shrikeseams · 2 years
Here's a thought that makes the ainur more interesting to me:
They're in the same position as the First Age Exiles.
Like, they chose to make a one-way trip into Arda because it offered opportunities that just were not available outside of it. They accepted the grief and struggle as a part of that choice. Most if not all of them probably left loved ones behind to do it. They've been told they're on the winning side, but let's be honest, they probably spend a lot of time not so sure about that. But they're in it, and there's no going back anymore.
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sup-its-cat · 8 months
Happy nov 5th to all who celebrate <3
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
every morning I'm like wow.. birdsong and sunshine.....hm.. u know what. maybe there is hope in the world. and everything will be ok :3 and every evening I'm like I Hope A Meteorite Crashes Through My Window While I Sleep Hitting Me On The Head And Killing Me Instantly. and I switch between these multiple times throughout the day and alsosometimes they happen the other way round and theres no sense or reason or order or pattern just the labyrinth forever. yeah I'm good why do u ask
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elysefz · 2 years
she should have never let the duke of rostov challenge her to a drinking competition. even though she cheated, she was now too tispy for her own good. but it was last in the evening and everyone was a little worse for wear so maybe she’d get away with it. 
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maybe. until she stumbled face-first into a solid chest. one she was very aware of. a quiet russian swear. she straightened, teetering on heels and blue eyes glassy and getting more heavy as the seconds passed. “has anyone ever told you how unwelcome you are?” @kcliningrcd​
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Witness for Christ
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septembriseur · 5 months
“Yet I have been pondering not the English, prosecutorial witness, but the Arabic. In this, our, language, the verb to witness comes from the root شهد . This is also the source of the much-maligned word شهيد, shaheed, which means, literally, witnesser, but is often translated as martyr. It is a word with many folds of meaning and history. It carries connotations not only of seeing, but of presence and proximity. To be a witness is to make contact, to be touched, and to bear the marks of this touch.
Shaheed is the word Palestinians use to describe those lost to Israeli violence, a word which has drawn condemnation from American universities and press, who once again presume to know the meaning of Arabic-rooted terms, without bothering to investigate. They allege the word martyr glorifies death for death’s sake. But in this context, it should be read as honoring the truth these brutalized bodies speak. Their flesh, marked by colonial violence, makes visible the wild injustice they endured. Which is to say, their martyrdom tells us the truth about our world.”
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1800-fight-me · 1 year
ig it’s not a request but a loose idea,,
maybe aemond and his lady wife only have had vanilla sex not because either of them want it to be spicy but because aemond thinks his new quiet little wife won’t enjoy anything other than missionary … but maybe they’re walking together in a secluded part of the gardens and catch aegon with a woman doing some spicy things and aemond sees the way his wife stares before she blushes furiously and he decides to to take things to the next level with her later on
New Experiences
Aemond Targaryen x Petite!Female!Reader
A Practice Makes Perfect Fic - This can be read as a stand alone fic or part of the series!
Warnings: Semi-rough sex that turns into soft and loving smut... oops
Word Count: About 2.5k
Synopsis: After a walk in the castle gardens that leads to an unexpected show, you and your husband try something new.
Author’s Note: I'm back!! I'm so sorry it has been so long since I've posted, life has been absolutely insane but I'm so happy to have finally had time to write and get this out!
Aemond Masterlist
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You bounced up and down on the balls of your feet as you waited for Aemond to meet you for a walk in the gardens. 
He’d been fairly busy as of late and you were excited to have some time alone with him. 
You smiled brightly at him as you spotted him walk towards you. 
He truly is the most handsome man in the entire seven kingdoms in your opinion. 
His long silver hair looked so pretty as it swayed back and forth as he walked. 
“Hello, little wife,” he purred as he pulled you into his arms and placed a soft kiss on your lips. 
“I have missed you,” you said sweetly. 
He smiled, a soft upturn of his curved lips, and nudged his nose against yours before he kissed you once again. 
“You are too sweet, I shall lose myself in you if I let myself indulge too much,” he whispered against your wanting lips. 
“Indulge away, dear husband,” you whispered back and surged up to fully press your lips to his. 
He groaned softly, low in the back of his throat, before he pulled back and looked at you. 
“You test my self control, beautiful. I thought you wanted to go for a walk,” he said. 
You smirked at him. 
“That is true, I suppose,” you said, but still you clung to him. 
“Come, let us walk for at least a little while before I drag you back to our rooms,” he said with a kiss to your temple. 
“You would not meet much resistance,” you promised as you looped your arm in his. 
He led you to walk along the path and appeased you as you prattled on about how pretty the flowers were. 
He told you about his day and smiled at you warmly as you told him about yours. 
You were content, happier than you ever imagined you could be. Aemond truly was the perfect husband and you took joy in being his sweet little wife. 
As you turned a corner to a more secluded part of the garden, which you were certain Aemond had led you into for a reason, you might still be new to sex but you were not ignorant of your husband’s intentions and desires, you gasped at what you saw. 
Aegon was buried deep inside a woman, her back to him as she bent over and rested her hands on the bench before her. 
They both groaned in pleasure before he noticed you and Aemond. 
You whirled around and buried your face in Aemond’s chest. 
He wrapped his arms around you and cradled the back of your head. 
“Really, Aegon? In public where anyone could see you?” Aemond said sharply. 
Aegon chuckled. 
“Were you not coming here to do the same?”  he challenged. 
Aemond scoffed. 
You peeked at Aegon and the woman and he caught you and winked at you. 
His hands continued to grip her waist tightly and he did not pull himself out of her. 
She did not seem too embarrassed by her predicament. 
You quickly hid your face in Aemond’s chest once more. 
“Shameful,” he scoffed at Aegon before he led you safely away. 
“Hypocrite!” Aegon yelled at his younger brother and laughed loudly. 
Your mind raced. You had never witnessed such an act before and Aemond had certainly never taken you in a position from behind like that. It looked…. rough, but the woman seemed to be enjoying it. 
Aemond had always been gentle with you since you’d been wed to him a couple months ago, and you enjoyed it immensely. 
But you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d enjoy something different just as much. 
If perhaps it was you and Aemond in that position….
“Are you alright, little love?” Aemond asked as he stopped and led you to look up at him and meet your gaze. 
“Y-yes,” you breathed out as you stared up at him. 
He was beautiful. The way he moved, the way he spoke, the way he looked at you with such care and devotion. 
You wanted him. 
“I am sorry you had to witness such depravity. A proper lady such as yourself should not be subject to such things…”
He trailed off as he spoke. 
His brow furrowed as he studied your face. 
Then he narrowed his eye at you. 
Your husband had become all too skilled at reading you and your expressions. 
“Tell me, my sweet little wife, what are you thinking about right now?” he asked as he leaned down close enough that his nose nearly touched yours. 
You struggled to think straight with his welcomed intrusion into your space. 
“Tell me,” he whispered. 
“You have never taken me in such a way. I-I couldn’t help but wonder if…”
You felt like you could burst from embarrassment. 
You dropped your gaze from his and he surprised you when he pressed a firm kiss to your lips. 
“If?” he asked, a murmur against your lips. 
“If it would be enjoyable for you to be, perhaps, less gentle with me?” your voice was practically a squeak due to mortification by the time you finished your sentence. 
He chuckled darkly and kissed you firmly as he pulled you tight against his body. 
You whimpered and melted into his body. 
“I would be more than happy to indulge your curiosity,” he said as he pulled back and stared at your lust filled eyes. 
“You will tell me if anything is too much, yes?” he demanded between harsh kisses as he kicked the door closed behind the two of you. 
“Yes,” you gasped as he lifted you up and shoved your skirts up. 
You wrapped your legs around his trim waist and held onto his shoulders as he continued to kiss you desperately. 
His tongue pillaged your mouth as he walked to the nearby table, the one he usually used for letter writing and things of the like, and shoved everything off it. 
He dropped you down onto the table you gasped. 
His predatory smile only made your toes curl as he surveyed you like a feast he was soon to
You grinned. 
You entangled your fingers in his hair and pulled him back down to kiss you. 
His hands moved to the lacing at the back of your dress, but quickly he lost patience. 
He instead gripped the bodice and ripped it in a display of strength that had you gushing with another wave of desire. 
He managed to remove you completely of all your clothing quickly, with a few more rips, until you were bare before him. 
“Too much?” he asked as you stared at him aghast. 
He pulled off his eyepatch and shirt and your mouth watered at the expanse of pale muscled skin you saw, your husband’s body was a sight you would never tire of. 
“Absolutely not,” you replied. 
He pressed his lips to yours once again as he kissed you and filled you with his desire. 
Your hands trailed down the expanse of his tight torso and landed on his belt. 
Your hand drifted lower, to grip his hardened length, and he groaned into your mouth as his lips continued to move against yours. 
His hands gripped your waist tight, tight enough to bruise, and you loved it. 
You yanked off his belt, and with his help, removed his pants as well. 
His hands drifted lower. 
“I am ready, I want this to be about your pleasure, fill me now,” you gasped as you bit down on the most sensitive spot on his neck. 
He let out a low sound, practically a snarl, before he pulled back from you. 
He stared at you and he breathed heavily. 
You batted your eyelashes prettily at him as you returned his gaze and offered him your bare body for his enjoyment. 
He pulled you off the table and against his body. 
He kissed you one more time before he spun you around so your back was pressed to his chest. 
You could feel his hardness against the curves of your ass and whimpered in desire. 
“You,” he murmured in your ear, “my sweet little wife, are fucking perfect.” 
You shivered. 
He pressed down on your back so you bent down and rested your front upon the table and bared yourself to him. 
He groaned at the sight of you from behind, wet and desperate for him. 
He trailed his fingers lightly down the length of your spine and your toes curled in anticipation. 
“Aemond,” you whined in impatience. 
He smacked your ass lightly and you gasped. 
“Yes?” he asked. 
“Please, I need you,” you said breathily. 
Your heart pounded as he stretched the moment until it was nearly excruciating. 
You wanted him so much you couldn’t think anymore, couldn’t form words. 
“As you wish,” he said softly before he pressed himself inside you in one swift and deep thrust. 
You choked at how deep he felt inside you. 
“Oh shit,” you groaned. 
Your husband was well endowed, that you already knew, but he had never felt quite so large as he did at this angle. 
He chuckled darkly and leaned down and pressed a kiss to the back of your neck. 
His hair fell around his shoulders and tickled your back. 
You shivered once again. 
He trailed his lips down the length of your back until he stood fully straight again. 
You couldn’t help the mewls that fell from your lips. 
And then, finally, your dragon filled you with his fire and passion in a way he never had before. 
He grunted as he thrust in and out of you so hard and deep that the table beneath you shook. 
He gripped the flesh of your hips tightly and held you in place as his pace somehow increased. 
Your wanton moans filled the room and made music as they intertwined with his low groans. 
There was a spot deep inside you that both you and Aemond were familiar with, but no position you tried before had ever given it quite this much attention. 
He hit that spot over and over inside you and the pleasure was so intense and overwhelming it was nearly painful. 
Your pleasure built and built as he buried himself deeper inside you than he had ever reached before, over and over and over again.  
“Aemond,” you gasped. 
He stopped his thrusts momentarily and you whined. 
He leaned down and pressed his sweat glistened chest against your back as he laid his weight atop you. 
You let out a high pitched whine at the feel of more of his skin against yours. 
He ran his hands all the way up your sides, arms, until finally he placed his hands atop yours and laced his fingers with your own. 
He ran his nose softly against your cheek and hummed in contentment. 
You sighed happily. 
You craned your neck and pressed your lips to his. 
He kissed you, slow and sweet before you released his lips and laid your head back down on the table. 
He began his thrusts once again, but this time, slow and more shallow. 
Your pleasure was not diminished, however, it felt just as wonderful, just more intimate. 
His cock rubbed against that same spot within you, slowly and smoothly, continuously and repeatedly.
‘Mmmm,” he moaned in your ear.  
“Oh gods,” you breathed out. 
“You are perfect, little love,” he murmured and slipped a hand from yours. 
His large hand found your waist once again and then slipped around the bend of your hip to the front of you. 
You gasped as his long fingers found your bundle of nerves and began to draw circles around it. 
He continued a steady and even pace as he touched you. 
Your sounds of ecstacy increased in volume and he groaned along with you. 
You felt the tension in your body grow and grow as his fullness pleased you more than you ever thought possible. 
“Let go,” he whispered and you did as he bid. 
The tension inside you snapped and you came, and clenched down on his hardness as you did. 
He muffled his own sounds of pleasure as he bit down on the juncture between your neck and shoulder. 
The pain only intensified your pleasure and you could not help the volume at which you called out his name. 
He found his own release shortly after you, and spilled himself deep inside of you. 
You both panted as you caught your breaths. 
You turned your head and he kissed your wanting lips. 
“I love you,” he murmured against your lips. 
“And I love you, dear husband, but I fear you are crushing me,” you said breathily. 
He chuckled and hauled himself off you. 
He helped you stand upright and laughed pridefully once more as you clung to him due to your unsteady legs. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he scooped you up and held you to his chest. 
He carried you over to the overstuffed chair before the fire and sat down as he held you on his lap. 
You nuzzled your face into his throat and he hummed in satisfaction. 
He rubbed his hand up and down your back. 
“Are you alright? I fear I was too rough-“ 
“No, it was perfect, you were amazing, I feel wonderful,” you said as you pressed a kiss to the hollow of his throat. 
“Good,” he said lowly as he continued to rub soothing circles into your skin. 
“Though that was my favorite dress,” you said lightly. 
He laughed in surprise.
“Then I shall have another made for you, little wife, but I cannot bring myself to apologize,” he said and you could hear the smile in his voice. 
You giggled. 
“No apology is necessary,” you reassured and he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. 
You both fell into a contented and satisfied silence as he held you. 
Then you remembered that it was surely only mid afternoon and he must have duties to attend to. 
“How long before you have to go?” you asked. 
“We merely intended to go for a short walk in the gardens, I fear I have taken you from your afternoon responsibilities,” you said with a yawn. 
He laughed softly. 
“No, my sweet wife, I had no intention of only taking you for a walk. I cleared my entire afternoon,” he replied. 
“Aemond!” you said in shock and surprise before you laughed. 
“It is your fault for tempting me so,” he said heatedly. 
You huffed a laugh. 
“Whatever shall we do with an entire afternoon, just the two of us?” you teased. 
“Hm. I can think of a few things,” he said, his voice low and deep as he turned your head and pressed his lips to yours once more. 
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yellowgreendinno · 3 months
Crack incorrect quotes
Augustus: Hey how old are you? Mereoleona: Fifteen Augustus: Oh haha you're still a baby, I'm eighteen. Mereoleona: OH SORRY PREHISTORIC FOSILE, WITNESSER OF DINOSAURS, SON OF TUTANKHAMUN! ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ Yami: Hold on- you DIED! Fuegoleon: Well it didn't stick. ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ Charlotte: time for plan G. Jack: Don't you mean plan B? Carlotte: No, we passed plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Dorothy: What about plan D? Charlotte: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Fuegoleon: What about plan E? Charlotte: I'm hoping not to use it. Yami dies in plan E. Nozel: I like plan E ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ Julius: You call it a near death experience. Julius: I call it a vibe check from God. Marx: [eye twitches] ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ Leopold: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Fuegoleon: Leo, no. Mereoleona: Mistlefoe. Fuegoleon: Please stop encouraging him. ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ Solid: Help I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him? Noelle: You did WHAT- Nebra: William Snakespeare. ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ Vanica: I invited you to the woods because I crave the most dangerous game. Nebra and Nozel: [nodding] knife monopoly. Vanica: Vanica: I was actually gonna hunt you for sport, but now I'm interested in whatever the fuck knife monopoly is. ☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☽☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾
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doodleimprovement · 1 year
Akari is scouting in the highlands, when she ends up chased by some pokemon... and ends up a horrid spectacle when she's chased off a cliff - with witnessness
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And so begins a domino effect that no one expected...
Yes i forgot his goatee again aksdfhjaklsdfhj
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pawznacho · 2 months
They exist. Everyhwere. In every universe.
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Agatha and Misamisa are the witnessers.
+Penny and Ryu
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Potipher's wife
Joseph was Potiphar’s slave (Genesis 39:1). If Joseph had tried to rape Potifers wife, that would have been a capital offense, and Potifer could have killed Joseph. Potipher was duty-bound to arrest Joseph on doubtful charges (it seems that way to me anyway). There were no witnesses (Genesis 39:11). If Potipher’s wife were telling the truth, then Potipher would have killed Joseph. That tells us…
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preservationofnormalcy · 10 months
The Radiant Heart shall be preserved and keep preserved forever! Cease you heresy that Our devine Witnesser of the Heart, Pastor Mayweather, has been damaged by the divinity! He has absorbed it and become *more* for it.
And simply for Chernobyl were not enough to begin the Great Division means not that naught shall! The Radiant Heart shall beat forever. Someday you shall all see its glow.
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blackrosepirates · 9 days
hi im tumblr user blackrosepirates; bizlychannel enjoyer, terrible d&d player, certified jrwi rp insaneperson, constantly exhausted, witnesser of the horrors, jrwi freak content enthusiast, felipe hater, constantly paranoid, secretly chip jrwi, mockingjay/polypirates lover, chiptune truther, mentally ill
interact with my little guys @cherrymoonflowers
system blog @seasideparty
images and blinkies and gifs and bullshit under da cut 🔥
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scientific-dog · 2 months
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“A witnesser of cosmic horrors”
P.S. he stole the lens :v
P.P.S. I unsuccessfully tried into a perspective
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scmg11 · 1 year
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How are you guys?!
Anyway, I know last chapter was pretty intense and so full of words, but I hope you enjoyed it!
Here is part 4 of The World's Greatest Archer!
Enjoy ❤️.
Sending so much love to each one of you to wherever you are ❤️.
Summary: Y/N and Kate have dinner with Eleanor and Jack. Then Y/N has to save Kate's and Clint's ass from the tracksuits.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 8736 words.
"Y/N drop it. I’m not gonna show my Hawkeye gadgets collection to you."
"Oh c’mon! I need anything I can gather to mock him!" Y/N pressed after they exited the subway, patting the archer’s arm pleadingly.
"No, because I know what you’re trying to do."
"Enlighten me then. What am I trying to do?" Y/N smirked mischievously as Kate rolled her eyes and pushed on the girl’s shoulder softly, making her falter a bit in her steps.
"You want to come into my room to see your poster." Kate started with an accusatory tone, a small lilt of fond exasperation also clear in her voice, as she stared Y/N down and watched as she put a clearly fake innocent face on with a big, bright smile adorning her beautiful features. They fell back into step, walking side by side, their arms brushing softly from time to time, and both shivered when the slightest of touches of their hands between their bodies triggered hard goosebumps down their spines and made electricity invade every cell of their bodies deliciously, also warming them up just a bit from the cold of the night as snow fell down the streets, in front of them, on their heads and settling on their hair softly, wrapping the city in a wonderfully, fairy white blanket. They thanked the cold so they could cover their blushes up on their cheeks and pretend it was due to the cold wind hitting their skin, when in fact it was their gay panic transforming them in blushing, flushing messes as they couldn’t even function properly with just a small brush of a hand on their own, "I’m not gonna show it to you. It’s embarrassing now that I actually know you."
"I don’t think it’s embarrassing Kate! Me falling on my ass right in front of my date during my first date ever is embarrassing. My mom talking freely about her sex life with me to mess up with me is extremely embarrassing. Walking in on Hulk after taking a bath and seeing him naked is embarrassing, especially when you had to fight alongside him. I can keep listing all the things that are embarrassing but you having a giant poster of me in you room is not embarrassing. It’s everything but embarrassing. It’s cute, adorable, pretty badass."
"Did you really see the Hulk naked?" Kate asked with wide eyes and shivered alongside Y/N after she nodded at her in affirmation, "okay, you made some pretty solid points, but it’s still embarrassing to me. Besides, we would be really lucky if my mom will let us go to the bathroom, let alone let us chill in my bedroom. She will be in her investigator, protective mom mood tonight."
"It’s understandable. She wants to know you’re safe. I will assure her that as long as you are with me, you will be safe." Y/N stated resolutely as she met Kate’s eyes and smiled at her, the young archer reciprocating it right after and bumped their shoulders together in appreciation.
"Okay, remember, do not meet her eyes when she scrutinizes you, she will read your mind and discover all your secrets in a second." Kate stated seriously after they entered her mom’s building and waited patiently for the elevator to arrive.
"Well that’s impressive, especially since I can read minds too. Does your mom’s eyes glow like mine?" Y/N joked in a light tone and watched as Kate pressed the button for the penthouse floor with a snort.
"Only when she’s angry. That’s not a good sight to witness." Kate cracked a joke herself and felt pride swell in her chest at the cute giggle the Y/E/C girl emitted right after.
"Let me guess, you witnessed it too many times to count."
"Yeah, I like to get on her nerves." Kate admitted with a mix of pride and shyness right before the elevator’s doors opened, "after you."
"Such a gentlewoman." Y/N joked some more to cover up the light blush on her cheeks as her stomach flipped over itself at the chivalrous gesture, doing it again when Kate took her coat from her and hung it on the coat-rack.
"Hey mom."
"Honey, come here." Y/N watched with fondness swimming into her Y/E/C eyes as the two hugged and felt a tight grip around her heart thinking about how much she missed her mom. "Y/N."
"Hi, miss B-" Y/N started but she stopped herself mid-sentence when Eleanor stared at her pointedly, "Eleanor." They shared a quick hug before pulling away gently.
"Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes or so. Why don’t you go chill a bit in your room? Oh and don’t forget to show her around." Y/N tried with all her might to keep her wide grin at bay and prevent it to broaden as she looked at Eleanor smiling at them both genuinely before throwing a small glance in Kate’s direction, who was flushing furiously beside them.
"If Kate is up to it, I would love that."
Kate rolled her eyes at the girl stressing the word ‘love’ but sighed in relief when her mom didn’t pick it up and looked at her in a mix of reprimand and expectation, "follow me then Y/N!"
"Great! I’ll call you when dinner is ready!"
"Okay mom, thank you!" Kate yelled over her shoulder as she pushed Y/N up the stairs and smiled widely at her before turning around and heard the girl chuckle under her breath, "do not say a word when we’ll get to my room. Or I’m shutting you up with a punch."
Kate’s stomach exploded into millions of butterflies at Y/N’s giggles increasing in volume and had to retrieve her hand away from her lower back to stop herself from caressing it affectionately, "not even to comment how cute it is that you have me on your wall?"
"Y/N, I’m seriously thinking about skipping my room in this house tour."
"Oh please no! For all I care, despite this huge house is amazing, I only want to see your bedroom." Kate groaned in fond frustration and exasperation and quickly showed Y/N around, smiling widely at the awe expression never leaving Y/N’s features before sighing out loud in anticipation when they arrived outside the last room of the house Kate needed to show to Y/N.
"Not. A. Word." Kate gritted out before moving to the side and inviting Y/N into the room, who had a shit eating grin on her features instead.
"You worry too much Bi-holy shit!" Y/N stopped mid-sentence to exclaim with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open when her eyes immediately fell on the poster in the room.
"Hey! I told you to not say anything!" Kate whined childishly as she stomped her feet on the ground with a big pout in her lips and her arms crossed under her chest.
"Well excuse me, it was well due that exclamation!" Y/N smiled brightly as her eyes stayed fixated on the poster, hearing Kate sigh some more as she closed the door, the faint click of the door closing filling the silence in the room, before she approached her and stopped right beside her, bumping their shoulders together purposefully. "This is huge."
"Can you focus on anything else please?"
"Oh like that picture of Clint you have on that cork board?" Y/N countered back as she took her eyes off the poster and met Kate’s eyes with a big, smug smirk.
Kate groaned out loud and hid her flushing face into her hands, "I hate you." The archer’s voice came out muffled but still intelligible enough for Y/N, who laughed heartily at the cute and adorable reaction.
"Don’t worry." Y/N spoke up after her giggles subsided and patted the archer’s back softly, making her remove her hands from her face and met her intoxicating blue eyes with a reassuring grin, "your secret is safe with me."
"I don’t even know what’s more embarrassing now."
"Like I said before, it’s not embarrassing. Maybe that Clint picture can be a bit shocking, but this poster it’s so fucking cool!"
"You’re just saying this because you are in it." Kate rolled her eyes in fond annoyance and exasperation and pushed on Y/N’s shoulder gently.
"No, I’m not, I swear! I didn’t know I looked that good while sweaty and wore out."
"You are always looking good." Kate widened her eyes and clamped her mouth shut with her hands after that, something that made Y/N cackle up in amusement, "shit, I said it out loud, didn’t I?"
"Yep." Y/N affirmed with a wide smile, trying to act cool while her insides pretty much exploded at the admission, as she stressed the ‘o’ and watched in delight as an hard blush appeared on the archer’s face and it made her smile to widen ten sizes, "thanks. You also always look amazing Kate."
Y/N watched as Kate’s red hue deepened instantly at her truthful words spoken with a soft tone and walked closer to her, "why is it hot all of a sudden? Do you feel hot too? Should I put the air conditioning on?" Kate rattled off quickly as she fanned her scorching red face while adamantly avoiding the girl’s gaze she was trying to make Kate to meet.
"No Kate. Calm down, you are starting to resemble a tomato." Y/N gingerly put her hand on Kate’s back and caressed it gently, feeling the archer’s muscles stiffening under her touch, but also noticing how defined they were but restrained herself to let her hand wander around to feel them thoroughly, before they relaxed at her small, comforting circles. "Okay, that’s good." Y/N commented as she noticed the red blush was starting to subside and decided to give some mercy to the black haired beauty by changing their conversation subject, "can we talk about that cute little bow?"
Kate’s face erupted in a wide grin at the question and her eyes instantly fell on that aforementioned item hung on the wall, "it was my first bow. My mom wasn’t so happy to buy it and she wasn’t sure it was a good, safe and appropriate sport for a little girl but she quickly changed her mind when I started winning trophies and medals, understanding I was born to do that." Y/N smiled warmly at the archer and went to open her mouth to reply to Kate’s story but she was stopped in her tracks by a soft, faint knock on the door, "come in!"
A second later the door opened and Eleanor’s face appeared with a big smile, "dinner’s ready girls!"
It was a surprisingly quite and comfortable dinner. Both girls were expecting Eleanor to ask a lot of questions but she just tried to know Y/N better with questions about herself, not getting too much deeper into her personal life. "So Y/N, any significant other in your life?"
"What? It’s just a simple question." Kate rolled her eyes at her mother’s innocent comeback and watched as she took a sip of her wine with her eyes fixated on Y/N, who was totally unaffected by the question.
"No, I dated a few people but those were just flings. I had been too busy to actually date someone, with y’know the blip and the whole fighting Thanos thing." Y/N explained calmly as she sipped gingerly at her water before placing it back on the table.
"Oh yeah!" Kate interjected with bright eyes and turned towards Y/N excitedly.
"Thank you by the way." Jack butted in with a grateful smile and lifted his glass up to Y/N, who smiled politely at him and nodded softly.
"Don’t mention it." Y/N continued to smile at the man before settling her eyes on Eleanor once again and broadened her grin as she leaned her clasped hands on the table and kept going, "so yeah, I had been distracted by few things to consider getting myself into the dating area seriously."
"But it must be a little lonely, isn’t it?" Eleanor sported a sad expression, a gesture that screamed ‘motherly’ all over and dusted a sense of longing into her chest. She missed her mom like crazy.
"Okay mom, enough. Let’s change the subject, can we? Jack the dinner was wonderful."
Y/N turned her head gently towards Kate and lifted imperceptibly her eyebrow at her after hearing her totally too sweet tone and tried to understand where she was going with this but the archer kept staring at Jack head on, "thank you darling. The secret for a good risotto is to agitate with love."
"Wow, you cook, you are rich, you care for my mom. You are almost too good to be true." Kate smiled brightly at the man, a small bite hiding behind her tone that only Y/N could detect but she kept a poker face on and listened silently and intently to the conversation. "So what’s with all these swords, you fence?"
"I dabble."
"So why don’t we take out one of these babies and we have some fun?"
Jack was stopped mid-sentence by Eleanor who shook her head in determination, "no, please no. We had enough drama this past week. I want to enjoy a normal, quiet dinner."
"Perhaps your mother’s right." Jack smiled wistfully at Kate as she patted Eleanor’s hand gently with a loving grin.
"Oh c’mon, why not?" Y/N wanted to laugh at the girl’s stubbornness, but she was also intrigued as to why she was so adamant to fence with Jack.
"I’m convinced."
"Oh please, she only said ‘why not?’. That’s not a valid argument. It’s not even an argument." Eleanor shook her head in disappointment at her fiancée when he just smiled guiltily at her.
"And yet." Kate smiled when Jack excused to take his equipment and met her mother’s unamused gaze, "c’mon, it could be fun."
They all sat up from the table when Jack returned and gave Kate her equipment before helping him in moving the table out of the way, "she can be so stubborn sometimes."
"Yeah, but I prefer the term eager." Y/N joked with a giggle and watched as Kate finished suiting up and waited for Jack to get in position.
"Honey, be careful." Eleanor said as she crossed her arms and leaned her back on the wall with Y/N leaning on her shoulder on the doorstep of the living room with her crossed arms.
"When am I not careful, mom?" Y/N chastised herself for finding Kate slipping the protective mask on with just an imperceptible tilt of her head and smiled in amusement instead when she heard Eleanor’s witty comeback.
"I was actually talking to Jack."
Y/N watched mesmerized at how good Kate actually was, her body moving gracefully with precise jabs, "stop letting me win Jack!" That made Y/N furrow her eyebrows at that, detecting a clear lie into Jack’s tone when he affirmed the opposite.
"Kate!" Y/N gasped in shock and got ready to stop her friend with her magic as her hands surged forward in position and her eyes glowed blue when Kate lunged forward with her sword and almost hit Jack in the face, but the man was quicker than her and parried perfectly, making Kate’s sword fall off her hand and roll onto the floor. "You could’ve hurt him!" Eleanor’s tone was full of anger, reprimand and shock as she stared at her daughter with eyes wide with disappoint.
"No, I knew he would parried my jab. I wanted to prove he is lying, which I successfully did." Kate took her hat off hastily and stared Jack down, who was acting too casual and laid back for Y/N’s and Kate’s likings.
"I might’ve downplayed my skills and lied repeatedly about them." Jack stated nonchalantly and smiled at Eleanor, "I’m gonna go change."
"You are unbelievable." Eleanor pointed her forefinger at her daughter before walking into the living room while shaking her head disapprovingly.
"I was just trying to prove to you Jack is a bit suspicious." Kate started as she pulled the zipper of the uniform down and hastily took it off of her, letting her black t-shirt show her amazing arms and deciding to neglect her blazer for now since she was too hot from the argument unfolding with her mom to dress herself back at the moment. Y/N had a serious hard time in not ogling at the wonderful sight that was Kate in a simple black t-shirt and swallowed imperceptibly to get rid of the sudden dryness of her throat as she tried to focus and understand what Kate was telling to her mom about Jack, since the girl talked about her suspicions about him with her the night prior and she was right, everything was a bit dubious and he was extremely untrustworthy despite him trying to put up an innocent façade with too much excitement and eagerness about everything as he tried to appear perfect in front of everyone. But was he really perfect? That’s what they were trying to find out. Yeah, they. Y/N decided to help Kate investigate on her mom’s flawless and perfect fiancée. "He is too perfect! He is hiding something!"
"Oh don’t be ridiculous!" Eleanor waved Kate off as she sat on a small armchair while Y/N stayed closer to the archer as she placed forcefully the uniform on the couch’s cushions and walked towards her mother. Y/N stayed closer to the couch to assess the scene in front of her silently, "you are overreacting."
"Don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious that the same night his uncle threatens you, he is murdered by a sword. How many murders happens by a sword? Let me take a guess. Zero, mom." Kate sat on the small table and crossed her arms angrily as she clenched on her jaw, the gesture making the muscles there pop out and making her jaw more defined and that caused Y/N’s head to spin a bit.
"You are looking too much into things."
"It’s more than that! There are street gangs Molotov cocktails, and a ninja-"
"What is a Molotov cocktail- wait- are you old enough to drink?" Jack came back into the living room and went straight for the bottles full of alcohol to pour himself a drink, making a joke with a wide grin as he asked in worry with his forefinger sticking out from its grip on the glass in his hand to point at Kate suspiciously his question.
Y/N wanted to snort at the incredulous look Kate regarded Jack with before rolling her eyes at him, then focusing on her mom talking once again about her future in Bishop Security. "Now please, apologize to Jack."
Kate stared ahead of her for a few seconds before turning her head towards him with a mischievous and mocking grin on her lips, "I’m sorry Jack for pushing you to say the truth."
Jack laughed heartily at Kate and shook his head, rounding his arm around Eleanor’s waist as she made her way towards him while also a small chuckle left her lips, "she is a smart one, isn’t she?" Jack passed the glass in his hand to Eleanor, who thanked him with a grateful smile, before he got out of his embrace with Eleanor and walked towards Kate as he rummaged into his blazer’s pocket for something, "butterscotch?"
Y/N watched as Kate’s smug grin fell of her face and worry settled on her features as she stared at the sweet candy into Jack’s hands before making her way towards Y/N to retrieve her blazer and coat, putting them on quickly, "I- I have to go."
"Kate what’s wrong?"
"N-nothing. I just- I just remembered I need to take care of something for w-work."
"Kate I’m your boss, I’m sure I can let it slide."
"I’m sorry. I’m- I’m gonna call you later. Let’s go." Kate grabbed Y/N’s hand and pushed her out of the living room, Y/N having just enough time to say bye to the both of them as she got pulled away, stopping just to let her take her own coat before walking out of the penthouse, ignoring Eleanor’s gaze that followed them and their joined hands until the elevator’s doors closed, then Eleanor’s eyes focused on Jack who shook his head imperceptibly and shrugged unknowingly before popping the candy into his mouth and smiling sweetly at his fiancée.
"Kate what’s wrong? Why did we leave so fast?" Y/N asked in worry as she tried to keep up with Kate’s fast pace as she walked as far away as possible from the building, before stretching a hand up to call a cab.
"He offered me a butterscotch."
"Okay and?" Y/N asked confused as she opened the taxi’s door and let Kate in first before following her.
"It was a monogrammed butterscotch, his uncle’s Armand III’s butterscotch." Kate clarified as she typed away on her phone.
"Oh shit." Y/N exclaimed with widened eyes and bit down on her bottom lip as she stressed over the situation in her head, "are you sure?"
"Yeah, I saw them when I sneaked into Armand’s house the night I met you. I’m 100% sure." Kate huffed out at something on her phone before meeting Y/N’s eyes, making the girl believe what she was saying and what she was thinking about Jack, her suspicions starting to become really solid, to strengthen and to cement more and more each passing day their worries about Jack.
"Okay, fuck this is a lot."
"I’m trying to contact Clint but he is playing hard to get and he is not answering me. I’m gonna call him." Kate called Clint and put the phone on speaker, huffing in frustration when it stopped a few seconds later. "Should I try again?" Kate asked rhetorically, meeting Y/N’s eyes for a second before clicking on Clint’s name and called him again, smiling when this time she heard him pick up the phone, "y’know sometimes calling again isn’t the best option but it wor-"
"I’m sorry. Clint Barton can’t come to the phone right now."
Kate stared wide eyed in shock at a just as much astounded Y/N at the unknown voice and both looked down at the phone in the young archer’s hand when the stranger hung up the phone, "who the hell was that?"
"I don’t know, let me track Clint’s phone." Kate answered absentmindedly at Y/N’s question as she was already working on locating Clint’s phone, "yes!" She exclaimed in victory when she got the exact position and showed the screen to Y/N, "sir, I need you to speed up please."
"Okay Kate, we’re gonna split up so we can cover the entire perimeter quickly. When we’re done we’ll meet here again."
"Yeah, okay." Kate nodded in understanding as she secured the quiver behind her back while adjusting her bow in her hand.
"We’re just checking out for threats or if there are guards outside. We’re not attacking. Not yet at least." Y/N stated and punctuated slowly each word to make Kate understand to lay low for now. "We’ll meet here again in 3 minutes."
"Noted." Kate nodded once again, Y/N not noticing the absentminded tone she used while her eyes focused all around them. "I’ll see you in a bit."
"See you in a bit." Y/N smiled at her and went to turn around to cover the side of the building’s perimeter she needed to cover but Kate’s voice stopped her and made her turn back around to face her.
"If I see a possible threat, what do I do?"
"Just knock them out. As quietly as possible."
"Okay, yeah!"
Y/N snorted at Kate’s enthusiasm and watched her turn around before doing the same and getting to work. Thankfully the area was clear, no one was outside, so she assumed all the tracksuits were inside the building. They weren’t exactly the smartest gangs she faced but they knew how to be dangerous and someone could get hurt easily when they were around, especially if their boss was involved directly, so she was extremely cautious to not be heard from them because it would get Fisk’s attention if it got to him that two Avengers were snooping around in his business. She sighed in relief when she didn’t hear any sound that could mean Kate encountered a tracksuit and had to knock him out and walked back to their designated spot. "Kate, where are you?" Y/N asked in a hushed tone as she controlled her watch and noticed she had been waiting for Kate to come back to where she told her to for about 5 minutes now. A few seconds later the sound of a glass breaking caught her attention and made her move her head up to the roof as her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, "what the-?" Y/N’s eyes immediately became blue as she used her magic to fly on the roof and assess what the hell just happened only for her mouth to slack open when she noticed the window’s glass that was right in the middle of the roof had a big whole in it, an human size whole, and Y/N face slapped herself when realization hit her. "Kate, what did you do?" Y/N murmured under her breath and sighed when she leaned over a bit on the window’s broken glass, being careful in not being caught by the tracksuits, to assess that in fact Kate fell from the roof right in front of Clint sat on a chair - she smiled a bit when she noticed he had a rope in his hands, meaning he already got his hands out of the rope tied around his wrists - and that now they were surrounded by at least 10 tracksuits all pointing a gun at them.
"Oh wow." Kate exclaimed as she recovered from the impact and looked around the room with wide, incredulous eyes, something that made Y/N snort under her breath as she tried to listed to the conversation below, coming up to her a bit muffled but she could still clearly detect what they were saying. "I-I didn’t realize we were supposed to bring guns." Kate laughed softly under her breath before rolling her shoulder a bit, "ow."
"Oh Kate, you should’ve listened to me!" Y/N exclaimed under her breath as she tried to come up with a plan to let them escape without getting them hurt. "I can’t just land there and knock everyone unconscious. I don’t know how many people are there. They are heavily armed. Okay Y/N think." Y/N talked under her breath as she paced back and forth on the roof, "great, they’re tying Kate and Clint to a kiddie ride." Y/N lifted her hands up in frustration before bringing them to her face to cover it a few seconds then moved her fingers up and massaged her temples. "Think Y/N. Think. Find the best solu-" Y/N stopped herself in her tracks and trailed off when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and lifted it up to see who was calling. Panic rose into her chest when she read the called ID and willed her voice to sound casual when she answered the call, "hey mom."
Y/N slapped herself on her forehead at the squeaky, definitely not casual and chill voice she used, her tone shrill and showing she was panicking, "hey honey, how are you?"
"Oh I’m good, yeah. Yeah. You? How are you doing? What’s up?" Y/N whined internally at her pathetic self for not acting normal during a stupid phone call with her mother and pleaded herself to get a fucking grip on herself. She hated lying to her mom and she knew her mother would know the truth nonetheless she was chill or not.
"I’m good. Everything okay? You seem stressed."
"What? Pfft! No, everything’s f-fine! Y’know just spending time with Clint, you know how much I enjoy making fun of him. Oh I’m also spending time with Kate, the girl we saved from some troubles she put herself into. She is so funny and sweet! You should meet her, maybe you can visit soon so you can meet her properly and-"
"Y/N! Slow down sweety." Wanda stopped Y/N from word-vomiting some more and let a small, knowing smirk appear on her features at her daughter’s behavior, "what trouble did you and Clint find yourself in now?"
"Ugh, I hate that you know me so well and know how to read through my voice." Y/N grunted as her mother laughed heartily and chanced another look at her friends now riding on their rides as sun started to rise in the early morning sky. "I can’t really talk right now, I need to find a way to pull Kate and Clint away from our threats."
"Who are you against to?"
"Kingpin and tracksuits."
"Oh shit, how bad it is?" Wanda asked in worry as she bit down on her bottom lip, a small smile tugging at her lips at Y/N and Clint always finding themselves in these kind of situations when they were together.
"They are currently tied on kiddie rides while tracksuits makes fun of them." Y/N explained with a loud exhale at the end of her sentence, rubbing her temple harder to try to find a good plan of action, but her mother’s laugh made her stop pacing.
"Oh my god, can you please record it? I want to blackmail him with that!"
"What? I’m sure it’s a funny sight and I want to enjoy it too!"
"Unbelievable." Y/N snorted under her breath as she shook her head at her mother’s antics, hearing her continuing laughing her ass off as she probably was trying to picture the scene in her head. "I’m trying to save their ass by squeezing my brain while you want me to record him ride a pony."
"Is he riding a pony?! Oh you have to absolutely record it now!"
"Mom!" Y/N laughed heartily at her mother’s Wanda’s sentence and she had to cover her mouth with her free hand not holding her phone to her mouth to prevent the tracksuits to hear her loud voice and small chuckles and make her cover blow up and pretty much giving away, communicate and tell them her actual position on the roof. She tried to regain her composure as she giggled some more alongside her mother, who was clearly having too much fun with Clint riding a pony, but she was also feeling a care-free warmth invade her chest at how genuine and happy her mother seemed to be right now, something that was lacking a lot these days, not after what they did in Westview. "Stop laughing! I need to focus, this is serious. I need to find a plan to help them out without having about 40 tracksuits shooting at us."
"Do you need help? I can help you from here if you tell me about your whereabouts, how the building is organized, what are your access points, your exits and so on."
So Y/N started to explain everything to her mother who listened intently and spoke up only a few times, helping Y/N come up with a pretty solid plan of action. "Okay, I’ll call you later. I love you."
"I love you sweety, please be careful and tell Clint we need to talk. Oh and don’t forget to record him, just a short video, for me! Thank you hun! Good luck with mission ‘save Kate’s and Clint’s ass’! Bye, love you!"
"Love you mum." Y/N hung up her phone and, as she promised her, recorded a short video for her mother, laughing under her breath at the clear distress, anger and annoyance on Clint’s features before stopping the video. She almost dropped her phone and made it fall right in front of the tracksuits from the hole in the window when her eyes settled on Kate, riding a spaceship, her body rocking softly to the kiddie ride’s rhythm as her face stayed neutral with a sprinkle of irritation on her features. She had to literally detach her eyes from that mesmerizing and extremely hot sight, pulled her mind out of the gutter and spurred into action, using her magic to stop the kiddie rides and watched as the tracksuits got quickly bored and started minding their own business. She got ready to teleport right beside Kate and Clint to help them out when someone else entered the room, making her stop in her tracks. "Shit, it wasn’t in the plan another one of them!" Y/N furrowed her brows when she watched the girl free Clint’s hand but tied him up again when she understood he wasn’t exactly the best at using sign language, "oh shit! Kate!" Y/N whispered under breath in alarm when she saw the girl wrap her arms around Kate’s neck and tried to strangle her, but a curly, black haired man beside her stopped her. "Okay, I can’t exactly appear out of nowhere now, but I can always free them from- okay nevermind, Clint just freed himself." Y/N rolled her eyes in fond exasperation and sighed aloud, "show off! Well it seems I just need to free Kate’s hands, oh no, playboy is keeping an eye on her. I can’t use my magic, he will see it and he could shoot at her. That’s not happening." Just as she was about to at least melt the gun in his hand with her magic, an arrow flew in the air, scratched the boy’s ear, making him distract from Kate as he hissed in pain, before landing between Kate’s hands and on the tape to rip it off and free Kate’s hands and wrists. "Oh fuck it. To hell the plan, I’ll improvise." Y/N lowered down from the window and fell right between the fight taking place in that moment, immediately knocking a thug out when he tried to charge towards Kate. "Hey Bishop!"
"What happened to ‘let’s lay low and check the perimeter’?" Y/N asked in amusement with a smug grin, watching gleefully at the sheepish blush appearing on Kate’s face, making her even more beautiful as her face contorted in apology.
"I’m sorry, I saw an opportunity and I wanted to help Clint."
"Don’t worry, the most important thing is that you’re safe. Both of you. Watch out!" Y/N pointed behind Kate and quickly lifted the tracksuit charging towards her with a mist of blue and threw him on the other side of the room, slamming it into a wall.
"Behind you!" Kate threw a chair over Y/N’s head when she crouched down and hit a tracksuit on his face making him fall on the ground, unconscious.
"Thanks!" Y/N smiled at Kate in gratitude and watched as a big smile unfolded on her beautiful face while nodding at her in acknowledgement. "Nice shot. You did a good throw."
"Thanks! It’s all in the tricep and wrist y’know?!" Kate explained as she pointed with her hand at her arm, "but the bicep also does its good work. I mean, it’s the reason why I workout so-"
"Hey! On your left!"
"Oh shit, hold on!" Kate rounded her whole body around and kicked a tracksuit right in his face, making him fall on the ground while Y/N took care of two others trying to shoot them with their guns, making the guns disappear from their hands before lifting them off the ground and smashing them together face to face.
"What’s up with me and all these Steve’s quotes?" Y/N asked absentmindedly as she assessed the room for other possible threats coming towards them while Kate snorted under her breath at her sentence as she punched particularly hard another tracksuit’s face, right on his nose. They both grimaced when they heard a loud cracking sound as they saw the man fall on the ground with a shriek of pain.
"See? Biceps do a great work too!" Kate exclaimed after she lifted a tracksuit off his feel and slammed him on the ground forcefully.
"Here he is!"
"My hearing aid is broken, we need to go."
"Hold on." Kate stopped them in their tracks, making Y/N stop Clint from moving since he couldn’t hear at the moment, and she run towards the guy who was pointing a gun at her while she was still tied on that kiddie ride and slid on the ground before grasping the pillar and making her whole body round around it before hitting the guy’s legs and making him fall on the ground hard, making Y/N believe she had never seen something so cool and so hot in her life. "We can go now."
"Admit it grandpa, you like to show off!" Y/N smirked around the edge of her cup as she made fun of Clint after his show of jumping off the bridge and stuck them on the side of a train passing by under the bridge. They returned to Y/N’s apartment to rest a bit after their sleepless night before deciding to investigate more on Jack. The whole situation being too sketchy to not look into it.
"Look who’s talking. You are like your mother, always showing off your hands and their movements. We get it, you two are good with your fingers!" Clint exclaimed in fond exasperation before taking a big sip of his coffee and leaned his head on his arm on the table. Y/N wanted to snort at the unintentional innuendo and was ready to speak out a witty remark, but she stopped in her tracks to gulp the lump that formed in her sudden dry throat when she saw with the corner of her eyes Kate, sat beside her at her kitchen table, fidget on her spot as she cleared her throat after chocking on her coffee’s sip then biting down on her bottom lip gently.
"Let’s all take a well needed nap. Clint the guest room is all yours."
"Thank you." Clint lifted his head up from his arm and smiled in appreciation at Y/N before sitting up slowly with a few grunts and limped slightly towards the guest room.
"Kate you can take my bed. I’ll tidy the kitchen up and then I have to call my mom. She had been spamming my phone asking for the video of Clint riding a pony." Y/N giggled under her breath and felt her heart explode in her ribcage when she heard a small chuckle from beside her.
"I want that too, please!" Kate spoke up before pouting at Y/N and smiling triumphantly when a ding echoed around the kitchen, "thank you! And are you kidding? I’m staying on the couch. Go take some rest too."
"No, you are taking my room. End of discussion."
"I’m not moving till you go to sleep on your bed." Kate countered back and stared Y/N down determinedly, making Y/N almost get lost in her beautiful ocean blue irises as her brain turned into mush.
"Then I guess we’re staying here then." Y/N crossed her arms and lifted her right eyebrow up in challenge.
"How about a compromise? We share your bed or your couch. Whatever works with you."
"Okay! Let me just tell my mom I’ll call her later, she wanted to know if we got home safe."
They tidied up the kitchen and made a beeline towards Y/N’s room and Y/N’s bed, sprawling on it unceremoniously as the fatigue of the night caught up with them. "I don’t bite Y/N." Kate giggled when she noticed Y/N moved towards the far end of the bed, almost too close to the edge of the bed to fall off of it, "you’re gonna fall off the bed. C’mere."
Y/N took deep calming breaths as she scooted closer to the archer and almost combusted into mushy feelings when Kate grasped her hand and cuddled onto her arm, nuzzling her cheek on her shoulder as a hum of approval left her lips, "should I put an alarm on?"
"Yeah, what time is it?" Kate asked after breathing out blissfully, her sore muscles relaxing and her breath evening as sleep started to wrap her in a good, deep slumber.
"11 a.m."
"Okay, we had brunch before getting back here, so I guess you can put an alarm for 4 p.m? 5 p.m?"
"4:30 p.m. it is." Y/N smiled as she put an alarm on and placed her phone on the nightstand, before relaxing as much as she could with the archer clinching onto her, "goodnight Kate."
"Goodnight Y/N, sleep well."
"So Kate is working with you guys on an Avengers level threat?" Eleanor asked in disbelief as she eyed Y/N and Clint sat respectively on Kate’s right and left side.
"Well not exactly." Clint answered truthfully as he put a poker face on and acted chill, something Kate was struggling to do since she was bouncing her leg under the table as she wrung her fingers anxiously and Y/N had some troubles in keeping her smile at bay as she watched that adorable sight.
"I’m helping him though. You see CB1 has some problems and he needs my help-"
"CB1?" Clint asked under his breath with a confused face as Y/N chocked on the sip of tea she was drinking at the nickname Kate just made up. "No one calls me that way, CB1."
"I’m just trying it for a second." Kate murmured under her breath with her head turned slightly towards Clint before focusing her attention back on her mother, who was still staring at her confused and completely unconvinced about all this entire situation of having two Avengers in her penthouse with her daughter and about these two Avengers allegedly working on a case with her, "as I was saying, we were just passing by here and we needed to use the bathroom, well he did. So we’re just gonna-"
"A notification on my phone tells me-" Eleanor’s authoritative tone, alongside with her mother’s inquisitive stare and scary gaze, stopped Kate in her tracks as she was sitting up from her chair to escape this situation, but it seemed it was all completely useless, "that someone tried to log into my account 10 minutes ago. Any thoughts Kate?"
"Nope." Kate stressed the ‘p’ out as she avoided her gaze, "we’re just gonna go, there’s-"
"Can I see you out?" Eleanor met Clint’s eyes before focusing her gaze on Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, both tentatively nodding with forced smiles on, clearly in distress and embarrassment.
"Yeah, we’re gonna-"
"We stay." Kate sat back down dejected at her mother’s tone that left no room for objection and sighed out loud in frustration while crossing her arms under her chest and laying back on the chair’s backrest.
"I’m just gonna wait right outside of the building. If you need something text me." Y/N snorted under her breath to not be caught when she saw Kate jump slightly on her spot at the sudden voice in her head before meeting Y/N’s Y/E/C irises with her wide, excited, curious but also shocked eyes then nodded right after she wrapped her mind around Y/N’s words. After about an hour Y/N was surprised to see Kate exiting the building with a determined face on, "well that was fast."
"Next time warn me when you decide to talk through my mind, I almost screamed in fright!" Kate approached Y/N and slapped her arm gently when she heard her giggle, before starting their walk towards Y/N’s apartment.
"I’m sorry! I’ll clap my hands next time so every eyes in the room will be on me, just to be sure I’m being careful and sneaky." Y/N joked with a witty remark and chuckled some more when Kate grunted in frustration and bumped their shoulders gently, making her stumble just a bit in her steps.
"Anyway, I need to stop quickly to the store to buy a few things." Kate stated vaguely a few moments later, looking in the distance with a proud smirk and resolve shining brightly into her ocean blue eyes.
"Why?" When Kate didn’t answer, Y/N asked more, "do you care to elaborate?"
"I need to buy a few things for Clint." Kate kept on sharing just a bit of informations as she reviewed her plan into her mind, still looking ahead of her.
"Okay? Why?" Y/N tried again, getting amused but also a bit exasperated in a good way about Kate’s lack of elaboration.
"I just wanted to buy a few things for him."
"Kate." Y/N stated with an amused tone as she pushed the archer a bit on her shoulder with her own and giggled when she heard the black haired girl snort in happiness at her own teasing, pushing on Y/N back just to bask a bit more in their playful banter and bickering, both not caring not even a bit about the strange looks people passing by them were giving them, "you looking ahead of you with that smile is freaking me out."
"I was thinking what to buy for Clint!" Kate laughed as they rounded the corner and stopped at a traffic light and waited for the red light to turn green walk across the street. "He is postponing his flight to go back to his family just to help me, so I wanted to make his stay here a bit more homey and christmassy."
"Kate." Y/N started with a warming tone as she looked at her in awe, her heart swelling about three sizes at the thoughtful gesture Kate was about to make for Clint to make him feel a bit more at home despite this entire mess they found themselves in, not only because Kate decided to put on Ronin’s suit to help people out at that auction, "that’s so sweet of you and so very thoughtful!"
"I owe him this and so much more. The same goes with you. You are making sure I’m always safe. You didn’t have to wait for me outside my mom’s building but you did."
"You don’t need to thank me, but if you want to,100.000 dollars would suffice." Y/N joked and reveled in the snort followed by the cutest giggle she ever heard Kate emitted and sighed out loud blissfully as they continued to stroll over New York’s busy streets.
"Okay, you need to make sure it turns around the corner to hit the TV to turn it off, okay?"
Kate nodded and took a deep breath before snapping the small, round decoration from her middle and ring finger and made it fly across the room. "Who wants some more-"
"Oh shit!" Kate hastily run towards Y/N that got hit right on her forehead by the decoration, the hit being a bit harsh that it made her stumble back and fall on the couch when the back of her knees hit the armrest of her couch. "You okay?"
"Which one of the three Kates in front of me is asking?"
Kate giggled and shook her head before caressing gently Y/N’s forehead to assess the red scratch the decoration left on Y/N’s forehead, making Y/N’s stomach flip over itself at the sweet, tender touch, and sighed when she noticed it will fade in a few hours since it didn’t cut her skin off, "the middle one."
Clint rolled his eyes at Kate’s joke and helped Y/N up to a sitting position, "I think it’s time for bed."
"Yeah." Y/N nodded still a bit unfocused and turned her head around to look at Clint into his eyes, "I think so too."
"Do you want to put some ice on that?" Clint asked as he was already walking towards the kitchen but Y/N stopped him in his tracks.
"No don’t worry, I’m okay. The guest room is all yours grandpa."
"Glad you’re feeling better." Y/N and Kate giggled at Clint’s grunt at her nickname and shook his head amusedly, "goodnight girls, go to sleep, it’s gonna be a great and busy day tomorrow!"
The thee of them made their ways towards the two respective bedrooms after changing into more comfy clothes. Kate sighed out blissfully at the comfort settling on her when her muscles relaxed on Y/N’s comfortable bed and heard the girl do the same, "thank you for letting me borrow your clothes."
Y/N had to literally stop ogling like a lovesick puppy Kate with her clothes, but she couldn’t help herself when she had the cutest sight she had ever witnessed laying right beside her in her bed - let’s not focus on that particular detail to prevent Y/N’s heart to burst out of her ribcage for its maddening quick rate - so she just tried to play it cool by smiling at her and nodding softly, "you don’t have to thank me, it’s not a problem."
"I’m sorry for hitting you." Kate tentatively lifted her hand up and caressed Y/N’s forehead softly, the small indent left by the decoration starting to fade as the flush was subsiding, and made Y/N gasp imperceptibly under her breath at the touch, now aware more than ever about how close their faces were as they laid on their sides, face to face, on her bed.
"Don’t worry, it was an accident." Y/N slapped herself inwardly at her voice quivering, forcing herself to not combust right in front of the young archer’s eyes for her amazing touch, touch that was still happening as her fingers caressed her forehead’s skin gently, and willed herself to compose herself and get a grip on her pathetic, useless gay self, "it was an accident right?"
Kate giggled when Y/N lifted her right eyebrow up inquisitively with a skeptic look on, "oh no, you got me! I better run away!" Kate cracked a joke as she reluctantly pulled her hand away from Y/N’s forehead and lifted them up in surrender and laughed alongside Y/N after putting a frightened look on her face.
"Nice trick by the way."
"Clint never taught it to you?"
"Well when you tend to have magic hands, you usually do tricks with your magic." Y/N joked some more as she lifted a hand up and created a blue mist that moved around her fingers, missing Kate’s small shudder and imperceptible gulp as her head caught an innuendo that clearly wasn’t there, just like it happened that evening, and tried to get her mind out of the gutter, too much busy focusing on her fingers.
"Do you regret having these powers?" Kate asked mesmerized as she stared at the blue mist before meeting Y/N’s eyes, "you told me about your story and how your mother at some point hated her own powers, so I was just curious about your own feelings about your own powers. I mean, you don’t have to answer my question, it was just pure, innocent curiosity-"
"Kate." Y/N grasped Kate’s forearm with a small chuckle to make her stop rambling and smiled at her warmly and tenderly, "I did too, at some point, hate my powers. For a long time I thought about being stupid for loving them when all I did was causing pain to so many people. But recently, after taking a break from everything and everyone, I came to my senses. I got this powers to help people. Just like I always thought. I just- I don’t know lost my way for a while. I was in a really bad and dark place and when you give your demons room to do whatever they want to your brain, well with powers like my powers and my mom’s powers people get hurt. Badly."
"Do you- want to- elaborate?" Kate asked slowly, stressing her words out in a soft voice to not scare Y/N as she stared into space with a completely blank expression on as she played with the hem of Kate’s - well it was actually Y/N’s one - t-shit’s sleeve.
"Have you ever heard about Westview?"
"Of course not, SWORD covered up the entire thing thanks to Monica. Anyway, Westview is the place where my mom and I were at our lowest and with my mom, we held hostage of an entire small town." Y/N started and grimaced when Kate gasped in shock, but she fought against the tears and got herself ready to retell Kate what she did to the people of Westview with the help of her mom and what really happened there.
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