sleeplessxseattle · 4 years
✸ for a drabble about my muse having a sex dream about yours (lemmett)
✸ for a drabble about my muse having a sex dream about yours (lemmett)
There was giggling, lots of giggling, and hands that kept moving.  Hands that were warm and moving lower.  Levi heard himself gasp at Emmett’s hand palmed over him through his jeans.  Oh crap, they were doing this.  They were really, finally, going to go all the way.  After weeks of making out and talking about it, and Levi unsure of what he wanted.....they were finally going too.....
Levi groaned and slammed the alarm clock on his night stand.  What a damn dream....and why the hell was he dreaming of Emmett?
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drlevischmitt · 4 years
i need you here, with me.
“Is everything alright?” Levi asked softly sitting down next to Emmett on the couch in the lounge.  “You don’t look good.  Bad day?” he asked.  
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kathleenshepherd-md · 4 years
“ you’re so much more than the mistakes you’ve made . ” from Emmett
“You get that I’m a psychiatrist too, right? A better one than you. You can’t just psycho-bullshit your way into making me feel better.” It was harsh, much harsher than she needed to be when the younger man was definitely only trying to help.
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scrubsandarmchairs · 4 years
“ healing is not linear , but it’s always moving forward . ” from Emmett
“Then why does it feel like sometimes I’m not at all. It doesn’t feel like I’m going backwards, it just feels like I’m stuck and pretending to move on until I can’t anymore and I’m right back where I was when she died. I just want to feel like I’m moving.”
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itsaprilkepner · 4 years
“life really sucks. feel better.” from Angelica
"Gee thanks for those pearls of wisdom. There’s nothing more you can give me other than life sucks?”
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itsnathanprice · 4 years
“cross that. don’t answer that
"Why not? You think my Friday night is going to be so scandalous that you don’t actually want to hear about my plans?” Nathan asked, his voice teasing the other. “It’s beers at Joe’s - you’re welcome to join, nothing scandalous. Don’t believe everything you hear about me or I might start getting offended.”
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drlink · 4 years
“have you lost your mind?” from emmett
“Maybe, just a little, but Johnny here really wants to ride a horse.” He patted the miny pony next to him. “He can do it with one arm, and besides equine therapy is all the rage..in Texas..I think.”
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traumahqs · 4 years
╰ ❛ 💉 — › elizabeth henstridge. cisfemale. she\her. . ╯ have you met clara jones yet ? this twenty-nine year old capricorn has been living in the seattle area for a year. she makes a living as a surgical intern, which is best suited for their forgiving, optimistic, awkward, and naïve personality. jokes on you by charlotte lawrence & is one of their favorite songs, and they're written by Daniel, 22, gmt, he\him, no triggers.
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seattlites · 4 years
closed starter for @withstrsandus​
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“Hey, you.” He shouts as he walks in the psychiatry department. It was lunch time and while the surgeon didn’t have a set time to take a break, he didn’t have any surgery and his scheduled consults were only later in the afternoon. “Have you seen Shepherd?” Thankfully for everyone, there was only one Shepherd in this department. Imagine the terror and torture of having more than one as classified psychiatrists. Mark looked closely at the man’s ID. “You’re an attending? You look like a kid. What, have you skipped all of high school? That’d be a shame, no homecoming or prom queen to take to the back of the gym.”
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aeipcthys · 4 years
closed starter for emmett layton @withstrsandus​​
She just needed a minute. A moment to sit and breathe was all Jo had been searching for since her shift began. She’d been covering the pit when a particularly rough DV case come through. Jo had kept it together; she knew that she had to. But from the moment the patient was wheeled through the door, she’d felt a tightness in her chest. This feeling that wouldn’t escape her. Even when she was finally able to leave the confines of the ER, she kept finding every room filled with people she’d rather not be around. The lounge, on-call rooms. That’s when it occurred to her that her new, friend-ish, psychiatrist had a couch. And at this point, even a shrink’s office would do. Jo took a deep breath, steadying herself before stepping off the elevator. The resident checked in with the receptionist before knocking on Emmett’s door. “Hey!” She said as she poked her head inside. “How’s it going? I was thinking today would be a great day to test out that furniture of yours?”
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sleeplessxseattle · 4 years
“ knowing you is like…coming home. like i’ve finally found something that’s been missing all this time. ” for Levi from Emmett
“Emmett?  Are you okay?” Levi asked looking at his friend.  He hadn’t expected that.  Sure, they had been hanging out more, but still.  “Do you have a fever?” he asked the other man quickly before laying a hand against Emmett’s forehead.  
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drlevischmitt · 4 years
Closed starter @withstrsandus​ for Emmett
Levi headed into the bar after a long shift at the hospital.  He knew he should head home, grab a shower, and get to bed.  He had an early day the next morning, but he just didn’t feel like sitting in his apartment alone.  Levi grabbed a stool at the bar and ordered a beer when the bartender passed.  He noticed Emmett a few stools down and gave a small wave before taking his jacket off.  
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bettxrnow · 4 years
🔥 … receiving a hot, drunken smooch from your muse. (for Andrew... yeah that's right. we can both play this game)
He paused when Emmett kissed him and lightly pushed him away. “Sorry, I don’t play for your team.” He said. He patted him on the shoulder. “Nice though.”
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brokenrollercoaster · 4 years
Starter for @withstrsandus​
Ryleigh had heard Emmett’s name around the hospital before. Although, she never interacted with him she knew who he was, at least his name. She saw him standing at the nurses station and Ryleigh being Ryleigh decided to go right up to him. “Hello, Dr. Layton.” She smiled. 
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scrubsandarmchairs · 4 years
“letting go hurts… a lot.” from Emmett
Teddy tended to stay well away from therapists of any kind. She had too much baggage: no family to speak of, dead best friends, trauma from her time in Iraq. It wasn’t healthy, and logically she knew she should talk about it for her own sake...but that didn’t make it any easier. “I know that,” She all but spat out at Emmett, “You don’t think I know how hard letting go is?”
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sgmwesters · 4 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › camila mendes. cis female. she/her. . ╯ have you met LARISSA SOUSA yet ? this twenty five year old scorpio has been living in the Seattle area for one year. She makes a living as a cardio nurse, which is best suited for their self-assured, amorous, bitchy, and hot-headed personality. bad girls by m.i.a is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 24, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
FULL NAME: Larissa Eva Sousa.
AGE: Twenty five (25).
DATE OF BIRTH: 28 October 1994, Scorpio.
HOMETOWN: Raleigh, North Carolina.
CURRENT LOCATION: Seattle, Washington.
ETHNICITY: Brazilian-American.
GENDER: Cis Female.
ORIENTATION: again ?? all will be revealed ??
RELIGION: Christian.
OCCUPATION: Cardio Nurse.
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Lives with Emmett Layton @withstrsandus​.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, Portuguese (fluent). 
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
FACE CLAIM: Camila Mendes.
HEIGHT: 5 ft 2.
WEIGHT: 108lbs.
BUILD: Slim, athletic.
CLOTHING STYLE: Scrubs, if at home then sweats, but when she makes an effort she brings it.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Birth mark on the back of her left leg.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS: mild arrhythmia.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: suffers from depression.
SLEEPING HABITS: with other people usually.
EATING HABITS: a lot of pasta, mostly cooked in bulk for the week.
EXERCISE HABITS: attends spin classes when she can, but usually only makes it once a week. 
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: sits at about a seven but could be knocked to a two from the wrong coffee order.
SOCIABILITY: would flirt with a tree.
BODY TEMPERATURE: runs a little warm.
DRUG USE: none (any more).
POSITIVE TRAITS: Self-assured, amorous.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bitchy, hot-headed.
FEARS: Car crashes.
WEATHER: She’d say it’s the sun, but she secretly enjoys the rain.
MUSIC: whatever is in the top on Spotify.
MOVIES: horror. 
SPORT: Beer pong.
BEVERAGE: Water, or rum.
FOOD: Lasagne.
ANIMAL: Panda.
Larissa was born as the only child to first generation Brazilian immigrants, and is very proud of her heritage, taking the time to speak in Portuguese where she can in order to maintain it.
Larissa lost her mother at a young age. Her mother, also a nurse, had been driving home from the hospital in the early hours of New Years Day after a long shift, where she was hit by a drunk driver. This has always stayed with Larissa, and is part of what pushed her into nursing herself.
Growing up, Larissa and her father were not close. He had to work more hours than possible in a day following her mother’s death, and as such the two barely saw one another. 
This strained relationship and lack of structure had Larissa hanging out with those her father would consider the ‘wrong crowd’. She started partaking in recreational drugs, for no reason other than the attention the others gave her when she agreed to do it.
One evening and a couple of pills into the night, Larissa started having chest pains. She collapsed, and one of the friends she was with had the right idea to call an ambulance. A series of tests later revealed that Larissa had a mild arrhythmia, and the increasing use of drugs had caused her heart to beat out of rhythm. 
Assured by the doctors that this was only mild, and after a stern talking to with her father, Larissa had to buck up her ideas and focus on what she knew she was meant to be doing: nursing school.
Upon graduation Larissa moved to Florida to attend a nursing school there, it not taking her long to decide that cardio was where her skills were best suited.  She knew the ins and outs from her own experiences, and figured that would only help with her patient care. 
While she worked to become a nurse, she met Sam Bello, and once she found out Sam was moving to Seattle it didn’t take long for her to decide to follow suit. 
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