guided-by-the-blood · 4 years
A mason jar stood on one of the few free window sills in the long hallway of the clinic. Noticeably polished and green, from the grass in it. a folded piece of paper hung from a ribbon. With a conspicuously twisted B, the name Bernstein in blue ink on the front. When you opened the note, you found the following words: The lady in the red dress is lucky if she stays for a while. Send her home, give her a kiss. Luck will accompany you, in number of dots on the lady's shoe.
A very nice poem...yet Aleksandr was none the wise from whom this came. It had appeared in his clinic before he had came to visit this day. And none could tell him who it left there either. The handwriting was very remarkable however. Many people knew him by the title of ‘Father Bernstein’ so it was hard to enclose the list of possible gifters. “Mhmm....” it came in a thinking tone from him as he once more read through the sentences with care. “The lady in red...the number of dots on her shoe...” No he couldn’t recall having heard this before.
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withgoodblood · 5 years
Your Blood in My Veins
He looked at the blonde attentively and with wide eyes. He was certainly looking more awake now than he felt. But how should you sleep when you've just found someone who was willing to tell him more? And not only in ominous phrases or intricate poems that were once written somewhere on a house wall, or maybe found in a book. It was to be grasped. Raha could hardly wait, even if Seth repeatedly issued a warning not to talk about it publicly. He could hardly imagine why it was this way. When he thought of his father, there was nothing to be forbidden about him.  When Seh asked, he raised his eyebrows, but then shook his head.  "No, I don't have such a tattoo. Only my father."  He looked ahead thoughtfully and reached into his short red hair.  "I also have his hair color. Only his hair was... as if the color had faded. My mother always described it that way."  He grinned at the thought, amused, but bowed his head. He liked to think of his father, but the time with him was far too short and sometimes he just missed everything.  "There was nothing unusual about him. At least not that I noticed. He kept carrying me around, but again he wasn't afraid to just throw me into the water as a toddler so that I could learn to swim. I think... he was one normal father... "  He was silent for an instant before raising his hand.  "Oh... he had teeth!"  Raha opened his mouth and pointed to his own canine teeth. It was hardly noticeable, but when you knew it and looked at it, you noticed how it was a little bit longer and more pointed than usual for normal people.  "But... longer than mine. Much longer..."  When he said it and threw more thought into it, it was really a strange quality. He wasn't a doctor, but he had read enough books on anatomy to be sure.
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drcamingdcad · 6 years
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“............daddy as in father, or--”
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solebatmagister · 6 years
@withgoodblood [x]
“...five months?”
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“You sure have a lot time to kill, Laurence.”
This man... this goddamned Vicar, how could anyone see him as even vaguely threatening?
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piccogirl · 7 years
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A Monster in Yharnam I decided to color this piece of crossover. With a sloppy background. Sorry for that. But I like it! Again Lucille Blackburn belongs to @guided-by-the-blood. Her sweet Lucille as Lucille and my Vicar as Francœur. Go and watch this movie!
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Shoutout to dianemerlindpie / withgoodblood, who is not only a lovely writer, a passionate artist, creative roleplayer but also a wonderful friend!
@dianemerlindpie @withgoodblood
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guided-by-the-blood · 4 years
[ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did -> Amandus to Castiel
At the moment he sure gave up a quite humorous sight. He could feel some of the flowers that were sticking in and on his hair, with some of them still remaining in his hands. Well...at least Amandus was laughing! “Good to see it made you feel better, even if I hadn’t intended it to end up like this.” He had been a tad unlucky when approaching him today and actually managed to trip over in the probably most stupid way. Castiel shrugged it of, but kept an abashed grin on his lips while doing so. “Usually they should end up in a vase rather than hair but...this also works I guess.”
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guided-by-the-blood · 4 years
[ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning -> Raha to Seth
Certainly unexpected their lips had met. But not unwelcome in all honesty... Thinking back at the start it had been a long way until where they were now. He hadn’t even thought the younger would stick around for far longer than a few weeks if at all. Especially not after bit by bit had unraveled. Yet here they were... Once their kiss stopped he looked at Raha with a questioning glance but remained silent to see if he was the first to speak up if he wouldn’t on his own. Despite the question burning on his tongue.
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guided-by-the-blood · 5 years
Laurence: "My little Lucille. Can you show me something beautiful?"
Lucille was silent for a short while, thinking about what to respond. Something beautiful...this could be anything. Something He would view as beautiful? Or something that was beautiful to her?At first it was hard to say for her. But after a couple thoughts, she knew exactly what.
“Yes, I think there is something I can show you. You’d just have to follow me to the upper parts of the chapel. Once we’re there you’ll see.”
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guided-by-the-blood · 5 years
*Kisses Seth lightly on the lips while he is asleep* ~Raha
He could feel the soft touch on his lips, even while he was asleep, though it made him slowly come to. Yet unsure if it was a dream or not at first...The more he woke up however he still could feel the other’s lips on his own, ever so slightly.Out of reflext he reached for whoever was infront of him.
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guided-by-the-blood · 4 years
Do you have any favorite plots or threads you've written recently?
A hard question... Over the past years I had a good hand full of different people who wrote with me, most have by now either left the fandom, deleted their blogs or simply stopped writing on tumblr. There are still stories among them which I like and re-read sometimes, no doubt - or otherwise write with friends when the chance is there. A good bit has been developed aside tumblr too so I can not share these here. (most of those I love and re-read are on Discord tbh! *looks at two in particuliar* o,o) And as most followers might have seen I currently only have one person I actively write any stories with here on tumblr directly, which is @withgoodblood !  So the plots I have with her I adore of course! ^-^ We’ve been writing and playing together since a good couple years by now which I think also shows?
I don’t think I can really name one alone... But the most recently answered ones are currently some that are very exciting for me! I’m enjoying where the plot of Amandus and Castiel went in the time we started writing this thread. (since it’s been goign for a good while!) The soft part with Laurence and Lucille is just sweet and something I think is real needed right now Meeting Raha as a completely new character was a fine suprise for me and the change it made in the ongoing thread from start to now, is somethign I liek to see unfollow more Then meeting another new character with Maha which I also didn’t knew and then right away could work along with my Kai made it fun to experiment with parts I have yet not written out on tumblr, also regarding Aleksandr.
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guided-by-the-blood · 4 years
Maybe Castiel wants Amandus to give him a massage? He can do this quite well by having to massage his master to relieve his back pain!
Castiel sure wouldn’t mind a massage and he could use one I am certain. Remembering how heavy my backpack in school was and what backpain I had- now Imagining this being WAY worse with a Sword stuck in a BRICK that gets carried on your back or on your shoulder? His shoulders must be soooo tense! And after all massages are often used in medical circles, no? Only trouble would be to get him to let it be done without his 54325 layers of robes! xD Unless a doctor has to see him or it’s a medical emergency it’s kinda hard to...well get him out of them. But maybe he can convince him to get rid of the first few? @withgoodblood
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guided-by-the-blood · 6 years
For "Tell my muse something you think they don’t know": Laurence, since childhood, can't see well on his left eye!
Lucille: “I’ve seen him wearing glasses every now and then but I had no clue he already had problems with his eye for such a long time. Though I’ve noticed it troubles him more often lately.”Seth: “It’s been a while but I remember he had been looking for his glasses from time to time all over the place. He didn’t wore them too often back then, mostly when reading for a longer period I think? It hadn’t been that terrible. How good or bad it is nowadays I can’t say.”
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guided-by-the-blood · 6 years
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By: @piccogirl / Laurence - @withgoodblood  
Thank you so so much >3<
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guided-by-the-blood · 6 years
Pro amore vitae meae [closed RP]
@withgoodblood  ⁽ᵈᵃᶰᵏᵉ ᶠᵘ̈ʳ ᵈᵉᶰ ᵀᶤᵗᵉˡᵎ⁾
Weiß. Weiß soweit das Auge reichte. Eine dicke Schneedecke hatte sich über die Ländereien gelegt seitdem der letzte Sturm gewütet hatte. Auch jetzt noch peitschte der Wind außerhalb der Burgmauern über den kalten Stein hinweg und suchte sich durch jede noch so kleine Ritze einen Weg ins Innere.
Der Eigentümer der Burg selbst war erst kürzlich von einem Streifzug zurück gekehrt und wärmte die frostigen Glieder am Kamin. Gänzlich blendend ging es diesem jedoch auch nicht. Überfälle waren dieser Tage keine Seltenheit mehr, man konnte fast sagen sie gehörten für viele schon zum guten Ton. Zumindest unter denen die sich solches verhäuft erlaubten und darauf ebenso noch stolz waren.  Im Kriegt war schließlich alles erlaubt. Und wenn dies hieß, dass man versuchte auf heimtückische Weise die Herren mancher Länder auszuschalten um sich deren Besitz und Land anzueignen.
Zu seinem Glück war eine Schnittwunde das größte Übel, welches er von dieser Auseinandersetzung davon getragen hatte. Einen Augenblick noch hatte er die Räumlichkeit ganz für sich, erst etwas später betrat noch jemand den Raum.
Lucille hatte sich auf dem Tisch bereits alles zurecht gelegt. Es war nicht das erste und sicher nicht das letzte mal, dass sie eine Wunde versorgte. Auch wenn es ihr immer wieder erneut Sorgen bereitete den anderen mit neuen Verletzungen aus den Gefechten kommen zu sehen. Dies war nun mal der Alltag solange man sich im Krieg befand. Das Wasser in der Kanne brodelte bereits, als sie diese vom Feuer nahm und einen Teil davon in einen Becher gab. Ein warmer Kräutertee sollte nicht nur der Heilung sondern auch zur Entspannung und Beruhigung dienen. Diese würde er nach der kommenden Prozedur auch bitter nötig haben.
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drcamingdcad · 6 years
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[ @withgoodblood and my Laurence in a nutshell tbh]
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