prynacle · 10 months
Lunafreya, brushing her teeth, watching Noct sleepily take his bathing robe past her and head to the shower: "... he didn't kiss me good morning..."
Lunafreya, brushing her hair and preparing her braids when she sees Noctis' reflection in the mirror, standing at the bathroom door, robe crooked and still wet from his shower, looking alarmed: "I didn't kiss you good morning!"
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dolceaversace-blog · 7 years
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#bestienme #blkandwhtparty #2017 #fall -#but #es #€$ #willsmith #WillYouMarryChrisSmith #Summer #Summertime #anudelagodessa #godbless bc #god is #atun #mamanoon #sun #shyne #like #highnoon #quckdraw #6shooter #cowboy #iam #wildbillhickok #wmines
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prynacle · 3 years
In an AU where Tenebrae wasnt taken by the Empire I bet Sylva and Regis could betroth Luna and Noctis together to unite their countries against the Niflheim 🤭
The betrothal happens. Everyone is surprised.
"But, weren't they betrothed already all this time?"
Turns out they had been so close and supportive of eachother that the biggest shock to the public was that they had not been secretly arranged from childhood or something.
"The good ties between Tenebrae and Lucis will remain the same after the union."
"What is your personal perspective on the betrothal, Lady Lunafreya? Do you personally favor Lucis' prince?"
Luna thinks for a second, and then answers. "There's no choice I would rather have than him."
Noctis first broadcasted speech is set up. He answers all question smoothly as he was trained to.
"Following on the topic of your betrothal, there's been a lot of talks surrounding Lady Lunafreya's claim favoring your union. What is your response to her words?"
Noctis smiles to himself. He stills his nerves, and looks to the camera like he practiced in secret.
"I'm sorry it took this long. I'll make sure to properly propose once we meet again. See you soon, Luna."
"Well, that was out of script."
Ignis' shoulders drop. "I told him not to be rash..."
"That's fine. It's the most genuine thing he has said so far."
"Your Majesty...!"
Regis signals for Gladio and Ignis to rest, looking at Noctis on the podium, answering the next round of questions.
"Silva will agree when I say, that I look forward to see the kind of leaders the two will become."
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lokiuus · 4 years
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Wynonna Earp Season 1 | Episode 6: Constant Cravings
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prynacle · 3 years
how do you think Luna realized she has feelings for Noctis?
Luna is very observant and empathetic, so from the moment she mets him, she can see something important in him: that he is genuine.
If he is sad, if he is interested, if he likes or dislikes something... Unlike most of his status, Noctis is not one to go great lengths to hide his true emotions, if at all. Yet as he heals and they get to know eachother, she realizes that he is also not one to burden others with his feelings if he can help it.
It's a little contradictory, and makes sense all the same.
That's when she learns the second thing about him: that he is kind.
The third big thing about Noctis she learns, and that makes her like him most, is one she doesn't counsciously realize until much time later.
Noctis is always curious, always willing to learn and be amazed. So when he turns to her, starry-eyed and asking for her to tell him more about anything and everything with gentle enthusiasm, she feels equally eager to correspond.
She likes him because so does he. That's a truth not even distance can take away from them.
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prynacle · 3 years
how would Luna and Noct spent valentine's day? hehehe
First, they clean up their schedules! Cause they would definitely be taking some time off to spend it around nature.
Noctis gives her the heads up to not plan anything for the day, and she is positively excited for his surprise. The two of them drive down for a few hours to Ulwaat to get away from their responsibilities and the public eye, where Noct leads her down a not very visited nature path along a river where they get to enjoy the sights of for a while. For a moment, she expects him to sit down and indulge in his favorite hobby, but he brushes it off since "there will be a time for that some other day". After expending some of their energy, he surprises her with a hidden country restaurant he reserved for the day, sitting outdoors to enjoy a late lunch with good food and drinks.
It's getting late, they are laughing and a little tipsy, and Luna catches him looking at her a little too long before asking him what's on his mind. He clears his throat, and thanks her for being at his side all the time they've known eachother, through the good and the bad, and that he would never change her for anything. Luna is touched by his words, and reassures him that the feeling is mutual, because there's little in her life that compares to the happiness she feels when they are together like this, sharing and experiencing life side by side.
While he jokes about how she just outperformed his little speech on the spot, is his turn to be surprised when she gifts him a little handmade collage: pictures of happy moments together with their friends, their wedding, their children, put snugly together on handmade paper with tiny pressed flowers making a sort of frame around it, her penmanship that he knows so well commenting each picture here and there to form a delicate, aesthetically pleasing montage that is incredibly Luna in essence...
He takes his time to appreciate the little details that keep popping up wherever he turns his eyes in the page, and he is more moved than he believes when he feels her fingers brush off the tears that are starting to slide down his face. She tries to apologize for making him cry but he asks her not to. The gift is great and he is incredibly grateful.
Leave it to her to pretty much sum up the best times in their life in one single page.
Fixing themselves up, they decide on taking a new picture right then and there, one for their personal journal that would record yet another precious moment of them, together forevermore.
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prynacle · 3 years
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Amid the Haze (you can find clarity)
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Ignis Scientia. Genre: Suspense, Hurt/Comfort. Summary:
When Noctis arrives from Tenebrae, there are shadows that haunt young Noctis' mind. Can Ignis be witness of something that brings light back into his friend's life?
I managed to make a custom AO3 skin of the Lovers' Notebook! So to test it, I wrote a suiting fanfic for it. Based on what may have happened when Noctis arrives to Insomnia after he scaped Tenebrae’s attack.
[AO3 Link]
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lokiuus · 5 years
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Actually, I was going to say you were only 16
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lokiuus · 5 years
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Wynonna Earp Season 1 | Episode 5: Diggin' Up Bones
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lokiuus · 5 years
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Wynonna Earp Season 1 | Episode 4: The Blade
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prynacle · 4 years
@lunoctweek 2020 || Day 5: Wedding.
Rating: Teen.
Genre: Romance, Fluff.
Luna sat reading her book out in the balcony of her room, the Queen suit in Fenestalla Manor that had been granted to her many years prior but she had refused to use in dear memory of her deceased mother. Back then, her Princess room had been sufficient enough, even after her official accention as Oracle, with ample spaces that sometimes felt a tad too big for just her. Now, with her return in company of Noctis, using the Queen suit had felt like the natural option for the two of them.
Just in time, Noctis comes out into the balcony with two mugs, the fresh night air making the steam from the mugs visible to plain sight. She puts her book aside and takes her beloved's offered drink, making space for him on the bench as he motions to sit. There's a naturality in how Noctis' arm drappes over the back of Luna's seat for her to lean on his side, ther warmth of his pressence as calming as the cup in her hands. She takes a breath from her tea before giving it a sip, the flavor bringing her a smile. It's the recent blend she taught Noctis, she realizes, the flavor fresh and leafy, with a touch of sweetness at the end.
Time passes between them in quiet, cozy companionship, the two sipping their drink and taking in the sights of Tenebrae's night scenary, only the distant sounds of waters and nocturn fauna filling in the silence.
"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Luna finally asks, breaking the silence, and her voice rings like a soft melody that thrums warmly in Noctis' chest. "Yeah," he answers simply, the liquid in his mug reflecting his moonlit smile. "I think I will hardly sleep. I was hoping this would calm me a little," he shrugs lightly, lifting his cup. At this, Luna noods in agreement.
"Chamomile and Lemon Balm leaves are a very sleep-effective blend," she confirms. That much he had learned under her tutorage.
"To think I would ever have trouble falling sleep..." Noctis shakes his head at how absurd it sounds to his own ears. "Not long ago it felt like second nature," he muses, and then frowns.
Noctis realizes his mistake after the words leave his mouth. What 'not long ago' means for him, is about ten years for everyone else in the world. Memory of his life before the Years of Darkness is not that distant in his mind, a fact he still struggles against and has yet to adapt into his subconcious, a year and a half after his battle to bring the light back.
Unaware of his , Luna simply hums in understanding, and just like that Noctis' troubled tougths dissolves as if it never existed. She more than anyone understood the meaning in Noctis' words, having been absent from the physical world for as long as he had, if not longer. As if to dissipate any remaining turmoil in his mind, Luna takes his free hand in hers, her thumb smoothing the natural wrinkles on his knuckles in small, circular motions. "You stopped feeling so tired after coming back. I hadn't realized how much my own magic weighted on me, too."
"Hmm. The magic had been with us this whole time. There was no way we could have known just how much it took out of us."
Tilting his head down, Noctis examined Luna's face. Her elegant features had filled out with a healty shine that had not been there the time he finally got to see her after their miraculous return. He was undeniably happy of the new chance at life they had been given, of the new opportunities to rebuild and create a new chapter in his life along those he sherished most. And now, just tomorrow, Luna and him would be leaving Tenebrae to officialize their marriage in the newly rebuilt Altissia, proof of their will to be togheter, forever, and for the whole world to see.
Taking a deep breath, Noctis looks back at Tenebrae's landscape. He would be leaving it behind for a while.
"Tomorrow, we will finally move forward."
"I know. Even now... if feels a bit unreal." At her dreamy words, Noctis squeezes her hand, and she squeezes right back. There was nothing unreal about that, about them, and he had to make sure to remind them both. "Will you sleep tonight?" He sighs, content. He would never tell her, but it felt good to know Luna felt as nervous as him.
"If your tea proves effective, then I'm sure I will." Luna's giggles echo in her mug, and Noctis cracks a slow smirk.
"Ahh, here I was thinking something else we could do until dawn to pass the time." He shrugs and gives a last, satisfactory sip to his drink, waiting for a reaction that never arrives. In his hand, Luna's fingers remain laced with his, but her thumb had stopped it's movements.
"... Luna?" He asks tentatively.
Had his words somehow upset her? She wasn't the kind of person to get upset over suggestive teases, but he wasn't the kind of person that made them often, either. For all he knew, she was not in the mood and he could have crossed a line—
"Not until dawn. We do need rest for tomorrow's journey, but..." Noctis jolts, taken out of his worried mussings. He is still catching up to her words when she continues. "I don't see why we couldn't indulge in ourselves for a bit." Her voice turns into a question at the end, and now that he can see her enthusiastic acceptance clearly as she leans back to look up at him, Noctis felt his cheeks and ears flare with heat. He had expected an admonishment at his suggestion, but now Luna was considering the option seriously.
So much for trying to tease his fiancé.
"I was just joking. We already bathed and as you said, we do need the sleep, heh," he stuttered. Had one of his hands been free, he would be scratching his nape.
"Ah." she says, dissapointed, and Noctis feels a needle piercing his heart. Before he could form an apology, her voice lifted up again "I'm sure Tenebrae waters won't suffer from a second bath of ours."
Noctis felt his face snicker. From excitement or embarrasement, he did not know, as both emotions swirled in his chest with no clear distiction between them. All he was sure was that Luna was looking brightly up at him, smiling face and soft hands taking his empty mug out of his hand. Despite their time togheter, starting these talks with Luna never seemed to get any less electrifiying.
"Besides," she continued, moving to sit on his lap, and he was prepared to hold her firmly like so many times before, her fingers moving over the the fabric of his pajamas until they reached his scalp, "It can help us with sleep even more effectively."
"I see. So this lines up with our best interests."
Luna's nose rubs his own, and he can feel her breath on his lips.
"Unless this is of no interest for you." Beyond the teasing phrasing, he recognized the backdown leeway for what it was, and Noctis felt his heart swell with the consideration of his beloved. A fire in his blood runs across his whole body, and his hands loose their grip on her hips to hold her face, Luna's beautiful eyes taking him with attention.
With the moonlight framing her figure, he can see her clearly. The light makes her skin and hair shine, creating a halo around her as if light itself knew of her role in a life past that granted her with power able to make her shine just as now. And yet, there's no otherwordly power behind the person now in his arms. Before him was simply a woman just as mortal as himself, the one he had been set to happily marry once, now twice, and should fate interfere again, would set on as many new quests to chose her again and always.
Her question lingers still in the air, Luna waiting for him to have the final say in this new adventure. His answer comes as easy as the truth he feels in his heart. "Luna, you are always of interest to me."
He coarced her forward, and she yielded, their lips finally meeting.
Not in a thousand years would he have said no.
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lokiuus · 4 years
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Wynonna Earp Season 4 | Episode 1: On the Road Again
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lokiuus · 5 years
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Wynonna Earp & Xavier Dolls | 1x01 Purgatory
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lokiuus · 5 years
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Earp Sisters | 1x04: The Blade
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lokiuus · 5 years
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you were lawless, anyway you want it goes made me heartless, and made me want a little more
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lokiuus · 5 years
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Earp Sisters | 1x01: Purgatory
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