#with sungjin!! and his solo too!!! (sungjin solo soon i know this he told me in a dream)
entropys · 1 year
Young k will be out soon, how are you feeling?
feeling very normal about it (lie)
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Three words
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Characters: Sungjin x You
Genre: Angst, slice of life, fluff
Word count: 3.9k
Description: All I wanted is to here those 3 simple words and have you hold me close, but why is that so hard to do, with you?
I love you.
Three simple words.
Are they really very hard to say? Is it really that difficult? I hear everyone around me saying it, so why does it often feel like I have to beg him to say it before he does? Why does it seem like I am the only one begging for validation in this relationship and he’s the one that doesn’t seem to care?
Sometimes I really think that I am in a one sided relationship with him, where I constantly feel like I’m interacting with a piece of wood that can’t say anything back to me.
Sometimes I just want to beat him into a pulp but of course I won’t do that. I can never bring myself to do that. I love him too much.  
But sometimes...sometimes… I-I… I just want to feel like I’m not the only one that’s giving in the relationship.
Tonight, these thoughts keep me up again. Sitting up in our shared bed, I toss my hair out of face, tucking a strand behind my ear as I stare down at Sungjin’s sleeping figure beside me. He has a hand draped over my thighs, his steady breathes tickling the insides of my bare thigh. He never says “I love you” back to me ever, and the only time he’ll be willing to do skinship with me is during times like this, when he’s unconscious and off in dreamland. God knows what this man dreams off when he’s sleeping so deeply, probably not me. Working my fingers through his soft locks, I try to find comfort in the familiar action, hoping it would lull me to sleep. Sungjin stirs, responding to my touch. He nestles closer to me, his cheek now resting on my thighs. He does this all the time, but each time he does, it still sends sparks flying across my skin. Yet I bet he feels nothing.
Sungjin ah… are we even dating? Is this even a relationship if you don’t show any affection?
Helpless in my situation, I let out an exasperated sigh, closing my eyes to try to sleep. The last sensation I was aware of was being laid to sleep, the short ends of his hair tickling my forehead.
Awakened by the morning heat, it took me some time to regain my senses from the lack of sleep. Stretching across the length of the bed, my legs came into contact with the bedsheets instead of Sungjin’s legs like they usually do, and I was left looking at his empty pillow, rather than his sleeping face. Reaching across his side of the bed, I bring the small digital clock close to my face, my bleary eyes barely making out the time.
6am. He’s up early again. Maybe I should go outside to see if he’s still around.
Pushing myself off the bed, I shuffle out of the bedroom, my eyes immediately squinting to adjust to the bright white lights of the living room. As I rub my eyes, I could make out Sungjin’s figure hastily preparing the dining table, glancing to check at his wristwatch every few seconds.
“Hey darling...”
“Oh! Hey babe, it’s too early for you to be up.”
“Woken up by the heat, and I could say the same back to you. A certain Park Sungjin I know would never be up so early.”
“Did I forget to tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“That we have rehearsal today for our concert on Sunday.”
“Isn’t it supposed to be tomorrow? You told me Saturday, today’s a Friday.”
“Yea the boys wanted to have more rehearsals at the venue so we just booked the venue yesterday. Sorry sweetheart but I got to go now; I made you breakfast so remember to eat it. Drive safely on the road and remember to text me when you’ve arrived at work!”
“Yea I will. Bye, love you.”
The whole conversation was over in seconds, and I don’t remember much of it. But I do remember saying  “love you.”
And I remember that he didn’t say it back.
True to my word, I texted Sungjin the moment I safely pulled into the parking space at work. He texted back with a thumbs up emoji and the heavy stone began weighing in my chest again.
Oh, why am I getting so worked up over it? He does this all the time, I should be used to it by now.
Turning the screen black, I toss my phone into my bag. I went about my day at work, trying my best to not think about him. Yet the stone kept getting heavier and heavier in my chest, at some point making it physically hard to breathe. Yet all I could do was let out heavy sighs; no one was going to understand how this feels like even if I told them. Neck deep in work, I only realised it was time to knock off when I began to hear the sound of bags being zipped and laptop lids being shut. Standing up, I shoulder my bag as I drop Sungjin to text to say that I’m coming over, hoping that I’ve got enough time to catch a glimpse of them before they start Round 2 of rehearsals.
I pull into the stadium car park in a record 40 minutes after making a trip to Starbucks, leaving me with another 20 to catch up with them. In a measly attempt to shield myself from the rain, I place one hand over my head, the other holding onto my bag of Starbucks items. The staff were the first to greet me, and I pass them their share of snacks and drinks. Sungjin follows straight after, relieving me of the bag carrying duties.
“You didn’t have to run in the rain, why didn’t you use the umbrella in the car?”
“Sungjin, it’s fine. Besides, I didn’t have enough hands for that. How was rehearsal so far? Where are the rest of the boys?”
Sungjin begins patting my face with the towel hanging around his neck as I talk, eventually moving along to clean the rain droplets that have made their way to my neck as well.
“Firstly, keep running in the rain like that and you’re going to get sick. Secondly, rehearsal has been great so far, except for some sound issues for Wonpil’s solo stage that need some fixing. Thirdly, the boys have been waiting eagerly for you since you texted me 40 minutes ago, they’re in the dressing room.”
“Lies; more like they’ve been waiting for the food.”
“Baby, are you jealous? Ok to be fair, they are waiting for the food but they have not shut up about wanting to see you since this morning.”
“Oh really? Is that so now?”
“It is.”
Somehow, Sungjin’s hands find mine as both of us walk towards the waiting room but the conversation gets interrupted by Young K’s loud cheers upon the sight of me and the food, and Wonpil breaks the two of us up by engulfing me in a tight hug.
“You’re welcome Hungry K~”
100% mesmerised by the food, Young K ignores my teasing, before poking the straw through the lid of his iced Americano. Letting out a dramatic sigh, he smacks his lips together as he leans back in the plush sofa, sipping on the drink like a newborn baby. Meanwhile, Jae and Wonpil engage in a fight over the last chocolate croissant, with Jae attacking by smacking Wonpil’s hands away, ultimately cementing his victory with a triumphant bite into the pastry. Dowoon remains the only unbothered one, stealthily taking his own ice blended vanilla with no one to fight him for his blueberry muffin.
“Am a the leader of a bunch of babies, or a bunch of men in their 20s?”
Despite the harsh jab at his members, Sungjin passes over his own chocolate croissant to Wonpil with a small shake of his head and smirk on his lips. Wonpil’s face lights up at the sight of the food, sticking his tongue out at Jae’s scandalised expression.
“Sungjin my good friend, you should not have done that. It was supposed to be payback for him stealing my churros the last time!”
“Hyung, you gotta let that go. It’s been months since he stole your churros, and technically he only stole one. You took the last one back.”
Jae shoots Sungjin a glare for exposing him, but soon resumes to his usual program of sipping on his drink between each bite of food. The whole room falls into a comfortable silence soon after; I didn’t want to disturb them after a tiring day of rehearsals. Sungjin strokes my knuckles with his thumb, moving back and forth along the thin skin. I thought no one would notice what Sungjin does but I should know better; nothing escapes Young K’s sharp fox eyes.
“Hyung why don’t both of you do skinship often?”
The question catches Sungjin off guard, and he nearly chokes on his drink.
“Look, my personal life-”
Sungjin attempts to defend himself, only for Wonpil to add to the mess.
“Oh it is so frustrating looking at the both of you! Can we get some action already!”
“Ya Kim Wonpil! What sort of action do you think you’re going to get?”
Sungjin’s eyes go wide at Wonpil’s suggestive statement, slamming his drink down on the table in the process. Still his hands do not leave mine, holding onto them tightly now to give me moral support.
“I don’t know! Anything is better than just simple hand holding!”
I blush furiously at their words, unsure of what to do now. Jae opens his mouth to speak and I was about to mentally thank him for saving the day but what Jae says next only makes things worse.
I regret feeding these boys so well. I should have just let them starve so that they would not have energy to blabber nonsense.
“Sungjin, they have all made extremely valid and magnificent points. You two need more skinship and action, time to work it in! I really don’t understand how you can write amazing love songs and sing them to a crowd numbering thousands yet you can’t do anything more with your girl except hold her hand.”
From his seat at the end of the table, Dowoon nods along vigorously to everything his hyungs say.
I can see a vein pop in Sungjin’s temple, instantly deciding that now was the time to step in before the atmosphere became heavier.
“Awww come on~ let’s not tease Sungjin. I know he’s uncomfortable with displaying affection in public so I don’t ask that he does it.”
“Man Leader, you really got lucky, having Y/N as a girlfriend that would be willing to put up with your lack of affection.”
“Why are we still on this topic! Come on let’s go, you’re going to be late for rehearsals!”
Releasing my hand from his, I shoo the boys out of the waiting room. With drinks still in their hands, the boys toss out words of appreciation like “Thanks for the food Y/N!” and cheeky farewells such as “Bye sister in law!” before making a good choice to run all the way to the stage, lest Sungjin gives them all a whooping kick in the butt.
Watching their retreating figures, Sungjin mutters “They are so dead.” under his breath before turning to me.
“Darling, you should go too. They can’t start rehearsals without their leader and rhythm guitarist. They’ll be waiting.”
“Ok I’ll go. Are you going to hang around? Or are you tired? Wanna go home first?”
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ears, using his index finger to outline the shell of my ear.
“Yea I’m going to hang around to watch the rehearsal.”
“Ok let’s go home together later, I’ll tell my manager.”
From behind Sungjin, I spot their manager waving him over so I quickly let him go.
“Ok we can discuss this later, you really got to go now.”
“Ok bye see you later babe!”
He whispers his last words, well aware that his manager was eyeing us now. Very quickly, he brings my hands to his lips, giving a soft peck to the back of it.
He turns and makes a beeline for his manager, apologising profusely as he gets closer. Meanwhile, I turn and head in the other direction, making my way to the Category 1 seats where I can get a better view of the boys.
Yet my heart isn’t focused, my eyes not even looking at them most of the time. Their words keep ringing in my head, and it dawns upon me how much truth their words hold. Sungjin’s lack of affectionate displays, his lack of verbal words of affirmation towards our relationship; heck he’s already blushing furiously at the mere mention of our relationship in public.
Could it be that...perhaps...he’s ashamed of our relationship? He’s never willing to show how he feels towards our relationship…
My heart clenches in pain as dread spreads over my entire body, the thought making my breath catch in my throat as I fist the sides of my blouse. But when I lift my head to look at the stage, Sungjin is already looking at me, his eyes never leaving mine as they seem to shine more radiantly under the stage light. They sparkle and glow, his lips breaking into a smile when he catches me staring back.
Was this all for show?
The thought crushes my spirits, and I fist my blouse harder, tearing a few threads in the process.
When Sungjin hops into the passenger seat enthusiastically, I fake a smile on my face, hoping he wouldn’t see through the facade. Thankfully, I think he doesn’t. Taking my hand in his again, he places a quick peck confidently to the back of my hands now, the screens on the car windows giving us a bit more privacy than the waiting room from before.
“Let’s go! Ah can’t wait to go back home and hit the sack.”
I hum out a response, releasing my hand from his to place them back on the steering wheel. The ride back starts out silent, and I was hoping it would remain as such. But my hopes are dashed when Sungjin begins to ask about my day, but I am absolutely not in the mood to talk to him.
“Hey babe, how was your day?”
“Hmmm, the usual. Mind if I turn on some music?”
Without even waiting for his confirmation, I punch a button on the dashboard, the familiar piano intro of “I Smile” filling the space in the car.  
Life is cruel to me. All I want to do is not be reminded of a certain Park Sungjin, yet his song has to come on.
I groan inwardly, and if Sungjin heard he’s doesn’t say a thing. Which is perfectly fine with me. Better that way actually, better than me having to explain how I feel and looking like a fool afterwards for being so needy compared to him. For the rest of the ride home, the music coming from the stereo is the only sound filling the car, a effective distraction from my bad mood.
When we pull into the carpark, I hop out and head straight for the door without waiting for Sungjin. He trails behind me, eyeing me the entire time but not saying a word. I know that he knows that I’m in a bad mood now, and this knowledge only makes the tension build in my shoulders, my temples straining more with each pulse of the persistent headache. Thoroughly annoyed now, I open the front door with a little too much force, kicking off my shoes impatiently. Making a beeline for the bedroom, I almost managed to shut the door in his face until his hand slips through the cracks, prying the door open with his superior strength. He’s now standing before me with furrowed brows and confused eyes, catching onto my wrist gently before I can walk away.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Is everything ok?”
He turns me around so that I’m facing him now, a tired sigh leaving my lips as I fight back the tears of frustration. Too drained to keep up the facade of nonchalance, I feel my walls come crashing down as the words come tumbling out of my mouth.
“No, it’s not ok. I’m not ok, this is not ok. None of this is ok.”
I fling my wrist away from his hands, the swing of my hands back causing me to take a step away from him.
“Babe, I’m not quite... getting what you mean. What are you referring to?”
“Our relationship! This-This-This game you play! Sungjin, it is so so so exhausting to have to second-guess our relationship. Sometimes I wonder if you even love me. You won’t ever say ‘I love you’ back no matter how many times I say it. You seem like you don’t want to have anything to do with me in public, all you do is hold my hands! And that’s it! Not even a hug! I get that you don’t like skinship in public but am I really so...repulsive?You only seek me out when we’re home alone with the privacy of four walls; it honestly makes me wonder if you’re that ashamed to have me as your girlfriend.”
“Babe, it’s not what you-”
I hear his voice, but I ignore it, wanting to drown out the comforting timbre of his voice with my own so I won’t fall into his arms again.
“The dread that scrapes the insides of my bones when I realise that maybe, you don’t want me as much as I want you makes me want to burst into tears, at any time of the day, for every second as long as I’m thinking about it! Sungjin is there something wrong with me? Something that you’re not proud of?”
His tone turns serious now, his voice dropping an octave lower than it usually is.
“Baby, you’re going to exhaust yourself more if you keep going. Please, let me-”
“Sungjin, if you do, please tell me. I really don’t have the energy to play this guessing game anymore. I-”
My next words are promptly swallowed by the kiss he has pulled me into, full lip on lip contact. My hands are sprawled out over his chest to stop the impact of my full weight from slamming into his body, his warm hands cradling the sides of my face. The kiss lasts for a good 10 seconds as he slowly works his lips against mine, engulfing my lips with big sweeps of his expert mouth. When we finally break away for air, he contacts his forehead to mine as he opens his eyes to look at me, holding my face in place to make sure my full attention is on him.
“I don’t love you? Y/N, I love you, you are my entire world. Universe. Wait no, that’s not right. You mean the world to me. Ah yes, that’s the correct term. See, this is why I don’t say I love you much, I’m so bad with words. I don’t say it often, but please don’t ever, from here on, doubt that I am in love with you. I will repeat it for the rest of my life if you need me to, until you firmly believe in it.  I love you baby, with all my heart and soul. Every single love song is about you, you are always on my mind.
Trust me, I want you as much as you want me. Maybe even more. I want to kiss you and hold you and hug you too but not in public. I want to do it when we’re alone, I want to keep it special. Just sweet little moments between you and me, not something to be on display for others.
I’m sorry for making you doubt yourself and this relationship, you- you should have told me earlier instead of bottling up all these pent up frustrations. I promise I’ll do better to show you how much I love you.”
“Ok then. Prove it to me.”
Sungjin graces me with a quirk of his eyebrow, and I was certain that he was going to back down from the challenge. But he advances quickly with amazing speed, and I barely have time to breathe.
“Text me when you’re at work.”
A peck.
“Drive safely on the road.”
A peck.
“I made you breakfast, eat it when it’s hot.”
Another peck.
With each sentence, he has me moving backwards until the back of my knees hit the edge of the bed, my reflex causing my knee to jerk underneath me to send me flying backwards into the plush sheets of the bed. Sungjin’s hands are on the back of my head to break my fall, making sure I don’t slam into the bed too hard.
Now that he has me where he wants me to be, he crawls onto the bed with me, positioning himself between my legs. He hovers very close above me, yet he is careful to not crush me with his weight.
He brings his lips to my forehead, starting there.
A peck on the forehead.
A peck between my eyes.
A peck on the bridge of my nose.
A peck on the tip of my nose.
A kiss on the lips this time, one that was less hungry than before. Still Sungjin moves with great agility, angling his head so that he gets better access to my lips. He nibbles on the upper lip before nipping at the lower lip, eliciting a contented sign from me.
Breaking away, he says in a breathy whisper, “Do you still doubt me now?”
“Ok you don’t sound convinced, let’s try this one more time.”
Then his lips are on mine again, his hands moving under my blouse to caress the sensitive skin and sweet spots along the side of my body that he knows are my weaknesses. He moves down to place a chaste kiss on my stomach before paying attention to my lips again. I close my eyes at the heavenly sensations, my skin shivering with each touch he gives.
“Are you convinced now babe?”
“Yea. Yea I am.”
Later that night, I lie in bed waiting for Sungjin, watching through hooded eyelids as he travels from the bathroom to his side of the bed, a soft smirk lifting up the corner of his lips as he catches me staring. I close my eyes when I feel the bed dip beside me, knowing that he’s by my side. He shifts around in the bed for a little while, moving closer to spoon me. I nestle closer to him, finding the comfortable spot under his chin and between the crook of his neck. Taking a deep breath of his cologne, I relax, feeling my body melt and mould to fit nicely with his. One hand wrapped around my waist, he pulls me closer with the hand that crossed over my chest, dipping his hand to plant a kiss on my bare shoulders.
“Good night Sungjin.”
“Nights baby, I love you.”
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carleencl · 5 years
DAY6 Gravity Tour in Manila
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Second time around, my favorite band, DAY6 came to Manila to have another sold out concert. Yes, another one since 1st Youth Concert was also sold out which was held in Kia Theater. 
November 23, 2019 - the day all MyDays have been waiting for again. DAY6′s Gravity Tour in Manila was held in Araneta Coliseum, having approximately 9,000 attendees that started at 5:30 in the afternoon.
This concert was very “intense” but memorable for us due to our experience before, during, and after the concert. You may click read more to know the experience I am talking about.
Announcement of ticketing day, me and my friends planned ways to grab our desired tickets. We were already planning to get the Royalty Package ticket since seeing DAY6 and the inclusion of the package itself was worth it. Unfortunately, during the selling day, the ticketing site keeps on either lagging, getting errors, and even saying all seats were unavailable! We were also in line in one of their physical ticketing sites, and their system was down and offline. Luckily, we still got tickets which was VIP Standing C.
Since attendees of the concert were offered a discounted rate to stay at Novotel, we grabbed the promo instantly! It was because remembering how exhausted (in a very happy way) from last year’s DAY6 concert we felt was. We were in standing area that time and it felt like so dragging to walk from Kia Theater then to find a place to have dinner and go our rented AirBnB. Thus, grabbing the Novotel discount promo.
Concert Day: Hours Before
Since we were in Standing C, a queuing number was given to have an organized line up before entering the venue. We were asked to be in line on or before 2:45PM or else, our queuing number will be forfeited. Since we are just staying at Novotel, we were planning to go in line at around 2:30PM.
2:15PM - my friend, Lizette, asked me to check Happee Sy’s twitter and hold and behold: THERE WAS STILL 15 ROYALTY STANDING A/B THAT WERE UNCLAIMED. In an instant, I told my other friends and we grabbed all our stuff as quickly as possible. Waiting for the hotel elevator feels like years in the waiting. Once we were in the lobby, we split into pairs: 1 going in line for VIP Standing C and 1 rushing to the ticketing booth. We were still unsure if we were able to get the Royalty ticket thus having that back-up of needing still line up for the VIP Standing C.
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With my other friend, Ria and I were rushing to the ticketing booth to try to get those tickets. Once we arrived, there MyDays already lining up to get the tickets. I was nervous that time if we would be able to get 4 tickets for the upgrade due the limited quantity available. I was counting the person in front of us if we will be able to make the cut - and we did! I was so nervous, happy, and excited that time. I couldn’t believe it that the ticket that we wanted since day 1 but failed to get during ticketing day, was able to have it during concert.
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I called Lizette and Char afterwards and told them the good news and to meet them near the PULP Royalty Booth. We were such giddy fangirls while claiming our band for the Royalty, Hi Touch, and the version of album we would be able to get.
3:00PM - We were already lining up for Royalty Standing A then entering venue. I still can’t believe that we were able to get those tickets in the last minute! It was such a surreal moment for me.
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We were so excited and giddy that the stage was so close! It’s the first to be that up close to the artist that we support and dearly love.
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Lights were all off except for our lightband.
An introduction video of DAY6 was shown and after, the 5 were on stage setting up their instruments.
Opening song was, “Best Part,” which was followed by “Sing Me,” and “I Wish.” Everyone was jumping and singing along with DAY6. The energy and shouting in the coliseum was so high and loud that I can’t even hear myself anymore.
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I think Young K even shouted, “Manila, are you ready?”  which everyone screamed more.
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Three songs done and energy was so high from MyDays!
JAE: “Manila!!! Oh my goodness.
One more time, are you ready to have a good night, Manila!!!?! I said it in the beginning and I’ll say it again, tonight will be a beautiful night if you wanted it to be. Just enjoy yourself! It doesn’t matter anyone thinks beside you, it doesn’t matter what’s going back home.. tonight is a beautiful night! We are going keep this energy straight! So let’s go!”
Next songs were: “Somehow,” and “Time of Our Life.”
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MyDays became extra energetic upon hearing the latter song. Though I admit, it was a song that you could really jump up and down, enjoy and have the time of your life.
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There was a ment after 2 songs.
JAE: “Before anything, we just want to introduced ourselves. You guys can take a break real quick, you can seat and reserved all the energy.”
WONPIL: “Hello! This is Wonpil.”
YOUNG K: “This is Young K and tonight is a festival! Salamat po!”
DOWOON: “Hi! This is Dowoon”
SUNGJIN: “Hi I’m Sungjin! Nice to meet you!”
JAE: “Hi everybody, let’s get it! I’m Jae! What a beautiful sight we have here today. Second show here today and it is so damn real in the arena. Thank you so much for having us. We are so blessed and honored to be with you. And you guys are sure waiting for us and we are also waiting to be back. We have a crazy set for you guys tonight. You guys ready for tonight? You guys ready to dance tonight? You guys ready to sing a little bit tonight? I love this energy guys. Just one promise, I know you its gotta get hot, gotta get tired. It’s gonna happen. Number one, stay safe. That’s the most important thing right?
Wow, this is such a big place. How you guys feel tonight?”
SUNGJIN: “It's good!”
DOWOON: “I’m a hamburger. I feel...happy”
WONPIL: “This spot.. this is crazy. I will see how long your energy will last until the end.”
YOUNG K: “Are you guys ready to sing with us? Can we hear your voices.. you beautiful voices!“
Next songs that they performed was “I’m Serious,” and “So Cool.” Every song that they sang was just so amazing! I’m really at awed watching them perform closer this time.
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Dowoon had a solo and showed his drum skills! He was so amazing. He truly is the “drum”. 🤣
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Young K was up for his solo. He played with his bass and showed us what real talent was. He looks so amazing while playing. 😍
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After Dowoon and Young K’s solo, the band played: “Out of My Mind” and “Feeling Good.”
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JAE: “Oh my goodness, guys! We just witness something amazing! We just had Young K and Dowoon do something. What was that?!
YOUNG K: “That was my bass, my bass!“
DOWOON: “Before, we solo to you. The bass is awesome”
YOUNG K: “You guys.. the drum, including Dowoon, the drum is perfect!
Becase you are perfect..”
DOWOON: “Yes, I’m perfect. No no noo”
MY DAYs: 😂 😂 😂
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The 5 members went to the extended stage and I got a closer look at the boys! I was starstruck watching them perform. 🤩
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Jae was so up close that I was just looking or even just staring at him the whole time. He’s my bias and seeing him that close while performing was another level of fangirling spazzing in me!! 😍
“How to Love” was the 1st song played in the extended stage.
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It was Sungjin’s time to shine! His solo act was so amazziing!! Leader still impressing fans in 2019 💖
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Afterwards, DAY6 performed “For Me,” and “Wanna Go Back.”
As they went back to the main stage, everyone was shouting: “Dowoon! Dowoon! Dowoon!” saying that he should sing again. So Dowoon turned back as if cheering for himself too, but eventually, he sang his line from “Wanna Go Back.”
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They had 3 songs that they performed in a mash-up at the main stage.
1st mash-up was Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You” and their song, “Like That Sun.”
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2nd is a mash-up between “Days Gone By" and "Treasure” by Bruno Mars.
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I was actually expecting a full ‘Days Gone By’ performance since I really really do love that song (well, I love all their songs actually 😅)
Last one will be Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky" and their song, “Blood.”
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Wonpil hyped the crowd more with his keyboard solo. 🎹
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 Everyone was cheering and just staring at him. He said that he tried to change his solo a bit for the Manila concert which of course made all My Days cheered more for Wonpil.
Jae: “How do you like the last one? That was a mash up with “Blood. We got Daft Punk’s and mix it with our song. We have a lot of songs we haven’t played for a long time.
Do you guys remember the last time we played ‘Blood?’ It’s been a long time, trust me.”
“Colors “ was the next song.
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The song gave an emotional feeling during their performance. You would just want to raise your lightbands and wave it.
Next song was “ I Need Somebody.“ Surely, every My Day was into the song and singing out our hearts out.
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“I Wait” was next on their setlist that they performed.
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It was another ment to talk to the fans again.
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JAE: “Manila, it will be hotter than this. Is that okay though?”
JAE: “Manila, are you ready to go crazy?”
JAE: “Tonight is the night that I’m just happy that everyone just being, having their greatest time that they could possibly have.
Guys, we have arrived to the last stage.”
JAE: “It’s crazy because we have been waiting so long, just like you waiting for us, we have been waiting so long to be back soon. Going crazy and having fun, it passed so quickly by the way..”
MY DAYs: “Walang uuwi! Walang uuwi! Walang uuwi!”
JAE: “We appreciate it cause you guys with all the energy just been amazing and so fun tonight. And because of it we have been able to play for the last stage. We love and appreciate you so much but all things comes to an end.”
JAE: “But, but..for now, let’s start officially. Wonpil looks like you’re crazy tonight. How was it? It is good?”
WONPIL: “I think you guys are having more fun than us. So we would be great to go back with all the energy we received from you guys. So we have a few songs left, and I hope you guys enjoy until the end.”
JAE: “Wonpil said ‘You can do it friends! Thank you guys for having us today. This will be gonna our last stage and the next song is very dear to us, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Let’s go crazy! Can you guys sing one more time for us?”
JAE: “Okay, let’s go ‘Sweet Chaos!’
And with the ment ended, DAY6 performed “Sweet Chaos.”
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“Sweet Chaos” - who wouldn’t be pumped up with this song? You would just sing a long with them at the top of your lungs with this song.
DAY6′s next stage was “Headache”
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I just love how DAY6 can perform from emotional soulful songs to energetic hyped songs.
The hyung was up next to perform his solo. Jae doing amazing with his skills. 😍
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Each member is just so amaaaaazing!!! STAN. DAY6.
“WARNING” was the next song followed with “Shoot Me.”
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The crowd just keeps being hyper and hyper by the song.
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Now, who wouldn’t be super hyped up with this song? You would just want to shout “SHOOT ME! SHOOT ME” hoping that no one really shoots you. 😅🤣
DAY6 went out of the stage and showed a VCR.
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After the VCR, DAY6 were back and performed another 3 songs: “Cover,” “You Were Beautiful,” and “Congratulations.”
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During this time everyone’s phone flashlight was on and the seeing the crowd was amazingly beautiful. 😭😭😭
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“You Were Beautiful” was just.. 😭😭😭 DAY6′s songs will make you feel that you were in a break up even though you are not. 😅
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Ahh this stage, “Congratulations,” will always be precious as fans sing the song and DAY6 plays the instruments. 💖
Next up was the highlight of My Days for DAY6. One of the fanproject of a VCR for DAY6.
JAE: (not aware of the playing VCR) “You look beautiful tonight. Look around you right now.
MY DAYs: *saying and pointing Jae the VCR*
YOUNG K: “Look behind you Jae!“
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Below is the full fanproject VCR from MyDaysPH.
The VCR was just so touching and true. 😭 Personally, whenever I feel down or something that’s bothering me and can’t get it out of my mind, I just listen to their songs and I’ll feel a little better. 😭
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JAE: “Wow! Wow, what was that? Woooow! The reason you guys are beautiful.”
WONPIL: “This is really touching This is crazy.”
JAE: “Guys I think, we are always fighting things. Thank you for being our beautiful reason to continue our music. You know, it is not.. it is never easy. Life should not be that easy but.. everyone has a reason and I’m so glad that we are able to be each other’s reason. This is amazing.
Okay, before it gets to deep. We would just go down one by one and tell you how we felt today.”
All the next things that they said made us all cry, for real! 😭 😭 😭
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WONPIL: "I think this is really awesome. When did you guys prepare this? It was really awesome. First of all, it's our 2nd time here and thank you guys for so many of you came tonight to have fun with us. Watching the video, I realized how busy you guys are, also how many hard things you guys go through and I'm so happy that we are, even if it's a small bit, we become your reason for your living. This video is really crazy.
So even us, we are same humans so we also go though difficult things. As we are your reason also, you guys are also our reason.
Thank you guys so much and I don't think I'll be able to forget Manila. You guys are crazy. So we will really promise, we will comeback. We will make good music. Thank you guys so much for reminding us why we made this music and why we perform. Thank you guys so much! See you guys again!" 💖 💖 💖
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DOWOON: "First of all this video, like what Wonpil Hyung said, 'It was really touching.'
Touching.. yes.. It's a very touching video, yeaah.
So like Wonpil Hyung said, since we are also humans, it's actually hard to.. Been watching the video you guys made, I saw that we have so much strength. Actually this moment, is like a reflective time for me looking how much we affect you guys and how much you guys love us. I realized how much I have to do better.
Ahh, your English very well. (saying to the translator)
Thank you guys for our good memories. Today is a present to us. You one by one are very important people. Please be healthy and eating well and we always love you guys. We will come back. Thank you!" 🥺🥺🥺💕
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*No close up photo of YoungK since I was just looking at him at the stage instead of the screen. 😅
YOUNG K: "Please, give it up for Dowoon! So... Hi. How are you? You know it is great to be back and is all because of you guys. Thank you! Uhh, what is it.. Maraming Salamat? 
So.. by watching that video, it made me confirmed why we sing. 'Cause during the production of this album and even before that, and I wrote it thanks to you.. my personal thanks to you. It was really hard.. after a certain point it was really hard to find for the reason why we sing on the stage. 'Cause we are doing the same things over and over again and I wasn't do it for my parents, wasn't do it for the company, I wasn't.. you know. It wasn't a competition anymore. It's just.. I was looking for the reason why and there you go, you guys gave us the answer. Thank you very much.
And really, you guys said we are the reason but trust me, you guys are our motivation.. you guys our inspiration.. you guys are our reason to be on the stage. So thank you very much and until the next time we meet, we'll be this much fun again. Stay healthy and happy. Thank you very much!” 😭 ❤️
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SUNGJIN: "Today.. so happy.. because of you guys. 'Cause you guys made me happy, always. I think always, you guys made me happy. Thank you so much.. really, really. I wanna tell you guys.. is awesome guys, okay? I trust you.
So you guys do whatever you wanna do. Thank you guys so much.
We.. so, study hard and work hard. And if we come back..so grown up. You guys know what I'm saying, right? Okay, thank you so much! See you soon!"💕💕💕
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JAE: "Wow! First of all,  thank you guys so much because it is just amazing today. Just the energy today, thank you so much just coming to this journey with us and becoming one with us, and making this concert  with us.. so round of applause to yourselves. Thank you.
Kinda like what everyone else saying that.. that video makes us feel alive 'cause we do get stuck sometimes and we do take some time like doing certain things."
*starts to cry* 😭😭😭
DOWOON: "Jae! Jae Hyuuung! Jae! Jae Hyuuung! Don't cry."
MY DAYs: "Awww" 🥺🥺🥺
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DOWOON: *starts singing a Christmas song*
SUNGJIN: "And soo..."
YOUNG K: "Make some noise for Jae!!"
DOWOON: "Don't cryyy" 🥺🥺
MY DAYs: "Uljima! Uljima! Uljima"
SUNGJIN: "No, no, no. More cry! More cry! More cry" 🤣🤣🤣
MY DAYs: "More cry! More cry! More cry!"
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JAE: "You guys are lucky, man. No one ever sees me cry.."
MY DAYs: "Awww"
JAE: "Thank you. It's just like, life gets so hard sometimes. I'm really appreciative of the fact that we have you guys and you guys have us.. and that we could be each other's reason to continue it all...*sobs*" 😭😭😭
MY DAYs: "Awww"
SUNGJIN: "More cry! More cry! More cry" 🤣🤣🤣
MY DAYs: "More cry! More cry! More cry!"
JAE: "I never cry..I never cry. This never happened.  No one.. no, no.. no one will put this up on Twitter. Okay? Promise me, no one. Nobody.. no one. This never happened." 🤣🤣🤣
YOUNG K: "Everyone's gonna put it up." 😅😅😂
JAE: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my reason to continue to do my best. So thank you guys so much. Alright!"
YOUNG K: "Before your tears dried up, let's take a picture!"
JAE: "No no no!"
YOUNG K: "Come here! (to Jae)
Is it okay if we all take a picture together? And remember this moment!!"
YOUNG K: "Jae, seat in the middle! Seat in the middle!"
JAE: "Noo,noo.
Okay, guys. We just want to take a picture, 2. One with the banner, and the second one, without.
Alright guys, we're gonna take a picture with the banner. 1, 2, 3!"
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©️ JYP Entertainment & PULP
JAE: "Alright one more picture but we wanna get a little bit more closer."
YOUNG K: "Let's do one line in the middle. Is that okay, Jae?"
JAE: "Yeah, let’s do that!
And without the banner.. Everybody show your beautiful smile! Okay, alright. 1, 2, 3!
Thank you. Thank you very much!"
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©️ JYP Entertainment & PULP
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JAE: "Thank you so much, Manila. You guys have been amazing tonight. We hope that you guys are not tired 'cause we got a couple more songs for you. You guys are ready? We need you to go crazy! You got some energy left? Manila, are you tired yet?!
Okay so Young K want to talk to you real quick this time." 💙💙💙
YOUNG K: "Nooo, you do it this time!"
JAE: "Alright guys, we're gonna make this super quick and super simple. I just need you to ready up. You guys ready?
Left side, are you ready?
Right side, are you ready?
Dance, Dance let's go!"
DAY6 was back on the extended (closer again to us!). They performed “Dance Dance,” and “Freely.”
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All energy for DAY6! Pouring our hearts out to cheer and sing along with the best band eveeer! ❤️❤️❤️
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The flying chicken during Freely. So who said, ‘Chickens can’t fly?’ Jae proved it wrong. 🤣
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Due to Wonpil and Dowoon’s instruments, they weren’t able to go to our side. 😥 But I still enjoyed the concert, big time!!
Freely made a big impact as the last song for the Gravity concert. Everyone was just jumping!!
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Wonpil crying! 😭😭😭
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JAE: “Thank you so much ladies and gentlemen. It has been an absolute pleasure to be with you all this evening.
YOUNG K: “Thank you Manila! You guys are the reason why we never given up! WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!
Thank you. Thank you guys! It was a wonderful night.”
SUNGJIN: “Manila! Thank you so much!”
YOUNG K: “Have a goodnight! You guys are wonderful! Beautiful!”
JAE: “Thank you so much!”
Thank you so much DAY6! You will always be worth the wait and be our beautiful reason. Hoping to see you again for the third time soon and more and more!  💙
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Behind this photo was a girl so giddy, and happy that was able to have an autographed album from not only one, but all five of them! 😍 Expecting to have one random member to sign the album but it turns out all of them signed it. 😭😭😭 Besides the signed abum was another memorable experience - the Hi Touch. The Hi Touch was a closer moment with them. I remember the first member to have Hi Touch with was Sungjin. He said thank you and I said thank you so much. I think that was the only words I could think of during the whole Hi Touch event and the only thing I said to each DAY6 member. Anyway, Sungjin really made an eye to eye contact giving a warm and friendly feeling. He gave a brotherly and friendly aura. Next was Jae, he wore his eyeglasses and bent a little for the hi touch cause he was so tall!! Jae squeezed my hand a little that made my fangirl heart crazy. Eye to eye contact again that really made my heart melt cause Jae got me once he got nearer to our area during the concert. Also I remember his smile, and we exchanged our thank you's. Next was Young K, and all fan accounts saying he will really look straight at your eyes as if remembering you was so right! I even realized it better why fox was his "avatar." Young K's Hi Touch was capturing my heart that time because of the intense eye to eye contact and of course, exchanging our thank you's. Dowoon, MyDays baby, was next! He was really a fluffball and a shy boy. I can't believe he's just a year younger but so adorable! Last was Wonpil, looking at him was mesmerizing like taking your breath away... literally. Wonpil will make you breathless just looking at you. Unfortunately, videos nor photos were not allowed. Thus, my words and encounter with them during that time shall be a living proof and be always remembered.  I was starstrucked from the 5 of them and they literally shoot my heart from the experience. A beautiful feeling to cherish and a reason to never give up in life as you said last November 23.
➡️ You may watch my vlog on Gravity in Manila last November 23, 2019 below. Parts of the video have muffled sound since I was unaware that I was covering the audio while holding my phone. 😅
You may lower or higher the volume of the audio and excuse my gibberish singing with DAY6. Hope you’ll enjoy watching it!
Also, don’t forget to like and subscribe to be updated on my future videos on K-pop concert and travels!
Best Part
Sing Me
I Wish
Time of Our Life
I'm Serious
So Cool
Dowoon Solo
YoungK Solo
Out of My Mind
Feeling Good
How to Love
Sungjin Solo
For Me
Wanna Go Back
Shape of You (Ed Sheeran) + Like That Sun
Days Gone By + Treasure (Bruno Mars)
Get Lucky (Daft Punk) + Blood
Wonpil Solo *Ment
I Need Somebody
I Wait *Ment
Sweet Chaos
Jae Solo
Shoot Me VCR
You Were Beautiful
Congratulations MyDay's Fan Project *Ment
Dance Dance
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noona-clock · 6 years
A Prince for Christmas 👑🎄
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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“You’re really not mad he’s making you go right before Christmas?” your co-worker, Emily, asked after your boss left the conference room.
You had just been selected from your team to travel to a town a few hours away to take over a local bakery there, buying it out and turning it into one of the franchises your company owned.
“No,” you answered, pursing your lips slightly. “You know how I feel about Christmas.”
“As in... you don’t.”
Growing up, your parents had owned a year-round Christmas store, and it had barely taken you a decade to become jaded with the festive holiday. You’d suffered through it while you were still living with them, and once you moved out after you graduated college, you barely even acknowledged the day.
“But, you don’t even go to visit your family or anything?” Emily asked as you both made your way back to your desks, the sound of typing and copying and phones ringing permeating the office.
“Every time I visit them is like Christmas,” you explained with a roll of your eyes. “They still own that damn store.”
“You’ll never get away, I guess,” Emily chuckled. 
You made a quick pit stop at the coffee maker, allowing you two just a bit more time to gossip before getting started on your work again.
“What are your plans?” you asked as you ran your finger over the selection of coffee pods, trying to decide which one you were in the mood for this afternoon.
“For Christmas?”
You hummed positively in response, choosing one of your favorites and dropping it into the coffee maker, setting your mug underneath.
“Oh, y’know,” Emily shrugged. “The usual, I guess. Although... I’m bringing Sungjin home with me.”
“Ooh, you are?” you smirked, raising your eyebrows knowingly at her. “It’s really getting serious with that one.”
“Yeah, I guess it is,” she blushed, holding back a bashful smile. “He’s coming over for a Christmas movie marathon tomorrow while you’re leaving for your business trip.”
“Oh, god, speaking of,” you chuckled. “My roommate was watching one of those really cheesy Christmas TV movies last night. I was making dinner in the kitchen, and I mean, I couldn’t help but watch some of it. Have you ever seen one?”
“What, like the ones where it magically starts snowing and they fall in love?”
“Yes! This one was about a writer who went to this little town to find inspiration or whatever. Of course, the town was all decked out for Christmas, and she met this single dad and they went ice skating together and they made Christmas cookies and she ended up finishing her novel and it became a bestseller, but she moved there to be with him even though she was all famous now because of her bestselling book. It was so corny!”
“My mom watches those,” Emily told you with a little snort as she switched places with you to make her own cup of coffee. “I’ve watched some with her, and just... Yeah.”
You leaned back against the counter in the break room, sipping at your hazelnut flavored coffee. And then a really amusing thought popped into your head.
“Hey,” you began, a far too giddy smile pulling at your lips. “If I were in one of those movies, the town I’m going to for this business trip would be one of those little towns who’s super into Christmas. Y’know, because I’m not? All the lights and wreaths and caroling and joy would inject the Christmas spirit back into me.”
“Ooh, yeah,” Emily agreed, her eyes widening slightly. “And the guy who owns that bakery would be really good-looking.”
“Exactly. And instead of buying the bakery from him, I would fall in love with him, and I would tell our boss I can’t do it because that bakery is his life’s work and his biggest accomplishment and how can we do that to him on Christmas? And then I would quit my job and move there to be with him.”
“And then, in the end, it turns out he’s a Prince from some microscopic European country,” Emily added with a definitive nod.
“Oh, my god, we could totally write one of those dumb movies,” you laughed before taking another sip of your beverage. You were fairly sure you could turn on the television right now and find a movie with almost the exact plot you’d just laid out.
You spent the rest of your workday messaging back and forth with Emily, coming up with even more ideas for this “fake but could totally be real” Christmas television movie. There would be a romantic Christmas tree lighting, most likely. And it would start snowing just before you shared a tender first kiss with the bakery owner.
Emily brought up the idea your flight would get canceled so you would have to stay longer, but you reminded her you were driving, not flying. You’d been terrified of flying your whole life, and the fact you would be saving your boss some money had propelled him to agree to let you drive there by yourself.
Thankfully, the clock hit 5 before she could suggest your car would break down because that would honestly be taking it too far. That could legitimately happen, and it was a situation in which you did not want to find yourself at the end of next week.
“Have a good time,” Emily said in a somewhat sing-song, teasing tone as you both walked out the front door of your office building.
“I will,” you chuckled. “I’ll text you updates. And you have a good time movie marathoning with your man.”
You saw Emily’s cheeks get pink before you went your separate ways in the parking deck, she to go home to prepare for a weekend-long date, and you to go home to pack for your business trip.
How exciting.
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The drive to this town, a place named Spruce (of all things), only took about five hours; you were so used to driving everywhere, five hours was a drop in the ocean for you now. You’d gotten solo road trips down to a science, and before you knew it, your GPS had announced you’d arrived at your destination.
This afternoon, your destination was a quaint Bed & Breakfast situated just on the outside of town. The pastel yellow Victorian home was extremely inviting, and you had to admit to yourself as you lugged your suitcase down the front walkway - you were pretty hyped to stay here.
You didn’t really get out that much. Your job kept you busy enough, and your aforementioned fear of flying prevented you from going any place too far away. So getting to stay in a cozy, homey, adorable little Bed & Breakfast was definitely out of the ordinary and actually kind of exciting.
The smell of gingerbread cookies greeted you as you managed to open the door with your hands full of luggage, though a middle-aged man wasn’t too far behind.
“Hello, there!” he grinned, taking your larger suitcase from you and closing the door to keep the cold air out. “You must be Y/N.”
...Apparently, you were the only guest here.
“I am,” you replied, trying not to make it obvious you were a bit taken aback by his personalized greeting.
“Welcome to our humble abode. I’m Nick.” He held one hand out for you, giving you a friendly wink as you shook it.
“Nice to meet you, Nick,” you nodded.
Nick proceeded to give you a tour of the downstairs before showing you upstairs to your room. He confirmed your earlier thought of being the only guest currently, and he informed you the best room in the place was all yours.
When he opened the large, oak door to what was presumably your room for the next week, your breath got just slightly caught in your throat.
It was absolutely gorgeous, and you knew instantly you would have to convince yourself to actually get out of bed every morning.
“Wow, thank you,” you murmured absently as you gazed around, your eyes taking in the simple but beautiful wallpaper, the crown molding, the plush four-poster bed, the embroidered sheer curtains, and the nice-sized en-suite bathroom.
“Sure, no sweat, young lady. Take your time settling in,” Nick ordered. “The misses and I will be downstairs if you need anything.”
You shot him one last smile before he closed the door behind him, leaving you alone to unpack and send some quick pictures to Emily. She probably wouldn’t be all that jealous because she was currently cuddled on her couch with her extremely handsome boyfriend, but... she might still be interested to see where you’re staying.
Once you’d hung up all your clothes in the ornate wardrobe, you slipped out of your room and tiptoed downstairs. You weren’t sure why you felt like you had to tiptoe; probably because the house was so quiet and old.
You only had to search a few rooms before you found Nick and his wife, a very charming woman who introduced herself as Holly.
Nick and Holly.
Now you thought about it... Hadn’t those been the names of the two main characters in that corny movie your roommate had been watching?
...Huh. Interesting.
“Would you mind giving me some directions?” you asked, trying to push your strange realization out of your head.
“Of course, not!” Holly chuckled. “We’re only here to help, dear.”
“I’m looking for a bakery,” you explained, reaching into your back pocket to slip out the piece of paper with all the store’s information. “It’s called --”
“Song’s Sweet Escape,” Nick interrupted. “The only bakery in town.”
Oh, god, this place was smaller than you thought. They only had one bakery?
“You can drive if you’d like, but it’s a very nice walk if you can take the cold for about twenty minutes.”
“I brought my heavy coat, just in case,” you assured Nick with a somewhat awkward chuckle.
He provided you with walking directions (which were literally just ‘take a left and walk about a mile and boom you’re there’), and you were off as soon as you’d bundled up in your coat, hat, scarf, and gloves.
As you strolled down the sidewalk, you couldn’t help but notice how pretty this little town was. There were definitely a lot of spruce trees, so your curiosity about the town’s name was now satiated. The snow was incredibly white and powdery, nothing like the gray slush back in the city. The houses were all different but beautiful in their architecture, the facades decked out in festive decorations.
Okay, well, now you mentioned it... Every house seemed to be decked out in festive decorations. There were lights and garlands strung up on just about every available surface, public lampposts included.
And as you got farther into town, you saw all the shops and stores were decorated, too. There was even a town square with a very enormous Christmas tree.
This place looked like a scene out of a Christmas-themed picture book.
Or even one of those cheesy TV movies.
Wait, hadn’t you already thought about those cheesy movies once today?
Right, Nick and Holly. The names of your hosts and of the characters in the film your roommate had watched.
So... first, Nick and Holly. Now, a small town extravagantly decorated for Christmas?
It was obviously just a coincidence, but... it was still a little disconcerting.
You tried to shake the eerie feeling from your mind as you approached the bakery, Song’s Sweet Escape, not wanting anything clouding your mind when you met the owner for the first time. You were here on business, after all, so you wanted to remain professional.
The jingle of a bell announced your arrival as you opened the door, and the few customers already there glanced your way. They smiled, despite the fact you were a stranger, and you nodded politely in return.
“Welcome,” you heard a voice call out. “What can I do for you?”
Your eyes gazed around the attractive and picturesque, if not a little old-fashioned, bakery. The pastel blue walls with white paneling on the bottom half. The retro knick-knacks cluttering the shelves. The marble counters and rounded display cases filled with the most scrumptious-looking desserts you’d ever seen.
Eclairs, cupcakes, petit fours, tarts, pies - you name it.
And every single one of them looked and smelled absolutely drool-worthy.
Your eyes finally made it to the source of the voice, and you were a bit taken aback to see...
Well, an extremely good-looking man.
He was leaning against the display case from the other side of the counter, his smile dazzling and his eyes possessing a somewhat dreamy quality.
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“Hi,” you breathed, trying to remember to remain professional. “I’m... looking for the owner?”
The man’s smile only grew before he held out his hand to you.
“Yunhyeong’s the name, baking is my game.”
...Hold the phone.
This guy was the owner?
Like, the actual owner of the bakery? This bakery? The one you were supposed to buy and take over?
Now, wait just a gol-darn, cotton-pickin’ minute.
First, Nick and Holly.
Second, a small town (named after a common Christmas tree, mind you) which was overly decorated for the holidays.
And now, a very attractive man who just so happened to own the bakery you were here to usurp and turn into a franchise?!
Had you not just joked about this with Emily YESTERDAY?
Was this... was this some kind of dream or something? It sure didn’t seem like one, but... if it wasn’t...
Then what the actual hell was going on?!
Part 2
Tagging my fellow Yunhyeong stans @zhangjingyou and @hahasunqwoonz as well as @cramelot to let them know this has been posted! Readers, let me know if you would like to be tagged so you know when the next part of this series is up! Thank you!
-Admin B
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avryujin-blog · 5 years
solo. | broken white lies.
He stood not on desolate lands, but the Avengers Park. He supposed he should think it’s good to be back, but the moonshine bottle in his hand was a heavy reminder of what he lost. Looking at the dirty and scratched up glass, he could not help but thumb the opening that was without its cap. ( “Take this, don’t forget me, because I’ll be back!” As he did the terminator pose, a reference most likely lost to the other. He tried to ignore how it felt as if a piece of his heart that was just healing was ripped off again as he looked at the other. Because this was not where he belonged, not really. This wasn’t his home and he was an idiot to have given pieces of his ruined heart like that. He may have said that, but deep down he thought that he’ll never return. And even if he did, it’d probably be when the other’s in his grave. God, the fact he shared a face with Sungjin too— He wanted to hurl, but this was what he did to himself. And for that alternate Sungjin, he had to at least give him hope. In that shitty world, he needed to give something good instead of showing how deeply broken he was inside. A nice white lie.) He should really stop these connections, all these strings he tied himself with to others. It only served to hurt himself more. However, with the knowledge that the world wasn’t thousands of years ahead...that meant that perhaps, some people did still exist. It could only be so right? That was the logical explanation, the hopeful idea. Yet, in the pits of his core, there’s always the belief that something’s just going to fuck up even more. And as he finally raised his head, he found his gaze instantly drawn to the shadows of some trees. For he saw familiar rubies within, and when he did... God, things was just going to get worse wasn’t it?
Discreetly, he moved away. He wondered what Death wanted from him this time. But with such thoughts in mind distracting him, once he entered the shadowy area—he found himself falling down to an abyss. Biting his lips to prevent himself from yelping and holding the moonshine bottle close to prevent it from breaking, he only made a sound once he slammed face-first to the ground. The ground he ha no doubt was of Death’s realm and not anywhere near the Avengers park or the living world for that matter. “And I put that landing to a D. Really Ryu-chan, you couldn’t have landed in the pit of spikes like last time? Is your luck getting better or is this a rare time karma decided to be nice to you because you got fucked up badly?” He groaned hearing a familiar voice, rolling over and thanking the fact he did not break his nose,he looked up to see the face of the bitchiest bitch to ever bitch. Blues glared into reds, a scowl on his feature that was a contrast to her cheshire grin. “Oh come on love, don’t be so gloomy! Shouldn’t you be happy that bottle of your’s didn’t break?” She teased, causing him to roll his eyes as he moved himself to a standing position. “The fuck you want woman? I know you know I just dealt with some shit and I don’t want to see your face just yet.” He snidely responded, but as he caught her expression he froze. It was set into a smile of cheer, he usual expression, however he knew her too well. Her eyes were telling, those bloody orbs that now looked at him in pity. Oh, he wasn’t going to like this at all. “Seventy years passed only, huh? That must be nice to know.” She nonchalantly stated, looking down at her nails that were just as red as her eyes and lips. Anxiety started to wash over him, a rush of a moment that only Death seemed to be capable of doing to him. He was only controlling himself because he didn’t want to break the bottle in his hand. “...Ebony, get to the point.” Words that sounded like an order, but both knew were a plea. And the use of her human name was telling, a sign that things have just gotten serious—a mood they detested. She froze, before she looked back at him. Silence befell upon them, and he felt the nerves ready to burst. But finally, the powerful being spoke. “Don’t get your hopes up. They don’t exist anymore.” She bluntly told him, causing him to flinch. But she did not stop there, instead she dropped an even more powerful bomb. “In fact, the world you know is gone.” Silence once more, and only a stunned look from him before he choked out a “What?” She didn’t quickly answer once more, merely looking at him. Saw how he was crumbling bit by bit when he was already in a fractured state. But it was necessary to tell him now, necessary to give him everything that will ruin him in one straight punch then letting him get his hopes up before crashing it all down. She should have told him truthfully the first time around, but even an entity like her made mistakes. Thinking he could heal before the truth came out ( but when was he ever that luck? ). “74 years ago, an apocalypse occurred to your world. One much worse than Thanos or anything they’ve faced. Absolutely horrible without any escape. You were fighting alongside me in war, but behind your back I retrieved your body in order to send you to a safe world. I couldn’t care enough to get everyone else, it would be too much of a bother and risky. You were tagged as mine so I had some leeway and made a few deals. That’s how you got into this world. And this world is pretty similar, had the whole time perception alteration going on, and ideal to keep you in for the time being.” She informed him coldly. A normal person would get enraged, would scream at her for telling them that she couldn’t bothered with the people they cared for. But this was Ryujin, and Ryujin knew Death. He knew how she worked, knew that she could never care so much for those around him. It wasn’t the first something like this happened, but it was never to this scale. And he’s tired, exhausted. He just came back from another world leaving someone he had grown to love, then he came back trying to see how he could fix himself and with bits of hope—only to be told all...that. All he could say was— “You got the Demon’s Venom ready? I don’t think I want to go back soon.” Translation: Congratulations, you’ve broken me again now let me pretend I’m drunk. Let me forget, play along and let me cry for everything I’ve lost. Let me hate you for keeping me alive still. And let me blame it all on myself in the end, I’m too tired to be bitter about something else. Sharp eyes caught his lifeless ones, and with a wave she seemed to produce the bottle of alcohol out of nowhere. She handed it to him as he proceeded to drink ‘til he dropped ( but he never would ). She’s the only one to see him break down in that moment, protecting his moonshine bottle as he broke everything else. She answered every question he had on the lost souls gone to him, and at times she’d snidely remark about what of the people he met today?  “They’d disappear one day too.”  The truth was a painful concept. Death liked to shower him in white lies but it all broke in the end as the truth revealed itself. His life was of tragedy, but they both knew it was still to amuse Death. Even if he broke a million times in front of her, she would only be a little bit sad because it made him hate her more. Selfish woman, but he was selfish too. Because she was his crutch in such moments, she was the only one he could dare tell everything. Because she’ll remember it all, knew it all, and she would never disappear from his life. Because he just wanted something constant in his life. It took ages, but when he returned it would have only been awhile. And when he returned, it’ll be with a smile on his face and an air of nonchalance. A broken white lie of who he really was.
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