#wizard then and now
sailor-rinn · 3 years
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Temporary existential crisis is normal, he’ll get over it soon. 
Discarded names:
Spawn (but pronounced “Shaun”)
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marbirds · 2 years
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sharing a look [ID in alt text]
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mynameismad · 2 years
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I like drawing chickens almost as much as I like drawing wizards so OF COURSE you know where I’m going with this...
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tamatosss · 2 years
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A very random assortment of Wizards, all of varying quality
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A closeup because look at him
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day-colors · 2 years
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He's chilling
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sexygaywizard · 2 years
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furiouskettle · 2 years
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amiracleilluminated · 3 years
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Nandor being an absolute snack
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mollymauktealeef · 2 years
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that's a two-way fucking honeypot in action and neither of these idiots realise they both the bee
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
God I swear I already wrote this hc once upon a time but I can’t find it for the life of me so!
Billy Batson, young and homeless, is looking to make some extra cash to survive starts working at Whiz radio station. He gets bounced around doing various odd jobs but gets roped into taking over the nightly superhero hour when everyone else comes down sick. Bill doesn’t quite know what to do, he’s not great with words and hasn’t been to school in years. So he just starts talking from the heart. 
Billy talks about heroes, not just as paragons and icons but real live people being expected to shoulder the world. He brings up the various charities and causes heroes support and how ordinary citizens can be heroes in their own way. He never directly comments on current politics but instead speaks of morality and philosophy, not as a highly educated adult but a deeply empathetic child who has seen the worst the world has to over and continues to smile.
It’s an instant hit and Billy is brought on semi-permanently. He’s popular enough the radio forgives his odd hours and occasional absences and politely overlooks the fact that he ought to be in school/foster care. They give him a microphone that distorts his age and call him the Wizard. The show becomes so popular that it extends beyond Fawcett City and soon is being uploaded online and being broadcast around the country and behind. And some heroes listen in too. Barry listens to the program on his morning jog, it invigorates him to do better and makes him re-evaluate his role as a hero. Bruce will have it quietly in the background when he’s feeling low on a bad case to remind himself that all his efforts and suffering have meaning. Clark leans back in his chair at the Daily Planet and wonders how a civilian from the Midwest can understand the burden of heroism.
Billy is doing his program when the producer knocks on the glass window in a panic. Superman is here and wants to interview with Billy. Bill is freaking out, thinking he’s been caught but the first thing Supes does is gently cradle Billy’s small hands in his own and thank him for being a source of kindness and inspiration. Superman is thrown at first that the Wizard is a child, an obviously hardliving one at that, but presses on. The Man of Steel notoriously hard to interview but he chats easily with Billy, answering questions and debating morality and cause/effect of heroes and villains. The interview goes viral and soon even more heroes are stopping by.
Green Arrow comes and screams into the mic about the abuse of the government on underprivileged people. Wonder Woman and the Wizard have a fascinating, in depth discussion on gods and belief as both prove to be a wealth of obscure knowledge. One of the Robins comes and talks about kids in the hero biz and some unnnamed British man who keeps getting his swears bleeped out gives a kind of magic 101 which mostly translates to “don’t (bleep)ing mess with it”. Everyone wants to know who the Wizard is but his identity is locked down tight, first by Whiz radio, who knows they’ll be in trouble with child labor laws and the Justice League who has become obsessed with this kid. Many have wanted to adopt the precious bean to the detriment of Billy’s blood pressure.
Everyone always asks why Captain Marvel hasn’t come by for a visit. He’s so friendly and open and operates directly out of Fawcett City. Cap is sweating at the Watchtower when his friends are talking about the latest show and gently berating him for not interviewing. Billy is grimacing as his producer makes him ask, on air, if the Cap would show up for a chat. He just wanted to make a little bit of extra cash in his off hours and now he’s kind of an international sensation and unofficial hero whisperer. Maybe Constantine can help him with a sort of duplication spell?
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catorikishin · 2 years
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Deprivation and Stimulation
Inscryption is very good and has given me the funny brain worms
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payasita · 2 years
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dduane · 2 years
At Ebooks Direct: A different kind of wizardry... a different kind of wizard. 
The 9-volume revised/updated Young Wizards New Millennium Edition box sets are on sale at 50% off—just $2-and-a-bit per ebook. Grab a set now!
ETA: Author certified un-namechecked by dictators.
EATA: BTW, per @autisticbisexualsokka‘s query: “I’m sorry, but what does “box set” even mean in the context of ebooks?” —It means they’re cheaper if you buy them all together. And all the cover designs match. 😄 
…I really should try doing the thing where all the spines have a single image over them that spreads right across the books when you line them up together. Maybe I can do that with the NMEs’ new International Edition paperbacks. [https://www.dianeduane.com/outofambit/2022/03/03/at-last-the-new-millennium-so-you-want-to-be-a-wizard-in-paperback/] Worth looking into….
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env0 · 2 years
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Okay I went back to take the Dobby Gucci advertisement shot...
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