#with the males just being taller for coward reasons
starswordartblog · 11 months
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Shininginktober late Day 7: Kazin + Neptun, as that's the main spell I use with him through the game. Because of that, it kinda feels like the sorcerer promotion swapped him from fire to water mage. Though according to the manual Neptun does acid rain, so it's melting stuff all the same >:)
Version with no rain under the cut, I was so worried to ruin things under it with the effect lmao:
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multiandmany · 10 months
Jack Spicer (Canon) (AUs listed below)
Fandom: Xiaolin Showdown
Name: Jack Spicer Age: 15 Species: Human Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Pan ace Height: 5'3" (boots make him look taller though) Weight: ??? Abilities: Engineering, Street Smarts, Ice Skating, Extreme Durability, Athleticism
Certified little shit head, screams like a girl when scared. He's an "evil genius" who wants to rule the world and will do just about anything to get there! Steal, lie, trick, become a monkey.
Builds robots of various kinds to get things done, his "Jackbots", hires help and partners up when its good for him. Thinks of himself as a real deal villain and a big bad.
He's super smart but full of himself and often gets himself into trouble because he's over confinement and cocky. Will turn tail and run if he feels he's loosing.
Scared of the dark. Really likes pudding. Does NOT do well in confined spaces. Dyslexic.
His main Wu is the Monkey Staff, which gives him the agility and balance of a money, as well as the behavior and looks of one. He seems to enjoy using it, or really enjoys having a tail. He has been warned by Wuya several times to be careful using it, and has ignored her several times.
He's currently in an attempt to take over the world. You gonna help him? Or hinder him?
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Good Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Good Jack AU has the same skills and height and all as Canon Jack, just for different reasons, like in the show, he's happy and cheerful! He does what he can to help, he's affectionate and while he's still somewhat of a coward, if needed he'll use himself as bait to help his friends!
He still has the monkey staff, this time it was passed to him by his father instead the puzzle box. The puzzle box was instead handed off to Katnappe, who's kittens managed to open it. She then goes from evil villain to evil villain to find someone to get her Wu, until the monkey staff activates and Katnappe and monks end up at Jacks, meeting him.
And Jacks ends up siding with the monks, lending them his support when needed. While his robots aren't evil, they do come in handy with some things, like chores! Even if Master Fung doesn't like that, it is nice to have something for guards instead of chores after the Wu is raided the first time.
Jack and Dojo butt heads over Master Fung and some other things like transport, Jack gets on the other's nerves, and while he's not that good at fights, he does his best and is a surprisingly good cook. Or is that just because he has robotic help...
And while he does have robotic help, most times its used for things he can't do alone, like heaving lifting or helping with watching over the temple when its just him and the monks there. (The more keeping watch the better after all!) Or when things are just too dangerous for Jack, like if there's a fire in the kitchen and Omi can't get there fast enough, one of the robots will put it out while Jack is freaking out.
Jack is working on getting better at being more self reliant but it can be hard when things are sometimes pretty dangerous. And you're sometimes doing things like cooking while half awake after being up for over 35 hours.
He has won a few showdowns surprisingly and keeps the Monkey Staff on hand or on robot, he stays behind at the temple most times as help and to assist there.
His black mark under his eye covers a scar in this verse. In time he learns to not paint it on. Almost constantly has a bandaid cause he scratched himself and got injured. He's still a klutz, but he's not as much of one.
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Picrew Link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1414503 There is an edit I made to the picrew but this is NOT my art. I just edited the eyes to match. He's suppose to have black makeup over his scar, but the picrew didn't allow it so imagination!
Dragon of Metal Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Same as Canon Jack, but he's the dragon of metal. Without the training needed, he isn't very intune with his element aside from when he's working on his robots or feels truly comfortable. Everything's the same about it, still on the Heylin side, but despite Wuya's best efforts, she has yet to convince him that he's the dragon of metal after she figured it out. All that belittling about the robots backfired on her.
Jack-Bot Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Jack isn't really Jack. Its the a robot made to look like Jack and who has taken Jack's place after the real Jack died. He doesn't know he's a robot and continues the plans the real Jack had put into place. No one else knows, but when Wuya finds out, she leaves, leaving Jack confused and on his own for the hunt for the Wu.
You can RP with him before and after Wuya leaves.
Cyborg Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Jack's recklessness from a young age has earned him robotic limbs of his own making and some enchantments that his mother doesn't know about. He's a real jackass at times and tries to get away with a lot more. Instead of being afraid of the dark, its storms, given that he's part machine now. Can and will flip you off he feels like it, but will flee if he thinks you're going to go for his face. Anything but the face!
Not nearly as scared of Wuya and talks back to her, still uneasy about magic stuff and will flee when outmatched with that.
Mythic Showdown AU
Everyone's favorite idiot, I mean, everyone's favorite evil super villain is doing the same as canon, looking for Shen Gong Wu and battling against the dragons for it to become the ruler of the world!
He also looks for other magical artifacts along the way, but when he gets them they always seem to loose power and he's starting to suspect that a certain someone has something to do with that.
He has no scientific proof though and Wuya won't admit it through, so he's stuck going after Shen Gong Wu!
He later finds out that he's a singular human paired up with a ghost of a witch against two dragons, a kitsune, and a centaur.
Not only does he not have any elemental powers, he's just a human against four myths (five if you count Dojo) in this battle for Shen Gong Wu.
He's wondering how long Wuya knew about this whole myth thing AND DIDN'T TELL HIM.
Jack, nervously laughing: Haha, I'm in danger.
Its Jack! But he's a cat! Not really just a cat boy. People like him use to be a lot more common, but things just... stopped. Things happen and Jack happens to show up the same time that most the Xiaolin Dragons do, seems that things are planned for all of them.
Jack's parents aren't sure what to make of him though... His dad is... less than trilled to say the least and his mother loves him so much and just wants to protect him.
Growing up is hard when you're mostly home schooled and online schooled. It wasn't until Ashley aka Katnappe breaks into your house with attack cats and rips up the security robots you built that you realize that 'Hey! You could have a friend! A real life friend!' and in return for not getting arrested Ashley helps Jack out.
He has glasses cause he's nearsighted but refuses to wear them so he uses his goggles more cause they're cooler! (And prescription!) Still needs his glasses at times, still refuses,runs into things, more so when he had the zoomies!
Yes still dyslexic too.
Wuya does end up at Jacks house he opens the box but after finding this cat boy has no ill intent she's off to find someone else.
Jack's left wondering about magic though. Was he the result of it?
He's good/neutral in this.
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Like the picrew above, same link, only fixed the eye. He's suppose to have black makeup over his scar, but the picrew didn't allow it so imagination!
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undeadspeeds · 3 years
NOT THE SAME | Jason Todd X Male!Reader (PLATONIC)
SUMMARY: The one about long awaited reunions and coming outs.
This is about coming out as trans so quiet clearly, Reader Is Trans.
A/N: comfort fic for myself it's 3:32 am and I wrote this on like am hour so forgive me for any mistakes. Also posted on mobile, will fix anything later. pls request me soemthing I'm so bored
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The sound of his own footsteps echoing made his ears hurt and his stomach drop. He had decided to go up the seven floors of the building by walking the stairs to make it all longer.
With his hands shaking and a cold drop of sweat sliding down his forehead, he reached the last set of stairs to go up. He stopped in the first step, breathing deeply.
Nothing was working to calm him down, he could feel his heart beating faster for every step closer to his destination.
Not a single thought in his mind was positive, he was thinking of leaving and running from this, being a coward. Thinking of the rejection he was about to face. And he was asking himself if the truth was really worth all this sacrifice.
After all, he had taken a big risk on doing this when he could have just kept on ignoring this necessity and pretend his relationship with his brother would, in some way, keep being the same as it was before.
But if there was something his father, Bruce Wayne, had done right with any of his kids, it was certainly the fact he had not raised any cowards. So he kept on walking.
The paper with an apartment number on his left pocket was wrinkled for all the times he had spent looking at it in the past two months. It was always in the same pocket and every time he felt a little brave he grabbed it. It had never been of actual use until now.
Standing at the door that matched with the number on the paper he realized that maybe, Bruce Wayne did raise one coward.
Behind the door was his brother, the one who had once worn a dress at a gala to accompany him because had felt uncomfortable with the one Alfred and Bruce made him wear. The brother who used to read him science fiction books out loud when they were bored.
Jason, the brother who had died when both of them were way too young. The reason he had left the family and Gotham behind.
Saying he and Jason were close was an understatement. He was the youngest of the brothers when the Wayne family was way smaller and while Dick was the golden older brother, Jason had been the one support he had when the acrobat left to find himself.
They did everything together, Jason taught him how to cook and had given him his taste of science fiction, poetry and classical music. And he taught Jason how to loosen up, how to be a kid again.
It had been terrible being at the manor after Jason died and his father wasn't in the best place to take care of a kid, so he had moved overseas back with his mother.
He felt the same excitement looking at the door as he did that time when Dick had called to tell him the "Rebirthing News", as Grayson had called them.
He wanted to go back to Gotham that one night, to hug his once lost brother again and feel his warmth. But there was one thing that stopped him.
Jason didn't know he was trans, that he was using a new name and had a new life. And if he had to tell him, the rejection was certainly gonna destroy him.
"Who are you?" The sudden deep voice took him out of his thoughts and surprised him. The door in front of him was now open and he immediately recognized the man who was talking.
Jason was older and taller. A white streak of hair decorated his wavy jet black hair and he had a 'J' shaped scar under his eye. He looked even more fierce and confident than he did back then.
"I'm a friend of Bruce's," he said, playing with the cuff of his sweater. "We've met in the past but you might not remember me. May I come in?"
"Why would I?"
"We need to talk," he begged. "Please."
Jason couldn't point out who this new person was but he clearly had met him in the past, something in his eyes was familiar and warm. So he let the guy in.
The way the boy handled himself reminded him of someone, a long lost sibling he supposed was not interested in him anymore. Bruce's apparent friend walked into the apartment with a fake confidence, he could see the way everything shaked and he kept tripping on his own feet, making Jason snicker.
He guided the boy to the small area of his kitchen and signed him to sit at the table and with no questions he served him a glass of water.
After the boy thanked him and drank some of the water, Jason sat in front of him. With no words, he asked him to speak but he kept opening and closing his mouth, like trying to find the right words.
"Why don't you try from the start?" Jason suggested.
"That'd be more complicated."
"Try me," he dared.
"When you were 15, you had a phase where you would only read Mary Shelley, you said she was a genius. Alfred told you to expand your horizons," he tried.
Jason got up from his seat and his fist hit the table. He was much quicker to anger that you the boy had remembered but he ignored him. "How do you know all of this?"
"You said it was bullshit. And then you processed to recite Frankenstein everytime Alfred was close by." He laughed, remembering how annoyed Alfred had been for that entire month. "Alfred would leave non fiction books on your door every week. And then you fell in love with Mary Wollstonecraft's work and nonfiction thanks to him. You had to admit defeat."
Every word made Jason more confused. He said he was a friend of Bruce, but not even Bruce had been present for that one situation. However, nothing on this random kid he had let sit in his kitchen had made him feel uneasy. In fact, since had laid eyes upon the boy he had been feeling safe, something he had missed. So he let the boy keep talking.
"But you didn't. And I always thought you were so cool for that, and I wanted to be just like you." He admitted. "Even if Bruce Wayne, Batman himself, was around me, Even when the perfect son Dick Grayson was there. You had been the example of," he stopped himself and his hands moved in a weird pattern, thinking. "I guess I would call it masculinity. The example of the man I wanted to become."
"You're talking as if we were close," Jason said for the first time. "But I would remember you."
"You do remember me. I just don't look the same way I did back then, JJ."
It took Jason a few minutes of thinking to realize what was happening. Only one person had ever called him JJ and after analyzing his whole speech, it hit him.
"Yeah, brother. Its me." He got up from his seat looking at the floor. He knew what was coming, he had got it before by friends and partners, the disgusted tone, the hatred stares and the hurtful rejection.
Jason walked his way around the table quickly to the young man and immediately hugged him, a few tears falling. The boy didn't hug back.
Once Jason let go, he grabbed his brother's head carefully, taking in his familiar yet different face. He laughed while some more tears fell. "You're so old now."
"Are you...okay with this?"
"Of course I am, birdie," Jason assured, using the old nickname both of the boys had missed hearing. "No matter what, you're still my brother."
"I'm sorry, Jay," the younger one started crying. "I should have come sooner, I should have visited. But I was so scared."
Wiping the tears of his brother's face, Jason smiled and hit their foreheads together. Just like back in the day when none of them liked big displays of love until they settled on headbutts and anything similar.
"I'm not mad, I love you and I want you to be happy. But if your new name is lame like Richard's I will kick you out of my house."
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lxiv - cowards
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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After sending the last text, Mingi and Jongho didn't waste time and immediately rush to (Y/N)'s room. When they arrived, the door was ajar with Seonghwa standing inside. He was staring blankly around, seemingly confused.
"Hyung, have you been here?" Jongho asked, breaking Seonghwa's trance.
"Y-yeah, I did- she left? Just like that ??" Seonghwa asked, still not believing anything that just happened.
Maybe it was Seonghwa's guilt. The fact that his last interaction with you was him accusing you of being a whore didn't sit right with him. There was a lump in his throat and a heavy feeling on his chest. It felt like he was suffocating.
The three of them stood silently, not knowing what to answer.
As they stood silently, the other boys walked in one by one. Wooyoung walked in first with San in tow, they both immediately took note of the silence and just stared at each other with guilt.
One by one everyone else filled the room, staring blankly at the emptiness and letting sorrow and regret fill them.
"S-so that's it? She left us yet AGAIN after having just came back last night?" Hongjoong asked in disbelief. There was no malice in his tone, there were no ill intentions. He was shocked, surprised at the sudden tension.
Mingi turned to look at the eldest with much disdain, "After what happened to her last night, could you really give her blame?"
inking that Hongjoong felt wronged, as he thought his assumption was justified. To be singled out as such was a little bit too much. "Are you trying to be a hero here?" he asked the taller guy. Mingi scoffed at him, "Hero? You think I have some sort of a complex?" "I don't know, do you? I don't think it's a hero complex, but there must be some sort of a messed up complex in you. Because you've been all over the place and overreacting, acting like a mess when you can't find (Y/N) and yet not saying anything when she was here, letting Yeosang ran his mouth at her, driving her off,"
At the mention of his name, Yeosang spoke up from the corner of the room. "I drove her off? Are you fucking serious?" to which San, who was by his side scoffed, "Weren't you the one who verbally attacked her last night? Calling her out on leaving without any explanation was one thing, but to call her a wandering tramp?" "Okay, I was looking out for all of us. YOU especially, San! You don't know how much it affected me seeing you all broken down and you even fell into depression! As your friend, I was fucking worried!" Yeosang defended himself.
Wooyoung chimed in, scoffing at his long-time friend, "Looking out for us? From what? From who? The woman we love? If you wanna go off on her, that's one hundred percent your choice, but don't use us as your excuse. That's just pathetic, man," he told Yeosang whilst glaring at him.
Seonghwa got in between the two, preventing them both from going at it even further. "Okay, enough with you two, you both can't be fighting during this time. Yeosang might've said some... unnecessary things to (Y/N) last night, but things aren't completely his fault," he reasoned.
Surprisingly, Yunho chimed in, smirking at the older man, "You got that right," he muttered. Yunho's voice was intentionally loud enough for everyone to hear, but still low enough for it to seem snarky.
At his chime, Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows at Yunho, "what's that supposed to mean?" Yunho stepped to Seonghwa while tilting his head as if challenging him, "Don't play dumb, hyung, I heard you last night. Here, you mentioned Yeosang calling (Y/N) names when you basically called her the same thing,"
Whilst the others were left confused, Seonghwa visibly froze. His demeanour changed to a nervous one.
"Yunho, what the fuck are you talking about?" Hongjoong asked.
Yunho looked to the side at Hongjoong casually, "I walked by when I was about to get water last night when I heard yelling from inside her room. Whatever they were talking about, I heard Seonghwa hyung yelling something about (Y/N) staying with guys other than her cousin. The implication was bad, I even heard (Y/N) crying,"
All eyes suddenly shifted to Seonghwa. "Hyung, you made her cry?" San asked, not able to completely believe that Seonghwa was capable of doing that to (Y/N).
Tension rose in the room and suddenly everyone was arguing with each other. All but Jongho who stayed by the sideline, watching the whole thing unfold between his older friends with disappointment in his eyes.
"What happened?" you asked him, appearing by his side out of nowhere.
Jongho sighed before crossing his arms, "They're blaming each other because you left again," he muttered. You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows, "But, I haven't left yet?"
At that, Jongho finally looked at you properly. His eyes widened as wide as they could go, "Oh, hey! You're still here!" He exclaimed loudly, capturing the attention of everyone who was bickering inside.
You stared at them weirdly, "Yeah? Why is that so surprising?"
Mingi stepped out towards you slowly, his hands reached out to grab yours in his softly, "W-we thought you had really left again," he told you, his voice broke from how glad he was.
But that relieved feeling was soon crushed when he heard your answer.
"Well, now I am. I was making sure of something and waiting for Haknyeon to come to pick me up. Since he's here now, I'm... Gonna go," you smiled at them gently. Despite that, there were clear indications that the smile you wore was one of a broken heart.
Seonghwa couldn't help but let his words slip without thinking properly, "You're going back with him and his friends?" to which Yunho immediately nudged him hard on his stomach.
You turn to look at Seonghwa directly. You shook your head at him before answering, "No, I'm not going back to his apartment. Wouldn't be right for me and wouldn't be fair to him. He's just escorting me to my old dorm where I will be staying," you told him. Seonghwa immediately gulped after hearing your answer. He felt bad for jumping to that conclusion, especially after you told him where you were going.
At this point, San had tears brimming in his eyes, blurring his vision, "Wh-why are you going again, (Y/N)? You just got back," he asked as he walked closer to you.
Seeing his tears, you couldn't help but get emotional as well. you let one hand off of Mingi's grasp to cup San's cheek, rubbing it gently with your thumb, "I just have to, Sannie, I'm sorry. I... Just came back up here to tell Mingi and Jongho directly that I'm gonna go now,"
Wooyoung pushed people away to charge directly at you, "Only Mingi and Jongho? That's it? The rest of us didn't even deserve your goodbyes?" there was no resentment in his voice, you noticed. His eyes, however, showed much sorrow.
You sighed and shrugged at him, "With how things went last night, I don't even know if you all wanted to see me again, that's why I tried making my escape as quickly and silently as possible,"
Hongjoong suddenly spoke up, "See, I don't think you wanna leave at all, because if you do, you wouldn't tell us at all and just leave,"
The way he said it set something off in you. Your previous calm demeanour switched within mere milliseconds as you answered Hongjoong bitterly, "of course I don't wanna leave. You think this is easy on me?"
Without realizing it, you slipped your hands off of Mingi's grasp and San's cheek. The others who were in the way moved to the side to let you face Hongjoong directly, slightly afraid of you, "You really think that I came back here just to leave the next day? If so, then not only that you're dead wrong, but you're also an asshole. Every single one of you is acting like I've only been playing around with you all, going back and forth as I please because I don't know what I want. You don't even know why I left. Maybe most of it was because I didn't tell you guys, but part of it was because neither of you even gave me the chance to even explain last night. All of you just turned your backs on me and walked away," you laughed bitterly.
Your words struck them deep. Because they were all true. You might have been the one who started the fight, but they were the ones who delivered the final blow. Not to mention they're male adults who should've been able to communicate and made better decisions. Lastly, there were eight of them and one of you, how was that fair?
The silence and the expression on their faces said a lot, you realized if you were to tell them everything, that was your chance.
So you took a deep breath and spilt everything to them.
You told them about the threat Sunhee gave you, the proof they had, and how they planned on ruining their futures. You told them about how you felt like you didn't have any choice and how you didn't want to make things worse so you just listen to them until you were able to think of something, you wanted to protect them. You also told them how paranoid they made you and how you almost went crazy from worrying over them whilst having to be worried over what those crazy bitches might do.
When you finished talking, you realized that the boys had had tears streaming down their faces. You could see their resolves wilting away and being replaced by regret and shame.
Without even saying anything, Wooyoung pulled you into his arms tightly. He cried, saying how sorry he was for how he acted last night and how he should've trusted you more. Yunho and San wrapped their arms around you too, despite the tears streaming down, they managed to utter how sorry they were for not doing anything. Soon, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho attached themselves to the growing group hug as well, wordlessly showing their remorse. Despite their lack of words, you understood them just fine.
At that moment, you felt safe, you felt relieved that you were finally able to tell them everything. Things finally seem like they will go back to normal.
Maybe except for one thing.
You lifted your face from where it was nestled in the crook of Wooyoung's neck to meet eyes with the one person who was still rooted in his position.
Yeosang immediately looked away, an attempt you assume was to cover up his own tears.
Though heartbroken that he seemed to still resent you, you took the current win and let yourself bask in the warmth the guys were giving you.
You promised yourself then and there that you wouldn't act so carelessly anymore.
At least not without letting them know.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @ateezminonspace @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters @nabihwa @linhyyboo12 @mirror-juliet @bestboiericsohn @hwahwaseong
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Hey, if your still doing the writing thing, I'd like to request TordEdd orgasm denial and begging, if you could also include some pet play I'd appreciate that because it's one of my favorites, lol. It's ok if your swamped with other requests right now and you can't
Sure thing! and I do have a few other requests, but this is the only one for an actual story so I figured I should just get it out of the way (nsft past this point, proceed at you own risk)
Tord sharply sucked air through his teeth as he turned the wheel, he could practically taste the finish line but Edd was hot on his trail. Thankfully, with his skillful driving and concerning amount of time they've spent playing this game over the years, he won with seconds to spare.
"Yes!" the norsk shouted triumphantly, taking a step back to see 'Victory!' flashing in bright red on his screen. He looked to see the defeated brunnet playfully glaring at him. "You know the rules Edd, I won fair and square." the taller male teased, smug smile plastered on his face.
Edd's Pov
"Come on, one more round!" I protested, putting my hands back on the cheap plastic wheel. "We agreed, best out of three. Now come on, today is already more than halfway over and I'd like to make the most of my reward." "Fine, let's go." I responded giving a small chuckle.
We've been messing around at the arcade all day since it got rebuilt recently, and Tord thought it would be fun to make a wager. The loser has to do whatever the winner says for the rest of the day. I was a little hesitant but I'm not a coward, so here we are. I'm honestly not that concerned, it's just Tord, I'll be fine.
We left and went home, Tord getting to pick the music. We like a lot of the same songs though so I don't know why that mattered, I think he just likes being in charge.
When we got back I went inside and was immediately led up to his room. "I got something the other day that will be just perfect for this.~" He said, his tone making me a little nervous. What's he gonna do?
We got there and he closed the door and opened up his closet, getting out a box. It was small enough for him to carry without any issues, and it was red with black accents. He set it on the bed and opened it up the way you would a chest to reveille... well all kinds of stuff.
There was handcuffs, what I believe was a gag of some kind, a bottle, and a bunch of other stuff. He got out a black and green collar that has a hook for a leash to be attached. He looked up at me and motioned for me to come closer. What??? He's kidding right?
"Edd." He said, I wouldn't say he said it sternly, but there was definitely a commanding undertone. I blushed a bit, hesitantly walking forward, now standing just in front of him, looking down.
He let out a small chuckle, placing his hand on my side to gently rub me with his thumb. "Good boy." He said softly, making me shudder a bit. I kinda hope he didn't notice, it was a little embarrassing. He took his hand away and clipped the color around my neck.
It's not that tight, but enough to stay in place. Feels a little weird. He reached in again and this time he pulled out what I assume was meant to be the leash. It was a black chain and had what looked like leather for the handle, probably not real leather though.
He clipped that onto the front of the collar before grabbing the leash and wrapped it around his hand once. I kind of can't believe the total 180 my day has taken. Tord used his free hand to tilt my head up so I was looking into his silver eyes.
He ran his finger across my cheek and his all to smug smile faded just a bit. "Hey, if you want me to stop for any reason, just say telephone. This whole stupid bet will be over, ok?" He asked, surprisingly sweetly. I blushed a bit and nodded, giving a small "Ok."
I kind of thought he was just messing with me, but with the safeword and everything I had to realize he actually did want to do this. His smile returned, even a tiny bit more than before "ok good, you want to go through with this then?" He asked, now tucking a bit of hair behind my ear.
I blushed deeply and swallowed, silently nodding. I... I'd be lying if I said I've never imagined doing... things with Tord. I'll say the collar is a surprise though. His mouth curled up into a sort of mix between a smirk and a grin, clearly rather excited.
"Great~" his voice got quieter and more sultry, his thick accent sending delightful shivers down my spine. He chuckled a bit, moving his hand down to the small of my back, using his grip on the leash to pull me forward just a bit, catching me off guard a little.
He kissed me deeply, leaning down a little bit as he did so. I felt my face heat up drastically as I gently kissed back. It was relatively simple at first but it didn't take long for it to start getting more heated, thanks to Tord. He asked for an entrance, and I'll admit I was a little bit hesitant at first, but I let him in.
Despite trying to keep my noises to a minimum I kept letting out little gasps and moans into the kiss. I could feel him smiling against my lips, repeating all the things that caused any kind of reaction.
Then eventually moved away and kissed down my jaw and to my neck and shoulders. I pressed my lips together and whimpered, tangling my fingers in his hair. He left marks on every inch of skin he had excess too. Occasionally using his oddly sharp teeth to nip at the skin.
At this point I was making quite a bit of noise. My neck's always been pretty sensitive, also pretty ticklish. I let out a small yelp as I was suddenly picked up, him essentially having me sit on his arms as he carried me to the bed, letting the leash hang down. He set me down and pushed me back a bit "Off." He commanded simply.
He clearly enjoyed watching me scramble to first take off my shirt, then undo and pull down my pants, kicking them off. I left my underwear on for now, I didn't wanna be naked while he was still fully clothed. He kissed me once again, this one a bit more gental than the last. Is was nice.
I tugged a bit at the bottom of his hoodie, signaling what I wanted. He moved away from the kiss and paused for a moment before pulling for his tops then unzipping his jeans. He looks amazing, a little bit of pudge but it's clear he works out quite a lot. Like, wow. He then once again grabbed the leash and had me step off the bed, getting on my knees before him.
I looked up at him as he gently ran his fingers into my hair with his free hand. I know what he wants me to do, I can see the tent in his boxers. I gently took it out, seeing his almost completely hard member. Wow, he's actually pretty big, that's gonna be kinda hard to fit in my mouth.
I jerked him off, slowly at first while I placed a few light kisses along the bottom up to the head. He let out a shakey breath and grabbed my hair a little tighter. I licked the head, swirling my toung around it as I looked up at him for a moment. He had his bottom lip help tight between his teeth, looking back down at me with anticipation.
I kissed the head just a few more times before taking it in and gently sucked. "O-open up for me" He said, still relatively quiet. I did as I was told and opened my mouth as he used his grip on my hair to push my head onto his cock.
I closed my eyes and started bobbing my head. He let me set my own pace for the most part, occasionally guiding me to go a bit faster or take more of him in. I was starting to gag a bit, tears coming to my eyes.
All the noises he was making and things he was saying, I had gotten a little bit worked up myself. I was gently palming myself though my underwear while he moved his hand to the back of my head, pretty much taking over. He was trusting into my mouth while I moaned around him, causing slight vibrations.
He was panting pretty heavily, giving me a pretty intense stare as drool ran down his chin. Suddenly he pulled out of my mouth causing me to cough a bit, before he pulled my head back a bit so I was still at level with his member. He instead used his hand to hold my mouth open while he jacked himself off, letting out a sharp grunt as he climaxed on my face, mostly in my mouth.
It tasted kind of bitter, a little salty. He pressed his thumb on my toung, letting out a small breathy chuckle. "Be a good kitty and swallow for me~" he coed, taking his hand away so I could swallow, pulling me a little bit closer with the leash.
"Good boy~" He said very softly, pressing his lips to mine for a moment. I made a small noise, looking away. He just stared at me for a second, his smirk only widening. "c'mere" He said Softly, having me stand up so he could push me back on the bed, this time wrapping my legs around his waist.
He ran his calloused fingers gently down my sides, stopping at my underwear. He chuckled deeply and softly rubbed my bulge through the cloth with his thumb. I squirmed a bit, getting the attention I had so desperately desired. His eyes came up to meet mine, giving a toothy smirk.
"Oh? You liked that didn't you, having me shove my dick down your throat?~ It got you excited, didn't it?~" He purred in my ear, taking off my underwear and using his hand to squeeze and pull at my member. I choked out a small, surprised moan.
"Answer me." His voice was like a dagger that cut through all the fogginess covering my thoughts. "Y-yes!~ I did, I liked it so so much!" I spouted quickly, not even really taking time to think about what I was saying.
He grinned more and leaned down just a little more to place a few kisses on my neck as he continued. "Your little noises are so cute.~" He mumbled, and lots more stuff along those lines. Then he stopped. It was a chance for me to steady my breathing, but I was still a little confused.
I sat up a little more, watching as he walked back to the box he had previously moved to the floor, and got out the bottle I saw. He Came back and had me spread my legs, taking the opportunity to run his hands down my inner thighs.
I shuddered a bit at the teasing sensation, earning a light chuckle from the man above me. He popped the bottle open and put a generous amount of what I realized was lube onto his fingers. I braced myself as he teased my ole with his fingers, seeming all to content with the way I tensed up in anticipation.
Finally he looked at me for confirmation, and I nodded lightly. He pushed just one finger in at first, earning a small groan. He added another finger and started to move them. It feels kinda weird, but really good.
I started breathing a little heavier, little gasps getting out as he pressed against my walls. I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a desperate little whimper. He spread his fingers in scissoring motion, and that hurt a little bit.
But he continues, making me pant and squirm a bit as his skillful fingers worked me open and stretched me so delightfully. I involuntarily leaned my head back, audibly moaning as he added another finger.
Third person
Edd had been tryin keep his noises to minimum, knowing they would never hear the end of it of they bothered the others, Tord on the other hand was trying to find every little thing that would get a reaction out of his partner, he wanted him to scream. He wanted the others to know how good he made his kitten feel, he was proud.
And he was doing pretty good. His eyes glued to the brunnet beneath him. Specifically his expressions. God all the little faces he made was driving Tord nuts.
Once the Norwegian was content with his prep and the disheveled state of his partner, he took out his fingers earning a full body shudder from Edd. He chuckled a bit to himself as he completely removed his bottoms and smeared lube onto his member, letting out a shakey sigh at the cold.l
He got completely on the bed this time and had Edd laying back on the pillows. Tord moved away to look at what he's done. With Edd's panting bruised lips, he was relatively proud of myself. "Spread your legs for me sweetie~" He coed softly, getting into position. He did as he was told, hoping to earn more praise by being so obedient.
Tord lined himself up with Edd's hole then glanced up at him "Ready?" he asked softly, just wanting to make sure. Edd took a deep breath and nodded. The taller male slowly pushed in, groaning under his breath as he did so.
Edd clenched his teeth, his breathing shakey and uneven. "You ok?" Tord asked softly, pausing for a moment. Edd nodded "Y-yeah, just a little bigger than I thought." Once Tord was seated completely inside the brunnet he gave him a minute to adjust.
After about a minute Edd looked into Tord's eyes and nodded, mumbling "You can move..." He said softly. Tord nodded and started to rock his hips, going relatively slow at first but quickly gaining speed, catching the brunnet off guard.
Edd gasped sharply and flinched. He could hardly sit still as tord pounded into him, having trouble getting used to the feeling. It was painful and overwhelmingly pleasurable at the same time. "T-tord!~" He choked out, gasping as Tord thrust in again.
Tord grinned a little to himself, biting his lip softly as he watched his pet coming apart at the seams. "God, you look so beautiful like this doll~" He purred. His voice was quivering a little but he was currently balls deep in the brunnet so you can't exactly hold it against him.
Edd's breathing hitched for a moment, Tord's words clearly having a bit of an effect on him. He was pretty much on cloud nine. "H-harder please!~" He pleaded, bucking his hips forward, Tord did just that, going as fast and as deep as he could in their current position.
Edd screamed in pleasure and let his head fall back, wrapping his legs around the younger males waist. Every so often Tord would press against his sweet spot and he was practically seeing stars.
The cola addict could feel his climax rapidly approaching. "T-TORD!~ Close! So so close!~" He was able to get out between loud breathy moans. Tord got an idea. A wonderful idea. An awful idea, A wonderfully awful idea.
"I don't remember giving you permission to cum?~" He said almost too softly. He previously had his hand that wasn't holding the leash for support, but he was now using it to gently squeeze the base of Edd's cock to prevent his release.
Edd gave a small whimper and looked to him with desperation and slight confusion. Tord slowed to a stop, only making things harder for the other, he pulled the leash foreword so their faces were inches apart at this point "Be a good kitty and do what I say. You do want to be a good kitty, don't you?" Edd nodded silently, a bit of drool going down his chin.
Tord smiled a little more "Good~" He changed the position so Edd was on his knees with his face being mashed into the pillow. He screamed in pleasure and surprise as Tord started thrusting again, going way deeper like this. He also had the freedom to go a lot faster, his hand still holding Edd's dick.
Tears were falling down the brunnets cheeks as he moaned and begged for Tord to let him cum. It was so overwhelming and overstimulating, he would gasp so deeply every time Tord speared huis cock into him, hitting his prostate almost every time.
"Pl-please!~ Tord oh god please I want it so bad please pl- AH!~" he could hardly speak, practically panting. Tord considered it for a moment, still fucking him into the mattress. He gently rubbed Edd's member in his fingers. His orgasm would undoubtedly be mind blowing at this point from how much Tord had dragged it out.
"Well... since you said please~" Tord coed, thrusting in one last time before letting go. Edd came heavily with one last cry of his partners name. Tord hadn't planned on finishing inside but the way Edd's walls tightened around him so suddenly pushed him over the edge.
They both stopped for a minute to catch their breath. Tord pulled out and took the collar off Edd and just threw it aside for the time being. "Do you want to take a shower?" He asked tilting his head a little. Edd didn't say anything for a moment. "Yeah... can we sleep some first though?"
Tord couldn't help but smile a bit "Yeah ok, sounds good." He ended up carrying the brunet to his room since his sheets were covered in cum and Edd could hardly walk. That's where they stayed for the time being.
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bungeenomin · 4 years
Genre: Choi San x reader smut
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: San was the only one against playing 7 minutes in heaven from the beginning. You knew he didn’t want to play, everyone knew. What you didn’t know, was how badly he would react to you entering the closet with one of his closest friends, Seonghwa.
Warning: dirty talk, dominance, oral (male and female receiving, over stimulation (female)
A/N: Feel free to send me requests, asks and leave me feed back!
Main masterlist
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All eyes are on your best friend Mina as she spins the green glass bottle that sits in the middle of your group of friends, everyone anxiously anticipating the fate of the spin.
You, Mina and the boys are inseparable. It all started last year when Mingi and Wooyoung took the same dance class as you, a bond instantly forming. The boys didn’t hesitate to introduce you to their friends Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, Jongho and San. Since that very day, your close knit group is never far apart.
Everyone knows Mina has had a crush on Yunho for the longest time, and luckily, Yunho feels the exact same way. Despite constant encouragement from the friend group to confess, they are both cowards and have kept it to themselves. The bottle begins to slow, passing Hongjoong, Jongho and comes to a halt on the one and only, Jeong Yunho.
“Fucking finally” Yeosang shouts, jumping up from his position on the floor and clapping his hands in excitement, everyone else screaming and shouting in celebration with him. The long awaited moment was finally happening.
The pair who’s cheeks are both decorated with blush now, give each other a small smile as Yunho extends his hand to Mina, in which she accepts.
“Wear a condom!” Mingi shouts after the pair as they enter the closet, causing an eruption of laughter to come from the circle.
“Finally!” you giggle, looking San who sits beside you, seeming to be lost in thought.
“Sannie?” you call, waving a hand in front of his face.
“Huh?” he questions, snapping back into reality. “Sorry i wasn’t listening, what did you say?”
“I said finally! You know, Mina and Yunho” you reply, ruffling his hair before he swats your hand away gently.
“Yeah it’s great” San mumbles, scrolling through his phone.
There’s something off with San today, but you can’t place your finger on it. You and San are extremely close, always sharing opinions, thoughts, worries, cuddles. You value your friendship more than words can describe and honestly, you love the bones off of San. You know it’s probably something small, but you hate seeing moody San.
“Sannie” you coo with a pout, “are you okay? what’s wrong?”
“He’s just moody y/n” Wooyoung teases, laying his head on your shoulder. “San sulks over everything, and it’s always for stupid reasons”. 
San looks up at Wooyoung with a far from impressed glare. “Fuck off Woo” San spits, before continuing to scroll through his phone. 
“Woo was that really necessary?” you ask with a frown, as you comb your hand through the boys hair. 
“I like pissing him off y/n, it’s like a hobby” Wooyoung pouts, almost like a child being told off by their parents. 
“Well i don’t like sulky Sannie so leave him be” you whisper to the boy, not wanting to annoy San anymore with you and Wooyoung’s running commentary on his mood swings. 
With that, Mina and Yunho enter back into the room hand in hand, both looking extremely flushed and messy. They clearly had the fun they were scared of having for so long.
“How did that go?” Yeosang asks, as he quirks an eyebrow at the pair.
“Well” Yunho blushes, “I’ve come out of it with a girlfriend so yeah, it went pretty well”. Everyone starts screaming and clapping for the new couple. Well everyone except San, who sits with a small, forced smile on his face.
“Y/n’s turn, y/n’s turn” Jongho smiles, as he nods his head towards the bottle, indicating for you to spin.
You move towards the bottle, taking a deep breath and give the bottle a spin. You can barely breathe as the bottle slows down. Maybe this was a bad idea. What if the person it lands on doesn’t wan-
Before you can even finish thinking of all the possible bad scenarios in your head the bottle stops directly across from you. You look up from the bottle to reveal the faith of your spin, only to see Park Seonghwa looking back at you with a soft smile, all while ooh’s and ah’s come from the circle.
“Do you wan-“
“Let’s go” you cut off Seonghwa before he can even finish asking you if you were okay with it.
Seonghwa is the sweetest. Of course he asked you if you’re okay. You would be lying if you said you didn’t find Seonghwa attractive. Anyone would be lying if they said they didn’t find Seonghwa attractive. He was sculpted by the God’s, has an amazing personality, is the sweetest person. Everything about him is perfect. Although you don’t have a crush on Seonghwa, you couldn’t be happier to enter that closet with him.
You both stand up and leave the loud, chanting group behind you as you walk into the closet, Seonghwa closing the door behind him. You both stare at each other for a few seconds, neither of you sure how to make the first move. That’s until Seonghwa walks towards you and places one hand on your waist, as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, before gently pressing his hand against your cheek.
“Tell me if you want to stop or slow down y/n, yeah?” he softly smiles, looking you in the eye. His actions causing your heart to rise as you lightly nod your head in response, and that was all it took.
Seonghwa leans in slowly, placing his soft lips on yours and kissing you gently. He kisses you so delicately, like you were a piece of fine china that would break if handled too harshly. It felt, nice.
Your lips move together in synchronisation as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Seonghwa smirks against your lips, before biting down softly on your bottom lip, resulting in a small moan to escape your lips which were still pressed against Seonghwa’s.
“Mmh y/n, you’re gonna kill me making noises like that for me” Seonghwa groans against your lips, moving his hips against your smaller body, letting you feel his growing erection. Seonghwa’s hands drop to your ass, squeezing it harshly, stealing another moan from you. You separate your lips from Seonghwa’s as you kiss along his prominent jaw line before peppering his neck in kisses. You stop when Seonghwa releases a needy moan. His sweet spot. You suck down harshly on the spot that causes the boy so much pleasure, definitely leaving a large mark.
You were enjoying yourself so much with Seonghwa, you hardly notice the door swinging open harshly.
“Out now” is what made you come out of the trance you were in with Seonghwa and realise your time was up. It’s San who opened the door and he looks less than impressed. Seonghwa looks at you with blushed cheeks, before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Hwa, you head back, i need to talk to y/n for a sec” San says monotonously, “don’t send anyone else in, we’ll be back in a few minutes”. Seonghwa looks at San with a puzzled expression, before looking back at you to check that you’re okay, which you answer by giving him a soft smile and a nod. With that, the taller boy walks out, leaving you and San, alone in the closet.
San closes the door, before turning to face you, still sporting the hard expression he had since he opened the door. He walks towards you, a dark look in his eye. You don’t know why you are so nervous, it's just San after all, but you take a step back as he approaches you, causing your back to press against the wall. San places his hands on the wall, either side of your face. What did you do to make him so annoyed?
“Y/n,y/n,y/n, what are you playing at today, hm?” San questions, his eyes practically burning through you.
“Sannie i don’t know what you mean” you pout, “i know i’ve annoyed you for some reason today and i’m sorry i didn’t mean to. If it was me and Woo making fun of-”
“Come on now baby, don’t act stupid with me” San chuckles coldly.
“B-baby?” You whisper, breaking eye contact with San so he can’t see you blushing.
“Look at me” San says as he places your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger, making you look at him. “Don’t act like you don’t know the effect you have on me. You’re telling me you really sat there clueless as to why i was annoyed with playing spin the bottle? Clueless as to why i told Seonghwa to get out after four minutes? I don’t want anyone else to kiss you, to hold you, to feel you. I want to”.
You can’t believe what San is saying. Choi San, your best friend. The person you feel most comfortable with. The person who always offers his shoulder for you to cry on. The person who came to the library with an umbrella to walk you home when it was raining. The person who came back from visiting his family at Christmas two days early because he knew you were back in college by yourself.
“Call me selfish y/n, but i want you all to myself. I get so jealous when i see other guys talk to you, or even when you talk to one of the guys more than me. I want to kill Seonghwa for laying a finger on you. For kissing you. Holding you. I want you y/n, no one else”
“I want you too San” you whisper, almost inaudible, but San hears it. He can’t help himself anymore as he smashes his lips against yours. He’s desperate and needy for you, and although you don’t know it, you are desperate and needy for him too. It all finally makes sense to you now. San feels different than the rest of the boys to you because you need him. You like him. You want him. You can’t stand an hour without talking to San. His little morning texts and reminders to eat always mean so much to you, because he means so much to you.
San grabs your waist, closing the space between you. “Jump” he mumbles against your lips, and you obeyed, jumping and wrapping your legs around San’s waist as he grabs your ass, needing at it while biting on your lip, a loud moan escaping your lips.
“Making such pretty noises for me baby girl” San groans against your lips, “but you need to be louder for me, let Seonghwa know you’re mine”.
San’s lips roam your neck, leaving bites and bruises all over. The pool between your legs becoming unbearable. All you want is for San to touch you, so you start grinding your hips against his. Looking for friction.
“Baby girl, if you want help, ask me” San smirks against your neck, “use your words for me princess”.
A small moan leaves your lips at San’s words, “Sannie please i n-need you to touch me”.
San brings his face back up to yours, a small smile paints his lips as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “good girl”.
San harshly pulls your leggings down and off of your legs, along with your soaking wet panties. “So wet for me already?” San questions, extremely cocky.
Before you can even answer, San who still manages to hold you against the wall, lowers himself to be level with your heat, latching onto it with him mouth and running his fingers up through your dripping folds, a loud moan falling from your lips as you grab onto his hair.
“Fuck San” you moan, as his flat tongue rolls over and over your sensitive nub rapidly, causing your body to shake in reaction.
“Louder angel” San mutters against your throbbing heat, the vibrations sending you into a frenzy, an extremely loud moan leaving your lips, causing San to smirk against your folds. Your friends outside most definitely heard you.
Without warning, San sticks two of his long fingers inside of you, moving them in and out quickly, pounding them against your g spot every time. “Holy fucking shit San” you moan, pulling slightly on his hair which causes a moan to escape San’s own lips.
“San i need to c-cum, please” you scream, barely able to see with the amount of pleasure San was giving you.
San picks up his pace, his tongue and fingers moving faster and faster. “Fuck San i’m cumming” you moan loudly, your load finally releasing into San’s mouth, but San doesn’t slow down his ministrations. He continues at the same pace he was going at before you came.
“Fuck San i just came fuck, fuck, fuck San, too much” you scream, pulling his hair tightly, causing him to moan deeply against your throbbing heat again, before pulling away.
San moves back up to your level, sticking his soaked fingers in your mouth, your tongue swirling around and cleaning your juices off without hesitation. “Good girl” he whispers in your ear, sucking on the spot under it momentarily before pulling away.
“Knees” San demands, looking at you with powerful eyes, and you comply, dropping straight to your knees and bringing your hand to San’s sweatpants, yanking them down along with his boxers, letting his hard erection spring free. You look up at San slightly shocked at how big he is.
“Someone’s eager” San smirks, fisting his hand around your hair for something to hold onto.
You nod, looking at him with seductive eyes as you grab his length in your hand, running your thumb across his leaking tip before pumping him a few times. Without breaking eye contact, you wrap your mouth around the tip, your tongue swirling across it in all directions.
“Fuck baby girl” San breathily sighs. “Looking so pretty taking my cock. Such a good girl for me”
San pushes your head forward slightly, resulting in your head bobbing down further on his dick, you yourself picking a pace, moving your hollowed cheeks up and down on his length, your tongue driving San insane.
“Fuck” he moans, moving your head down even further, hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag, your eyes filling with tears at the sensation. “Mmh look how dirty you’re being for me princess. Sucking my dick so good, taking it all. Look at you gagging on me baby, i’m so big for your pretty little mouth mmh. All pretty with your tears over my cock angel”
You moan at San’s dirty words, the sensation making San’s dick twitch in your mouth. “Fuck angel i’m gonna cum” he groans, bobbing your head faster and faster. With a tight squeeze on your hair, San cums in your mouth, deep moans escaping his lips as you take his load in your mouth, the cum dripping from your mouth making San roll his eyes in pleasure.
San pulls you up gently, sucking on your bottom lip and cleaning up the cum that dripped from it. “My good girl” San smiles softly, tucking your messy hair behind your ear and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“Only yours” you whisper, your forehead pressed against San’s.
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cloudykaii · 3 years
preferred company
pairing: bts x royal!8th member!reader
summary: after years you decided it was finally time to introduce them to your life... things go wrong almost immediately.
warning(s): vague harassment, idea of bad parents, rich/bad people, violence
note: this is written the way it is because this is an open concept! i will write more about this based on requests in the future, like a series but it is it’s own au!
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You stared in the mirror, fingers twitching as they graced over the elegant material of your silk dress. Hair done to perfection, makeup enough to only highlight regal features and match the jeweled pin in your hair, you truly looked the part of the descended royal you were. 
For the first time in your whole life, you felt nervous. You had been attending and hosting these parties since you were an infant. You knew how to play the role of caring and sweet hostess better than anyone, but this time was different. While usually you were just surrounded by a crowd of snooty, privileged people you were forced to stay quiet around, tonight you would be in the company of the people most important to you as well. 
Your brothers were more important to you than they would ever know. For your whole life, everyone had told you that being yourself was bad. Your parents had drilled it into you since birth that you were to be quiet and appease the people in your presence. Of course, there was nothing wrong with having an opinion, the problem only arose when you started to say it. “No one cares about the opinion of a silly little girl,” your mother used to say. It was your job to keep your guests happy, and appeal to them, not to actually say how you truly felt.
But when you met them it was different. 
When you first started with Bangtan, you had more quiet and reserved. it had been scary enough to be the only girl in a group of guys, and even scarier when you were the same age as the youngest member. You had been prepared to be babied, after all, you had gotten the treatment your whole life, but they had been quick to prove that they valued you beyond a pretty face. They didn’t even know who your family was so you knew the fact that they were kind to you had nothing to do with your lineage. 
They treated you like another human being. The seven of them had expected you to earn their respect just like anyone else and that was exactly what you did. But after years of hiding this side of your life from them you finally decided to invite them.
You knew they were curious, after all you were only ever as vague as you could possibly be about your family. Little stories, never mentioning relatives or discussing when you would be home for what reason. But it had been years and after they had treated you like family, you refused to continue hiding this part of you from them. They had all called you to double check when they received the invitation in the mail, but you made sure to inform them that it was correct. 
Yoongi hadn’t been too pleased about the black tie notification, but he had assured you he would come. You didn’t know why you were practically trembling with nerves, you knew they would come. They were family, closer than the one you were connected to biologically, and they would never lie to you.
You brushed another curl out of your face before making your way downstairs. Guests had started to arrive an hour ago but the difference between old money parties and others, is that the further you turned your nose up, the more people pretended to like you. Heels clacked on the tile as you smiled at the some of the guests, not really caring about what they had to say anyway. 
“Y/N,” your mother came close to whisper in your ear. “Your, er- friends are in the foyer. Do greet them before they ruin the celebration, won’t you?”
See, that was another thing you hated. You didn’t understand why it was just so impossible to respect the fact that your brothers didn’t try to please anyone else in order to achieve their dreams. Even right now when you made your way to them, they were looking around unimpressed. “Hello,” you greeted with a smile. 
Hoseok grinned when he looked at you, immediately going to pull you into a hug. “You look beautiful.. but whats with the party?” ah, it was just like them to get to the point. Your smile was genuine this time as you looked at him. Your plan was to just start talking and let everything explain itself, maybe answer questions if they had any. 
“My parents just host them sometimes. It’s an upper class kind of thing,” you said, voice getting lower as you started to get nervous. “I don’t know, usually I’m forced through these things by myself, but I remembered how you guys were all talking about not having an opportunity to wear-”
Jin chuckled, raising a hand. “Y/N, you don’t have to explain. It’s us, we’re not going to judge you based on your family.. besides, I think I can honestly say that we’re the most attractive people in this little castle or whatever this place is.”
Maybe you were biased because you knew all of the other people here, and knew what kind of people they were specifically, but you would have to agree. First of all, they were all dressed in black suits. They looked as though they had put in minimal effort, but they still managed to outshine most of the crown there. You would have complimented them if it had actually surprised you, but instead all you did was smile at him gratefully. “Actually, I-”
“Is there a problem here?” All eyes turned to you when you visibly tensed at the sound of the new, male voice. A young man, about your age, although plenty taller than you, appeared at your side, His arm wrapped around your hip only to pull you into his side, and Jungkook was quick to stand up straighter at the sight. “Your mother sent me to check on you.. said I should be worried about my future wife.”
Your words were cut off by Jimin glaring at him harshly and cutting in. “Future wife? Y/N, what is he talking about?”
Parker stepped forward, raising an eyebrow like he was in control. “Excuse me, I’ll have you know that my father-”
Jimin rolled his eyes at that. He had no patience for someone so pretentious and ignored the rest of his words in favor of looking over you. None of them liked how uncomfortable you looked. “- and our parents have arranged for us to be wed.”
Yoongi’s head snapped to you. “Y/N, you’re in an arranged marriage?!”
You opened your mouth to speak, only to but cut off once again, which made you have to take a deep breath. “Yes, and I would like to know just who you are harassing her!”
Jimin scoffed, stepping closer. “Yeah, well I would like to know who you are and you had your hands on her.”
You opened your mouth one last time to try to speak and diffuse the situation that was quickly drawing a crowd, but you were spoken over yet another time. 
“I don’t have to answer to you.. you hoodlums-” 
“Alright!” you yelled, cutting off the spoiled man you would have filed a restraining order against a long time ago if your mother wasn’t so fond of him, and sending silence into the room. “I’ve had about enough of men talking over me! Now, these men are my family and you will treat them with the same respect you are expected to treat me with,” Namjoon narrowed his eyes at your word choice as you glared up at the young prince. “And Parker, I’ve told you and I’ve told my mother. I don’t care for being royalty with you, I have my own duties already within my own grounds, and I will not be marrying you.”
“Now, just who do you think-” His nostrils flared and his hands raised too fast along with his voice, but your brother was quicker when he saw how this was going. The sound of his fist hitting with a loud thud rang throughout the room, and all eyes of the party turned to stare. People of nobility stared at Kim Namjoon as his chest heaved. 
“I don’t know who the fuck you are, I don’t give a damn. If you touch her like that again, if you ever even come close to breathing near her, I’ll ruin you. Now get the fuck out.”
The young prince stuttered. “This isn’t your-”
“I said leave!” The glare was still on his face as he watched the back of Parker’s blazer as he shamefully made his way through the crowd. “Party’s over!” And like the cowards that people of such proclaimed nobility are, they scattered and you watched as your mother disappeared with them. 
Tense silence hung in the air thickly for a brief moment as the place emptied before Yoongi broke it before sighing and going to sit down, practically falling into a lounge chair. “So that’s the kind of people you hang around, Princess?”
Taehyung snorted. “No wonder you prefer our company.”
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rachelbethhines · 2 years
In season 3, you commented on how Varian looks 12 and that in a years' time he should have grown taller and had a more mature character design upgrade. I was wondering, do you think being in the dungeon where he was perhaps not getting all the nutrients, he needed for a male going through puberty, that it had an effect on his growth? Though prisoners don't look malnourished. Or is he just scrawny genetically? He's a peasant even if he is the son of a regional leader and Old Corona's seems poor.
I mean, that can be a personal headcanon to explain away cannon, but the real reason why his design didn't change is because the production team were cowards. They didn't want to risk losing popularity by changing his design too much... and simultaneously didn't want to make him more popular by changing his design too much.
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simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
Too Little Too Late
ft. IwaOi
G/N reader
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TW: Neglect, manipulation, toxicity in general, swearing
Read this first
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tysm for the request anon! It’s about time Y/n stood up for themselves don’t you think? That’s the thing about relationships like these. It’s so hard to get out of them once you’re in deep- even if you can see every single red flag clear as day.
Also I’ve decided that since these are lengthy- there will be separate parts for Kuroken, SakuAtsu, and OsaSuna in the future.
 This one is something I actually turned into a two shot: part one and part two. So same plot line, just goes more in depth on the “break up” part.
This was it, you were finally going to do it. After two decades of following your soon to be ex boyfriends around, it was time for you to step out of their shadow- into the limelight of independency. Still, you felt like a coward- leaving them while neither were even in the country. It was petty perhaps, but deep down within your heart- the vindictive, evil, and cruel part of you whispered that this was what they deserved. You were nearly finished packing- two suitcases stuffed to the max with your clothing and any small, expensive purchase you bought for yourself. Now all you needed to do was shove anything else that could fit into your duffel bag. 
This wasn’t a new idea. Leaving them that is. In fact, you’d been thinking about it for years already. Honestly, you doubted you’d have even begun noticing just how unbalanced your current dynamic with your two “lovers” was, until a stranger- turned friend had pointed it out. 
His name had been Miya Atsumu- he had gone to Tokyo University just like you and was the starting setter for their volleyball team. He was flirty at first, acting like a stereotypical frat boy. Despite telling him you had not one- but two partners- he hadn’t left you alone at that fateful party. 
“Wait... yer datin’ that newbie setter from Argentina? AND Iwaizumi... the one who’s boutta transfer over to that American university?” Atsumu questioned incredulously, nearly doing a spit take, he leans over your figure and places his red solo cup down on the counter behind you. 
“Yeah... I know it’s not a normal relationship-” You begin, already used to defending you and your lovers. 
“Nah, that’s not what I’m sayin’ darlin.” The blonde replies, his words make him seem as though he’s hitting on you but somehow there’s an undertone of genuine concern. “Neither of em have even spared ya a glance since ya got here! Seems like they’re the ones in love- not the three of ya.”
You had frowned at his words, shaking them off easily. The three of you were in love, besides, no stranger could have deduced that at first glance- if anything he was just trying to meddle in your happy relationship... so why did his words continue to plague you that night, and for many nights after that? 
Looking back on it now, you should have listened to Atsumu sooner. 
You had countless discussions with Hajime and Toru after the night of the party. They had seemed genuinely sorry and made an effort to be more inclusive. However, they slowly fell back into old habits- time and time again- as if they had forgotten the promises they had made. 
There would be no more discussions, no more nights staying up, waiting for them to come back home from their date. 
There would be no more of the three of you- just Hajime and Toru. 
That thought prevented you from picking up the framed photo on your bedside- the one of you three. It had been taken at a children’s festival that the three of you had taken Takeru too. It was probably the last photo where you had been so blinded by your love for them that you completely glossed over the fact that the only people they were looking at were each other. 
“Y/n... what are you doing?” A raspy voice called from the bedroom’s doorway, startling you from your memories. Body shaking, you turned around to face the owner of the voice. “We came home early to surprise you... only to find you packing your bags?” 
The same two people that you didn’t want to see stood before you. Both toted suitcases and smelt like the airport. You couldn’t find it within yourself to look them in the eyes, fearing that if you did you’d lose your strength, turn around, and begin unpacking.
“Y/n... prince(ss), what’s going on? Talk to us.” Toru whispered, speaking to you as if you were a cornered animal. That analogy wasn’t wrong per say but it did nothing to help you calm your nerves. 
You knew it shouldn’t have but for some reason his tone had made your heart skip a beat.
“Yeah babe, let’s put the bags down and take a seat... we can talk about this right after me and Toru shower.” Hajime agreed, his poor choice of words stirring anger within your soul- intense and smoldering like Zeus’s lightning bolts.
“No!” You cry, tears of pent up anger, hurt, and every other negative repressed emotion, begins to well up in your eyes. “I’m going to say this one last time- then I’m going to leave. We won’t talk. I’m not going to... to wait until you finish showering. I’m sick and tired of this- this absolute fucking BULLSHIT!” 
They stare at you wide eyed, not quite knowing how to respond. You don’t even give them the chance to think about how to do so- instead you opt to continue your rant. 
“I love you two so damn much. So, so much- to the point that it hurts me.” Your gaze flickered between the two of them. “Loving you... it breaks my heart. I can’t do it anymore Toru, Hajime. I wanted too- God knows I do. But I can’t keep doing this-”
Toru lets his carry on drop to the floor and races over, attempting to embrace you in a hug. Every bone, every fiber, literally every part of you is begging you to stay trapped in his arms. He’s warm and he’s here. It’s all you’ve ever wanted. 
Too little too late.
You shove him off, biting back sobs. Hajime hurries behind him, catching the taller male as he falls. 
“Y/n calm down what’s going on? What did we do?” Olive green eyes flit over to meet yours, they’re just as lovely as they have always been. But you notice that they’re also cold, like jade bracelets and old watered down matcha tea. 
“It’s what you didn’t do Haji.” You say and they can see the heart ache on your face. “I love you but you don’t love me- not as much as I love you at least.” Both of them look like they want to argue but you shake your head- effectively silencing them. The picture on the night stand stares back at you tauntingly- ignorance was indeed bliss it seems. Grasping it lightly you place it on the ground and kicked it gently, letting it slide over to where Toru and Hajime are still seated on the ground. The brunette takes it in his hands and examines it. 
“This was when we took Takeru to the children’s festival!” 
“Yeah... we were so happy then... where did that go wrong Y/n? When did you stop smiling like this?” Hajime whispers. 
“I stopped smiling like that when I realized the truth- about us.” They watch as you take a deep breath, composing yourself. “It took me a long while, but I’ve been coming to terms with it.” A choked gasp escapes your lips, leading you to quickly spill the rest of your well kept insecurities. “This... this thing we have going on- it’s a toxic, endless cycle. There’s no us- it’s just Hajime and Toru plus Y/n.”
Toru’s expression morphs from empathetic to down right murderous. He’s offended that you would dare imply something like that. Deep down, you’re sure he knows you’re actually right, and he’s just acting like that to save his pride. A pang of shame hits you- when had you begun thinking mean thoughts like that?
“How could you say that?” He spits, tone devoid of sweetness, now replaced with lethal venom. “Everything we do is for you. We give you money, this nice home, space, time- our love. And you have the fucking gall to say we’re ostracizing you from our relationship? What the hell are you thinking Y/n?” 
You’ve never seen him this angry- not in all the years you’ve known the setter. It sorta terrifies you. Hajime doesn’t bother to reprimand Toru for his tone like usual, instead he looks like he agrees with him. 
“He’s right Y/n, everything we do is for you. Are you mad because we didn’t take you to a wedding? Guess what- that’s just business. Stop being so damn jealous for no reason. You can’t be selfish in our sort of relationship. Didn’t you know that in the first place?” 
They don’t- won’t see things from your point of view. Honestly, what were you even expecting.
“When have I EVER been selfish? I cook, clean, and practically orbit around the two of you. I’m not mad just because of a FUCKING WEDDING! I’m upset- and hurt because you can’t ever see from my eyes. Don’t think I haven’t seen the differences between the looks you give me verses each other. The date nights you forget to include me in- the stolen kisses in the morning you give each other without even thinking about me. Even when I try to initiate something I’m ‘too clingy’ or you’re ‘too busy.’ FUCK THAT. I deserve better. So I think I deserve to be selfish just this once- because this is something I need to do for me. Not for you.” 
They’re stunned, unable to speak. So they say nothing at all, watching you zip up your duffel bag and single handedly take all your baggage out into the living room by yourself. Neither of them say anything when there’s a knock on the door and they can hear your best friend enter their home and help you take your stuff down to their car. 
There’s nothing they can do. So they go to bed without showering, thinking about the things you said and reflecting. You made it quite clear to them. It’s over- the three of you.
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
HELLO BESTIE I am currently having Ralbert Brainrot and you're the best person go come to for this, obviously,, so PLEASE share! I would like to hear about ufc albert or youtuber race, or dancing partners!! I love them smm
i just witnessed a literal crime and i’m Feeling The Rage (boxing judges at mma events can catch these hands) so here is. my brain on anger.
also the first half of this is pretty fight-talk heavy but the second half is more al/ralbert central so message me/send me an ask if i don’t explain something well enough <3
here is the ask i sent to @we-are-inevitable (thanks jac i’m in love with you mwah) and here is part 1 for this au if you haven’t read that one yet !!
also,,,,, this is fairly obvious. but trigger warning for violence/physical fighting, as well as blood. (it’s a rough gig y’all fjdhdb) oh and swearing but that’s pretty much just me LMAO
here i am, bein mad and writing ralbert. therapy time with chandler ig
this is after his debut. duh. continuation
i think he’s probably 5 fights in with 5 wins. he’s been running people through, especially with four full camps after a short notice start, and he’s never even seen a decision in the ufc
let’s just say the hype train is moving FAST and it’s moving LOUD
everyone has to have those people that watch their fights just to see them lose, on top of the majority male fan base that have to have a little bit of toxic masculinity and homophobia in there
so there’s A LOT of people that are waiting for him and his hype train to get derailed. but there’s also a fair amount of fans, so you win some you lose some (the way i would die to see this be a real fighter pls)
now albert’s not always the most confident guy, and he’s never been cocky, but none of this shit gets to him. he’s got his coaches, he’s got his friends and he’s got race behind him. he knows he’s got the skills, and he’s got his support system, so who gives a shit what a bunch of cowards on the internet have to say?
and then they put him against someone known for his grappling and stamina. and the “it’s a wrap for dasilva!” bandwagon starts. it happens every time a rising striker and early knockout artist fights a well known grappler with any semblance of later round power (even if al has a background in wrestling and has gone 5 rounds and won outside of the ufc. it’s a bandwagon for a reason)
and it’s not Upsetting, it’s not really getting into his head in any way that’ll make him do worse, but it’s kinda pissing him off. which is bad for his opponent
the last person on earth you want to be fighting is an annoyed albert dasilva who thinks he has something to prove
he works his ass off in camp, and the press tour is a self-assured albert vs. a loudmouth who thinks he’s hot shit cause a few people on twitter think he’ll sweep
and, to be completely honest? it’s starting to look that way 2 rounds in.
it’s a 5 round fight, co-main event on a big card, and so far all al’s opponent has done is pinned him to the cage and kept him there. a few strikes worth anything - at least enough make al’s cheek bleed, no takedowns, which would at least give him some activity, and so submission attempts, so he can’t even gain any ground that way. he’s just- Stuck. and if THIS is how he loses, he’s gonna be pissed
the bell for the second round sounds, and you can actually see al’s chest heaving on camera as he walks to his corner - not because he’s tired or out of breath, but because he’s MAD, and fuck if he’s not going to do something about it
not only that, but he can not only see race and jack standing up by the cage - plus race’s expression, which is slightly annoyed and super anxious, which hurts his chest to think about - but he can hear them too
jack is yelling profanities, as per usual. he doesn’t that regardless of how the fight is going, but it’s less encouraging when you’re the one losing.
race though,,,, race isn’t really yelling, he’s more talking to himself than anything, but he’s close enough to cage and al knows him well enough to figure out what he’s saying. and if the muttered almost-prayers while he paces back and forth weren’t enough, the shiny gold engagement ring on race’s hand definitely is
round 3,,,, let’s just say it goes a little differently than the first 2 had gone.
he opens with a spinning back kick, of all fucking things, and that truly sets the pace
he’s the taller guy by a few inches, like usual, which makes his arms longer. the only reason crushing his against the cage worked is cause the guy he’s fighting cuts weight like a wrestler, so he’s easily got 20 pounds on albert come fight night
but once he finds his rhythm and starts throwing, he starts connecting too. he manages to stay out of range of his opponent and stay his comfortable distance to start t-ing off
this isn’t a one punch power ending. this isn’t a beautiful head kick, or a giant knee, or even just a clean right hook.
this is albert, who’s arms are starting to feel the 3rd round a little bit, hitting this guy with everything he has cause he refuses to lose this fight.
i mean- everyone watched him get up at the start of the round with a set jaw and a scary determined glint in his eye. he’s not a person you fuck with, and he’s definitely not a person you publicly ridicule before being locked in a cage to fight with
the guy he’s fighting is absolutely battered, but he manages to survive until round 4. the first of the championship rounds, something al’s never seen in a ufc fight before, and it feels like the arena is holding its breath
so when al comes out and does the same thing as round 3 to better results - fight ending results - everyone’s a little shocked, honestly
the commentary team’s in disbelief, cause albert is NOT a slow starter, regardless of what this fight would tell you, and the fact he managed a win at all, let alone such a phenomenal one, is fucking astounding
he gets his hand raised, obviously, but the really interesting part is the post fight interview
“albert, man, what changed between round 2 and 3? what second gear did you find?”
“bro, i just— it was pissing me off, honestly. i don’t come in here to get pinned down for 25 minutes. and, y’know, my team gave me good advice. i had all the pieces, straight from the jump, someone just had to force me to put them in place…”
and then he looks over at race, who gives al one of those half grin, half smirks and winks at him, and al just chuckles to himself and finishes answering the question
“the thing that really forced my hand is race. i won’t get cheesy on you, but watching someone who loves and supports you through everything panic cause he’s scared for you - it’s a big motivator. everyone would figure out a lot more of my motivations if they went and watched race’s expressions back instead of whatever the hell i’m doing in here. he’s always been the brains, i’m just the brawn.”
and that’s a better answer than anyone was expecting, plus he’s just had the fight of a lifetime that’s probably earned him a title shot, so he’s done soon after that and gets to have his little in-cage celebration
he hugs his team and jack, who razzes him a little bit as per usual, and makes some dumb quip about going over tapes later like he’s a coach. and then comes race
he hugs him, all tender and cute and also very sweaty cause That’s How It Works, and the camera’s focused on him, so they can tell they’re whispering back and forth. but there’s no mics on them, so what’s said is missed entirely on the audience, but it’s their usual cheesy, in love mess
“congrats, baby. i’m proud of you.”
“oh please. it was 90% you anyway. i meant what i said, it wasn’t just for the cameras.”
“i know that. i’m gonna have to get you back somehow for telling everyone to go back and watch my awful anxious expression. i’ll think of something.”
“i’m sure you will, sweetheart.”
and then al does that awful, adorable lil nose bump thing, and then kisses race. and then jack covers his eyes and whines until they stop like the actual 12 year old boy he is inside
and then they leave the octagon, race and al holding hands, and al throws his arm over jack’s shoulder and shoves his head down and pushes him, cause even though he was just in a literal cage match he’s still a roughhousing teenager at heart
and he’s got interviews and press shit that separates him from his people, and he’s gotta slide that bulletproof mask back down over all the happy and in love shit he’s feeling so he can not smile like an idiot on camera constantly
but every once in awhile he’ll catch jack giving him the finger and laugh before returning it below view of the camera
or he’ll catch race’s eye from where he’s standing behind all the studio lights and do a little wave under the camera and return the wink from earlier, and the unbothered fighter facade will crack a little bit
but he’s not completely convinced that’s such a bad thing
but Yeah. Them.
i love this au a helleva lot more than i should but that’s Fine cause i’ve got thoughts for days on it
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thelargefrye · 4 years
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── summary. wooyoung never learns.
── roles. vampire!ateez, vampire!reader, human!oc
── genre. vampire, romance, drama, established poly relationship
── word count. 2.4k
── warnings. hints of cheating, cussing, oc gets referred to as “it” by some members, slight choking, someone gets punched, a little blood
── main menu.
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anna sometimes finds herself thinking back to when she first met wooyoung and he managed to convince her to come back to home. she felt so entranced by the blonde and thought the look he gave her was nothing more than love. 
before meeting him, she was unwanted and a runaway. running away was all she was good at.
wooyoung had to nudge her into the rather large and expensive house. he guides to the living area of the home where she was greeted with several other men that were just as handsome as him.
one of the guys stood up, anna thought he was the most beautiful one out of all them. however the death glare he was sending her and wooyoung made her want to coward away from his stare. 
“wooyoung, what the fuck is that?” his voice was just as deadly as his stare and she knew he was talking about her.
“this anna. she’ll be staying with us for a while,” wooyoung answers. the blue haired male stood up this time with a shocked expression.
“the hell she is!” he replies back and wooyoung just rolls his eyes at the male’s words. “yah! don’t roll your eyes at me, wooyoung! this is serious, you need to get her out of here before the others come back.”
“i’m not worry about them, hyung,” wooyoung says before he begins to walk away from them. he turns back to anna and gestures for her to follow him. wooyoung stops in front of the first male who still has a hard look on his face.
“aw, hyung, don’t glare at me like that. it hurts my feelings,” the blonde teases before running a hand down the taller male’s chest rather affectionately. the action catches anna off guard, but she doesn’t say anything about it. 
“you’re so screwed, woo,” one of the males on the couches says. wooyoung only shrugs him off before walking out of the room. anna doesn’t waste any time in following the male.
“what are we going to do, hyung?” mingi ask looking at the two eldest members. 
“nothing, we’re not going to do anything. let him suffer the consequences of bringing a human home,” seonghwa says, his face still hard as he thinks about how much trouble wooyoung just has to cause all the time. 
a hand comes to caress his cheek snapping seonghwa out of his anger a little bit. he looks to see yunho the one now standing in front of him. his touch is a lot less lustful and more comforting than wooyoung’s.
“every time he does this, he doesn’t realize how much it hurts all of us. he brings these stupid humans into our home and messes and leads them along before one of us snaps. it makes everyone on edge and i hate it,” seonghwa says with a distressed look on his face.
yunho rubs his thumb softly over seonghwa’s cheek before leaning down to kiss the older male. “we know, hyung, and you’re right maybe this time we should let wooyoung learn his lesson,” he says before turning to the other three vampires in the room. “can we all agree to this?”
the other three nodded making yunho smile at them before turning to seonghwa and gesturing for him to come sit back down with them. they resumed watching the show they had been watching.
“when are yeo, sannie, and y/n coming home?” mingi asked a few minutes later.
“not for a few more days,” hongjoong answers after thinking for a second. 
“should we... should we let them know beforehand?”
“no,” seonghwa speaks up before anyone else can, “wooyoung is gonna learn his lesson even if it catches those three off guard.”
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the next morning, anna comes downstairs and is greeted with the sight of wooyoung having his arms wrapped around the male that had glared at her when she had first arrived. 
“hwa, don’t be upset at me~” wooyoung says, dragging out a few of his words as he tried cuddling into the best he could. 
“you know how we all feel when you bring humans home and yet you keep doing it. therefore i have a right to be upset at you,” seonghwa says.
“don’t be like that, hwa, you know i love you and the others.”
everything happens too fast for anna because one second wooyoung is still hanging onto seonghwa and the next wooyoung is pinned to the counter behind the both of them. his hands are pinned above his head while seonghwa uses his other hand to wrap it around wooyoung’s neck.
“we let you play your little games without facing the consequences, but not this time so i would highly recommend to stop being a brat before i put you in your place,” seonghwa threatens and anna gasps in surprise at his sudden action and words. seonghwa looks up upon hearing her and glares at her. she notices the red glint in his eyes and her own are wide in surprise.
seonghwa removes himself from wooyoung and goes back to finishing breakfast. wooyoung can only smirk as he sits up before turning to look at the female who is still standing at the kitchen entrance.
“morning,” he greets her and anna quickly greets him back. she then watches as he moves from the counter and walks by her and out of the kitchen. 
anna contemplates if she should follow wooyoung out but decides against it and goes to sit down at the table.
“why are you still here?” seonghwa asks without even bothering to turn and look at her.
she knows its probably stupid, but anna decides to be brave for a moment, “why are you angry at me being here? i haven’t even been here a full day and you are just mean and angry towards me for no reason.”
seonghwa stops what he’s doing and turns to look at the girl with burning red eyes. anna was once more shocked and immediately stood up from her seat.
“you want to know why i’m so angry you’re here?” he asked, but anna knew it was rhetorical. “i’m angry that wooyoung doesn’t ever fucking learn! he plays these fucking games and makes the rest of us suffer because he’s selfish! you don’t belong here, this isn’t your home,” the elder is seething, as he takes several steps closer the girl. the veins in his neck are prominent and his teeth are clenched too tight to be comfortable.
“you’re lucky i don’t kill humans or else i would have killed you the second you walked through the front door, but don’t think the other won’t try,” he warns before turning and going back to the food.
anna is frozen in her spot for a few moments before she finally snaps herself out of the scared trance she was in. she quickly leaves the kitchen and heads back upstairs to wooyoung’s room. upon entering, she finds him on the phone with a large smile on his face. it wasn’t like the smiles and smirks he gave her... this was different.
he laughs, “yes, y/n, i’m taking care of myself. no need to worry... yeah. how are sannie and yeo?... don’t give him a hard time, okay, princess?... i love you, too. bye.” he takes the phone away from his ear before ending the call and then tossing his phone on the bed behind him. 
“who’s y/n?” anna asks, curious to know more about who he was talking to.
“my favorite person in the world,” he answers before falling back on the bed and looks up at the ceiling. “she saved me no one else did.”
anna only nods as she walks over to him and lays down next to him on his bed, “so where is she right now?”
“she’s on a small trip with two of my other mates,” the word ‘mates’ catches her attention but she decides not to question it.
“do i get to meet her?”
“yeah, she’ll be home in a few days,” anna notes the disinterest in his voice and decides to stop asking questions. she couldn’t stop the sudden uneasiness that settled in her stomach at the thought of whoever this y/n really was.
a few hours later and anna finds herself in the living room with the ones she came to learn are mingi and yunho. the two were cuddled close together on the couch. the others were off doing other things and wooyoung had went out a little earlier for something he didn’t explain to the young woman.
“so who’s y/n?” anna had asked after sitting with the two for around an hour. both males snapped their heads over to her, mingi had a shocked expression and turned to look at yunho who masked his expression well. “wooyoung was talking to her the other day, but didn’t say much about her,” she explained and mingi shifted a little with an uncomfortable look. 
“she’s one of our lovers,” yunho says, cutting mingi off, “and look, not to sound rude or anything, but when she comes home i would advise not to interact with her. her coming home and seeing you with wooyoung won’t end well for anyone, so try your best to stay away from her.”
“o-oh, um, alright. thank you for the heads up,” anna says and yunho nods. “um... what did you mean by ‘lovers’?”
“it means we’re all lovers like the word suggests. we’ve all been together for so long that we are all we have,” he says and anna felt her stomach sink a little as she slowly began to realize that maybe seonghwa was right. she really didn’t belong.
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when yeosang walked through the door and into the living area, he was caught completely off guard by the human girl that wooyoung had his arm wrapped around. hongjoong noticed a flash of hurt crossing his feature before he quickly covered it up with his usual stoic face. 
the unofficial leader of the small family was quick to get up and walk over to the blonde and engulfs him into a welcome home hug before quickly kissing him as well.
“where’s san and y/n?” he asks, running his hand up and down the younger’s arms.
“um, they’re coming up. i came up first to open the door for them. jongho,” yeosang says catching the youngest’s attention. “can you come help san and y/n with the bags. san bought more stuff then he needed to and now we have two extra bags.”
“of course,” jongho is quick to step outside to find you and other male outside struggling with the bags. 
“oh! jongho!” san calls out excitedly as he stops suddenly causing you to bump into him. 
“why did you stop all of a sudden!?” you whine rubbing your nose because of how you rammed it into the male’s back.
you suddenly caught a whiff of something off and you tilted your head to side as you looked around the area outside. san turned around noticing how you became quiet all of a sudden. 
“what’s wrong, love?” 
“i smell something and i don’t know if i like it,” you explain and jongho freezes as he glances over at you. you notice the nervous look on his face before glancing at the door and you head straight for it ignoring san’s confused calls and jongho’s nervous ones.
stepping inside the house, you are greeted by hongjoong and yeosang standing right outside the living room. upon hearing your footsteps, hongjoong turns to you with a fond smile and opens his arms for you. hongjoong hugs you the same way he had yeosang as you mimicked the hug. 
“i missed you my muse,” hongjoong whispers into your ear making you laugh softly. you had almost forgotten about the reason why you rushing inside before you caught sight of it. it being the girl that was sitting a little too closely to wooyoung.
moving out of hongjoong’s hold, you step into the living room entrance, eyes never once leaving anna’s body. unlike yeosang, you don’t mask the hurt on your face and seonghwa is quick to stand up from his spot, your name leaving his lips. 
“wooyoung,” his name leaves your lips as you keep your attention on him and no one else.
“y/n,” his arm removes itself from around anna’s shoulders as he stands up and comes over to you with a smile on his face. he tries to hug you, but you gently push him away, looking from him to anna.
“who are you?” you ask, looking at anna with a confused look. anna stands, a smile on her face as she walks over towards you.
“hi, i’m anna. it’s nice to meet you,” she introduces herself, holding her hand out for you to take and shake. you look at her before down at her hand and then finally over to wooyoung.
“hey, y/n why did you run off like that?” san’s voice sounds through the house and you hear him and jongho come in behind you. you don’t say anything looking between anna and wooyoung one last time before moving past everyone and going upstairs.
the whole house seems to shake when you slam your door closed. wooyoung has an unreadable expression his face as he turns to look at san who has an angry expression. 
san doesn’t let the younger say his name due to him cutting him off with a punch to the face. wooyoung falls to the ground with a groan as he holds his face. san’s eyes are glowing red as he looks over at the human girl and he feels a growl erupt from his throat. 
“fuck you wooyoung, fuck you,” he spits out before pointing at anna, “get rid of it, i don’t want any humans in this house,” he says before leaving as well.
everyone is frozen for a moment as wooyoung moves his hand away from his face – mostly his nose – to see some blood on his hand. yunho is first one to move to go over to wooyoung and bends down to cheek on his lover.
“you dumbass, why don’t you learn,” he scolds quietly before turning to look at anna who has a mixed of scared and concerned look on her face. 
“i told you not to mess with her,” he says before helping wooyoung up and taking him into the bathroom to clean him up. 
anna can only stand and watch with a guilty feeling in the pit of her stomach.
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underworldobsessed · 3 years
I Will Not Surrender ll Bo-Katan Week Day 4 Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss
Title: I Will Not Surrender Rating: T Ship: None Characters: Bo-Katan Kryze, Pre Vizsla  Series: This Life is Mine (Bo-Katan Week 2021),  Summary:  Bo-Katan is new to Death Watch, and desperate to prove herself a capable warrior, she knows she needs to challenge one of the strongest she sees. No longer will people consider her the sister to the weak willed Duchess, but instead the warrior she was born to be. ll Bo-Katan Week Day 4: Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Author’s note: This one was definitely a challenge, but I had a lot of fun with it. I’ve never thought of early Death Watch for Bo, and diving into this made me excited. I might end up writing more of her time in Death Watch. Also this one is a little bit shorter than the others, apologies in advance. 
Tagging: @bokatanweek​​
Read here or under the cut.
New recruit to Death Watch Bo-Katan watched the warriors sparring. She was eager and ready to prove herself to all these people. Abandoning the Kryze name so she was only Bo-Katan,  warrior in beskar’gam, ready to fight to preserve the old way, the right way of thinking. The only thing tying her to her family name was the armor she was wearing, with it having belonged to her mother before her. 
She wanted to get into sparring with those around her. She wanted to hone her skills, but most warriors ignored her or dismissed her as an easy defeat because of her sister. They assumed she was here as a spy for Satine, not because she actually wanted to be a part of the movement. She was tired of being dismissed, of being ignored as a warrior just because her sister was a pacifist to the point of stupidity. 
No longer willing to just sit on the sidelines and watch, she put her helmet on and stood up, finding one of the larger male warriors in the group and crossed her arms. She wasn’t small by any stretch, but he was definitely a good head or two taller than her and looked unimpressed as he stood in front of her. 
“Spar with me,” She all but demanded, but scowled as they laughed at her. “I’m serious, spar with me!” 
“With the sister of the pacifistic duchess, don’t make me laugh!’ He mocked, causing anger to burn through her veins. “You know what? Sure, everyone here could use a laugh.” She didn’t even respond to him, putting her helmet on and moving to the center of camp. She wanted everyone to see. She wanted to make sure none of them underestimated her again.
He joined her in a moment, after getting another good laugh in with his crew. He was confident enough to not wear his helmet. She scowled underneath hers. Everyone always underestimated her…
Her movements were swift as she charged forward, her fists flying. He seemed to be doing a good job of deflecting her at first, but as the attack kept coming, she didn’t relent and he didn’t keep up. She landed two good punches on his face before he managed to get her helmet off and slam her face into the ground. Blood poured from her nose and he laughed. 
“Princess thinks that because she can land a punch or two means that she’s a warrior. Why don’t you go back to your dolls, and leave this to the real warrior.” He mocked and turned to walk away like the fight was over. She ran up behind him, wrapping her legs around his neck and twisting so he was on the ground. She slammed her fist into his head, knocking him unconscious almost immediately.
“Does anyone else have a problem with me?” Her tone almost came out as a growl, itching for another fight. Most of them, realizing the power she held, backed off pretty quickly. She was proud until Pre Vizsla’s voice rang out though the camp.
“Bo-Katan, come here.” He spoke and she got off the unconscious man to go meet with Pre. She wasn’t ashamed of what she did. The asshole deserved it for sure. “That was some impressive fighting, Bo-Katan.” She held her head high, but her eyes sparkled at the compliment.
“Thank you sir,” She said, looking back. “I don’t want the people here to think that just because I have a coward for a sister, that I’m going to be some sort of lightweight or a pushover. I trained and fought in the civil war alongside so many of them. They saw what I’m capable of but now that Satine is back, I’ve lost all their respect.”
“Not for long,” He smirked at her “I have an elite group of warriors, ones that are in desperate need of a leader. Your skill set is exactly what I’m looking for in a leader. Would you be willing to take control of them and be a leader of your own Death Watch faction?”
She had to contain her emotions to try and keep from seeming too excited. Her eyes fell to the ground for a moment before she looked at him. “I would be honored, Sir.” 
“I knew you’d be the right one to ask,” He said, glancing towards the warriors he had been talking about. “They will be your team.” Her gaze followed him and nodded. Most of them seemed to be women, in a similar circumstance as her despite the fact that they weren’t tied to Satine. “You are exactly what they need. Go forth, Bo-Katan, and lead.”
She began the walk to her team, already trying to figure out what name she would give them, but it hit her pretty quick, knowing exactly what her team was.
“Nite Owls..” She addressed, and it took a moment before they realized she was talking to them. She kicked her jet pack on and flew up a few feet off the ground. “We are the Nite Owls. You are elite warriors, soldiers who are being looked down upon for varying reasons, and I will not stand for that. From this day forward, we Nite Owls are a family, are one clan unit. We stand together, no matter what. We will defend each other and make sure that we are not treated different because of our bloodlines!” Her team applauded her and she smiled. She was going to be the leader her owls deserved. That she was certain.
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jinnyu · 4 years
51 blind!femreader with raihan
Do it coward
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Used artwork credit here
A/N: Says the one who wont come off anon. I really like the idea of this one, i get to express my headcanon of Raihan being a soff and gentle boi- nonetheless, thanks for the ask! Hopefully you'll like it.
Oh and im making this into a two part mini fanfic—
Gallade carefully held your hand as he leads you to the nearest pokemon center in Hammerlocke; the knight-like pokemon made sure you took your steps correctly as one of his hands were on your back, supporting you.
You were thankful that your mom gave you Ralts when you were a little kid, in which ralts evolved into a male kirlia when your mom accidentally exposed it to a dawn stone. Nonetheless, it didn't stop you from giving him the same love and affection as you did before— Gallade grew fond of you too as he watches you grow up into a bright individual, not losing hope even if you've lost your sense of sight from the moment you were born.
Many memories were made ever since then, especially when you participated in the gym challenge together with your trusted pokemon. Some challengers you've met immediately looked down on you the first time they saw you, and some are quite the opposite, treating you kindly and competing with you healthily. Luckily, your Gallade is always there to protect you if someone ever dares to lay a finger on you, same with your bestfriend Hop.
You're just grateful that you didn't have to go through this alone, yknow?
But, apparently the environment in the Dragon Type Gym wasn't that friendly, and it didn't go well. Before you started you challenge with the dragon tamer himself, you were challenged by a group of teens, who obviously looked down on you since they noticed that you weren't 'normal'; the battle itself was gruelling, but Gallade manages to bring you back to safety, along with Gardevoir.
Before the battle, the group of teens muttered harsh words about you, speaking about how you shouldn't advance forwards to the next gym leader since that its evident on how defeat is imminent considering your conditions.
However, you were somewhat used to these type of insults ever since you were a child. Your bullies helped you in the process of toughening up yourself, and you did it quite well— it's just that one of them said something in particular which leads to you feeling empty and.. hopeless.
Gallade took a notice in your behavior and decided that he will give your opponent no mercy in the battle afterwards, Gardevoir agreed on helping him too, seeing you feeling down because of their simple words and stingy mouths.
They then tried cheering you up when the battle ended, you replied with a soft smile and told your pokemon that you're going to be alright, and that they should focus on the oncoming match with the dragon type gym leader himself.
Gardevoir went back into your pokeball as Gallade stayed outside, guiding you to the pokemon center.
Back to the present, you got all your pokemon healed up and everything was back to normal. Though you wasn't sure if Gallade was alright since he stayed outside this whole time to help you get where you are.
"Gallade, do you need to recover?" You said as your hand tried to reach the pokemon's shoulder, and the knight-like pokemon was quick to hold your hand and lead it to where his shoulder was, followed by a cheerful sound emitted from the pokemon himself. He seemed like he didn't need to recover, hence he lets out that sound from earlier; you only laughed and gave his shoulder a light pat, muttering a trail of soft 'okay's afterwards.
Even so, you tried to take out a few of the snacks you bought from the vending machine, rummaging through your bag as you relied on you sense of touch to find the said item. After awhile, you felt your hand pressing on the texture of what it seems to be a plastic; you made sure it was the correct item you was going for, shaking it twice before finally taking it out of your bag.
You gave your pokemon the snack, accompanied with a bright grin. Even if you're not able to see your Gallade's reactions, you could feel him happily accepting the snack you gave him and tearing it open, immediately munching on the food.
Well, as long your pokemon is happy, you're happy too.
While Gallade was busy enjoying himself with his snack, you walked around the pokemon centre, trying to find a seat to put your bag down and take a moment to relax yourself. You knew walking around yourself anywhere was a bad idea when you didn't have your guide pokemon with you, but you did it anyways, wanting to be independent for once and not trouble your pokemon. Gallade already did so much for you, its only fair that you shouldn't trouble him when you got the chance, after all, its only the pokemon centre, how hard can it be to find a seat? Surely its there, somewhere.
You began taking small steps with your hand reaching out infront of you, making sure you wouldn't bump onto a wall or something while you were walking. "So far so good" you said to yourself as you wandered around the area, not bumping into anyone or anything.
Your hand was touching the wall for support, while the other one was facing down, trying to grasp the texture of a table....if you ever managed to find one, that is.
But apparently, all you found was a person as you bumped into their side, or assumingly it was their side; your sudden act of foolishness was followed by a sound of 'oof' coming from your side, and a sound of "ah?" From their side, probably from not expecting this happening.
"Im so sorry" you apologized as you looked up, trying to angle your head to face their own gaze. You assumed the person was taller than you since most of the people you met are taller than you. Gallade finally picked up on what's happening and rushed to your side, apologizing too in your stead and hoping that the person would understand your condition.
The person, luckily, said it was alright and it wasn't a big deal— though Gallade thought the person was familiar from hearing Hop's stories back then. The pokemon looked at you, then looked back at the person, wondering if his guesses was correct; the Duralodon beside him was also curious after watching Gallade's behavior.
Duraludon notices that you were wearing the challenger uniform, in which it immediately informed it's trainer.
"Dura duraaa!!" It chirped as the man looked at it, then looking at your direction.
A grin then appeared on his lips as he began to notice your uniform too "Oh, you're a challenger?" He asked you in a relaxed tone; a huff of relief pass your lips as you thanked Arceus that the man wasn't mad for your foolish behavior. You then immediately answered him
"Yes! I am!"
You were happy that they didn't leave a harsh comment on how you were lacking one of your senses too, in which most people do the first second they notice it.
The man then proceeded on taking a card from his pocket and handed it to you. Of course you didn't understand anything that's happening for obvious reasons, but Gallade helped you by taking the card from him and giving it to you.
This made the man confused; why didn't you take his card? Why did your pokemon take it instead? Though it might be an impolite question to ask in the first time of meeting someone, he felt like he should ask, just to prevent future miscommunications and other unpleasant things from happening.
"My apologies if this sounded rude but," here it goes, you heard the first sentence and braced yourself to answer it the moment the person finishes it. "Are you visually impaired?" He asked politely, and he didn't even use the word 'Blind'!! This just shows how much he was trying to not disrespect you and ask in the most polite way.
The man's words made you feel happy and glad that he tried to be polite to you— polite to someone who's assumingly younger than him. You then replied with a nod as Gallade chirped beside you as if he's thanking the man infront of you from not disrespecting his trainer.
Duraludon seemed happy too after finding out your condition, it was accepting and welcoming, much like it's trainer.
He then muttered "Ah i see i see" after getting your response. Maybe you thought that the man was thinking about how it was quite rare to see a challenger like yourself, visually impaired and all of that, needing a guide pokemon to help you in your daily life— and here you are, living and breathing like the others. There's nothing different about you really, its just that people failed to see that and often take the action on bullying you because you were lacking one of your senses.
"Well then,"
The man spoke once again as you looked at him on the face, letting him know that you're listening to him.
"I'm Raihan, nice to meet you"
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Trophy Chapter Seven
Warnings: Adult situations +18, Smut ,Dub con, Coercive behavior, Daddy kink, Threats of violence, Masturbation, Swearing
A/n: So this has taken absolutely ages to write... there are many things that i wanted in the chapter that havent made it i was struggling about how much plot i added to this chapter and i can only apologize for how long it has taken m0but also wanted to covey the back story a little more. I'm happy with it and i hope you are to. As a head's up this story might end up being a fifteen to twenty chapters I hope. Any way I do hope this is worth the wait. p.s if you want the other chapters they are in order on my masterlist which is linked above as always.xx
Taglist: @havenoffandoms​ @aphrodites-punch​ @charlieferret​ @thatgirly81​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @viking-raider​ @iloveyouyen​ @black-ninja-blade
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Trophy Chapter Seven
Henry sat behind his desk he was annoyed, you could tell by the way he sat shoulders, neck and jaw twitching every now and then, he was wound tight. The power radiating from him cast waves across the space leaving the air thick, yet behind it was something else, something that was echoing across the room each time he cast his gaze to you. He sent smirks to you when he caught you stealing glances at him. Feeling his glances linger you faltered scanning the same line of your book for what seemed the hundredth, willing yourself not to look at him not to give him a reason to approach you. You wanted to be left alone with your thoughts sighing you tucked your feet up on the sofa cringing you huffed as your bare ass pulled on the leather...You just knew you was leaving marks...The knowledge made you curl up tighter tucking your skirt under yourself shielding your center from His glances. You couldn't concentrate, to many things had happened already today and to many thoughts ran around inside your head. You could kick yourself ,was it right? You'd sold yourself to the devil...For what? You looked him over taking in the way his shoulders tensed as he moved pulling a slim tablet from his desk flicking open the stand connecting it to a wireless keyboard. Was this the plan all along...For him to back you into a corner like this, to make you hand yourself over willingly?  To resign yourself to staying with him. Trapping yourself in this house forever...To protect a fantasy of what could have been? A man who you started imagining a future with...An agent... A liar. You heaved a deep sigh moving a hand to swipe at your eyes then pinched the bridge of your nose dropping the book to your knees that were firmly tucked below your chin. Your emotions finally catching up with you. Tears were quickly forming in your eyes. It could have been a ruse, a cruel ploy to use as cover. Had it? It had felt so natural, so pure. Like you could have had it all but was it real?... Or did Stephan think you knew something was you just part of the job?.... You looked over to Henry he had said the day you got here that Stephan was using you... At the time you just thought it was the mans madness talking but now?...He could have been right...As far as things stood at the moment Henry had done many things to you...But he had not lied to you. Did he know all along? was he in some fucked up way trying to help you?. Could he possibly love you as he said he did?. Is he just acting now? Playing along? it was entirely possible Henry was a smart man. There was no doubt about that, you don't get to were he is being an idiot...And  it was convenient that everything was in  his favor that he was coming out on top again... You shook your head, they were some very dangerous thoughts. You felt him look at you again and he sighed at you watching tears fall landing on the pages open in front of you. He just rose out of his seat moving ,opening the door letting in Kal who had been waiting dutifully out side the door.
"Go see your mother" you blinked not quite understanding but soon realized he had been speaking to Kal as the dog jumped up on to the sofa beside you nudging the book from your hands to the floor. Henry moved collecting the hardback copy of Tolkien's Hobbit placing in on the small side table by you. He smiled as Kal stealthily made himself comfy on your lap, making you uncurl to accommodate him lathering you with kisses. Henry moved his hand ruffling the bears ears praising him"Good boy, you sit there and protect your mother hmm?...He is definetly taken with you, my fully trained gaurd dog becomes a soppy puppy around you" you smiled a little scratching Kals chin, Henry crouched down looking at you moving to pat your hip
"...Pet? try not to think to much...You have no need to be sad my love, now is a time for us to...move past everything to look forward to our future... I'm going to keep my word as long as you keep yours. Now try and cheer up for me" you forced a smile at him then let your face drop again. He sighed deciding to give you time to yourself then made his way across the office to his seat again. You whined digging your fingers into the dogs thick fur pressing your face into his neck as he rested his chin on your shoulder panting happily as you continued to cuddle the massive fluff ball. You closed your eyes it was pathetic that you'd throw away everything to protect the first man to ever show you attention. But what was done is done. There was no way Henry would ever let you back track, and if you did you knew for certain that you'd be wholey responsible for Stephan's demise. And to make matters worse in the middle of your confused despair you now had to face the man who had started all this, who had betrayed you. Fletcher who had set you up to be kidnapped. With no idea as to what would happen to you, or you'd like to think he had no idea but you doubted it. You turned your head resting the side of our face into the dog sniffling trying hard not to cry, this time with anger. You shook sitting silent,  you didn't want to attract the mobsters attention any more than you had. You could feel him getting worse feeling him seeth to himself as he tapped away at the tablet every few seconds cursing under his breath. You moved back leaning back as Kal followed your movements to lounge across you getting watching the door.
Finally after the longest hour of your life there was a timid knock on the door then a nasally voice you knew all to well.
"Oh he hasn't answerd must be busy-" you heard a thump as if someone had been slammed against the door.
"Get your ass in here fletcher!"  You jumped making Kal nudge your hand as if to say keep petting me. The good boy was helping with your anxiety over the whole situation. Your attention was brought back to Henry as he spoke his tone was dark, cool and calculated. He looked high and mighty, smug as he sat taller a lopsided grin upon his face he winked in your direction making you blink slowly this was business and he was most definitely the boss. Slowly the door opened and your ex-employer came in,the usually tall confident man was hunched forward trying to look as insignificant as possible. Nervous and flighty, he didn't want to be here and you couldn't blame him, hell you didn't want to be here. Henry raised a brow to the door left wide open making Fletcher turn sharply and close it you jumped closing your eyes tight as it slammed beside you prompting another nudge from Kal who was covering you leaning across you trying to be a wall between you ad the other male. The terrified man stood still then, took a few steps in the room as he quickly began stammering apologies to Henry which he rolled his eyes at and held a hand up .Stop. Fletcher moved forward with a forced smile and sat down in front of the desk twisting his hands.
"S-so Mr Cavill.....I erm wh-what did you need to talk to me about?"
"Get up"  Fletcher tilted his head as Henry leaned back in his chair placing his forearms on the arms of the chair taking a relaxed pose
"Wha-why?" Fletcher asked but soon moved when Henry's blues turned icey
"Did I stutter? Get. Up." Fletcher jumped leaping out of the chair as Henry's voice was sharp and foreboding. Fidgeting with his hands Fletcher took a a deep shaking breath and looked about ready to piss himself. Henry moved slowly closing the kickstand on the back of the tablet casually with a flick of his wrist, moving to place it and the keyboard in the drawer he had got it from. He looked up through his lashes at the man.
"You see Fletcher...This is the problem we have.....You make decisions....The wrong decisions and then you try to back track." Fletcher looked at Henry and swallowed.
"You are to do as your told and nothing more, things are going to change, your not going to make a move, decide anything talk to anyone your not even going to take a shit without my fucking say so is that fucking clear?" Fletcher moved forward wide eyed at the implications.
"But-Henr.....Mr Cavill I didn't say anything,  I just gave him the trail you .Gave me...That’s all!....I swear....I'd never betray you like that we're friends" Henry laughed loud at him then fixed  to coward before him with a stern look.
"Friends?...You think we are ...Friends?....Sure. I may have kept you out of prison which; you paid me for and I agreed to the loans... We drank together what once? Twice?...I may have even wiped your debt with our last little deal...." Henry's eyes swiped over you for a second his haze turning hungry for a moment then returned to the quivering man before him.
"But I am not your friend...I don't have friends...It was business....You are a pathetic little man who bit off more then he could chew. Now be a good boy and tell me What did he tell you? Was there anything that seemed strange about him? Anything at all think back.." Fletcher furrowed his brow confused and shook his head.
"I don't understand he was just an immigrant-"
"He used a false identity... Did you do a background check on him?" It was a test. Henry knew Fletcher didn't check him out, he couldn't have.For an agent the kid hadn't covered his tracks very well he practically popped up out of thin air. But Henry was more interested in whether Fletcher would lie to him, he needed to know how close of an eye to keep on him .Fletcher however went a deathly shade of pale, he hadn't known about Stephan.
"I-I don't... I don't know ...He seemed to check out when I hired him-" Henry slammed his fist down making you whimper into Kal’s fur closing your eyes.
"YOU GOT SOME FUCKING BALLS TO SIT IN MY HOME, IN MY FUCKING OFFICE AND LIE RIGHT TO MY FACE!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN CHECK HIM DID YOU?" Fletcher let out a little yelp taking a step back and shook as he nodded.
"Y-your right I'm s-sorry ple-please I rushed him through, I knew I-I didn't have long to replace Y/n...But I swear I didn't know, you have to believe me...He is just a boy...You said so yourself! A boy who doesn't know his place!.A silly little shit who thinks he is in love, or that's what I thought. That maybe he will give up after he realized Y/n wasn't the only place to get his dick wet....I mean she didn't look like she'd be the best fuck in the world you know?" Henry glowered at him the room got colder. Bad move. Henry was jumping down his throat before you even had the chance to be offended.
"Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say about MY woman? You wanna run that one past me again?...Well? come on don't hold back now tell me what you think of her... Oh you haven't got the balls now have you? Let me tell you something you sniveling little cunt you ever disrespect her again and I will personally cut that sorry excuse for a prick right from between your little chicken shit legs and choke you to death with it understand? you keep your fucking mouth shut if you know whats good for you!" stupidly enough you couldn't help the smile or small flutters in your chest as you heard this dangerous man defend you so quickly, even if it was murder...Something about it made you special? dare you say cared for? Fletcher shook realizing his mistake to late.
"Yo-Your woman?....I'm so-sorry Mr Cavill I didn't know you had taken her for yourself...Ple-Please forgive me I didn't mean-" Henry growled waving him off if he let the man continue to grovel then they would be here all fucking day. He sighed rolling his eyes before continuing.
"One check...One five minuet check and you could have avoided this fucking mess...There is no Stephan clermont...I’m pretty sure he was a fucking agent, we are not sure what branch.. You let an agent into your fucking cafe! Fuck knows what he has seen and heard because you didn't screen him properly..."
"H-he was a what? Oh fuck oh fuck! Mr Cavill? I'm sorry I am so sorry please..I-I didn't know! You have to believe me!" The poor man all but got on his hands and knees,pleading with the kingpin opposite him. He was trembling as the gravity of the situation dawned on him. Henry sat back keeping silent, he wanted to make the man squirm for a few moments, he thrived of the terror permeating the room.Finally he moved forward tilting his head sighing.
"However it has worked in my...Our favor....Hasn't it little one?" You shrunk into Kal as Fletcher looked at you shocked seeing you sitting by the door on the huge leather sofa,you scowled at him wanting desperately to launch the book in your hands at him, to scream and shout attack him even.
"Y/n? Yo-your okay? Thank god I was so worried- I was sure Henry wasn't going too hurt you...But there was still a doubt...But he hasn't and your here!" you stood up seeing red, Fletcher flinched as Kal strode past him looking at him warily. A part of you wanted Kal to take a bite but you didn't want to see him turn like that, he was the only one you trusted not to hurt you in this house. Tears blurred your eyes as you struggled to temper your anger.Worried?How dare he! How fucking dare he say that to you! Your stomach clenched as you finally registered his words. But before you had any time to think it over you was already screaming at him. Henry slowly pushed himself out from the desk waiting for the blow up about to happen.
"BULLSHIT! BULL-SHIT YOU WASN'T WORRIED AT ALL!  YOU CUNT YOU FUCKING SET ME UP, USED ME AS SOME FUCKING BARGAINING CHIP FOR WHAT?" You screamed at him moving across the small space towards him spitting out your words, you didn't notice Henry move to focused on the man in front of you as you gained on him as he shuffled back nearly tripping over the chair beside him.
"I TRUSTED YOU! WHAT DID YOU GET? WHAT DID HE FUCKING GIVE YOU HUH? TELL ME FLETCHER JUST WHAT WAS I WORTH?" He took another step back unprepared for your out burst he stumbled back. You cried as your anger overwhelmed you Henry bypassed him capturing your arms in his hands pressing you back with little effort. Standing between you and Fletcher, his massive frame concealed him, a huge wall of sculpted muscle. You frowned up at Henry for a second only to twist your head to the side around him and carried on screaming at the sleazeball cowering behind him.
"DID YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME?! TELL ME DAMNIT!" You cried as Henry quickly pulled you away from the man you struggle feebly as you was directed away from the man you wanted to claw at.
"I thought you were going to be safe! I was sure Henr-Mr Cavill wouldn't put you in the circuit in town-" You fumed crying torn between anger and despair. Henry finally moved sitting back down holding your heaving form flush against him making you lean his hand resting across your abdomen he moved kissing your hair. He rocked you slightly the caring gesture seemed to flip a switch as you immediately crumbled into his chest, your nerves were shot and you had just about enough. You gave in to the need for comfort, wanting someone to hold as the days rollacoaster finally caught up with you. You moved turning shifting on his lap tucking yourself into him sobbing, clutching and twisting at his shirt. Henry adjusted his hold on you, cupping your legs  and widening his own to support you more comfortably.
"I ha-hate you...Why?...Why did yo-you do this?....."  you brought a hand up to your face wiping away the tears looking up at Henry completely lost falling apart at the seams, you looked at him in that moment for answers. For reasons and reassurance.
"There is a fine line between love and hate, hasn't anyone ever told you that pet?" He smiled when you looked at him confused then sobbed he pulled your face to his chest again.
"What did I do to deserve this?" You whined against him ,loosing yourself into something you still didn't understand yet. Henry smirked feeling you give in. He just began shushing you and rubbing your back soothing you, his eyes on Fletcher the whole time. Fletcher watched in fear seeing first hand just what this man's cruelty truly was, how he had gotten under your skin and manipulated you, twisted you into doing exactly what he wanted. How he can redesign and remold anyone to suit his own ends. And that was his strength. That was the secret to his power Henry was a silver tongue and master at mind games. He made the game and everyone around him was playing it whether they knew it or not. Fletcher gulped he knew he wasn't going to walk away from this,  there was no escape you cannot outsmart this man. You cannot win against the devil himself.
To anyone in that moment Henry looked like the cat who'd caught the canary.A king sitting on his golden throne with his little sacrifice curled up in his lap. So pleased with himself and how things were playing out as he allowed you to wrap yourself around him willingly as you wept into his chest. Fletcher could see through the veneer for the first time and what he saw terrified him. Just what had he gotten himself into? And more importantly how was he going to get out of it?
Henry moved slowly whispering into your neck as he tilted his head down.
"Shh love thats enough....shh shh its okay your okay I'm here....Thats it good girl..... No need to get yourself so worked up...what's done is done and we can all put it behind us....." he finished with a chaste kiss to your neck , you could feel how Fletcher was uncomfortable as Henry worked on your neck slowly sucking making you gasp and wriggle as he dug his teeth in determined to make a show for the other male. He smirked against your neck as you whined, one of his hands had slid up under your skirt digging his fingers into the raised welts from yesterday,you flush as you jolted you hips to escape his hand. You felt ashamed as you  enjoyed the thick thighs below you rubbing across your ass even if it did sting, you have almost no control as his words relaxed you. Letting you melt into him closing your eyes giving yourself into his soothing tone.
Henry finally looked up at Fletcher through his lashes mouth still hovering at your neck he pulled back with a parting kiss, he moved his arms to wrap around you as he felt you settle into him completely relaxed , you had past the point of panic and simple stayed there soaking up what ever comfort he was willing to give you. Chuckling he grinned knowingly across the desk he knew the man across from him was panicking, that he had clicked that Henry was much more then he appeared and that letting him get away with this wasn't an option.
Well man? He was a little weasel- a little weasel that had owed him big time, tax avoidance wasn't the biggest thing Henry could help cover up usually he didn't bother but Fletcher was desperate when he came to him begging for his help. Two businesses and seventeen years worth of dodging the tax man ,national insurance pensions you name it he wasn't paying finding loopholes and then it had all caught up to him. It was enough to make anyone desperate when the tax man started asking too many questions, if he went down he wouldn't get out of prison at his age. So Henry decided to help, he needed to start somewhere in the new town and it was a piece of piss. He helped arranging everything, saving Fletcher's ass but it had come with a hefty price tag. Fletcher was getting brave after nearly a few months, out right refusing to pay him back. That is what prompted his visit to the crappy cafe, if he asked you probably wouldn't remember serving him or chatting to him but he did. He spent the days and weeks after obsessing over you, he was unsure how to go about seeing you he didn't want to leave anything to chance. He wanted you. He wanted to feel that peace that you caused in him, you were his refuge, his little piece of normality. It wasn't until the second visit to Fletcher that he had made a deal.It was simple, Fletcher had pleaded with him making promise after promise, first of money then assets, use of the cafe; which Henry had already been doing for smaller deals but then he finally offered something Henry actually wanted. You. He offered you as his payment saying that your were pretty enough and would make him a lot of money in the prostitution ring he had in town. He remembered that moment, he was filled with unadulterated rage and pure joy all at once. The mere thought of you being used in such a way made him want to step back and let his boys do their thing, yet he couldn't for the life of him let the opportunity pass.He was also frightened for you, the fact Fletcher was willing to sell you into that kind of life was to much of a risk, what if he sold you to someone else? And they did force you into that life?. No absolutely not he had to save you. Protect you. So he accepted.You for his debt. It was decided that you would keep working at the cafe for the time being.... With higher pay and better conditions, he couldn't have his woman struggling could he?.
He had got everything ready at that point he was going to become a regular customer and try to wrangle a date that way, yet when he visited you were never out front always in the kitchen. So he moved to his second plan the long game becoming your landlord and bumping into you as he visited the building...He would play himself of as a relative of one of the residents. It was the perfect plan he would have then have access to your building and apartment,have all security footage of you coming and going so he would know when to pop in he was going to up the security and such too. He could make it impossible for you to ignore him. Once you were going steady he would rocket the rent forcing you to move out....And in with him.That was the plan you'd have been content came to him willingly! thinking it was all meant to be just as much as him! You'd have fallen so in love with him all on your own!. All Fletcher had to do was keep you occupied for a few months as he bought your building. It wasn't a big ask really.Instead he had made you unknowingly train up your replacement. Stephen who he now knew had been posing as some danish pratt and HE had tricked you! quickly wooing you into a date.
"Fletcher...keep your eyes open for Stephan...I want him found...He gets in touch with you you tell me" he nodded quickly sensing this meeting was going to be wrapped up soon. You wriggled against Henry pulling yourself  out of your safe space still desperate for answers.
"No! Tell me what happened?" You struggled as Henry brought his arms around you tighter grunting in your ear.
"Enough my love!...That is enough...Like I have told you its in the past! Unless you are already backtracking on our little deal?" You froze twisting to look up at him, his voice was calm but firm and sliced past your ear in hot breaths. You shook.
"No!-no I'm not...I just want to know...I need to know why? Why he did this? Please...." Henry sighed looking at you for a few seconds then to Fletcher who was literally shaking on the spot.
"Leave...As far as we are concerned you now fucking owe me again...Same as before my boys will be there to collect on Thursdays as usual and I will be watching you, you fuck up again and its over for you we clear?" He took a step forward gasping motioning to you.
"B-BUT I PAID IT OFF...YO-YOU  GOT HER DIDN'T YOU!?" You froze as you got your answer. A debt. You were just a debt? Money... you thought he'd at least sell you of for something less common then  money. You sat shell shocked not really sure why you expected it to be over something else but hearing him say it so freely made you, you wasn't sure hurt? Insulted even. Your thoughts were cut short a Henry replied confirming what you'd just heard.
"Yes your right I do have her... And she has agreed to stay here with me of her own free will" he kissed your temple and chuckled but quickly snarled as Fletcher turned on you.
"YOU LITTLE USELESS CUNT! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?" You jumped and cowered sliding back grasping Henry's hand for comfort as Fletcher moved forward arms raised as if you try and grab you. For a second you panicked that he would and held onto Henry tighter. It was then that Kal crept from beside the desk growling his heckles raising looking frightening as he stood tall staring at the frantic man. Henry moved you to one leg hushing you, he was pleased you wasn't facing him as he couldn't help the triumphant smile as he realized he was your safety net, it was a tiny move but in the right direction. You wanted him to protect you and he wouldn't disappoint. He turned from you and growled low you pushed in to his chest your breath picking up as he looped an arm stroking your hip in small circles as he leaned forward pulling open a drawer next you heard as a click of a gun being cocked.
Instantly Fletcher's new found confidence dwindled and he stood back.
"I'd advise you not to talk to my woman like that, you'll find I'm not very patient when it comes to things like that. You ever raise your voice to her again and it'll be the last thing you'll ever fucking do...Your useless do you understand?...Expendable...And remember its you who fucked up big time...You who caused all this....I don't know weather your worth all the fuss....and I have to ask myself weather you are worth the risk? I mean where does this leave you?.....Bar from finding Stephan your fucking useless now and to be honest I don't think he is going to contact you again...And you royally fucked up,  you let an agent in your business, he knows what you've been doing...or more importantly what you haven't been doing...He also knows that you have ties with me and my...Associates and also thinks that you helped aid me in kidnapping...And that brings us full circle really, now I'm going to have to watch you. Have my men protect your business have the police and judge on my payroll find ways to overlook your cock ups all over again...Its only fair that you compensate me for all my hard work...Or I could end it right here..." Henry moved the gun higher aiming it at the quivering man before him, he was making a show wanting you to see he would never ever let anyone disrespect you or frighten you. He wanted you to know he was the boss and was here for you, that you could run to him and he would always protect you. He wanted to convey so much here and now but as he looked down at you he saw terror...You wasn't ready to see this side of business...You shivered turning to face him noticing his pause, he tilted his head and shushed you kissing your lips softly you closed your eyes tight and moved your hands clutching at his shirt. He sighed looking back up.
"But...I don't want to frighten my little one here...shes had a trying day already so you'll just have to settle for the Vonnie brothers have a go they are back this afternoon." He moved  tilting his hand with the gun checking his watch smirking, as the man tried to move out of the way.
"Two hours? you know what they are like messy brutal but they do get things done...And they do enjoy squealers you definitely fit that bill...Or you can go back the how it was before, nice and simple...so what will it be?" Fletcher just looked between the two of you and nodded.
"I-I will pay... I will tell you if he contacts me or I notice anything" Henry chuckled darkly at that watching in amusement as the man before him slumped looking to the floor giving up the fight defeated. Henry was a snake, you were within his coils before you realized what was happening and then once you were trapped like a rat that is when he decided to strike.
"That’s what I thought. Now fuck off"
within seconds the door shut and you were left in the office with him alone. Still placed on his lap you let out a breath you didn't know you was holding. he shifted you you face him knees spread around his waist ad he pulled you flush against him running his heavy palms up and down your thighs making you tense.
"Apart from your little outburst I am very please with you, such a good girl for daddy aren't you?" You blinked at him then looked to the door again.
"Are you gonna hurt him? When all this is over I mean?" Henry sighed his breath moving your hair.
"That doesn't concern you little one..If you start becoming to nosy I will have no choice but to correct you... You may have agreed to stay but that does not mean your free to do as you please, daddy is still very much in charge and will still spank you when your misbehaving...do you understand little girl?..." You just sighed sniffling you was tired to tired to even try and argue knowing that it would be futile you wasn't going to get any answers from him.
"Do you understand?"
"Yes Daddy"
It had been a week since Fletcher had visited. One week since you’d made the deal and one week days since Stephan had disappeared. You hadn't really been around Henry to ,much over the past week he had lots of meetings and phone calls. From What you could gather he had began changing locations and combing through his empire searching for bugs and stuff. You wasn't sure on details he caught you at the door once and that had swiftly ended with you over his knee in the office being spanked into hysterics then being stood in the corner pinning a penny to the wall with your nose holding your skirt up so he could 'admire his handy work'. You cringed at the memory your bottom tensing at the thought. Apart from that you don't really see him which is a god send in a way he was also to preoccupied with other things to touch you to much. You mainly saw him in the morning and evenings. Hearing raised voices from the office just beyond the sitting room. Henry was shouting at Luke again. No one knew where Stephan was but from what you over heard they had wheedled out another undercover agent, you wasn't sure what happened but Henry seemed pleased with himself over it. Suddenly the door opened and Luke staggered past dead on his feet moving down into the garage. You tilted your head to Henry who stood by the door sighing. He looked relaxed very happy...Maybe this was the time to ask him about it...See if they had any idea of where Stephan was...Who he was? over the past week you couldn't shake your doubts about him and the relationship you'd begun to build. the more you thought about it the more questions you had. And the more you began to question your feelings especially about Henry. It was concerning, you found yourself justifying his actions. You was starting to truly Question if he had taken you to protect you from Fletcher...If Fletcher was willing to sell you for his debt things could have been much worse you if you hadn't gone to Henry... You dread to think where you could be now. He also seemed to want to protect you from Stephan who you decided was just using you for cover and would only end up breaking your heart in the end. You blinked at the screen. The other terrifying reality was you had missed him this past week, you were isolated in this house and without Henry around it was really getting to you. It was late in the afternoon and you had spent the day watching films on Netflix in the living room. Trying to ignore the many questionable men and women coming in and out of the office. You looked at him as nudged Kal away and he took a seat beside you on the sofa rolling his sleeves up his arms.
"Hey love...What are you doing?" You moved the tablet showing him the screen coseying up to him below his arm as it settled across your shoulders, you took a deep breath breathing him in then stopped yourself.
"Watching stuff....Can...Can I ask you something?" he raised a brow at you has hand cupping your shoulder and looked down at you taking a deep breath.
"You can but it just because you ask doesn't mean I’m going to answer.." he finished with a grin then looked down at your face noticing how it had dropped as you swiped your your new tablet back to the home screen.
"Come on little one whats on your mind?" you sighed taking a breath. then face him for a second your breath hitched in your throat sometimes his looks just hit you, making your heart begin to jump in your chest you looked down flushing shaking your head going to flick back on your tablet only for him to cover the screen with his huge hand prying it from you.
"Now now don't be like that love, you remember what does daddy say about pouting?" you flushed again knowing exactly what he wanted to hear, you sighed trying to look down and hide yourself only for him to pull your face up again.
"If I don't stop pouting you'll give me something to pout about.." he nodded giving you a gentle kiss on your head.
"Good girl now tell daddy whats going on in that mind of yours" you sighed and twisted facing him fully. and opened your mouth a few times trying to figure out the best way to bring this up, you didn't want to set him off again you steeled yourself swallowing down your anxiety.
"I-I erm...I just wanted to know if..well I was wondering if you knew just wh-who Stephan was yet is all.." his frame grew rigid he blinked then opened his mouth then decided against what he was going to say, his eyes closed and his jaw clenched trying to compose himself. Then his eyes snapped open harsh and burning trapping your own gaze.Oh shit.
"And why would you need to know that little lady? Are you planning something little one?! Tell me your not still hoping he will come and whisk you away from me?! is that what you want?! for him to come and try to rescue you? to fall in love with that lying little rat?! When you have me?! and I finally have you...You are not going anywhere princess your mine or have you forgotten that?!" you tensed gasping as his voice got deeper carrying more weight with each word. You quickly started shaking as he pulled away from you sitting up taller his eyes grew wild as they darted across your form. You swallowed seeing the frantic madness in him coming to the surface, you needed to pacify him and fast. You leaned forward grasping his knee.
"N-No nothing like that I promise...It's just Ive been thinking a lot over this week..." you grew more worried as your words did not have the desired effect. He growled gripping your bicep holding it tight, you didn't wince or pull away you knew he would read to much into it. instead you sat there before him trying desperately to close the can of worms you had just opened.
"NO! Not like that...Please-Please Daddy I don't mean...H-he lied to me and..and he was using me I know what we hav-HAD wasn't real I-I see that now I just wanted to know who he was, Who he worked for to bring it home...For closure...Then I can move on..I don't want to think of him anymore but I cant stop wondering" that seemed to have helped as he took a deep breath his hard eyes softened and he let his grip on your arms loosen making you sigh in relief.
"Yo-You don't want him to come get you? you know he doesn't love you? he doesn't! he can't no one can love you, not as much as i do you know that don't you? that I love you so so much you are my world,Mine the most important thing in my life" you took a slow breath at his desperate words, his views and words still frighten you and these dark turns are still a worry. But you find yourself able to navigate them easier each time he has one. You swear he is schizophrenic or something, tho not as violent as they had been in the beginning they still happen at the slightest of things. you forced what you hoped was a convincing smile ready to butter him up praying to god this next line helps rather then hinders.
"No...I don't want him to come get me...I'm yours Daddy, your little girl...I agreed to stay here..I'm sorry, I just don't want him to haunt me when I'm trying to move on...With you...Ive missed you." It works, you can see in his face how his eyes sparkle and his jaw hangs slack suddenly your pulled in tight his arms caging you to his massive frame.
"Oh baby girl...Daddy is sorry...I'm so sorry I snapped at you I should have known!.. My precious little one! of course your finding it hard to move on...That boy has really messed with your head huh? tricking you like he did, leading you on...Your okay now I promise I won't let him hurt you ever again" he moved back cupping your face in both hands then kissed your cheeks his gaze was calm full of understanding and wonder. you sighed nodding to him know full well that it was best to agree. he tugged you up onto his thighs with a soft grunt puling you forward, you put your weight on your knees either side of him hovering lightly thee skirt you wore offering no protection from him what so ever. if he noticed your hesitance he didn't comment on it to wrapped up in himself as he tugged you closer making you gasp as your center came into contact with his bulge. You hissed whining as he pressed you harder onto him chuckling making him smile.
"Oh Sweetheart I know...I've missed you two but daddy is doing everything he can so we can stay together...I love you little one and as much as it pains me to be apart from you I do still have an empire to run hmm?" you blushed as he groaned a little moving you by your hips making you rock onto him.
"But fuck baby girl your so hot...I can feel you through my trousers" You gasped clutching his arms trying to make him stop as he let his head fall back bucking up into you coming to life below you. He laughed moving your skirt up your thighs making it rest high and shuffled down leaning back on the soft cushions tugging you down onto his chest by your wrists. He spread his thighs wider the with the sole purpose to force your legs to part further your body slide down his erection now pressing into your lower tummy. Once he had you laid across him he hummed into your ear holding you close before slowly letting a hand slither down your back sliding over your ass and cup the apex of your spread thighs below you. You tensed as he did this trying to pull yourself up.
"Ah Ah shh shh that's it baby don't worry Daddies got you...I wont let you fall love...Oh I know I know princess." you whined as he moved his fingers slowly over you grazing the pads of his fingers across your lips teasing the delicate flesh making you look around the room making sure no one was going to walk in on you. He sighed watching you for a few seconds then tilted your head to him.
"Hey eyes here pet...that's it...I'm sorry I haven't been around but luckily everything is now sorted out and we can spend our days together again...No no look at me princess...that's it good girl" you arched up as his fingers wandered forward capturing your clit in two fingers pulling and rolling it until making your walls flutter to life rocking down and forward unsure if you was trying to dislodge him or move him into a different pattern. he smiled tilting his hand so his thumb ran across your slit as he continued to manipulate your little bud. You twitched trying in vain to close your legs. but your thighs were no match for his as he held firm using one hand to gather your hair tucking it behind your ears as you bit your lip rocking against his wicked hand feeling you coat his thumb as he smeared it across you.
"Ah-AAHH F-fucK! PLease..pleEASE DA-oh god" you closed your eyes as he worked you up into a frenzy your cried gasping choking on air. Pressing the side of your face to his chest panting as he tilted his hand quickly rewarding your weeping center with two thick fingers knuckle deep holding them still. Groaning as your heat swallowed him rippling around him smiling he just kissed the top of your head, you quivered over him panting out small breathy whines. He got to work bringing his other hand to one of your thighs rolling the soft flesh massaging you as he scissored his fingers back and forth inside you. Then he began dragging them in and out making sure to open you up as far as he could with the digits, changing his angle slightly each time pressing on different nerves. You jumped yelping as the pads of his finger tips skimmed the soft patch of nerves that he has become accustom to stroking. He grunted winding his free arm around your waist  then used as much strength as he could, pinning your torso to his own need then quickly started pounding his fingers into that tiny spot of nerves bouncing you faster and faster making your tummy rub him through his own clothes sighed and grunting he started bucking his hips up to you. He hissed closing his eyes concentrating on the sounds you made, from the smallest of gasps as your breath got stuck in your throat to the louder more erotic moans and cries that his fingers forced out of you. He groaned louder joining you making your own duet of lustful cries. he hissed as he tensed his arms your tummy trapping his head between your torsos he moved his wrist hearing the wet slaps of his hand against you in a furious rhythm, definitely ready for another. he added a third finger and began curling them making you arch almost painfully tensing your legs trying to wriggle away from him when they pressed harder and harder to your weak spot.
"AHH UGHFUH-FUCK NOnoOnoOO!...PLease not-NOT HERE PLEASE DADDY!"  he grunted in response a you sat back up only to curl back down into him mouth open over his shirt crying out trembling. Trying to hold your release not wanting to leave any evidence in such a public room in the house. he slowed a little but only for a few short seconds as he moved another finger extending it making every stroke torture as the digit rolled over your taught clit. You clenched trying to hold back but couldn't finally grunting louder than you meant to as you rocked desperately onto his hand tears streaming down your face as your climax made your body cramp , nerves burning and shuddering as he forced you to melt across his hand. panting you  fisted your hands in his shirt shivering whimpering into him trying to catch your breath. he moved his hand away wiping your own release on your back letting it seep through your blouse you blushed and sobbed feeling your own warmth heat your back in puddles.
"Such a good girl...so good for me my love...OH look at all of that hmm? you really have missed me haven't you?..I promise I wont leave you alone this long ever again.." he moved you to sit up with one hand you looked down seeing the clear puddle below you on the floor and sobbed harder shaking your head at him embarrassed.
So wrapped up in your own mortification you hadn't realized what he was doing. his hands crept to his trousers with a few quick tugs ha was free standing tall and proud was quick to guide your hands to his raging erection. you jumped gasping trying to pull away but his grip was tight.
"Shh shh that's it little one...It won't take long here...Just hold it gently like this" he moved your reluctant hand making you grip him at the base then looked at you nodding to your other hand expectantly. You swallowed looking down at him still panting every so often trying to hold your breath. you met his eyes again and he smiled nodding to you.
"Go on...The longer you wait the longer we will be here" you looked down.He was firm and hot in your hand, you could feel his pulse on your palm from the thick veins that climbed across the flesh from root to tip, he was thick your hand felt tiny holding him. Slowly you took a deep breath wanting to get this over with. You just knew he wasn't letting you anywhere with out finishing him off. Moved your other hand to hold him above the other. your reward as a beaming smile. you blinked at him then slowly gave an experimental squeeze making him groan and bring his legs up a little quivering. At first your movements were light, slow then he intervened making one hand grip him tighter moving you faster. Then through his head back praising you closing his eyes.
"Here like thii-OH FUCK!" he swore as you tightened your fist watching your hands as his thick head dripped precum over you hand. It was hard to pull your gaze away forgetting about him as he through his head back moaning loud and grunting into the room. Not willing to miss this he moved his head resting the side of his face on the back of the sofa watching you through half lidded eyes. you blushed when he watched you, not your hands. Your face as you moved faster with both hands. You licked your lip watching his lips form a perfect 'o' then biting his lip as he began moving again thrusting his cock into your palms. You shook your head and paid attention to your hands telling yourself you were watching him to try and see what would help get this over with quicker, but in all honesty you needed a distraction from his handsome fucking face. Watching the way the head of his cock was getting a deeper color going from pink to red and fading fast into purple as you stoked away at him. How his cum came through thicker creamier as you worked it up and down on him. You enjoyed the way he bucking into your hands and clawed at the sofa watching his length slid through your palms finally, just as you thought his crown was going to go blue he swore loud grunting and thrusting into your hands.
"UGH F-FUUUCK YESyesYESFUCK B-BABY DONT STOP! UH UHAAGGH!" his moments through you for a second but you was quick to, on reflex you squeezed him tighter so he wouldn't slip away from your hands making him growl at you as he released across himself. you squeaked as he shot his load drawing a line across your chest making you freeze and cringe. he panted looking to the ceiling in a daze a lazy grin across his lips. You blinked looking around for something to wipe his cum from your top. Before you could move he laughed forcing you to lay down on him again ignoring your protests making you lie flush against him dragging you up to his face as he panted. then moved his face to you neck kissing you.
"Thank you Little one...Daddy really needed that..." you whined against him wanting to run to the shower feeling dirty and sated all in one. he took a deep breath in then stood up slowly on shaking knees cupping your ass then nodded to you.
"Put daddy away and we can go upstairs and have a nice hot bath together...how does that sound baby?" you whined making him raise a brow at you grabbed him quickly but he hissed
"Fuck careful baby you've left daddy sensitive...Play nice...that's it slowly god girl.." slowly you moved his cock tucking it back into place and zipping him up choosing not to delay, the longer it was hanging out the worse you will feel about what just happened and you just wanted to forget the whole thing. he smiled kissing your cheek then moved around the sofa heading up the stairs.
Stephan growled out loud as he walked away from his handlers office. They still said they hadn't got enough evidence on Cavill even with everything he found out about you.or should he say the little he found out about you, you'd been kidnapped by him that much was clear but he couldn't prove it. The closest thing he had to proof was that you hadn't boarded a plane. Coincidentally all cctv of the police station around the time of you and Cavill’s arrival and departure was gone. The paperwork was all gone as he didn't press charges and no arrests were documented on your record , there was no record of his car being impounded either. Someone on the ground as covering for him. Someone high up was on his payroll. So he couldn't help you not only that but his handler was pissed at him, him going off on one had lost them a valuable spot in the investigation he was now benched for a week, stuck on desk duty as punishment for fucking up. He was now to risky to use in the operation and worst of all he couldn't do anything to save you for the time being. He was out unless he could find a rat, someone to double cross Cavill, finding someone that stupid was as rare as hens teeth. So here he was hands tied by bureaucrat bullshit and red tape all because he cared enough to try and find out something, to actually do something!.
He stomped out of the small house being used as the HQ for the sting. And made his way down the road to his new accommodation a cheap b and b on the outskirts of town. Cheap and cheerful and most important of all out of the way.  Threes days....It had been a whole week since he saw you with Henry. The image of you burned into his head. Terrified crying he could see you wanted help and now with how his own investigation had gone down the drain he was afraid that no one not even the collaboration of FBI, CIA and MI5 could save you now, this man. Monster. Was just to cunning, to clean he was ahead of the curve on every aspect and as an agent all he can do for the time being is watch and pray Henry slips up or god only knows what was going to happen to you in the mean time.  
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There’s a little trend I’ve been noticing in YA. SJ/M made it very obvious, and I’ve been seeing it over and over again in other YA books, even in books by more skilled authors.
Basically, every YA male character is a hunk. That may sound like an over-generalization, but that’s the impression I’ve been getting. 
If they’re a lead character, a protagonist, or significant to the plot in any way whatsoever, they’re going to be either tall, muscular, handsome, edgy, witty, or some combination of the above.
And in recent times, SJ/M has been one of the more serious offenders.
From the TOG wiki:
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Now, there’s nothing wrong with Dorian being ‘very handsome’. He’s a prince representing the royal line, so he has to look the part. 
And Chaol, being a trained soldier in service to the king, is probably required to maintain a standard of grooming, hence his own good looks.
But the thing that’s sticking out to me is that both of these dudes are in the range of six feet tall. Look, I’m not knocking on tall dudes. I’m just saying that there’s something up when the two most significant male characters introduced in TOG are both taller than the average.
I can understand if it’s in regards to Chaol; he’s captain of the guard, so he has to have some kind of commanding presence. But what’s Dorian’s excuse? The guy’s a prince: sure, he can spar with Chaol evenly, but he’s more about that diplomacy and royal responsibility, rather than fighting prowess. He doesn’t need that kind of height.
Then, we have (drum roll, please) Rowrat Whinyboi:
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Perhaps it’s just me, but Rowan’s description on the wiki sounds like the writer was salivating over him. Anyway.
Rowrat’s got the lion’s share of muscles. He’s ‘corded with muscle’. Seriously, he’s a brick shithouse (literally too, but that’s a discussion for another time). He’s 6 feet and 4 inches, which means he is exactly 1 Jason Momoa tall.
He also ‘purrs’. That can be chalked up to his deep voice, but how deep does it have to be for a ‘purr’?
And, of course, the man is handsome as hell. With Chaol and Dorian, I could sort of understand, because they have hygiene standards up at the palace, but why does Rowan have to look like a supermodel?
Not to mention the ‘long gleaming silver’ hair. Maybe it’s genetics. Maybe it’s Fae physiology. Maybe it’s Maybelline. Either way, it’s 
Now let’s look at ACOTAR:
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And here, we’re starting to see a pattern. Tamlin is ‘strikingly handsome’, ‘tall’, with a ‘warrior’s build’.
Riceman is ‘heartbreakingly handsome’ (ha ha wtf), has a ‘muscular chest’, and ‘radiates sensual grace and ease’. 
Basically, in SJ/M’s world, a male character can only be significant if they’re handsome, muscular, extremely tall, and is very confident and sure of themselves. Any man or boy who doesn’t fit the ideal is either nonexistent, or simply not worth writing about. 
But here’s the thing. When I was a teenager, I was none of those things.
I wasn’t fit and muscular, I was round and chunky. I still am.
I wasn’t very skilled at stuff. I only had two talents: writing and drawing. And even then, I felt I was subpar. I had to convince myself that I could do those things.
I’m not what you would call good-looking either. My face isn’t what you would call chiseled or strong-jawed. In fact, I’m a round-faced, hairy guy.
I’m not overly tall, I’m overly short. I was once mistaken for a fourteen-year old when I was twenty-three. There are fifteen-year olds who are at eye level with me.
And I’m not confident and stoic. There are times when I feel small and inconsequential. I sometimes slip and wear my emotions on my sleeve. I have to muster as much courage as I can if I want to speak with someone, and when I do, I tend to put my foot in my mouth.
There’s something y’all should know about me: I’m not a big fan of most YA. Even when I was in my teens, I couldn’t muster the enthusiasm. The Hunger Games was the last YA book I read for a long time.
I mean, yeah there’s a lot of good books out there, and they deserve the praise they get. I ain’t knocking on them.
But the reason I couldn’t sink my teeth all the way in, is the fact that I just couldn’t relate to any of the male characters in these books.
Almost every one of these guys is either unrealistically tall, handsome, fit and muscular, confident, skilled at something, etc, etc.
SJ/M not only keeps that trend going on, she turns it up to eleven and rips off the knob.
If you’re not extremely muscular, then you’re either a skinny weakling or a fat slob.
If you’re not supermodel handsome, then you’re a nondescript average joe, or just plain ugly.
If you’re not tall with a looming presence, then you are literally beneath notice.
If you’re not witty, or sarcastic, or eloquent, then you’re just stupid.
If you’re not broody, then you’re simple and two-dimensional.
And if you’re not supremely confident with yourself, or are not able to muster courage, then you’re a pathetic, spineless coward who nobody likes.
Besides the misogyny, performative feminism, the utter lack of queer rep, and aggressive heteronormativity, SJ/M’s male characters are yet another thing about her books that absolutely infuriate me.
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needtherapy · 4 years
soaring, carried aloft on the wind...continued 15
A story for Xichen and Mingjue, in another time and another place.
The Beifeng, the mighty empire of the north, invaded more than a year ago, moving inexorably south and east.
In order to buy peace, the chief of the Lan clan has given the Beifeng warlord a gift, his second oldest son in marriage. However, when Xichen finds out he makes a plan.
He, too, can give a gift to the Beifeng warlord, and he will not regret it.
Part 1: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13   Part 2: 14 / 15 / … HOME
It’s complete on AO3 here.
Notes: Check the tags if you’re concerned about the pairings ;)
For translations of the entirely fictitious Beifeng language, you’ll have to scroll to notes. I’m only going to translate something that’s not clear in the text. Sadly, there’s just not any other good way to do it on Tumblr!
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Chapter 15 Earlier
Huaisang looked nervous, and it was not an expression that sat easily on his face. He paced in Xichen’s tent, ignoring his questions until Xichen finally set down his book and grabbed Huaisang’s arm.
“Anati, I am going to throw you out of my tent and into a snowbank if you do not tell me what bothers you.”
It was an idle threat, and they both knew it. Xichen was far too happy to do any such thing, and everyone knew it. He did try not to walk through every day with a foolish smile on his face, but he knew he failed most of the time, especially the days he woke to the sight of Mingjue’s face next to his. Especially on the days Mingjue stopped to see Xichen while he was working in the hospital to kiss his forehead. Especially on the days they put on their warmest clothes and rode out across the frozen plains together. Xichen was not so childish as to think they would never have any conflicts, but he was also not so naïve as to think the love he felt was common. It certainly wasn’t something he’d ever seen before.
Huaisang sank down onto a round pillow and sighed. “Anakau wants me to tell you something, but I’m a coward, and I don’t want to.”
Huaisang was in no way a coward, but he looked truly miserable, and Xichen’s heart stopped. All he could think was that Huaisang had heard some news about his family, or something terrible had happened to his brother, and his grip on Huaisang’s wrist tightened.
“Tell me,” he whispered hoarsely.
“We have had an offer from the Jin clan, an offer of good faith. They wish us to end our current advancement on their city and consider negotiations. I do not wish to accept anything…” Huaisang paused, his face darkening. “I’m sorry, I can’t explain more, but we are considering it, at least for the duration of winter. It would buy us time.”
Xichen let out a whooshing breath of relief, but Huaisang looked unhappy still.
“It is an offer like...like the Lan clan made.”
Xichen sat back and instinctively pulled on the stony, impassive mask he had not needed in months. “Mingjue wants to accept?”
Did he have a right to feel betrayed? Icy fingers crawled up Xichen’s back as he considered the terms of the treaty. For his pleasure. Given first consideration. In equal status. Pledge of life bond. No, they were breaking no terms, but he had thought…
It didn’t matter what he had thought. He reminded himself of the facts. He was a gift, not a choice. And he had no choices either. He could not go home to his father.
Xichen dug his thumbnail into his palm to focus his thoughts and still his expression into neutrality, but he must have looked betrayed, because Huaisang shook his head, words rushing out of him.
“It would not be like you. No one could be like you. There are reasons this is important, and they don’t have anything to do with you. Anakau is not happy with me, but it...I think we should accept a conditional agreement, a trial period of sorts, as though we are seeing if the situation suits. It would only be for three months, and it would not be real, Xichen. You are not being replaced.”
This last was said with such guilty vehemence, some of Xichen’s hurt faded, but not all of it. Perhaps not replaced, but he can’t imagine this won’t change things.
“I think we need to do this,” Huaisang added. “We won’t get another opportunity to...well, anyway, anakau told me I had to talk to you about it first. If it helps, I think he’s punishing me.”
It did not help. Xichen still felt wounded, creeping apprehension slithering around his gut. He should not have become so accustomed to his life over the past few months. He should not have forgotten what his role was here. He didn’t want this, but there was nothing he could say. No matter what he felt, no matter what he believed Mingjue felt, in truth, Xichen was only a visitor here.
“You do not need my permission, Huaisang,” Xichen reminded him, aiming for serenity but not quite managing to keep the disappointment entirely of his voice, and Huaisang sagged.
“I know, but I wanted you to know before...before he arrives. If I didn’t believe it was necessary…” He ran his fingers over his hair, disrupting some of it from his braid. Standing swiftly, he stalked to the door, but paused and turned back. “I think of us as friends and brothers, Xichen, and I hope you can forgive me.”
He disappeared, and Xichen hoped so too.
When Mingjue came for dinner, he hovered in the doorway, hands behind his back, uncertainty stamped on his face, until Xichen sighed and beckoned him in.
“This is not for me,” he said quietly, without moving. “You are...angry?
The worst part was, Xichen wasn’t. He believed Huaisang. He knew the brothers had secrets. And he loved Mingjue. He could trust them for a little while longer, he thought, ignoring the voice that said you have no other option.
“No. Just worried,” he said, mostly truthfully, and then Mingjue moved, crushing Xichen in his arms and tucking his face against Xichen’s neck.
“Komi auha, edas ahora,” he murmured, and Xichen let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, sinking himself deeper into Mingjue’s embrace like a slowly submerging stone.
Evidently, the Jin clan expected their offer to be accepted, because the Jin emissary—it makes it easier for Xichen to think of him in political terms—arrived by the end of the next week. Huaisang asked Xichen to attend the greeting, and Xichen only agreed for the chance to silently observe the Jin man. He noted with unkind satisfaction that Mingjue’s face was still filled with storm clouds when he looked at his brother.
It was disappointing, though, that Jin Guangyao, the man Huaisang said was the eldest son of the Jin clan chief, was more appealing than Xichen wished he was. He was a little taller than Huaisang and looked to be Xichen’s age or even younger, with fine, delicate features and large soft eyes that reminded Xichen of the deer who lurked around the horse yards, hoping to steal their grain.
Jin Guangyao bowed deeply to Mingjue, spine stiff, shoulders straight. “Chifeng-Zun, this one is willing to serve in any way necessary to ensure peace for three months as agreed. Or longer.”
Mingjue’s expression didn’t change and he didn’t respond to Huaisang’s translation immediately, but Xichen thought his eyes had an appraising look in them, hopefully only curious about Jin Guangyao’s rigorous formality and not interested in his perfect skin and full mouth. Jin Guangyao looked up at him from lowered eyelashes, a curve of a smile on his lips, and Mingjue arched an eyebrow.
“Ti erodino anot auha. Eina et nagita di pia ti?” Mingjue asked Huaisang, and Huaisang frowned at him.
Neither of them was looking at Jin Guangyao, so only Xichen saw his reaction to Mingjue’s blunt assessment—He looks weak. What use is he? Anger flashed across his eyes, disappearing as swiftly as one of Wangji’s moods, and Xichen realized that if nothing else, Jin Guangyao spoke enough Orera to be insulted. How interesting.
Huaisang led them to Jin Guangyao’s tent, near Xichen’s. It was smaller and there were spells set in twisting lines of metallic thread on the door flap. Xichen had been learning about the Ikarahu magic since his birthday, hoping to use Sikunadis to its full potential. Their magic was  more ambient than innate, theoretically unlimited in scope, and skilled users could form fire-like towers of heat, shift piles of dirt, control bodies of water, or cause great gusts of wind. However, it was slower and more difficult to access than Xichen’s power, requiring complex drawings in air or on surfaces to hold the magic or precise positioning of the hands and fingers.
The magic could also be stored in small amounts in the metal Sikunadis was made of, and Ikarharu craftsmen used thin wires of it in weaving, in books, in healing tools, even in the bridles they used to break wild horses. Xichen wasn’t able to pull magic from the air, ground, or water the way the Ikarahu did yet—Huaisang thought he would eventually be able to learn the skill—but he could activate the woven spells. The ones on Jin Guangyao’s tent were, to Xichen’s eyes, very clearly a lock.
Jin Guangyao frowned at the guards. “Is this one a prisoner?”
Huaisang laughed merrily. “No, you aren’t a prisoner, Guangyao. The guards are for your safety, of course.”
The man’s chin tilted up slightly when Huaisang said his name, although Xichen wasn’t sure if it was offense at the informality or if he suspected the lie. Two interesting things, he thought.
Xichen had heard Kitingi crying overhead as they walked, but Huaisang always seemed to know when she wanted to land. He held up a hand before they entered Jin Guangyao’s new home, and with a rustle of wings, she was there, alighting so swiftly it was as though she had appeared from nowhere.
“Oh,” Guangyao said, and for a single breath, there was something different on his face, a look of naked wonder, a sudden tempest of intelligence that turned into curiosity. “She’s beautiful.”
Huaisang’s expression sharpened. “How do you know Kitingi is a female?” “Males have black eye masks,” Guangyao said absently, without taking his eyes from Kitingi, and Kitingi preened one outstretched wing, accepting his admiration as her due.
“You are very observant, Guangyao. Where did you learn about munaku?” Huaisang asked with a casual grin.
He set Kitingi on Xichen’s shoulder and Jin Guangyao’s fingers twitched, as though he wanted to lift his hand to intercept her, but as quickly as the impulse had compelled him, it passed, and he straightened, the calm sea returning to his face.
Instead of answering Huaisang, he bowed to Xichen with a dazzling smile that showed off perfect white teeth and dimples that made him look younger. “Although we have never spoken, this one is familiar with your reputation. Would this one be allowed to visit Zewu-Jun?”
“Zewu-Jun is not a prisoner either, Guangyao,” Huaisang said before Xichen could answer. “When he is not with Ipira’orhew Ikira, he is generous enough to spend time helping our healers, though, so don’t be offended if he’s hard to find.”
Jin Guangyao’s smile was tight, and he nodded understanding. Xichen thought he truly did understand Huaisang’s meaning. He felt sorry for this man, who seemed gentle and polite and ill-suited to be a political prisoner.
“Is Ipira’orhew Ikira the title Chifeng-Zun would prefer?” Jin Guangyao asked blandly, and Huaisang waved his hand dismissively.
“It doesn’t matter one way or the other. Whichever is easier for you to say.” Jin Guangyao took a moment to digest this, and then asked, “Does Huaisang have a title he would prefer?”
Xichen was startled. He had never thought to ask if Huasiang had a title. Huaisang seemed startled too, and Xichen thought he might not answer.
He pursed his lips thoughtfully, but eventually replied, “I do not necessarily prefer it, but my title is Oringa'anhu Ikira.”
Hidden Cat Lord, Xichen translated in his head without smiling as he wanted to. It seemed fitting.
Jin Guangyao rolled the words around, faster with the unfamiliar tones than Xichen had been. “It is pleasing to say. If there is no objection, this one will use it.”
Huaisang turned with a careless shrug, taking Xichen’s elbow to lead him out of the tent, but the expression on his face was not one Xichen had ever seen before.
“I don’t like him,” Qingyang told him over dinner, sniffing her cup of white tea.
Xichen had found that the Ikarahu actually liked their bitter, dark tea. For months, he had despaired of ever drinking anything palatable again until the day Mingjue presented him with a jar of delicate white tea that smelled like summer and was immediately recognizable as one of the finest Zhao teas. Xichen hoarded it fiercely, but he was willing to share it with Qingyang, because she, at least, would appreciate it.  
Although she still taught him Orera, Qingyang had recently begun spending her free time in the company of Titakau, the Ikarahu healer who was teaching Xichen her tribe’s way of using tiny needles to alleviate pain and adjust energy flow. The woman had watched Qingyang with huge dark eyes for months and had eventually worked up the courage to do more than look. Xichen was happy for Qingyang, whose feet seemed to be drifting on air, but he missed her and was not above bribing her with tea. Selfishly, he wanted her opinion on Jin Guangyao.
He took a sip and held it in his mouth before asking, “Do you know him?”
“I have met him. He’s considered charming and handsome.” She shrugged as if they were rumors she couldn’t personally verify, and Xichen suppressed a smile. “I’m not sure anyone knows him. More importantly, and more unfortunately, I know the Jin chief. At best, Guangyao is an agent of his father. At worst, he is a true son of his father.” She shuddered and took another sip.
“It would be better if he was a spy?” Xichen asked, and Qingyang noded without elaborating. “Do you think that is likely?”
She shrugged. “Who knows, but he is too clever and too self-possessed to be here for any reason but his own. I don’t trust him, and you shouldn’t either.”
Xichen nodded and thanked her for her advice. He trusted Qingyang, but Xichen couldn’t bring himself to condemn the man for his father’s sins, whatever they might be, as Xichen hoped no one would think he was like his father.
In only a few words, she had confirmed what Xichen thought about Jin Guangyao. He was clever and composed. He was handsome and polite. He was undoubtedly there for some concealed purpose. And now, Qingyang had made Xichen even more curious about what exactly it was.
Notes:  Komi auha, edas ahora. = I am sorry, beloved husband.
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