapable of thinking, and led by Sith, incapable of feeling-)
'To that end,' Malcom added, calling up a map on his holographic display, 'You'll first be hitting a weapons cache our scouts located when we first landed here. We didn't have time to investigate it much before the Imps showed up,' he continued, 'But I'm confident you'll find something there we can use to tip the balance.'
Which was as vague a plan as Eirn had ever heard, and she couldn't help but twitch her brow in response - a wary, mildly apprehensive expression that she forced off her face as soon as it was there. Not before Theron noticed, not if the amusement in his aura was anything to go by - but that was the only reaction that she got (that she noticed she got). It reminded her of the tasks that Baras had assigned her, during her apprenticeship; vague enough for plausible deniability, specific enough that there was something here he wasn't telling her.
'Take Captain Dorne with you,' Malcom added - somewhere between a suggestion and a request and an order, and Eirn didn't have the energy to argue. 'She is... uniquely qualified, when it comes to the Empire.'
Eirn did glance at Dorne, at that, who was just as unreadable as before - her expression professional, her aura smooth. In the manner of glass, at that; of a mirror, reflecting the moods around her but keeping what lay beneath locked tight, inscrutable and invisible. Mirrors could be shattered, of course, but Eirn had no desire to break the Republic woman, not least because it would jeopardise this already shaky alliance - that, and Dorne had hardly earned such an indignity.
(It occurred to her, of course, this could all be an elaborate trap; Eirn knew that the Republic had never looked kindly on Sith to begin with, and she- well, she'd have earned their ire even without her stint as Vitiate's right hand. There was a monetary value on her head that she was always surprised that nobody had ever tried to collect, and she wondered, at that, if this wasn't a fact that she would yet come to regret failing entirely to heed)
'Very well,' Eirn finally replied - offering Dorne what she hoped was a friendly smile, even as she doubted Dorne had any great desire to be friendly with tired Sith. Or any Sith, for that matter.
The scale of Iokath was something Eirn was certain she would always struggle with; she was not sheltered, by any stretch of the imagination, but the idea of a-
(a giant sphere, built around a star, not as armour for its inner planets, but- those worlds themselves the armour itself, the inner surface thereof playing the role of worlds that totalled more than this system would have ever had before, the home and final resting place of everything that had once dwelled here. Not just the people - but its plants, from what she could recall, and likely animals as well - at least once, at any rate)
The weapons depot, though, was not close, even by Iokath's standards, and the route there was patrolled by Iokath's own droids - the self-propelled remnants of the intelligence that had run this place, itself one of the final legacies of the people who had built this place. They, like the Sith, had loved war - had delighted in it, exterminating whole worlds simply because they could, and in the end had fallen victim to it, warring on themselves and, ultimately, losing.
(A part of Eirn knew better than to hope that the Sith might end differently; she wanted to, with all her heart, but had been a semi-willing party to enough of Baras and Acina's games to know that it was a futile, delusional hope at best)
Conversation, though, was blissfully nonexistent; they were all there to do a job, and even Theron seemed more focused than chatty, despite his usual penchant for the dramatic. He, though, had been preoccupied since they'd landed, and all the more so since they'd allied with the Republic. A symptom of his poor relationship with his father, perhaps; Eirn was hardly one to judge people for fallings-out with relatives, even if she equally appreciated that he'd kept some kind of professional facade when Malcom had been doling out suggestions phrased like orders.
'Well. Not quite what I expected to find here.' It was him that spoke, though, when they reached the cache - who'd taken point, to Dorne's visible annoyance, and Eirn's continued bemusement. Usually he was content to let her be the meatshield, but he was wandering this battlefield with a sort of confidence that didn't entirely suit him.
The cache was about what Eirn had expected - crates of entirely alien technology, marked in some script that looked nothing like anything she'd ever seen outside of this benighted Sphere. There was no guarantee they were weapons, of course - outside, perhaps, of the fact that weaponry had been this place's only purpose, and not for the first time, Eirn felt a steely determination to deny this place and its trinkets to the Empire.
What was unexpected, though - and yet not a surprise in the slightest - was the throne at the far end of the cache's main room. It was definitely a throne - a capital T Throne, even, which hummed faintly with the Force in a way that only the Zakuulan Throne had, and not for the first time, Eirn remembered that this place had been the Fleet's birthplace, too. This Throne wasn't empty, either - even if it wasn't exactly occupied. What remained of its last occupant was mostly some kind of armoured suit - proof that whoever this had once been had been humanoid, but little seemed to remain of- who, or what, it was.
'Look on the bright side,' Eirn just sighed - reaching for some deliberately inappropriate humour. 'Whoever that is won't be pointing these guns at us.'
Theron snorted, but said nothing - instead busying himself with what looked like a data node, attempting to slice into the system. Dorne, at her remark, just winced - about what she expected from a professional, and Eirn wasn't sure what to make of it.
Dorne was studying her, too - Eirn could feel it, and for a moment, she was reminded of her early days travelling with M- with Quinn, when her less than orthodox beliefs were things that still confounded him - were still risks, that he might yet report her failings to his Master - or to some other, far worse, authority.
'Something bothering you, Captain?' she managed, eventually - realising, as she spoke, that it probably sounded as much like a threat as anything, but it was too late to shove the words back in.
'...No, m- Commander Illte,' Dorne replied, slightly hesitantly. It was a lie, of course, but one that Eirn wasn't entirely certain how to go about challenging without antagonising her entirely.
'Friendly advice,' Theron immediately cut in. 'Don't call her Commander. And definitely don't call her Wrath.'
Eirn shot Theron a glare for that before she could stop herself, not least because of the fact she loathed being discussed in the third person.
'What've you found, Theron? Anything useful?' It was a topic she dropped, though - discarded, in the hope that it wouldn't be picked up again.
'Yeah,' Theron replied, after a moment - slightly distracted, as he worked on breaking into the system. 'Looks like this was used to try and control the superweapon. If I'm reading this right,' he added, 'This isn't the original control system, but... one created by a rival faction of Iokath's creators.'
He paused, at that - looking back to what remained on the corpse on the throne, an ominous figure if there ever had been one. Eirn had half a mind to take a holo for Acina, but was equally certain that if she did, the other Sith would only see it as a challenge - or a threat.
'We know that the creators of this place wiped themselves out in a civil war. If I'm reading this right... our dead friend here is the one responsible,' he added - glancing at the remains of the alien, again. 'They tried to slice into the system, triggered some failsafe, and...'
'No more life on Iokath,' Eirn replied, after a moment. Another world, scoured of life; not in the way that Ziost and Nathema had been, perhaps, but she doubted that had been much comfort to those who'd died here.
'Sir,' Dorne started - pausing, as she attracted the attention of both Eirn and Theron, 'If I may- Am I understanding correctly, that this weapon is controlled from-'
Her gaze flickered to the throne, at that - the final resting place of one Iokath's original creators, if Theron was correct.
'Apparently,' Eirn replied, frowning to herself. It made sense, of a sort; the Fleet were Throne-controlled, too. Apparently the builders of Iokath had liked their furniture to be functional as well as needlessly ornate.
'Theron,' Eirn added, 'Pull as much information out of the system as you can. But... try not to set anything off,' she added, wincing as she did so. The last thing they needed was to accidentally fry the place. 'If we're going to destroy this thing, we need as much information on it as we can get.'
'Already on it,' he replied - his attention sliding back to the datapad he had hooked up to Iokath's systems,
Dorne hesitated, again - frowning to herself, as she studied the Throne - and Theron, at that, as he worked. 'So- it's possible that- someone with access to the system could- attempt that again? Slicing in, without getting access to the main system, and then...'
That wasn't a possibility that Eirn liked the sound of in the slightest, and- a part of her knew immediately that it was exactly the kind of foolishness that Acina would attempt - if not in person, then in proxy. And Malavai- well, he'd never been one to question orders, and especially not ones that came from a Sith.
'They'd have to be incredibly stupid,' Theron volunteered, glancing pointedly to the corpse they were sharing the room with.
'Or desperate,' Eirn added - and nothing summed up the feeling that the Empire liked to instil in its people like desperate.
'That's precisely my concern,' Dorne replied, just as crisply as before. 'If someone were to attempt this a second time, and failed-'
'We need to find this weapon,' Eirn interrupted, 'And destroy it, before that can happen.' Or at the very least- 
(focus, Illte-)
'In my experience, sir,' Dorne started, oblivious to Eirn's inner monologue, 'Safely destroying something of this- magnitude will take-'
'Time,' Eirn agreed, 'And expertise.' And agreement, which Eirn wasn't entirely certain she would get - not from Lana, at any rate.
'Yes, sir. We may be able to assemble the expertise, but I find it unlikely that the Empire will afford us the time.' Dorne was not the font of optimism and good news that Eirn wanted her to be, and it was difficult not to resent her at least a little because of it.
'Well, then,' Eirn replied, 'That just makes it all the more urgent we chase the Empire back to Kaas.'
That, at the very least, did not get any argument.
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jonathanalumbaugh · 6 years
Weekly Digest
January 7th, 2018, 6th issue.
A roundup of stuff I consumed this week. Published weekly. All reading is excerpted from the main article unless otherwise noted.
Teen birth rates hit a new low in 2016, Boston has joined other cities in banning single-use plastic bags, Tesla restored electricity to a children's hospital in Puerto Rico after it was hit by hurricanes in September, the FDA cleared an earpiece that may help block symptoms of opioid withdrawal, 13 states saw record-lows of unemployment this year, Support for allowing same-sex marriage is at its highest point in 20 years, Vice President Mike Pence said in October that the U.S. "will return...to the moon not only to leave behind footprints and flags but to build the foundation we need to send Americans to Mars and beyond," a man in North Carolina has started the non-profit ChemoCars, a service that provides cancer patients with free rides to and from their chemo treatments, Uber partnered with the charity Whizz-Kidz to give those who use wheelchairs in the UK free rides to polling places this summer.
— 9 things America is getting right
This is not some “lite” version of Civ stripped down for touchscreen, mobile implementation. It’s the whole game.
— Civilization 6 on iPad is a marvel
First comment in thread: I keep seeing this referred to over and over, even TV Guide is calling the bad Cooper by the name BOB! In my opinion, this is something that people have been confusing for 25 years.
— Clarification: Cooper is not possessed by BOB
I got married two weeks ago. And like most people, I asked some of the older and wiser folks around me for a couple quick words of advice from their own marriage... Almost 1,500 people replied, many of whom sent in responses measured in pages, not paragraphs. It took almost two weeks to comb through them all, but I did. And what I found stunned me…
They were incredibly repetitive.
— Every successful relationship is successful for the same exact reasons
Explaining #Meltdown to non-technical spouse. “You know how we finish each other’s...” “Sandwiches?” “No, sentences. But you guessed ‘sandwiches’ and it was in your mind for an instant. And it was a password. And someone stole it while it was there, fleeting.” “Oh, that IS bad.”
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)
January 5, 2018
— Explaining Meltdown with parallel worlds, libraries, and a bank heist
TED Video: How to make stress your friend
— How to make stress your friend
A user visits a website, registers an account, and saves the data in the password manager. The tracking script runs on third-party sites. When a user visits the site, login forms are injected in the site invisibly. The browser’s password manager will fill out the data if a matching site is found in the password manager. The script detects the username, hashes it, and sends it to third-party servers to track the user.
— How web trackers exploit password managers
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was negligent in connection with one of the biggest bank failures of the financial crisis, a federal judge has ruled, opening up the Big Four accounting firm to the potential of hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.
— Judge Says PricewaterhouseCoopers Was Negligent In Colonial Bank Failure
Whether we see an LTE version of the Nokia 3310 in the US is still a major question, as is the release date of this phone — not the mention the battery life, which took a major hit when it added 3G support.
— An LTE version of Nokia’s 3310 may be coming
The Big Five... has produced results that can be shown to remain largely consistent across a person’s lifespan and that can be used to predict at least some part of a person’s likely academic achievement, dating choices and even future parenting behavior. It has also been validated cross-culturally to some extent, Soto told me.
— Most Personality Quizzes Are Junk Science. I Found One That Isn’t.
"Neither [Iraq] nor while I was in the military did I actually hear anyone ask whether we should be doing some of the research we were doing. You know, some of it was a little scary -- I don't know that it was necessarily unethical -- but nobody ever asked the question." -General Robert H. Latiff
— Nobody's Ready for the Killer Robot
If you are a low-wage worker who cuts your expenses to the bone in order to sock away $500 a year, on which you earn 8%, you will still not go more than a year in retirement without starving to death.
— Oh Damn, 401(k)s Aren't Magic
Ever stood at an intersection and prodded at, leaned on, elbowed and otherwise palm-slapped the ever-living hell out of a crosswalk button and wondered to yourself if the thing actually does anything at all, really? Well – chances are, it doesn't.
— Placebo buttons do absolutely nothing, and they are everywhere
Meanwhile, Pete is convinced the Log Lady stole his truck. But wait! It wasn’t the Log Lady. It was Windom Earle, says Cooper. How does he know? Well, look at the map up there. Duh. Try and keep up, people.
— Revisiting ‘Twin Peaks’ Season 2 Finale: An Appointment at the End of the World
In an interview with radio host John Catsimatidis in New York, Cohen said that it was clear that President Trump — like former President Obama — did not want to approve a plan to provide the new arms to Ukraine, but decided to do so in an attempt to shirk allegations that he has acted as a "Putin puppet."
— Russia expert: US decision to supply arms to Ukraine a 'mistake'
Scopophilia or scoptophilia (from Greek σκοπέω skopeō, "look to, examine" and φιλία philia, "tendency toward"), is deriving pleasure from looking.
— Scopophilia
The fatal swatting case started Thursday when a man called the 911 center in Wichita, Kansas, and said he'd shot his father and was holding his mother, sister and brother hostage inside a house, authorities said.
— Swatting case poses legal challenges for police, prosecutors
The IRS lets you claim investment-related losses on your tax return as long as you sell the money-losing investment at some point during the year. You can then use the resulting capital losses to offset any capital gains on other investments that you might have.
— Tax Loss Harvesting: Don't Wait Until Year-End to Save Thousands
Tesla was on the cover of Time magazine in 1931 but died a poor man in 1943 after years devoted to projects that did not receive adequate financing. Yet his most significant inventions resonate today.
— Tesla the Car Is a Household Name. Long Ago, So Was Nikola Tesla.
More than a century ago, in New York City, Paul Strand began creating some of the earliest candid street photography. His goal was to capture people as they act in public, unaware of the observing eye.
— Theater of the Streets, Shot On Google Glass
In 2016, psychologist Danielle Gunraj tested how people perceived one-sentence text messages that used a period at the end of the sentence. Participants thought these text messages were more insincere than those that didn’t have a period. But when the researchers then tested the same messages in handwritten notes, they found that the use of a period didn’t influence how the messages were perceived.
— There’s a reason using a period in a text message makes you sound angry
My beach wedding in Diani, Kenya, was supposed to begin at 4 p.m. It started two hours later. The reason: The photographer was late. He shrugged it off, blaming traffic. "I am here now and that is what matters," he said. Grrr, "Kenyan time."
That is what they call it in my homeland.
— Under 'Kenyan Time,' You're Expected To Arrive ... Oh, Whenever
The year 2017 was really successful for Vue.js. Even though the goals are partly fulfilled, I think that most of the goals are somehow achieved or getting more traction. Vue.js is spreading and a lot more companies are using it now, including: Behance, Adobe, Chess.com, GitLab, HERE Technologies, Car2Go, IBM, and many chinese companies like alibaba, ele.me
— Vue.js review of 2017
In 2007, Warren Buffett entered a million-dollar bet with the fund manager Protégé Partners that the S&P 500 would beat a basket of hedge funds over the next decade.
— Warren Buffett has won his $1 million bet against the hedge fund industry
Earlier today, Twitter published a five paragraph answer to the loudly, repeatedly-shouted question: “Why won’t you ban Donald Trump, a man who has actively used your platform to threaten nuclear annihilation against an entire country?”
— What Twitter's New Statement About Not Banning Trump Really Means
In South Carolina, for example, people hoping to buy a Siberian tiger to celebrate the new year are likely to be disappointed: As of Jan. 1, it is illegal in the state for typical residents — that is, if you're not a zoo — to buy or own exotic animals for pets.
— What's New In 2018? Here's A Brief Tour Of State Laws Now In Effect
Why people believe what they believe is a wide topic that many psychology professors investigate. And while Peterson’s lectures certainly do tend to focus on the idea of “pushing back,” the contents of them raise questions about whether the bad ideologies are the ones he’s rejecting or the ones he espouses.
— Why Is Monsanto Inviting This Alt-Right Hero to a Fireside Chat on Farming?
The danger is that such detailed, sensationalized coverage of suicide can prompt copycat behavior — a phenomenon called suicide contagion. “Suicide contagion is real, which is why I’m concerned about it.”
— YouTuber Logan Paul's video of a dead body put his own audience at risk
Then there’s the matter of how Uber treats its drivers. You know it’s not great, but it’s not as though competing services are much better. Before Uber, taxi companies were notoriously terrible employers. Lyft, like Uber, hires its drivers as independent contractors—they don’t get benefits or minimum-wage protection—and has cut their pay to make fares cheaper for riders.
— Are you a bad person if you still take Uber?
Forecasters are warning people to be wary of hypothermia and frostbite from the arctic blast that’s gripping a large swath from the Midwest to the Northeast.
— http://metro.co.uk/2017/12/30/niagara-falls-freezes-sharks-freezing-death-atlantic-7192401/?ito=cbshare
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lisanealblog-blog · 5 years
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Apcalis Oral Jelly, just as an assortment of other erectile dysfunction medications, is accessible through web medicine suppliers. These foundations offer the vastest choice at the best costs. The majority of their items are accessible for minimal expenditure and without a medicine, so you don't need to visit the doctor to get what you need. No specialist's visit, no protection bother, and no trek to the physical store is required for you to get this top-decision issue solver. Their site is past easy to use; before you know it, you'll have found your choice of decision, inputted your information to place the order, and then have it delivered quickly and discreetly, directly to your front door. They pride themselves on their non-specific plain packaging, so your business is safe from the prying eyes of nosy neighbors
Are sites like these really as trustworthy as they claim? Well, we don't want to sell you beachfront property in Arizona - the majority of them are, in fact, not. All the more reason to stick with the ones who are tried and true, wouldn't you say? So give it a shot for yourself, and see what the result is!
You would now be able to get this item and others from the most dependable Canadian drug store online without a solution. They guarantee a simple to utilize site, the least expensive costs, and the best choice. They convey every one of their bundles in circumspect bundling so you can rest guaranteed that your mystery is sheltered from according to meddlesome neighbors. Apcalis Oral Jelly is the best erectile brokenness treatment in this structure accessible available and it's presently accessible at an extremely minimal effort because of this virtual vender. They give 20 mg measurements. You will love picking this brand for your ED treatment and you surely will love requesting it from this business. Go ahead and give it a chance! Why might some want to buy from a virtual vendor? This is especially comprehensible if one resides in the United States of America, where healthcare cost is through the roof! That includes the cost of medicine as well. Obtaining from an online seller is one way that many are turning to try and lower or undercut their cost, and this site will not disappoint in that endeavor. Retain in mind that ordering online can be extremely hazardous, according to the FDA, so always check reviews before you share your information to an unknown third party.
Considerations Before you Buy Apcalis Jelly Online
This product is one of numerous brands that can offer help from erectile dysfunction. Each brand is one of a kind in its concoction make-up, and most brands available today contain one of three dynamic fixings. These center substance mixes are vardenafil, sildenafil citrate and tadalafil. Before you buy Apcalis Jelly online, you should do the research necessary to ensure that tadalafil is safe to consume in your physical condition, as most drugs sold online have certain precautions and contraindications. Failing to adhere to these could result in health complications. You should not buy Apcalis Jelly if you:
Have a curved p***s
Suffer from coronary artery disease or angina
Have stomach ulcers
Have abnormal blood pressure
Have problems with your liver or kidney
Are there any Side Effects?
While it is conceivable that you may encounter some gentle reactions when taking this medicine, extreme symptoms are not usually connected with Apcalis Jellies. Basically, just a little minority may experience the ill effects of reactions, and on the off chance that they do, these are commonly mellow and fleeting. Seriousness of impacts can also be reduced by keeping hydrated, adhering to the recommended dosage and by following the applicable precautions. Side effects when you buy Apcalis Jelly for erectile dysfunction may include:
Upset stomach
Flu-like symptoms
Blurry vision
Facial flushing
There have been incredibly uncommon cases in the past where men have experienced priapism in the wake of taking Apcalis Oral Jelly. This might be because of other health factors, but if your erection lasts for longer than 4 hours, consult your doctor immediately.
You can now buy your Apcalis online
Appreciate the joys of s*x by and by when you purchase Apcalis jelly online through our regarded and acclaimed online pharmacy.
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sawcolor91-blog · 5 years
What to Look for in a Good Quality Fish Oil
This post is from contributing writer Leah Vachani, CNC, of Lunch with Leah.
One of the most frequent questions I get as a nutritionist is, “what is a good fish oil to buy?” Don’t feel bad if you are also wondering what and how to figure this out. The nutritional supplement world is confusing even to healthcare professionals!
Let’s dig into the details of what fish oil is, why you should take it, and mostly – how the heck to choose a good one!
What Does Fish Oil Do?
Fish oil is basically the fatty oil taken from fish and purified to remove everything except the beneficial Omega 3 fats found in fish. Studies show that consuming adequate amounts of Omega 3s may help fight depression and anxiety, improve eye health, promote brain health and growth in pregnancy and early childhood, improve risk factors for heart disease, reduce symptoms of ADHD in children, fight inflammation, improve mental disorders, and so much more. (See all the supporting studies linked to these benefits here).
Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish and other marine and land animals are considered essential fatty acids, which means that we cannot manufacture them ourselves, we need to obtain them in our diets. This is incredibly important for brain development in utero and young children. Research has repeatedly linked low levels of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA to neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and ADHD. This is why most Obstetricians are recommending that pregnant women take DHA supplements. Ideally, a couple would be taking Omega 3 supplements preconception.
What are the Benefits of Fish Oil?
Can’t I just take plant based Omega 3s?
Well, no. Plant sources DO contain Omega 3s, but they are in the form ALA. The human body is incredibly inefficient at converting ALA into DHA and EPA, which are the forms that the body can use.
Why do I need EPA + DHA?
Omega 3 fats in the EPA and DHA forms are needed by the body to use as cell membrane components. These super flexible essential fats act as gatekeepers to each cell membrane, regulating nutrients and waste product entry and exit.
If the body doesn’t have sufficient intake of these specific Omega 3 fats, it will use other fats like trans fats and saturated fats. Unfortunately, saturated fats, trans fats, and other non-Omega-3 fats are more stiff in nature and can’t act as good gatekeepers to the cell.
Cell membranes with poor levels of Omega 3 fats are less responsive to hormones, including insulin sensitivity, and can’t shuttle nutrients in and out as effectively. Think of it like this: Imagine if your cell membranes were like a house, and the windows and doors were the way in and out of the cell. If you have a poor diet low in Omega 3s and high in other fats then your “house” will have doors and windows that are barred shut.
Does Fish Oil Help Concussions?
Katie recently wrote about her experience when her son suffered a concussion. She learned that not only are Omega 3’s essential in healing the brain they can help you strengthen your overall brain health which in turn could prevent concussions.
Can I Just Eat Fish?
Yes! If you are consuming roughly 2-3 servings of fatty fish per week (as recommended by The American Heart Association) like salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and tuna you may not need to supplement. However, I find most people are not eating this much fish and they are consuming far too many Omega 6 fats from vegetable oils thus making their body skewed towards a pro-inflammatory state. Therefore, fish oil can supplement a low-fish diet and rebalance a person’s Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio.
How to Buy a “Good” Fish Oil Supplement
Avoid contaminants in Fish Oil
Many fish species are known to contain contaminants like mercury, PCBs, and dioxins. However, when you eat fish you are also consuming nutrients like selenium that bond to heavy metals like mercury and make it unavailable for absorption into your tissues.
When you buy fish oil, protective nutrients like selenium have been removed. So, you need to make sure that the other contaminants have either been mostly or completely removed as well.
How do you know this? Read on…
Look for quality assurance from trusted 3rd party testing
USP Mark
Governmental fish oil quality standards do not exist in the United States, but all dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA through the DSHEA act of 1994 and The United States Pharmacopeia (USP). For products carrying the USP Verified Mark, USP has tested and verified ingredients, potency, and manufacturing processes.
Above and beyond the USP Mark
Just because a fish oil bottle doesn’t show the USP Verified Mark doesn’t mean it’s bad! Many reputable fish oil companies will go above and beyond the USP mark and abide by more stringent and voluntary standards. These standards also guarantee quality products by setting maximum allowances on peroxides, heavy metals, dioxins, and PCBs, and are often far lower than the limits set by USP.
List of 3rd party certifications to look for:
(This is not all-inclusive but lists the most common certifiers.)
It is interesting to note that The International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) Program is the only third-party testing and certification program for fish oils. IFOS sets the world’s highest standards for purity, potency, and freshness. Since 2015, they’ve even started testing for radiation levels after the Fukushima disaster. They don’t make fish oil, they only test it and publish the results free to the public. You can see if your fish oil passes the stringent testing here.
Certificate of Analysis for Fish Oil
As I mentioned before, there is no quality standard in the USA for fish oil. That’s why if you are questioning the legitimacy of a nutrition label and the contents of the supplement, it is essential that you ask for something called a Certificate of Analysis (COA) from the manufacturer before you buy their product. A COA is an analysis performed by an independent lab to measure the ingredients of a product and confirm whether it lives up to the claims made by the manufacturer. Most companies are happy to provide this when asked.
For example, when I looked up the COA for Nordic Naturals, it is clearly provided right here so the consumer can simply enter the lot number and get the results.
Interestingly, when I called Kirkland to get a COA for their fish oil they said they don’t give that out. I was referred to their website where it declares the “purity levels for PCBs, dioxins, furans, and mercury are below .09 ppm, 2ppt WHO TEQs and 0.1 ppm respectively.” Umm, great but consumers have a right to know EXACTLY how much mercury is in their fish oil, even if it is parts per gazillion.
It’s a red flag when a supplement company is withholding of information. It’s always best to stick with open and upfront companies who are happy to provide full transparency.
Do you see how confusing it can all be? To ease any fish oil quality concerns, a powerful combination of quality 3rd party testing and a COA can help assure the potency and purity of a fish oil product. In my opinion, getting an IFOS 5-star review is enough assurance!
Fish oil supplements should be made and packaged only in facilities that have been certified in Current Good Manufacturing Practices (or CGMPs), which are strictly monitored for safety.
Can I Test Purity by Freezing Fish Oil Capsules?
No, this is a myth seemingly propagated by certain supplement companies. Good quality fish oil supplements can look cloudy when frozen.
Try to buy fish oil that is certified by the MSC, the Environmental Defense Fund or a similar organization. Small fish with short lifespans tend to be more sustainable.
Shelf life of Fish Oil – shorter is better
2 years or less is best.
Is Liquid Fish Oil Better than FishOil Capsules or Vice Versa?
Not really. If you are buying a good quality fish oil, then it is more a matter of personal preference.
The advantage to taking liquid is that you can get a higher dose of Omega 3s without having to swallow too many capsules. The cons to liquid fish oil are that some people have issues with the smell, taste or consistency. An open bottle can also oxidize (go rancid) faster so make sure you use it consistently and in a timely manner.
The advantage of taking the capsules is no smell or taste. Some capsules are even enteric coated to help keep the capsule from being dissolved until it reaches the small intestines. This is common in fish oil capsules, as it often prevents fish burps. However, it can also mask the foul smell of rancid fish oil. If you take omega-3 capsules, it may be a good idea to open one from time to time and smell it in order to make sure it hasn’t gone rancid. The disadvantage of capsules is usually a higher cost per serving.
Potency & Dose of Fish Oil
The recommended dose
A standard daily dose of EPA + DHA is around 1,000-2,000 mg. A therapeutic dose is usually around 2,000 mg of EPA + DHA or more.
How to read the label – potency matters
As you can see in the infographic below, it’s important to read the label on the back of the bottle because the front can be deceiving.
Front Label – Says 1000 mg fish oil. You think, great! 1-2 capsules per day for a standard dose. WRONG!
Back label – Here is where we see the truth. If you stopped reading at the front label you would never know that the back label says you are only getting 500 mg of Omega 3s in TWO capsules. That is only 25% of what you thought you were getting (a 2,000 mg dose). To get 1,000-2,000 mg of EPA + DHA you would have to take 4-8 capsules per day. I know, not likely to happen.
When buying any supplement, but especially fish oil, ask yourself these questions in order to ensure that you are buying a good quality nutritional supplement:
Has an independent scientific authority verified product purity and quality, providing a third-party seal of approval on the package?
Has it been tested for the absence of harmful levels of known, potential contaminants?
Was it produced at a facility that meets or exceeds government and industry standards for good manufacturing practices (GMPs)?
Does the label make claims that seem too good to be true?
If you can answer ‘yes’ to the first 3 questions and ‘no’ to the last one, then you are probably getting good quality stuff.
A quick reference
A short list of fish oil companies that are commonly found, meet all the requirements and standards to be considered “good quality”, AND provide a decent potency of fish oil/capsule.
Keep in mind, this is not an all-inclusive list! In fact, it’s very short and I’m sure there are other great fish oil supplements that are not listed here. Once again, do your own research to be sure!
Disclaimer: Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your doctor and clear any exercise and/or diet changes with them. I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. The information presented herein is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or treating any disease or condition. This information is for educational purposes only. No responsibility is assumed by the author nor anyone connected with this website for the use of this information and no guarantees of any kind are made for the performance or effectiveness of the recommendations provided.
Source: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/fish-oil-faq/
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