#with their big'ole ears
corvids-corner · 1 year
considering putting my fursona drawing with complicated background on hold because i've been bewitched by Stupendi-fox...
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blotlcss-a · 3 years
@poisbite​ asked:  " Oi oi don't get too close to that ! " epel called out and quickly grabbed their hand to pull them away from the wooden sculpture " Come on Yuu-san don't just wander around on your own. Old man Leo doesn't like when tourists get too close to his sculpture, he gets very grumpy and once that big'ol mouth starts yapping yer can't stop the old grump. So just look at it from here ok ? " this whole time Epel was still holding their hand. /in tone with the event.
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“Oh wow... He really sculpted that?” His scolding seemed to have gone through one ear and right out the other. “It’s so cool! Do you know how long it took him to sculpt it? I don’t really see this kind of stuff back home, I think it’s a dying art, so when I saw it I couldn’t help but get a closer look.” Yuu was beaming, like a child being taken to an amusement park for the very first time. The others had to keep reigning her back in because the prefect would just wander off constantly after spotting something that caught her eye.
“Your home town really is something else,” Subconsciously she squeezes his hand as she turns to meet his gaze. When was the last time Yuu has ever showed such a genuine and pure smile? “This place is small but full of so much life  and energy. It feels like everyone here is one big large family. It’s the type of place I’ve always wanted to live in growing up.”
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thedevilsnewsky · 5 years
I’m Home!
A breeze flushed and invaded the cabin as a Natsu opened the door boisterously, smiling as he walked through. Happy was not far behind him. "Lucy!" He called out cheerfully before setting his ragged duffel bag down next to the door. Happy flew in front of him, the smell of food hitting his snout before Natsu's nose.
"In here!" She called out as Natsu drifted towards the smell of food and Lucy. Truly a favorite combination of his, that along with some other activities.
Turning into the left room, the kitchen after the renovations, Natsu saw the sight of his wife in small shorts and an oversized t-shirt that most likely belongs to him. As usual, her bright smile was radiant and her brown eyes brought a beautiful constant against the golden light shining through the kitchen's window. She had her hair up in a messy bun and even through the T-shirt, he could still see her frame and her little bump showing as the material brush against her, every once in a while. Fuck, he was in love.
Lucy's attention soon turned back to the stew on the stove and promptly turning the burner off before her husband enveloped her into a big'ol hug. She squealed and laughed as he twisted them around while Happy giggled at the sight.
Natsu put his wife down before getting on his knees and pulling up the t-shirt to see her abdomen and stomach. He also smiled to himself when he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra, a note of information he tucked away for later.
Lucy smiled as Natsu put his head and then ear against her belly before she tugged him up to look into his deep green gaze, she smiled sweetly before pulling him away from her bump and to her face.
"Silly" Sugar laced her voice and actions, as she helped lift him back up,
"I'm not that far along yet"
Natsu now faced her, but paid no attention to comment and instead chose to wrap his arms around her and pull her flush against him. His hands resting near her bum. "Ho- How was the job?" Lucy stuttered as her cheeks turned pink at his sudden actions, while Happy keck at them before leaving the room and then the house entirely, not before closing the door and rolling his eyes in annoyance. He'd knew where this would lead.
"Got the full reward! Didn't break much either!" He laughed as Lucy practically lit up at his response. Lucy lifted her arms around him to hug him, her flush gone, as it was replaced by total joy.
"Oh gods, that means we're done! Debt and everything!" She almost teared up in happiness before her nose scrunched at a certain musky smell that was coming from a certain someone.
Natsu fought a giggle as her expressions changed from happy to disgusted in a millisecond. Honestly if anything, he was surprised he even got away with hug before she'd notice. Though to Natsu's surprise again she simply pried herself out of his arms and went to the stove to grab the dutch oven she was cooking in.
"So" Lucy turned to him, a sultry grin appeared on her face with the dutch oven still placed in her hands,
"Do you want dinner first, a bath first, or ME first?"
Natsu's smile, once bright, was now mischievous and sultry as he leaned in closer to her. Lucy slowly felt her confidence slip away from her the closer he got. He snatched the oven out of her hands and then swiftly placed on it on the kitchen counter. He then turned to grab Lucy's hips and press her flush against him with his face and lips eerily close to hers.
Lucy tried to lean in but squealed as Natsu hoisted her up and over his shoulder before confidently and briskly walked towards the direction of their bedroom.
"Natsu!" She half squealed in delight, half moaned knowing dinner was going to be cold tonight.
"Sorry Lucy, but you're the only thing I want to eat tonight!" He growled as he tossed her on the bed, shortly following behind her as he slid his sandals off…
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omegawizardposting · 2 years
OC Shipping night! Going with one of my favorite OC babies! His name is Brelonor and he is a bisexual werewolf! He's a big'ol man who doesn't give to much of a shit about people thanks to severe trauma due to his step-dad being a real shitty piece of work and then losing his mother when he was a barely a teen. He is really good with kids, and will do what he can to help them. He is also a thief for higher who is very heavily street smart, and he struggles to read. He is an older guy in his early thirties with shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, and slightly pointed ears because he is a half-elf on his bio dad's side. He was at one point trained for assassin work, but really stays with the whole thieving stuff. Only really kills others if he has too.
If he's a modern fantasy OC, I'm almost tempted to suggest Victor and his 100 children, just to test how good he really is with kids. :)
(Thankfully, most of Vic's kids are grown, but it'd still be really funny for Brelonor to say, "I love kids!" and then walk into a room full of a hundred of them. Comedy fucking gold.)
I'm assuming from his description that he's high fantasy, though, so how about my sweet boy, Alan? He's a prince who's currently traveling the world to learn and grow as a person. Having lived a sheltered life, he feels that he is currently unfit to lead his people. He has no experience with them after all.
He can be quite shy at first, but tends to wear his heart on his sleeve, so once someone has his trust, he's ride or die for them. He'd also most certainly be a good target for a thief, who he could then accidentally woo with his kindness and compassion.
Coincidentally, he also has a dead mom. :')
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eriksternberger · 7 years
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· An ornery lookin’ bear
· Jesus holding a big'ol rock.
· A fuzzy blob (While cleaning my glasses, like a smart person does.)
· Kansas. No. Utah. No. Nebraska. No…what is that State's name?
· Tom Selleck’s Mustache,
· A Spooky Ghost. Everyone else sees it too, they're all yelling “Booooo”!
· Aw hell. It was Montana.
· Giant American Flag. (Dang, I’m facing the wrong way again.)
· One of them floppy eared hats.
· We Love Trump. We Love Trump.
Wait...where was I?
· An ornery lookin’ bear...
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