#with doggett & reyes
swiftzeldas · 4 months
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The X-Files 8.20: Essence
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swallowedabug · 2 months
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THE X-FILES 8.18 (2001)
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sashacalle · 3 months
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agent-troi · 5 months
Mulder: *clicks pen* Scully: *clicks pen in response* Doggett: Stop that. Mulder: Stop what? Doggett: You’re talking about me in Morse code! Mulder: Yes, that’s what we’re doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out! *later* Scully, to Reyes: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
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Five hot bitches who were meticulously placed within each others lives to destroy and discredit one another but instead chose to love and support each other and dismantle the very organization that plotted their demise and downfalls.
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(Skinner gets a row to himself bc he’s a big boy.)
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katesfatcat · 4 months
More X-Files + Guide to Troubled Birds
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georgetownsweatshirt · 5 months
I don’t know if this an unpopular opinion or not, but I’m in love with the idea of Mulder and Scully, John and Monica as one team. I will be eternally sad they never got to all work together on a regular basis. They would have been unstoppable.
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bisexualfbiagents · 5 months
working tirelessly on something no one asked for that requires me to dig through screencaps of every episode and i gotta say...... txf s9 is like......... indefensibly bad
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gaycrouton · 10 months
I love the dynamic between Scully and Doggett, and I think the parallel between his son’s death and his desire to protect Scully from what he experienced is so powerful.
We know his son tragically died, but it isn’t until Empedocles that we know just how much his experience of finding him mirrored Scully’s (i.e, stumbling across the dead body discarded carelessly in a field).
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From approaching a group of people huddled around the body to your partner looking at you with despair, he’s been in her shoes
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He knows what it’s like to see the body of someone you love more than anything lying lifelessly in a field.
I know him pulling Scully back is frustrating to us as viewers. We’ve watched Mulder and Scully for seven years, we know the depth of their love for one another, and it can be aggravating seeing someone coming in between them in such a devastating moment.
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But thinking of it from his perspective is so heartbreaking.
He is haunted by the memory of seeing his son like that. That is how he remembers his little boy. It was cruel, senseless, and (until Release) a mystery.
He wanted to spare Scully from having that with Mulder.
If I’m remembering correctly, Reyes even said seeing him unmoving next to his son in that field was haunting, he was paralyzed with grief and shock.
Doggett was trying to do Scully a kindness because he’s still haunted from when he experienced something hauntingly similar.
Again, we don’t get to know that was his motivation until a few episodes later. But with how similar the framing was, we know that it was a purposeful parallel.
It’s heartbreaking to think Reyes recognized the similarities at the time they found Mulder, and she knew how re-traumatizing that would be for Doggett.
She watched him relive the worst moment of his life and try to intervene to prevent someone from experiencing what he did.
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It reminds me of how Skinner knew how awful it was to deliver heart-shattering news and chose to intervene and save Scully from having to do it.
In both cases, it may feel like it wasn’t their place, but it came from a place of empathetic kindness.
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fbisgayesttrio · 10 months
(correct answer is Bill btw)
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supernouvastar · 29 days
ummm love this show teehee
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starlightseraph · 3 months
starting series 8. i can’t do this.
i hate when my favourite characters leave, sometimes it’s put me off of shows altogether. like i’ll completely lose interest in even the good seasons of the show.
i hate change. i love mulder. i love mulder and scully.
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deathsbestgirl · 9 months
something about the way skinner, doggett & reyes rally around scully while mulder is abducted.
like. skinner knows what they are to each other. he's watched them from the beginning. skinner saw how mulder was when scully was abducted. he tried to hold him together the only way he could (opening the x files again)
i think telling scully he "lost" mulder was the hardest thing he ever did. skinner loves mulder too, but mulder is scully's entire world. and this time around, he won't let scully be alone the way mulder was.
doggett was assigned (purportedly) to find mulder. he follows the typical avenues of investigation, all the while scully is telling him that wont turn up anything. he sees shapeshifting aliens and doesn't believe, but he knows scully didn't do those things. at the end of without, when scully is injured & falling apart, he holds her. it was very different than what mulder & scully experiences in the pilot, but it's a level of vulnerability he didn't expect & she didn't really mean to show. and because of it, he follows her. he wants to find mulder, and he'll do everything he can for scully in the meantime. he wants her to trust him. he won't let her run headfirst into danger without backup. he's a step behind her every time. doggett defends scully, like she defends mulder. doggett doesn't believe, but he follows her theories & instincts. he sees so much. and...he can empathize with her.
reyes shows up when they're finally on mulder's trail. abductees are being returned. reyes believes but her specialty is satanic cults. and she reasons it could be a ufo cult, but that doesn't mean these people weren't really abducted. reyes doesn't know what to believe at that point, but she's open, and she follows scully. without question. she reminds scully of mulder & melissa and scully keeps her at a distance. hesitant to let anyone else close.
what kills me is that scully...starts to trust like mulder does. she tries not to, but she can't help it. these people are following her, and looking out for her, and loving mulder by extension. scully tries so hard to theorize like mulder. she's got the knowledge, she knows how his mind works. she's actually not that bad at it. but it isn't natural for her to follow those instincts. she needs mulder for that, and it's the only way she can keep him alive, feel close to him, hold onto hope that he'll come back.
mulder left a big gaping hole. in the x files, in her life, in her bed, in her heart, in her mind. everyone is trying to hold her together but the only person who can is abducted and returns dead.
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elevenhopperz · 1 year
mulder and scully’s email addresses are amazing lol
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agent-troi · 1 year
Reyes: Why do you look like that?
Scully, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Reyes: Like you’re dead.
Scully: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Doggett: Scully accidentally called Mulder “babe” in front of everyone today.
Scully: *sobs into the floor*
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vampirewalterskinner · 2 months
High School AU where the X-Files gang go on wild (and sometimes stupid) teen adventures in search of the supernatural and the unexplained in their town.
Fox Mulder —17, used to be on the baseball team but quit for unknown reasons, an outcast, almost a rebel bad boy except he doesn’t get girls ever, a believer
Dana Scully — 17, in like every science club imaginable, valedictorian, skeptic
Walter Skinner — 18, the oldest in the group, class president and star football player, a secret believer
John Doggett — 18, also on the football team, the popular kid, a major skeptic
Monica Reyes — 17, works summers as a camp counselor, reads palms in the cafeteria for five bucks a hand, believer
Alex Krycek — 17, also used to be on the baseball team and quit when Fox did, the actual rebel bad boy (but Gay™️), a believer
Jeffrey Spender — 16, the youngest, no clubs and no outstanding talents, his only hobby is proving that he’s better than his big half-brother by doing nothing amazing at all lmao, a skeptic
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