#without paci
ageremoji · 2 days
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
hihi happy new year! is it too early to request a valentines board? with reds and cream colors? tysm🫶🏻
Here you go!!
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bitsybunbun · 2 years
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Now that I'm home from my week of grown-up travel you'd have to pry my paci from me with a crowbar 🧡
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mundymae · 1 year
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It's me again (「• ω •)「
This time as a babyfur :3 been wanting to make myself a fursona for a while now and here they are !! I'm a lil goat creechur
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garvi-oddis · 10 months
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Sorry that I hadn't posted in a while :<
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pac1fythehunger · 1 year
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hello class, today's topic is a custom railgunner design a friend made for one (1) comic that refuses to leave my head. orig memes under the cut
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the orig for "bro get on risk of rain" is that one screenshot/gif from brokeback mountain, you know the one
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glitchydyke · 1 year
Togamaeda has nothing on the toxic potential of Junkomaru but Togamaeda is infinitely funnier but also I don't think either of them deserve that
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kakusu-shipping · 8 months
01, 05, & 07 for um. hang on have 2 check your list again. celestia maybe?
Thankyou very much, sorry for all the hassle.
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1. Is your f/o a pet regressor or an age regressor? Are they a more of a Dreamer or a Regressor?
Celeste is both an Age Regressor and a Dreamer! While she can and does actually mentally regress, she doesn't like not having control over herself and prefers to dream more for fun.
As a Dreamer she's more on the Older Kid side, though no exact age, more on vibe. She's a Gothic Princess and we, Hifumi and I, are her Caretakers, here to serve her every beck and call. She's not that different than regular Celeste when she's like this, other than she demands our help with getting her outfits on and tying her hair (most of which Hifumi does, he's better at it than me) and walks around with a Pacifier, not to actually put in her mouth though, just for the Aesthetic of it.
When she does actually regress she's a lot quieter, less commanding, and a lot more clingy. She likes soft, simple fabrics and HATES her wig cause it's itchy and heavy. She doesn't want any make up, no tight clothes, and nothing that needs to be laced. She's basically a different person all together, which is why she really hates that it happens when she eventually gets out of the mindset. Real regression days are normally spent on the couch cuddled up together watching Anime of her choosing. She keeps the Gothic and Gorey aesthetic even when little, so we'll end up watching a lot of horror.
5. Does your regressed f/o have any gear that they want really bad?
Nothing particular comes to mind, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want anything, quiet the opposite in fact.
Celeste wants a lot of little gear, and truthfully she could afford anything she wants with the money she makes gambling, but she doesn't want to spend that money. She wants us to get it for her.
And by "it" I mean Deco Pacis and Gloomy Bear plushies and silk ribbons and new dresses with shoes to match and a real castle with a real draw bridge and more and more
Hifumi and I do put aside some of our own money for the Gifts for Celestia fund, because if she doesn't get something new every month or so she gets upset, but every time we buy her something three more things get added to the list.
7. Does your regressed f/o usually slip into regression or do they prepare beforehand?
Her Dreamer days are planned far in advance, they're not that often but she'll always mark them on our calendar, just like Date nights or air dates for new episodes of our shows (shes so organized)
Regression though, not so much. It just happens to her, and by how angry she gets when she comes out of it, I doubt she ever actually wants to do it. Hifumi and I have done our best to try and figure out what triggers it, so we can help her avoid it, but it seems to only ever happen when literally no one is around. We just find her, all alone wherever it happened, crying and scratching at herself.
I hope we figure it out soon.
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Also some circular Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes (2023's Blue Beetle version) with blue theme and one or two with the age regressor and flip flags (one with a blue paci (if you're comfortable) and one without a paci)
Thank youuu
Have some pics of my blue beetle toy
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blue beetle blue-themed + age regressor and flip flag icons ^^
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aerithisms · 1 year
the first thing anyone ever says to you about the grisha trilogy is that it's just okay and it's not as good as six of crows. and when i read shadow and bone i agreed and thought it was pretty middle of the road. but i finished siege and storm and actually i think that was kind of... good??
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simba1999 · 5 months
hmm grrrrr grrrrrrrrrrr. I think two of my biggest personal gripes with the agere fandom (despite the over feminization of it and barely finding any good masc content) is 1. overuse of pacis and 2. the anti-kink talk
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super-lovely-star · 2 months
Things to Put in a Middle/Kidre Bag
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A handheld gaming system like a switch or a DS and some games to play on it
Small toys and trinkets to keep you company while you’re out and about
A digital camera or camcorder, so you can still capture moments without getting distracted by your phone
Comfort items like a fidget, paci, or something like that because even big kids have comfort items
A plushie that’s small enough to fit inside the bag
Yummy snacks like chips or gummies just in case you get hungry
A cool water bottle filled with your favorite drink so you can stay hydrated
Age appropriate makeup (if you wear any)
A sketchbook, notebook, or activity book, and some crayons or pencils to keep you occupied
A small, easy to read chapter book if you’re going on a longer trip
Cute keychains and pin buttons to personalize it and show off your awesome style
Lastly, important stuff like your medicine, wallet, glasses, or emergency supplies
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If you can think of anything else, feel free to mention it!
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pac1fythehunger · 1 year
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art from yesterday + today
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goatmilksoda · 1 year
This week I finished my Theater production hours which were taking up roughly 4 hours every Thursday, so now I can use that time for my other classes! So yesterday I came up with a little plan that I can put all my work into Monday-Thursday and then use Friday as a self day and focus in on my hobbies!
My new Friday guidelines:
1-2 activities from "The Great Pile" <- Making doctors appointments, checking dates, etc. for things that may not have a "real" due date.
No TV, internet (except writing/drawing inspiration from Google Images), or phone until 4pm (when parents get home.)
Phone on silent on top of the fridge.
Self care stuff like a bath once a month and sunshine time is integrated.
No going anywhere except the backyard
Small cleaning tasks are necessary during breaks/activity switches
Writing (Physical or computer based is fine but only on docs. AO3 and Tumblr MUST be closed)
Drawing (Physical or computer based is fine. Google Images can be open. Canva can be open. Phone is permitted for transferring physical -> digital)
Sewing/clothing mends/crochet time (Mini-DVD player movies permitted here!)
Reading (Physical Only. I get enough audiobooks during the regular week.)
^ All mandatory parts of The Friday Experience in bold
Music via CD only, Movies via mini-DVD player only. (Big screen tv is too distracting)
This is all flexible (I obviously don't expect most people to have a mini-DVD player with them), but I encourage anyone, if they have an awkward day once a week or so where they're alone, to just try some variation out. Write down a bunch of plans and do this because it's really nice actually.
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Activities for Regressors Without Caregivers! (or just fun regression activties!)
(Although you're always welcome here if you'd like any form of comfort anyway! ^w^)
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This one's kind of a long one, after the few tips I list, I've mentioned an app I use called Finch, which will be talked about below the cut.
Since that's the case, I'll put my little ending message here instead:
Knowing how to take care of yourself can take a lot of work and practice, but I believe it's worth the effort, because then you'll be a happier and healthier you! Especially if you can find ways to make it fun!
I'm more than happy to be here for you and offer my support in any way I can, anyhow! I'm proud of you for doing what you can, I know it can be very hard.
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I myself don't have a caregiver for when I regress, so most of the time I end up taking care of myself! Here are some fun activities and things I do when I regress to keep myself calm and happy! ^w^
Paci mentions/pics not long after the first section for those of you who'd rather not see 'em.
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♥ Arts and crafts! I absolutely LOVE coloring and making bracelets with beads, something not too complicated for little hands, but also something fun!
With coloring, you can buy coloring books, or draw something of your own to color in- even printing out a page you find online, coloring digitally, or tracing over something to color in could work! I prefer coloring more than drawing personally because I don't draw all the time, but I bet I could learn a little thing or two from the artists around here!
For bracelets (and other jewelry), strings can be hard to knot with little hands (at least they aren't those small, slippery clasps!!), but the beads shouldn't be too hard to handle if you're careful! Even just planning out patterns is fun!
Here are some My Little Pony bracelets I made, and the decorations I did for my pacis!
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♥ Making playlists! Dancing is fun, and a good way to get the zoomies out, but you can just make playlists for any occasion! I have playlists that help me pet-regress, songs with sounds I like, adventure playlists... (Well- a lot of these are still in progress, but- you get the point!)
I also love those playlist videos on YouTube! Animal Crossing, Super Mario Galaxy, Minecraft and music box music are typically my go-to to help me settle or just make for comfy background music! Here's one of my favorites, shadowatnoon has lovely Nintendo music mixes!
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♥ Playing with your plushies! You can take them on adventures, or make your own!
Like Toby, climbing The Great Pillow Mountain!
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(This is Toby by the way, he's one of my best friends and a VERY good hugger!)
You can play games with them, too! Toby's REALLY good at hide and seek... Maybe you can find him for me? :0
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♥ Finding shows to watch! I really like Paw Patrol and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the moment. Plus, you can look at agere content and fics from shows you like! People make really cool stimboards and moodboards, for example, and I like reading through all the fun stories people write!
Here's a silly picture of Rocky I found! :3
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Finch is a self-care app where you take care of your very own little bird friend by taking care of yourself!
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You can set daily goals, or for each day (or more specific ones as well I think.). By completing these goals, you give your bird energy to go on adventures! They usually come back with a funny little story or silly questions, because they're learning, too!
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Through completing these goals (or daily, at least), you can get Rainbow Stones, which you can use to buy clothes for your bird, make them different colors, or give them furniture for their house!
They're also LGBTQ+ and disability-friendly!! :3
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This is my little bird, Honeydew! You're welcome to friend me as well if you'd like, my code is: Z3E2T7VRK6
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It's helped me learn a lot about taking care of myself and keeping track of my goals, and I get little rewards for it! I've used the app for several months now, and it's helped me out a lot!
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"Fluttershy protects this blog! SFW interaction only, please and thank you! ^w^"
"Wouldn't show a kid? Doesn't belong here!"
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lttl3babybug · 1 month
how do you feel about ford as a caregiver?
Very strongly. I feel very strongly about him. So you can have some headcanons.
Cg!Stanford Pines Headcanons
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🪬 Veryyyy protective of you (mainly cause he knows abt all the weird going’s on in Gravity Falls)
🪬Keeps you in his lap while updating his journal on new things he finds
🪬Occasionally he’ll let you add a few little notes on your opinions about the creatures to the page, you get your own special glittery gel pen Mabel let him have
🪬Keeps an extra paci on him just incase!
🪬He’s always prepared for you to randomly regress
🪬Ford is really good at coaxing you into regressing without you even realising till he’s slipped the soother into your mouth and calling you a handful of gushy pet names
🪬Likes rules, he has a set list of rules that he doesn’t like to make exceptions on
🪬Although there will be things he’s okay with bending the rules on
🪬Nap time is not one of them, he prefers for you to stick to the nap schedule because that way you’re not cranky
🪬Bedtime he’s willing to bend the rules on because he knows no matter how hard you try to stay up with him you’ll end up asleep in his lap either way
🪬Other than that he’s a very much no nonsense cg
🪬He loves to play make believe with you
🪬He’s very good at acting like a damsel in distress if that’s what you need
🪬Quite fond of tea parties, not so fond of getting up off the floor afterwards because his old man joints do NOT appreciate it
🪬Will let you apply makeup to him, does not mean he will enjoy the whole process
🪬If you’ve had a bad day he likes to get you to regress before you sleep specifically so you can go to sleep without having to worry about your day
🪬Snacks! Snacks galore
🪬Will cut up a hundred and one apples for you if you want that many
🪬Healthy snacks are what he’d prefer for you to have but if you outright refuse it he won’t give it to you and he’ll compromise
🪬If you’re a baby regressor he is very happy to bottle feed you. Seeing you all snuggled up in his arms with a bottle in your mouth has him melting.
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