#without words by park shin hye
shadowxamyweek · 1 year
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This amazing artwork is by JeffreyKilljoy and has been posted with their permission! You can find it and so many of their other fantastic works by following them on Twitter!
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passionforfiction · 2 years
You're Beautiful OST
This stories is about a band so music is very important. This is the first OST that I actually bought in CD. Here is one of my favorites.
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 66- BTS GAYO Tracks 3-9
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Chapter Summary: Jennie and Jungkook team up to reenact a kiss scene from The Heirs K-Drama. Bangtan continue to play various activities to win and avoid penalties.
Words: 5,000+
GAYO Track 3
Jin announced, “Let’s enjoy good K-Pop with BTS. Bangtan~!”
“Gayo!” everyone announced
“Yay~!” J-Hope started jumping around. “It’s been a while!”
After recapping what happened in the last episode, the members revealed that today’s theme is OST songs.
‘Re-act scenes with great OST. Five chances are given, the team that acts without NG wins.’
Jen was not quite familiar with a bunch of movies and K-Dramas but she’s seen some that should give her some familiar vibes. The members were exposed to each song, bringing up specific scenes from each drama or movie.
“Your roles are in the box.” they were told as everyone went to grab a piece of paper.
“What’s yours Ennie?!” Taehyung rushed over to take a peek at her paper.
“Boy, back up. Don’t touch my paper.” she moved away, bumping into Jimin. 
After he saw what was on her paper, he met up with Taehyung and thought of a plan to get JenKook together for this one. They had to rush around to try to sneak glances at everyone else’s papers to make sure JenKook had the same category. As everyone was scrambling around, Jimin snatched Jen’s paper out of her hands.
“H-hey! Give that back!”
“Hehehe, sorry!” he handed her another piece of paper, while Taehyung snatched Jungkook’s paper and got chased by him until he had given him another paper.
After things calmed down, one by one the members announced their K-Drama and character. Jungkook had gotten ‘The Heirs, Park Shin-hye’ while Jimin and Taehyung anxiously waited to see if Jen had the same.
“The Heirs, Lee Minho,” Jen announced, causing Jimin and Taehyung to grin widely.
“Ahhh they’re doing the rooftop scene~!” Jimin beamed
“Jennie’s the boy, Jungkook is the girl.” Taehyung giggled.
“D-did you want to switch roles?” Jungkook asked her, blushing a little from the guys teasing him.
“It’s cool. I’m sure I can play Lee Minho well for the scene,” she reassured him.
They soon found that J-Hope and V were paired up, Jin and Jimin were paired, and Rapmon and Suga were also a pair.
“Eat the stick cookie until 3cm is left.” Suga read his objections for him and Rapmon.
“Acting is not easy,” Rapmon mentioned
Jen read her objections with Jungkook. It was similar to what Suga had read about the pocky stick.
“Can they not do pocky? Can’t they just kiss for real?” Taehyung blurted out
“Hyung!” Jungkook exclaimed.
“The pocky stick is corny! You two kissed the last time! Kiss again!” Jimin said.
“Since the kiss is abrupt, why not let me place my thumbs on your lips and kiss them?” Jen suggested.
“I-if that’s what you want, we’ll do that.” Jungkook nodded.
“It’s a two-way street. You want to do that?” she asked and once he said yes, she grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the group so they could work on the scene. “This is what I was thinking of.”
She demonstrated by placing her thumbs on his lips. Rising up on her tippy toes, she started leaning in as his eyes widened, becoming Jungshooked. She closed her eyes and kissed her thumbs for a moment before releasing him and stepping back.
Looking at his face, she began laughing as the camera filmed them. 
'Jungkook.Exe Has Stopped Working'
“His face!” she walked away, trying to control her laughter. 
If the cameras weren’t on them and if they were alone, he’d feel more at ease.
Pulling herself together, they begin to practice the scene. 
“Looks like I’ll have to yell at him.” she rewatched the scene on her phone with him.
After practice, each group got to their station, watching group by group perform. First V and J-Hope performed a scene from Secret Garden. V held J-Hope’s feet while he did sit-ups and rose up to meet V’s face closely.
“Mr. V. Since when you’ve been so pretty? From last year?” Hobi acted out. V pushed him and stood up. “Hey, it was a joke.”
Jen had to refrain herself from laughing when V had to pop the balloon on Hobi’s butt. The first kick caused Hobi to jump and yell out in pain while the members laughed. After the third try, V successfully popped the balloon as V high fived Jungkook and Jennie. Next up was JenKook.
“Let’s try to do this on the first try, no mistakes so we can win,” Jungkook told her as she nodded.
Their station had a big table that represented the edge of the rooftop.
“I can’t wait to see this.” Yoongi looked on.
“Can we start?” Jen asked and got the OK.
They begin the scene with Jungkook’s back towards her. 
“Are you hurt anywhere?” she acted with concern in her voice. When he had nodded, she approached him. “Let me see.”
“Don’t come! You’re going to get your clothes dirty.” Jungkook exclaimed. 
She pressed her lips together and grabbed him by the wrist to turn him around. “Stay still, let me see.”
“I’m fine!” he yelled.
“I said stay still!” she yelled back and checked his hand. 
His phone began to buzz and she grabbed it to see who was calling but Jungkook snatched it back, placing it against his chest as she let go of him.
“Don’t! I have to answer it.”
“Don’t answer it.”
“You saw him earlier. Avoiding him and ignoring him doesn’t work. He knows that I’m not rich.”
“It’s okay if he doesn’t. Don’t answer it.” She firmly responded as they stared at each other intently.
“How is it okay? He knows everything!” he yelled
“I said don’t answer it!” she yelled back.
“Wow~!” Rapmon and Yoongi murmur, engrossed by their acting. 
Jimin and Taehyung watched with heart eyes as their plan worked. Things were going great.
“She’s so short, and he’s so tall, he’s looking down at her while she takes his phone.” Jin giggled.
The members watched JenKook intently as they acted passionately, and were impressed by their yelling and intense facial expressions.
Jungkook opened the phone to answer it. “Hello-“
Jennie snatched the phone and pulled him close, placing her thumbs on his lips to kiss him while he stood there, shocked. The members started jumping up and down, freaking out once they see their kiss. 
Pulling away, Jen said, “Try answering it again. You will see me go crazy. I’m going to kill the person who calls you. I never go halfway”
Jungkook quickly got out of her grasp and walked away, looking troubled while Jen clenched her jaw, watching him leave. After the scene ended, JenKook high fived each other and sat with V and J-Hope while Jin and Jimin prepared their scene from I’m Sorry I Love You.
“Jimin and Jin, action!” Rapmon announced. 
Jin covered his face while Jimin sat next to him, pretending to drive but then Jimin began to laugh as J-Hope pointed out mistakes
“NG, NG!” Yoongi called out
They started again with Jimin yelling, “Stop crying! Damn, I can’t do this.” 
Jimin hunched forward and got out of his seat, making the members laugh. J-Hope fell back and cackled, clapping his hands. “My voice is not for acting.”
“That team is screwed. They will receive the punishment.” J-Hope declared.
Once they tried it for the third time, Jimin couldn’t do it and everyone laughed again.
“I want to act!” Jin exclaimed.
Starting over again, Jimin finally got it together, “Stop crying! If you cry, I’ll live with you! Let’s eat. Let’s eat something.”
“Stop the car,” Jin murmured sadly
“Let’s eat.”
“Stop the car.”
“Will you eat or kiss me?”
“Stop the car!” Jin yelled while Jennie looked on impressed.
“Will you eat!? With me!? Or die?!” Jimin placed 15 pieces of candy in Jin’s mouth. “Eat! I don’t want to do this again! Eat!”
The members laughed at the way Jimin was yelling. 
“He is so cute.” Jen giggled as they finally completed their scene. 
Last up was Suga and Rapmon acting out a scene from Architecture 101, Suji and Jehoon’s first kiss scene. Rapmon laid his head on Suga’s shoulder, sleeping while the members burst into laughter because of his acting. Suga placed a pocky stick in his mouth and they chewed it until it was 3cm. But they get an NG because Rapmon forgot his line.
Trying it again, Rapmon said the line and then they had to jump rope together, continuing to get an NG. Their biggest challenge was the jump rope but Rapmon continued to step on the rope. 
“AHHHHHH~!” Rapmon yelled and fell to his knees in despair against the wall while Jen cackled.
In the end, Rapmon failed to get the last tissue off the floor. 
For the punishment, Suga opened the paper. “Cheesy and corny action. Show your great performance.”
After playing rock, paper, scissors, Rapmon received the punishment and got into character.
“He’s immersed in emotions.” Jungkook pointed out
“Rap Monster scene 1, monologue. Action!” Suga announced.
“I say that my ideal type is a girl wearing Converse high tops.” Rapmon started. “That’s because of you, Red Converse high tops. I lost my mind for your body figure.”
Jennie cringed and pursed her lips together just like the Conceited reaction meme in front of the camera to give ARMY another reaction photo to use while the other members silently laughed at his monologue.
“PD is wearing red Converse high tops?” Rapmon went on. “Be my Converse high tops.”
“AHHHHHH!” The members cringed
GAYO Track 4
“Time for K-Pop with BTS! Bangtan Gayo!” Jungkook announced.
After recapping the previous show, Jungkook revealed the next challenge which was songs by lyrics, Bangtan Karaoke.
Step 1: Memorize the lyrics and sing in turns.
Step 2: Do the missions for special chances
Step 3: Snacks if you finish within 10 tries.
“There’s also a dreadful penalty if you fail. Tasty sand eel.” The PD announced.
“Wow, you are just the person with the good news today, huh?” Jen added while the members groaned at the possibility of the penalty. 
She already knew she was going to lose. She wasn’t all that familiar with a bunch of karaoke songs in Korea. Sitting on the floor, pretzel style, Jen sat in between V and Rapmon. 
The first song came on as the lyrics blared out, ‘Hey you, look my way. And tell me I’m pretty. Imagining you falling for me.’
The whole time, Jennie had a confused facial expression. She had no idea what this song was. It was announced that it was the follow-up song for FINKLE’s 1st album in 1998.
“When Jungkook and Jennie were two. I recognize the song.” Suga spoke up
“Uh...” Jen murmured, looking confused with Jungkook.
Each member took a piece of paper to choose which number that would be. And of course, with bad luck, Jennie was number one. J-Hope would be next then Rapmon, Jin, Jimin, Suga, Jungkook and V.
“Why...? Just why?” she complained.
For the first attempt, a light and joyful song came on as the members danced around, swaying side to side.
“Okay! Okay! I got this.” Jen prepared, getting into the song.
“1! 2! 3! 4!” the members announced and turned to her to start the song.
Swaying around, clapping her hands, “I don’t know the words but I’m singing on key. You might as well give me that penalty. Cause Miss Bangtan doesn’t know this song~!” she sang out, making the members laugh as her face warmed up. 
It threw everyone off track.
“At least she was honest! Hahah.” Rapmon laughed while each member got hit with a hammer.
J-Hope helped her with the lyrics and she tried to remember as she finally sang the right words.
Starting the song properly, J-Hope sang, “Hey you, look my way. And tell me I’m pretty.”
“Imagine me...” Rapmon messed up while the members figured out the song.
Starting again, the members danced around while Hobi did his stretch dance. Jen managed to say the right words but Rapmon kept messing up and as a punishment, they had Jin remove a stocking off his feet within 30 seconds and he did it quickly. As the members continued to bicker around to know the lyrics, JenKook remained quiet, watching the members. But they all kept failing and continued to get penalties.
“I dunno what the hell is going on.” Jen looked at the camera, amused while they all tried to figure out the lyrics.
During their sixth attempt, they made it to Jimin, “Like the movie yesterday, hug me and tell me you wanna kiss.”
“Look my way always in your eyes.” Suga sang in his deep voice. “I’m a little girl.”
“It’s yet awkward to say, love.” Jungkook sang
“But in your heart, I’ve become a lady. My love now-na na na-” V forgot the rest of the lyrics which caused the members to go crazy.
“Ahhhh!” Suga yelled
Jimin and Rapmon threw their pieces of paper and stood up frantically, yelling.
“What are you doing!?” Rapmon yelled. “SHE OPENED HER EYES!”
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Jimin marched up to V and started yelling at him, “Opened her eyes!”
“Why can’t you open her eyes!?”
Jennie fell on her back, cracking up before she went over to try to protect V, calming Jimin down. “Leave my baby V alone, ahaha! It’s okay!”
For the seventh attempt, V correctly got the lyrics right and started dancing around.
“Call call give a call!” Jungkook sang
‘Wait, wait, we’re going back!? I don’t know the rest of the song!’ Jen looked on in fear. 
Oh, she was screwed. The members were going to kill her when she messed up.
“Whatever you want, I will give.” Rapmon sang.
“In your arms, your arms.” J-Hope messed up the lyrics, causing the members to stare at him.
Rapmon shoved J-Hope away. “You stupid!” he yelled
“You said you knew!” The members rushed up while Jimin and Yoongi stomped on J-Hope. 
Jungkook threw a pillow at him to finish him off. Now everyone had to have a shuffle change and this time, Jen would be next to Jin, at the end.
“Okay, so can you help me? What am I singing? A girl does not know this song.” she asked Tae for help as he went over the song with her.
For their eighth attempt, they sang along but once it came to Jin, he messed up before Jen could. For their ninth attempt, Jin finally sang right but when it came to Jennie, she hesitated and messed up the words.
“JENNIE~!” Rapmon yelled while Jimin rushed up and grabbed a hold of her
“Do you wanna die!?” Jimin yelled while the members attacked her with pillows
“I’m sorry!” she shouted, shielding her body from the assault.
Finally getting it during the next try, it was Rapmon who messed up the final line and they opened the next challenge which was to eat jelly on your face without hands. They allowed Jin to do it but he failed when it dropped. Yoongi went next and it fell to his tongue but it fell off. Last up was Jimin who successfully got it in. 
For their last attempt, they finally sang the song with no errors as Rapmon dramatically sang the final verse, “Just like this, in your arms, take me.”
“I’m yours!” The members yelled and finally celebrated that they won.
For the penalty drink, they had to take numbers and were forced to get their drink. Everyone drank but then suddenly, it was Jennie who got the penalty drink because she spit it out and started coughing.
“Oh God! Oh my God! No! Lord Jesus, have mercy!” she whined over the members teasing her.
“Bangtan Gayo, see you next time!” Yoongi waved goodbye
GAYO Track 5
“Ayooo, BTS here and it’s time to enjoy some K-Pop music,” Jen announced, standing in the middle with a bright smile. 
“BTS’s K~Pop!” she announced with them.
“Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!” Hobi shouted excitedly.
“Last episode, I had the great pleasure of drinking that gross drink. Thank you. My tastebuds are dead.” she announced while everyone chuckled.
“You look like you were about to cry, smartie. Was it that bad?” Suga asked.
“I mean, would you like to taste it for yourself?”
“Nah, I’m good.” He chuckled
“It was nauseating. My breath still was smelling bad after the mouthwash. Anyway, what’s going on today?” she received the card. “GAYO 5. Association quiz by inference.”
Elders vs Youngsters. It would be the Hyung team vs Maknae team. Guess the other team’s singer and song. 
After writing the penalty, they began the challenge. The Makane line sat first while the hyung line stood. For the first question, Suga started blowing in his hands
“Trumpet, maybe?” Jen guessed.
“No, balloon,” V spoke as they watched Jin portray carrying a balloon. 
Before they knew it, Jungkook walked up to the camera
“TVXQ’s Balloon,” he answered, getting it correct.
Jen hated games like this because it did take her a while to figure out what was what and she felt like she would slow her team down.
“A-yo!” Rapmon interpreted
“I’ght you goin’ have to give us a little more than an ‘A-yo’,” Jen replied while Jungkook got hit with a hammer after trying to guess.
“Oppa car, bought, pick you up.” Rapmon tried to explain. “Sunglasses.”
Jen was still confused but her team knew it was Jinusean. 
“I don’t know anything, man, damn,” she complained as she watched her team try to guess but constantly get hit in the head.
But finally, Jungkook got the correct answer. Next was the Hyung line freaking out like they won something.
Jin suddenly pointed to Jennie. “You were just listening to this song.”
“Oh!” she rushed up to the camera. “First I want to give a shoutout to my boys Block B because the song is Jackpot by Block B.” she rapped some of the song while she got it correct.
After they finished guessing, it took them ten minutes and 31 seconds. Next was the Hyung line and they were easily breezing through all the songs. Once EXO’s growl came on, Jen immediately performed the dance after her teammates were trying to growl around, confusing the Hyung Line.
Jin rushed to the camera. “EXO’s growl.”
It took the Hyung line six minutes and 27 seconds and now it was time for the penalty. Opening up the paper, Jimin revealed it to be closing with 17 candies. So one person had to eat 17 pieces of candy.
“I’ll do it,” Jen announced before her team could play rock, paper, scissors. “I’ve been craving candy today so it shouldn’t be that bad. Let me at em.”
“Wow, this is a first that anyone offered to take one for the team,” Rapmon said.
“Oh that’s great, you’re a lifesaver.” Jimin sighed out of relief.
“Taking one for the team, respect.” Jungkook patted her on the back.
Given the candy, she exhaled, looking at how big they were. “Oh God...” 
She placed them all in her mouth as the members started pinching her cheeks. Her mouth was full and she tried to speak but the members teased her for how she was sounding.
GAYO Track 6
Jimin was the MC for this episode while Jennie sat in between Jin and Suga. After recapping the previous episode, they explained that this episode’s topic is Fans’ special vote on BTS’ top 5 dances. Before getting started, it was announced to pick the worst dancers as a warm-up. V had forgotten about the Tomorrow choreography and Jimin spotted his mistake. The members continued laughing at Rapmon’s dancing. In the end, they picked Suga as the worst dancer in his team.
“Really? How come? It’s not fair!” Suga stood up. “Did you pick me for fun?”
“I mean...” Jennie snickered and shrugged, earning a dirty look from him.
“I took a closer look at how Suga danced. It was really funny.” V giggled.
“I pick Smartie as the worst dancer,” Suga called out.
“Me, too!” Rapmon added with a laugh.
“Bish whet?!” she stood up and turned to them as Rapmon, Jin, and Suga laughed loudly and moved out of their seats. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Suga.” 
“You wanna go?” he demanded with a laugh while the members looked back and forth, amused.
“Bring it on, old man, bring it on!”
“Dance battle! Play the music!” Jimin announced.
Danger soon came on, which confused the both of them. It had been a while. And lowkey, she absolutely hated performing the song. It took a while, but then they got a groove and managed to perform in sync with the guys cheering in the background. Jennie ended up missing a few steps, while Suga went on. Needless to say, she was a bit irritated that she messed up due to her competitive nature.
“I guess Suga won,” V said after they finished while Jen and Suga shared a laugh and high fived.
“Everyone decide who won,” Jimin said
“Suga,” Rapmon announced
“Jennie!” Jungkook raised his hand with a bright smile.
After a heated discussion, it was announced that Jennie was ranked at the bottom for dancing and would be the special MC with words of consolation.
“Ooh, I get to MC? Let’s get it!” she quickly made her way to Jimin as he dramatically presented her the mic. “Thank you, my good sir.”
“You’re welcome. Thank you for taking my MC position.” He responded with envy
“You are quite welcome.” she laughed and ruffled his hair. Turning to the group, she happily smiled. “Gentlemen, I’ll be your awesome MC for today. So, let us see the top 5 dances of Bangtan voted by the fans. Write down your answers on the board. First up, let’s think of the number one dance.”
After writing, they revealed their answers and surprisingly it was between I Need U and Dope.
“To me, Dope is the most awesome,” Suga said
“I Need U has very artistic choreography,” Jungkook argued.
“Oh, wow...am I the only one who thinks it’s neither of those?” Jen spoke. “I was thinking of maybe Bulletproof or Tomorrow.”
“Why you think it’s tomorrow?” Jin asked.
“Because it’s sexy and every time we body roll, 'errbody goes crazy and screams.” she shrugged. 
“But fans would vote for something that looks fabulous,” Rapmon added
“Exactly. Us body rolling and so on in tomorrow is quite fabulous from all them screams if you asked me.” she let out a soft chuckle. “Anyway, let’s see what it is. The first choice is...”
‘I Need U’
Jungkook and Jimin immediately started laughing because they were the only ones who chose that song and 42% of fans voted for that as their number one dance. Jimin began running around, yelling in celebration while the rest remained bewildered that it wasn’t Dope.
“Let’s guess the 4th best dance,” Jen announced. 
After a while, the members revealed their answers and it was a variety of different dances about Danger, MBC, No More Dream, and Tomorrow. 
“Number four is...one of my favorites, Tomorrow! Now with number three, it comes with a punishment so...choose wisely~!”
After they revealed their various answers, the members were offered the choice to change their answers. It amused Jennie how conflicted they looked as they tried to ponder if their answer was right or if they should change it.
“He says nothing,” Suga called Jin out who remained quiet the entire time.
“Hey, focus on the show.” J-Hope laughed at Jin.
“Doesn’t he need to change?” Suga pointed at Jin’s board which had No More Dream written on it.
“Why? You stick to your way!” Jin stood up. “Why do you ignore No More Dream?” he pointed his arm forward and danced, making Jen’s eyes widen and Jimin lean forward with laughter.
“What was that!?” she laughed and mimicked the dance move he had done.
Before she knew it, the boys began to have another heated discussion about the dances, as she tried to restore order. 
“Aye! Aye! Aye! Relax!” she yelled, getting their attention. “Let’s see what ARMY said. Number three is...from the 2014 Korea Music Festival.”
“Yeah!” Jimin yelled, jumping in celebration while he was the only person that got it right.
“Always go with your gut guys, don’t get influenced by each other.” she reminded and gave Jimin a high five. “What is behind door number two!”
As soon as Dope was revealed, Jin jumped up and repeatedly yelled “jjeoreo!”
Since there were only two stockings, Jungkook and V would have to dance battle and then Rapmon and Jin would have to as well. 
“We should be able to see something new. A fresh version of the choreography.” J-Hope announced.
When Dope came on, V and Jungkook dance battled. The members began to get hyped and laughed when Jungkook was extra as usual with his dancing.
“Are you okay!?” Jennie laughed when Jin fell on his butt. She helped him up and patted him on the back. 
In the end, Rapmon and V were the ones who received stockings on their heads as Jennie placed one on Rapmon’s head and Jimin placed the other on V’s.
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“That stocking reminds me of Rookie King.” She laughed. “Remember when Jungkook had a stocking on his head?”
The members laughed at the fond memory and began to portray how he was with the stocking.
GAYO Track 7
For this episode, the topic will be songs of male singers based on dance. They were split up into teams after playing the palm-up or palm-down game. Team Red consisted of V, Jennie, Jimin, and Suga, while Team Black and White had Rapmon, Jin, Hobi, and Jungkook. It will be a speed quiz between the two teams. They would have to explain the song and the singer by dance and body language. 
Jennie, Suga, and Jimin sat by the table while V had the sign with the songs as Jungkook’s team went first to begin guessing. Team Red was bewildered at how fast the opposing team was getting the dances right. 
“Are we going to lose?” Jennie asked
“No! We will win! Stay optimistic!” Jimin exclaimed and shook her.
As soon as Rapmon came up to dance around, their team began to struggle because they could not get anything until J-Hope finally got it after a while. Jimin and Jennie held onto each other while laughing once Jungkook spaced up and struggled to try to think of what to do for the next song. After they were done, Jennie sat in between V and Jimin while Suga began to explain the first dance.
“BANG BANG BANG!” Jen yelled over V and Jimin, causing the guys to laugh. 
Running up to the front, she watched Jungkook turn the page.
‘Uh...how did it go...?’ she pondered as her body began to move on its own to perform the choreography as she hit her head multiple times.
“Don’t hurt yourself.” Jin laughed.
“Mamacita by Super Junior!” Jimin called out and rushed to the front.
“EXO’s Growl!” Jen, V and Suga answer while Team Black and White complain about how easy their songs are to guess.
As Team Red continued to rush to the front while answering correctly, Team Black and White continued to complain about how easy it was for them. Jennie looked confused when Suga was back up, throwing his hands up but Jimin answered it correctly.
“This is it.” V made a dramatic face
“Oh! It’s my boys! Block B’s Her!” Jen answered and went back to the front. 
As soon as she leaned forward and started snapping, the boys immediately yelled, “Sherlock by SHINee!”
Next was Suga but they continued to struggle on the song.
“Go away!” Jennie stood and shoved Jungkook away after he continued to dance the choreography of Bang Bang Bang to ‘help’ out. Jungkook’s loud giggling filled the room while she went back to her seat to focus on Suga.
But in the end, they weren’t able to get the right answer and lost the game. After playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, V, and Jimin were sitting in front of each other while the members surrounded them. Soon after, a flustered Jimin went to kiss V on the cheek and then began to run around.
GAYO Track 8
After recapping the previous episode, the members find out that they will learn trot songs that represent Korea. The rules were to have V read the trot song lyrics and the others would say the title and signer. The guessing team that sings it right will win the round. The first team to get three out of five will be declared the winner. Team Tall consisted of Jungkook, Jin and Rapmon while Team To Be Tall had Jimin, J-Hope, Jennie and Suga.
Once they heard the first song, the members laughed once V started dancing and singing with his gold jacket. 
“Sing it!” Jen cheered.
“V’s trot class. Everyone is ready to learn about trot?” V announced, sitting in between the two teams.
The first lyrics were, ‘I called dibs on an attractive girl. Her appearance is so sexy. Her face is dazzling. Her body is dazzling.’
Jungkook and Suga immediately rushed to the mic. Suga got to it first and answered, “Park Hyun-bin. The song is Dazzling Dazzling.”
“Trot singers have dancers behind them!” J-Hope announced as the members danced behind Suga when he began to sing but he forgot the lyrics. Soon after, Jungkook took over, dancing around with his teammates.
“Dazzling, dazzling. She’s so smoking hot. I’m so attractive that everyone loves me. I called dibs on a girl.” Jungkook sang, and glanced right at Jennie, “Beautiful, her appearance.”
While Jennie was snickering at how extra Team Tall was, she had caught him looking at her while he sang as her face warmed up. After he finished singing, Team Tall won the first round.
‘If others call me, I will think about it. If you call me, I will run unconditionally. I’ll run to you unconditionally’ was the next set of lyrics as Jungkook walked up to the mic.
“I don’t know who the singer is.” He answered as everyone laughed.
“Isn’t it Park Sang-cheol?” Rapmon asked.
J-Hope rushed up to the mic, “Park Sang-cheol’s Unconditionally.”
When the song came on, J-Hope sang while his team stood next to him and danced in the background. But apparently, he got the lyrics wrong so they redeemed themselves to sing it correctly.
“Whether it’s day or night, I will run to you anytime! I will run unconditionally! Jajara, jarajara, janjanjan!” Team To Be Tall sang and jumped up and down.
As the game went on, the two teams were tied 2 and 2. Now it was the final round and a random song would be played and if anyone knew it, they would have to sing it. As soon as they heard the music, Team Tall rushed to the front and answered with Kim Soohee, A South Bound Train, which was correct. Jennie kept nodding her head at how passionately Jin was singing but then V interrupted the team when they sang a lyric wrong.
“We’ll take that, thank you.” Jennie walked past Team Tall with the rest of her teammates as Suga smoothly grabbed the mic out of Jin’s hands. 
As the song replayed again, the team sang the song but then messed up when they said: “for the South.” Instead of “In the South.”
During Team Tall’s second attempt, they sang the wrong lyrics again. Suga and J-Hope went up to the mic while they made Jimin stay behind because he messed up the song before.
“Hey, bring Jimin, this is a team effort. Come on, look at the face.” Jen pointed out.
“Smartie, do not fall for that puppy dog look of his,” Suga replied.
“But it’s Jimin, you can’t say no to him or reject him.”
“Park Jimin, do not come over here.” J-Hope pointed.
“’ight then I’m staying with Jimin.” Jen stayed in her seat with him as he laughed.
“Jennie, get over here!”
“No one leaves Jimin behind,” she answered firmly.
“Aish...fine. Bring him.” Suga gestured as she and Jimin stood with them by the mic.
In the end, Team To Be Tall won the game while Team Tall sat there in defeat. For the punishment, Team Tall would part their hair 2:8 and sing dramatically while everyone laughed.
GAYO Track 9
For Track 9, the members were seated. Jen sat in between Jin and Jungkook and the members would have to guess the top five BTS songs selected by fans. On top of that, they would have to get the rankings right and they only have three chances to do so. If they fail, they’ll be punished. The members have to guess ranking 2, 4 and 5.
“What do you think J-Hope?” Suga, who was the MC for this episode, asked.
“I personally think our title songs would get more votes.” He answered.
“Don’t underestimate our B Side songs though. It’s tricky.” Jen added.
“What do you think Jennie?” Suga asked.
“I think Tomorrow is on here.”
“You always talk about tomorrow.” Rapmon laughed
“What? It’s a great song!”
“Why thank you,” Suga said with appreciation.
After the members were talking about which songs they thought were on the list, they began to write their answers down. Jennie wrote down Tomorrow for number 2, Dead Leaves for number 4 and Bulletproof for number 5. She remained quiet for the majority of this episode, concentrating hard on what songs she thought were the right ones.
“Tomorrow is number 2,” Suga revealed.
“YASSSS~!” she tossed her board down and got up to dance in celebration while the rest of the members tossed their boards down, annoyed that they got it wrong. 
As a punishment for Jin, he wore a tight shirt which made the members laugh. When it was time to guess the fifth song, which was revealed to be BTS Cypher Part 3, the majority of the members got it correct while Jen sighed in defeat. So far I Need U was number one, Tomorrow was number two, and Let Me Know was number three. Lastly was the fourth song while Suga announced that the punishment is to drink an unknown beverage.
“I’m staying away from drinks. I don’t feel like dealing with what happened on Track 4,” Jen said.
After being given five seconds to answer, Jen kept the song that was on her mind as they all revealed their answers but in the end, Miss Right was the correct one. Jennie facepalmed while the members talked about the rest of the top songs on the list.
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pampamtiger · 1 year
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heyitsyasminaaa · 7 months
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carpathea · 8 months
I shouldn’t have done that,
Like I didn’t see it, like I couldn’t see it
I should have pretended not to know
I shouldn’t have looked at you in the first place
I should have run away
I should have pretended I wasn’t listening
I shouldn’t have heard your love in the first place
Without a word, you made me know what love is
Without a word, you gave me your love
Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away
Without a word, love leaves me
Without a word, love abandons me
Wondering what to say next
My lips were surprised
It came without a word
Why does it hurt so much? Why does it hurt continuously?
Except for the fact that I can’t see you anymore
And that you’re not here anymore
Otherwise, it’ll be just the same like before
Without a word, you made me know what love is
Without a word, you gave me your love
Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away
Without a word, love leaves me
Without a word, love abandons me
Wondering what to say next
My lips were surprised
Without a word, tears starts falling down
Without a word, my heart is broken
Without a word, I waited for love
Without a word, love hurts me
I’ve become transparent, I’ve become a fool
I cry just by looking at the sky
Without a word, separation finds me
Without a word, the end comes to me
Sending you away unexpectedly
It took my heart by surprise
It came without a word
Without a word, it appears
Without a word, it vanishes
Like a fever I’ve had
Maybe all I have to do is hurt for a while
Because in the end, the only thing that remains are scars
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nostalgiqueajamais · 11 months
List of series about revenge/justice and solving mysteries (Warning: Spoilers)
If you're as vindictive as I am but still like a happy ending, these maybe for you. (Don't worry, I've never actively tried to ruin someone's life irl...yet)
Also, if you're like me, once you get hooked on one genre or type of series/movie, you'll probably want to watch more similar items.
So, whether you want to kick back with a relaxing series about revenge/murder or you want to take notes for your own revenge, here's a list of series about revenge/solving mysteries that I've watched recently:
1. Taxi Driver (2021-) starring Lee Je-hoon, Kim Eui-sung, Pyo Ye-jin, Jang Hyuk-jin, Bae Yoo-ram
I mean, it's starring Lee Je-hoon. Need I say more? Ok fine. He's an ex-militant that had a loved one murdered. He groups together with like-minded people that seek revenge but for other people who are experiencing similar pain as they are. It's thrilling but also ridiculous, funny, goofy, and very satisfying. i.e. The good justice-seekers always win. I mean, what they're doing to get justice puts them in a gray area at best. But still better than the soulless that they go after.
2. Bulgasal: Immortal souls starring Lee Jin-wook, Kwon Nara, Lee Joon, Gong Seung-yeon, Jung Jin-young, Park Myung-shin, and Kim Woo-seok
I did a review for this once (with spoilers). I wouldn't say this is entirely about revenge per say but it's in the mix. Here's the review if you're interested: https://www.tumblr.com/nostalgiqueajamais/681321371629944832/bulgasal-on-netflix?source=share
3. The Untamed starring Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo
Based on the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Wei Wuxian's spirit is summoned 16 years after his death to seek revenge for the summoner. On his quest, he unravels the common enemy that was responsible for his own demise. The theme starts with revenge but it's so much more than that. If you love slow-burn love and chemistry bursting through the screen without uttering a single word, this is for you.
4. Birth of a beauty starring Han Ye-seul, Joo Sang-wook, Jung Gyu-woon, Wang Ji-hye and Ha Jae-Sook
Sa Geum-ra, played by Ha Jae-Sook, is kindhearted and overweight (this is a plot point) housewife that's married to Jung Gyu-woon's character, Kang Joon. The latter is cheating on the former with Wang Ji-Hye's character. Long story short, she loses weight to win back her husband's affections but ends up seeking revenge because... find out for yourself. It's funny, ridiculous and goofy and the plot kept me at the edge of my seat. The series does drag a little during the last three or so episodes. The plot is mainly based on revenge, infidelity, and fat-shaming. As someone who grew up being dubbed "fat," "pig" etc. even when I wasn't and later when I eventually was, Sa Geum-ra's pain of feeling unlovable simply because of her size was something I related to greatly. Which leads me to my next recommendation:
5. Switched starring Kaya Kiyohara and Megumi Seki
Kaya Kiyohara is Ayume whose body gets switched with that of Megumi Seki's character. The latter is the "invisible" archetype while the former is the popular, pretty girl. This series explores an interesting perspective (mindset) that challenges that of Birth of a Beauty.
6. Cafe Minamdang
I loved the goofy satire elements of this series. And the ending was satifisfying but admittedly, sometimes the episodes had a tendency to drag the plot on and I had moments when my attention was elsewhere. But I still recommend it.
7. Girl from Nowhere starring Chicha "Kitty" Amatayakul as Nanno
Nanno seems to be an entity of some sort (think Eris, Goddess of Chaos) that infiltrates school after school after school while seeking "social justice." Nanno doesn't pick sides but it has a righteous tone "holding up the mirror to hypocrites." The overall theme isn't evident until about 3 episodes later. Kitty gives a truly enchanting performance as Nanno.
8. The Glory starring Song Hye-Kyo, Lim Ji-yeon
How could I possibly forget the Glory? But I did while writing this list. However, it is one of the best series I've watched. I've liked Lim Ji-Yeon since her movie Obsessed starring opposite Song Seung-Hyeon. She was so natural and convincing that as much as I liked Lim Ji-Yeon, I hated her character so much. Unpopular opinion: While I really like the actor Lee Do-hyun as well as his character, I feel like I could've done without the latter in the movie. His character was really sweet towards Song Hye-Kyo's Dong-eun and very supportive. Bf material, he accepted her with all her flaws. That's all a girl can ask for. However, I feel like his character had nothing to do with the main story and that I would have been fine if he weren't in it.
9. Celebrity
The revenge plotline comes much later. But each episode was so enticing and left me at the edge of my seat. However, they dragged the plotline in the later episodes and the ending was a bit disappointing. So this is on my recommendation list but with a grain of salt.
10. Flower of Evil
The last one is more or less about revenge. But it is about solving a mystery and clearing up one's name. This one made me hella confused and got me hooked. I really like the characters' chemistry. The ending could've been better but great series overall albeit very bittersweet.
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digihindnews · 1 year
Revenge Of Other Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Plot, And Everything You Need To Know
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Here we are going to talk about Revenge Of Other Season 2. With such a huge success with its debut season, fans of the Korean drama Revenge of Others are eager to learn when they can get their hands on the second installment. This is why we've put together this comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about Revenge of Others Season 2, including when to expect it, who'll be back, whether or not the show will be renewed, and more. Let's not waste any more time and look into when it will be available. The drama series Revenge of Others airs in South Korea and has been running since 2015. Studio S makes the show. The protagonists of this drama show, Chan-mi (who is looking for answers about what happened to her twin brother) and Soo-heon (who is taking revenge on the world for being unfair) become embroiled in a shocking incident that has upended her life, making for an exciting teen revenge thriller. Many viewers are eagerly anticipating Season 2 of Revenge of Others after thoroughly enjoying the first season. We've gathered the most recent information on this and brought it to you. Let's dig deep into Revenge Of Other Season 2.
Revenge Of Other Season 2: Release Date
There has been no official word on when Season 2 of Revenge of the Others will premiere. After we learn the precise release date, we will let you know.
Revenge Of Others Season 2: Plot
In Revenge Of Others, Ok Chan Mi, a high school senior, tells the story of her life. As a former high school shooter, Chan Mi possesses a keen mind and a competitive drive. She enjoys shooting and has done so both for fun and on the high school team. Her life will soon take different turns when her twin brother dies. Chan Mi is so concerned about her brother's well-being that she teams up with Ji Soo Heon, who plans to exact vengeance on the students who have been picking on him at school.
Revenge Of Other Season 2: Cast
These are the main casts of this series. There are some supporting casts as well. - Shin Ye-eun as Ok Chan-mi - Lomon as Ji Soo-heon - Seo Ji-hoon as Seok Jae-beom - Chae Sang-woo as Gi Oh-seong - Lee Soo-min as Kuk Ji-hyeon - Jung Soo-bin as Tae So-yeon - Kim Joo-ryoung as Jin So-jeong - Yeon-oh as Im Seung-woo - Wooyeon as Hong Ah-jeong - Kang Yeol as Ok Chan-kyu / Park Won-seok - Jin Ho-eun as Sa Jung-kyung - Kang Yi-seok as Kwon Se-jin - Han Seung-bin as Min Seonha - Moon Ye-jin as Park Na-rin - Seo Hye-rin as Yang Hye-jeong - Jang Hyun-sung as Gi Wang-do - Shin Su-ho as Hyun Jong-kook If You Are Interested In Know About The Season, Then The Latest Updates Related To The Season Are Given Below: - Cobra Kai Season 6 Release Date: Is Season 6 of Cobra Kai in The Works? - The Gilded Age Season 2: Release Date, Story, Plot and Everything We Know So Far Where to Watch Revenge of Others? You can watch this Korean drama for the first time on Disney+. If you want access to this drama series without paying anything, you'll need a subscription to this service. The platform's support for this show varies by region.
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Source: Revenge Of Other Season 2 If you have access to Digihindnews and would like more information on the most recent developments, please click the link provided for Anime, Celebrity, News, Games, Sports, And Entertainment. Read the full article
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mylittlejamaisvu · 3 years
Sin una palabra el amor me abandona, sin una palabra el amor me arroja lejos, luego yo que debería decir si mis labios cerrados fueron sorprendidos totalmente quedando sin palabras ¿Porque duele tanto? ¿Porque sigue doliendo? Aparte de saber que ya no te veré, qué ya no estarás más aquí... Nada más a cambiado es todo lo mismo que antes.
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dilebe06 · 4 years
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Park Shin Hye - Without Words
Without words you made me know love,
Without words you give me love,
Because you even let me hold your breath,
Then you ran away.
Without words love leave me,
Without words love discard me away,
What should I say?
I think my closed lips too shock on their own.
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Genre: Fluff, Angst, Canon
Characters: You x Kyungsoo
Warnings: None
Word Count: 970
Summary: Your ex, Kyungsoo, sings to you at your wedding.
A/N: Hello, everyone! I received a request from a lovely Anon for a drabble inspired by Crush and Kyungsoo singing at Park Shin Hye’s wedding, so here it is! I hope you enjoy it :) Please feel free to give a like, leave a comment, and re-blog for others to find! 
*Please note that the above images are not owned by me, so credit goes to the original owner(s).*
Read Part 2, For Life, here
Read the side story, Hair Necessities, here
Kyungsoo took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on the feeling of air entering and exiting his lungs. After years and years of performing in front of millions of people, he’d found breathing exercises went a long way in calming his nerves. 
But today was different. 
No amount of calming breaths could quell the rapid-fire pace of his heart or assuage the ache in his chest that weighed him down like an anchor.  On the outside, he was EXO’s  cool, calm, and collected D.O.. It was an image he’d curated perfectly over the years and it would serve him well today. But as a hush fell over the crowded wedding chapel, he knew it would take everything he had to hold his nerve.
He watched as the flower girl pranced down the aisle, strewing rose petals with every step. Then came the bridesmaids all dressed in lilac, accompanied by their black-tied groomsmen. Finally, the minister announced your arrival. The doors opened and you appeared, like a vision in white. 
Kyungsoo caught his breath at the sight of you. He remembered the way your hair smelled like peaches, now framed by a veil of white lace. He could still feel the touch of your hands, now clutching a bouquet of delicate flowers. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen and he drank you in like a fine wine. 
As you made your way down the aisle, he was overcome with the urge to pull you close, the same sense of longing that he always felt when you were near. At the end of the aisle, stood a flower arch, lit up with twinkling fairy lights and embellished with hydrangeas and peonies of the softest pink. It was there that you arrived in the sweet serenity of a bride. It was there that you became a wife.
And it was there that Kyungsoo watched the love of his life marry someone else. 
From the moment you had sealed your marriage with a kiss, Kyungsoo had moved as if on autopilot. Even though it killed him inside, he had clapped like he was supposed to, had toasted to your happiness, and had choked down fancy hors d’oeuvres during the cocktail hour. But now, standing before you, reality came crashing back like a harsh wave against the shore.
Knowing you, Kyungsoo wasn’t surprised when the karaoke machine came out at the reception. You loved singing along to a good banger, and in fact, it was one of the reasons you’d met. Kyungsoo remembered how you had looked that night in the bar, bright smile, hair wild while you belted out a slightly off-key rendition of “Wrecking Ball”. He had shyly slipped you his number and you had said that you would maybe call him, eyes twinkling with mirth. 
Back in the present, he observed a bunch  of *probably* drunk guests queued up to show off their vocal skills. As he watched a comical duo perform a rousing rendition of “Don’t You Want Me”, he forgot about his heartbreak for just a moment. Looking around the room, he spotted you. You danced with your groom, head thrown back with laughter as he spun you around, pulling you close at the end. He wished with all his might that it was him next to you. You’d been the one that got away, after all. But he knew in his heart that it could never be and that more than anything, he wanted you to be happy. You deserved the world. 
Without ever making a conscious decision, Kyungsoo found himself moving towards the stage. Scrolling through the song list, his hand stopped when he spotted a familiar name. Out of all the songs in the world, that song was here. Not-so-distant memories arose, of dancing with you in the living room, of softly crooning this song in your ear as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. It was your song, your’s and Kyungsoo’s. Not knowing what possessed him, Kyungsoo hit select and proceeded on-stage before he could reconsider his choice.
Standing in front of the wedding crowd, Kyungsoo heard claps, whistles, and cheers from the darkened room. Not surprising, he supposed, since most people here wouldn’t have known about his former relationship with the bride. No, all they saw was EXO’s resident crooner about to serenade the bride and groom. 
From his vantage point, he could see you sitting at the wedding table, hand-in-hand with your new husband. Your expression could only be described as inscrutable. Would this make you happy? Were you nervous, thinking he’d declare himself right then and there, trying to win you back? Kyungsoo didn’t have time to ponder as the first notes of Crush’s “Beautiful” drifted through the speakers. 
As Kyungsoo started to sing, the lyrics washed through him and he saw them in a whole new light. Just like his relationship with you, it started out sweet and hopeful, the beginning of an all-consuming love. However, as it progressed, sadness and longing took hold until all that remained was sorrow and living with the memories of what had been. What was once a song of love between you was now a song of farewell. Kyungsoo looked out at your face and hoped you knew that he would always love you. He hoped that your life would always be filled with happiness, even though he could never be a part of it. 
The final notes started to dissipate and he dimly heard the applause from the crowd. But Kyungsoo didn’t care. Looking out, he saw you, a watery smile on your face as you desperately tried to stem the tears that were rapidly forming. Kyungsoo committed your face to memory. Don’t cry. Today is a day for joy, not a day for sorrow. Be well, my love. 
Read Part 2 here
Thank you to everyone for reading Beautiful! If you enjoyed what you read, please feel free to give a like, leave a comment, and re-blog so that others can more easily find and enjoy this story. 
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Hey, so I've basically never watched any k-dramas, but I've read a lot of manga and manhwa and the automatic next step does feel like moving into k-dramas. You seem to have watched a number, so I was wondering if you could make a recommended list? Only if you felt like it of course, but it would be helpful! (Preferably of at least some which are on netflix uk, I looked up 18 again but it's unfortunately not on here in Britain :(. But if you have favourites I'd just like to know them so I can look out for them anywhere)
Also yay! Your term's ended!
(yanks open the door) did someone say RECOMMENDATIONS?? I DO have many!!! Boy do I have them!!!!
(YAY!! One last exam and I'm done for the summer!)
I love Eastern entertainment (manga, k-dramas, c-dramas, and movies from Korea and Taiwan) because of several reasons: the scripts are phenomenal nine times out of ten; Asian culture puts a strong emphasis on the importance of family, personal responsibility, learning from one's mistakes, expressing affection through gestures and acts of service, and friendship and I really love seeing that in a story; and they make good use of silence and stillness in shows and movies, which is pretty rare in Hollywood. The quiet moments between characters are more often than not some of the most important in the story and I Love That!!
The dramas I'm (briefly) listing are in bold if they're available on Netflix UK, and in bold and italicised if they're available on Rakuten Viki (which is a mostly-free drama streaming service, though unfortunately they're rather heavy on the ads). The Absolute Favourites are marked with stars (***). Though I can't actually see the whole list of dramas available in the UK, so some of these may be wrong, and it may be worth checking twice!
If you're in the mood for something fast-paced:
Descendants of the Sun (Viki); considered a Classic
- romantic comedy, medical drama, a bit of action
- The confident and charming leader of a Special Forces unit meets a reserved surgeon and they hit it off, after some... interesting misunderstandings. But after dating briefly and breaking up, they find themselves reunited on a peacekeeping mission in a war-torn country. Insert a lot of Suspense and Excitement but also a lot of Comedy and Sincere Declarations of Love.
- if you enjoy Song Joongki's performance, I'd also recommend his movie A Werewolf Boy. If you enjoy Song Hye-kyo's performance, I'd recommend her drama Encounter.
***Come and Hug Me (Viki, but I don't know if it costs money?)
- thriller/suspense, romance, this one genuinely stressed me out but the moments of peace and reconciliation (and the ENDING) were well worth it
- Their first loves during their youth ends in her mother's death and their separation. Years later, the lively daughter of the murdered woman is now an actress, and the introverted son of the serial killer has become a police officer. They meet each other again (Of Course) and have to tackle all sorts of Nonsense (including the serial killer's return, his murderous brother's return from prison, the Media, the ghosts of their past, etc. etc.) together. HUGE focus on forgiveness, hope, healing, unconditional and self-sacrificial love. Also one of the best redemption arcs (I did in fact bawl my eyes out)
- my friend just started crying when we first watched this drama together because the male lead is just so gentle and tenderhearted and steadfast :')
If you're in the mood for something a bit slower
***Goblin/Guardian (Viki); International Acclaim
- fantasy, drama, one of the funniest dramas I've ever watched, but also tears (I cried at a rate of around once every two episodes. This show talks a lot about life and meaning and the effect your actions and words have on the people around you.)
- Kim Shin, a general from the Goryeo Dynasty, is cursed to live as an immortal Goblin (a Korean mythical/fairy tale figure) until his destined Bride pulls the sword from his chest, thus breaking the 'spell' and ending his life. He really did not expect his bride to be the vivacious and irrepressible Eun-tak, though, and What's More!! He did not expect that he would start wanting to live again :))) Includes a surprising amount of comedy, a surprising amount of tears, and EXCELLENT screenwriting. (Descendants and Goblin share the same brilliant writer.)
- fun fact: parts of it were shot in Quebec!! One of the characters refers to Canada as "the maple nation" early on in the story and my friend and I just burst into laughter.
***Encounter (Viki, but I'm not sure if it costs money?)
- melodrama, romantic comedy, FAIRY TALE
- a cold and withdrawn woman, recently divorced because of her husband's infidelity, and a warm-hearted and optimistic young man meet on the streets of Cuba by accident, and upon separating without means of contact, find themselves back in Korea as boss and newly hired employee. This sounds like a recipe for disaster: stuffed to the gills with unnecessary workplace drama and gossip, etc. but the story focuses instead on family, vulnerability, transformation, sacrifice, about art, compassion, mending relationships, opening up to people, and about the beauty in bringing and receiving comfort and love.
- also. ALSO. Fairy tale!!! with illustrated opening and ending cards and everything!!! (they literally refer to her as the Ice Princess. And her Prince is the human equivalent of sunshine. I Love him)
- if you like Park Bo-gum's performance, I'd recommend Reply 1988, too!
***One Spring Night
- melodrama; quiet and understated but very beautiful
- A bright, clever, and sharp-tongued librarian meets a quiet, steady, and gentle pharmacist one day. It turns out that he's a single father, and she's trapped in a relationship that really isn't working out. Friendship! Family! Sisters standing up for each other and saying No I Won't Let You Treat My Sister Like This, You Jerk! Figuring things out! Learning how to love! I really don't know what else to say, except for the fact that I loved it very much!!
- if you enjoy Jung Hae-in's performance, I'd also recommend Something in the Rain (which should also be on Netflix!) for his acting alone. I just think he's neat.
Reply 1988
- slice-of-life, comedy
- In the late 1980s, five friends (four boys, one girl) who have grown up with each other since childhood are Going Through It in high school. This drama is all about the little things that happen in life, and about learning to understand your family and your friends. Deok-sun is just trying to survive all of This as the middle child, and as a young girl who is trying to figure this Romance thing out. In the present, adult Deok-sun is just as lively, and is now happily married..... but to whom? :))) A Lot of '80s Asian culture, daily antics, and good old friendship.
- if you like Park Bo-gum's performance, I'd recommend Encounter too :)
18 Again (Viki)
- romantic comedy, fantasy/time travel (sort of)
- Nearly twenty years of marriage, and things have been going Wrong all over the place. His wife wants a divorce, he's no longer close to his teenaged kids, and he's just lost the job he's been faithfully working at for years. Daeyoung wishes that he could go back somehow, and finds himself 18 once again.... except he's still in the present. Interesting things ensue. He enrolls in school (it turns out to be the same one his kids attend), and decides to pursue the dreams he had to give up when he was a teenager. Antics ensue! But also Healing: he gets to know his kids all over again, and is able to view his relationships with Dajung (whom he still loves. Of course) and his estranged father in a new light.
- I have not finished this drama yet but judging from the first third of it, it is both well-written and well-acted. There are a few things that I am not a fan of, but on the whole Lee Dohyun's performance is wonderful and I have already cried buckets.
Other honourable mentions:
100 Days My Prince: historical drama. Prince caught in an assassination plot, loses his memory, wakes up in a village right when the king issues a marriage law that results in his marrying the spirited 'spinster'.
Still 17/Thirty But Seventeen: 17 year old violin prodigy in a coma after an accident, wakes up when she's 30; the boy who inadvertently caused the accident runs into her again after she wakes up and helps her adjust to her new life. Lots of wacky humour, very sweet!!
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the-milky-way-xx · 3 years
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Cozy Fall Playlist
• Save You - Matthew Perryman Jones
• Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
• Rest - Michael Kiwanuka
• Indigo Night - Tamino
• Out Of Love - Alessia Cara
• Have You Ever - Brandy
• 숙어도 못 보내 (Can’t Let You Go Even If I Die) - 2AM
• If I Was the One - Ruff Endz
• Without Words - Park Shin-hye
• Have Mercy - Eryn Allen Kane
• Créeme (Believe Me) - KAROL G, Maluma
• Comfortable - H.E.R.
• Otras Vidas (Other Lives) - Carlos Rivera
• 100 Años (100 Years) - Carlos Rivera, Maluma
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dailykoreanpop · 3 years
[BREAKING] Park Shin Hye & Choi Tae Joon are getting married + expecting a baby!
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On the morning of November 23, actress Park Shin Hye made an important announcement via her official fan cafe.
Park Shin Hye wrote:
"Hello, this is Park Shin Hye.
The weather is getting chilly these days. I am wondering if you all are taking care of yourselves.
A while back, I found the first contract that I signed with my first agency 20 years ago. I was a 6th grader back then, and by my 2nd year in middle school, I held the career of an actress. Another 18-years have passed since then. Time sure flies.
So many people were with me through my youth, and thanks to your love and encouragements, I became an actress who showed you many sides of me through a range of projects.
There were countless times when I was happy to be in front of the camera, but when there were also times that I struggled, it was the fans who gave me strength and courage. Just one or two words from you, telling me to be strong, were enough to make me stand back up.
That may be all the more reason why I am so nervous to bring you this news today, and in a sense, I'm concerned that you all will be greatly shocked. But I wanted you to be the first to find out, no matter what.
I am getting married to the person I have been seeing for a while now. He was my pillar of support for a long time, and he embraced the person Park Shin Hye with all of her lacking qualities, and so I am planning to start a life as someone's partner in marriage.
Furthermore, although I am hesitant to discuss this because it is still in its very early stages, while we began preparing for our marriage, a precious new life came to us. I wanted to tell you all so much. I promise to show you a good side of me even after I have become a member of my own family.
Finally, I want to thank you for loving me and supporting me even though I lacked in so many ways. It may take a while, but I'm going to do my best to return as an actress as soon as possible, without making you wait too long.
Until then, please stay healthy, and I will bid you farewell for now."
Previously, actress Park Shin Hye admitted to her public relationship with her fellow actor Choi Tae Joon back in 2017. Now, according to her agency Salt Entertainment, Park Shin Hye and Choi Tae Joon will be holding a private wedding ceremony on January 22, 2022.
Congratulations to the couple!
Credit: Allkpop 
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pampamtiger · 2 years
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eventyrstuff · 4 years
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Every Kdrama I’ve watched under the cut, to keep track and for recommendations.
Warning: Spoilers, few unpopular opinions ahead, please bear in mind: to each their own.
·       You’re Beautiful – 16 amusing episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? This was the era of female leads pretending to be male (Hana Kimi, Ouran etc), but I still loved it. We follow the story of the female lead (who was a Nun at the beginning) who pretended to be her twin brother and become a part of the country’s current hottest band because her twin had a cosmetic surgery mishap (lol). It’s mostly trying to fit in and try not to get exposed but of course our male lead discovered her true identity thus begin her suffering and second also knows but did not admit it thus begin his unrequited love and comic relief and best character in the series was left in the dark thus begin questioning his sexuality 7/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? YES. Park Shin Hye is love and Jang Geun Seuk’s smile is freaking adorable. 9/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? JEREMY AND SHINWOO AND JOLIE YES. 10/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? MOST DEF. I fell in love with PSH’s “Lovely Day” and “ Without Words”, ANJELL’s “Still” and “Promise” though I prefer Lee Hong Ki’s version 8/10 o   Would you rewatch? I’ll definitely rewatch, I would love to compare my opinion back in my tween years and opinion now   o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: Episode 6 – Shin Woo and Mi Nam’s pseudo date (totally heartbreaking for tween me) Episode 11 – supermarket scene was the best, Episode 13 – Cooking scenes was hilarious, every scene with Jeremy, TAE KYUNG AND THE PIG o   Words Association: GO MI NAM, Pig-Rabbit, JOLIE!, Fly me to the moon, “hyung, vinegar?” o   Yes it has overused plots, common conflicts and family drama but the characters and their dynamics are truly worth watching this and if you need a good laugh (this drama has a looooot of funny scenes), this one is for you. 8/10
·       Heartstrings – 15 forgotten episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? It’s a college drama involving modern and traditional Korean music. I honest to God forgot the whole drama, I think there was rivalry between the main leads? 6/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? Not sure, but if it’s Park Shin Hye, I guess so, sorry I’m shit at remembering this drama o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? I forgot so I guess not? o   Are the OSTs compelling? I am pretty sure it got an amazing Osts with having Park Shin Hye and CN Blue’s Yong Hwa but the only thing I remember was the song “Byeul” or Star and it was sung by the secondary character but it was really catchy o   Would you rewatch? Looks like I need to rewatch since I mostly forgot this drama o   Will rate once I have rewatched but if you shipped Yong Hwa and Park Shin Hye’s characters in You’re Beautiful, this one is for you.
Then after years of Jdramas, Anime, Mangas, YA books I returned to Kdramaland in…
·       Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo – 16 charming episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? College athletes’ coming of age drama, added a dash of love and friendship and dreams. Strong female lead and affectionate male lead, sign me the fuck up. 9/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? I AM EMOTIONALLY INVESTED WITH THE LEADS PERSONAL AND LOVE LIVES. YES. 10/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? YES EVEN THE CAMEOS (Hello Lee Jong Suk who I haven’t watched any of his drama yet at the time and Ji Soo) 10/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? I downloaded 2 of their OSTs (You&I and Dreaming), it was the first Korean songs in my playlist 9/10 o   Would you rewatch? Absolutely o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: “BOK JOO, WATCH OUT!”, “YOU DIE, I WILL KILL YOU”, Snow kisses, the gang in the amusement park, THAT SCENE WITH JISOO AND JOO HYUK o   Word Association: SWAG, Messi, Chicken, Samgyupsal, WHAT, Chubs o   I totally recommend to everyone, it has a unique plot, still not over the main lead’s chemistry, you’ll fall in love with the whole story. 10/10
 ·       The Heirs – 20 clichéd episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? It’s your typical rich man poor woman plot, high school setting oozing with alpha males and lots of trope scenes, if only female lead was also an heir or they develop more on her character it will be memorable, I can’t really differentiate with other dramas with the same plot – well except the male lead’s mother is not your typical mother who absolutely hates the female lead 3/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? No, not really more on the secondary characters, both male and female leads are meh 2/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? With the mute mother and FL’s bestfriend and his girlfriend yes, everyone else is forgettable 3/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? I only remember “Love is a moment” because it was used by fanmade crack videos on youtube ahahaha 2/10 o   Would you rewatch? Probably no. o   I guess if you are a big fan of Boys Over Flowers and looking for the same genre this one’s for you, this did not really age well for me, probably would have loved this if I watched back when I was in highschool – reminds me of wattpad days. 3/10
 ·       W: Two Worlds – 16 enthralling episodes (Started 2018 Finished 2020)
o   Is the plot interesting? The plot is what compelled me to watch this drama, male lead is a webtoon character created by the female lead but made famous by her father. Male lead does not have your best childhood experiences but became really successful as an adult but there are mysterious instances that put his life on danger, the female lead (doctor) was drawn in on the comic and saved his life, unknowingly her actions changed the course of the story and it reflected on the comic in the real world – this was truly a good concept 9/10 because I actually forgot I started this drama last 2018 then rewatched and finished this 2020, I am still confused. o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? THE CHEMISTRY WAS ON THE ROOF ON THIS ONE. I DIDN’T EVEN CARE ABOUT THE OTHER CHARACTERS 10/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? I was actually more focused on the main leads, did not exactly give much attention to other characters 3/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? I only liked “Where are you” but it was sung by that guy who was jailed among other things so I don’t know how I feel now. Still the opening was lit o   Would you rewatch? Yes, I will try to fully understand what the mechanics or rules of being a webtoon character and being alive in the real world o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: KISS IN THE JAIL was the first thing that came to my mind, also real life scenes to comic scenes and vice versa- kudos to the artists, slap and kiss scene, the flashing scene, 4 romantic concepts scene, the adorable scenes recreating the illustration book, the transition when yeon Joo dropped her ring, the hospital bed scene o   Words Association: #4, handcuffs, all the winks, sudden “saranghaeyo”, ring, bus stop, “to be continued” o   This drama was amazing for the first 10 episodes then became complicated after, I loved the chemistry between the 2 main leads but unfortunately overpowered the whole story – don’t get me wrong I love love stories, but my reaction was the same as those who read the comics – too much cutesy stuff they forgot the storyline, I wanted them to explore the W show, but they focused on filling the plothole for the murderer which created more conflicts and confusing scenes. The line between the comic and real word created plot devices and more questions. This drama has flaws but cool premise though, I hate amnesia plot on any drama but it was well incorporated on this one. 8/10
·       Goblin – 16 amazing Episodes (Finished, rewatched 2020)
o   Is the plot interesting? A general in Goryeo dynasty got punished by the Gods to be immortal and his sword still in his chest only the Goblin bride can take it off so he can be at peace and die. Immortal lead with a side of grim reaper as best friend, charming female lead with a confident female boss – a story with reincarnation and ghosts, scenes that will tug your heart – yes, one of Kdrama Masterpiece 10/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? At first no no with the age gap but yes, I say while crying o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? HELL TO THE YES, DEOK HWA, GRAMPS, SECRETARY KIM, HELLO CUTIE TAE HEE, SUNNY AND GRIM REAPER 10/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? HAUNTINGLY BEAUTIFUL OSTS, particularly “Round and Round”, “I Miss You”, “Stay with Me” and even without lyrics I still worship “When the time stops” aka the music that speaks to your soul 10/10 o   Would you rewatch? YES ALREADY DID BRUH WILL DO AGAIN o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: Every bromance scene, I got hooked by the scene in the first ep where Eun Tak celebrated her birthday with her ghost mother, epic goblin and grim reaper modelling in the highway, everytime sunny flips her hair, grim reaper and his guests in the tea shop o   Word Association: Canada, sad love, candles, rain, chicken, tea, car crash *sorry not sorry* o   Totally recommended, well-deserved on its popularity. Will make you laugh and cry, at the same time. Acting skillz man. 10/10
 ·       Strong Woman Do Bong Soon – 16 whacky episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? Female lead has super strength which was actually passed down to every woman born in her family, she wants to be a game developer but instead got hired as bodyguard of our male lead who is a ceo of a gaming company 8/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? I remember that I did, I was? I need to rewatch haha o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? I remembered I did not like Ji soo’s character and don’t really remember other characters… o   Are the OSTs compelling? Can’t quite remember so I need to - o   Would you rewatch? Yeahp, will do o   I’ll do a rewatch before rating
I had a watch list back in 2018, but then I became busy with work and life until…
2020 (Details will be more longer since every Kdrama is still fresh on my mind)
·       My ID is Gangnam Beauty – 16 pretty episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? Basically, female lead deems herself ugly and undergone a plastic surgery to fully change her face before attending the university – but a popular guy back in highschool (junior high?) was also attending the same uni and recognized her – it’s a mellow sort of drama tackling Korean beauty and it’s extent, still cute story tho 7/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? We must protect Mi-rae at all cost, Cha Eun Woo’s character is a little bit emotionally constipated but Eun Woo is *swoon* 8/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? I am all for Mi-rae’s family and childhood friend, Kyung Seok’s sister, Yoo eun was very notable as well, I love how her character is completely fair and understanding 7/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? “D-day” and “True” is a bop to listen to, everytime I hear “Something” all I remember is Cha Eun Woo’s slow mo glance, other OST is a bop but not enough for me to put on my playlist 6/10 o   Would you rewatch? Probably but not right now o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: New face dance, bathroom scene with Kyung Seok beating the shit out of their senior, whenever Kyung Seok is annoyed with Soo-A but total heart eyes mode with Mi Rae, Cinema pseudo date – eating popcorn using straws, when he changed the color of his hair, Kyung Seok’s ID when he was a waiter, their high school date, and that last sweet scene in the final episode o   Word Association: gangnam, perfume, plastic, umbrella, soju o   I wasn’t planning on watching kdramas again after a long time but this quarantine just makes you do things and no regrets at all, MIIGB probably isn’t the best of the best but it definitely made me want to watch more kdramas and lo and behold more kdramas watched in a span of 2 months than in a year back in 2018. I love how it tackles on true beauty and female oppression and how idiotic alpha male trope is 7/10
 ·       While You Were Sleeping – 16 not enough episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? A prosecutor, a reporter and a cop can see the future when they sleep, which helps them in solving cases and do their best to change it. Every case is fascinating makes you say “ohhhhh” when they present their defense and I am like *chef kiss* I love the premise and the supernatural part of the story. 10/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? YES. JAE CHAN AND HONG JOO ARE ADORKABLE AND HAS INSANE VISUALS  10/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? HAVE YOU MET JUNG HAE IN, THE PROSECUTOR TEAM WAS THE BEST. YES. EVEN THE SIDE CHARACTERS ON CASES AND THE VILLAINS 10/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? I usually don’t hear the OSTs while focusing on a scene but boy oh boy, OSTs stole everything, I am obsessed with the whole album. The melody and tune is very captivating everytime you hear it you just want to embed it on your brain. If you are still having second thoughts watching this drama, listen to it’s OSTs the feels they give is the same feels when you watch 1000/10 o   Would you rewatch? I’ve watched it again after finishing it so yes, 100% yes, need more episodes still having withdrawal syndrome, still watching fanmade videos on youtube o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: Every episode lol, the opening sequence, the outro scenes in episode 2 and 3 (with that background music), everytime “It’s you”, “You belong to my world”, “When night falls” and “I love you boy” is the bg music, every Jae Chan and Hong Joo parallel (Episode 2 and 16 particularly), OT3 scenes, the shadow picture, KISS IN THE RAIN, IN THE SAKURA TREE AND THE ALMOST KISS IN THE CAR if I list down all of my fave, I will be writing the whole summary of each episode. Hmmm. o   Words Association: Snow hug, sakura kiss, batman and robin, scarf, JUST ICE, choir, seatbelt, samgyupsal, femme fatale, lip balm o   I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. ULTIMATE FAVE. I AM BIASED SHUTTUP. JUST WATCH. NONE CAN COMPARE. NUFF SAID. 100000/10 SOMEONE FANGIRL WITH ME
 ·       Pinocchio – 20 important episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? This whole drama is about mass media and its major influence on anyone’s life and it is so powerful. We have a male lead whose family has experienced the impact of misguided news and it is painful to watch because this really happens irl at worse, this is due to a reporter which is our female lead’s mother. Now our female lead has Pinocchio Syndrome hence the drama title, she can’t help but hiccup when she lies, it’s very interesting to know why both leads wanted to be a reporter given their situation 10/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? YES, I JUST WANNA HUG THEM. Imagine having a condition that forces you to tell the truth, you can’t keep your feelings, privacy or secrets at all and to add an indifferent mother who did not care for your dreams but more on publicity. Imagine having a dream and working hard to reach it but after college you fail every job interview and it’s so realistic I just ashfdsjfha (Except the Pinocchio syndrome part but come on) Imagine experiencing a childhood where you don’t know what happened to your firefighter father, is the news about him running away true because it was his fault all those other firefighters are dead? Imagine your brother doing his best to hold your family together because your mother is on the verge of nervous breakdown to the point of pushing her to choose death, pulling you to a hug and just jump? Imagine this male lead fighting every chance to not love this girl who is the daughter of the reason why his family is gone now and could not leave her because she is also the reason why he decided to fight for the injustice done to his family and to others victims of fake news and they are so supportive of each other. It freaking hurts and I’m sorry I just have a lot of emotions for these two 1000000/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? YEEEEES, GRANDPA AND FATHER, I LOVE THEIR FAMILY DYNAMICS SO MUCH WHEN GRANDPA CRIED I CRIED! EVEN JA MYUNG HYUNG who has not enough episode in THEY DESERVE TO BE TOGETHER NOT JUST FOR ONE EPISODE. EVEN BEOM JU, YOO RAE, NITPICKER JANG, CAPTAIN, BOTH CAPTAINS ACTUALLY, CHAN SOO AND HIS FAMILY EVEN I LOVE TO HATE THE VILLAINS 100/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? I was too focused on the intensity of the story but I do love the bg music –“First Love”, “The Only Person”, “Pinocchio” are few notable OSTs 8/10 o   Would you rewatch? YES FREAKING YES, I REWATCHED AFTER WATCHING IT o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: Episode 16 as a whole, because main lead conflict with each other was resolved and that dinner scene is one I always rewatch, of course episode 1 introduction for Dal Po is freaking hilarious, Episode 2’s “Because I like you” damn feels, snow kiss, all the grandpa scenes and brother scenes, that scene when In ha remembered being drunk, that scene where Dal Po meets his brother again and I just ahjasgdjhsdgf, the intense debate and paralleling it in the seminar, the Christmas episode pyung pyung pyung my heart huhu o   Word Association: Six Degrees Separation, rumor, button, MSC/YGN News, traffic cones, hiccups, piggy banks, text messages, family o   EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH THIS. I LOVE EVERY PART. IT WAS ON MY WATCHLIST LAST 2018 WHY DID I NOT WATCHED IT THEN. THE ACTING THOUGH YOU JUST FEEL THEIR INTENSE EMOTIONS THROUGH THE SCREEN. FEELS EVERYWHERE. 100000/10
 ·       Romance Is A Bonus Book – 16 heartwarming episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? It’s about romance and books! Lee Jong Suk is on it what more can you ask for? Kidding aside it tells a story of a 30 something mother who to go back to work after 12 years which left a huge gap on her resume, she also got recently divorced and experiencing the repercussion of that, all of the job she applied for has focused on her work gap instead of her skills (which by the way as an HR a very hard truth). She applied as a support role on a publishing company and got hired but by omitting a lot of things on her resume. Oh and her childhood friend, our male lead is actually a co-owner and editor of the company. And he is also in love with her since high school. 9/10 but the fluffiness of the whole series is worth 10/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? YES, Dan-I is totally relatable and Eun Ho is lovable. I love their relationship so much they are each other’s home. 10/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? With Hae-rin (COME OOON UNREQUITED LOVE AGAIN WITH LJS CHARACTER?), Seo Joon, President Kim, Manager Seo, and our very own Gangnam Leopard YES. Others not so much. 8/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? The OSTs are feel good, the kind of playlist you want to hear when you read or travelling, point to “Rainbow”, “Walking on Sunshine”, “Happy End”also the heart churning feels when “You’re Beautiful” and “ A Story I couldn’t see” begins playing in the bg 10/10 o   Would you rewatch? YES over and over and over again o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: The first episode with the wedding visuals, so aesthetic with the running in the highway, the power dance was so out of place but it was adorable, the scene where Dan-I reminisce her married life and it just breaks your heart, the essay part of her application is just motivating and sad, WHEN EUN HO WAS DRUNK AND WENT TO DAN-I’s PLACE BECAUSE HE ALWAYS GO THERE WHEN HE MISSES HER AND I JUST AHGSHJAGDKJGHJ, “If that’s love, I love her then”, GANGNAM LEOPARD CLUB SCENE, the subtle Snow confession (what’s with LJS and Snow???) the long brown overcoats comes out I’m there, when Eun Ho rejected Hae Rin so nicely I cry, movie date, the day Dan-I and Eun Ho spent together at their house, all the book pages at the end of each episode o   Words Association: THE MOON IS BEAUTIFUL, noona, power pose, love letters, books, seasons change, cucumber allergy, April 23 o   This drama is literally a warm blanket on a rainy day. Recommended if you want a pure love story with almost no conflict and mellow storyline – just the thought of finding love and home in the same person is truly heartwarming. For aspiring writers and book lovers! Love the quotable quotes in it and the warm feels it gives 10/10
 ·       Extraordinary You – 16 extraordinary episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? We follow the story of the extras in a comic book. Get it? EXTRAordinary you, haha okaaaay, anyway, its fictional characters becoming aware that they are fictional characters and trying to change their fates, having a life of their own outside the “stage” and all around creating chaos – breaking the 4th wall if you will. We have your cliché high school filled with rich kids and an elite group called A3 (which was funny bc it was almost mocking F4), then we have the female lead who thought she was the main character of the story but was only the love bridge extra for the main characters. And our beautiful male lead who does not even have a name. Very attention-grabbing 10/10 also just found out the drama was based on a webtoon, so it’s a webtoon inside a webtoon nice. o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? Dan-Oh is a fun character to watch, her range of emotions and the way she acts in and out of the stage deserves a standing ovation, I don’t mind Ro Woon’s visual too haha 9/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? Yes to Lee Do Hwa (Because violin playing cutiepie), Joo Da (girl became aware and finally got claws at the end) and Dried Squid Fairy and Su Hyang (because their history is interesting) , not really into Bae Kyung or Nam Joo (who was 2dimensional character until the end) 8/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? I loved all the instrumental background music especially “Highschool Runway”, Also “My Beauty” which was very kdrama-esque ending song 7/10 o   Would you rewatch? BIG YES o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: Every Dan-Oh and Do Hwa’s internal monologue and their bromance, every time Dan Oh breaks character but the page flips, every time she curse and criticize the writer, checking the male population’s back, when Dan-oh opened the umbrella and we got to see Haru’s face *dokidoki*, every reaction when they transition from stage to shadow, I mean kudos to Kim Hye Yoon’s acting from crying to laughing then from head over heels over Bae Kyung then cringing at herself , “It’s Bae Kyung Time”, the scene where Haru and Dan-oh was holding hands and here comes third wheel Do Hwa the way they reacted with Dan Oh’s “Annyeong Lee Do Hwa” made me rofl o   Word Association: AYUUU JINJJA, HARUYAAAAA, stage, shadow, page flips, October 10, secret, flower o   I love the concept and how it felt like writing fanfiction, you put your favorite characters in alternative universes or different setting and watch them fall in love all over again – in this case destiny also plays a huge part since the writer continuously separate them but they still fall in love with each other outside the stage. It’s fun to see the other side or the fillers whenever characters are not on acting on stage, they have more character depth and development. I definitely love the Sageuk and College AU part. 9/10
 ·       Graceful Family – 16 wild episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? It’s a drama full of Makjang so we are riding on a rollercoaster ride, I am here for all of it gimme gimme that outrageous plot with a dash of crazy family on the side and a group of people who cleans up their messes 9/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? SEOK HEE IS THE BEST FEMALE LEAD YET FREAKING BADASS BITCH QUEEN. Yoon Do is okay but really overpowered by Seok Hee’s strong personality 10/10 for Seok Hee o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? I am very interested in Ms. Han and the Top Team’s deal unfortunately it was not addressed further in the series, wouldn/t mind a mini sequel with them as the main characters, Choi Na Ri and Seo Jin is loooove, and I love Wan Soo with all my heart even after everything that happened 9/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? “Liar” is on my playlist solely for me to feel as badass as Seok Hee and “Black Diamond” because it plays with your emotions 8/10 o   Would you rewatch? Solely for all the WTF moments o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: ALL THE DINING TABLE SCENES, opening scene in the first episode got me hooked, all Seok Hee scenes made me stay, Wan Soo’s hilarious scenes, that whole hanbok shop scene, whole jail fiasco, when Seok Hee fights head to head with TOP management, PICASSO’S FUNERAL SCENE, Episode 9 when Choi Na Ri moved in, episode 15’s biggest plot twist, Episode 16 and it’s whole 1 hour and 45 minutes of drama o   Word Association: Home sweet home, Cannes, Picasso, power vacuum, kingmaker, Auntie o   It has a lot of flaws, plotholes and characters you wished was fleshed out but man what an exhilarating ride it was. I love all the dirty secrets in the closets and plot twists (won’t spoil just watch it!) but Seok Hee is definitely the show stealer for me. Soo Hyang’s character here is starkly different with her character in My ID is Gangnam Beauty and it’s really amazing. 9/10
 ·       Hi, Bye Mama – 16 heartbreaking episodes (Finished)
o   Is the plot interesting? This is all about mother’s love and the life she left behind. Our female lead died in an accident and has been a ghost for five years watching over her family especially her daughter, she watched how her family moved on – her husband remarried and her daughter grew up with a different mother. The Gods has given her a chance to live again if she gets back her place within 49 days – this means she get the chance to become human again and finally meet her daughter. 9/10 o   Am I emotionally invested on the Main Leads? I AM EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN ALL OF THEM. 10/10 o   Did I grew attached to the secondary characters? SEO WOO YAAAAAA, Min Jung, her whole family and best friends even the other ghosts and their painful stories YES. 10/10 o   Are the OSTs compelling? I was busy crying and could not really hear the bg music because all I hear is my heart breaking a million times. But “Happy” made me happy and sad at the same time and the haunting “Same Town, New Story” instrumental is love o   Would you rewatch? I am not sure if I’m ready to cry again o   Favorite Episode/Scenes: whole episode 8 is where I broke down crying – I know this whole series is about mother’s and their unconditional love but episode 8 showed fathers and their incomparable love to their daughters and I just asjhdajksd the epilogue in this episode just made me cry nonstop – I am actually crying just remembering that scene, every epilogue will make you ugly cry, every time Seo Woo smiles, Episode 11 and that epic showdown in Kid’s café, when Yu Ri became human again and how happy she was she can hold Seo Woo, every scene with her and Seo Woo bonding, Gang Hwa and the egg,  the list of things she wants to do, when Seo Woo finally called her MAMA o   Words Association: mother, stepmom, ghosts,  “I am happy”, shaman, egg, 49 days o   I am emotionally exhausted watching this show, I cried on every episode, this definitely hurt me in every way possible. Highly recommended if you want a good long nonstop cry 10/10
Dramas I did not completely watched sans a few episodes, finished by skipping scenes or reading drama reviews. Warning: total unpopular opinions
·       Boys Over Flowers – we all know Hana Yori Dango is superior, I just got bored of recycled scenes and I really don’t like LMH here, sorry
·       Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Plot is very interesting but Sageuk dramas are not my cup of tea, reminds me of Fushigi Yuugi which I hated when I was a kid dunno why haha, will look for my motivation to watch the whole drama ·       Oh My Ghostess – got spoiled, skipped and just read episode summary
·       Hello Monster – did not even finish 1st episode, skipped through episode 2 -3, too many plot holes, just read last episode spoilers ·       Hotel De Luna – finished 7 episodes got distracted by work and life. Plotline is interesting and characters look promising, will rewatch but I already know the spoilers and ending ·       School 2013 – just read the dramabeans episode reviews, may watch but reminds me of Gokusen concept (which I do love but very repetitive) so may not ·       Suspicious Partner – I liked the plot but unfortunately did not care too much on the main mystery of the whole show which was who the actual murderer is, did not like the shared childhood trauma, but acting still was good, its just the storyline ·       Doctor Stranger – I seriously would have loved to finish this because LJS’s acting skills on point (how can he be that seriously angry in North Korea then be clumsy adorkable in South? Howww) but alas, the female lead storyline is cringy I stopped at episode 6, read reviews and it would have been 20 wasted episodes for me ·       What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim – full of stereotypical tropes I could not finish, too romcom for me and could not invest too much about their history
Watchlist (2020)
·       Hospital Playlist ·       Crash Landing On You ·       Kill Me, Heal Me ·       I Am Not A Robot ·       Sky Castle ·      Love Alarm
Hit me up with your recommendations, better yet your favorite kdrama and reasons why it’s your fave!
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