#woah it's been almost 2 weeks?? i'm so sorry omg
yvtro · 1 year
☕️ I’d really like to here your thoughts on Cass Cain or Superman
☕️ cass: i love cass. her guilt complex and how she strives for virtue really compels me. it's just that it took me a long while to really get into her character and understand her, because
1. perhaps in a surprising fit, i had read more of shiva's content before i ever got even to cassandra's essential reading, and i felt a bit resentful that wu-san became her foil. i also was not sold on their relationship back then and i'm still a bit ambivalent about that. don't get me wrong, there's some really great stuff about it that makes me feel like i swallowed a knife. (in a good way, of course.) i'm just stubborn sometimes.
2. the whole 'brought up to be a weapon' storylines are not very appealing to me. i like when there's more space for ambiguity and messiness in character's tragic backstories. this part really just boils down to the matter of taste.
3. the way she's portrayed in some books and fanon just completely throws me off (which is not me saying that she's a bad character or anything; it's a complaint that i have about pretty much every dc character, so consider it more of a rant about the writers and content creators). she's often infantilised and idealised in a way that imo renders the narrative infinitely boring, and has rather racist and ableist connotations.
☕️ superman: i'm not sure if you're asking about the character or the title, but i love both. superman was what got me into comics in the first place. it's v frustrating how the title is often labeled as boring purely because of its mainstream status. clark's identity as a refugee and the theme of connecting to one's heritage are so special to me as an immigrant, and there's lots of other elements that make his origin very unique (climate change?? hello). (<- although i guess all of these elements are much more evident in kara's story.) i guess one thing about how i curate my experience with his character is that i do not care much for his jla business, since i'm rather enamoured with his solo titles, his legacy, characters integral to his life as a civilian (like Lois, my beloved) and his job as a journalist (i really miss the times when it mattered more! modern adaptations esp don't seem to consider it interesting to properly explore and include in the narrative). also, a sidenote, i'm esp fond of series' exploring clark's childhood and youth, which i guess is a result of being introduced to his character via smallvile.
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rafferty3207 · 11 months
omg I'm the anon who requested the jamie x reader neighbours fic and boy you delivered! fucking love it! can't wait for part 2
This is so lovely anon, I'm so glad you liked it!!! For you, I will deliver a part two with the caveat that I'm so sorry I got carried away and now it will be in three parts (sorry again), but the last part will be the finale!!! Anyway I present to you:
Too Good to Be True (part two)
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read part one here
warnings: allusions to abuse, mention of anxiety/panic attack, daddy issues, two hopeless idiots flirting, a bit of angst at the end but worth it (sorry again)
A/N: I have nothing to add except this gif is not mine and has turned me feral
It’s been several days since you left your phone number and you are nervous. 
You don’t get why you care so much.
It’s just Jamie, your annoying neighbour. Your annoying, but also extremely handsome neighbour. Your annoying, handsome neighbour who massaged your feet, and your legs, and almost your thighs and god you couldn’t think straight. You’d been able to get nothing done as you had spent the last few days just constantly replaying that evening in your head. And to make things worse, it turns out Annoying Handsome Jamie was in fact a very famous Premier League footballer. Who has also been caught having sex on TV. (Yes, you had binged the entirety of his Lust Conquers All series since that night, but that was neither her nor there.) 
After almost a week you had given up. The exhibition was just under two weeks away and you hadn’t seen him in the garden or outside the house at all. He had probably come to the conclusion that you were both too weird and too normal for him and the only conclusion was move on with your life and forget his stupid sexy face ever existed, when you got a text. 
u free tonight
Of course, you wanted to play it cool. After all, you had spent the entirety of the week waiting for this message.
29 minutes and 59 seconds later.
I might be.
The phone immediately pings.
do u not know??
Depends, what are you thinking?
thought u wanted a model
Of course, he was thinking about the painting. As you also definitely were. You were a professional artist. Almost.
What time?
ill come after the match
You spend your evening preparing and also perhaps figuring out an outfit that says 'casual bohemian artist that definitely doesn't care' while redoing your makeup twice. However, as the hours stretch on and on and on you are at the point of giving up and going to bed, when the doorbell finally rings.
You race down, before waiting a minute, quickly checking yourself in the mirror and pulling out your phone to pretend you had already been looking at something when you open the door.
But before you can pull the casual act, he walks right past you.
“Hello to you too, Jamie.”
He strides into your living room where the canvas is set up and immediately starts taking his clothes off.
“Woah, what do you think you’re doing there?”
“Er, I thought you were painting nudes?”
“Er no-”  At this point his shirt has already come off and he’s starting to unbutton his trousers. Of course he is very toned, with tanned arms and neck where his football shirt has been. You feel the breath knocked out of your body, glimpsing the very top of his boxers as you struggle for words.. He looks at you confused. Eventually you stutter an answer. "K-Keep the trousers on, okay?” 
“What should I do then?”
“What do you mean?”
“How do I pose, like?” You shrug.
“However you want to, Jamie.”
“I dunno what I want.” You sigh.
“You just need to stand there and look pretty.”
“Well I do that all the time, so.”
“Great. So just…keep doing that.”
Jamie smiles to himself.
“What is it?”
“So you do think I’m pretty?” He smirks at you. You fold your arms.
“What are you, a sixteen year old girl Jamie?” You start sketching. “Besides, you know what you look like.” You go back to drawing in silence. You swear you see his cheeks dust pink for a second before he ouffs his chest back out and smiles.
“Aren’t you going to ask if I think you’re pretty?”
You freeze.
“No, because if you haven’t noticed, I’m not sixteen. I am an adult woman and I don’t need random men for unsolicited affirmation, no matter how pretty they are.”
Jamie opens his mouth, before closing it again. Maybe that was a bit harsh, but what else could you say? Tell me how pretty you think I am Jamie. Or better yet, show me. I’m dying to know. You could practically feel the feminism leaving your body.
You dismiss these thoughts and get back to sketching. You can see Jamie is looking down and acting fidgety, swinging his arms.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake.” You walk over and plant your arms on his shoulders. He is surprisingly warm and firm to the touch, and you try not to blush. “Is it okay if I move you?”
He nods, surprisingly quiet. You turn him ever so slightly, before gently pushing him down onto your stool. As you move one of his (very muscly) arms, you swear you feel a slight tremor. Was he shaking? You step a little closer, a hand on his back. 
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Jamie.”
His face hardens.
“But I said I will, so I will.”
“But you don’t have to. Only do this if you want to.” You smile at him, and his face softens again.
“I do want to, trust me. It’s just been a long day.”
“Okay, but if you need to stop or take a break, just say the word.”
You step back to your canvas. You try to focus solely on the drawing, but every time he looks at you, you find your whole body heating up. Despite this, you steal glances anyway. He stares at you constantly, in a way that makes you feel stupid and giggly. Observing all the soft and hard lines of his body, you eventually start to notice small scars all over his body until you reach his hands. You don’t know why it took you so long to notice, but his knuckles are slightly bruised.
“Tell me about your day.”
“Why? It was dead boring.”
“I don’t know. I find it helps me find the right mood.” You prepare your brushes. “You know, it tells me what colours to use.”
“Oh. I mean, nothing much happened.” He looks down at his feet. “I got up, went to play football, came here.”
“But why did you text me? Why today?”
“I dunno.” You sit in silence for a moment, as you mix the colours. “I mean, my dad came to the match.”
“Pulled his usual shit.”
“Usual shit?”
“Just being a complete dickhead.” You start painting. 
“In what way?”
“Saying stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?”
“Just the usual stuff.”
“You keep saying “usual” Jamie. I don’t think whatever he said is usual for most people.”
“What about your dad? He said that thing about you being a teacher right? Because you couldn’t paint or summat?” You put your brush down. 
“Yeah he did say that. He says a lot of shit, none of which I would consider usual. Or at least it shouldn’t be.” You step off your chair and towards Jamie, reaching gently for his hand. “We don’t just have to take this shit, you know.”
“I don’t fucking take it!” He pulls away. You flinch back. He looks alarmed as he realises. “I should go.” He starts to walk out.
“Jamie, I didn’t mean to upset you -” You walk after him as he paces towards the door. He halts at the entrance.
“I’m not upset,  I just - I came here because I didn’t want to think about my dad. When I’m with you, I never think about him. Or anything else, really.” He pauses. “I’m sorry.” Before you can reply, he runs off. 
The next few days pass by. You send a few texts to Jamie, but no reply. The exhibition is only a couple of days away now, so you try to keep yourself busy. But his words won’t stop swirling in your head to the point you struggle to sleep. So you do what you always do: paint. 
It’s not until one of these nights when you're up late at the canvas that you glance out of the window. Your heart stops. Someone is lying in Jamie's garden, very still. You dare to look closer. Is that..Jamie? He looks glassy eyed. He can't have...Without thinking, you run down.
"Jamie! Jamie!" Your heart is thumping in your ears so loudly you can't hear anything else. "Jamie are you okay?" You ask as you scramble to climb the fence. However just as you are almost over, you catch your foot, spectacularly falling over it into the bushes.  You hear that trademark laugh.
"Why are you laughing? I thought you were dead, dipshit!" You say, crawling out of the shrubbery. 
He remains lying down but he’s smiling at you now.
"Why would you think I was dead?"
"Why are you lying in your garden on your back completely still at 2am? Let's not pretend this is normal." You crawl down next to him.
“You’re going to think I’m stupid.”
“No I won’t.”
He looks away from you.
“I mean everyone else does, why wouldn’t you?”
“I don’t think they do.”
“There’s my dad. Plus, I’ve read Twitter.”
“You know how I feel about your dad and Twitter is full of very stupid people. But never mind them. I can promise you I don’t. And let’s be honest, I’m the only opinion that matters.” He scoffs as you offer him a pinky. But, he puts his pinky in yours before looking back up at the night sky.
"I can't get up."
"What? Are you injured?"
“No…I dunno, I told you it was stupid."
“It's clearly not that stupid. Are you okay Jamie?”
"I dunno. I was thinking about the other night with you and my dad and then I came outside because I needed some fresh air and then I lay down and started thinking about everything and now it feels like I'm stuck here. It's stupid -"
“Stop saying that.” You lie down and grab his hand. “Sometimes when you've gone through some shit, it comes out of your body in weird ways. But you're okay. We can stay here for as long as you like, but when we get up, you will be able to.”
He nods, and the two of you lie there holding hands in silence. You take some deep breaths and he follows. Eventually a small voice pipes up.
“I think I can go in now.”
You sit up and slowly pull him.
He smiles at you gingerly before he looks down.
“You’re bleeding.”
You look down. Both your knees are cut, along with one of your palms and your wrist.
“Yeah, that makes sense.” 
He gently holds your wrist up to the light. He looks sad.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I need to work on my graceful dismount. Either that or just walk around to the back door.”
“I mean, I dunno, I think you could give Simone Biles a run for her money.” You swat him.
“Oi, you cheeky shit! Next time I’ll just leave you for dead.”
“I think the blood loss is going to your head, we should treat that ASAP.” He leads you into his house. “I think I’ve got a first aid kit upstairs.”
He starts walking up and you follow him. He seems surprised. You realise your error.
“Oh, I can wait downstairs if you like.”
“Er, no, it’s fine.” He steps into a bedroom and starts rummaging around in what is clearly an ensuite bathroom. You sit on the edge of his bed and look around. There’s pictures of him and his mum, as well as some pictures with the team and one with a slightly older moustachioed man.
“Is that your dad?”
He pokes his head out and laughs. 
“No, that’s our coach Ted.” You look up at him. “He’s a nice guy though. Annoyingly nice. Almost too nice, if you know what I mean.”
“Right.” It was clear Jamie was soft on this man, but you wouldn’t push it today. He sits down and starts gently wiping the cuts. It is the same tenderness he held your foot, and it is the same tenderness that is slowly melting your heart. If you didn’t know any better, you would think you were starting to fall for Jamie Tartt.
You yawn as he applies the final plaster. “Right, you need to go to sleep.” He says, through his own yawn.
"I could say the same for you"
You sit up to leave, but hesitate. YOu feel Jamie’s about to say something.
“Hey, I don’t suppose.. You’d maybe fancy…”
You turn around.
“Staying around?”
Jamie looks at you pleadingly.
“No funny business I promise.” He looks up and offers you a pinky.
“What if I want funny business?”
“I’m just messing with you Jamie. Besides, I’ve already stolen your knickers anyway.”
“Someone told me that’s a weird thing to say to people.”
“Well, that person sounds very wise.” You look around. “Can I use your bathroom?”
He gestures towards it and you go in. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you think: what the fuck is going on here? You splash some water on your face and tell yourself to get a grip.
“There’s a spare toothbrush in the blue pot if you need it.” Jamie calls through the door.
“Ew gross Jamie, I don’t want to use one of your many girlfriend’s toothbrushes!”
“I’ll have you know that’s brand new as I don’t have any girlfriends at the moment. Although there are sanitary towels if you need them love.”
“Piss off you patronising git!”
“‘Ey, I was trying to be nice and a good feminist and that.”
You brush your teeth before coming out and leaning against the doorframe.
“No girlfriends? What happened to the Island’s top scorer?”
He groans before flopping back onto the bed.
“I thought you didn’t know who I was.”
“I’ve been doing my research.” You get into the bed next to him. He flashes you a dirty grin.
“Bet you have, you little perv.”
“Me? The perv? What you did in that jacuzzi was a crime to my eyes, and probably in several countries.”  
“Woah, you have been doing your research - that was like episode 42? 43?”
“What can I say, you make good television?”
Jamie pulls the duvet back before hovering for a moment. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know.” He gestures to the bed.
“I know. But I’ve been in your position before, and I really needed a friend back then. And I think you would do the same.”
“Any time.”
You squeeze his hand.
“Now go to sleep, you menace.”
“Aye aye captain.”
You wake up and find yourself once again not in your own bedroom. In fact, not only are you not in your own bedroom, but you appear to be cuddling Jamie Tartt. You panic silently. Your leg is swung over his, while his arm is draped over you. You try to move, but still asleep, he squeezes you a little tighter. And then something really surprising happens.
He kisses you. Just a little kiss on the forehead, but your chest is fluttering.  You hate to admit it but, it feels just so natural. You’re so content and relaxed in his arms then…
Fuck. You fell back asleep. You’re in the exact same problem as before.
This time however, you are both awoken by Jamie’s phone going off. He reaches to switch it off, eyes still closed, but then it rings again. And again. The third time his eyes shoot open.
“What is it?” You ask from behind bleary eyes.
“The match!”
You slowly sit up and watch him run around and get dressed, silently handing him things on occasion. He runs downstairs and you plod along after him, still half asleep. He runs out of the door, before abruptly stopping and turning around.
“Aren’t you going to wish me good luck or something?”
You wrinkle your nose at him in confusion.
“I don’t need to. You’re going to smash it anyway.”
“How do you know that?”
You shrug and smile. 
“I just know.”
At this point, he strides right up to you, before cupping your face in both his hands. 
“Jamie what are -” Before you can finish, he kisses you, hard. Your eyes flutter closed and you melt into the kiss, before he pulls away, but only just. His arm reaches around the small of your back and his forehead touching yours, he whispers.
“Wait for me.”
He runs off to his car, and you stroke your bottom lip, where you trace the swell of where he used to be.
Your heart is still pounding and you are unsure what to do with yourself, so you try to make yourself at home. You take a very long, hot shower before getting changed. Of course, you didn’t have any clothes here, so you find some pyjama shorts along with one of Jamie’s old jerseys.
You sit down to watch the match. You had never really gotten into football, but now you were glued to the screen. You couldn’t believe that the little Jamie on screen was the same one who shared a bed with you last night. And the same Jamie that kissed you…
The game is electric, and Jamie in particular is the standout player. Even the commentators remark on his zest this match as he keeps skilfully weaving through the players to lead Richmond into not one, not two but three goals.
Once the match is done, you watch, still glued to your seat when Jamie is invited to an interview.
“Jamie the way you played today was extraordinary, against Man City too. If you don’t mind us asking, what happened?”
“Ah well, I was really inspired by Simone Biles. She’s honestly changed my life.” At that moment, he turns straight to the camera, grins and winks, and you feel like he’s somehow winking right at you. Your heart skips a beat. You were really in trouble.
You look at your phone and Jamie Tartt is trending. Simone Biles herself has already tweeted reminding everyone she is a married woman and has never met Jamie. There are plenty of other women, including some famous other gymnasts and celebrities offering their Biles-like services to Jamie in some rather explicit tweets. You wonder if Jamie reads these ones too.
You walk to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea and as you wait for the kettle to boil, you look at Jamie’s calendar. There’s all sorts of notes, primarily training and matchs but you notice your exhibit is there too, with a little heart drawn around it. Jamie never stopped surprising you. But then a cold shock goes down your spine. You remembered today’s date. You are meant to be going to the gallery this evening to plan the exhibition. Shit. You check the time. You’ve still got three hours left, but you need to get back into your flat ASAP. You scramble around before realising that you had left your phone in the flat last night in the chaos to get out. But you also remembered Jamie and what he had said.
Wait for me.
You write a little note and stick it on the fridge.
Jamie comes back way later than he planned. Of course, after the match, there were drinks and celebrations but he couldn’t concentrate on them, just trying to leave to get back to you. He finally manages to break away, but when he gets home, he finds the living room empty. He searches around the rest of the house, and you are nowhere to be found. He checks his phone. No messages. He gets a message through from Keeley about how he’s trending online. 
Of course he sees all the Simone Biles stuff and smiles to himself. He made a note to send Simone Biles a message in future, if this all worked out. Then he sees all the stuff other women are saying online. A lot of it is quite graphic and he wondered what you’d think. He imagined the two of you laughing together at them. Then he sees. The tabloids are already speculating. Not only do they actually think he’s having an affair with Simone Biles, but they have already posted some paparazzi shot of him with Keeley, along with long extensive timelines of his tumultuous dating history. His stomach drops. Anyone would run away if they saw this much baggage.
He tries to ring you. Once, twice, three times, No pick up. He’s desperate and pacing, until he realises he can just walk over to your front door. He rings the bell several times, before loudly knocking. Still nothing.
He can’t believe how much he’s fucked it. He knew he shouldn’t have kissed you, but he couldn't help it. No one had made him feel like this, like he was going crazy but also that he was calmer than he had ever been, like riding a lifeboat in the centre of the storm. As he walks back into his flat and into his kitchen, he doesn’t see the small corner of a note that has fallen under the fridge. He checks his phone again. 
Still nothing. What could he do?
Sorry for the angst kids, hope it was worth it and the finale will be juicy!! lmk if you want to be tagged in the final part!! Not sure if I've done these tags right, apols if not!!
@skewedcherries @e-mmygrey @reading-blogs @alex-sulli @cameoutstruggling93 @sqrlgrl22 @maydayfigment @aiyaiy @alipap3 @okkkkkkksure @city-of-cards
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youngbloodlisk · 2 years
9-1-1 and Lone Star reactions (5/2/22)
9-1-1 (May Day)
i wanna fuck this Claudette bitch up
Albert clean shaven again?? thank god
i'd still set the world on fire for angela bassett
i used to like Josh but lately i feel like his character has been so weird like ooc and super annoying
those two just standing by sipping their coffee watching May go tf OFF at Claudette iconic truly
Eddie to the rescue
oh this is crazy. Albert? Monday??? dude
wait so they're RIGHT above the blazing fire and not noticing any heat or anything. i mean i guess? cause like shoes they wouldn't feel the floor getting warm if that's a thing that would happen? idk im not a firefighter lmao i might be being stupid that just seems odd
okay okay NOW right after I type that Claudette goes "why is it so hot in here" Okay nvm ig!
if they're abt to make me sympathize for Claudette........im not sympathetic towards rude bitches who are proud of their rudeness idk sorry!
like yeah that seriously sucks and im rlly genuinely sorry that happened to you Claudette BUT too many shows have shitty characters with poorly written sob story redemption plotlines that are meant to make me forgive their behavior. and im not forgiving your behavior bc of this!
"Josh, you're a dispatcher, not a firefighter. Today, you're a guest in this house."
"He's been waiting months to say that."
sorry maybe im being too rude to Josh for no reason i just can't stand him anymore 😭
i like Carson can we keep him around he's fun
Eddie getting Buck to stfu abt the fire-truck-on-leg aftermath god they're the greatest duo. Now kiss ffs
yeah no time to wait around and share meaningful looks GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE ITS ON FIRE
you can't just make me watch Albert almost die and then trap May and Bobby under the ceiling AND THEN cut to a goddamn lowe's commercial
the 118 coming together to try to save Bobby im not crying youre crying shut up
THEYRE OKAY THANK GOD for a second i was thinking one of them was gonna be dead and i was RLLY gonna be crying then
YES EDDIE man knows where he belongs
Evan Buckley im gonna smack you if you don't stop treating Taylor like this I hate Taylor but I also hate Lucy and yknow what i hate the most? Buck's vanishing character development idk
May calling Bobby her dad IM NOT CRYING YOURE CRYING SHUT UP
pre Lone Star comment: im hoping this week's episode has a little Marjan cause i missed her last week there was hardly any of her i missed my girlfriend ! but judging by the preview i am not very hopeful for much Marjan screentime SO MAYBE NEXT WEEK
(back to 9-1-1 this episode isn't over yet)
i may dislike Josh but the mlm rep ! woohoo !
han brothers <<<3333 i love them
wow and something's up with Monday OH MY GOD THE PREVIEW FOR NEXT WEEK????? HOLY SHIT
9-1-1: Lone Star (Shift-less)
BANGER song in the beginning omg this song always reminds me of the Psych episode Talk Derby to Me cause it plays at the end when Shawn and Jules are skating together god i love Psych
dude what just- Tyler???
are pay phones wired to like not require money if you dial 911. cause like Owen didn't pay for the call and that would make sense cause it's the emergency line
i'm gonna Google it
YEP yep they can't charge for emergency calls that makes so much sense i had never even thought abt that
omg i forgot abt Wyatt
did Judd just throw up a peace sign cause oh my god that's funny
sidenote: im drinking an energy drink while watching these. it's currently 1am. im surely gonna regret this
room 127? 127?? nct 127?? alexa play superhuman
im rlly enjoying looking into Owen's childhood. as heart-wrenching as it is, it gives his character a further depth that was needed
oh god Judd oh no
"Hey, Wyatt, look at the damn thing. You ain't gonna make it worse." i laughed i love Judd sm
i mean he DID say he'd scream and pass out !
follow up on the pre Lone Star comment: no Marjan whatsoever i still miss my girlfriend this is devastating
no cause i relate so hard to Wyatt being all panicky not knowing what to do until Judd passes out and he's basically alone to figure it out himself. i work so much better, even under pressure, when no one is watching me
i love May + Bobby having their "she called me dad" moment AND Wyatt + Judd having their "he called me dad" moment in the same night that's so fun
Overall Comments
it seems 9-1-1 is still adhering more to the format of emergency calls, while Lone Star is more fleshing out the MCs' storylines.
i don't think one is better than the other necessarily, but i do miss having more consistency with Lone Star's format. but the storylines they're working with are pretty damn good and they're actually making me CARE abt the first responders' lives outside of the job. given that the show is meant to be centered around the job.
in 9-1-1 i'm usually less invested in the non-emergency storylines but i think that's because it feels like an afterthought for 9-1-1 while for Lone Star it's more of the focus now. that's interesting.
although, Lone Star focusing more on MC storylines does mean we see some character wayyyyy more than others and i don't like that very much. i miss seeing more of marjan and paul and all of them cause it feels like we're focusing so much on owen, judd's family, and even tk. love them all and love their plotlines.
just wish there was a better character balance in Lone Star. but the same could be said for 9-1-1 sometimes so yknow 🤷
right i think that's all i wanna say thank you and goodnight it's 2am !
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
hey friend!
I hope you have been doing very well and had a good valentines day. sorry I haven't been here to chat much :(( things have been oddly busy for me but I'm still trying to write TwT
Drink your water and eat your foods or else >:)
oh and take any medicines if you need to <3333
it's really cold where I am omg. like as I'm writing this it's -2° farenheight with a wind chill of -14°
anyways <333
Im at 199 followers on my blog and I am kinda freaking out omfg. like that's a lot of people and that's scary o-o
but I hope you have a good day/afternoon/evening/night
I'll be back soon <3333
- 🪅
hello there friend! 
i hope you have been very well too and had a good valentine’s day. i spent valentine’s day watching To All The Boys :) don’t be sorry about it bubs, i’m just glad you’re here now. yes, yes continue writing >:) 
of course <3 
mhm, thank uu for the reminder 🥺
omg i can’t imagine living somewhere so cold :’ i hope you feel nice and toasty indoors and that you’re safe in such cold temperatures 
care to share some excess snow? 👀
riight?? 199 followers is quite a big achievement!!!! i remember how excited i was when i reached 100 followers :’ YOU’RE ALMOST AT 200 (by the time you’re reading this, u probably have already reached 200 :)) congratulations bubs!!!! <3 
i feel like numbers just look like ... numbers but when u searched up ‘200 people’ it’s like ‘woah...that’s a lot of people’
thank uu and i hope u have a wonderful rest of your day and don’t forget to get plenty of sleep!! 
see you soon :)) 
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"you're my dentist"
VAMPIRE!AU Ong Seongwoo
you're a dentist and your regular comes to visit you today but you didn't expect what you would see
Warning: slightly on crack, fluff maybe?
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"Ong Seongwoo. I see this is your second time this week. What's your issue this time?" You nonchalantly said, knowing that he broke his implants for the teeth he broke last month and you have just, I repeat JUST fixed his teeth for the 3rd time this month.
His just sat across you with wavering eyes and shaky hands. Mouth awkwardly clenched together. You figured. Broken teeth again huh? You gave him the 'seriously' look and proceeded to move over to the just sanitised chair and pat it acouple of times for him to sit down. He played with his fingers as he walked over, still finding nowhere to settle his eyes onto.
"Open up" you instructed but he just looked at you nervously.
"What? I'm not going to bite, just open up. Let me see what wrong with your teeth. It can't be that bad right?" You cooed him.
When he opened up his holy gates, you would have never expected to see those canines. Your eyes were just wide in shock as he finally said his first words upon stepping in, "I swear I have no idea what happened. These things just grew and your implants fell out." He took out the two small pearly implants from his pockets and showed it to you in his palms.
Instead of being negatively shooked by this, you were wowed. A vampire? A VAMPIRE! You were absolutely astounded and fascinated by the ideas of vampires. You may or may not have the entire series of Twilight lying around your house or weird search history about vampire facts.
You started poking him and your eyes sparkled at his presence. You questions came out like a tsunami flood, "do you suddenly have abs?" "Do you sparkle?" "How about the sun? How did you come here?" "What's your weeeeeakness?"
"Man, chill. I seriously don't know." He responded. Your hands were just all over him at this point, trying to take convince yourself that you are not dreaming. [I don't recommend people doing this]
He squirmed in his seat becoming increasingly uncomfortable. His orbs turning darker. His urge was becoming stronger. He hadn't had his taste of blood yet as a fresh vampire. With his undiscovered quick speed, he pinned you onto your office wall. Fangs out and hissing.
"Stop it." with his voice almost demonic and he paused for a moment or two before continuing "I have never noticed how sweet you smelt." He moved his head past your neck and a smirk appeared in his face. You felt his breath on you. Honestly, you were reminded of how you overstepped your boundary just now. He slowly went closer to your neck and started licking it to find your pulse point for optimal blood collection. Don't ask how you knew. When you became squeamish under his touch, he got back into his senses and let go of you.
His voice turned back to being a puppy, " I only wanted you to help me fix it. I mean no harm really! Can you just help me shave these off?"
"Fine, but I'll be contacting you. I wanna know more about your situation and it sure is..." And you did a series of expressions that consists of (。♥��♥。),٩(♡ε♡ )۶,(◕‿◕✿), ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ), (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ to express your passion towards his situation. You continued, "...that's of course in exchange for keeping this a secret"
"okay..." there goes his reply [refer to gif above for reaction] and off you were with your creepy machines sawing and filing his elongated canines away.
You did as you said. You observed him and gave him calls for his life updates asking for any new discoveries that he had. Meeting up every weekend to discover new things about his vampire skills after his teeth filing sessions.
It almost seemed like a chore to him having this new vampire thing going on and having you check-up on him every other day. At one point in time, he even wondered if you had a life and how you were even running your clinic like this? But what he thought was true, even though you were clearly fascinated by vampires, you still had a life and a clinic to run. Furthermore, he wasn't giving you any interesting responses either. Giving you short responses and trying to throw you off on a rush when you are giving him your check-in calls. You slowly lost interest with keeping up with him but of course you still did his teeth filing every week just losing the coffee dates afterwards while discussing about his week and what stupid things he tried to do.
He slowly came to miss your weird giggles and your anticipated look waiting for him to say that he discovered something interesting when he actually just smashed his face onto the door while trying to avoid his colleague. Sometimes you wonder, how is he still alive and giggle at his weird antics. The time when he fooled you into thinking that his ear folding trick was a vampire thing.
He missed those times, he missed your connection but you certainly had no time to commit to doing this. Your appointments recently have been packed back to back leaving no time for your vampire interest.
It was Sunday again, your special appointment day.
Once again, you asked about his well-being and rambled on and on when all he could do was listen as you worked on his teeth. After you were done, you told him," see you again next week!" with no sign of wanting to catch up later-on or throughout the week. He cherished that hour he had with you in the clinic but he yearned for more. Not just how lying down there listening to your weird conversations starters and answering them yourself as he couldn't reply. He wanted to talk to you and ask you about your day, about your other interests. He wanted you all to himself.
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"Can I have you just for a moment? Like really quickly." He asked you as he looked at you like [gif above].
"I'm really sorry but I have an appointment right after you." You replied but he just grabbed your hand and boom. You are at the beach. Woah. In the long stretch of sand, a lone table with two lattes was on it. He looked at you and said, "I miss our times, wanna discuss about my powers again?" He looked at you hopefully. "Well... I mean yes! This is so amazing!!!" You squealed and jumped still holding his hand.
You guys sat down and talked for what seemed like hours and apparently he discovered on new skill every night when you didn't call him cuz he had no idea what to do with that 2 hrs now. He answered every single question you had and he felt just great to be with you again. Then, reality snapped, your next appointment!! "OMG! Bring me back right now! My next appointment is waiting!! And we are so late!" your eyes moved towards your watch and you realised that time haven't moved since you two came. "Yeah, I forget to tell you that I can pause time too." He said sheepishly. What he didn't tell you was that he still had another power he discovered, he could erase memories. He was fully prepared with his feelings and he understands that if everything fails, he can just erase your memory.
"y/n, I know you're my dentist and everything and it can be really weird after this but will you accept my feelings? I'm not gonna bite, right?"
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